Stopped . The first lady fires back, Melania Trump blasting the president s first wife ivana after that bombshell interview with amy here on gma. Im basically first trump wife, okay. The reaction to melanias response now coming in this morning. And breaking their silence, the Hollywood Alisters finally taking on Harvey Weinstein. Meryl streep and George Clooney backing away from the media mogul and the new outrage overnight over what designer donna karan said coming to weinsteins defense. Good morning, america. We want to get right to those devastating and deadly fires out west. It is shaping up to be one of the worst wildfire disasters in the history of california. Look at that. Thats a live look at anaheim. The flames growing, that fire 1 of more than 15 burning across the state this morning. Take a look at this incredible image showing what this neighborhood in Sonoma County looked like before the blaze and unfortunately what it looked like after. Heres what we know. Governor jerry brown declared states of emergency in at least eight county, more than a thousand homes and buildings have been destroyed and at least 11 people have been killed. And more than 20,000 forced to evacuate. We have Team Coverage across the region this morning. Our Senior National correspondent matt gutman on the scene in santa rosa. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, george. This is what it looks like in so many communities here. Apocalyptic. What separates this fire from so many that weve seen is that it swept right through the heart of towns like santa rosa, population 175,000 people. Those armies of firefighters weve seen out here have been helpless to stophelaze. People had to scramble out of here so quickly they could only take the clothes on their back. Thats one reason why there are 150 people reported missing this morning. Holy cow. Reporter overnight more than 20,000 residents and tourists forced to evacuate as towering walls of flame ravaged sonoma and napa counties. This was a hilton hotel complex. You can feel the intensity of the heat coming off it. Firefighters are so strapped theyre not worried about the flames inside but what they are concerned about are those embers flying out of it. Thousands of firefighters called in from as far away as san diego to battle the fastspreading blazes. Oh, my god. Reporter those flames have already consumed more than 75,000 acres in this tourist mecca of northern california. Looked like something out of some armageddon movie. Reporter at least 1,500 homes and businesses destroyed so far. This is insane. This is my neighborhood. In flames. Completely in flames. Reporter the Highway Patrol forced to use helicopters to airlift some residents to safety as the flames close in. Nearly 100,000 people without power. More than a dozen unstoppable forest fires now spanning eight counties. While fleeing for safety tyler clarke captured this daunting scene of his neighborhood in flames. Lets go. At what point did you realize that you needed to get out . Pretty much as i was driving through and passing the other cars and started to get real hot inside my vehicle as well. Literally its burning into the city of santa rosa and Burning Department stores, you know, burning box stores, impacting hospitals. Reporter one of those hospitals, Kaiser Permanente which evacuated about 130 patients. You can see staff clutching rattling ivs as they rushed patients out on gurneys. Its so sad. Its so sad. Reporter in santa rosa it was block after smoldering block. Cars bent into gray husks, the homes burned to their foundations. It was there we saw ryan white who managed to salvage the only thing not charred in his house. That mailbox. Other survivors hopeless. We heard chris pond before we saw her. Oh, my god. Reporter she lived here for decades and was disconsolate, nearly hysterical with grief. Oh, my god, my wedding ring. I just want my wedding ring. Reporter her most beloved possession, her wedding ring, was somewhere beneath that smoldering heat. We spent over an hour sifting through the embers. Her shoes melted. Our hands burned, but nothing. How can this happen . Reporter now fire burning so hot and so fast an explosion flipped this car. Everywhere you look here you see melted aluminum. Now, i want to give you a sense of the scope of the disaster here. What youre seeing here goes on for block after block. That fire storm came in here so quickly and so intentionally. Its difficult to tell where one foundation begins and another ends and a very grim task ahead for rescuers here. They have to sift through the rumble. They say it could take up a week to go through it all and they say the death toll will continue to incline. Those images are unbelievable and as you said the death toll is going to continue to rise. Abcs linzie janis is also there in santa rosa with more on these fastmoving fires and how crews are battling them. Linzie. Reporter good morning, robin. You can see the flames burning behind me. This was the Hilton Sonoma wine country hotel. You can see this part of it completely destroyed. The entire establishment burnt to the ground. Firefighters have been working through the night to battle these blazes, 17 in total that have already ripped through more than 100,000 acres in just 24 hours. The flames whipped up by diablo winds. They call them diablo winds. Hot, dry winds with gusts up to 70 Miles Per Hour. It took just hours for entire neighborhoods to be consumed. During that time as matt mentioned, firefighters had to just evacuate people. They couldnt start to battle these blazes until the winds died down. Thats what theyre doing now. There is a curfew in place here. They dont want people on the road. They have a big battle ahead of them. Robin. They certainly do. All right, linzie. Thank you robin. The fires left so much destruction across wine country damaging or destroying multiple wineries and abcs nick watt is in napa right now. Good morning, nick. Reporter good morning, michael. Well, this morning a cloud of smoke hanging over some of the most renowned winelands in the world. This industry in california employs 300,000 people, 50 billion a year. Its a big deal and harvest is under way. In fact, helicopters had to airlift some workers who were in some remote wineries up on the ridge when that fire came through. 25,000 acres burned including this, what is left of the signorello winery, broken glass underfoot. Gas lines still burning. This was the tasting room, italian pillars. It is no more. But the vines, theyre green. Theyre alive. Not too many of them burned so there is some hope. Michael. All right. Thank you, nick. Thanks, michael. Well talk to Sergeant Spencer crum from Sonoma County. Sergeant, thank you for joining us this morning. Its so hard to wrap our heads around all the devastation youre in the middle of. How are your Teams Holding up, and do you think you have a handle on the fires now . Our deputies are holding up remarkably well. We have a lot of assistance from other agencies, and we pulled in a lot of our bailiffs and detectives and all types of resources to help us out. As far as the fire goes, thats up to the fire department. Were trying to work on that as far as the evacuations go and were trying to determine the winds and the direction. It seems to be the wind has died down quite a bit. The night before this, it was just it was 60mileanhour winds which is the reason why you have such devastation here. Yeah, and it all exploded so quickly. Is there any way to prepare for Something Like that . Really isnt. You know, we have a Subscription Service where we can alert our residents and we did that right away trying to notify everybody where the fire was, where it was going and how fast it was going and i think it saved a lot of lives. What can you tell us about the search for the missing right now . Were just getting started. Were in day one. Weve taken up to 150 missing persons reports and we are going to start going through those and trying to figure out how we can reunite people with their missing loved ones. What else do you need . We know the governor declared a state of emergency. Say that again. What else do you need right now . We know the governor has declared a state of emergency. Right now were doing actually pretty well. We have about 5,000 people in shelters. Weve opened up 24 shelters. As of 11 00 p. M. Last night we had a cot for every person. We have meals. We have water and were actually doing pretty well. We have a lot of rebuilding here, a lot of electricity and pg e needs to get the lights back on, but overall were doing okay for a community. Well, thats a little small piece of good news. Sergeant, thanks. Were thinking of you today. Good luck with the rest of the recovery effort. Robin. All right, george. The wildfires are also spreading across Southern California. A thousand firefighters are there battling the flames from the ground and sky. People and wildlife are fleeing and abcs Marci Gonzalez is in anaheim where the flames are moving right now. Good morning, marci. Reporter good morning, robin. Helicopters have been overhead all morning dropping water, trying to keep these flames from spreading. But as you can see this fire is still on the move threatening more homes. Overnight this fastmoving Southern California fire exploding in size. I didnt think it was going to come upon us as fast as it did. Reporter 6,000 acres in anaheim and nearby neighborhoods scorched. The massive flames engulfing homes, snapping power lines, forcing mandatory evacuations for thousands. When it got to a point where the flames were pretty tall, they were 50, 40, 50, 60 feet then we could feel the heat. Thats when we decided to leave. Reporter the california Adventure Park at disneyland set against a backdrop of blazing orange. Firefighters battling the wildfire into the night from the ground and in the skies but