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baseball team shooting, but it was the fact that he was exonerated. he celebrated it most hold lg up a copy of the paperer. >> because they took nothing. and brought me to a full-time vote of impeachment. that's an ugly word to me if they took a phone call that was a totally appropriate call. i call it a perfect call because it was. and they brought me to the final stages of impeachment. but now we have that gorgeous word. i never thought a word would sound so gooz. it's called total acquittal. >> the president doubled down on an attack midge mimicking her voice in a statement that she praised for the president. he says she doesn't. that got a few groans from the crowd. i say double down because he made the same attack at the national prayer breakfast doubting pelosi's catholic faith. the president does not like people who use their faith that he says they know are wrong. the president also twice acknowledged the investigations are likely not over. congress has said there may be more hearings and this is noteworthy. president trump specifically mentioned the u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york. federal prosecutors can't charge a sitting president, but they can charge someone after their term is finished. >> we'll continue to follow. thank you. now to continuing coverage of making it in the bay. it missed the bay area housing crunch. they are discussing how much affordable housing to include in the transit is projects. >> we were waiting to hear public comment on b this issue, but the birdie members were still asking questions about the project when we left the meeting. now housing advocates say they want to see cal train commit to working with developers to provide 100% affordable housing as the project. but the committee showed how that would cut into revenue that would provide for rail improvements ask projects. buyers and renters hope it will help with the housing crisis. >> it's affordable housing, i'm all for it. all the newer buildings are all luxury apartments that no one can afford. >> the everyone needs a place to live. >> reporter: the policy provides 30% of units object site at below market rent. we're sate waiting to see how the board will vote and that's all upper discussion right now. reporting live. >> let's head effort to san francisco where mayor london breed is spear heading the lance aimed at cut iting the red tape for affordable homes. she's promising a billion lot and proposing that ballot requiring at most a six-month permit process on some new home construction. about 50,000 signatures will be needed before july 6th for that to appear on the november ballot. the city of fremont cleared out a stretch of road. this is where homeless people had been living in vehicles and companies had been staging transport trucks. it was a public safety issue. nbc bay area chris sanchez is joining us live with how this all went. >> reporter: we have been to a number of homeless encampment clearouts where the emotions really escalate and officers have to maintain the peace. this was nothing like that. i want to show you the city of fremont gave notice to people living in their cars or vehicles parked along the 1700-foot stretch of road that fremont pd said they would start enforcing that no parking zone. it runs alongside 880 and several businesss including tesla. everyone else heeded the warning and moved out on their own. city crews are now cleaning up and putting up no parking signs that had been removed and placing large boulders every 20 feet to discourage parking. a spokesman says that this was really about improving traffic safety in the area. >> we don't want to take anyone's residence from them. we understand there's a housing crisis taking place in the state of california and our own city. >> the city is working to make sure that the homeless people who were living this their vehicles out here know about the resources that the city has available. you can find those on the city's website and they are also working with businesses like tesla to get them to park their transport vehicles some place a little safer. this is now off limits. today's parking enforcement is a pilot program just 1700 feet from where we are standing. just 1700 feet down the road. depending on how this goes, they will expand it to the south and to the north. chris sanchez, today in the bay. >> thank you for the littest. developments in the deadly coronavirus. the chinese doctor that tried to warn people about the virus died from the disease. the doctor posted information online about the mysterious disease and then reportedly punished by choi these police. in the meantime right now, over 28,000 people are infected worldwide. more than 500 people have died. and the u.s. now has its 12th confirmed case. this one in wisconsin. ask we just learned that some good news here, the first u.s. coronavirus patient has been released from a hospital in washington. leaders will meet to discuss the outbreak at a conference. also safety leaders will talk about lunar new year preparations. where they arrived from china yesterday morning. flight staff you see here were wearing full hazmat suits. the passengers were quarantined for 14 days. one couple was visiting their son. >> at the airport, everybody wearing the hazmat suits through the check points, it was very scary. >> all the passengers are considered high risk as they wait they will be tested at least twice a day. they don't have symptoms and will be released. 