Five american hostages are on their way home, as political backlash is growing on the terms of the deal. Republican president ial candidate Chris Christie is here. Plus a cnn sitdown tonight with Democratic Party powerhouse, gavin newsom on 2024 speculation and the state of his own party. Also a big break just a few moments ago, as the mystery of the missing u. S. Fighter jet. How does an 80 million plane vanish from thin air . Im catkaitlan collins, and this the source. Hostages no more tonight, as Five Americans are on their way back to the United States. They were freed early this morning after being wrongfully detained in iran for years. Three of them were in prison for over five years, and two others have not yet been publicly identified over their own privacy concerns. What led to their release is leading to Harsh Criticism from some republicans tonight because the u. S. Unblocked 6 billion in frozen iranian oil revenue and dismissed charges and released five iranians of their own. The white house says that money can only be used for things like food and medicine. The deal was sealed as President Biden arrived in new york to address the United Nations tomorrow. All of this is coming as another Foreign Policy crisis is looming on capitol hill over ukraine. The president is expected to continue to rally the world to defend ukraine against russia. But in washington, there is a growing divide that is on clear display right now among House Republicans over funding that effort. President zelenskyy also here in new york ahead of his own meeting with Congress Later this week. Lets get to the source with Chris Christie. Governor christie, thank you for being here tonight. Five americans are now on their way home. If you were president , would you have made this deal today . I would not have made the deal, kaitlan, no. The idea that iran would use this money for only humanitarian efforts, let me tell you what humanitarian is in iran, kaitlan. That means they cut your hand off before they kill you. Thats humanitarian in iran. This is one of the most barbaric regimes in the world. They are the biggest exporter of terror in the world. And joe biden has given them now 6 billion to go and make mischief, more mischief, dangerous mischief, around the world. I wouldnt have made this deal. As much as i would have liked those americans to be home, you cannot give 6 billion to a terrorist state. Well, so how would you have handled it . Weve seen this criticism from republicans, but these were americans, they were being wrongfully held, some in an incredibly notorious prison. And former President Trump had this poll so icy of maximum pre on iran. He wasnt able to bring them home. Kaitlan, you do the best you can, you continue to work as hard as you can to get them returned home, but you dont get them returned home to make matters worse. They are now americans are now more of a target for iran than they were before because they took five this time. Maybe theyll take ten next time. And theyll be looking for 12 billion or 15 billion. This never ends. Its a Slippery Slope that you slide down. As a leader, you have to say no to that type of thing. I would not have had a problem exchanging five hostages for five hostages five prisoners, rather. But i would not have given them 6 billion. This empowers that regime to export terror and encourages them to take more americans in order to try to get more money from assets that are frozen because of their own terrorist conduct. If you were elected, this is a challenge you also have to deal with. There are still americans wrongfully detained abroad. Paul whelan as well. Why do you believe you would be better at handling these sensitive and complex issues than some of the people running against you, former president , former Vice President , former ambassador to the United Nations, those who have dealt with those kinds of issues before . Look, first off, the former president has showed himself to be someone who, in this iteration of his political career, cares only about himself and more of his statements today just prove that. He puts himself before he puts any of the American People. So, i think hed be off the list. And lets face it, the former Vice President and the former u. N. Ambassador had no experience doing this as well. I spent seven years as a prosecutor, and in that job, i had to get involved in negotiations with a lot of criminals, a lot of folks who were committing crimes, and trying to resolve those issues using Law Enforcement and using intelligence capabilities. Oouf done that before as the United States attorney in the fifth Largest Office in the entire country. And i think it prepared me very well for the kind of negotiations you would need to be engaged in at this level as president. As i mentioned, president zelenskyy is here. Hell meet with lawmakers in washington later this week amid a Government Funding fight that includes resistance from your partys right flank to continue supporting ukraine. What do you say tonight to republicans, as someone who has visited kyiv yourself, who argue that more money for ukraine isnt needed and theyre willing to shut down the government over it . Well, look, theyre just wrong. And history shows theyre wrong. This is a proxy war with china, kaitlan. Its a proxy war with the chinese. The chinese are funding the russian war against ukraine. Theyre supporting it. Theyve sent their client state, north korea, through kim jongun to meet with putin. These three are committed communist authoritarian dictators. And they want the world to look like what russia, china, and north korea look like. Thats not the way i