Go team gerri, details and pictures coming up. Sandra it was a fun morning. It was indeed. Meanwhile everybody, good morning, im sandra smith. Cbs calling moonvess resignation hours after far owes bombshell reported six more women are waging abuse allegations against the Television Executive. He is denying it all. Bill brian yenis picks it up from there. What more do we know . The chairman and ceo of cbs will not receive severance pay or exit pay at this time. There is a caveat. This separation agreement includes a clawback provision. Any future payments to moonves will depend on the findings of an independent internal investigation into Sexual Harassment claims underway by law firms hired by cbs. It has been reported that moonvess severance pay will be upward of 100 million and accusers find it unconscionable. He will be given all, some or none of that money. Also a 20 million donation coming from any potential severance pay to moonves will go to organizations supporting the Metoo Movement and empowering women. In a statement moonves says untrue allegations from decades ago are being made against me not consistent with who i am. Effective immediately i will no longer be chairman and chief executive officer of cbs. Ifm owe very sad to leave the company. Cbs opened an investigation after farrow cbs has been criticized for not taking enough action against moonves. Bill why did the board decide to act now . He was ousted hours after farrow published another article in the new yorker where six more women allege in graphic detail moonves retaliated against those who rejected him. Someone said he slammed her against a wall and made her do oral sex. Mon vest has been the chairman and ceo of cbs since 2003. He is the most powerful executive to fall in the me too era. Sandra the Trump Administration doubling down on their attacks on the anonymous oped author. Vice president pence calling it a threat to our National Security and the person should resign and said he would be willing to take a Lie Detector Test. Do you think you know who anonymous is . I dont know. But i do know that they should resign. Should all top officials take a Lie Detector Test and would you agree to take one . I would agree to take it in a heartbeat. Treason . Its unamerican and why democrats and republicans are condemning this. The American People vote for a president and expect that they can surround themselves with men and women who will work with them advancing their agenda. Sandra kevin corke is live from the white house with more on that. It is safe to say that the hunt for this alleged anonymous writer continues, although the list of possible suspects is said to be winnowing even as we speak. You may recall, sandra, it was just last week the president himself called for the d. O. J. To investigate the writers identity casting it as a National Security matter. It is a sentiment echoed by white house officials over the weekend. The purpose of the times piece was to sew discord and dissension. Whether its the book, the anonymous editorial, president obamas speech this week. Its all an effort to distract attention from this booming economy and from the president s record of success. And it is all very predictable. Senior advisor to the president , counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said this morning she suspects the writer of this piece will be found but perhaps not like you might imagine. Coward are like criminals. They eventually confess or brag to the wrong person and i suspect thats what will happen here. If the intention of the oped was to be patriotic the person is just pathetic. I hope they dont get the heros welcome as soon as theyre revealed. Meanwhile the times issued a statement, i want to read part of it to give you a sense of their thinking on this, sandra. They said this is eileen murphy, were confident that the department of justice understands the First Amendment protects all american citizens and that it would not participate in such a blatant abuse of government power. Not surprising this is generated quite a bit of controversy in journalism circles. A lot of criticism of the times coming from bob woodward, a man the president doesnt consider him a fan. Woodward himself said this piece was too vague and didnt meet basic journalism standards. Interesting perspective. Sandra amazing. Here were talking about it still on monday morning. Bill president is talking about it on twitter earlier today slamming woodwards tellall book after the journalist spoke out yesterday warning the nation to wake up to whats happening in the white house. Woodwards words there. The president said this, woodward book is a joke, another assault against me in a barrage of assaults using disproven, unnamed and unanimous sources. Many have come forward to say the quotes are fiction. Dems cant stand losing. Ill write the real book. Byron york, good morning to you. You find similar themes between the book and times oped. How so . Well, the book and the oped both have the theme of a few responsible people protecting the country by thwarting the president s worst instincts and substituteing their own judgments for his own. Now, the big problem with that, of course, is that these in the case of say gary cohen or rob porter, two people mentioned in connection with the book, these are unelected people not even confirmed by the senate. Substituting their own judgment for the president who was elected to do this. I think a lot of people, maybe regardless of how they feel about trump, have been disturbed by that. Bill here is woodward on cbs yesterday and nbc earlier today. Here he is. You look at the operation of this white house and you have to say lets hope to god we dont have a crisis. This one was in the belly of the beast. And what did you conclude about the beast . That People Better wake up to whats going on. Bill that from cbs on sunday. The question i have after listening to those interviews. He said one person i interviewed nine times and the context of those conversations covered 700 or 800 pages in length. Thats a lot of transcript. The question for woodward would be when we get the opportunity to ask this is how much did you rely on that one person for the course of this book . Yes, and how much overall is accurate about it . The president and his defenders are going to say regardless of the accuracy of some of this stuff, a lot of this is palace intrigue and inside baseball. They will point to the president s accomplishments and they will say he was engaged in historic tax reform, there is economic growth, there is deregulation, there are a long line of Supreme Court justices and Appeals Court justices, and a stronger military. They will say those are real things, real accomplishments and all of this other stuff is noise. Bill also woodward said i interviewed more than 100 people. I would say maybe half of the 100 are considered key people. Here is another take, Chris Wallace, Fox News Sunday with mike pence. Bob woodward didnt just quite somebody, he has the documents. He has the goods here. This is a president who puts people around the table, around the desk in the oval office that bring him all of the options. Put on the table everything that he could be doing. Thats how it really does work. I have to tell you this entire narrative that i get from what ive read about the book that came out and the narrative in the opinion editorial is totally foreign to me. Bill whats the last big impact of this . Is this around for a couple of days or a week or more . There have been a lot of reports and accounts to the effect that the president especially inside the white house can be volatile. That he has a short attention span. He will change the subject and that he is difficult in meetings and difficult at other times. There is a lot of accounts, not just the woodward book and not just the anonymous oped. But here again i think what you will see is his defenders say look, look at the big things. Look at what he has accomplished and look at the criticisms which by comparison seem relatively small. Three things last week that were facts. Woodward book, the oped and obama on the campaign trail. Put them together, just facts right there on the calendar. Sandra just another day. A lot. All right, meanwhile were watching this Hurricane Florence gaining strength as it spins toward the eastern seaboard. Millions of americans now under threat from this intense storm. More on the preparations currently underway. Bill also former president breaking with tradition blasting his successor on the trail. Thats right. The white house now firing back in turn. Jason chaffetz is live on that at the bottom of the hour as we mentioned 57 days. Sandra new reports of an imminent chemical weapons attack in syria. The white house is vowing to retaliate sengt up a possible showdown between trump and assad. General jack keane is here to weigh in on that next. I want to make it very, very clear as the wider world is watching. Well be monitoring that very carefully to ensure we dont see another humanitarian catastrophe like we did before. Medicare cards are changing. With new, more secure numbers. But con artists, they never change. Theyll always try to steal your medical identity. 