Transcripts For DW Business 20200212

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speech cholera prevention and sustainable charcoal production. all of the sos are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. current fighters tune in no. mood. deserted streets international travel at a standstill companies closed for business the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the global economy so why are our investors in a good mood we'll go to wall street to find out it's. also coming up 15 fison jobs are on the line as german car giant timeframes of worst performance any decade c.e.o. at colonial house what it takes to try the company's fortunes or for. right. this is the business i pay ferguson welcome we begin in china where authorities are stepping up attempts to protect the economy from the worst effects of the coronavirus tens of billions of dollars worth of stimulus have been announced and cities like shanghai have cut lending rates businesses are snapping up the cheap credit suggesting they need all the help they can get. cities are virtually deserted shops closed transport links at a minimum customers are nowhere to be seen with the economic activity at a standstill across the country many businesses are now seeking billions in loans to keep them afloat. banking sources in beijing of told reuters that around $300.00 chinese companies have sought loans totaling more than $8000000000.00 u.s. dollars to try and soften the impact the crisis comes at a time when the chinese economy is in the middle of a difficult period of transition the government has already pumped more than $200000000000.00 into the country's financial system to avoid volatility and yet there was optimism on the global financial markets after a top chinese health advisor suggested the epidemic would soon peak and could be over by april and the statement on chinese state television. according to our mathematical modeling the epidemic will reach its peak in the south after the middle of february or in the 2nd half of february although. still the situation is one of contrast as the death toll climbs above 1000 and the optimism is simply not reflected by the reality on the ground a report published on tuesday by a senior member of a chinese government think tank say's the outbreak could take at least one percentage point off china's entire g.d.p. for 2020 more bad news for china which will inevitably impact the health of the global economy. now earlier the chairman of the u.s. federal reserve powell presented his monetary policy report to congress this on a day when stocks were hissing new highs despite fears of the coronavirus i asked our financial correspondent yes caught on wall street whether the fed was even paying attention to the outbreak. yeah there do think about the coronavirus and their absolving the very closely and i guess that is probably the main reason why the markets are still so upbeat because the federal reserve basically is hinting if the situation gets worse if it takes longer before the coronavirus is being dealt with the federal reserve actually could cut interest rates in other time and it's not just the federal reserve but also the people's bank of china reacting so it's all this cheap money flooding the markets that is keeping the rally on wall street to life and scott on wall street's thanks so much and it seems no event is a new to the effects of the outbreak the singapore air show is the biggest gathering of its kind in asia its last edition 2 years ago attracted more than assizes companies this year though the numbers are down. flying in the face of adversity these chinese fighter jets did make it to the singapore airshow this week plenty more didn't. buy any ill aerospace event opened on shoes day but the deadly corona virus outbreak has seriously clipped its wings singapore is a long way from china but it has reported 45 cases so far. as a result over 70 exhibitors including major players such as military aircraft maker lockheed martin and the canadian plan maker bombardier have skipped the event. at least 10 chinese companies are also not here to travel ban on those coming from the country imposed by singapore. well i notice that there were difficulties with the church this morning i think some people didn't turn up and that this day they seem to have a reduced presence. but this is still a major industry event boeing and airbus are in attendance among 930 exhibiting companies what is one of the biggest global shows of its kind organizers have imposed strict medical checks and hunch shaking is being strongly discouraged not that much of that was expected here anyway with few anticipating any major deals to be announced while the outbreak has hampered this event those attending are hoping that the longer term impacts on the aviation and aerospace sectors will be kept to a minimum both with chinese g.d.p. for 2020 expected to lose at least one percent on the back of the outbreak that looks like an increasingly for lauren prospect. t.-mo pile is one step closer to taking over u.s. mobile networks sprint this stuff for a judge rules that the $26000000000.00 deal does not a full file of competition laws opponents to the deal say prices will rise since the sprint purchase would bring the number of u.s. mobile networks down from 4 to just 3. says the agreement is likely to be signed as early as april. direst profits have fallen for the 2nd year in a row c.e.o. like lenny is still pretty new to the job and that is the results they were the worst in a decade earlier on tuesday the diesel gate scandal trait tensions and the move towards electric mobility have made his 1st few months anything bust easy right. dima boss all a colonial attempted to downplay the disappointing figures with comforting phrases like investments in new technologies and special expenses profits in $29000.00 was 64 percent lower than the previous year at 2700000000 euros the results are much worse than expected if you nancy ellen i gave this interview presently of the financial results that we're presenting for 2019 are not those that we want to see in the future. it's not enough will and it's not fair to this good in proud company. it's not the name of god i don't accept it and we're making new plans for the future of us of europe for hard food it's a court but it won't be easy for the ailing car company time as electro offensive is sputtering due to a lack of high quality batteries and customers hesitating to buy and the diesel case scandal is also partially sublime for the lackluster showing. time to spend lots of time and money on class pickups but production had to be cancelled due to low sales numbers. the situation is hitting dimas employees hardest job and business daily hundreds not reports that dima plans to cut 15000 jobs white. get an overview of some of the other global business stories making news. cisco systems sprint and facebook are the latest tech companies to pull out of the upcoming immobile world congress over fears of the coronavirus it's not entirely clear if the events in barcelona will go ahead out all night with organizers reportedly preparing to meet on friday to make a decision. global energy related c o 2 emissions state flops in 2019 despite worldwide growth of nearly 3 percent that's according to the international energy agency which says wind solar energy are helping to keep carbon dioxide levels. the u.k. says it wants closer trade ties with the i.o.c. and countries now that it's left the european union britain's foreign secretary has been visiting malaysia as part of a push to promote his country in southeast asia he told the malaysian foreign minister the u.k. was seeking a quote new modern dynamic friendship for the future britain is on something of a charm offensive as it seeks new deals to replace trade agreements. to iran where hundreds of thousands of people have been marking the anniversary of the 979 revolution the uprising led to the talking of the country's monarchy the a stopped us from and of a theo across a police state but 4 decades on political discussion in the country is dominated by ever soaring tensions with the united states and an economy that's been crippled by sanctions. it could be a birthday serenade the street musician is playing here in the north of terror but iranians hardly feel like celebrating on the 41st anniversary of the founding of the islamic republic their country is struggling to cope with u.s. sanctions and international tensions. in jol yet in the quality of life isn't good at all we have pollution angry people high prices huge class divisions and the country is isolated. this. could have the economic conditions are now really difficult especially for young people who have somebody japanese. and that's why many of them are leaving they see no future in their country. the crisis can be felt everywhere oil exports have collapsed and because of the sanctions the banking system is almost ground to a halt the currency that a.o.l. has lost half of its value in just a few months. when your husband of course these sanctions affect things and it's the people at the bottom who are under pressure. and then there's iran's islamic police state more and more iranians are taking to the streets against it so there really is no reason for most iranians to celebrate . and that's it for me in the business scene here in berlin you can get more on our website at www dot com slash business or also on social media to feel free to drop a line on facebook and fresh air for me it's good bye and take it. environmentally conscious livin. with maximum comfort. from tanzania is helping make it possible he started with sustainable ideas in his own home. he's inspiring others to innovate and his invention school eco africa. next w. . and the business model. i am a brand. i. am fully octomom. influencer shameless blowhards. or innovative businesspeople majorly impact the economy. made in germany. still. is for me. is for you. as for health. beethoven. beethoven is for the. beethoven is trying. for is for. me to sing 202250th anniversary year on. the good. a very warm welcome to this week's episode of a coffee cup i am saundra to nobody coming to you from kampala here in uganda the apollo buffet where we do start by asking do you did you know that this saddam.

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