doing little to stop its rapid spread. Flames and smoke closing in on the nearby freeway. Been here 25 years. It was a great neighborhood. Its going to be a lot of work getting it back. Its Mother Nature at her worst, i guess. Reporter already at least two dozen homes and other structures here are destroyed and this fire is only 5 contained. Guys, back to you. Oh, boy. And for the latest on the path of these wildfires lets go to ginger zee. Good morning, ginger. Good morning, michael. You know, more than a dozen wildfires across the state but its Southern California just where marci was where were most concerned. Still gusty winds. Red flag warnings smothering that part of the state. Up to 35mileperhour gusts in those warnings. Those will get better as we go through the morning hours. Those off shore winds are what caused this. Up north it was the diablo winds, down south it was the santa anas. This morning were still seeing 10 to 20mileperhour gusts which is so far significantly less than what we saw yesterday. But whats not going to change, the humidity. Its going to stay in that extremely low and dangerous category, 7 as we go to the 1 00 p. M. Hour. 8 in bakersfield. Guys, this is not over. Itll get a little better as we go into tomorrow. Robin. Okay, ginger. Well follow the latest on the devastating wildfires all morning long but now were going to turn to dramatic new developments in the las vegas shooting, sparking new questions about the police response. Investigators now say the gunman shot a Hotel Security guard six minutes before he opened fire on innocent concertgoers, not after. Our senior justice correspondent Pierre Thomas is in washington with more on this. Good morning, pierre. Reporter robin, good morning. As you said theres been a significant change to the time line which potentially has a major impact on how the massacre unfolded. This morning it turns out that mandalay bay Security Guard jesus campos was actually gunman stephen paddocks first victim, shot and wounded a full six minutes before the killer started raining gunfire on the unsuspecting crowd. Mr. Campos was encountered by the suspect prior to the shooting to the outside world. Reporter last week police toyotaed him touted him as a hero who alerted police. Wounded, narrowly escaping after being fired upon with 200 rounds. I can tell you theres not a doubt in my mind he stopped that suspect from continuing to fire. Reporter now that understanding and time line completely changed and a new host of critical questions. How quickly did the guard notify Hotel Security and was there an opportunity for Armed Security personnel or police to confront paddock before he started shooting . Actually creates more of a mystery as to why he stopped after 11 minutes, but it also creates this picture of why didnt someone get to him in that window before he actually started shooting . Reporter this as investigators a week later struggle to find a motive and any evidence that paddock had accomplices. We have uncovered over 200 instances of the suspect traveling throughout las vegas and he has never been seen with anyone else. Reporter a number of investigators suspect that severe Mental Illness may have been a primary catalyst for the shooting spree. With so little to go on the focus on the suspects Mental Health intensifies. Sources telling us that authorities want to know every drug the killer may have been taking and there may even be an autopsy to examine his brain. Robin. Fbi behavioral scientists are now getting involved, pierre . Reporter robin, the team of behavioral scientists are examining witness interviews trying to figure out what happened to mans mental state that may have contributed to the killing. Pierre, thank you. To the white house now where President Trump is set to meet with his secretaries of state and defense amid growing tension with north korea and new fallout from that feud with the republican chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who said that the president s erratic behavior could set off world war iii. Our chief White House Correspondent jon karl joins us with all the latest. The shock waves from the president s fight with bob corker are echoing across the capitol. Reporter and the astounding thing, george, is that not a single republican senator has stepped forward to condemn what corker said and defend the president. What you are seeing here is that relations between the president and republicans in the senate is reaching a boiling point. By my count there are at least six republican senators that the president is in varying degrees of war with and his former chief strategist, steve bannon, is threatening to support primary challenges against virtually every republican up for reelection right now. This is really corker was one senator coming out and saying that but reveals much more than simply corkers opinion. It could complicate the president s effort to get tax reform through before the end of the year. Meantime, it looks like any possible cooperation with democrats on an immigration bill to protect those undocumented immigrants who came here as children is going down the drain now with this new framework for immigration that the president came forward with on sunday night. Reporter the president s team came forward with that framework. It included a laundry list of things that democrats say they simply would never agree to ranging from the wall to hiring thousands and thousands of new immigration agents and the president is out tweeting this morning, george, saying, look at this. The problem with agreeing to a policy on immigration is that democrats dont want secure borders, they dont care about safety for the United States of america. Does not sound like an agreement is in the works, but ive got to tell you a top official at the white house told me late last night the president still wants a deal, Still Believes he can get a deal with democrats to protect the d. R. E. A. M. Ers. I just dont see how thats possible. Could set up a government shutdown. Meantime, as i said, the president is going to meet with the secretary of state today and took a new shot at him in a brandnew interview. Reporter this was in response to the reports that tillerson, secretary tillerson had called the president a moron. Take a look at what the president tells forbes in an interview. I think thats fake news but if he did that, i guess well have to compare i. Q. Tests and i can tell you who is going to win. Jon, anyone the president is not fighting with this morning . Reporter thats a good question. You know, i think some of the staff is still with him but it seems likes war on many fronts, george. It sure does. Jon karl, thanks very much. Its just tuesday. Just early in the week. We got a long week to go. You know, were going to go back to ginger with more on why the wildfires are spreading so quickly. Thats the question. Why . This is pretty normal. This setup high over the great basin sends offshore winds and gusts 60 close to 80 Miles Per Hour yesterday and a tight what we call pressure gradient. Air compresses, sinks and dries out and heats and you get those fires. The tuesday trivia brought to you by walgreens. Good morning. Im abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Poor air quality. In fact, you can see the smoke from the east bay hills camera, lower fire danger right now, but the breezes kick in again the next two nights. After that, calmer dry air and seasonal temperatures. Today, about 66 to 71 at the coast into San Francisco, about 74 to 78 around the bay into the north bay and south bay and low to mid80s inland. Tonight in the valleys, 46 to about 52 degrees. My coming up hollywood hits back. Meryl streep, George Clooney, other hollywood stars hitting back at Harvey Weinstein and the outrage after designer donna karan came to his defense. And did you see this . Well, major questions many are asking about the brandnew star wars trailer. It premiered overnight. Volatile markets. Something we all think about as we head into retirement. Its why Brighthouse Financial is committed to help protect what youve earned and ensure it lasts. Introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. While maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So you can head into retirement with confidence. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. Its the same as having wings. To the stars beyond the blue. Theres a never land waiting for you. When you leave the world behind, you can fly. You can fly. You can fly. i wanted him to eat healthy. , so i feed jake purina cat chow naturals indoor, a nutritious formula with no artificial flavors. Made specifically for indoor cats. Purina cat chow. Nutrition to build better lives. [ mo more, more, more ny ] how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more how do you like it how do you like it how do you like it more, more, more oh, you yeah ht butch. butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. Breaking news, of course, the fires burning to our north right now. So far, at least ten deaths. Sonoma county officials have received 150 missing person reports. Crews are meeting today to try to find those people. New mandatory evacuations are in parts for rural parts of Solano County as the atlas fire near napa moves in. People living along twin sisters road and joyce lane are affected right now. We have details on our website, abc7news. Com. Closer in the north bay, this one is not due to fires actually a big rig that went off the roadway. Lucas valley road to the west of 101 is fully closed between west gate and ignacio, sounds like it is going to be a sigalert until about 8 30 this morning. A quick check outside, you can see the smoke in richmond, 580, fully reopened at the toll plaza following an earlier crash. Look ow dangerously thick the smoke is in napa, vallejo, american canyon, venetia, fairfield