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The United States of america and our allies will take swift and Decisive Action against any use of chemical weapons in the idlib province. The assad regime must halt its offensive. Russia and iran must stop this catastrophe. Bill big story developing here. Jack keane is here and also a senior strategic analyst for us here. Good morning to you. Would we know that assad was given the go ahead for chlorine gas in northwestern syria . Its possible. We have a lot of intel that we receive. We try to eavesdrop on their radio communications. We get their emails as well. So its certainly possible that we know that he will plan to do it. Now, likely he would only use chemical weapons, as he has done before, when the conventional bombing attacks, which are very significant, are not getting the results he wants. And then he will introduce the use of chemical weapons. He does it as a last resort to achieve success. Bill there are 70,000 rebels in that town. There is also 3 million civilians. We heard nikki haley issue the warning about the civilians. The last time this happened President Trump took action april of 2017. What sort of threat do you think were hanging over the syrians and the russians now to try to change their behavior, if thats even possible . Well, im not certain it will change their behavior because the first attack, our response was to take down some of the Delivery System from the airfield that produced the attack. The Second Attack we hit some infrastructure that was contributing to the production of chemical weapons. I really thought we should have taken down all of assads military air power capability. In other words, you would deny him the capability of doing it again. So i would hope if they use it, the chemical weapons again, that we really this time will put in place what i think is a significant deterrent, that is dramatically take down his capacity. Bill a quote on the wall street journal the pentagon is crafting military options, mr. Trump hasnt decided what would trigger a military sponsor whether the u. S. Would target russian and Iranian Military forces aiding mr. Assad in syria. They could use targeted economic sanctions against syrian officials instead of military strikes. There are other options out there. Lets see what decision they make on that. A significant parade in north korea over the weekend absent of icbms. They always have them on parade. This is a major anniversary for them. 70th anniversary. They usually put out all their wa ers. Theyre trying to send a message theyre willing to work with us on denuclearization. What happened here, we received a belligerent letter from a north korean official. Based on the tone of that letter President Trump canceled secretary of state pompeos visit to north korea. Very similar to a response that President Trump had over the singapore summit when he ran into a belligerent attitude just prior to the summit. The North Koreans have responded in kind once again and this time reaching out to the administration saying in so many words that we have not given up on dee nuclearizing and willing to try to attempt to do it before the end of the president s first term. This is very positive rhetoric but weve had positive rhetoric before. What the administration will want is tangible signs. Identify and locate your Nuclear Systems and your ballistic systems. Give us access to it with independent inspectors and other protocols and then show us the plan to denuclearize. Bill my sense is this has reached a stalemate. Would you agree . Well see. This has always been two steps forward, one step back. Were in a step forward again here with the missiles not being in the parade, the positive rhetoric coming out of kim jongun. Well see if that produces something very specific and tangible. It has not other than the release of some of our remains. Certainly and the release of the hostages. Thats not denuclearization. The trump team wants some evidence of denuclearization. Bill much more on this including the syrian situation next hour. The state departments Deputy Assistant secretary joel raburn is our headliner on americas newsroom. Sandra breaking news out of france this morning. A dramatic runway chase grounding flights. Bill one of the most powerful media executives in america ousted. Howie kurtz in a moment to explain why he believes this is the most important person to be involved in the Metoo Movement to date. Cancer. Its very personal. Each of us is different. And each cancer is different. How it reacts, how it evades and adapts. And how we attack it. Thats why at Cancer Treatment centers of america, we use diagnostic tools that help us better understand what drives each persons cancer. This is what we mean by outsmarting cancer. And for some, it may uncover more effective treatment options. Like christine bray. 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The flights there in leone, france have been halted for the moment. Sandra after 20 years with the network cbs executive les moonves ousted. In a statement he calls the assertions untrue. Writing quote in my 40 years of work, i have never before heard of such disturbing accusations. I can only surmise they are surfacing now for the first time decades later as part of a concerted effort by others to destroy my name, my reputation, and my career. Lets bring in howard kurtz, Fox News Media analyst and host of media buzz. Howie, good morning to you. Good morning. Sandra you make the case this is the most prominent and powerful person yet to be brought down by the Metoo Movement. Certainly matt lauer, charlie rose are more famous and big Time Television personalities but moonves has been a force in hollywood for decades and run one of the top rated broadcast networks. This was a powerful media mogul. Cbs had very little choice. As you mentioned earlier the second piece that popped yesterday, farrow detailing the chilling and graphic allegations by six more women. Two on the record sandra saying he forced them to perform oral sex. One saying he slammed her against a wall. Others saying he retaliated against them and ruined their careers. It would have been a whitewash for cbs to leave this man at the top of the company. Sandra whats next for moonves and cbs . I find the denial week. He says three of these six cases were consensual sex but doesnt say which ones. There is a lot of detail in the farrow piece. Whats next for him will he get the 100 million exit package weve been reporting on in recent days . Cbs was facing a Public Relations fiasco if it were to get rid of him and pay him all this money. Even though he is obligated to receive most of that money. Instead the outside investigation, the outside law firms have to complete their investigation and its possible moonves will get nothing. More likely he will get a chunk of that. After the spotlight has faded. Master stroke by cbs to announce it is donating to money to be deducted from moonvess compensation 20 million to organizations that support the Metoo Movement. Sandra a lot unknown about the overall settlement. Farrow in talking about this, this isnt the first time the company has faced allegations of this type from the press, but he goes on to say how there is a fair degree of contrition when it comes to what is suggested in moonvess statements over the time period. Watch. Subset of these charges about the News Division at cbs were raised by the Washington Post in recent months and how the reporters at the post received a lot of threats and really Robust Campaign to shut down that story n. This case i have to say while we received some of that from some of the individuals involved in the story mr. Moonves and cbs corporations were responsive and their responses included in the story a fair degree of contrition that is suggested in mr. Moonvess statement . Sandra whats the takeaway . I think the independent cbs directors have taken over with moonves on the ropes and decided to stop trying to do damage control and to be more forthright both in cooperating with journalists like farrow and trying to turn the page on this terrible chapter. If it were not for the doinged reporting of farrow. He exposed the conduct of harvey weinstein, when nbc wouldnt run it when he worked there. We wouldnt know about much of this. Journalism gets maligned a lot with some just files indication these days but an example of one reporter and publication staying with the story and the courage of the women to come forward to describe the terrible events that happened to them. Sandra les moonves is out. Well see whats next for him and cbs. Good to see you. Bill 29 past the hour. Hurricane florence barreling toward the east coast and strengthening overnight. Millions of americans now in the path of this storm. Were tracking it daybyday and sometimes hour by hour. Florence will be with us all week long in the news. Watch the radar. Sandra plus obamacare facing a new challenge in court with texas leading a 20state lawsuit to strike down the law completely. Texas attorney general ken paxton is leading the charge and joins us to tell us about it. Bill also there are two president s going headtohead on the campaign trail. It will be good, folks. Jason chaffetz reacts to the trail coming up next live. It did not start with donald trump. He is a symptom, not the cause. He just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years. With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Addon advantage. Experience a blend of refined. And raw power. Engineered to take the crown. The lexus ls 500 and ls 500h. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Bill florence is a cat 2 hurricane churning toward the southeast coast. Several Southern States under a state of emergency including south and North Carolina. Maximum sustained winds of more than 100 miles an hour from overnight. South carolinas governor sending out this warning. Make your plans now. If you have pretend, assume, presume a major hurricane will hit in the middle of South Carolina and may go way in shore. Bill drawing energy from the ocean, florence could become a cat 4 by the end of the day today. Were watching that. Sandra Vice President mike pence calling out former president obama for reinserting himself back into politics ahead of the midterm elections. The v. P. Saying this unusual move could backfire on democrats. Here is part of what he told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. It was very disappointing to see president obama become so political and roll out the same tired arguments that he and liberals have made over the last eight years. The truth is the American People in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of barack obama when they elected president donald trump. Sandra Jason Chaffetz joins us now. A Fox News Contributor and author of the deep state. Jason chaffetz. Good morning and welcome back to the program. If i could ask you your thoughts on former president obama reinserting himself into the political arena. Is that fair . Well, Vice President pence is absolutely right the tradition president s usually dont do that. Look how both president bushs dealt with it. They were very graceful in their exit. They kept quiet. Im sure they disagreed with president obama but they didnt say or do anything. I think what youre seeing is that President Trump is tearing apart the barack obama legacy that he put into place. Obama built a legacy built on sand and President Trump has come in and fixed it and moved this country in the right trajectory and its upsetting im sure to president obama. Sandra Vice President mike pence on the sunday show went as far as to suggest this could backfire on his own part on democrats. Do you think so . I think he is reminding the country of how bad the policies were put into place. If the country wanted to extend Barack Obamas legacy they would have voted for Hillary Clinton. 