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Lets get started. Tonight we begin with breaking developments on the burgeoning efforts to oust Kevin Mccarthy from his role of Speaker Of The House. This morning farright republican matt gaetz vowed to file a socalled motion to vacate. Thats a move to event the speaker. He says hes going to do that in the coming days. Saying, quote, we need to rebuff the bandaid. I think we need to move on with new leadership that can be trustworthy. According to politico, some house president conservatives predict there is at least a dozen gop members ready to support the motion to vacate against mccarthy. Now to Progressive Democrats have indicated their support as well. Shortly after the announcement from gaetz, Congresswoman Alexdria ocasiocortez shows she would, quote, absolutely voted for a motion to vacate it. She left the door open in negotiations if mccarthy came to democrats for help. Also said its not up to democrats to save republicans from themselves. Just hours ago on this network, Congressman Ilhan Omar endorsed a motion to vacate. I cant wait to take the vote to vacate. I think its not a surprise to anyone that mccarthy and i have our own issues. Its essentially an issue of governance. We know that mccarthy has not been able to contain with now, it should come as no surprise that matt gaetz is leading this effort. As we said. He has been a thorn in mccarthys side since before mccarthy actually won the speakership in january. Gaetz repeatedly refused to back mccarthy during the speakers race. When he finally did, then he squeezed several concessions adam mccarthy. One of the concessions was lowering the threshold for filing a motion to vacate to just one house member. After months of dangling the threat over mccarthys head, gaetz says he is ready to move. Here is mccarthy responding to that threat just this morning. This is personal. He voted against the most conservative ability to protect our border and secure the border hes more interested in securing Tv Interviews and doing something. He wanted to push into a shut down. He even threatened his own district with all the military people there who had not been paid. Only because he wants to take this motion. So be a, to bring it on, lets get over with it. Lets start governing. Lets be clear for a moment. Regardless of what happens this week with the motion to vacate. Kevin mccarthy is losing control of his party theres no doubt about it. The warfare is open. After all it was the gop that almost caused the u. S. Government to shut down when the house finally passed the Stopgap Spending Measure it was because minority leader Hakeem Jeffries crowd the entire Democratic Caucus to support the bill. 90 hardline republicans voted against the deal despite a shutdown being just hours away. They were okay with it. And now with mccarthys speaker on the line it seems that democrats may have to come to the rescue yet again. Or they may have to Cut Mccarthy Loose once and for all. Joining me now to break all this down. Tara setmayer, the Senior Adviser in gop communications director. Jennifer reuben Washington Post opinion writer and an msnbc political analyst. Its great to have both of you with us. Ill start with, you know that the shutdown has been averted, the chaos surrounding Speaker Mccarthy is on full display its front and center. How much of this political future now rests in the democrats hands to save kevin kathy. , over the irony. If you wouldve asked me whether a republican Speaker Of The House would have to rely on the democrats to save his speakership. I would still tell you are living in alternate universe. We are in the area of trumpism. Kevin mccarthy has never really had control of the caucus. It took 15 rounds for him to get the gavel in the first place. Hes been a speaker since the day he got the gavel. This was inevitable. We know at some point this was going to come to a head. This personal belief between gaetz and mccarthy, a lot of it is performative for matt gaetz. Hes not exactly a pillar of political integrity here. Neither is mccarthy. For different reasons. Matt gaetz is a political nepo baby. Hes a spoiled brat. He likes to preen and gain attention. Hes not a serious person. I think that mccarthy this time may be outmaneuvering matt gaetz. Theres a lot of drama around this, yes. It further weakens him as a speaker. Ultimately, i dont think they can oust him. Whos going to replace him . Thats the only reason why mccarthy felt and voted to move forward with this department and the democrats. The democrats are sitting back laughing at this, saying okay, okay, we have a lot of hands here to play and thats on you guys. I think they couldnt find the republicans, they couldnt find someone as an alternative to mccarthy. Which is why he went forward with. This he knew he could call the vote. Whos going to replace . Me no one wants that job. I think thats what were looking at. Here thats why theyre calling their bluff. If it happens, matt gates loses even more credibility. Im not quite sure where his very bound kooks go after this play. Jennifer, it seems like the possibility of the motion to oust mccarthy could be an opportunity for the democrats because at the end of the day they could extract some concessions from mccarthy for him to retain his job if he gets some democrats to get him across the threshold and keep him as the Speaker Of The House. In some ways youd be making Hakeem Jeffries as the de facto Speaker Of The House. Some people have said Kevin Mccarthy as of yesterdays