7,000 people are being quarantined on two cruise ships after crew members were exposed to the coronavirus. one ship headed for taiwan returned to hong kong after they tested positive after they disemba disembarked. three dozen crew members starting to feel sick so they turned back around. the other ship is off the coast of japan. only one person tested positive after they disembarked but the ship is now testing everyone on board. the sun is shining in pal lo al to right now it's going to be a warmer day than recently. and here kari hall has been tracking that for us. >> it will warm us nice ly into the afternoon take a look at this clear, blue shot we have across the bay looking at san francisco. we will also enjoy more sunshine in the south bay. so after a chilly start in the 30s, we are heading into the mid-60s for this afternoon. if you're going out for lunch, it will be 61 degrees. reaching 66 before it starts to cool off once again for this evening. around all of the microclimates, we may see spots up to 0 degrees. it's going to be warmer than the weather we have had recently. tomorrow we'll bring it up a cull the more degrees. a cooldown going into the end of the weekend. that's all coming up in the full microclimate forecast. >> looking frd to that. new overnight, a new round of gun violence on a bay area freeway. this is the third shooting within a week including two on 880 within 24 hours of each other and one on 580 on sunday. the latest 880 the shooting happened a little after 10:00 last night. that's when chp officers found a car sprayed with bullets. this was near 823rd avenue northbound onramp. yesterday morning we brought you live breaking coverage of a shooting near the onramp in fremont. no one was injured there and any of these shootings. school is off the hook for showing the disney film the "the lion king." emerson elementary showed the 2019 film during a pizza night fundraiser last november. then last week the school received a notice that it owed disney $250 for showing the film. the story got national headlines. many people were outraged. now this morning the ceo of walt disney say it is will waive the fee. our company apologizes to the emerson elementary school pta and i will personally to nat to their fundraising initiative. new did tails on d angelo russell. he's being traded to the timberwolves. the 23-year-old, he will be getting andrew wiggins and some draft picks. coming up, up in smoke, the brewing battle over a pot shop. and remembering an icon. kirk douglas passing away. the way hollywood and the the rest of the world are honoring the actor. growing up in la, bad air forced us indoors. and now we have to deal with this. climate change is an emergency. that's why i wrote the nation's most progressive climate law. and that's why i'm endorsing tom steyer. because when big oil tried to stop our clean air laws, he led us to victory. same with the keystone pipeline. when tom says we can save the world and do it together believe him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. now to decision 2020. the democratic party still clean ing up the mess in iowa from monday's caucuses. but the results are in and pete buttigieg is getting some traction. with nearly all votes counted, he has the thin lead over bigad shaban candidates plan to speak outside of city hall ahead of the primary. they want to remind people early vote iing is underway in severa counties and mail-in ballots went out to voter this is week. the deadline to register for the primary is february 18th. prosecutors are scheduled to rest their sexual assault case against harvey weinstein today. this is video of the muovie mogl walking into court this morning. he's charged with raping a woman in 2013 and sexual assaulting another in 2006. once prosecution rest, his attorneys will argue their case that any encounters between women and weinstein were consensual. he faces charges in a case in los angeles. the embattled head of san francisco's public works department is expected back in federal court this morning in connection with ongoing corruption probe. he was accused of receiving kickbacks for government contracts including a restaurant deal. in the meantime, the examiner reports that the other man tied to the scandal may have siphoned money from his own non-profit. this is to pay for a