30 of the 50 states went in the direction of donald trump because they realized Foreign Policy wasnt working, domestic economy was suffering and that there was a better, smarter way to do that in electing a disruptive president , somebody unconventional in donald trump but look how much more effective its been. The effectiveness of the Trump Presidency is really tearing at the heart strings of barack obama. Sandra meanwhile i have to throw to this sound of former president barack obama on friday at that rally talking that benghazi and the Republican Party, watch. The politics of division and resentment and paranoia has found a home in the Republican Party. Embrace wild conspiracy theories like those surrounding benghazi, or my birth certificate. Its not conservative, it sure isnt normal. Its radical. Sandra obama accusing the Republican Party of conspiracy theories like those surrounding benghazi. What did you what were you thinking when you heard that . Oh, i would love to have a conversation with president obama about that. Remember it was president obama that took the United States into war with libya and in an interview with Chris Wallace on fox news president obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was dealing with the aftermath of libya. There were four americans that were killed and president obama on his watch refused to send anybody into benghazi to go help those people. It took the f. B. I. 18 days to get in there afterwards to try to figure it out. It is offensive to the men and women who served in libya and the u. S. Military because president obama failed to act. You know what . Nobody on the campaign trail brought this up except president obama and he is fundamentally and totally and wholely wrong. People like tonto and others who saved dozens of people shame on the president for saying that. Sandra tonto came on to respond to those words of the former president. The private security contractor part of the c. I. A. Team who fought back that day in 2012. Watch his response . I hardly believe he sent no support, benghazi was made up. We lost two of our friends and it was a fantasy. It is disgusting. Again, trying to rewrite history. Thats what the left does. If it doesnt fit their narrative. If history doesnt fit what their agenda is theyll try to rewrite it. Sandra final thoughts from you on that. God bless tonto and his friends there to save the rest of the americans. Four americans died and president obama will not rewrite history. That happened on his watch and he failed to protect them and he never did send anybody into benghazi to save those people and it was within his power to do it. Sandra Jason Chaffetz. Thanks for your time this morning. Nice to see you. Bill 57 days away from the midterm elections. The focus is on the house of representatives. Some political experts believing it will flip to democrats as republicans look to defend a number of vulnerable seats. Their fight highlighted in orange, california. Peter doocy is there this morning. There are seven republicanheld seats in Southern California that democrats think are so close to flipping they sent the former president barack obama here for his first rally, First Campaign rally of the midterm cycle and his pitch was about getting voters excited, not very much about President Trump. The biggest threat to our democracy i said yesterday is not its not one individual. Its not one big super pac billionaires, its apathy, its indifference. Its us not doing what were supposed to do. But individual candidates are focusing a lot more on the current president. Katie porter is trying to unseat amy walters in a red district for decades. What were seeing on the ground here in Orange County is families are concerned about the direction trump is taking this country and theyre experiencing real challenges because of his policies from higher taxes that punish calians, threats to re people are worried about trumps reckless policies. But walters allies are trying to stress the things her democratic challenger wants to do cost a lot of money and trying to keep the seat by pushing for stricter policies at the border. How liberal is katie porter . She supports raising middle class taxes to pay for a 32 trillion government takeover of healthcare and sanctuary cities and attack ice, the Law Enforcement agency that deports criminal illegal aliens. Republicans can win reelection in Southern California for decades. Democrats think theyre two months away from reversing that trend and they think they can pick up a quarter of all the seats they need to flip back the entire house right here in Southern California. Bill something to watch. Peter doocy in Orange County, california today. Sandra did you stay up for this last night . Football sundays are back. Green bay packers took on their rivals the chicago bears. Packers qb Aaron Rodgers took a rough hit and hurt his knee in the Second Quarter and looked as if his season was over then and there. He was able to walk off the field but later carted to the locker room. He threw just 13 passing yards in the first half. But then rodgers stages a comeback for the ages. You see this one . Throwing three touchdowns in the last quarter including this gamewinning pass to randall cobb. Packers go on to win 2423. Did you notice that i did not read that with enthusiasm . You know i am a fan of the chicago bears. That was the game. A great run by cobb. Nfl week one was awesome. It was fantastic. I love the fact my apologies, cincinnati did win. The problem with the nfl, its got nothing to do with the anthem. The problem has everything to do with the rules. And what the referees interpret to be a violation or not. How a player can respond or hit or not. And i tell you it was a mess. Theyve got real problems tell these guys how they can hit, whats accepted and what is not. Can you imagine the confusion. You Start Playing the game in the third grade and now youre 24, 25 years old and you have to play entirely different. Thats a challenge for this league. Here is another challenge. Tennis star Serena Williams and that meltdown at the u. S. Open, what was going on here . We have new information on whats happening there. Sandra we have strong opinions on that one. President trump calling for help from his attorney general as he works to uncover the identity of anonymous. The legal action that can be taken here, if any. Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. Or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. 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Tom dupree, how are you doing . Good morning to you. Investigate the author. Is that going to happen . I think it will. The question is whether its the Justice Department or internal white house investigation. For the Justice Department to investigate you really need evidence of criminal misconduct. Im not sure that was in the four corners of that oped. You have evidence of criminal misconduct. You certainly have evidence of a fireable offense. Every word and sentence of that oped is a fireable offense. Someone who says ill do everything within my power to sabotage to Trump Administration from within. Where they need to go for d. O. J. To step in and possibly prosecute is evidence of a criminal offense. Bill okay. So the president says i dont want him in those meetings. These highlevel meetings talking about china, russia, north korea. Can you understand how he would be sensitive to such information and meetings if someone is going to go ahead and rat you out to somebody else . Oh my goodness, absolutely. Not only would i not want that person in sensitive meetings concerning china or north korea but i wouldnt want that person within 300 yards of the administration. A challenge for the white house is trying to identify someone who wrote this. Its a tough task. They can put people to Lie Detector Tests, interview, search peoples email and all that. Assuming this person covered up his or her tracks and didnt leave any fingerprints on it, it could be a tough job. Im convinced theyll do everything within their power to identify this person and excommunicate him or her from the administration. Do you think they can i. D. This person . I think the identity will come out in time. It may not be within the next 24 or 48 hours. Someone who writes Something Like this ultimately wants to be identified. Someone who wants the acclaim of the Public Opinion and the mass media for being someone who is standing up to the president from within. So i think this is someone who is putting a marker down in the hopes that six months, a year or some point in the future they can step forward and say hey, i was the person who wrote this. Bill i was the one. That sounds like a resume in the future. The president also in the conversation on air force one says he wants to sit down with mueller and answer some questions under certain circumstances. I dont want to be set in a perjury trap. Do you believe this will happen . Oral form or i do. Well, at a minimum written form absolutely. As far as a verbal sitdown and actual live interview, i still think it will happen in some way, shape or form. The critical point here for the white house is to put strict limits on it. You cant give bob mueller broad access to eight hours of interviewing the president. Could you agree to 30 minutes, 60 minutes with confined topic areas, lawyers who have prepped the president , i think thats possible. I think it is likely to happen. Again the timing is unclear. I think before this investigation winds up mueller will get some sort of interview with the president of the United States. Bill im on the fence. Well see if youre right. Tom live in washington thank you. Sandra the latest on the female Police Officer charged with manslaughter in a bizarre case that ended in the tragic death of her neighbor. So what happened there . Well have live details next. Whats available in the Public Domain right now even without this additional evidence is probable cause a crime was committed and arrest should have been made. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sandra a dallas Police Officer arrested because of the killing of her neighbor. She says it was a horrible mixup. The 30yearold Police Officer is out on bond this morning after being taken into custody yesterday by the Texas Rangers and booked on a manslaughter charge. Amber geiger has been with the Dallas Police department for four years. Last week the white officer shot and killed an africanamerican man in his own apartment. She says it was a mixup and thought she was trying to enter her own apartment at the time. But both the officer and the victim do live in the same complex. Officer geigers blood was drawn at the scene to be tested for drugs and alcohol, but still so many questions clearly remained. What happened in the moments leading up to the point she drew her Service Weapon . According to the reports, shooting and killing 26yearold bathiam jean. She was in her uniform and used her Service Weapon. It is our position she was operating under the color of state authority. The victims mother believes there would have been a different outcome had her son been white. Prayer vigils have been held across dallas and activists calling for full and transparent investigation. So at this point we wait until some more of those gaps can be filled in, in terms of information, was there an altercation, how long was she trying to get into that mans apartment. A whole lot remains. Sandra a lot of questions still. A press conference coming up this morning at 11 30. Expecting to hear from the victims parents. What can you tell us about that, casey . That information was just coming into us this morning. So thats scheduled for 11 30 eastern time, 10 30 here in texas. And we are going to be monitoring that, of course, because not only will the family members be speaking at that, we understand the attorneys could be as well and we hope to learn a little bit more. Sandra well update our viewers as we do. Casey stiegel, thank you. Bill several states declaring a state of emergency, Hurricane Florence posing a serious threat to the east coast. The latest on when and where she will make landfall. A looming showdown in syria. New reports claim Bashar Alassad approved a gas attack. How will the white house respond if chemical weapons are used yet again . Own a home and need money for your family, call newday usa to use your valuable va home loan benefit. Thank you, admiral. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Thank you, admiral. With todays rising home values, that could mean more money for you and your family. Thank you, admiral. Money to pay down debts and get financial peace of mind. Thank you, admiral. Well do everything we possibly can to get you approved. Call 18777763063. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. Tide pods childguard pac. Helps keep your laundry pacs safe, and your child safer. To close, twist until it clicks. Tide pods childguard packaging. You always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com sandra this is a fox news alert. A stunning report raised alarms from the pentagon to the white house. The wall street journal reporting that syrias president Bashar Alassad plans to launch another round of poison gas attacks. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Bill im bill hemmer. U. S. Intel Officials Say president assad approved the use of chlorine gas in idlib. 3 million civilians and 70,000 rebel forces. This as the trump team warns it could trigger another military strike against the assad regime. Vice president pence with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. I want to make it very, very clear as the wider world is watching. The United States of america and our allies will take swift and Decisive Action against any use of chemical weapons in the idlib province. Bill Benjamin Hall picks up the story live in jerusalem. Our middle east bureau. Whats the latest . As you heard just there, time and time again the u. S. Have warned syria both against the use of conventional weapons during the idlib offensive but specifically against a use of chemical weapons. However, it appears the assad regime is not listening. As the offensive starts to gear up jim jeffrey and other u. S. Sources say there is now mounting evidence Bashar Alassad has given the green light for his military to use chlorine gas. Twice in the last two years the Syrian Government has used gas against its civilian despite President Trump when he would act and twice the u. S. Responded launching tomahawk strikes taking out military facilities. But some argued it hasnt argued the direction of the syrian war and assad is no longer afraid of the u. S. Response and russia claims it has evidence that rebels, not assad are the ones planning to use the chlorine. The bombardment with conventional weapons is underway with support from russian war planes. Nearly two dozen civilians were killed over the weekend including children and a baby girl. A hospital was bombed and dozens of barrel bombs were dropped and the feared exodus has also started as more than 400 families were displaced from Southern Idlib fleeing toward turkey where 800,000 refugees from already living in camps and 3 1 2 million refugees in turkey. As a result theyve sent their troops to the turkish syrian border. This offensive is escalating in so many different ways in so many different places. Bill thank you for that from our middle east bureau. Thanks. Sandra fox news alert on this dangerous storm targeting the east coast. Hurricane florence rapidly gaining strength aiming for a potential direct hit to the carolinas just days from now. Officials urging people from South Carolina to virginia to be ready. We need to prepare now in order to react should we be threatened by the landfall. Make your plans now. If you have pretend, assume, presume that a major hurricane is going to hit right smack dab in the middle of South Carolina and it may go way in shore. Sandra senior meteorologist janice dean is live in the Fox Extreme Weather Center to prepare us. Whats coming . Listen, if you live in North Carolina, South Carolina, virginia, even the del marva you need to pay close attention to your local authorities, your local officials because were going to have evacuations and certainly it will be one of the biggest storms, if not the biggest storm that North Carolina has ever experienced. I want to point attention to the fact we have isaac, a hurricane, we have helene and florence. Well have to watch isaac in the caribbean the next couple of days. Florence our imminent threat. You can see a very, very welldefined eye. We see the symmetry with this storm. The cloud tops are very prominent displayed. As we get into the 11 00 a. M. Advisory it will be a major hurricane. It is going through what we call rapid intensification and drop 24 mill bars in 24 hours. That means well probably have a category 4 on our hands this time tomorrow. We do anticipate a landfall thursday friday as a major hurricane, as a category 4. The last time a category 4 moved into North Carolina was 1954, hazel. Residents will tell you they remember that storm. This could be stronger than that. And as we go through Time Thursday into friday, it is going to weaken but it is also going to stall so the potential for catastrophic rainfall on top of storm surge and hurricaneforce winds around the center of this storm is going to be imminent thursday and friday. Here are tropical models i want to show you, the latest guidance over the next couple of days. Were three to four days out. The guidance is 100 to 200 miles north or south of this is possible. So again, this is the center of the storm but well feel the effects of this well along the coast. If this storm stalls and maybe moves a little more to the north, ill be concerned for the del marva. You need to pay attention. We think it will be in North Carolina landfall but the impacts will be felt North Carolina, South Carolina, virginias north of the del marva and inland and the water temperatures enough to at least support a major hurricane or strengthen it. We are betting right now on a category 4 making landfall thursday friday, North Carolina but widespread effects. If youre dealing with over two feet of rainfall it will be potentially catastrophic and life threatening. Sandra take this warning. Janice dean, thank you. See you soon. The honorable thing to do here is for this individual to recognize that they are theyre literally violating an oath. If they are that Senior Administration official, that theyre violating an oath not to the president , but to the constitution. Its unamerican. And i think thats why youve seen republicans and democrats condemn this. Bill Trump Administration doubling down against anonymous. The author of the oped piece of the New York Times claiming to be part of the resistance against President Trump. Say hello to the ateam. Judith miller, Liz Harington and bill mcgurn. Were still talking about the New York Times oped. Sandra absolutely. Its really a trifecta. If you start out with the bob woodward book and go to anonymous, another attack on the president and his fitness for office and now you have a third attack in the form of barack obama. All of this is very unusual. Bill are you suggesting it was coordinated . Im not suggesting coordination. This is a president unlike any other and a response to a president unlike any other. Bill would you suggest it is coordinated, mr. Mcgurn . I think judy is right. One of the points is this president busts a lot of norms, right . But a lot of the response is busting norms, too. President obama naming his predecessor by name in an attack. Were seeing a lot. I think the reason were talking about the anonymous piece is because its still anonymous. If we knew who it was my guess is it wouldnt have nearly the impact. Sandra that and the white house is making the case this poses a threat to our National Security. Here is Kellyanne Conway making that point, liz. We dont know what this person has said to try to get that oped in the New York Times or what he or she has said to other people. To the president s point there could be a National Security risk at hand, he doesnt want this person in meetings where he is discussing china, russia, north korea. Sandra could it be a risk . The media has already lost so much credibility. By putting someone else out there anonymously that might not be high up in the administration propping up this idea that is quite dangerous, that it is okay to work to undermine a dully elected president of the United States from inside. If it turns out this guy is not even actually that senior, the New York Times said they had to do background checking into him, they used a senior official very loosely in their reporting, we dont know who this is. What does that do to the credibility of the New York Times . As somebody who worked at the New York Times for 28 years i can assure you that one thing is pretty certain. This had to be someone rather senior in order to get the granting of the anonymous by line in the New York Times. This is very unusual for the paper. They do not do this. They have broken a lot of norms under trump. They have and theyve been struggling with how to cover President Trump from the beginning of the presidency. I still say the New York Times was within its rights to public that editorial oped piece. I do have this question, that is if you are in the Trump Administration, i can understand why theyre very upset. To thwart the president s policies from within says a lot about the chaos in the administration. I was encouraged the New York Times gave credit to trumps achievements. Something i havent read in the New York Times before. I take a little issue with judy someone in the white house on that side. The word senior is very loose. It