immigrant. and then talking about dreams, wolf. now, this is important because this is the same message, very similar message, that he gave to the children in cuba earlier in this visit. so very similar themes here speaking in his native spanish, going off the cuff and just glowing with emotion. wolf. >> you could see how excited the pontiff was and for good reason. rosa, thank you. tens of thousands of people meanwhile they're still waiting for pope francis in new york's central park. he's going to be driving through the park in an open motorcade on the way to mass at madison square garden. our national correspondent jason carroll is on the scene for us over there. jason, he hasn't yet started this motorcade, but it's about to begin. >> right, wolf. you can see the shot there as the pope mobile is set and ready to go. the pope is ready. the question is was the nypd ready for the thousands of people who had went through that lottery system and had tickets