children in coats learning. - well, you know, we're in the middle of winter here, it'sjanuary. - i don't think it's - an adequate solution. meanwhile, nhs leaders are warning that they're seeing increasing numbers of staff not able to work because of covid, just as they're dealing with what has been a big increase in people being sent to hospital with it. but there is some evidence from those running hospitals in london that things might be improving. so, when i was talking to london chief execs last week, what they were saying is they were seeing some very concerning daily increases of the numbers of people coming into hospital. 9%, 15%, 9% on the 27th, 28th and 29th of december — but interestingly, in the last two days, those numbers have dropped, the increases, to 1% and 2%. but remember, there is a time lag between people being infected and some ending up in hospital, and the government does expect a big increase in people being admitted in the coming weeks. chris mason, bbc news.