and vaca this morning. Just disgusting looking in san rafael. Unhealthy there. Unhealthy in the coast and central bay, which is the coast and the bay from the Richmond San Rafael bridge down to about p the san mateo bridge. Tomorrow morning, back up to 30mileperhour gusts in the north bay, calming down to 18 to 20 tomorrow afternoon but the 30mileperhour gusts return again tomorrow night so the fire conditions are going to get much tougher. Well have well have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our free abc7 news app. Oh, you yeah ht butch. butch growls at man hes looking at me right now, isnt he . Yup. butch barks at man butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts. laughs vo you can never have too many faithful companions. Introducing the allnew crosstrek. Love is out there. Find it in a subaru crosstrek. We used to resort to some pretty creative hacks to take care. Of our jeans. It got weird. Ahhh im just airing them out luckily we discovered tide pods plus downy. So our jeans stay in great shape. And they actually get clean. What . We can wash em. Tide pods plus downy. Super concentrated to clean, condition and keep your favorites looking great. Its got to be tide. People spend less time lying awake with aches and pains with advil pm than with tylenol pm. Advil pm combines the number one pain reliever with the number one sleep aid. Gentle, nonhabit forming advil pm. For a healing nights sleep. Hey. What can you tell me about your new Social Security alerts . Oh well alert you if we find your Social Security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so youll be in the know. Ooh. Sushi. Ugh. Being in the know is a good thing. Sign up online for free. Discover Social Security alerts. This is not going to go the way you think. Welcome back to gma. Whos excited . Are you excited, robin . Whoo. Amy, come on. Whoo. George . Of course, i am. Of course youre excited, george, because luke is back, leia is back and a brandnew star wars trailer for the last jedi, there it is, it is rock the galaxy premiered on monday night football sparking a lot of questions and well try to answer some of those in the show. No, were not. Were not going to answer the questions. You know were not, but you have to say it. Mining for clues. Tickets on sale already. For december . Yeah, two months in advance. Okay. You know you have yours. Well talk more about that coming up. Right now we want to talk about anaheim, california, and all thats happening in california. Major wildfire tearing through just 1 of at least 15 in that state sparking a wildfire emergency. The deadly flames have killed at least 11 people, destroyed wine country in napa and sonoma, thousands of firefighters are battling flames this morning. And first lady Melania Trumps team is now responding. Amy, apparently they heard your interview. Apparently they did. From his first wife ivana and what the reaction from melania is just ahead. She was not too happy with what ivana said. When ivana said she is the first lady. Jokingly said that, but, yes. Thats ahead. A lot more on that coming up. Now to new fall out from the Harvey Weinstein bombshell facing a cascade of criticism from hollywood stars and the Weinstein Company is looking to change its name. Well speak to one of the reporters who broke the story in a moment. First amy here with all the latest. Thats right. This morning Harvey Weinsteins name reportedly being stripped as executive producer from upcoming movies and tv shows as some of hollywoods biggest stars break their silence about those allegations of Sexual Misconduct and at least one famous friend of weinsteins appears to be coming to his defense. Thank you so much to the academy and Harvey Weinstein. Harvey, thank you for killing whoever you had to kill to get me up here today. I would like to thank Harvey Weinstein. Reporter during award show season it often sounded like Harvey Weinstein was the svengali behind many of the leading top ladies. Even 20time oscar nominee meryl streep jokingly referred to him as god when she took home the golden globe in 2012 for the iron lady. I just want to thank my agent, kevin huvane, and god, Harvey Weinstein. [ laughter and applause ] the punisher, old testament, i guess. Reporter but this morning following weinsteins resignation from the company that bared his name, streep speaking out about the series of alleged Sexual Harassment and abuse allegations that weinstein now faces. In a statement she calls the women who have spoken up heroes and claiming she had no idea about weinsteins alleged behavior, writing if everybody knew, i dont believe that all the investigative reporters in the entertainment and hard news media would have neglected for decades to write about it. Other alisters like judi dench, Julianne Moore and kate winslet publicly condemning the movie mogul monday. Winslet calling his misconduct very, very wrong. I dont know how you come back from Something Like this. I really dont. Reporter but one longtime female friend of weinstein seeming to come to his defense. Fashion designer donna karan speaking to a daily mail reporter on a red carpet appeared to question the accusers motives. Its not Harvey Weinstein. You look at everything all over the world today and how women are dressing and what theyre asking by just presenting themselves the way they do. What are they asking for . Trouble. Reporter karan later said her comments were taken out of context. Actress rose mcgowan who reportedly received a settlement posted overnight saying men in hollywood need to change. One very visible heartthrob coming out against weinstein, George Clooney says he has known the movie mogul for 20 years telling the daily beast weinsteins actions were indefensible, disturbing on a whole lot of levels and this is harassment on a very high level. Harvey weinstein believes in us and made this movie. Reporter matt damon and ben affleck who rocketed to fame following their oscar win for good will hunting have yet to comment. And this morning the Hollywood Reporter saying hours before he was fired he sent a plea of support to movie moguls and ceos. That email, however, reportedly went unanswered. Did not get a lot of response to that. Were joined by one of the reporters who broke the story, megan twohey. Heres the big question i have. 2004 the New York Times looks at this, doesnt run a story. Last year new York Magazine looks at this and doesnt run a story. What was different this time around . Thats a great question. I think theres no question there is an unprecedented public conversation and concern about Sexual Harassment going on in this country going back a year to when president ial candidate donald trump was captured on that access hollywood tape. He was bragging about groping women and grabbing women. Since then the New York Times has done a variety of stories on of harassment charges against roger ailes and bill oreilly and figures in silicon value. So while there have been rumors about Harvey Weinstein for years, i think that we recognized that this was a moment to really probe them, to, you know, to go into them and take a hard look. Perhaps some women feel more confident their voice will be heard seeing some of those other instances take place. You report on several settlements being reached by Harvey Weinstein and yet a code of silence within the Weinstein Company. Is it clear who knew what when and how difficult was it for you to get people to talk on the record . Right, and i would say that this was probably one of the hardest stories i have ever reported and i was working with an extremely talented partner, jodi kantor and we had the support up through the top of the New York Times and it was still really hard. I mean, there was a code of silence, a lot of women were locked in confidentiality kwlauss a kwla kwlauss clauses and settlements. So this was, you know, at the end of the day we were able to obtain some on the record interviews, but we also were able to obtain internal company memos and other things in which these allegations were, you know, were made, you know, stretching back decades. So why now . Is the story over . No, i think that the story is going to continue for weeks to come, if not longer. I mean, right now there have been allegations, you know, that weve been able to document going back decades and settlements, you know, at least we were able to specify five settlements that were paid to women who had stepped forward after making complaints of unwanted touching or Sexual Harassment. But theres still questions about who knew what when. Not just within the company but within hollywood in general. Well be watching. Megan twohey, thanks very much. Over to michael. Thank you, george. Coming up, the cubs fan who is suing the team and Major League Baseball after being hit with a foul ball causing him to go blind in one eye. Would safety netting have helped . My doctor recommended i switch laxatives. Stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. When your tshirt smells more appoinlike a tbone. House . Thats when you know its halfwashed. Add downy with odor protect for 24hour odor protection. Downy and its done. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. The fresh tomato salsa. And the handmashed guac. But did you see this coming . If you did. You probably work at chipotle. And read the allcompany email. Back now with the cubs battling more than just the Washington Nationals in the playoffs. A fan is suing the team after he was hit by a foul ball at Wrigley Field. Abcs t. J. Holmes is here with more on that. Good morning, t. J. Reporter good morning to you, robin. A ball comes off the bat of a Major League Player at 90 to 100 plus Miles Per Hour. When it goes foul and gets to the stands within a matter of feet and in a fraction of a second, this fan is suing because he says Major League Baseball is not protecting fans from this potentially deadly danger. One minute 60yearold jay loos was enjoying an august night with family at Wrigley Field watching his beloved chicago cubs, but everything changed with one swing of the bat. Hit hard. Reporter a foul ball hit loos in his left eye and ricocheted off his face. Loos was rushed to a hospital with serious damage to his left eye. He has had multiple surgeries since the incident, but has been told its unlikely hell regain vision in his injured eye. Now hes suing the cubs and Major League Baseball claiming safety netting would have prevented the ball from reaching him. This is a problem Major League Baseball has known for decades. My life and the lives of many fans have been changed forever by Major League Baseballs failure to protect its fans. Reporter according to the lawsuit they failed to take steps to protect fans from the risk of serious injury or death posed by baseballs being hit into the stands. Oh, my goodness. Reporter just three weeks ago a little girl was struck by a foul ball at yankee stadium. Players from both teams were visibly shaken. I thought of my kids, you know. I think the netting should be up. I think every stadium should have it. Reporter it renewed calls for teams to extend netting at major league ballparks. About 1,700 fans are injured at ballparks every year. Now, ten clubs have already decided on their own to extend the netting. Six are going to do it next season including the cubs but its not required by the league and, stra, keep this in mind the nhl put up safety netting back in 2002. Why . Because a 13yearold girl was hit by a flying puck. The question is do we have to wait until somebody is killed before something is done . All right. Thank you, t. J. Definitely is dangerous out there. Well bring in our chief legal analyst dan abrams. And, dan, what are the chances this lawsuit will be successful . Not very high. Yeah, theres actually something called the baseball rule. Meaning these things have been litigated at length. Keep in mind as t. J. Points out, youre dealing with 35 to 40 foul balls a game. Hundreds of people being injured every season. So this has made its way through if the courts. What baseball rule says is generally you assume the risks by going to the game. It says there on the back of the ticket youre assuming the risk and as long as they have basic netting in place, meaning, for example, behind home plate, typically the teams are not held responsible. You mentioned the baseball rule but this guy didnt have a ticket. He went in with someone with the organization. So is there an exception to the baseball rule . A good question. There have been deemed to be exceptions. There are some cases that have been allowed to go forward and typically involved children but in this case hes saying i didnt have a ticket. Someone effectively sounds like hes saying someone basically snuck him into the game so he shouldnt be bound by what it says on the back of the ticket. Still not an easy argument to win. But at least an argument. Major league baseball, theyve recommended teams extend the netting past the dugout. A lot of people worry about visibility of the game. Ten teams now six are going to do it next year. Was that a factor in the lawsuit . Theyre going to cite it and say, look, the reason theyre putting in that netting is because they know that its dangerous out there. And keep in mind one statistic people dont realize apparently more fans are hit by balls than players at the plate. Really . Yeah, yeah, than in terms of wild pitches when youre pitching less players are hit than fans are by foul balls in these stadiums. This is something they have to balance which is how much do you want to be able to see to how much do you want to be protected. Baseball rule, i learned something new. I had to research this too. Thank you so much, dan. Appreciate it. Over to you, robin. Always learning. What if you could cut your time in return lines to just 30 seconds . Walmarts got a new plan. Well check out how it works next. K out how it works next. I can do more to lower my a1c. And i can do it with whats already within me. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And onceweekly trulicity activates my body to release it. Trulicity is not insulin. It comes in a onceweekly, truly easytouse pen. It works 24 7, and you dont have to see or handle a needle. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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Fuel the wag. We are the tv doctors of america, and we may not know much about medicine, but we know a lot about drama. From scandalous romance, to ridiculous plot twists. gasping son . Dad we also know you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So were partnering with cigna to remind you to go see a real doctor. Go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Doctor poses dad cigna. Together, all the way. Dad dude. Yodude. Unchings stheyre just jealous. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. I got one guess were having cereal for dinner. Kelloggs raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. We are back now with the big board and what could be the end of long return lines. Get this, americans spend an average of two years of their lives waiting online. Michael thats according to mit. They know their stuff. Walmart, they said they may have a solution to that the retail giant said it could cut the time in return lines to just 30 seconds. Wow. Our chief Business Correspondent Rebecca Jarvis is here with the details. And, rebecca, how is this going to work . How much time will they save everybody . So right now if you returned something from walmart. Com and ship it back it takes on average about 1 30. You go to their store its going to take you at least three minutes. This is going to cut the time down to 30 seconds and the way its going to work, they have an app and starting in november if you buy something on the website, you go to the app, you fill out a little form, then you go to the store with this. Its called a qr code. You see that right there, a qr code. You scan it in the store and hand over the box, the materials to the Sales Associate and you get your return right like that. Wow. What about used items and damaged items that youre trying to return . So this is really interesting, robin. Because theyre not just going to let you return them, theyre going to let you return them without actually having to bring them back to the store so lets say you did shampoo or cleaning supplies or lipstick and its defective you can go in the app, fill out the form and return it there without even having to bring it back to the store. Theyll give you the refund. Really . That sounds dangerous. This is a battle. This is a battle to get customers. Two years online to return stuff . I told you i have a house full of stuff because i cant wait that long. Thank you so much, rebecca. What first lady Melania Trump is now saying about amys headlinemaking interview with the president s first wife ivana trump. Well be right back. This is beautiful. When did you design all of this . An epic flavor. Its cranberry. Its pineapple. And theres no. Sugar. Added. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. The next big thing to hit the juice aisle. Cranberry pineapple 100 juice. 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Com is so convenient. Get some of that finance stuff out of the way from wherever you are, at the doctors office, karate practice or my favorite. Back at the doctors office. Knowing before you go means more quality time sewing a costume for the school play that is not going to look anything like a frog. Just a little headsup, mrs. Davis. Ha ha ha, yay kids welcome back to Good Morning America. Youre look t a Good Morning America is brought to you by Brighthouse Financial. Established by metlife. 45 in santa rosa, about 58 in San Francisco right now. 71 in San Francisco to about 83 in antioch this afternoon. It is going to be breezy, the fire will spread tonight and tomorrow night. Alexis . Taking a look at the peninsula northbound 101 in the Mountain View area, just that shoreline, we had a crash clear. Sorry, didnt mean to fly by the map. Leng ty theyin lengthy delays through the san jose area. The hov taken away again, cleaning up an earlier crash at the toll plaza for the Richmond San Rafael bridge. One towns new law to punish parents of bullies is next on gma. Well have well have another abc7 news update in about 30 minutes and always on our free abc7 news app. Because everyone likes easy. Sure do. Because everyone is on the go. Because we all like to save energy, but sometimes we slip up. Reaching up. Ssssh because sometimes we want it cool at night, then toasty in the mornings. Introducing the easy to use, energy saving, adjustable from everywhere, easy on the wallet and the eyes, nest thermostat e. E is for everyone. Well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. And Great Stories kept coming. [trumpet playing] some make you move to jazz, funk and bounce. Some of our stories arent quite as straightforward. Blocked by the saints [crowd roaring] while others prove that great things can happen. Even on a monday night. Cause for three hundred years, Great Stories have started the same way. One time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] wow means is tyou save 50 or more. Ngs. There are three stages of wow. Denial. Is this price right . Acceptance. And boooyah wait for it. Boooyah has three os. Grocery outlet bargain market this week, Classico Extra Virgin Olive Oil is just 3. 99. 