it's a super strong anti-inflammatory but it worked like a painkiller. there were times i couldn't practice the whole season, would be in a walking boot or crutches, trying to get in a stadium with a boot on and take a shot of toridol and vicodin, and i would be ready to play. >> so was it the doctors giving you the stuff in the locker room? or who was doling it out? >> the doctors and trainers typically gave out the oral painkillers, and then the doctors gave the shots. >> trainers, without a medical license, just the trainers. >> correct. >> so at any point did anyone say these are serious drugs and can cause you serious problems down the line, you know, take them at your own risk? >> no, and the crazy thing is i had symptoms early on that just went by the way side. and looking back, after i ended up in the icu with the severe symptoms from the kidney problem, i went to a bunch of