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Virtually no opposition, the Bangladesh Government wins by a landslide. Going back to basics in india could make the country a global milk provider. Thousands of people are fleeing the iraqi cities of fallujah after days of violence after the army faces resistance of tribesmen and alqaeda linked fighters and they say they have taken over parts of key cities in the providence and its preparing to retake fallujah and many people abandoned their homes and heading to a sea and majority area and seen as relatively safe. The United States says it supports iraqs fight against alqaeda but not sending troops. We are in contact with tribal leaders from Manbar Providence and showing great courage in standing up against this as they reject terrorist groups from their cities. And this is a fight that belongs to the iraqis. That is exactly what the president and the world decided sometime ago when we left iraq and we are not contemplating returning and not contemplating putting boots on the ground because this is their fight all but we will help them in their fight. Reporter they need more technological assistance from the u. S. , not ground troops. Well, i think that america will be involved but as a secretary of state said it will not be with man power. It will probably be with advanced intelligence support, technical and tactical intelligence but certainly not with boots on the ground. The american troops pulled out and quite frankly the iraqi troops and forces are not asking for man power assistance. I talked to the foreign minister about a month ago and asked them what they needed and would they need American Forces and he said, no, we have millions of troops in the military and inside the police. We dont need man power from america. We need advanced technical capabilities. Reporter and we are joined in the studio to tell us more about the roots of the Current Crisis in Manbar Providence. The tribes in the providence protested and the biggest demand was the release of sunni prisoners and the president took notice of this and tried pushing through a series of reforms but they were blocked by both sierra and Political Parties and this is seen as a provocation to the thrives and the isil was formed taking advantage of the political power vacuum and waging a bloody Campaign Across the country and had safe havens across the iraq and Syrian Border and played on sheer domination. The tribes unofficially accepted their presence and then just last month fighters killed over 20 iraqi soldiers and the Prime Minister had enough and sent the army into enbar but tribal rivalries came to for and now they are encouraging the tribes to take on the isail fighters themselves. Reporter if i could get you to join me at the desk. I understand that the iraqi army is now actually surrounding the city of fallujah but not actually going in, why . What is going on . That is a tactical move from the army and cutoff the city and let residents to leave and stopped shelling to allow the fighters to go in themselves to clear the area for the fighters. This is a tactic on the part of the iraq army and the sunnis said any operation that took place would have to be led by them and effectively that is what is happening and the Prime Minister insisted the tribes should be dealing with this themselves. Reporter and if you could put it into some sort of context for us, why is all this kicking us right now . Its really two reasons. Firstly iraq had the bloody year of violence since 2008 and nearly 8,000 people died as a result of violence. The chaos in syria is another reason. We have seen a lot of these fighters fighting in syria, across the border and fighting in iraq and also elections coming up, april 30 and elections are, the elections are due and the Prime Minister needs to build a support and say to the people of iraq he is doing something to combat the violence. Reporter is the Iraqi Government going to be able to regain control or is security out of control in iraq . Its out of control. I think that is what a lot of people will tell you. You speak to most ordinary iraqis like in baghdad and they are in leaving neighborhoods, they stay there, the city is divided between shia and sunni and people do not cross the street and there is nervousness in the air and something the iraq people will tell you whether this is the right way of going about it remains to be seen. Reporter thank you very much for putting that into perspective for us. And all that alqaeda linked group is on the ground in neighboring syria and in recent days it is under at tack by opposition fighters and we report from beirut in neighboring lebanon. Syrias armed opposition is pushing forward with what seems to be a coordinated offensive against the Islamic State in iraq and the isil. The alqaeda linked group is being pushed out of its bases, a war has been declared by some rebel forces who believe isil has not been working for the interests of their revolution. The foreign fighters created many states in many areas of the rebelheld north imposing their own laws which many in the opposition believe are brutal. Isil for its part has threatened to withdraw fighters from the front lines, if attacks against it continue. Warning that Regime Forces would then be able to retake allepo. Isil said it was being stabbed in the back by some groups involved in a conspiracy that seeks to get rid of alqaeda before peace planned talks in jaw geneva but some people believe it has to do with geneva. There is fighting over who is the initiator with the regime, so far there is no unified opposition. Actually there is a lot of infighting in order to produce a negotiator. Reporter the Syrian