24karat magic in the air we love Tracee Ellis Ross. The blackish star joins us live in times square this morning. And shes saying good morning, america. Good morning, Tracee Ellis Ross. Good morning, america. How great was that blackish premiere last week . It was a takeoff of hamilton. It was so inspired, creative. Cant wait for tonight. The show is amazing. So many are looking forward to this. Take a look at the premiere of star wars the last jedi. You can see rey, kyle le renn, luke and leia and people are poring over the new trailer looking for clues and lara will have more on that coming up. And we are continuing to go pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this morning we have three simple changes to make to your diet. Our nutritionist Rachel Beller will help you reduce your risk of developing the disease. Also her commandments that will help you. First the latest on Deadly Wildfires tearing across california. Abcs matt gutman is in Sonoma County where some of the largest fires have spread. Good morning, matt. Reporter good morning, robin. We have just learned that the number of missing has risen to over 150. Law enforcement officials tell us they expect the death toll to rise. When you look at this apocalyptic scene its easy to understand why it exploded the houses. Hard to tell where one begins and another ends. What was so unusual about this fire is how quickly it moved. You can see in this video from tyler clarke hes driving through a tunnel of flames. Those embers coming at him like a blizzard, so fast, and from the air you can see the flames ten stories high, torching commercial centers, hotels, restaurants. Now those flames coming in at such incredible speeds, they have torched an area twice the size of washington, d. C. And you can see the ferocity of the flames right here. I mean, exploding this car, flipping it on its back and everywhere you look, you see melted metal. Complicating it for rescuers trying to find the missing, a fact so many of these roads remain impassable this morning. Robin. Every time you see those images, okay, matt. Such a tough situation there. Now to the first lady firing back at President Trumps first wife. Amy is here. It started out with a joke ivana trump made to you. Thats right. I sat down with her just last week to discuss her new book about raising the three children she shares with her exhusband President Donald Trump and i asked her how often she and the president speak. Heres what she had to say. I have the direct number to the white house but i not really want to call him there because melania is there and i dont want to cause any kind of jealousy or Something Like that because im basically first trump wife, okay. Im first lady, okay. All right, well, the actual first lady not taking that joke too kindly. A spokesperson for Melania Trump telling abc news that the first lady plans to use her title and role to help children, not sell books. There is clearly no substance to this statement from an ex. Unfortunately, only attention seeking and selfserving noise. Now, ivana told i know. That was an ouch. That was please stop talking about me, but she told me she and melania had a Good Relationship before yesterday. And this you know, people are calling it a feud, a tit for tat. But its making National Headlines that melania responded to what ivana had to say and it was a joke. She was joking, but you could tell she was joking but the response was no joke. No. The response was very serious. Absolutely that, wow. Thank you, amy. Coming up, as fallout grows for Harvey Weinstein, how his Fashion Designer wife is reacting to that news this morning. And should you go to jail if your child is a bully . The new law, does it go too far . And lara is upstairs with a very special guest. Yes, i am. We know this guy, zac posen, can design the most fabulous gowns but turns out he can cook. Hes got his best dishes ahead. Dont waste any more time. Okay, lets go. [ cheers and applause ] when food is good and clean and real, its ok to crave. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. From far away. But they honly see his wrinkles. Hes gotta play it cool to seal the deal. Better find a way to smooth things over. If only harry used some. Bounce, to dry. Yeah he would be a less wrinkly, and winning at life. Plaus im on my way [ cheers and applause ] what a wonderful crowd here. Welcome back to gma. Great to have everybody here and tomorrow were going beyond the scale. Dr. Jen is going to show us the natural ways to curb your appetite, eat less and feel better. Good. I love that. In the fall. I like to do that. You know what always makes us feel better. Pop news with this woman, lara spencer. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. A delicious piece of chocolate cake. Lets begin, everybody, shall we, with there it is again, the star wars movie trailer, not the teaser trailer. This is the trailer. It debuted on monday night football last night and has been under the microscope ever since, trending at number one on facebook, twitter, youtube. Fans literally combing through it looking for clues about the new story lines and one of them, we do know for sure, listen up, people. We know for sure Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will be training rey. Take a look. Ive seen this raw strength only once before. It didnt scare me enough then. It does now. Strength only once before. It didnt Luke Skywalker scared of the power of rey. The new trailer also featuring adam driver as kylo ren flying around on a spaceship, the late Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia and chewbacca. Do we have the video . Do we have the shot. Chewbacca has a new little friend called a porg who is getting a lot of attention. I did a lot hes called a porg and hes a combination of a puff and a penguin and gerbil according to star wars insiders. What . Yes. I was going to say thats not even possible but then Everything Else on there isnt possible. It is possible in this magical land. Comes out december 15th, the last jedi, people. You saw it here. Uhhuh. Thank you. Cant wait to see that. I cant wait. Exciting. Always incredible. It was the very first movie i know weve talked about this. Star wars was the very first movie i saw in a Movie Theater so really. Ever since ive been its just a magical situation. Also in pop news this morning, we must move on to this. A quick update for americas smartest bartender currently crushing it on jeopardy, austin rogers, he won again and then he took some time to do this. Some imaginary balloon sculptures. Oh, austin. Thats so austin. Thats so austin. He won his tenth game in a row bringing his total to 365,000. A little more than that. Hes still 64 games behind ken jennings record streak from 2004. Thats incredible. Gives you an idea of how great ken jennings was, but austin powers [ laughter and applause ] austins got some serious brain power, how about that . Exactly. I meant to do that. Finally, this is funny. A sheriffs deputy in california used the full force of the law to propose to his girlfriend. Deputy kevin bowes had a great idea of having his beloved pulled over for a dui. So romantic. Convincing his colleagues to stage a sobriety test. So there she is doing the coordination test. She spins around and there he is, mr. Romance on one knee, Engagement Ring at the ready and, yes, she did say yes and she didnt even have to spell it backwards. Congratulations you two lovebirds. Thats pop news. [ cheers and applause ] hes lucky she said yes. Yeah, he is. What if she would have said snow no . They probably would say youre going to finish this test. Wow. Absolutely. Going out on a limb there. Thank you, lara. Now to our gma cover story, as outrage grows over Harvey Weinstein and those Sexual Misconduct allegations, were taking a closer look at the woman by his side, Fashion Designer Georgina Chapman and abc linsey davis has more on that. Reporter good morning, guys. This morning the 41yearold english model turned Fashion Designer has been married to weinstein since 2007 and while weinstein initially said she stands 100 behind him, according to People Magazine she is now furious and worried not only that her marriage might suffer but her business, as well. As hollywood royalty now lines up to condemn ousted movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, there is one woman standing by him, his glamorous british wife Georgina Chapman. In the hours after the scandal broke she is seen here on this dailymail. Com video smiling and exiting her 15 million new york city mansion she shares with her now disgraced husband. But sources tell People Magazine, chapman is now furious and embarrassed, she is very upset but not rushing to file for divorce. This doesnt even seem like an option. The two have been married since 2007. Parents to a 4yearold son and 7yearold daughter. Her fashion house marchesa was established in 2004, the same year she started dating the studio mogul. Weinstein is often a fixture at her Fashion Shows seated right next to the queen of fashion herself. Chapmans designs now outfit hollywood royalty. Im wearing marchesa. The dress is marchesa. Reporter from sienna millers iconic look, to sandra bullocks gold dress she wore to accept her academy award. This morning People Magazine is reporting chapman is very focused on marchesa, its a Family Business and she will do what she can to keep her personal life away. The Fashion Designers most recent Instagram Post feature her bridal collection that debuted mere moments after the New York Times explosive report hit. Her instagram reportedly received a barrage of negative comments that have since been deleted. In the past weinstein has been credited with helping to get the alist stars to wear the dresses on the red carpet. Well see what if any fall out arises there. Another woman defending weinstein, Fashion Designer donna karan. When asked about the allegations she said, when you look at how women are dressing and presenting themselves, what are they asking for . Trouble. Likely that will create some backlash as well. I think thats probably right, linsey, thanks very much. Were here with the