could be hundreds of people. Also i believe they said in the Trump Administration, not necessarily the west wing. I think the impression created for the average joe reading is that this is a cabinet member or the Vice President when its a little tricky because it could be somebody high up in justice or in the nfc or Something Like that. Again, one of the reasons were talking about it is because its anonymous. I think it would not have the power. Bill many have said that someday well know who this person is. Who wrote primary colors, joe cline . His identity was kept secret a minute and a half. Bob woodward said he would not have printed this in the Washington Post. But bob woodward is pushing a book, too. He said this condemning the west wing, watch. You look at the operation of this white house, and you have to say lets hope to god we dont have a crisis. This one was in the belly of the beast. And what did you conclude about the beast . That People Better wake up to whats going on. Bill what do you think about this book . Bob woodward interviewed 100 people, 50 he believed were key people in his words and also interviewed one person nine times and the transcripts of those conversations covered 700 to 800 pages. My question to bob woodward would be, how much of that did you rely on to craft this entire book . What is your question . My question is how can you quote verbatim paragraphs and paragraphs with someone that wasnt in the room. Its all hearsay and gossip which woodward has a track record of doing. One other thing thats curious about the anonymous oped and bob woodward. He said he doesnt know who wrote it. It fits the same narrative that his book is pushing, people working to save the country from trump. Its the exact same narrative with the book, with the anonymous oped. I wouldnt be surprised if it was one of his sources and he encouraged him to public it. When woodward said he didnt think that was the case but he really wouldnt know. I would hope the New York Times is very good at keeping secrets at least the oped section because its own editors and reporters will try their darnedest to find out who anonymous is. Sandra the president is tweeting about the bob woodward response this morning calling it is a joke. Ill write the real book. The president has a right to feel betrayed and angry. Someone who served in the white house, a bunch of things president bush things that the mcgurn administration would not have done but you have to decide whether you are going to stay there. If you stay there you have to give 100 . Who wants to work with a sneak and a liar . I think its really bad. I think there is something honorable about a principled resignation but nothing honorable about burrowing in and reporting on what your colleagues say and pretending to be one thing while being another. Bill good panel. Well bring you back in a little bit. Thanks. Sandra a new sign north korea could be on the right path. A big military parade marking a major milestone for north korea. What was missing is raising hopes that the rogue nation could be keeping its promises to President Trump. Bill also president obama is back on the political stage pointing to a Strong Economy and taking credit for that recovery. Money man Charles Payne has a few words about that. Charles is next. When you hear how great the economy is doing right now lets just remember when this recovery started. [cheering and applause] alright, i brought in new max protein. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Bill wildfire closes down one of americas busiest freeways, a 45 mile stretch of interstate 5 in Northern California will stay closed indefinitely until crews contain the delta fire. Flames have gone through 40,000 acres, homes destroyed in this long california fire season. Sandra because we have to start Charles Payne with some music on this monday morning kicking it off. Former president obama took credit for the Strong Economy last week. But what about all this rain . Well blame that on Charles Payne host of making money on fbn. Thank you for joining us this morning. It is coming down out there. More rain is on the way. Not for the economy. Former president barack obama seems to be taking credit for the now booming strength in the u. S. Economy. What do you make of that . Its amazing because first the democrats said there was no booming economy. And this is an admission there is a booming economy but the idea that president obama would take credit for it is beyond the pale mindboggling. Were talking completely different policies. President trump has removed so many barriers, so many roadblocks and then there are the lower taxes and then i have to tell you, there is the intangible. We saw it immediately in november 2016. In fact, historians really need to start marking the date after the election for president s when you start to talk about the economy and specifically the stock market. Thats when the market reacts. We always do it on inauguration dai. What did we see immediately after President Trump was elected . Confidence went through the roof. The National Association of Home Builders check confidence. One part of that measure is foot traffic. Traffic of potential buyers. It had been for 123 months it contracted until december 2016. When you hear how great the economy is doing right now, lets just remember when this recovery started. [cheering and applause] suddenly republicans are saying its a miracle. I have to kind of remind them actually those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016 and anyway. Bill well hear more of this. I guess until the public is educated. But lets talk about that. The job numbers are interesting because of the composition of jobs. Ironically today the Washington Post of all entities gave President Trump a back handed compliment. Under trump jobs finally reaches blue collar workers. Ive been talking about it. Theyre admitting it. Wages, we found out on friday wages increased by 2. 9 . The fastest since may of 2009. Food stamps two years before President Trump came in were down 3. 4 million. Now theyre down 5 million. Stock market. Two years before President Trump took office up 10 . Its up 31 now. Thats the dow. Sandra you referenced the jobs numbers and former president obama just said the job numbers are today where they were when i was president. Is he wrong . No, no. First of all if we are going to ever compare president s and you want to do apples to apples we could say lets take president obamas first two years versus President Trumps first two years. That being said, the overall numbers are completely different because you have not only jobs we have more jobs but people are coming back into the job market. There are a lot of things. The unofficial jobs numbers i like is called the u6. A much better measure. Its down significantly because people are coming back into the job market and employment population ratio through the roof particularly for black americans more than anybody else under President Trump. Those are the kind of things you dont hear. Bill here is the tweet. Gdp rate is higher than the Unemployment Rate 3. 9 for the first time in over 100 years. Here is another one. If the democrats had won the election in 2016 gdp, 1 and going down writes the president , would have been minus 4 instead of up 5. 2 . I opened up our our system was choking and would have been made worse. Still plenty to do end tweet. I think there is still plenty to do and plenty of room for the up side. One other thing i will say. I do find it interesting the Federal Reserve, since President Trump has been elected, have raised Interest Rates six times. Five since the inauguration. Remember what the Federal Reserve did under president obama . They printed 4. 5 trillion out of thin air to help save the economy. We had those Federal Reserve conversations all the time. The fed wouldnt be trying to slow down the economy. They actually didnt think it was becoming sandra let me ask you something. I know you are just as politically savvy as you are business and economy savvy. The president in the tweet bill read about the president saying phony books, articles, tv hits like in other have had to endure. Very honest people. A direct reference to democrats trying to distract from the strong economic message. Is that even possible . Is that happening right now . Are they controlling the message . President trump has helped a lot. Im glad he is focusing on these economic numbers right now and talking about it more and tweeting about it more. They bait the president every day and he typically takes the bait. The most important thing for households to put food on the table, be able to send your kids to college. Those are the top two things for people in this country. Right now it is coming on like gangbusters. Healthcare and some other things are becoming issues. We should be talking about the economy more. Bill tariffs are talking about that. There is a tax of 25 . If china sells a car in the u. S. There is a tax of 2 . Does anybody think thats fair . The days of the u. S. Being ripped off by other nations is over. Will we get a deal on tariffs with china . I think we will. I really think we will. And i think it is going to be here is the thing. The president will have to except a victory at some point on this before we hit the rubicon. They are going to offer something that will be significant but they also want to save face. Im not sure of the final composition of the deal. Let them fix amtrak since they have good fast trains but other than that give president xi something he can brag about. We are going to win. I will tell you bill you let the chinese fix it. They have trains that go 200 Miles Per Hour. As of last month china still exports from last month were down 10 . For the year down 13 . Their economy is really hurting right now. We dont want to crush their economy. They dont want to crush ours. They targeted people politically. I think well win all of these. Sandra ill ask you the question as you walk down the street. Are you still bullish . I am bullish. I will tell you 20 of the s p is in bear market so you have to be selective. 123 months, 10. 25. Thats a long time, a decade. Thank you, charles. President obama is back on trail, you know that. Why he is calling out the right for conspiracy theories as he reenters politics. Our atime is back on that in a moment. Sandra Serena Williams meltdown on the court stealing the u. S. Open headlines and stirring up a lot of conversation. Charles looks away. Well have that next. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. It helps block six key inflammatory substances. Most pills block one. Flonase sensimist. About medicare and supplemental insurance. Medicare is great, but it doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medicare costs, which means you may have to pay for the rest. 