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Transgender military ban for nono now. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. We begin with breaking news in our politics. Cnn learned Robert Mueller inquired about the Trump Campaign close relationship with the National Rifle association and how he came to speak at the annual conference in 2015, two months before he declared his candidacy. A Russian National pleaded guilty to conspiracy admitting to infiltrate gop circles. Cnn joins me now live to break the story. How does the nra fit into the Mueller Investigation . Look, we knew that the nra had been under scrutiny from some lawmakers. It is the first time we are getting any indications wanting to better understand the nature of the relationship between the Trump Campaign and National Rifle association. For the first time a special council with the National Rifle association during the 2016 election. Part of his appeal was that this guy was going to win at all cost. Sam, a former Trump Campaign aid telling when i was interviewed i was asked about the Trump Campaign and our dealings with the nra. Great honor to be here. I love the nra. It is the first indication mueller has been to the powerful Gun Rights Group and was still asking questions about it as recently as a month ago cnn has learned. While the nra hasnt been accused of any wrong doing it has been under scrutiny for massive support of trump in 2016. Very important for any freedom. He is of course run by it. One russian, maria. She pleaded guilty to engaging in a experience against the u. S. As part of her deal to influence u. S. Relations with russia. She worked at the behest of a former russian banker and lifetime nra member who was sanctioned last year. Years prior she managed to ask about his views on russia at a political event. If you are elected as president what will be your foreign politics in the relationships with my country . I believe i would get along very nicely with putin. He still became a darling of the nra. The Gun Rights Group shelled out more than 30 million to boost trump in 2016 according to the center for responsive politics. To get the endorsement is a fantastic honor. Muellers investigators were interested in how trump and early operatives first formed a relationship and how trump wound up speaking at the annual meeting just months before announcing his president ial bid. Trump was helped along by his son, donald trump jr. He played a role in building ties to the nra. They love the nra more than anyone they know. Great to be here. These are our people. These are the things we do. We dont know how far the special council is digging into this relationship. A spokesman declined to comment. The nra did not to. When President Trump received this list they did not ask the president about his ties to the nra. All right. Thank you so much. It is not surprising that the nra would get behind the republican nominee but they got behind donald trump very early. He used to support gun control. He supported the assault weapons ban. It is my impression they are a lot more skeptical that find religion on the road. Like they would normally be cautious. They went all in for donald trump. I asked oliver north about this in october. They were very they were very yeah, they might have happened and might have somehowed up but completely hands off. Now we know. We actual lly know it was. They are concerned about the funds. There were accusations of maybe 30 million is a huge funnel for money. It remains to be seen. Nra hasnt been doing well financially over the last several years. They havent been doing well in terms of membership as well. It could cat liez into membership members and real growth for the organization. We know about the reporting to date. It is big news that mueller is looking into this. Former russian central banker sought to build this bridge between russia and the nra as a means to influence american politics. The fact that north is running nra indicates a need to clean house. You have this conservative organization that during the cold war was really, you know, anti soviet. All of a sudden finding himself in situations where they may have been influence in american politics. It is astounding. This is a real elevation of what the reporters and the senate intel have been looking into. It is remarkable. 2015 donald trump is in i think nevada doing a town hall of some sort and maria asks him a question. It is july 2015. Lets roll that again. If you are elected as president what would be your foreign politics in relationship with my country . I believe i would get along very nicely with putin. I mean where we have the strength. I dont think you need the sanctions. I think we would get along very very well. I really believe that. Im guessing that you dont think thats a coincidence. I dont think it is a coincidence. We have a lot of different roads that lead us to that point. I think part of the challenge thats going to come out of this is you do have a Republican Party thats very closely tie today the nra. How are they supposed to from their perch take a look at this without expressing some type of conflict of interest. And what do you make of all of this . It is the latest shoe to drop. We dont know what mueller has. Right. You had that. I think its important to remember that the nra endorsed donald trump. They did so well after he was the front runner. So