executive editor of People Magazine, kate coyne. What was donna karan thinking . Shes already back pedaling furiously on that statement. She is saying it was out of context. Not really sure how that applies, but shes profusely apologizing for the way her words were construed and saying that, of course, no one is ever asking for it in and Sexual Harassment needs to be taken seriously and she deeply regrets the comments that she made. So far at least Georgina Chapman standing by her husband. So far she is. A source has told us, though, divorce does seem inevitable. Inevitable . Inevitable. I think i think sooner or later lets just put it this way. If you have me back here in one year, i dont think well be talking about them as a unified couple. Whats the blowback for her fashion line . It could be considerable. She is not somebody shes not a karl lagerfeld, someone who is very connected within the inner circles of power designers. Shes not buddies with anna wintour. Shes not somebody who moves in that world. Really the celebrities who wear her dresses are thanks to harvey to a large degree and so her label has depended quite a bit on the power that he wields in hollywood and that power is, of course, now obliterated. For so long it seems like he was protected by something of a culture of silence in hollywood as well, but that dam has broken. It has 100 broken. You know, the casting couch goes back half a century so, of course, this has been going on for quite some time. But it only takes one person to step forward and open up those floodgates and as you said, the dam has broken and ideally there will be no turning back from this sort of revelation. Okay, kate coyne, thanks very much. Over to michael. Thank you, george. Now to a parenting alert about bullying. One town passed a law saying parents can be punished and even spend time behind bars if their child miss behaves. Abcs Erielle Reshef has the story. Good morning, erielle. Reporter good morning to you, michael. As a parent the thought of your kid being bullied is alarming but a mom in new york watched this happen firsthand. Her sons story prompting a new law that could make parents pay hundreds of dollars, face jail time or even both if they dont stop the dangerous behavior. This morning a small town mom whose son was violently bullied is turning her heart ache into hard hitting action. It was really traumatic for both of us. Reporter victoria crago says her son was ruthlessly attacked by an eighth grade classmate in front of her. This young man just suckerpunched him right in the face. He hit him as hard as he could. Reporter she set up this Facebook Page calling out pervasive bullying in her town. The incident with her son sparking outrage. What really alarmed me about the situation was the brazen act of violence in front of a parent. Reporter and prompting local lawmakers to pass a sweeping antibullying law that puts pressure squarely on parents. The judge could give a fine up to 250 and or 15 days in jail, but in reality, what were looking for is to engage the parent in the process and try and work on a solution. Reporter its a steep penalty, some say it goes too far. One mom commenting on the page, you cant make parents parent their kid. We hope to never need to use this law, but its there in extreme cases. We need to do a better job and were continually trying to do that. Reporter the new law modeled after a similar push to hold parents accountable in wisconsin. According to stopbullying. Gov 28 of students from 6th to 12th grade say theyve been bullying, most common in middle school. For crago the new laws send a message, parents will pay the price for their kids bad behavior. She says she hopes this law will serve as motivation for parents to step in quicker. Officials in that western new york town tell us they hope this law will be reserved for isolated incidents where the School System has already done everything in its power to try to stop the bullying. Theres no place for bullying and maybe that will make parents engage. Lets sure hope so. Thank you, erielle. Well go downstairs to ginger. Oh, michael, going back to those horrific wildfires from northern to Southern California, the winds have relaxed a bit this morning. But thats the good news. The red flag warnings still in place, especially in some of the mountain ranges just south and east and north of los angeles, but youre seeing here the percentage of humidity which was very low yesterday with the 60 to almost 80 mile per hour gusts now still very low even though the gusts have kind of gone away. The offshore winds will become onshore as we go through the next 24 hours or so depending on where youre at and that will help things considerab good morning. Im abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. Poor air quality. In fact, you can see the smoke from the east bay hills camera, lower fire danger right now, but the breezes kick in again the next two nights. After that, calmer dry air and seasonal temperatures. Today, about 66 to 71 at the coast into San Francisco, about 74 to 78 around the bay into the north bay and south bay and low to mid80s inland. Tonight in the valleys, 46 to about 52 degrees. My time now for gma goes pink. Im here with my dear friend [ cheers and applause ] time now for gma goes pink. Im here with my dear friend and nutritionist Rachel Beller. She is so passionate about this. She has three simple commandments that she says can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of developing Breast Cancer. Thank you. Please give it up for my dear friend. [ applause ] im telling you, this woman, she is so passionate and compassionate about helping people and you want to help prevent theres something thats very special about this new program. Tell us about it. Yes. Its online. Its available to anyone any time and its the first researchbased program that connects the dots between a womans weight, weight loss and Breast Cancer prevention. So its really clinically proven that this is a connection. Yes. I have Ten Commandments for optimal Breast Health. Rachels Ten Commandments. And im sharing three here. All right. The first one. Well start off with drink up. Okay, so whats this about . This commandment basically has you drinking an a. M. Riser. We seize any nutritional opportunity in this program so what were doing is infusing water with ginger root, ceylon, cinnamon and mint and a ton of antiinflammatory properties. Good for Breast Health. In the p. M. You add fennel seeds and steep them. With the same thing . The same thing. I make a big batch. Drink it all day long. Take it in your purse in a mason jar and helps you to debloat. The fennel seeds at night. Yes, great debloater. Very simple beverage. If you know this woman, shes all about fiber. She loves and so your second commandment is . Is thou shalt fiber it up. Girl. [ applause ] i dont care if its every single segment on gma, im going to keep repeating this, this is important. Very important, people arent getting enough of it and theres a lot of Research Showing that women on a high fiber diet can decrease their Breast Cancer risk by 16 . Really . Thats a lot. A lot and its good for weight loss. So, here we go. How do we get that in our diet . People think theyre missing the mark. They think theyre getting enough. Oatmeal. Four cups of spinach salad. Oh think, oh, ive done it. Nope. Only eight. Thats it . Only eight. So on the program we have fiber boosters, you add a tablespoon of chia seeds up to nine, nine more. Add psyllium husk into your ice tea. Another five. Then, check this out. Chickpea, another nine or have you ever tried a roasted fava bean. Try this. You eat it like this . Its like croutons but 14 grams of protein. 10 grams of fiber. So just by adding this youre nearly at 30. Youre nearly at 30. Your goal, the magic number for your day is 30, 35. For optimal Breast Health and weight loss. So thats how we get there easily. This is [ laughter ] shes busy eating. All right, the other commandment is thou shall spice it up. I like this. You got to get spicy. Okay, so this is a very hot topic. Very hot topic. And you can literally transform the nutritional value of a meal with just a pinch, amazing stuff. Ive got my unique combo. Rachel bellers power pantry blend here. We have i love that. We have cayenne, paprika, cumin and black pepper. Theres something about spice synergy. The cayenne and the paprika have capsaicin which helps you potentially lose weight, also it may encourage Breast Cancer cell death which is really cool. Cumin, Research Showing it may help with weight loss. Black pepper helps you absorb some of the nutrients. Sometimes i add turmeric. Synergy weight loss. Youve got to smell this. Oh, my gosh. You put that on the popcorn . Yes, this is my savory sizzle blend. Its awesome. You could put it on anything. Mmmm. Thank you. Thank you, gary. A little water. Its spicy. You can put it on anything. Its not hothot. But just that added spice. That added punch. You could put it on proteins. Savory sizzle goes on anything. That is wonderful. You know what, she is very, very generous. She is going to give you everybody in the studio audience a oneyear subscription to rachels power perks program. [ cheers and applause ] everybody. Its great. So thank you, rachel, for doing that. You have made a difference in so many lives. My pleasure. Anybody can join any time anywhere. Wonderful. Hey, Tracee Ellis Ross is here live. Gma goes pink is brought to you by ibm. Good morning. Im Jessica Castro from abc7 mornings. The latest on the wildfires. Crews are searching for people who went missing dourg the north bay fires. Sonoma received 150 missing persons reports. There have been ten confirmed deaths but no containment on the biggest fires, the tubbs and at las fires. Both burned a combined 52,000 acres. Authorities are planning for an update at 9 00 this morning. New mandatory evacuations in parts for rural parts of Solano County. Those details are on our website, abc7news. Com. Jessica, i can only imagine how the air quality is in those areas. It is terrible on so many of our traffic cameras. Heres the richmond side of the richmond rafa silsan rafael bri. Quick check of drive times, long delays highway 4 to the maze. Look how thick the smoke is around napa. Three quarters of a mile to a mile visibility at the airport right now. Air quality is just to not good anywhere around the coast, central bay, in the north bay, and the rest of us are going to have issues with smoke not only that popcorn was a little hot. Spicy. Spicy. You know, today is spicy. Well welcome everybody back to gma and its great to have our spicy audience here with us this Tuesday Morning. [ cheers and applause ] and if you thought things were good already, things are about to get better. One of our favorite guests, the star of blackish, please welcome Tracee Ellis Ross. [ cheers and applause ] hi. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. You look so cute. Hey, how are you . Good morning. Great 0 see you. Hi, robin. Hi. How are you . Hello again. Mwah. Hi. Is this for my. Thats so cute. Thank you so much. Good morning. Good morning. I love your whole ensemble. Thank you very much. Yes. Fashionista. Working a little tie this morning. I know. Its because youre hosting a morning show. Thats exactly right. Dont know how to do a double windsor. I dont either. Dont feel bad. I have a story i want to bring to the table here. It kind of reminds me of your lovely home. We saw it on vogues 73question video. Did you notice the way you organize your home says a lot about you. I heard ha. What is the aesthetic of your house. Eclectic. You said neglectic . Thats what it sounded like. Nn eclectic. Got it. My home is not neglected. It is not. Im one of those people, theyre like, is it always like this . Im like, yeah. Its always very organized. Oh. What does that say about you . I got something for you, right gentleman. I think im the top one and the bottom one. I havent even said it yet. Sorry. The daily email talked to a psychologist who said theres four organizational personals when it comes to your home. Lets see if this style, if i read them out fit you. Make sure you clap in the audience. Well start with the first one, the heartfelt hoarder is a person who cant get rid of anything. Im totally going to say thats me. Is that you . Uhhuh. I cant believe how proud you are being a hoarder. Youre a heartfelt hoarder. Im kind of this in a little bit. Probably a good friend and also more likely to be quiet and thoughtful. Yeah, thats me. Um. Well, you guys get the outside part. When im home im quiet and thoughtful. All right. Next up is the decorative decanter. These are the types of people who put m ms in a fancy dish. No. Any of you . Any of you . Got a few back here. There are a few. So fewer than the hoarders. But you know what that means youre ambitious and will work hard to get whatever you want. Good for you . Well done. Check in your column. The mindful maximalist. Their homes are full of photos and trinkets. I have photos and trinkets too. You might you said the top and bottom. You might be all four. Okay. That means youre outgoing, confident with a work hard play hard life balance. That might be yeah, is that you . Yeah. You dont have to be disappointed about that. No. I notice george has yet to even respond to anything. I turn over everything in the house. You do not have what ali. Shes a tinkerer. Whats that. She is just changing stuff all the time. Is that an opportunistic organizers. This study only did four types and the fourth and final type is the opportunistic organizers. I think thats what she would fall under. Somebody who goes to a friends house and organizes when they visit . No. [ laughter ] i dont think thats me. Suggest redecorating. We have a few people clapping like, yeah, i go to my friends house all the time. You really do . Dont do that. You know what that means, if you do that it means that you are practical, but sometimes you need to learn to let go. In but youre lonely. There we go. So you describe yourself as the first and the last. A little bit of the middle part in there. I i think i might be all four. I think we all are. There we go. Now Everybody Knows what they are. Most of you are hoarders. But with heart. [ applause ] a perfect segue because i loved your 73 videos. We did it. I covered it in pop news because i thought it was hilarious. You have four personals in your home but you also say you have many other alter egos. Yes. You shared some. Not personalities. Alter egos. So how many are will. I believe theres four. Mabel cohn, madam iver is an alcoholic life coach. She inadvertently killed somebody. I just want to be clear. These are alter ego, not me and client pi champion is a style architect. Shes very she claims to have created person responsible for the style of the 90s but nobody knows her. Nobody knows her. One more, isnt there one more . Tmurda. The internet called me that and she is just me doing rap because she is able to say things that i would never say. No. You did Carpool Karaoke with big sean. And i wrote some lyrics. That was so much fun. Oh, so you wrote lyrics and she was in. Where is the album . I dont know. Probably never, but i never would say never. Oh. Yeah, have you done car pool karaoke . Yeah, i did. Most fun ever. I did it with jeff gordon and im driving. Hes like, im the driver, get out. And ives like, okay. You dont argue with a race car driver. You let him drive. Blackish got off to a great start. I mean, hamilton. Yes. We tackled in line with the dna of our show the big issue. In a smart and creative way. We did a musical version of juneteenth and what we celebrate in this country. It was our whole family was it must have taken forever to do that episode. No, it didnt. We did four days of rehearsal and did it in the five days we shoot an episode and we had to learn the song and all that kind of tough but mostly the subject matter and what we tackle on our show did so interesting and smart and really makes people think and think about things that were not always thinking about and truthfully although we didnt plan it that way quite timely for all thats going on in our country. Yeah. You all are not afraid to tackle the sensitive issues and to do it with humor and have a clip for blackish. Put on tonight. Postpartum. What youre going through. Were on a comedy and we do postpartum is tonights theme. Heres a look. I think we should take it just in case one of us has a debilitating mood disorder. So ill go first. Do you feel sad, hopeless, overwhelmed, empty . Thats a nope for me. How about you . Well, i dont know. I feel sad and i feel hopeless and i feel overwhelmed but i dont feel empty so i guess its a no for me. [ laughter ] tracee. Exactly the same time. Thank you, again, you know, postpartum is prevalent and something that is not talked about and it is something that can be treated and supported and a lot of women experience it and i love that we address it on the show. And you know bo has had four children. Her fifth children, she didnt experience it with her four children but with the fifth was disconcerting with her. Which happens a lot. Which happens a lot and so im really grateful we talked about this on the show and we do it in a comedic way that doesnt make fun of the issue but shines light and kind of unpacks something not usually talked about. What a gift. It was interesting to try to find the balance between having postpartum and being funny and sort of you did it in that clip. Grounded in reality and no be making fun of it because it is not something to be made fun of. You guys are on point each and every week and make us think. You make us think. You make us laugh but more importantly, you bring something that we dont see oftentimes. I agree. I think the writers are extraordinary on our show and kenya barris really created Something Special that is needed right now and i feel really proud to be on the show. You should. Thank you. Well, the writers are incredible, but the actors are pretty incredible as well. Thank you. They bring it all together. Is it going to be back on like her cousin. June bug. It was too much work. Yeah, i said you guys work too hard for me but i did i loved it. If they asked me to come back, i would come back. Youll come back. The offer is out there. Blackish airs tonight right here on abc, dont miss it, 9 00, 8 00 central. From fashion to food were cooking with an alist designer zac posen. There he is. The cook. The cook. [ applause ] the cook. [ applause ] hows it going down there . Thats good. Lica misses you. Im over it though. laughter thats fine. I miss her more than you anyway. Hey, my window is closing. Yeah thats okay. Alright miles. I love you. phone hangs up yeah i love you too. Has crazy low prices. Do you know how we do it . How . Bargainomics say, if california has a bumper crop and produces too many oranges. Or a winemaker in sonoma suddenly has 1000 bottles too many. Weve got namebrand, topquality groceries priced 4070 off every day. Bargainomics. Thats our Business Model. And our Business Model is. Delicious. Grocery outlet bargain market welcome back to Good Morning America. It is a Tuesday Morning and lydia from tennessee, we were just talking. I want to show you what was happening in colorado. That. Can you imagine that much snow . Oh, no. Look at that. No, no, no. No, lydia says. It can snow but not like that. That cats name is frankenstein. Not loving the snow. I imagine thats how we all would walk if we got that snow. That is the big picture for now. He good morning. Im abc7 news meteorologist mike nicco. You can see the dangerous air that lurks outside today. Temperatatureses 60s at the coa 70s around the bay, 80s inland. My