National coalition, the main Political Coalition in exile and asked it to recognize the supporting of revolutionary forces as partners in the fight against alqaeda. The syrian conflict has spread and so has alqaedas and it first emerged in iraq a few years ago and the vacuum caused in syria allowed it to cause it and now it has a presence in neighboring lebanon. It claimed responsibility for the latest attack targeting supporters of hezbollah. And authorities in iraq and lebanon are trying to wipe out the group. This may not be an easy battle. Another reminder that syrias war does not have borders. Al jazeera, beirut. Fighting is reported in the syrian city, the area is a stronghold of that same alqaeda linked group we have been talking about. This video is said to show Prisoners Released from jails being run by them. The Islamic State of iraq has reportedly withdrawn from several bases in syria and handed them over to another alqaeda linked group. Turkeys Prime Minister will not stand in the way of pretrial of officers who were convicted of a coup plot and last week they filed a complaint over court cases saying evidence produced at the trials was made up. In october they upheld the convictions of retired officer whose are in prison for plotting to over throw the government ten years ago. The main opposition in bangladesh has gone on the offensive against the ruling of an exit poll said a landslide win for the league in Opposition Boycott of the vote and 24 died in Election Related Violence since sunday and a calm is over the capitol, a day after elections, Prime Minister has seen and addressing the nation shortly opposing her and her party is the Bangladesh Party but said they have been given the opportunity to talk about the grievances. This is no surprise they won an absolute majority as a result of this very onesided election, the seats have gone to the government and they would have won two thirds of parliament is assured and also news on turn out. Turn out figures may go up as the day goes on but already the Electoral Commission is around 40 mark which will surprise a number of people, not least the media who is on consensus that the turn out without be low and this is the star newspaper and turn out low in deadliest polls and saying it could have been the lowest ever. Of course the president suggests as it did on election day that these strike periods bring violence out on the strikes, they may be the case in the days to come and that will frustrate efforts to begin any sort of a dialog towards what happens next in this country. As long as these parties remain at loggerheads little progress can be made and they will try to sustain a government here but it seems unlikely they will be days perhaps longer of violence and turmoil ahead. For more on this lets speak to tonya and she is based in the bangladesh capitol and from where you stand is this expected result of a landslide win for the league legitimate . From a constitutional point of view, and this is the constitutional vacuum because we needed a government in election and it did not participate in election and the coalition, one of the parties in the opposition got itself disqualified to the Political Party in bangladesh and couldnt come to election and people feel because of them the leading opposition and coalition will not allowed to participate in election. Along with that we have also seen a number of terrorist attacks in bangladesh. The National Study of terrorism and response to it initiateed by Homeland Security identified them and the organization as terrorists organizations and attacks we see on minorities. Reporter sorry to interrupt there but the point is that there was no opposition in this election and Even International observers refuse to take part in it and how can it be representative and be legitimate . The issue is that when you say there was new opposition that is incorrect, there were independent candidates in some of the Political Parties to have participated. There are two under lying issues. One was that the major Political Party has privacy and ought to have taken part in the election because their performance would have been very good but because of the coalition which is otherwise disqualified from participating in the election process, it did not come. One of the reasons they put forward is the 15th amendment to the constitution to have an election under a neutral caretaker complement and no formula has been put forward by any organization of what the shape of the government would look like. Had there been a proper formulation then i think people could have participated along with the government to come up with a formula under which a neutral government can be formed. As the constitution stands at the moment we needed to have an election as the constitutional is. And the 15th amendment is curious has not been challenged before the Supreme Court by any one of the Political Parties. Reporter has this election changed anything though . Yes. Reporter does it leave the political crisis exactly where it was before the vote . Even if the elections were held with all the parties participating, we are not sure if the terrorist attacks would go away because this is because of the war criminals who committed crimes in crimes against humanities in 1971 against the people of bangladesh including minorities and this is what we are beginning to see as the impunity culture is being put to an end. One is not sure even if the election was inclusive if the terrorist attacks would go away. As we mentioned the Homeland Security association identifies it as a terrorist organization and the program would like to appeal to the world humanity at large to support bangladesh in