its not as if they were sort of coming out of the box saying this is our guy. Its a political organization. Of course. Wait for the winner. Right. Thats it. The nra has had this question looming over this for well over a year now. They said we only took x amount of money from russian interests. It is a question by itself. It certainly is the case that russians or at least himself saw this to the Trump Campaign. There were multiple ways in which he leveraged people to try to get a meeting with them, ended up in another weird coincidence, sitting at a table in kentucky which is this whole other question that mueller is looking at. There are part of the issue here that we all sort of confront is there is so many smoking guns but we dont know where bullets have been fire order what they have hit. Right. Extending the metaphor. Right. I would add to that that if you care about american democracy and you care about the possible infiltration of our elections this is a reminder there are many ways for this to be infiltrated. We have not figured out how to confront them going into 2020. And oversight during the republican control of the house was not lets be nice and say it was not everything it could have been. Apparently all of the damage may be healed. It cant be under estimated. It is great they lead them in a different direction. They did not apply basic standards of scrutiny in a clear and present situation where foreign power tried to influence and tried to act like it didnt exist over and over again. They planned to ease sanctions on companies owned by russian and could in fact benefit him by providing debt relief and allowing him to maintain significant ownership. The republicans did not allow it to go forward. Its a weird issue. They are clearly aware of the fact that they did a particularly touchy subject. It hired him and given him tons of money for his work in ukraine and other places and manafort has reached out through this guy that has ties to russian intelligence. All right. Everyone stick around, what the president s lawyer should jude ann giuliani be worried . Not only are fbi agents not getting a paycheck, now word it could be costing valuable information about terrorists. Stay with us. Remember when we all used to go to the cafeteria and just chow down midday . You mean, like, lunch . Come on. Voted most likely to help people save 668 when they switch. At this school . Didnt you get caught in the laminating machine . Ha. [ sighs ] box, have a great summer. Danielle. Ooh. Danielle, control yourself. Id like to slow it down here with a special discount for a special girl. Danielle, this ones for you. clapping every day, visionaries are creating the future. so, every day, we put our latest technology and vast expertise to work. the United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, affordably and ontime. ringing the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. The future only happens if your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. We know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace lookin better than a body has a right to and shakin me up so applebees all you can eat is back. Now with shrimp. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Rc the latest clarification tour. President trumps attorney has caused massive con fiegs about whether he talked with cohen and how long did trump discuss the trump tower moscow project during the 2016 election . He talked to giuliani today about all of this. Whats the latest on this in terms of what he is saying and is President Trump peeved at all of the chaos . I asked him pointblank. He said no. He just wants it clarified. He understands how these things happen. It happens to him all of the time. I did ask giuliani if he has any sense that he will ask giuliani to take a break for a while maybe because of the confusion resulting from interviews like the one he did with you on sunday. Giuliani said i dont think so. He noted they dont seem confused. It leads to an important point is whether muellers team will come back and ask for formal clarification on the president s answer under oath about when he talked to cohen about the trump moscow project. Giuliani told me although they made it clear this one they would make an exception. They said if mueller does ask that question the answer is really simple. The answer is we dont know. We dont remember. That clears that up. In the new yorker article in which giuliani was interviewed he was asked about whether he is worried about the fact that he might not always be truthful about it. He said im afraid it will be on my gravestone. You asked him about this. That seemed an odd statement. What did he mean by that . He said he was joking around about the gravestone quote in general. He said wait people are suggesting you lie for the president. He said i am not lying for the president. The reason i said that is everybody is concerned with legacy. I cant figure out why because you dont get a chance to whatever you coin life you dont get a way to shape the way people see it later so do what you think is right. Giuliani told me the minute he agreed to do this he knew half the country would be angry at him but he said he thinks that the president is being unfairly treated. He said they have been friends for 30 years. He is the only one that would go out after that access hollywood tape. Yes. Chris christie wouldnt