think the world should work. And if we dont stand up to china now, well be Fighting China in taiwan. And it wont be just sending arms there. It will be sending american men and women there to fight that fight. And that is not something that we should want to do. In fact, by being tough now, we can avoid that in the future. We learned that with aggression. That doesnt seem to be breaking through in your party. Well, look, they have the right to be wrong, kaitlan. But there are many of us who have to stand up and say, no, this is where the president needs to show better leadership. Joe biden has given the ukrainians just enough not to lose. He should have been more aggressive right from the beginning. Now he has a job to do. His job is to convince the majority of the United States house and senate to continue the support for ukraine. The fact is that they are making progress in their counteroffensive and theyd be making even more if we would arm them with f16s earlier, if we had given them tartillery they needed earlier. We didnt do those things. Its naive to believe, as some in the Republican Party believe, that somehow we can negotiate something with vladimir putin. This is a former kgb operative who wants to put back together the old soviet union. He will not be satisfied until thats done. And we need to stand up and say no to that and make that clear to him by our support of ukraine. Im not sure that people like Marjorie Taylor greene are listening to President Biden or will be convinced by his arguments. You mentioned you are a former federal prosecutor. Former President Donald Trump was asked over the weekend whether or not he was listening to lawyers or acting on his own accord when it came to challenging the election results, trying to overturn the election. This is what he said. You called some of your outside lawyers, you said they had crazy theories. Why were you listening to them . Were you listening to them because they were telling you what you want to hear . You know who i listen to . Myself. Were you calling the shots, mr. President , ultimately . As to whether or not i believed it was rigged, sure. Okay, okay. It was my decision. Does that hurt a Legal Defense that he could try to use . Every time he opens his mouth, his lawyers must want to vomit. I mean, this is a guy who is just burying himself deeper and deeper, taking away any potential defense he has onto the charges that have been brought against him. But incredibly, i think for one of the rare times in his life, donald trump is actually telling the truth. I think he was the person who made these decisions. I think he is responsible for his own conduct. And like any adult should be responsible for their own conduct. If i was his defense lawyer, i would want to jump out a window every time this guy gets in front of a microphone or front of a screen to send something out on truth social. Look, this is why we, as republicans, cannot nominate him again. You never know whats going to come out of his mouth next. He gets himself in deeper and deeper trouble. He will be sitting in a courtroom every day for all of march and most of april, while he should be out there fighting joe biden and the democrats to rewin the white house and take control of congress. Thats why im the right person to do this. I will be bringing that fight to them. I wont have to be spending five minutes inside a courtroom. Donald trump will be. When do you think those charges are fair or not and i know theres disagreement with some in our party about that the fact is they are a reality. And his conduct, which he doesnt deny his conduct. Kaitlan, if you dont deny the conduct, then youre in very, very big trouble. And he is in big trouble. And if we nominate him, our party will be in big trouble. We shall see. Former governor Chris Christie, thank you for your time tonight. Thanks for joining me. Kaitlan, as always, thanks for having me. Coming up, one of the longestheld americans in history, his loved ones are celebrating the release of these americans tonight. But for Bob Levinsons family, their, quote, nightmare continues. And theyre still seeking answers. His daughter will join me in just a moment. Plus an exclusive oneonone with California Governor Gavin Newsom on concerns within his Democratic Party of another biden run, 2024 speculation, and much more coming up. Come with the ucard one simple member card that opens doors for what matters. What if we need to see a doctor away from home . We got you with medicarare advantages Largest National provider network. Only from unitedhealthcare. They slept on me for 15 years. Things i collected, pollen, dust, dander. 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Who needs that much more tide . Crashing Sounds everyones gonna need more tide. Its a mess out there. Thats why theres 85 more tide in every power pod. See . Baby ah. Tonight, Five Americans who were wrongfully detained in iran are on a plane and just hours away from landing in washington. Critics of the deal that was made say that, by unlocking 6 billion in iranian royal revenue, amounts to paying a ransom and incentivizing more Hostage Taking in the future. But the white house has been pushing back on that, pointing to new sanctions they say are punishment for the lack of answers they still have regarding another prisoner, bob levinson, who is the longest held hostage in american history. The retired fbi agent disappeared in iran more than 16 years ago and is believed to have died in iranian custody. His daughter, Sarah Levinson joins me now. Its so good to have you here. We met at an event before where there were families of Detained Americans there. I imagine this is a bittersweet day for you. Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me and giving me a chance to talk about my father and the great celebration of success that this deal is for Five Americans coming home today. Yeah, and your dad, 16 years. And i know that part of the sanctions that came out today, they talked about they still want a full accounting from iran. They want questions about your dad. What questions are you still seek sng are you hopeful that the u. S. Is committed to making sure you get those answers . Theyve told me that they are. A lot of Senior Administration officials have told me firsthand that they will not stop until they get us the answers. So, im hopeful. But its just, its very hard with iranians, and i think we need to continue to punishment, find ways to deter them for the future, but let them know that my fathers blood is on their hands and we will not rest until they send him home to us or give us a full accounting from the day that he got there to whatever unfortunately happened to him. And we heard not just from republicans but even human rights advocates who say they have concerns this incentivizing Hostage Taking. You dont seem to have those concerns. I think this Administration Made the difficult decision they had to make to bring Five Americans home, and i think we should be focused on that and celebrating that. And when theyre home on american soil, we need to move to the next step and start deterring and punishing them. And i think the levinson act is the first step toward that. Can you put that in perspective of someone who is a Family Member he is your father for those who are criticizing the deal, what you go through every day when it is your loved one being held wrongfully. I think the best thing i can say is these Five Americans are coming home to their family, where my father was not able to. And every american should be celebrating that right now. Whenever you and i met it was at a Foundation Dinner and you talked about your dad and the memories and what you think of. What are you thinking about him on this day . Im thinking hed be so proud of his family and how we continue to fight for him and for other americans to come home and fight against this injustice thats happening in Hostage Taking and how we wont stop fighting. And he knows that. Until we get him at peace. I know this is a tough day for you. Thank you for coming in to talk about this. Thank you very much. Up ahead, we have an exclusive one on one with a major player in the Democratic Party, California Governor Gavin Newsom. His take on republicans who are trying to potentially impeach President Biden and whether or not he believes the president is too old for a second term. And much more coming up with dana bash. How do i love thee . Let me count the ways. Love can get a little messy. Good thing theres resolve. Love the love. Resolvthe mess. It immediately feels like somebodys poking directly on the nerve. I recommend sensodyne. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. And my patents say you know doc, it really works. Think hairsprays stuck in one dimension . Think again. Flex any style. With hairspray that flexes with you. New tresemme hairspray. the new stuffed quesadillas. Only at El Pollo Loco nice footwork. Man, youre lucky, the watching live sportslas. Never used to be this easy. Now you can stream all your games like its nothing. 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In the creation of this lawsuit, in the production of this lawsuit, i realized how ignorant i was on the issue. Back in the 50s they had fundamental data and information that was not shared with person in people. They knowingly misled people. They deceived people. We didnt take the actions we would have taken. And right now were dealing with the consequences of it. As we convene with the United Nations and climate week in new york city, we broke 10,000 records around the world. The climate is in deep distress. Ask the folks in california, every single one, democrats and republicans, would agree. They may not agree on global warming, climate science, but their own eyes, their lived experience. The oil companies, are you saying for years the government relied on them to supply their own data . No they funded science, they funded research and did not share that information. They lied to people. They lied to people, knowingly lied to people. They suppressed that data, that information. They shared it, they shared it within companies. But baseline information was shared. It is completely analogous to the tobacco companies. In this complaint, in our lawsuit, we lay out dead to rights that they recognize their vulnerability and liability as it relates to their deceit and lies. They began a process of Green Washing and manipulating and lying to the American People. A new cbs news poll shows only onethird of American Voters think that joe biden will stay in office through a second term. I know you are down playing concerns about his age, but do you believe that voters dont have any reason to be concerned that he would be 86 years old by the end of his second term . Voters have every right to be concerned. I remember Bobby Kennedy said it best, the world needs qualities of youth, not a time, but a state of mind. I couldnt imagine 30 years ago that this president could accomplish so much in such a short period of time. I mean that. If this political season is all about a celebrity with all due respect, we had a celebrity for four years. It didnt go well. I want a seasoned pro. I want a guy that produces. The results are in. Its been a master