its fight against terrorism and put an end to impunity who are still attacking today. Reporter they for speaking to us. And one of al jazeeras producers is in court and one of three Staff Members held in custody by the egyptian authorities without charge for the last nine days. And peter greste and fahmy and mohamed are accused of joining a terrorist group and said its fact dated and they are in a prison outside of tiro and peter greste is an Award Winning correspondent who has reported extensively across africa and he has worked for cnn, New York Times and red cross and also an accomplished author and Baher Mohamed who has been working with al jazeera as a producer for most of last year. And there is plenty more ahead on this al jazeera news hour, the price some women pay for beauty, we will show you some of the extremes that people go to to win the coveted ms. Venezuela title. Extreme cold not seen in decades and how the United States is dealing with this. And the world will bid farewell to a football legend on monday and to be laid to rest and more in sports coming up. Sudans president is in duba, the capitol helping the counterparts negotiate the end of a threeweek conflict. Fighting between Government Forces and those loyal have killed at least a thousand people and sudan thinks it could drag down the economy and we report from there. It looks like business as usual here. But below the surface there is deep concern. Translator conflict in the south will drain our resources here in the north. Translator we are one country and i have friends in the south. We are one people and bothering me they are killing each other. Translator the south people are sudaneeze like us and what effects them effects us. Reporter sudan and south sudan have ties and mutual interests and sudan relies on revenue from the pipeline and transport and south sudan oil to the harbor for export. And it will be cut and it will lose the venue and it will contribute a lot to the sudaneeze crisis and it will double the sense of the crisis. Reporter south sudan rebels promised to keep the oil flowing but that is not enough reassurance. Translator instability poses real dangers to sudan and committed to peaks and calm returning there because of the security of the two countries is inseparable. If you are asking about military intervention i dont think its an option here. Reporter and they are being neutral about the conflict in the south and staying idle and not find agree solution is a different situation. You cannot imagine what is going to happen in the future, if this conflict is going to continue. Reporter and he hints at the possible military role for his country in south sudan with a regional peacekeeping force. I wouldnt expect that the army will do it alone. But definitely the sudan army have the capabilities and the knowledge, they have the instruments in order to have a Strong Influence in the south. Reporter sudan has 2000 kilometers of borrow dorr with south sudan and other unresolved issues including border delineation and migration and final stages of the area and openended war in the south will further complicate the pending issues. Reporter mohamed is in the capitol for us and what impact might this have on the talks in ethiopia. According to our sources the visit of the Sudan Government is not actually a part of the regional effort to go for negotiations but sudan can see its primarily concerned more than any other country by what is happening in the south. They think that their interests and their security is at stake and they have to make an additional effort on their own to try to find a solution in the south. I asked the syrian advisor to the president about the significance of his president and said bashir is showing support to the people and showing he is more interested and more concerned about any other president in the region and he wants to talk to the president and try to see if sudan can be ahead of any other country in trying to find a speedy solution for the conflict. Reporter mohamed, hasnt they been saying its neutral with regards to this conflict but now bashir is meeting with solvikir but not the other and what can that do to the conflict . Might it exacerbate things . I raised that question as well just one hour ago with bashirs Senior Advisor and said he is not available, accessible for easy meeting but he said the sudan effort in the effort they are also meeting with representatives of bashir and said it doesnt mean siding with any party in this conflict but rather he is meeting with his counterpart and sending delegations to meet with them and that doesnt mean siding with anybody and he is sure that bashir would understand this well. Reporter mohamed there for us. Israel is gearing up for a second day of protest and they want a new openended detention place to be demolished and it was the largest in history. U. N. Says israels treatment of people who arrived looking for refuge is not in line with the geneva convention. Doctors treating former israeli Prime Minister sharone say a miracle is needed to prevent his health from deteriorating any further, 85yearold has been in a coma since a stroke in 96 and says his lifethreatening condition is not improving. During the last 48 hours since we last updated the world about his condition there have been some stabilization of the part of the vital signs like the heart rate and the blood pressure. Unfortunately this is not the case with the other organs. And we continue to show slow deterioration in their function. What i can update you right now, that our person is fighting for his life. Reporter and large areas of southeast england are still flooded and two people have died in the heavy rains there