go but there was his honor. Thank you so much. Thank you. Lets talk about this. I want to start with you. You used to work for giuliani. Yes. You both did. Can i Say Something that the super polished and lovely and then i will Say Something else. Mr. Polished go first. We didnt get married if it wasnt for giuliani. We met on we met on his president ial campaign. Look, rudy always had a streak of fatalism. There is no question this chapter has diminished his legacy. It is of representing donald trump. He has done it to represent his client aggressively in the court of public opinion. Really in contrast the mayor who believed the laws about the truth. Its not how donald trump plays ball. He tried to defend his client. The problem is loyalty is a oneway streak. If you think about the gap and stature between the two when he was major, the work he did here, donald trump was a multibankrupt reality tv star it really does have a tragic turn. I hope that his career will be judged in his totality. I think it will. I think that one quote in the new yorker and how it doesnt matter about his legacy because it is truly, what we observed over the last decade is that giuliani, remember when he was mayor . He is a lover of opera. S many people concerned about his legacy who are part of some of the earlier chapters of his life, my husband among them. The parts of his career that are absolutely worth remembering and reflecting on and in some cases imemulating for a Republican Party. Instead rudy decided he doesnt care. He wants theagelation and spotlight now. The first clip is when i was talking about how long he was discussing the trump tower moscow project during the campaign because on i have i dont sayly i dont think and most dont think he was honest or straightforward about that. Lets play that. In his written answers President Trumps written answers to Robert Muellers question what is did President Trump have to say . He knowledged they had conversations. Through 2015 2016. He answered those questions fully and to the satisfaction of special counsel. So he didnt say anything to me when i tried to pin him down now he saying they dont remember. This is a goal post that continues to move. I understand why we are very focused on the legality of this. The backdrop of that is a bigger question which is the person that is now president of the United States when asked about this, the peak of his ptd shl Campaign Said i have nothing to do with russia. I have no connection to russia. Even if you separate out the legal questions from this there is a question of whether or not he mislead the American Public at the time they were making a fundamental decision about who will lead this country. And by not being honest, a, the russians had something on him at the time in addition to the fact that he wasnt being honest and that in itself was being compromised. Yes. Right. This is one of many things. If you go back and look at the things that the American Public didnt know. He knew he reached out through the nra. He knew there was a hacking. He knew there was a social media effort. He knew Michael Cohen talked for an extended period of time and there is some followup. He knew all of these things. These are all things that as we judge how donald trump responded in the months since, it is important to remember putin knew all of these things that the American Public did not. Yeah. It show it is gap. All we knew was that donald trump, the republican nominee, the one human being on earth he would not say a bad word about was putedness in. Thats peculiar but why . All of a sudden we are getting all of these incites into why it may be the case. The gap between what the American People knew and what he knew is stark. I think its important. And i have to say it doesnt excuse anything. The fact that he thought maybe he was going to have a big deal it could be that simple. It is a more innocent explanation. But thats actually something that we know about the president. This is a man whose experience was just business. All right. Everyone stick around. We have more to talk about. New today the white house says President Trump plans to give his state of the Union Address whether it is in front of a joint session of congress or maybe in front of a lot of red hats somewhere . Stay with us. I am not for colds. 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The president taunting democrats and promising not to back down tweeting without a wall our country can never have border or national security. The dems now this, must finally be done correctly, no cave. Trump still plans to deliver a state of the union next week the white house says even though House Speaker nancy pelosi asked him to postpone it. She did that without any input from national security. In fact she even said this secret service couldnt protect the speech which is absolutely ridiculous. The president of the United States. Dwl to make their point asking the sergeant in arms to conduct a walk through for the peach. That request was rejected. Officials say trump speech writers are still focusing on his remarks and including a campai Campaign Style rally or a speech in the Republican Controlled Senate chamber which could be complicated by democrats. Both sides are still far apart on stopping the shutdown with neither with plan to end the shutdown expected to succeed this week. And the text that the president s proposal released last night includes sad vadvoca they are calling poison pills. It is granting what he has already taken away. That Daca Recipients had their protection. The president took it away and is saying ill give you this back temporarily if you give me a wall permanently. It would force Central American children to seek asylum in their own country. Those attempting to seek asylum would be sent back to the countries they fled. There are some late until evening developments happening in the senate. We have learned according to my colleagues on capitol hill that mcconnell will allow on vote on thursday, one has President Trumps 5. 