parachutes and are safe, but when the plane hit the ground, it immediately burst into flames and barely missed an apartment building adjacent to interstate 94. no one was injured and emergency crews did rush to extinguish the flames. right now, a new sense of urgency over the teacher and bus driver shortage in the u.s. it is bad. an headline may have put it best, we're going from crisis to catastrophe, the bus driver shortage has made things so hard in kentucky's largest school district, class had to be cancelled three days to work on the chaos that they saw in the first day of school. nbc's sam brock is reporting this part of the story for us. sam, how bad is it? >> reporter: of course this has been a problem for a long time, and now it feels like it's kind of reaching a fever push when it comes to a bus driver shortage in the country. i'll give you examples. wake county north carolina, administrators are asking parents to figure out a way to get kids to school. in chicago, where they needed