class. Theres no administration in my lifetime thats been more effective producing any substannive results. And we havent even started the campaign. And you think hes going to be able to convince the American People that he has the to handle a second term. Its about bringing the team together. Its not just about one guy or gal on the white horse thats going to save the day for everybody. Its the responsibility of the entire party. One of the things that republicans are relentless on, of course, is hunter biden, the House Republicans are now engaging in impeachment theyre worried about gun crimes, which is remarkable. Im actually but i want to talk about something else, which is i should say, there is no evidence that joe biden directly benefitted from anything hunter biden was doing. You may want to tell the speaker of the house that. Republicans have shown that hunter biden, he tried to leverage his fathers name and that the president allegedly, before he was president , joined phone calls that Hunter Bidens Business Associates were on. Okay. Do you see anything inappropriate there . I dont know enough about the details of that. Ive seen a little of that. If thats the new criteria, there are a lot of folks and a lot of industries, not just in politics, where people have Family Members and relationships and theyre trying to parlay and get a little influence and benefit in that respect. Thats hardly unique. I dont love that any more than you love it or other people i imagine love that. We want to see a lot less of that. But Impeachment Inquiry . Give me a break. This is student government. Student government. Threatening a Government Shutdown again after we went through that process with the debt ceiling. This is student government. This is a joke. Ready, fire, aim. I mean, this is a pureuniversit. Thats about Public Opinion. Should President Biden be out there defending himself, defending the notion of what his son did or didnt do . Because hes been silent about it. With respect, i cant answer that. Thats for the president to answer. I will say this, though, just as trying to be as objective as i can, when you have the department of justice, i would best advise the president not to start meddling. This is what we were criticizing during the trump administration. So, i know you want them to do something, but at the same time we would criticize them for getting too involved. I think hes taking the right approach. Its tough personally for him not to be able to say more, i can imagine. Forget the politics. End of the day, we come and go. Hes a future expresident. I expect that will happen in fiveplus years. At a personal level, this has got to be devastating to him. You and Vice President Kamala Harris go way back. You say you came up in San Francisco before we were in politics. Im sure you saw former speaker, speaker emeritus nancy pelosi, she heaped praise on Kamala Harris but failed to say whether or not he thought the Vice President is the best to be on the tulkticket with joe bide. Do you . Of course she does. Shes the best choice . I think by definition. If i think this administration will last two and a half years, been one of the most outstanding administrations in the last few decades and shes a member of that administration, she gets to claim credit to a lot of that success. The answer is absolutely. Another issue is abortion. You have probably heard more and more republicans, including donald trump, who just over the weekend accused democrats of supporting Abortion Rights up to and after birth. Can you be clear about what does that mean . After birth . Abortion after birth . Its made up. Its political. Its political. Can you be clear on what limits of abortion should be . Its a political thing. People are not seeking abortion at the end of the cycle what is the policy . What should it be . The policy, its not up to donald trump or me. Its up to you, to women, that have to bear that responsibility you uniquely and distinctively. Its a political frame. Its total b. S. And its exactly where they need to go because they know theyve gone too far on the side well, there has to be some kind well, let me talk about your state of california. As you well know, there is a law on the books that preceded you that says you can have an abortion up until viability, which is about 24 weeks. Thats right. Is that something that you support personally . Thats statute in the state of california. That said, it was a constitutional amendment that we placed on the ballot that has some nuance in it. So, thats an area thats being adjudicated in Public Opinion and likely will ultimately be adjudicated in court. So, is it the governments role you said its up to women. So, there should be nothing on the books . This is a false flag. This is where they need to go in order to get out of the mess theyve created because they dont believe in fundamental choice and freedom for women tha. They dont. Period, full stop. And this whole issue is a political issue. With respect, im not surprised donald trump is saying this. This is exactly what youll hear every single one of them say next week down at the reagan library. And at the end of the day, those examples are so extreme, so rare, when you have literally viability issues that are deeply personal and painful. Others have said it more eloquently than i have, after youve picked out the name of the baby and youre forced to make this terrible decision at the end of a term and to exploit that for political purposes offends me. I just want to be clear because people are going to be listening very carefully to what youre saying. You do not believe it is the role of