7 for wall and the rest of the provisions he announced on saturday and the other that is a house passed democratic bill that reopens the government for a short period of time until february but does not fund the wall. Jake, neither of these is expected to pass. They both would need 60 votes in order to do so. While it is a Small Development it does not signal we are any closer to ending the shutdown. Thanks. Let me start with you. Is there any chance that democrats could pick up 13 republican votes for their bill to open the government or republicans could pick up seven democrats to pick up theirs . At some point someone will have to pick up some republicans are willing to stand with him. Saying if some how they lose control of the caucus. They have shown no indication that they plan to get the republicans the vote they want here. This shutdown was precipitated by donald trump suddenly changing his mind saying i want to make the fight over the wall at this point. Right. The senate had passed that. He had repeatedly passed as a pretty smart political move. That said if donald trump were to change his mind and say to heck with it well push it down the line or come up with Something Else then the shutdown could end. It was to deep the shutdown going that is eroding for his presidency. And one of the things we had talked about is the president could corner pelosi if he said open the government but ill give you protection for dreamers. Yes. The president didnt offer permanent. He offered temporary. You find out they slipped in this thing that seems to have come from the mind of steven miller. It limits to the United States. Yeah. Especially from Central America and limits the number of applications and number of people that would be accepted. All of this is important to understand that is happening against the backdrop of the Supreme Court deciding not to take up the daca repeal. For the longest time he said he was going to take the case. He was confident they were going to rule in his favor overwhelmingly and once they did that he would have the leverage he needed in order to do some type of daca wall deal. That dissipated. It is no longer an option which puts him in a much more difficult place. What does it mean they have no. Not indefinitely. The chances are that the court will revisit this and think about taking it up in the fall which by the way means that a decision would come down in spring of 2020. In terms of this piece of legislation it is not a good faith effort. It is not effort really a starting point when you put those poison pilled in it. What do you think the president will do say assuming he doesnt let him do the state of union. Do you think he will do it in the senate . This what do you think . If i had to guess, if i were a betting woman i would bet he does somewhere in the heart land. I would not put it past the president of the United States. He does things differently. He wants to be his own person. To heck with congress and not working with him anyway. I mean the way through frankly is both sides to go big, right . Go back to your 25 billion for the wall and then go back to full protections for Daca Recipients. Thats not a great deal. That is the january deal. It is going back to the deal he could have had in a fit the first time. If he reverts to a letter to congress and this is right now. It will be unprecedented for a president simply because he needs the energy from the crowd to deliver a big speech. I would not put anything past him. The fact that we are 32 days in. He wrote a book called crippled america. He just made a half step towards recognizing the reality of congress and once again seems to be reducing nonwhite immigration. You talked about the president trying to rally conservatives issue and other cultural stories. They are blaming for the Government Shutdown. One voter said i was doing fine up until the Government Shutdown. Youre not getting the wall built for 5 billion. It is starting to turn people like me away. It could ultimately hurt people. Yes. His disapproval was 65 . He has seen a sharp spike. It helps corporations. I would not be surprised. In part to try to reverse that. Everyone stick around. President trump saying the shutdown is about keeping america safe. Fbi agents saying it is hampering the ability to hunt for terrorists, stay with us. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. The wall money he insists is needed to protect the American People but there are also Serious National Security implications for the shutdown as it enters the second month. Today the fbi Agent Association said it cannot pay confidential informants chl informants. We are live in washington. One of these terror groups they mentioned is one of the president s favorite boogie men. The president repeatedly targets the group in his rallies and tweets. Reporter exactly. Ms13 Gang Violence has been a talking subject of the president. They say they no longer have the funds to keep these investigatio investigations going. It was put forward by the fbi Agent Association. They all remain anonymous. One says they can no longer pay the translator for this investigation. Another agent saying their human sources are going a way because they cant pay them anymore. One saying they are lost several of these sources over the past few months trying to penetrate the terrorist groups. We have talked about how it effected fbi a gents and now they say it is impacting the operations. Thats astounding. We also heard from some of the agents details, very personal details about how the shutdown is effecting their families. Reporter yeah. Interestingly come friday if this shutdown isnt resolved these agents and Staff Members will be getting a double whammy. The second one they will have missed but we heard from the Fbi Agents Association that they will be losing their dental and their vision benefits. Medical benefits will stay but the other two they will no longer have. The agents are saying how it is effecting them professionally. There is one agent who detailed here. Let me read this for you. This agent saying i always prided myself on being able to pay them on time and in full. The fact that i can no long doer that is humiliating and degrading. The thing is i am still working as hard as i ever have in my job as an fbi agent. These agents are still going to work every day fighting crime but they are not seeing a dime for it. The fbi so far today declining to comment. President trump, whatever you think about him in terms of his personal quality, i think its fair to say he is not the most compassionate man. Lets focus on what this shutdown is doing to national security. One is working on a three year investigation describes some of the problems we are facing right now. Take a listen. Since the shutdown i have not had a spanish speaker in the division. We have several Spanish Speaking informants. We are only able to communicate using a three way call with a linguist in another division. And, you know, it is going after ms13. This entire thing is predicated on a lie which is we have shutdown the government over a wall thats supposed to keep us safe because theres an imaginary threat. We all know drugs are not coming. They are through places where lack of a wall is the issue. The people who are coming over the border, they are nonviolent. So you have predicated this entire thing on protecting the safety of the American People when in reality the fact that we have now hit this means we are less safe. What i will say is it is time for the government to reopen. I dont think we are there. In this report another ajenlt wrote as a joint Terrorism Task force the inability to pay confidential human sources has had an effect on the terrorism investigations. We is lost several who worked for months and years to penetrate groups and target subjects. This is making us less safe even if one thinks that we need a wall. Even if one thinks a wall in some places could be good this shutdown is making us right now less safe. A wall wouldnt appear for several years. I think it is important to remember that the one thing that donald trump had said repeatedly that was shown repeatedly was to say we needed the wall to stop terrorists. He said for weeks and weeks the wall was necessary. There were five terrorists a day and it was shown to be a misrepresentation and all ports of entry. Donald trump has repeatedly since he made his Campaign Announcement including at the Convention Speech highlighted the focus on danger, the threat to the United States, the threat from terrorism. And to your point while he tried to make that case for the wall and terrorism it was shown not to be true he has let this slide. Go ahead. It is not just incompetence in governing that we are seeing. If god forbid there is a real crisis in the United States, because we were not fully staffed that sets its own cascade. We are dangerously, we are doing something incredibly dangerous. We are compromising the very security that he has predicated the campaign on. It is astounding at this point. People should be outraged. Not just the federal workers in danger of losing another paycheck. The other group of federal workers that have to do with antiterrorism measures is the department of homeland security, right . They will be going on their second paycheck and they are critical. It is when tsa workers stop going up to work. When they were crippled those republican governors especially reagan nationals will start slipping away. And we have this coming up. Ill see what the transportation is like going in and out of atlanta. The Supreme Court giving the green light for the ban on transgender members to go forward for now. What happened to the Campaign Promise he would protect the Lgbt Community . Stay with us. El, like i feel baby then come on, oh come on lets get it on applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. When i came across carson, he just looked like hed been through the meat grinder. It was raining pretty hard. I could hear people inside the vehicle screaming. fr 3 he was bloody, and we had to pretty much rip the car open and pull him out. Head trauma, broken limbs. Just thought, i dont think this