speaker in name only the problem with making a deal with Kevin Mccarthy, he cant keep the any of it. He could promise the moon and the stars to democrats and it would be worthless. It would be worthless coming from him and will be worthless coming from anyone else so i agree entirely new let the republicans do around this and figure it out. They can knock themselves out trying to find a replacement. Ultimately they wont there is now rumbling theyre going to try to expel matt gaetz based upon the criminal investigation thats going on that lead to an ethics investigation. This is what you get when you elected republicans. This is one long ad for democrats for 2024. This is what you get. At this point, theres only three things we know, one mccarthy never keeps his word, to mccarthy doesnt control his caucus and three the motions to vacate are pretty empty. So, we put all that together, democrats have washed their hands of this and let them play it out and theyre going to have to do the same thing over and over again no matter whos in that seat. Lets keep the country running and keep their wheels on the bus and hope for the best. But me ask you about aoc and omar and whether it was premature for them to go out and say they would vote to vacate mccarthy. First of all what do you think of them coming out and saying that smart politics are not so smart politics for type of split do you anticipate among democrats when it comes to ousting Kevin Mccarthy . Well, you have that progressive leftwing faction and they operate in their own island a little bit on some of these things. We saw some of that when nancy pelosi was Speaker Of The House and she had to rein them in a bit for them, that works for their constituencies and theres only a handful i dont think that speaker minority larry to jeffreys its in the zeitgeist already. I dont think that he is too worried about some of their comments. Thats what they do. Im not really as concerned about that what he needs to be more concerned about are the democrats who are in districts that are Swing Districts hes probably going to tell his caucus they can vote based on their district this is going to be a vote of conscience i dont know if theyre gonna come up with a strategy to save Kevin Mccarthy necessarily this is the same guy that opened up an impeachment investigation a Sham Impeachment Investigation Inquiry into President Biden. I dont know how much goodwill there actually is here this is not like the relationships decades ago of old here. They have a couple of plays. Good point, jennifer, let me get your thoughts not on the dynamic relationship between Kevin Mccarthy and matt gaetz we know how thats playing out with the personal animosity between the two of them. More importantly donald trump and Kevin Mccarthy because and doing what he did Kevin Mccarthy kind of Bucking Matt Gaetz hes bucking the maga extremists within his caucus and they ultimately answer to donald trump to some extent Kevin Mccarthy on the Singular Issue went against donald trump he wanted a Government Shutdown he made that clear in the Social Media Posts and he did not get the Government Shutdown. I think Kevin Mccarthy blows with the winds because donald trump blows with the wind when donald trump once an impeachment he gets that when he was telling them to shut down frankly Kevin Mccarthy for weeks was exactly where matt gaetz was. He didnt decide that he was going to be a responsible adult until yesterday when he finally decided he was going to put a bill on the floor. At times he acts and what he thinks will be a way that pleases donald trump hes gone on to Something Else at this point. Donald trump hasnt said anything that hes greatly disappointed the government to still operating. Im sure well talk about later in the show hes onto his next trial i dont think this is going to cause any rift between the two of them in Point Of Fact donald trump continually leads to Kevin Mccarthy around by the nose and into a culdesac hes become the weakest and most pathetic speaker in large part because he is not his own man. Its a good point. I have to ask you democratic senator John Fetterman released a statement friday criticizing the state of congress he wrote i voted to keep the government open but i am done normalizing this dysfunction. I had a chance to ask yesterday on this program senator jeff merkley and others about whether or not to the process by which the spending bills and others needs to be reformed given the way our politics and our hyperpartisanship has become. Whats not to equate both sides here republicans can hold congress hostage. Question, is does the process need to be reformed to something by annually as opposed to every year in order to not face this threat every year . It needs to rest with the American People. The voters need to send better people to congress that is the bottom line here we cant keep changing our system because there are all full members of congress who are negligent in their duty and the office. The American People need to start paying attention making decisions. If this is what they want to continue to go on in their house of representatives. We havent passed in normal order the 12 a push Appreciation Bill since 1997 this is a problem and its gone on year after year its used as a Political Tool and brinkmanship over and over again. Peoples lives are at stake. Peoples livelihoods are governance is at stake. I dont know if we need to change the system per se i think there needs to be consequences for the bad behavior. That rest with the American People at the ballot box. Tara Jennifer Police stick around. I will come back to a little bit later on in the hour after the break well be joined by democratic congresswoman Melanie Stansbury were will discuss Kevin Mccarthys future and republicans who held their first hearing in their evidence free Impeachment Inquiry. Stay with us. With us. With us. Liberty mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. With the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. I was a bit nervous at first but then i figured its just walking, right . [dog barks] oh. No its just a bunny calm down taco. Sit duchess. Stop sesame no no. Archie walter dont, no, ahhhh. Ahhhhh youre lucky youre so cute. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Rsv is in for a surprise. Meet arexvy. the first fdaapproved rsv vaccine. Arexvy is used to prevent lower Respiratory Disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. Rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. 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Ask you democratic senator John Fetterman released a statement friday criticizing the state of lets start by talking about what the near future could look like for Speaker Mccarthy, would you support a motion to vacate, him and it do you think this is an attempt by republicans to distract from the broader chaos within their party . Well it is absolutely an effort to distract from the complete lack of leadership and chaos that is happening within their party. But i do think there are factions within the republican conference that genuinely do want to take the speaker out. But you know, my message for mccarthy, is it is not our circus, and he is not our clown. We stand united behind Hakeem Jeffries, and you know, it is not up to democrats to bail him out. Hes got to work it out within his own conference. We dont even know what kind of procedural motions may come to the floor in the coming days or weeks. Its up to him to figure out how to manage his conference. For the members of our conference to have legitimate and serious leadership thats able to govern this country. Let me ask you about the short term spending bill. Obviously, it doesnt include funding for ukraine. That gave democrats on the senate side at least some pause there for a moment. The white house is focused on turning that around before mid november, earlier today President Biden said to stop playing games and actually get it done. What would you like to see moving forward . What does it look like in the short term . Well, we need to bring a bipartisan effort to the floor very quickly to fund our aid to ukraine. Its very clear that ukraine needs military support in its efforts to push back against the russian invasion. Its important for our democracy. I think what a lot of people need to understand is that this isnt just about ukraine and the safety and the sovereignty of that country. Of, course its very important. Its about the survival of western democracy. American engagement and support for ukrainian efforts is vital to the future of global democracy. We need to get a resolution to the house for quickly and get that aid to ukraine. We recently saw the other republican manufactured chaos and notably the House Oversight committee holys first Impeachment Inquiry hearing into biden. I was struck by some of the comments that you made. I want to play every part of your remarks from that hearing. Lets be clear about what this hearing actually is. Its an effort to undermine our democracy and to diminish Donald Trumps own two impeachments. This is not a serious inquiry. This is not a serious hearing. In fact, the witnesses here dont even believe theres enough evidence to impeach. And you also, the end of the clip cut out the. You pointed to the fact that members of the Republican Party didnt even attend that hearing. You really undercut a lot of their argument. I wanted you to expand on the first part of your remarks there. The part that this is the threat to our democracy. And how it poses such a threat. Yes, its very clear that the fake impeachment hearing is all about donald trump. Its very clear when you follow the evidence that donald trump called for an Impeachment Inquiry. Hes very clear on his own Social Media Posts that the reason why he wants this impeachment is to undermine the justice system. Its investigating him for criminal activity. Its part of his own efforts to undermine his political opponent in the 2024 election and so in that way, its part of Donald Trumps continued criminal pattern of trying to use our Democratic Institutions to put forward his own political agenda. After we saw the 2020 election, his efforts to foment an insurrection in the capital and to steal an election, i think that its very chilling. Its part of his continued pattern to undermine our democracy and fair and free elections. To use the resources of the government to do so. How does the rodeo head look forward for republicans are trying to push this and cory will it have a political cost . They and their constituents and their districts are so siloed off from the reality of america and one americans really want from a Governing Party that it will not have any political consequence for them. You know, its clear that there is a portion of the gops base that is, as you, say very siloed off from Broader Media coverage. I think that what was unfold display in the six plus hours of that hearing was a complete lack of evidence and seriousness. What was particularly strange about the hearing, their own star witness in his Opening Statements and the first few minutes of his statement says i do not personally believe that there is sufficient evidence to meet the standard of impeachment. I was like, okay, great lets gavel and get this thing over with. Why are we even holding this hearing . It was evident they dont have evidence. Not to speak over you. I meant to say, its crazy to think that Jonathan Turley whos become the darling of everything the republicans want to do with any legal justification is literally coming out and saying i dont think this actually raises to the level of Impeachment Inquiry. Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury, its always a pleasure, thank you for making time for us this weekend. I know its been very busy for you. Thank you for having me. Coming up, Donald Trumps civil trial kicks off. Is this the beginning of the end of his business empire. First, my friend Richard Louis is here with the headlines, hello, richard. Great to see you, some of the stories were watching. Late senator Diane Feinstein will lie in state at San Francisco city hall on wednesday. Visitors will be able to pay their respects. A Funeral Service will be held the following day. It will not be open to the public. Feinstein died on thursday. She was 90 years old. Illinois residents are allowed back home following cleanup from an ammonia spill. That spill was caused by deadly crash involving a tanker truck about two hour south chicago. Five people including two children died in that crash. Birthday wishes are pouring in for jimmy carter who turns 99 today. The former president and first lady stay at their home including grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. They celebrate with Community Members and in georgia. More ayman with Ayman Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this. Great to see you, some of the stories were watching. Late senator Diane Feinstein will lie in state at San Francisco city hall on wednesday. Visitors will be able to pay their respects. A Funeral Service will be held the following day. It will not be open to the public. Feinstein died on thursday. She was 90 years old. Illinois residents are allowed back home following cleanup from an ammonia spill. That spill was caused by deadly crash involving a tanker truck about two hour south chicago. Five people including two children died in that crash. Birthday wishes are pouring in for jimmy carter who turns 99 today. The former president and first lady stay at their home including grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. They celebrate with Community Members and in georgia. More ayman with Ayman Mohyeldin after this. Mohyeldin after this mohyeldin after this taste. Plus, superior nutrition. Which is now more important than ever. Only egglands best. Theres something going around the gordon home. Good thing gertrude found delsym. Now whats going around is 12hour cough relief. And the giggles. The family that takes delsym together, feels better together. You know that feeling of having to rewash dishes that didnt get clean . I dont. Cascade Platinum Plus has me doing dishes. Differently. Scrub . Soak . Nope. I just scrape, load and im done. Only Platinum Plus is bigger. With double The Dawn Grease Fighting power and double the scrubbing power. For a no rewash clean. And a cabinet ready shine. Rewash . Not in my house. Upgrade to cascade Platinum Plus. Dare to dish differently. Breaking tonight, nbc news confirms that Laetitia James will attend the first days of donald trump silverado rile. It begins tomorrow morning. Nbc has learned that trump plans to attend at least the first two days. Setting up a possible faceoff between the two. Late last, week in a surprising pretrial ruling, judge arthur and giron struck trump a heavy blow, finding him liable for fraudulently over valuing his assets, and stripping him of control of his new york properties. That decision validated the heart of Laetitia Jamess case. Now, as part of his ruling, the judge canceled the Business Certificate of all of the defendants. It includes the Trump Organization itself and numerous llcs connected to the company. And karens ruling didnt resolve all of the claims in the lawsuits. The judge saying there are disputed factual issues related to other claims that require a trial. Here is where we are. And now we have just learned of the lame names on Laetitia Jamess list for witnesses in this trial. Among them, donald trump. Eric trump, ivanka trump. Former trunk organizations cfo Allen Weisselberg and trumps former fixer michael cohen. Msnbc legal analyst Barbara Mcquade joins me now. We are also back with us. I will start with, you barbara. Between the ruling against his attempts to delay in the manhattan judge ruling that he did indeed commit fraud. Do trump and his codefendants even have a chance of escaping accountability at this point . Is the Writing On The Wall . I think the writing is on the wall, ayman. I think the question really is, what does that writing . Say what are the dollar value . So how much is at stake here what the judge found was that donald trump had overvalued his assets to the tune of 2. 