and more bad weather is on the way and the storms are called the worst in the country for more than two decades. Meanwhile a severe winter chill in the United States is getting worse. People in some areas are warned to stay indoors and stock up on supplies and forecasters predict recordlow temperatures and we report. Its known as the vortex, an air of area that circles the arctic and normal to leak some cold air south but they said it was more like the whole thing that went to the u. S. And went to the gulf coast and pushed by warmer air than normal in the north and half of the United States has extreme cold weather not seen in decades and wind chill and the temperature is recorded and forecasted and can lead to rapid frost bite and its minus 45 and minus 51 celcius monday night. We have not seen this degree of cold air in at least 20 years and in some cases we will see record lows or record low highs being set. Some of the records actually date back in the late 1800 and early 1900. Reporter they cautioned chicago not to be complacnet about what is to come. Its serious and danger and can cause a Serious Health risk. Reporter the vortex southward is a reminder of interconnected systems on a warming planet. Take the totality of the globe and how is the out break in the United States counter acted by a warmer place where it should be this time of year. Reporter this will linger until tuesday and im with al jazeera. Lets get the latest on the weather conditions there in the u. S. And over to richard and our weather center. Richard is it going to get any better or warmer there in the u. S. Any time soon . We will see a warming taking place. But in the meantime we certainly are looking at records. And what is a dangerous situation. Some pictures looks like fun and kids playing in the snow but it will be deadly weather developing over the next day or so. You see the satellite and things are active to the southeastern sea board and this is the weather system and snowy which i will come back to and its driven by the jet stream, the bands of winds about 10,000 meters in the atmosphere and that led the cold air to feed in from the polar vortex we are talking about and you see the blue and showing the cold across much of north america over 2448 hours. The cold air penetrating to the eastern sea borders and slight respite in the middle part of the week. Lets take minnesota for instance, temperatures are between minus 5 and minus 13 and temperatures no higher than minus 21 on sunday. And later situation there we have a temperature of minus 30, wind speed of 22 kph and put them together you have a wind chill of minus 44 degrees and that means if you are exposed to those temperatures and the wind for more than ten minutes you will get frost bite. Thanks very much richard, i cant imagine anywhere being as cold as that and im glad we are in doha. Searching the deepest corners of the internet. You can kill people. You can buy drugs. You can buy people. Reporter still to come we look at the shady Services People in hidden parts of the worldwide web. Running out of water and patience, why some people are being forced to do to get around the toxic water supply. And still ahead in sport manchester shocked loss in the sa cup and robin as all the details later. Welcome back, this is al jazeera and these are the stories making headlines this hour, thousands of people are fleeing the iraqi cities and fallujah following days of violence after the army faces resistance from tribes man and alqaeda linked fighters and its preparing to retake fallujah, there is a strike after the recently held elections as an farse and said it doesnt show a victory and 24 have been killed since sunday including an opposition leader. Sudans president bashir is in south sedan meeting counterparts in ethiopia aimed at this and a thousand have been killed and thousands more driven from their homes in south sudan. The Syrian National coalition is reelected for a second term and seen here in the middle got 65 votes and backed by saudi arabia and the west and snc has yet to see if it will attend up coming geneva talks coming up, and said it will only take part on certain conditions. Joining us from istambul and is this a surprise win . One minute people expect the former syrian Prime Minister to win the position of president instead. Actually, he has good experience for this and there are people within this that feel trust with him and there is also a reason for mr. Hijab and first of all people feel he has come from some countries who support him and at the same time the people still have trust with the people who are working with the region for a long time. So this is, i think its normal if you know the feeling of the opposition and based on our experience. Reporter so what does it mean for the geneva two talks now he has a second term as the president of the Syrian National coalition . Again . Reporter will the Syrian National coalition take part in the geneva two talks . I think this is i dont understand your question well. But if i understand, i think he is he has Good Relationship with saudi arabia and Good Relationship with fighters on the ground and that may be the main reason who has big support inside the coalition. And, also, based on our experience with the other leaders, he has a good, he had a good he has had good experience also, again, a good job and he is very good. So for these results i think he was achieving this spot and also we cant expect for him, we cant expect for him good achievement next time. Reporter we will leave it there and thank you for speaking to us. The japanese Prime Minister says he wants to explain to leaders in china and south korea why he visited an shrine