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A free decision guide will provide a breakdown of aarp Medicare Supplement plans, and help you determine the plan that works best for your needs and budget. Call today to request yours. Lets recap. There are 3 key things you should keep in mind. One if youre turning 65, you may be eligible for medicare but it only covers about 80 of your Medicare Part b costs. A Medicare Supplement plan may help pay for some of the rest. Two this type of plan allows you to keep your doctor as long as he or she accepts medicare patients. And three these are the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Learn more about why you should choose an aarp Medicare Supplement plan. Call today for a free guide. Sandra were awaiting a major Foreign Policy address in under two hours from john bolton. He will be laying out u. S. Priorities on major interNational Security threats including russia, china, north korea, global terrorism as well as cybercrime. Its his first public address of this kind since bolton joined the Trump Administration and closing the office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization in washington as a show of support for israel. Bill 10 31 on the east coast. A good sign from north korea over the weekend. Sundays national day saw the usual big military parade but there was no display of long range ballistic missiles. President trump calling it a good thing, even tweeting this. A big and positive statement from north korea. Thank you to chairman kim. Well both prove everyone wrong. There is nothing like good dialogue from two people that like each other much better than before i took office. Greg palkot back in his post in seoul, south korea. Whats the take there based on the events in pyongyang over the weekend, greg . One analyst told me its about the best that could have been expected. There are a lot of military on sunday in pyongyang but not the long range missiles. Noncapable of carrying a nuke or hitting the United States. Instead a lot of civilians and well orchestrated parade. Talks are stalled but it prompted the positive trump tweet and hope here from top advisor to the south korea president room. Last year he was talked about as a war monger but this year being depicted as a hero for peacemaking in korea. A hero for peacemaking. Yes. It must be said others we talked to have not been quite so positive amid new information that north korea continues to make those nukes. Bill whats next on the diplomatic front, diplomacy about nukes in north korea . Despite all that pomp north of the border there is a lot of diplomacy going on here. The new u. S. Envoy to north korea is getting read into the government and they are preparing for a summit between kim jongun and moon. His office is in close contact with the white house kick starting talk and the letter he is getting from kim. The Sticking Point seems to be agreeing to a declaration to end the korean war. Unfinished business from the past may be helping future peace. Bill thank you. Sir. Sandra the ateam is back for round two. On the agenda president obama reentering the political sphere with a big speech calling out President Trump and a big Campaign Trip to california. Liz harrington, judy miller and bill mcgurn are here. Judy, what do you make reentering the political arena . I think its unusual but a little early. I think the president under former president understands how much is riding on the midterms and he wants to lend his voice and his support to those Democratic Candidates and to fire up. Fire up the base to get them out there. Sandra wouldnt be so bad if it benefited his party, right, bill . He is trying to get the Obama Coalition to come out. One of the problems is that they didnt come out during the two midterms when he was president. So it is a question. It also kind of points to the lack of a democratic message other than maybe impeachment because they are going backwards to president obama. So i can understand president obamas distress. Most of his initiatives are being pulled apart and obamacare is next and the republicans still have their sights on it. Bill the biggest name in democratic politics. Maybe thats a good thing for democrats, maybe it is not. They want to look for new leadership. Does it drive more republicans out in certain districts in america . It certainly could. Everytime he hasnt been on the ballots themselves democrats havent done well. He didnt help Hillary Clinton all that much in 2016. What is the message exactly . Back then he was saying President Trump would need a magic wand in order to get to 4 growth. What will he say now that trump found it . Its ridiculous. What is the economic message when the economy is booming. He was in office for eight years. Its a message about the future of democracy and the fact that its endanger, so he argues, by the Trump Presidency and by President Trump himself. Bill is the message trump stinks and thats if we want to talk about a threat to democracy and executive overreach who better to talk about than president obama unilaterally rewriting immigration law, throwing out obamacare mandates with the swipe of a pen. He threw out the book. Went around congress. Thats why his legacy is being undone because iran deals didnt go through congress, everything he did his major achievements. Paris accord didnt go through congress. He did it executive power overreach. Bill the point that Kellyanne Conway is making on that. Obamas policies were built on sand and they were very easily able. Thats the problem when you build it. He said i have a pen and phone. When you build it on that rather than legislative achievement. The two big achievements were the stimulus and obamacare, right . A lot of the other stuff was executive order. He who lives by executive order can die by executive order and why he sees the one things republicans failed to do is make good on their promise to repeal obamacare. That is not going away. Sandra liz makes a great point when obama was talking about the economy. He said it wasnt possible. Now he is owning the fact he is the one responsible for it. A lot of these changes and a lot of what has given the economy its current momentum began under the obama administration. The problem right now for barack obama is that i think a lot of this is so personal. He still is you can see he is irritated by the birther conspiracy. By the fact that President Trump continued to endorse it directly, indirectly for so long. What you see is not only a Party Position but i think the personal reaction. Bill the big news is that the battle has been joined and youll see the two heavy weights go at it for 50 some odd days now. Thank you all. You mentioned obamacare. Another big challenge in a courtroom that youll see in a moment. 20 states trying to succeed where congress failed. The texas a. G. Is ken paxton leading the charge. He is our guest next. Will obamacare be tossed out by a court . Hell answer that coming up. Sandra Senate Democrats trying to derail the president s Supreme Court nominee. What they are doing now. This is an effort by the democrats to respond to a base that is just really gone crazy with all things trump. He will get confirmed. I think there will be a handful of democrats vote for him on the floor. Sandra obamacare facing one of its Biggest Challenges to date in a 20state lawsuit against the Affordable Care act. A group of republican state attorneys general are trying to do in a federal courtroom what congress has not been able to do. Get rid of obamacare. Leading the group is Texas Attorney general ken paxton. He joins us now. So can you succeed, ken, where congress has failed . I think were very likely to succeed. If youll remember the u. S. Supreme court said obamacare was tethered to the constitution by a very thin thread. In this case the thread was the penalty and if you remember earlier last year in December Congress got rid of the penalty. Therefore the tax that was associated with that is gone and individual mandate should fall. Bill what do you do with 130 million americans with preexisting conditions . And how do you manage that from a practical standpoint and a political standpoint, too . Well look, the first issue here is what congress did constitutional and the answer is no. Once we resolve that question and realize that obamacare is unconstitutional we have to have a solution. What i would suggest, which i think has worked over and over, is let the states resolve this. Let each state decide whats best for their citizens. This experiment of democracy where the states get to decide what they want to do instead of having a one size fits all solution from washington has worked a lot better. Sandra will you ultimately will this officially be tossed . Will it happen . What is your projection at this point . Im very confident. When congress got rid of the penalty, if youll remember Justice Roberts said that penalty was the tax that allowed the individual mandate, the order from congress that you had to buy Health Insurance stay in place. But he acknowledged that by itself the individual mandate, congress cannot compel you to buy anything whether its a house or a car or insurance. In this case thats what theyre doing. Bill you have a court in front of you i believe thats more conservative than you would find perhaps on the coast, east coast, west coast. Does it give you a greater chance of getting out of court initially and ultimately is it u. S. Supreme court . No, absolutely. When we have a court that actually cares about the constitution were much more confident. So if we go to court thats looking at this based on the statute and the constitution, we feel very confident it will be struck down and it will likely be appealed to the fifth circuit and ultimately the u. S. Supreme court. Bill would you make that same argument before Bret Kavanaugh was nominated . We filed it a year ago before we knew kavanaugh was coming into play. Absolutely we were confident that we were right on the constitution, right on the law. We still are. Sandra weve chatted about this with you along the way. Youve been leading this charge. 