Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180120

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star. and shapely objects italian designer make a move that you looks back at four decades our success. well now that winter is really here winter sports fans are of course hitting the slopes and at most of the european hotspots it's already high season but from a ts my era and. the even even the most difficult slopes don't quite cut it as free riders they prefer to ski on virgin snow far away from the usual well trodden pieced and on their perpetual quest for extreme challenges the two austrians always have their camera with them so they can share their adventures with the world and their latest coup is free riding near the south pole. they spent weeks on my themselves in the harsh terrain of can't arctica free riders my ts how noida and monte has my own hike to one hundred fifty kilometers to this two thousand meter high peak near the south pole no one has ever climbed these mountains before. i love the challenge of trying new things that one would think are impossible to achieve to that's a great experience that will remember for the rest of our lives of cultivating the just if. you them or you can mention maybe i'm doing something that most people don't and i'm doing it my way so it's a lot of fun and i get to see a lot of farmers places too you know influenced naughton belt would be to see him in twenty sixteen mile and how on holiday charters of russian freighter and travel to the remote island up on a quick time off russia's pacific coast the austrian adventures plan to ski down the slopes of one of two volcanoes on the island. my and how hard i have to cross some ice flows to get to the volcano it's a lot of work and it wears them out. only two weeks later there's a break in the weather conditions are now ideal for skiing they make their way to the top of the volcano. as well if they don't supply wolfowitz works for him the conditions were extreme the whole time we were there. but it was great to see how well we work together in a situation like that it's. her told. we trust each other completely and that's essential when you're working under such difficult conditions ignore the big sin. counted and maya have been skiing down the most demanding mountain slopes together for ten years last year there. at the pile of the cheney glacier unquote austria's highest peak but part of the glacier has thought away due to global warming and the adventurers were caught up in a rock slide. oh no not again i don't believe it. i ended up with some bumps and bruises my thought really hurts but maybe it's this was just a sign that we shouldn't come back here again as. in the loss of. a safer option might be the chesty mountain range in north eastern siberia the tallest peak in this range is mt which means victory which is said to be impossible to get to temperatures in this part of the country can fall to minus seventy degrees celsius. to get to mt pope get out you have to make your way across more than thirteen hundred kilometers of barren siberian landscape. about sixty kilometers from the mountain my and one hundred need a family of nomads they provide a few essential pointers on how to make the climb. the austrian guests are impressed by the family's resilience. so here they are now in the middle of nowhere but they're happy and they make do with what little they have in the remake to freedom so. maya and how are the first to make their way down the fifty degree steep icy slopes of the glacier they recorded on video and they have a very good reason for doing it. is even more fun for us if we can share our experiences with that is we want our videos to draw attention to the fact that fragile environments like this have got to. be protected. in april the two austrians plan to take on the north pole. and they're planning to make this expedition even more extreme and more challenging. you to mention every personal rose and develops in some way throughout his or her life and everyone has to find out what they enjoy doing no says i folks. we're nice to do with they enjoy most it can be very dangerous but the most important thing for them is that it's an exciting challenge and fun. well we're nearly one year into the trump presidency and it's been a tumultuous one to say the least one in which we've seen the word tweak talk creep into discussions on president trump's unique brand of governance over millennia trump the first lady at his side it's also been a difficult one to interpret as rumors persist that she's on happy in washington as only the second first lady born outside of the u.s. slovenian born x. model was a source of huge pride in her native country at the time of inauguration so we went to see how civilians feel how she embodies the role today. whether she's visiting a paris hospital the great wall of china. or a beijing zoo. on a state visit to france. in the role of white house gardening along a tram past her very own style she's a household name in her native slovenia though she hasn't returned to the country in fifteen years everyone has an opinion about the u.s. first lady. one of the best. beauty. in the world in politics that's a shame i don't see her performing as many administrative tasks as for example michelle obama obama was i think she refers to reno. mainly because of his group press she is pretty as is expected of a first lady and what would be better about my. trump is already a style icon for some and her ubiquitous sky high heels have even ignited heated public debate. where this felt slip out of the white house it was designed by slovenia's maya sharma for a shoe factory in milan a trump's hometown set itself. zero. back when donald trump was campaigning i wanted to design a high heeled pump but the capitana shoe factory didn't have knology to produce that type of shoe. so i opted for the opposite a comfortable flipper made from natural materials for. the company sent a complimentary pair in milan issue signs to the white house. we didn't expect that she would. answer us back or and i think just we wanted. to send the brasen because we are proud of her that he is from our city we actually grow up to gather slovenian tabloids have also profited from his move to the white house the magazine suzi was founded in the spring of twenty