2 billion dollars. It was the largest margin. The devil is in the details. Some of the things that theyre going to do this weeks figure out exactly how many these assets are worth. I imagine we will see expert witnesses and people who are experts and financial valuation as well as some of the people you just names who will figure out the actual value of these assets. It was clear that the judge who said this will be decided on the documents alone these assets were overvalued in gross proportions. Why do you think donald trump is coming tomorrow . Why also Laetitia James . I dont know. Neither one of them is likely to have a Speaking Role. So, there may be some symbolic value there. From time to time, when the leader of an office has a big case that is being handled by the office, i think she wants to show up for moral support of her people. I think she wants to show up to make sure the message is set to the judge that she backs this case. You understand. And just to watch and see whats going. On i doubt she will have a Speaking Role. All the people who were worked on this case, the ones likely to do. It similarly, i cant imagine Donald Trumps lawyers wanting him to have a Speaking Role in this case. If i were the, lawyers i would keep him as far off stages possible. We saw the lawyers do in the e. Jean carroll case. Again, i think part of trumps political strategy is to portray himself as the victim and talk about grievance. So, by being, there perhaps he put some ammunition into that strategy. Selling more merchandise. Who knows, at this. Point jennifer, we know that trump is being accused of making more than 200 misleading estimates of his companys finances. Attorney general james to seeking 250 million in damages, in addition to barring the trumps from ever serving as officers and directors in any new york company. Thats pretty consequential for a family that has built their entire empire right here in new york. It certainly is. Trumps entire identity is wrapped up in his name on those iconic buildings and the money he derives from them. So, in a strange, way this may hurt him more than the criminal trials, which continue to think will go his way or wrongly. This really strikes at his wallet, which he values more than anything. Barbara is right, we really dont know the extent of this. Which specific properties are going to be an issue . If you cant run them, cant other members of the family run them . If they, cant what happens to be properties . To some of these properties need to be liquidated in order to pay for that 250 Million Dollar penalty . There is lots of questions and lots of details. You know, one of the risks of donald trump showing up in court if he can be called to the stand. Now, he will probably take the fifth amendment. He chose not to take the fifth and one of his depositions. That may not work. It can get really dicey. He can once again be in the position or perhaps giving information to the prosecution that he doesnt think it is hurtful but really is. Barbara, how likely is it that laetitia grant james could get the penalty is that she is seeking care . I think its highly likely. I dont know what the numbers will be. That will be something that gets litigated this week the finding of fraud means that shes already blind but how much. The New York Times writes that this strikes at the heart of his identity, as jennifer was also. Saying what catapulted him onto the main what catapulted him to the mainstream was this image that he was a new york tycoon. How would he spend this . How would he be able to use recover, as jennifer was, saying this was stripped away from him . Well, i think hes laid the foundation over the last seven years as the victim. His entire identity now is all about grievances. The people who follow him are going to look at him hes actually a fraud a, liar, a loser, theyre not going to see the light all of a sudden. The judge found evidence in the case. Donald trump doesnt believe in the legal system. His followers dont believe in the legal system either. They think everything is rigged against donald trump. Its part of the reason why hes such a dangerous entity. He has undermined the institutions. This is a perfect example of that. Hes been a professional fraud his entire life. He is a terrible businessman. Im from new jersey. I remember what he did to atlantic city. I remember when was found that he owned 70 million to 253 subcontractors just for the taj mahal. That was one casino and went bankrupt. I remember this is the same guy that bragged on 9 11 how now the twin towers have fallen hes his building is the tallest in downtown. Theres something sick with him with this. It doesnt make a difference to his followers. Of course, we have the Lincoln Project know how to do our audience of one strategy. We have something coming out called broke that will be targeting him in new york and in maralago. Strike into the heart of this and reminding him that his empire is falling apart. We know that will drive him crazy. He sowing securer about. That all he has is that facade. In a general election, for the people who arent in the called, this strikes at the heart of what he deserves. This is just something that is decades in the making. He is finally held accountable for all of the litigation that hes been through and for the fact that he swindled so many people for so long. Its about time theres count ability. Barbara, i want to turn to the case and georgia. It was a week of legal setbacks for trump in that election interference case. You had scott hall becoming the First Defendant to enter a plea in the case. He was a Bail Bondsmen accused of tampering with electronic Voting Machines in Coffee County during the 2020 election and working with other codefendants including pro trump lawyer sydney powell. A big unanswered question here is really going to be how much did he interact with both trump and giuliani. Do you think people in trump world are scared of him now agreeing to testify . At the very least, concerned about what him flipping means . Yes, i think they must be very concerned for two reasons. , one whatever testimony he himself can provide. Also the Domino Effect that also happens once that First Defendant falls, so often other defendant start, thinking, wow i better think about my strategy as well. He got in the door. He got a pretty good deal. The longer i, wait the worse my deal is going to get. Should i be pleading guilty to . I can imagine that the other 18 defendants this weekend, we are talking with their lawyers about whether they ought to be pleading guilty. This defendant certainly was working closely with sydney powell. So, likely has testimony valuable in the case against her. There is also been reporting that on january 2nd of 2021, when all that crazy stuff was going on at the white house, he had a 63minute phone call with jeffrey clark. The doj official. So, he clearly has information about that phone call as well. So, he could be a real key person here to the entire case falling apart against these other defendants. Your take on this scott hall flip, jennifer. Well, i think barbara is absolutely right. What happens is, he is in a position to give very damaging testimony against sydney powell. So, she decides, well, now i need to make a deal. She gives more damaging testimony against the rest of them. So, this is how it works. We have talked about going from the bottom up and then investigation. Well, it also works when you start flipping witnesses like this. I also think the other facts, the other developments last week there were harmful with trump where more people were denied a chance to put their case into Federal Court. Donald trump has said he wants to stay in state court. One of the gambits that he was counting on was maybe guiding lifted into Federal Court or enjoying some of the defenses that he thought would that lawyers would be better received in Federal Court. Really, nothing has gone very well for him. When you look back, its hard to think of anything of consequence in any of these trials that hes won. When he wins one, he gets overturned on appeal. So, loser is an appropriate term both for his Economic Situation and his legal situation. Tara, final thought to you, donald trump has given up his fight to try to move his case to d. C. , this comes three weeks after a judge denied mark meadowss bed to have his case moved. Pretty big reversal for him, why . You now, its interesting. I mean, i think that at this, point they are just trying anything. He is in such legal jeopardy here. Mark meadows, i thought he was in the Witness Protection Program for the last two years. Now we see where he is, is he cooperating . I cant imagine mark meadows going to jail for donald trump. Neither will any of the rest of these people. It gets real when youre looking at jail time. There is so many aspects to these legal problems that trump has. I think the legal team is trying anything to navigate it. I dont see how theyre going to be successful with any of them. So much evidence is damning. Marble, quail terrace at minor, jennifer reuben, thank you to the three of you. Greatly appreciated as always. Coming up, our gop whisper and canadian, a good friend of the program, that front is back here to help us understand if it is at all possible to understand the disasters republican debate. Whats going on between Kevin Mccarthy and matt gaetz . 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No one appears we are going to call you donald duck. We will pass a federal expedited Death Penalty for anyone involved in a mass shooting. Im going to use the u. S. Military to go after the mexican drug cartels, transgenderism, especially in kids, is a Mental Health disorder. I honestly, every time i hear you, i feel dumber for what you say. Its not about Climate Change that we are worried about. Its about the biden Climate Policies that are the existential threat to americas future. Who better to react than The One And Only Comedian Friend of the show matt friend. Listen, we appreciate you taking time. I am so excited. You are the busiest comedian i now. More importantly, we now have you officially as our debate correspondent. Im thrilled to be back. Im back with you, im thrilled to be here. Im glad to have you back. What do you think donald trump thought of that . Before you even asked the question, we all know youre a dead dog. What i can tell you, theyre failed Chris Christie, he called me donald duck, it was actually not too bad. Not too bad. If Chris Christie calls me donald, doc i like to calm chris cal, he was like the great pocahontas war. A Native American such a great person. The life of pi in there too. That was fantastic. Ill tell you, it Ron Desanctimonious is dropping like a rock. Pence shouldve been hung. Thats a different story. China, thank you. We have more to go. Chris christie cracking the donald duck joke. How many times do you think he rehearsed it . He delivered it with the anticipation of a truck hitting a wall. I think Chris Christie delivered it hundreds of times. That was the least of my concerns. To be equally lately honest with, you i think kim jongun has a better chance of being president of the United States than doug burgum. As long as youre watching, if your name isnt dan levy or eugene levy, you should trim your eyebrows. Mike pence bragging about s; leeping with teacher for 38 years. The only thing less sexy than that is footage from Lauren Boebert state nights. And then you have, who else is there, vivek ramaswamy. For that