guy is probably going to make it. 911 operator 911, whats your emergency . news anchor this is a violent tornado. My roommate, he saw me laying face down on the ground, and he thought i was dead. I cracked the windshield. Ripped my face wide open. In my mind i was thinking, im going to have to bury my child. If they would have arrived, even just a hair later than they did, i wouldnt be playing football because i wouldnt be here today. Just a true miracle to be alive. Its easy to move forward when youre ready for what comes next. At fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. And on the way, youll get timely investment help to keep you on the right track, without the unnecessary fees you might expect from so many financial firms. Because when you have a partner who gives you clarity at every step, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Who gives you clarity at every step, we know that when youre spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why we show you exactly when well be there. Saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace the conservative majority rule that had would not stand on transgender joining the military for now. You might recall allies of then candidate donald trump. She posted a video showing her walking into a womens room at trump tower. So two year sboos the Trump Presidency seeking hostility how are those allies explaining today what the president is doing . The president even used the term lgbtq. I guess actions speak louder than those five letters. Yeah. This was the issue we wanted to look into today. Donald trump was quick to promise piz advocacy for the Lgbtq Community. I will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens, believe me. A handful of high profile members of that community tried to assure their peers trump would be in their corner including the current am bbassar to germany who is the first ambassador to identify as a gay man and one of his strongest supporters. A u. S. Spokesman had been appointed by president george w. Bush and worked for mitt romney. In 2016 he voiced unqualified support tweeting donald trump is the best the Lgbtq Community has ever seen. Reality star Caitlyn Jenner saying he backed the Lgbtq Community about transgender people using public restrooms. Peter teal even spoke at the Republican National convention in support of trump. Tonight i urge all of my fellow americans to stand up and vote for donald trump. Has President Trump made good on his promises . Today after months of legal debate sparked by president ial tweets in 2017 the Supreme Court will allow the ban on transgender people serving in the military to take effect pending outcoming from lower courts. According to the National Center for transgentder equality thousands are serving. It is unclear how many will be effected by todays ruling. I know this ban causes a huge amount of pain both to the military and to the transcommunity. I know that we can do better. She is the executive director, the largest Republican Organization to represent the interests of lgbtq conservatives. They did not endorse in the 2016 election. In october the New York Times reported the administration was considering a proposal to narrowly define sex under title nine as being determined by one at birth. Not to mention a denial of the immerging medical consensus. They reported the Trump Administration pressured the federally funded Youth Organization to withdraw a new policy to lbgtq members will lead to the firing of its member. It is one thing to carry a flag and another thing to advocate for policies and enact policies that benefit a community. I would love to see him take a few steps and work with a group like ours. While log cabin republicans think theres room to advocate and negotiate more liberal groups see a bleaker picture when it comes to the Trump Administration and lgbtq rights. Donald trump went to officer and looked across government and day in and day out asked the question what can we codo to undermine and marginalize people across this country . Since President Trump took office some of his most prominent lgbtq backers have recended their support. They privately called it incompetent. Caitlyn jenner writing an oped that read in part believing i could work to support our community was a mistake. When it comes to actions they like the executive director said they were happy to see him become an ambassador. She pointed to the administrations decision to keep an obama executive order in place that protects employees working for federal contractors. That is something the group lobbied the administration to do. Still a lot of disappointment. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Be sure to tune in on monday night. Ill be moderating a live town hall with kamala harris. That is 10 00 p. M. Eastern on monday. You can follow me on facebook and twitter. Thanks so much for watching. Happening now, mueller and the nra. Ties to the National Rifle association during the 2016 campaign. Whats the connection . State of confusion. The white house says et is plan to go go ahead with the state of the Union Address despite the Government Shutdown as democrats and republicans offer dualing and likely doomed measures to reopen the government. With apologies as they hit the campaign trail democratic president ial candidates are starting off

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