sixteen when the us election campaign was really taking off. there was a war the but the real story is one of us live in the end cinderella who made it into the white house and is living the american dream. the part of the people of the world but there you go from being a nobody to suddenly being the most famous woman in the world. that is had a positive effect but all of the for the flu because some people have low self-esteem. but it's great for. stories about our circulation boosters even if no one has a direct line to the first lady saucers or old school friends and their memories of millennia as well as social media and people from the us passion see the one piece of fan salami first lady and many other regional products are part of the first lady based in mrs trump's hometown. the products have yet to sell my card cakes. for your book. what makes me so special is the original recipe. good climate. in. there will not only improve your looks. but also boost your performance at work with. tourist attractions and is the town's hilltop castle officials say since milan his rise to international fame visitor numbers have risen by thirty percent the council café serves up red wine with the. platy label a bottle can be purchased in a gift shop for no less than twenty seven euros or ninety cents worth which. you can find flavor yes. it's really very good. in the console there's a painting by a local artist on display that offers a hopeful vision of bilateral times. slovenians are still waiting for money or trying to return to her home that are some of us living in president invited her trumps to the country for a visit according to media sources they accepted the invitation no official it's princess. the northern lights have fascinated human observers since time began and in the past the eerie and often psychedelic glow that takes place mostly in high latitude regions was regarded as mystical or even a sign of imminent disaster well luckily we know that that's not true and we're off to take a closer look at the aurora borealis as it's also known in northern finland and we met up with the photographer keeley who captures the celestial spectacle but to do it he needs a bit of luck a lot of patience and a warm pair of winter boots. the northern lights a natural phenomenon that always casts a spell on people to target for marcus kili has spent countless nights in the ice cold finnish region of lapland on his quest to capture them on camera. northern lights are so beautiful they're so hughson something. from the outer space so. something like they are not from this world. marcus is famous for his pictures of the aurora borealis and he takes everything that comes with the job in his stride for hours he waits into the open sky even in temperatures of minus thirty degrees all for the perfect picture. when he gets the chance he lights a fire in one of the nearby huts to warm up. but he never stays inside long he wouldn't want to miss the nocturnal performance the northern lights can dance across the sky for hours or mere minutes they can only be captured with a long exposure so he never knows how the photos will turn out. there is the different colors of. the northern lights the green is more common then there is also pink or red and yellow. but i like the pink the green is normally not so green earth you see in the photos but the pink is pink as you see. refer has shot more than one hundred thousand photos to date he edits them on his computer and knows just what it takes to do the lights justice. or person or or whatever and something in the middle and then in the background there is nothing. so that you get the person. out here tonight and lives are if there is only not in life you can't think how big. marcus checks every evening to see how good his chances are of seeing the lights they're visible about two hundred times a year. the northern lights are created by a like trickly charged particles released from the sun that collide with particles in the earth's atmosphere and they appear stronger the closer you are to the north . south pole. good weather for the nordic lights for a photo is that the oh you have a clear sky because the northern lights they are. one hundred kilometers from the earth's surface so the clouds are much lower as if there is clouds you will see that you will not see the northern lights. it must take a special kind of person to spend hours alone in the cold hunting down the lights. no i don't know you don't need to be a special type if you get tired very early then very it's not good for you. but occasionally even marcus has to rest. i go go out when berries clear sky go to focus for nordic nordic lies. by the loch here it's cloudy quite often so i can sleep on both sides. and the nightly trips into the freezing weather have paid off his beautiful images of the northern lights amaze people all over the world. and some exciting news for veggie conscious foodies because for the very first time in germany two vegetarian restaurants have been awarded a michelin star a one of them is cookies cream right here in berlin and for anyone who might be wondering how vegetables can be so impressive all critics agree that this place is all about the whole a stunning interior with an orthodox flavorful creations that prove chef stefan henschel philosophy of no veggie cliches is working. be true to envy can yochi with crispy olive crumble. grilled leak with loss radish and black says me see these vegetarian dishes were created by a chef on hen show head chef at the bowling restaurant called the scream since two thousand and seven the restaurant just been awarded a michelin star. for us it felt great because we had been expecting it we had a good working towards this for ten years we are who we are we try to be authentic coke with love and good ingredients. it's a great honor not just for me but for the entire team. the team chef financial capacity is vegetarian dishes with a team of six and he does it without resorting to classic meat substitutes like tofu or seitan vegetables herb's and let him all he needs for his edible creations and stefan henschel himself isn't even a vegetarian. it is all the way to limit my cooking to vegetables because i think vegetarian cuisines multifaceted and colorful. going on there are so many different possibilities just the