government nationally or State Government to have any limits on the books legally . The state of california has long believed in viability. Ive long believed in viability. We went forward with a constitutional amendment thats created questions that relates to this. My point is no one wants to see late, late term abortions. No one is promoting that. In those rare and extremely rare and personal circumstances, one thing i absolutely believe, donald trump shouldnt be making that decision. I sure as hell should not be making that decision. Thats a decision for the mother, the wouldbe mother, and for her doctor and for whoever member of her family believes its the right thing to do. And beyond that, with all due president are, i call b. S. On this whole debate. It is purely a political canard. And dana bash is here with me now. That was quite he was ready to answer that question on abortion. I just think its so notable, given how what weve heard from donald trump lately, what weve heard from other republicans saying democrats think this on abortion, democrats think this. And he said the whole debate is whatever what was his word . A canard. A canard. Yes. Look, since 2022, we saw what happened. The republicans got caught flat footed when they got what they wanted the year before with roe being overturned. And they didnt have arguments for the General Election for why they thought that their position on abortion was okay. So, what theyve been trying to do ever since is say, but what about the democrats . In fairness, that is a question. What do the democrats want . Because were in a very new world. What do the republicans want . Thats been the debate within the republican primary process. And what do the democrats want when it comes to what clearly is state law . What should the position be . And his answer was, its not up to us. Its not up to the government. Its not up to donald trump. Its not up to me. Its up to doctors, which is something he believes is a very, very popular position, General Election. He said, not only do i not think donald trump should decide, i also dont think i should decide, was the quote that he used. No, it is interesting kind of taking a step back, gavin newsom is governor of california. Hes here in new york. Hes here for the clinton global initiative. Hes pushing issues like climate and others. But he is trying to be as out front as he can to argue for joe biden, for Kamala Harris, in a way so, hes not running for president like some people have speculated. He says hes not. Well give a full answer in the next hour. You have much more of this Interview Airing at 10 00. Cant wait to watch it. Thanks for joining us. Meanwhile, many republicans are struggling to find their own footing on abortion in the postroe world that dana was just referencing. That includes donald trump, who paved the way for roes reversal. Well talk about that more coming up. Ancestrys helped me really understand my familys Immigration Experience and what life must have been like for them. And as i pass it on to my daughter, its an important part of understanding who we are. Fisher Investments its easy to think that all Money Managers are pretty much the same, but at Fisher Investments were clearly different. other Money Manager different how . You sell High Commission investment products, right . Fisher Investments nope. Fisher avoids them. other Money Manager well, you must earn commissions on trades. Fisher Investments never at Fisher Investments. other Money Manager ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. Fisher Investments no. We structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. That might be why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. At Fisher Investments, were clearly different. Moments ago, the president himself touting his experience as rebuttal to those chronic questions about his age. He did this Behind Closed Doors here in new york at a Campaign Fundraiser tonight. This is a quote from the president. This is what he told donors. He said, a lot of people seem focused on my age. Believe me, i know better than anyone. Going on to use his experience as rationale for why he should be reelected. He said, quote, when this nation was flat on its back, i knew what to do. Joining me now, cnn Political Commentator biden taking on his age than weve ever seen him do so before. Do you believe this is a new version of a stump speech because you worked sign id the white house . This is one of those issues everybody is talking about it. Everybody is concerned about it. Democrats are concerned about it. Republicans are concerned about it. The president cant go around it. The only way to get through this is to go through it. So, hes going to have to talk about it. Hes going to have to address it. He tells people, watch what i do, not just what you hear, what i think. Hes been getting the job done, and i think the economy is going in the right direction, inflation is going down, wages are going up, things are going in the right direction. The quote about being flat on its back, hes referring to ukraine and saying if trump is reelected hes going to cozy up to putin, that democracy will be at risk. Do you think thats a difficult argument for republicans to respond to . I dont think republicans have to respond at all to the arguments about joe biden and experience and age because the American People have already decided what they think about this. I mean, youve got massive majorities and majorities of democrats who believe hes not up to the job today, let alone with the capacity to make it through a second term. He must have seen a clip wait a minute, wait a minute, you