accuweather sevenday forecast, its going to o o o o this weather brought to you by bounce. My friends from ottawa, canada, say lets head up to michael. Whoo. All right. Thank you, ginger. It is time for gmas fashion fix but were dressing up with your dinner. Dressing up your dinner with designer zac posen. Now, zac, yes, give it up for zac. A brandnew cookbook out his first ever called cooking with zac. Welcome, man. Thank you very much. You know, what is your connection betweened into food and fashion. You got to feel good and you got to make it look beautiful. You know what, you do that and fashion youre doing it here in food. You know what, katie holmes tried some of your recipes and loved them. What is her favorite. Rustic berry tart. Easy, fashion and delicious. And sweet. Very sweet just like her. Just like her. You are so good, man. Well start out with what do we have miso. Miso squash. Mix the miso. I want to do the work. Put some salt in. Some olive oil, et cetera. We got some sugar, some garlic and youre going to make a paste and put it on there. You got some lemon juice or yuzu, a japanese citrus, pepper right there. We got the idea of that, put that in. Blend it all over and put it in the oven. About, you know, 375, 400 and then it comes out like this and its delicious. Its sweet. Really good. Okay. You know what. You guys got to try. Then we move over to here. Come on. Lets go. I like you. You can tell youre like lets go. Lets go. We got a roasted chicken but well do something different. Curry butter roasted chicken. Gives a warm flavor. Mix the butter and curry powder and its going to come out like that. This like. Then ill get my hands dirty. Your hands are too clean and beautiful. Youll rub it all over the chicken like that. And then, thank you. Then youre going to put it on the pan there and roast some vegetables. I did some fennel, some leak, everything in the garden right now, some squash, some turnip and roast it at 400 until its done and makes a delicious gravy. All those vegetable, gets rich and sumptuous and put the herbs inside before you cook a lemon that keeps it nice and juicy. I want to come over your house for dinner. Any time. Any time. Now thats just the squash. Then we have the chicken which i love and then like a surefire hit. That kicks up the chicken. To end it all got to get so some chocolate cake. Yes. [ applause ] im a chocoholic. Me too. So this is a cake that was inspired by the best hot chocolate in the world. Its a ganache hot chocolate bundt cake. A lot of audience members are who is going to get the piece . Ill be honest. Were not sharing and keep it for ourself. Whats your favorite season. Fall, this is the time. This is when all the ingredients go [ applause ] into harvest. This is like when you can start putting on your boots, your suits, your overcoats. A good fedora. This is this is this cake is so good. Im going to need it to cover me up. You know what i mean this is unbelievable. I guess when youre creative in one world youre overall creative. I want to share. Thats what its about. Sharing. Thank you. We love when youre here. Such a talented young man. Pick up his book called cooking with zac. It is out this morning. Mmmm. Make yourself happy like i am. Dancings derek fisher and Sharna Burgess are here live when we come back. I just wanna dance with somebody back now with powerful performances in the ballroom. Last night the stars were reliving their most memorable year and there was not a dry eye in the house. I am too pregnant for this and too emotional because i was a mess. Unfortunately, derek fisher and his partner Sharna Burgess were eliminated but the good thing is theyre here with us this morning. I know. They flew all night. Thanks, guys, for being here. Your dance is so emotional. You spoke so candidly about your daughter. She had a rare form of cancer in her eye and that your package was so moving. Your dancing was great and your daughters reaction was heartbreaking and moving. How was that for you to look over and see your little girl sobbing. That was the hardest part of the night, the dance part was easy. As a father you are you never want to do anything even if its dancing that makes your child cry for any reason. So that was tough to see. But i think later in life, you know, itll be a moment that we can both look back on and know that it was very special. It was about her and thats what the whole night was about. Also about your unconditional love and your giving up your contract with utah so i didnt see it as her being sad as much as being grateful. Yeah. I mean, shes of an age now where she can understand more of what all of that meant as we were going through it, you know, she was an infant, so in a large way last night was one of the big chances for her at this age to see her story and understand it in a different way so i think she was happy ultimately but its always tough to see her cry. It was such a touching moment. Youll have that forever which we talked about earlier and i loved but last night everyone will have those dances forever. Maks cried. We got people crying. Maks cried, america. Sharna, there had to be other dances that you thought, wow, that really touched me. What were some of the other ones that were highlights. All of them to be honest. I thought lindsay and maks dance was incredible and just seeing the raw emotion on her face when she was dancing it. Obviously val and victoria for me. We were all bawling our eyes out in the red room watching her and not through sadness but through just purely being inspired by this incredible of course, jordan seeing the tears on his face right before he had to dance and knowing what he was pushing through. Its a really credit night we we were all exhausted at the end of it we were crying so much. So and your mom, i know was so excited when she found out, i mean, forget the nba career, dancing with the stars for your mother was like the be all end all so how did she we yak last night when you had to go home. I cant tell you on abc. I had a feeling. I had a feeling. Shes not shy. You dont want me to say what she said. I was reading that message it was not good. Not abc. No, but shes shes happy. You know, im still her little boy. Shes got to be proud. And for me to try something new and different outside of my comfort zone learn how to dance a little bit because of this young lady right here. A little bit. You were great. No, thank you. [ applause ] can i ask one last question, if the nba gives us another dancer, who is it . Who goes next from the nba on dancing . Thats a good question. Kobe. Ill challenge kobe to do it. All right. I think he should do it. He has great footwork. Hed be good at it. He will be my partner. Congratulations, thank you guys for coming all through the night. And you got to check out dancing with the stars. Its a great season. Monday night, 8 00 p. M. Eastern right here on abc and you can see more of sharna on her light up the night tour. Congratulations. Well be right back. Well be right back. [ applause ] you cant have this frenchie. Well be right back. [ applause ] sam just snagged it from homegoods. It reminds him of bennie. Only quieter. You cant have this frenchie. But new finds are always arriving. So you can find something so you, for less. At homegoods. So we created the only bed that adjusts on both sides to 9 out of 10 couples prefer a different mattress firmness, your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. You can even see how well youre sleeping and make adjustments. Does your bed do that . The most amazing part is they start at 699. Thats 200 off our queen c2 mattress during the final days of our fall sale. Ends sunday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Let them eat cake derek and sharna. Have a wonderful day, everybody. Because everyone likes easy. Sure do. Because everyone is on the go. Because we all like to save energy, but sometimes we slip up. Reaching up. Ssssh because sometimes we want it cool at night, then toasty in the mornings. Introducing the easy to use, energy saving, adjustsythllleab andm ro thee nest thermostat e. E is for everyone. Well, before it was even founded, a french teenager, bienville, scared away a british warship with just a story. And Great Stories kept coming. [trumpet playing] some make you move to jazz, funk and bounce. Some of our stories arent quite as straightforward. Blocked by the saints [crowd roaring] while others prove that great things can happen. Even on a monday night. Cause for three hundred years, Great Stories have started the same way. One time, in new orleans. [crowd applause] im reggie aqui. Lets check in with meteorologist mike nicco. Is the weather going to help the firefight . Definitely, today. Kick up and thats going to enhance the fire and possibly keep it spreading. Unfortunately right now in napa the worst air quality ive seen in at least 11 years. Once we get past thursday, things will be calmer. Back out to santa rosa. Sounds like some of the posts there along 101 have caught fire once again so, we are seeing delays northbound and southbound around hopper road so, use caution. A lot of smoke in the area. San rafael also just had firefighters stamp out a brush fire there near professional center parkway. Lot of smoke and haze in the area. Smoke everywhere this morning. Back at 11 00 a. M. For the midday news. We are waiting for an update from napa authorities of the fires announcer its live with kelly and ryan today, from the hit comedy blackish, Tracee Ellis Ross. And star of the new film the foreigner, jackie chan. Plus, the great lives banana bread bakeoff begins today. The first challenger is shayna taylor. All next on live [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and Ryan Seacrest [cheers and applause] ryan good morning hi, guys. Good morning, how are you

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