last month and they were made when he went to an shrine that honors war criminals and they will talk about disputes and historical issues. Michael from the center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Based in tokyo explained the possible motive behind the comments on his visit to the shrine. The real meat of the quote was i basically said what i wanted to say about kooni when i went there so i have not changed my opinions about it. There you go. So if china or south korea, the governments there of, were looking for something more, they really didnt get it today. But that is to be excepted. His position on going to kooni and other actions are a part of his general political program. We are probably going to see a lessening of tensions and lessening of confrontations at least in japan will work very hard for that because they want to have nice atmosphere for the arrival of president obama in the spring. United states role is kind of fraught because they are ally of south korea and japan which have a territorial dispute and the United States is at least in some kind of competition with china and being japans ally. This is a really dicy position for the United States. Its trying to balance all kinds of different agendas, not the least of which is that it owes both japan and china a tremendous amount of money. These things come together and make a very difficult package. So to think big brother america will come in and try to make peace is a little bit too hopeful in my view. Reporter the taps have run dry for 10s of thousands of people and its more than two weeks since residents of the area have been unable to use the municipal water supply because of toxins caused by algae and we report. Reporter the cups are a sign of discontent, this is the people warning the authorities that they are running out of patients, 60,000 of them dont have access to Drinking Water. Translator i urge people not to vote in the next elections. Politicians are like these algae and polluted our environment. Translator when i went there to see what was going on, it was worse than a garbage dump and shut a shame, shame on all levels of government. Reporter Drinking Water is from distance sources or bottled from shops and orthodox christmas is on wednesday and being made by supplies and looking over the household is much more complicated. Translator it takes me longer to make lunch for my family and to clean and wash. It takes half an hour longer to do everything than it used to. Reporter businesses have been effected too. In this bakery water is essential for making traditional flat bread and the local pastry and they have a new title water boy. Translator we have a boy who carries water and other obligations because we have to keep business running. Reporter in attempting to clean the lake which supplies it with water was unsuccessful. The local Public Health body confirmed the concentration of algae is higher before the drinking band was introduced and its dangerous and they are twice the permissible level. Local Authorities Say the algae in the lake is a natural process but human negligence has contributed to the pollution and they hold the authorities accountable. The municipal governments wouldnt give us an interview but over the phone they said that teams are doing their best to solve the problem. And there will be another attempt to clean the lake but wont bring a lasting solution and couldnt confirm when people will get Drinking Water again and residents say they will keep protesting outside the municipality building until their demands are met, al jazeera. Reporter the socalled deep web is the hidden and often shady under belly of the internet. Its unreachable for most of us unless they access it via special technology. So what is in there . So much of it is illegal that when we took a tour and a Police Officer who we could not film had to be present. There is a place on the internet so deep, so dark, so utterly anonymous its become a black market bizarre for crime. You have everything there. You have hits for hire. You can kill people. You can buy drugs. You can buy people. You can i mean, there is everything that we in society say shouldnt exist in Civilized Society that is there. If its not there ask for it and somebody may provide it. You can order false ids, real u. S. Citizen and murder for hire. You can pay somebody to go after a certain person for, you know, 6,000 plus. Reporter just dont ask him to videotape it, this killer has standards and there are teenagers for sale and guns on a 3d printer or delivered to your door and then there are high customers. Amazon of the drug world and you can go through and purchase whatever you would like, cannabis, stimulants. Welcome to the deep web. Its a hidden part of the internet with everything you cant find on google and bing and larger than the worldwide web and easy to navigate and it has an onion router and masked the computers address. You connected to a bunch of machines around the world, the last machine is in sweden. Reporter and bit coin, a Digital Currency experts call untraceable and there has been arrests like this child porn bust in november and the silk road that was shut down and then replaced by silk road 2. 