said masses of democrats think hes not up to the job. Majority thats not true. They might be concerned about his age. That doesnt mean hes not up to the job. Majority of democrats believe hes too old and dont want him to run again. They like the job hes doing. Tonight he goes into a fundraiser. He must have read what was in the Washington Post tonight, again, a newspaper which seems to have turned on the biden presidency. Theyve got a whole story tonight about democrats all over the country being upset with the Biden Reelection Campaign right now. One democrat County Chairman in ohio said, well, you know, hes getting to the stage of life where people die. It was quite a story. And i think he must be sp responding to this because its reaching the upper reaches of the Democratic Party. By the way, trump is three years younger than the president. There is a moment where trump said, watch out or world war ii is going to happen. Of course it has already happened. I want to talk about something else, scott, that trump said because this is an important issue for republican voters. Trump is someone who appointed three Supreme Court justices. They played a key role in overturning roe v. Wade. Hes now criticizing his party on its messaging on abortion. He said he could negotiate a deal with democrats and republicans and said that Florida Governor ron desantis six week ban is, quote, a terrible mistake. And tonight, the Florida Governor pushed back. Any time he did a deal with democrats, whether it was on b budget, whether it was on the Criminal Justice or step act, they ended up taking him to the cleaners. Hes going to make the democrats happy with respect to right to life. I think all prolifers should know hes preparing to sell you out. Thats quite a warning. Yeah. Well, it strikes me, trump has come to the conclusion the primary is over that he can take all these republican votes in iowa, particularly, for granted by saying what he said about abortion over the weekend. And hes going to skip the next debate and instead go talk to these Union Members who voted for biden 5740 in the last election. He thinks its over and he thinks theres nothing that any of these campaigns can do about it. Can ron desantis and anybody else convince these prolifers that this man is transactional. He does not really share your values, and he sell you out if he thinks it is good for him in that moment. I am dubious. I thi. They dont care what his position on abortion is . They havent cared about his position on a lot of things. But well see. If you are truly a person with pro life values, was egregious and wrong and not conservative. He never answers the question himself. Hes criticizing republicans who dont say where they stand. This is what trump said to me when i tried to pin him down on this question. I just want to give you one more chance because you did not answer whether or not you would sign a federal abortion ban or how many weeks into pregnancy you believe abortion should be banned. Ive given you the answer probably four times already. Which one is it . Im looking at a solution thats going to work. Im looking at a solution thats going to work . What do General Election voters think of an answer like this . This Atlantic City casino voter is becoming the worst politician. On one hand he wants to Unpunish Women for having abortions. He said even if you have a 15 week abortion, thats still a federal ban. Lets remember, hes the one that appointed the three judges that got rid of roe v. Wade. The cartoon of the little boy sitting in the room and dad walks in and the room is a mess, and the little boy says, lets not get into the blame game. Donald trump has made a mess of everything, the economy, the response to the pandemic, and whether or not women get to make decisions without the federal government and men having their say in it. This Abortion Question is a mess of his own making in terms of what he said over the weekend. Hes the one who appointed these three Supreme Court justices, which people are ignoring. As it relates to the economy and other issues you brought up, its simply not what the polling says. If you ask people, who do they trust on this these other matters, its donald trump over joe biden right now. And its not that close on the economy or other issues. Not the people we usually see vote in the election. What weve seen in the last few elections that have come out since 2022, democrats won the senate, democrats almost held the house, democrats had an Abortion Bill on the ballot, in kansas, michigan. So, democrats have a track record here. And now weve had Spefcial Special Elections in which the democrats have overperformed. Weve set a track record of democrats doing better when donald trump is the issue in elections. Well leave it there but this does seem to be a new stump speech for President Biden. Well see if its one hes using on the road. Thank you both for being here tonight. Also tonight, a special story for you. He won a super bowl, and then he went to prison for 14 years. This is an alum from my alma mater, the University Of Alabama, how hes not only turned his life around. Hes remarkably changing his lives in his community. Well tell you more about sherwinwilliams next. With your hearing, if you start having a little trouble, youre concerned that its going to cost you money. To this day i only paid what i had to pay for the device. When i go back everything is covered. Theres so much youre missingg by not having hearing aidsds. Well find you a hearing aid that fits your lifestyle and budget. 