colors of banks for example red yellow well but you know. when he takes a break on the restaurant's roof chef up in the eastern german state of thanks an e then he trained as a chef in north rhine-westphalia in western germany in two thousand and one he moved to berlin and learned to cook go make quantity in the two star restaurant among others then he started at cookies cream. tejanos delivers the herb some vegetables for the restaurant weekly straight from his own fields the brand of the finest specializes in rev edge tables such as malaga spinach all paris markets carrots they're known to be especially flavorful he's been working with chef on henschel for many years. now. pater's project says that it's about taste color and shape you can see that in the vegetables the kitchen prepares so well for me they're perfect. when preparing his vegetable creations the chef can even draw upon his years of experience making meat dishes. off to salting the beans he wraps them in tin foil and banks them in the oven for thirty five minutes at one hundred sixty degrees celsius. or serves the complete five or it's not really brazen roast you don't boil out the flavor of your taste has to remain in the vegetable. thank you terry and cuisine is move complex the meat dishes because every individual vegetable has to go through several stages of preparation to ensure it'll turn out especially tasty but the great challenge for vegetarian cuisine is in the restaurant at this point seven hundred eighty percent of our guests rate meat and we have to satisfy them as well our dishes aren't necessarily light just because they're vegetarian they can be very rich. cookies cream is one of the trendiest restaurants ponts the entrance is in a cool yont it serves about one hundred twenty guests daily. with. everything tasted like you can certainly do without the meat and we really enjoy it here are. the cookies cream kitchen even experiments with vegetables in desserts this is blue we ship it with celery. once a forum is definitely to carry on the way that we are but at the same time to keep developing what we've achieved so far and keep growing together as a take. a step on henschel and his vegetarian dishes a second mission stone may be on the horizon. and we finish with a man who has made design history michela their new king is one of the founders of the rebellious nine fest group that's a radical italian design movement from the early one nine hundred eighty s. over there the milan base designer and architect went on to create a slew of household objects furniture and even buildings that one who countless awards and we visited this iconic designer at work. mr daley did lukey and his iconic lamp. dominie's designer and architects created this classic in one nine hundred eighty seven it's been a best seller ever since. since the late one nine hundred seventy s. deluca has designed many objects including lamps chairs tables and household appliances. but the tolomeo was his one iconic piece. the designer or architect could not determine whether a design becomes an icon or not depends on other things. like the zeitgeist in the one nine hundred eighty s. deluca he co-founded the rebellious milan based design group memphis. some of his memphis designs are still on display in his office. within the inch of character because we wanted to create something new with new shapes and new colors. which will be most importantly we wanted to provoke people with the decor and was ironic shapes. or we wanted to create a more diverse aesthetic that was the goal of a member. in this milan plot so he works with his team on various international projects. his palace of justice in but to me georgia was finished in two thousand and eleven he wants his buildings to have symbolic significance. the bridge of peace in the capital tbilisi became an emblem for the new georgia. design the entrance billion for the twenty fifteen milan world's fair featuring wooden organic shapes i catch him but not to show it that's also his principle for milan's latest temple of culture the unique. fillion which he designed in the shape of a seed. really like the idea of placing a wooden seed into the surrounding of steel and concrete. fertility has an essential part of nature. for community living a meeting place could be the seed for a better future. he's fascinated by the sense of touch. wood in his free time. the. works of art exhibition in a gallery. just all these are basically models because i'm an architect. sculpture detached from their function that's fine by me. recently success as new theory or designer. he designed a fast food restaurant on the. symbolizes a connection to nature. he's converted gas station was opened in the fall of twenty seventeen. represents the italian automobile culture the first floor houses a gourmet restaurant and. it quickly became one of the hottest spots in the area. of. the design. anything unless i can think of a story gives the building of a meaningful purpose million years and. it would hurt me after people who use my buildings or live in some saw them as a nuisance or an annoyance. kid over. me kennedy loki's current best selling design is the espresso maker cina. it's certainly striking and coffee connoisseurs like it to. be similar. well that's all for this edition of our highlights but don't forget you can always find more behind the scenes your remarks on our website so for now thanks for watching and until we meet again all the best from berlin. i'm. going to. cut the phone call to. move. more to the dash of sugar changes and phones from an orange tree. that's all she needs to find on. a remote corner of the philippines she's one of the last to practice an ancient technique to. the to the lady. in thirty minutes on t.w. . koku. speaks about the moments that. it's all about the storms in song and it's all about george chance to discover the world from different perspectives. join us in two sponsored by distinctive instagram hours. g.w. stories going to talk to each new fall on instagram. when i'm traveling to be comfortable. but i also want to stay up to date on the latest news events. and d.-w. makes map part of traveling easy. just because it's available and thousands of hometowns resorts to ships worldwide. have you found a domain 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