0 and relied heavily on human sources and they say dont blame technology. I can kid name people or rob banks or a car and a car is a car and no one is saying your car is used by criminals, can you stop it. Reporter its no surprise that criminals and pornographers are early adopters and any mine tears seeking a safe haven on the web when the Security Agency tapped into communication of much of the world, the deep web may be fulfilling the worst fears but also the promise of free speech on the internet and al jazeera cambridge, massachusetts. Reporter environmental groups says it has evidence that japanese people are killing whales in a protected area. Its on this video of dead whale in a sanctuary and japan defends the killing of whale as scientific research. India Space Program has taken a leap with the launch of a rocket using cuttingedge technology and two attempts in 2010 failed and we report. Lift off. Reporter the Booster Technology that launched this rocket puts india in the same league as just five other countries and marks a big step forward in its Space Program. But now it joins russia, u. S. And others in the kyro using cooled liquid fuels for thrust to lift heavy satellites into space. The mission was the testing of the india and it performed as required at the expected part of emission. Reporter the Research Organization had been trying to development Rocket Technology since the 1990s and it was denied under pressure of the United States. The latest launch comes on the heels of the mars probe launched last november, that was a major source of pride for indias and put new deli ahead of bejing. It was launched before nasa probe and a fraction of the cost. And precisely that is what concerns other space agencies vying for contracts to carry pay loads into space and the lowcost modal makes the Space Program competitive and save hundreds of millions of dollars by not having to launch the own heavy satellites and it can now charge other countries who which to launch their own, al jazeera. Reporter there is more to come on this news hour, we do a gourmet taste test of a one in the United States and is it as good as the russian. They brave the low freezing conditions for the nfl playoffs. Consider this the news of the day plus so y plus so welcome back. Resent contamination scares in china and new zeeland may help the dairy people increase exports and we report on how it plans to step up to the challenge. Reporter milking the traditional way and millions of indian women are the ones who spear head milk production and began in 1966 with one cow and she now has 15 and she is more than 3 million and 50 million across india. She is part of a cooperative, a system that is growing in popularity among indians for the past 40 years. Translator it takes time to build up a herd like this but with the support im earning enough money to educate my family. My daughter has just come back tomorrow american as a qualified pharmacist. Reporter and milk is low and quality is high and farmers only use what was produced for their own needs, any access will be sold locally. With the cow a commodity and breeding techniques improving and the herds and milk are increasing. Access milk is being collected in milk stations like this, tested and weighed and its compromised. These people are the owners of the cooperative and 80 of cost price to consumer goes back to the farmer. Indias milk production is set to increase by government figures in the next 12 months and india is a possible global provider in resent contamination scares in china and new zeeland and producers are confident they are up to the challenge. I expect next five years and farmers are getting discouraged because of price. And 5 increase in production. By 2020 our milk production should reach to 200. Im really sure. Reporter the strength of the india milk industry is its preferred to organically raise their herds. Advanced mechanism for the collection and processing of milk has made the products safer for consumption in india and abroad and it increased three fold over 30 years and has the capacity to produce milk for its own people and for the export market. So if there is a confirmation crisis elsewhere in the world india could welcome to the rescue. And im with al jazeera. Reporter time for all the exciting sports news, here is robin. Thank you so much. Football legend will be laid to rest later monday. And died of Heart Failure at the age of 71. [cheers] fans gathered in the hundreds as his coffin was delivered to the ground late on sunday. This will be later carried to the stadium of light or around the stadium of light when he goes to a church and the club he played for 15 years and winning the cup and widely recognized as one of the best players of all time. There was applause as a mark of respect for eusebio and they went on to claim the first ever win. The united second defeat at this year and more pressure on manager david moss. Its been a tough start, a tough period, disappointed we have not won more games and played better. But im sure it will change. I know that. Reporter and chelsea two winners and they have stoke and liver pool got revenge since the club that knocked them out last season and this time beat them and the struggles is the west and final. Included in the squad for the spanish game and the whales international is sidelined since last month and he was with teammates last week and no word if he the will start the match as they try to close the gap on leaders barcelona. Translator i still have to makeup my mind and if he will play because he has been training this week and is fine, no problem, but its possible i will wait a bit longer for him to be optimal conditions. Important thing is he is available. He is feeling fine and doesnt have any problem. Reporter and top spot in the league with 40 stamping at the spanish champions and easy day at the office and hat trick for sanchez and one from pedro and ahead of athletico and they played on saturday. And italy had the 8th straight win and with the clubs latest victims and they went in the game unbeaten after 17 minutes and there were one nil down with the gold egg and get the league and two ups and three