lavish holiday party involving public works employees. three companies donated to the non-profit. so you can go to our investigative unit section of our home page for recent nbc bay area stories. a man will plead his case for why union square should have a high end pot diskepensary. alexis wants to have a two-flor dispensary. luxury stores in the area say the shop needs to keep away. tonight the planning commission will hear from other property owners. chanel says the dispensary will have a detrimental effect on surrounding businesses. the opening bell for the stock exchange where the dow is up 111 points. stock rise for a fourth day in a row. the dow at a record high. the world is mourning the loss of actor dirk douglas. the star was the epitome of old school hollywood star power. >> he portrayed complex characters earning numerous oscar nominations. we take a look back at the leading man. >> reporter: on the big screen, kurt douglas played the tough guy. >> i want to fight. my first fight that's all. >> reporter: anti-hero with a ch chiz theed draw. >> but the actor was no heel. he was a legend. his son wrote on social media. an actor from the gold b age of movies who live well into his golden years. his commit mement to justice an the causes he believed in set a standard for all of us to aspire to. born in 1960, the son of jewish immigrants herks dreamed of being a stage actor. at least that's what he told "today" in 1994. >> i have always dreamt of being a movie star. my dream came truth. be careful what you dream. it may come true. >> reporter: his accounting career took off in 1949 when he scored an oscar nomination for a ruthless boxer in the movie "champion." >> for the first time in my life, people cheering for me. sflr the cheering would last decades. among his long list of movie, "the bad and the beautiful." >> that's only a man. >> "lust for life", where he played van gogh and gunfight at the okay corral sharing the screen. >> as long as we live, we must stay true to ourselves. >> in 1960 he produced and starred in spart cuss. it helped end the blacklist. he was a maverick and a fighter surviving a helicopter crash at age 74. then a few years later a stroke impaired his ability to speak. yet douglas kept going delivering a memorable speech in 1996 when he received a lifetime achievement award at the oscars. >> i see my four sons. they are proud of the old man. >> and kirk kut was there over a year ago when his son michael received a star on the walk of fame. >> with all my heart, i'm so proud to be your son. >> stars of all generations are now paying tribute to douglas after sylvester stallone calling him an amazing artist, the likes we will never see again. steven spielberg writing, he mainta maintained his charisma. his daughter-in-law posted this sweet photo writing, to my darling kirk, i shall love you for the rest of my life. i miss you already. sleep tight. >> quite the legend there. joe fryer reporting. douglas was more than just an actor. he was a good will ambassador for the state department, traveling to the middle east, south america and europe. he went on it receive is the presidential medal of freedom from jimmy carter. he was 103 years old. >> a long life lived. >> no kid iding. very vibrant. switching gears now to our forecast. you step outside today, going to get some sunshine, warmer temperatures. can't beat that. >> and good vibes. >> it's going to be nice. and as we go into the weekend, we will see this beautiful weather continuing, but at this point, we think we need some rain. we're going to talk about that in a little bit. look at this camera. it's shaking around and looking live in oakland. still a breeze out there, et especially higher up where we have our camera mounted up high. as we look another our temperatures, we're in the mid-50s. not only there, but around the bay area. as you get ready to head out for lunch. hour by hour, all of our microclimates will start to warm up early this afternoon. here we are at 3:00. we see a lot of mid-60s here. just keep in mind that normal this time of year is about 59 degrees for some of our inland areas. so we're going to be above that today. going into dinner time and through the evening commute, we start to cool off as the sunset asks going into tonight. it will cool off once again, but it won't be as cold as this morning. that's going to be the trend going into the weekend. at least the first part of the weekend. so we have had high pressure blocking the rain chances. but there's still a lot of rain and this steady line of storms have been moving across parts of the pacific northwest. we're still missing out on that rain. but there will be a bit of a change in the pattern as this high pressure starts to move back off towards the north and west. this low will start to dive down inland. but when it does so, it moves across parts of the sierra and areas off to the east t doesn't have a lot of rain