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Tough, rough, but it builds character. I just wanted to try and just make it, survive, and get out. I won the State Championship right here in the stadium. You had a ton of records that you broke. 3000 yards . In a single season. Football is everything in the south, especially in alabama, especially in small towns like the one where i grew up and the one where sherman grew up in pritchard. And its something the entire community bases itself around. When he signed that scholarship to come to the University Of Alabama, he became a football legend. It must bring back a lot of legends to be here. Oh yeah, championships, tradition, and everything that comes along with Alabama Football. Way down the middle, touchdown. When you did that damage, you also had a dance you did. The Sherman Shake was signature. Down, set, hut [laughter] youve got the shake and then youve got the quake to go with it. When were you drafted . 1995, in her field draft, drafted 46th overall pick for the Dallas Cowboys in the second round. And went oh my rookie year to win a super bowl. He was at the top of the world, and then he got cut from the team. And thats when he got into trouble. Why were you arrested . Distribution of conspiracy of marijuana. And what was your sentence . My overall sentence was 15 years and eight months. While you are incarcerated, your mom passed away. That was probably the most damaging thing about being incarcerated. It was also part of the motivation to move forward and be a part of the change. Sherman williams was still serving his Prison Sentence when he had this idea for what eventually became the Palmer Williams group. And the other with david palmer, who had played football with, they wanted to start something that would reach disadvantaged youth. When i was released from prison, it wasnt about williamson it wasnt a measuring stick anymore. It was about how many people can you help. Are you already for some football . Yeah set, lets go get a, go get them, go get them. Fun kids, scholarships, so its so much more than a sport youre seeing every day. See all monday. I do have little siblings. Im going to be a good role model to them. Know how to do that. Football was our initial sport. But now, we have basketball, baseball, soccer, nature program. We want to make sure we was able to provide that resource to the children at no cost, because that was something that we didnt have the opportunity to do as children. And its blossom even beyond sports. But its also about financial literacy, scholarship, entrepreneur ship. To see yourself in those kids ever . All the time. If we can prevent some of those children from going through similar situations as myself. After you were released from prison, you came back here to finish your degree. Sherman c williams senior. We try to motivate children to go to college. And what better example than for me to have a College Degree . I think that the polar Williams Group is more dear to me now and then when the super bowl winning the super bowl. That is going to be the most significant purpose in my existence. It was so special to go home to alabama, To Tuscaloosa and pritchard, where sherman is from, to talk to him, to talk to his family about his story, to see how he is now pouring back into his community to get what he hoped he had had growing up. I want to thank his sister, canada, for having the grace to let us into her home to shoot part of that. Also his former teammate for speaking to us about the change he saw in his friend. The University Of Alabama as well for letting us shoot that interview. And just to sherman, for sharing that story and for being so open with us. Be sure to tune in. There are more these stories saturday pm eastern, the champions for change one hour special be airing right here on cnn. Up next tonight, a story that just kind of amazed everyone. A u. S. Fighter jet so stealth it vanished in midair. The pentagon wants Crowdsourcing Help to find it. Now, theres been a big break. Lysol is supporting schools by providing materials to teach healthy habits. So they can kill 99. 9 of viruses and bacteria. Keeping kids together, here, at places like the lunch table. Where they can share who they truly are. [boy] Chicken Nugget man. Because when kids are together, they thrive. Lysol. Here for healthy schools. Cmon, were right there. Cmon baby. Its the only we need. Go, go, go, go ah Touchdown Baby touchdown are your neighbors watching the same game . Yeah, my 5g Home Internet delays the game a bit. But you get used to it. Try these. Theyre noise cancelling earmuffs. I stole them from an airport. Its always something with you, man. Great solid greek salad . Exactly dont delay the game with verizon or tmobile 5g Home Internet. Catch it on the xfinity 10g network. My cholesterol is borderline. So i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. And its odor free. Im taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. One of the most sophisticated fighter jets on the planet is in a trail of wreckage outside of a small town in South Carolina tonight. After more than 24 hours where the pentagon could not find their f35. This jet cost almost 80 million in taxpayer money. But at one point, the pentagon made an unusual plea, asking the public for help locating it, with a phone number to call if you saw it. Congresswoman nancy mace from South Carolina summed it up when she asked how the hell do you lose an f35 . The pilot did eject over South Carolina and is doing okay. Of course, a lot of questions still remain tonight about this entire incident. Thank you so much for joining us. Cnn prime time with pamela

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