minutes and a penalty against the club and completing the scoring. Nfl and 49ers clinched a victory in the match up against the Green Bay Packers and had temperatures nudging minus 20 degrees in the wisconsin city of green bay and had scores of 20 over five minutes less and dawson kicked a 33yard field goal to secure 3 point win for the 49ers. And the freezing conditions did not stop 77,000 fans of going to the game and had tailgating before the game complete with hot food and drinks and officials promised free cocoa and coffee. And sundays other game the chargers move in the division after they beat the cincinnati bangles, 2710. This is how the playoffs will look saturday, new orleans will face nfc top team seattle. The Indianapolis Colts clash with the patriots and they take on the San Francisco 49ers and the Denver Broncos and leading to the superbowl on february the 2nd. A 30point for lebron james helped the heat going on to the winning streak in dallas and started the new york nicks against the mavericks and won 9280 leading with two wins for a trip through texas. The ducks moved to the top of the nhl standings after over time victory and the canucks and they levelled 33 and regular time and petty had the 8 winning game goal of the season for the ducks. And in chicago and the blackhawks were beaten and a shoot out where san jose had 32 win and the golfers are back in action for the first action for 2014 and a threeway lead after the tournament of champions in hawaii and simpson had birdies and the back nine is 14 under with johnson and jordan and everything to play for heading in the final round and more on monday. [applause] its the grand slam of the year, the first one is a week away and plays have been continuing their preparations at the sidney international and world number one and yankovich is out and the first big name to exit the event and despite the call they were beaten 6462 by maklokova and problems for lucy who advances to the next round and 6464 winner who is the world 41 these days. More later. Reporter thank you, robin. California is already known for its booming film, tech and Wine Industries but there is a new fish business now bringing in the big bucks and rob reynolds does a taste test. From the outside you would never know they are making a new kind of California Gold in these buildings. But here there is money being made in dozens of huge tanks swarming with stergeon and not likely to win beauty contest but their eggs are the expensive delicacy long consumed by czars, movie stars and lucy bellman, the Quality Control queen of the company. Some people say they dont eat it but i do. Reporter the stergeon propheting from the fall of caspien sea caviar and that changed when the soviet union collapsed. There was rampid poaching and money did not flow back in and the quality of the caviar went down and now they say it is almost extent in the caspian sea. Reporter it takes 812 years for them to mature and grow in the really big guys like these. Sturgeon have been swimming on the earth for 250 million years, that is long before the dinosaurs appeared on the planet and much longer before human gourmets developed a taste for their delectible eggs. How long do they live . Nobody knows how long but 80100 years but some scientists think 4, 500 years or beyond. Reporter and hooked in california a century ago weighed 800 kilograms and about as much as a Volkswagen Beetle and the water must be carefully filtered and painstakingly purified and monitored and each jar of caviar sells for about 300. Here is the big question, how does it taste . That is very good. Reporter caviar lovers, bonapitite. Im from alverta, california. Goodbye for me and the team for now, and goodbye. The pacific eververyday . Join america tonights michael okwu for an exclusive four part series, as we return to fukushima only on Al Jazeera America new lights use low wattage led rights, neither harmful for the trees nor dangerous for the kids that may touch them. Many playoff spots in the n. F. L. Are still to be decided. Mark morgan is here to explain it all. Hey, a lot of anxiety in dallas, wondering what the Dallas Cowboys would do. Tony romeo underwent back surgery. Kyle ortman will start quarterback in the eagles game. Sher een williams of the Fort Worth Star telegram weighs in. That lees this game in the hands of kyle orten, he made 69 starts. Hes 35 and 34. But has not thrown a pass as a starter and only thrown 15 passes over the last two years. It takes the pressure off the cowboys. No doubt about that. They can go in, play loose and the stream is uniquely interactive television. In fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. All these folks are making a whole lot of money. You are one of the voices of this show. I think youve offended everyone with that kathy. Hold on, theres some room to offend people, im here. We have a right to know whats in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. So join the conversation and make it your own. Watch the stream. And join the conversation online ajamstream. An arctic blast of dangerous Winter Weather is gripping much of the nation. The deep freeze is bringing some of the coldest temperatures on record in 20 years. Bitter fighting in iraq as Government Forces battle alqaeda militants for control of several cities. The u. S. Says it will help the Iraqi Government but not put american troops on the ground. Our aim is not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it. Reporter more than 50 years after declaring a war on poverty we will focus on Lyndon Johnsons call to action and getting heated in hawaii over solar power and why there are

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