20 states involved. What do we need to know, our viewers need to know about what you are hearing from the states at this point on this . Well, one is its a pretty large coalition. There are lots of states interested in having the opportunity to set their own policies on healthcare. I think it is largely because obamacare has failed. It has been expensive. Limited choices for doctors and i think were getting worse healthcare than we otherwise would if we had more competition. Bill there are some who would say give it up, time has passed, and obamacare is settled law. To them you say what . I say the constitution matters and if we have something in place i dont care if it was set up a year ago or three years ago, our job we swear to uphold the constitution to make sure our form of Government Works the way it is supposed to. And if we have exceptions to that, then we start changing the way our government is operating, then it limits the ability of people to have impact on their government. Sandra want to give an idea of what democrats are saying on this. Chuck schumer leading democrat on the lawsuit said the republicanbacked lawsuits that takes away protections with preexisting conditions makes the stakes as high as could be. To him you say what . Look, i understand that he wants the federal government to dictate everything to the individual and to the states. Certainly in texas and these other 20 states we want the opportunity to provide our own resources and our own ideas. We think those will work better than what Chuck Schumer has pushed forward with obamacare. Bill thank you for your time and well see where we go, right . Ken paxton. It will be interesting. Bill in a moment cbs long time ceo is out of a job after more misconduct allegations became public. What does it mean for the network . Sandra plus its the showdown everyone is still talking about this morning. Serena williams meltdown on the court. Well take this one up next. You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Addon advantage. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. Doespeninsula trail . He you wont find that on a map. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. Bill oh what a way to end a tournament. Serena williams facing a 17,000 fine after the womens finals. The chair umpire noticing serena was looking at her coach and the ref pen all her. She said she was not taking coaching tips. I didnt get coaching. You make an announcement that i didnt get coaching. I dont cheat. I didnt get coaching. How can you say that . You need to make an apology. You owe me an apology. I have never cheated in my life. I have a daughter and i do whats right for her and ive never cheated. You owe me an apologies. She showed frustration losing that point and then shattering her racket and gets penalized for that taking a point away. Later as she was nearly losing the second set the two go at it again. Serena calling the umpire a thief. He flags her for verbal abuse. That sparks her to talk to an official saying it was sexist. Ive seen other men call other umpires several things and im here fighting for womens rights and for womens equality and for all kinds of stuff and for me to say thief and for him to take a game it made me feel it was a sexist remark. He has never took a game from a man because they said thief. For me it blows my mind. Bill were now joined by jared max part of the 24 7 crew. Safe to say i think this gets more conversation than any other topic over the weekend. Yeah. What happened . Throw out some facts here. The referee carlos ramos is known to be rigid and known to sometimes make himself the story as an umpire referee, as a broadcaster. The best thing you can do is not be part of the story. You dont want people to know the name of the umpire. People know the name of carlos ramos. Despite what Serena Williams said it hasnt happened to men thats false. He has had issues with nadal and djokovic and nadal at the french open. Did sexism come into this . No, i dont think so. Go back to 1990 at that time australian open. John mcenroe throws a fit like Serena Williams. Smashes his racket. Curses at the umpire and defaults. The umpire says youre done and he loses the match. Other men who have he was fined. I dont know what it was. We have seen it on both sides. Double standard . I dont know, what do you think . Bill here is what i saw. A saw a young 20yearold woman from japan who came to the u. S. At the age of 3 playing one hell of a match and really taking control. And she was poised and she was confident. And Serena Williams is her idol. I was surprised to hear the post match press conference fighting for womens rights and equality. We never saw behavior from serena like this when she is winning. When she is losing and really wants to win instead of looking in the mirror at her own performance not being up to par she lashes out at others. Lets go back to the u. S. Open a few years ago. She told a lines woman ill stuff this ball down your throat. If this is a man is this double standard . She would be in anger management class. Sandra this has divided the tennis world and major damage control that has to be done. What does that look like for the usga . I wouldnt call the nfl to ask advice. Serena is the greatest tennis player in the world. I dont think she is close to being the greatest champion in the world. That behavior is not what i want to see. Bill you think she was up against the ropes and lashing out. Two months ago when she said im always getting theyre only after me for the steroids tests here. She is always saying she is being targeted. Well, hefsh eave is the head that wears the crown. The best tennis player in the world and unique somebody at the top have people gunning for her n. This case she acted out the other night. You want to talk about feverish. This young girl osaka was robbed of a lifetime moment she worked her whole career for. Bill osaka is poised and chill. Very mature for a 20yearold who now owns a grand slam title. Watching everybody at center court for the trophy presentation it was awkward for everyone. Booing that serena had to say stop. Ugly moment. Same crowd also when it was the serena venus match. The largest cheers went to kaepernick when he was shown on the screen. Same exact crowd. I dont know. Sandra she is an important player in the game. They both are now. Everybody is still talking about it this morning. Bill thank you, sir. Jared maxx. Sandra meanwhile the east coast is bracing for a huge storm as Hurricane Florence gains strength in the atlantic. We have the latest on its track and the hunt is on for the anonymous author on the oped on the white house. Well have a live report from washington next. Thats when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. Yeah now business is rolling in. Get started at fastsigns. Com. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. Yeah now business is rolling in. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. In your wireless mouse . Maybe not. Maybe you can trust that during your fantasy draft, the computer wont autodraft a kicker in the 7th round. Or. You could just trust duracell. Gimme one minute. And ill tell you some important things to know about medicare. First, it doesnt pay for everything. 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We really pride ourselves on temaking it easy for youass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace sandra fox news alert at the top of the hour. The hunt for the anonymous senior white house official behind last weeks scathing New York Times oped intensifying. The Trump Administration vowing to remove any internal resistance. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Monday morning we kick things off. Bill at the end of this hour we have Something Special coming up. Sandra it is actually. Bill a little picture here or there smitty running. Sandra a good sunday morning we had. Bill the president calling it a matter of National Security. Officials suggesting a criminal matter may be in order to determine the identity anonymous writer. White house counselor Kellyanne Conway said this about that earlier today. Check it out. I have no idea. I think the person probably wasnt banking on the fact that he or she would be so ridiculed right, left and center at this point. You see democratic members of congress, left wing liberals out there saying hey, this is no way to express your opinion. Come forward and put your authorship on it. Bill chief White House Correspondent john roberts picks up the story on the north lawn. The beginning of a new week, john. The first of five mondays before next weekend. The white house might have an idea about who wrote it but they havent zeroed in on anyone. Top officials including the Vice President continuing to bang the drum that if the author of that oped does not agree with what the president is doing instead of some clandestine attempt to save the country from President Trump they should just pack up and leave. Listen to what he said yesterday. Do you think you know who anonymous is . I dont know. But i do know they should resign. Should all top officials take a Lie Detector Test and would you agree to take one . I would agree to take it in a heartbeat. Treason . Its unamerican and why youve seen republicans and democrats condemn this. The American People vote for a president. They fully expect the president to be able to surround themselves with men and women who will work with them in advancing their agenda. The president called for the attorney general Jeff Sessions to launch an investigation into who the author is and suggested the New York Times could have some exposure for publishing it. That brought a response from the New York Times going into the weekend. The editor saying were confident that the department of justice understands that the First Amendment protects all american citizens and that it would not participate in such a blatant abuse of government power. The president also going after the woodward book again this morning. You had one tweet at the top. Here is another. It is mostly Anonymous Sources here. Why should anyone trust you . General mattis and general kelly said it was not true. The president was on the today show responding saying bob woodward is a liar like a dem operative prior to the midterms he was caught told even by nbc. As he makes the rounds woodward is standing by what he wrote and dismissing administration denials. Listen here. They are not telling the truth. Look, whats going on here and my old boss at the Washington Post ben bradley used to say the truth emerges. Sometimes it takes time. These people, these are political statements to protect their jobs, totally understandable. Despite the back and forth woodward did find ground with the president over the oped. He said it was too vague and quote, does not meet the standard to be published. Bill. Bill thanks. John roberts leading our coverage from the north lawn. Thank you, sir. Sandra for more on all this lets bring in brit hume. Its tough to decide where to begin. Lets start with bob woodward. The book out tomorrow and standing by what he wrote. What do you think about the fact were still talking about anonymous this morning and bob woodward . Let