with it. it will bring in cooler temperatures from sunday into the start of next week. the drought monitor updates every thursday. and the latest update shows that we have a large part of the peninsula moving down to the south bay as well as the east pay. now an abnormally dry condition. they are not yet saying drought, but it's getting very dry due to lack of rain throughout the month of january. we are lacking a about 6 inches of rain. san is jose lacking about 4.5 inches of rain. notice that not yet santa rosa area not inen colluded in the abnormally dry conditions we'll be watching that as we know we do have some dry weather in the forecast. going into the weekend, we're geting ready for a lot of events. including the giants fan fest on saturday. as well as the chinese new year parade that will be in san francisco. we have some nice, sunny weather for that. looking all the our inland areas, low 70s today as well as tomorrow. slightly cooler on saturday. but still really nice. a little bit cooler on sunday as the winds pick up. we'll warm up for early next week. we could see temperatures up and down but still a lot of dry weather through the next seven days turning much cooler by next wednesday. >> thank you. coming up for you, the dmv want os to give drivers more choices. the reason it could result in longer lines. >> happening now, google maps get iting a major makeover. next month the app will now include upgrades for public transit and augmented reality. plus we'll see more options at the bottom of the app. this will be five buttons instead of three. you'll see save, contribute and update. we'll be back with updates after this break. today swinging with the stars. and the ladies are tapping on the plaza. with a special tribute to kobe. it's all happening on "california live." obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. if you're not happy with your driver's license photo, i have good news. a bill is now going through sacramento that will allow three photos to be taken. you can pick your favorite one. you get a couple options. that will cost you an extra $5. that's all if it passes. >> in the past i just ask them. can i see my picture. >> this one i just got that's a good one. >> i didn't know physical i got it in the mail. >> that's a good one. >> lovely. i wouldn't give you a ticket if i pulled you over. >> it's okay. you can goo. >> bad hair days, some of us do. take a lock at this. a new poll is exposing the lengths that some people go to avoid a bad hair day. every american has an average of 96 bad hair days a year. 80% of people in a new poll says they stayed inside due to a bad hair day. one-third said they used a sick day to deal with it. >> i don't think i would ever do that. >> even though you say that's a bad hair day, you look good. >> i should have been in that harry potter movie. >> if you can't get enough of hoda kotb, she's taking a break from tod"today" and heading outr way to hang out with kelly clarkson. >> the pair of friends in real life and they have collaborated on a song before. hoda admits she's text clarkson when she was tipsy. she's not the only one. >> a few friends in the limelight that do that. >> y'all should not do this. it's blackmail. i never do that. i'm afraid people will show it. never send that to blake shelton. >> you can watcatch all that on kelly clarkson at 3:00 this afternoon. then stay tuned for "ellen." >> last look at the forecast. >> it looks pretty good through the next few days. temperatures today up. also up tomorrow. ask then they will fall for the weekend. notice that big dip toward the end. hoping for some rain around that time. but it doesn't really look like it. but i'll be still watching that a as we head through the next several days. >> that's into next week. thank you for joining us this morning. our next newscast is coming up at 5:00. >> we'll see you back here tomorrow morning. don't forget to join us. tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. right now, swinging with the stars. >> we're at the pebble beach pro am. we're going to tee off with some celebs. >> then get ready for drama. >> where blood. nothing can ever get between us. >> plus the ladies are tapping on the plaza. and they are revealing their secret connection to kobe. >> in order to protect ankles, you learned to tap dance? >> i did. >> why

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Fremont , California , United States , Japan , Southern District , Hong Kong General , Hong Kong , Oakland , Iowa , China , Hollywood , Wisconsin , Pebble Beach , Washington , Kobe , Hyogo , America , Chinese , American , Andrew Wiggins , Harvey Weinstein , Dirk Douglas , Kari Hall , Kurt Douglas , King Emerson , Chris Sanchez , Kirk Kut , Laura Garcia , Michael Bloomberg , Tom Steyer , Sylvester Stallone , Jimmy Carter , Steven Spielberg , Kirk Douglas , Bernie Sanders ,

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