ramaswamy in this country, we have an epidemic of wokeism. We can choose american independence or being subservient to ukraine. Which do you prefer . He is like that can latinos everything. He so jacked up on. Something he so intense. Hes way too intense. By the way Mitch Mcconnell was not on the debate, i will say. I admire his statements on dianne feinstein. It was a little bit jarring, they looked young when talking about Diane Feinstein. Rest in peace. It was weird, Which Mcconnell was the guy two weeks ago who was asked, will you be seeking reelection in 2026 . He replied what . Mitch, mitch. The last time you are on the show, a couple days ago, it was a night before the freeze, it was not intentional. Ron desantis, a tough guy act, said he was going to send troops to the border. He was trying to flex. Human beings are supposed to go like this, he delivers a statement. Let me tell you, when i take the oath of office, im going to veto these woke democrat bills. I will be the best president youve ever seen. Floridians will be proud. The moistness on his lips is fantastic. It is insane. The headline this week is Kevin Mccarthy. He is in a lot of trouble. Lets start with Kevin Mccarthys thoughts on how this week has been for him and his government. The real threat, ayman, to the people of america is not vladimir putin. It is zelenskyy and matt gaetz. Alexandra ocasiocortez. I have faith in america. I believe in america. And i know that they will come to the right decision. Matt gaetz will be proven wrong. Its why i like to announce tonight, i will expel him from the government. Thank you. Thats what hakeem to come put and say we need democracy over demagogues. Maturity over matt gaetz and mccarthy. Thank you so much. Hakeem jeffries is probably the Speaker Of The House. After this, weekend of Kevin Mccarthy tries to keep his position, if matt gaetz tries to vacate the eyebrows defy gravity. I dont know whats going. On matt gaetz is upset there is no playgrounds closer to capitol hill. Do you know what i mean . Okay. A little touchy. Google the reference. I dont know if i will get through this. I was going to say, when i think about all the different characters on the republican side, i have asked you this before, what do you do to actually prepare for these Comedy Routines . My prep is better than the debaters let me you see Stewart Barney of foxes, he struggled to pronounce the fellow moderators name. Im joined by calderons to via im sorry, univision, spanish soap opera. Whats going on. You are moderating debates, stewart. Come on. It was very uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable and unprofessional. You can not be surprise from fox. Yeah, it was intense. Is there someone you thought won the debate . There was so much yelling and shouting. I won the debate. Comedians won the debate, to be completely honest with you and i dont know nikki haley seem pretty strong. She was yelling over everyone and somehow desantis has not changed strategy. The problem desantis, the voice is a little too weak. He cant be shouting over people. I like the donald duck line. Its a little rehearsed. I dont think theyre any winners in the debate. I think trump is still far ahead hes, in the lead of his own. The insults our next level. He calls nikki haley a bird brain. I dont know what they can do. I do think trump is right. There is an addition to be one of his potential vps, can you imagine donald trump and ramaswamy on the same ticket on the campaign trail . Do you think the country has the bandwidth for those two people . Between the absurd policies and the rhetoric, the demagogue between the two of them, the denialism of just common sense. Vivek is like a walmart trump. The message is clearly not working. He was getting stepped on in the last debate. The two of them together, i dont see it happening. It is clear that hes vying for that position. Hes kissing up to me like a dead dog. I want to debate trump and vivek, the two of, us how about that . Make it happen, anytime. We still have a lot more debates. We will have you back on. Standing in, good to see you. Come to my show. Im doing the gramercy in new york next year, next year, march all, the political winds will be. After the break, President Biden excuse me, stood and contrast. Were going to have more on that a moment. That a moment. I started a dog walking business. Oh. [dog barks] no its just a bunny only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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They are openly promoting them. Trump says the constitution gave him, quote, the right to do whatever he wants as president , and quote. I have never heard the president say that in jest. Meg arrest they made it clear where they stand. The challenge for the rest of america, the majority of americans, they made clear where we stand. Do we still believe in the constitution . Do we believe in the basic decency and respect, we should all remember democracies dont have to die at the end of a rifle. They can die when people are silent. When they failed to stand up or condemn threats to democracy. Thank you for making time for us on what has been a monumental and historical week. Make sure to catch a man on msnbc saturdays at, eight sundays at nine, follow us on Twitter Tiktok and instagram at aymen msnbc. Until next, time im Ayman Mohyeldin. Have a good night. D night. And brands you love on the shelves. Behind the counter, or in the aisles, healthiers better when it happens together. 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