me just say ive known bob woodward for 45 years. And he in this book is doing what he does and has done for decades now, very successfully in the sense of the sales of his books. He goes and talks to people by the metric ton and he promises them all anonymity and they tell him things. And he then writes books based on what they tell him. However, the books are not really footnoted and they dont give you any way to determine the credibility of his sources. So everything ends up hanging on him and his judgment and his choice of sources and so forth. He is a solid guy, a serious guy, good reporting, no doubt about any of that. However, its work has to stand on its own because we dont know where the stuff came from and we dont have any context for it and this has been a criticism of his work since back in the 70s. I was assigned to do a magazine profile about him back then. At the time journalists in washington by no means sympathetic to the administration in power were being critical of Bob Woodwards methods for the same reason were hearing now. There is nothing new about it in terms of what he has done and it has to hang on his credibility. The problem is, of course, it can never really be proven one way or the other, really. Sandra thats what bothers the president the most about all this and making his thoughts clear in a new tweet this morning saying the woodward book is a joke. Using disproven, unnamed and Anonymous Sources. Many have come forward to say the quotes by them are fiction. Dems cant stand losing. Ill write the real book says the president this morning. Thats the latest from the white house on that. Sandra, i have to say the sources have not been disproven. They havent been proven, either. In all likelihood they never will be. Thats where we are. The association of him with the dems, i dont know what woodwards politics are. They hasnt been politically active. I dont think its a product of the democrats. Its a product of one guy, independent, done well. He doesnt name his sources and it is hard to evaluate his work. Sandra as far as anonymous is concerned the hunt is still on. The white house john roberts reporting think theyve narrowed things but not circling in on any one person. They still dont know. The New York Times appears to be standing by the decision to publish it. Well, we keep hearing sandra that well know. Maybe even soon the identity of the anonymous writer. I have my doubts. The New York Times isnt going to identify the person. I doubt very seriously the times has reporters working to do so. I dont pick up any describe around washington a lot of reporters are trying to dig it out. You have a leak hunt which every now and then turn up somebody but mostly dont. Thats what the Trump Administration is up to. The interesting question for me is how really senior is this person . And the thing thats notable about his anonymous oped is that he never really cites a policy result or a decision result from the president s chaotic goings on that he can point to as dangerous. The theme seems to be we around him are restraining him. Thats probably not a bad thing. Sandra interesting. We know what the white house has to say. Sarah sanders said the person should resign. Kellyanne conway said the person intended to create chaos inside the white house and heard from the Vice President over the weekend willing to take a Lie Detector Test. Well see where this all goes. It is just monday morning and nice to start with you, brit, thank you. Thank you. Bill Hurricane Florence is a massive storm now gaining intensity upgraded to a category 3 hurricane moments ago. Winds topping out at 115 Miles Per Hour taking aim at the u. S. Where she hits we await. Janice dean is live from the extreme weather center. Extreme indeed. Well be watching her all week. Yes, florence. I want to make mention. Were watching other features here. Hurricane isaac moving through the caribbean. This feature here, some computer models showing a hurricane moving into texas on friday. Paying attention to this and we also have helene and in the Pacific Olivia will impact hawaii in the next couple of days. So it is incredibly busy but all eyes are on florence. We think this will strengthen to at least a category 4 over the next 12 to 24 hours. Possibility of a 5. Thats the highest you can get on the scale. The latest advisory. The takeaway here is were seeing it strengthening up to a major hurricane. This track brings it into the North Carolina coastline, the center of the storm a little bit earlier. So someTime Thursday morning, thursday afternoon. Also want to make is mention you warnt out of the woods if you live in South Carolina. You arent out of the woods if you live in virginia. Were going to see the potential for a stalling system. Also evacuations are starting to take place for the outer banks. Im also hearing rumors well start to see evacuations for myrtle beach starting tomorrow. Keep that in mind and listen to local officials. On the scale that we grade the storms. Category 3. Anticipating a highend cat 4 probably tomorrow. Nothing in the storms way and here is where we think the computer models are going to track. North carolina certainly could see the center of the storm but impact widely spread because look at this, stalling out we could see upwards of two feet of rainfall. Life threatening. If you live in the carolinas and mid atlantic listen to local officials and weather forecasters as well. This will be a major system, possibly the strongest system theyve ever had on record for North Carolina. Bill none of it sounds good. No, just pay attention. Bill talk to you later. Sandra fox news alert panic unfolding at a popular tourist spot in paris after a knife rampage leaves several people injured. What authorities are saying about the suspect and his motive. Bill new remarks from Vice President pence. Could the Vice President find himself in the hot seat before the president . Sandra are democrats fighting a losing battle by trying to turn the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh into a fight over President Trump . He is the most qualified judge of his generation. Outstanding, 12 years on the bench. This was an effort by the democrats to respond to a base that is just really gone crazy with all things trump. Bill fox news alert. Attempted Murder Investigation out of paris. A man armed with a knife and iron bar attacking seven people including two british tourists last night. Four of the victims still in critical condition. The attacker was also injured. He is believed to be an afghan national. Officials say terrorism is not suspected at this stage in that investigation. We have fully cooperated over the last year with the mueller investigation. He has not. Although weve provided any and all information and well continue to do that. You would be willing to sit with him if he were to ask. I would be more than willing to continue to provide any and all support in that. We have outside counsel that will advise me accordingly. Sandra Vice President mike pence speaking about the special counsels ongoing russia investigation after a lengthy back and forth between President Trumps legal team and muellers office whether the president should sit down for an interview with mueller. Judge napolitano, good morning. What we just saw from Vice President mike pence was seen as him volunteering to sit down for an interview with robert mueller. I guess you could listen to the words over and over and decide whether or not thats what happened there. I thought it was a little unusual. Those of us who follow this know the Vice President does have his own outside Legal Counsel just as the president has Rudy Giuliani and a team of lawyers and voluntarily surrendered documents to bob mueller. It is unusual for a person who has not been asked to meet with prosecutors and f. B. I. Agents to say im here if you want me. When you call me in i will say there was there and nothing happened. The government is suspicious of people that volunteer that kind of information. Sandra what does it tell you that he did that . He doesnt think its a witch hunt. He thinks its a legitimate investigation or wouldnt be cooperating with it and tells me he is about staunchest supporter of the president and say i was there and didnt see anything wrong. But it is dangerous for anybody to volunteer when they are not asked to go to speak to federal prosecutors. Theyre suspicious of this kind of volunteerism. Sandra it sounded similar to what the president originally said. Id be willing to sit down with an interview with mueller pending my lawyers advice on that. The president s lawyer who comes on fox all the time to recount his version of the negotiations with bob mueller, i speak of former mayor giuliani of course, has given the president the advice that this is a dangerous environment for you, but if we can get some conditions out of mueller, if we can learn more about his case. When you negotiate with someone, you learn their thinking. I believe thats what Rudy Giuliani is attempting to accomplish. Our own pete hegseth asked the president at the rally are you ruling out discussing with mueller anything about obstruction of justice . The president wouldnt answer the question. That may mean they havent decided it yet or rudy hasnt told the president yet that rudy decided he doesnt want him to talk about obstruction. We dont know. The point is its dangerous for the president , who doesnt use an economy of words, to sit down in an environment where one slipup or contradiction of something you already said can result in a charge of perjury. Sandra Something Else you said was interesting it could be a red flag to the feds if you have someone like the Vice President come forward and volunteer and say yes, ill sit down. Im smiling because in my prior life i worked with this mentality of prosecutors and investigators. When someone says hey, let me come and talk to you or put me before the grand jury, they are suspicious of it. Even if that person is a lawyer who happens to be the Vice President of the United States. Sandra could this like you have discussed with the president a perjury trap for Vice President pence . If you were to ask me the potential for that is great and grave and you should stay away from this environment. Sandra do you think its possible based on what you heard from the Vice President that he could sit in that hot seat before the president would . No, i dont think so. Muellers team arent interested hearing him say i was there and nothing happen. Theyre interested in hearing the president s version. They have Everything Else they need. If you read the interview of George Papadopoulos they have everything they need. Sandra well see where it goes. Thank you. Bill watch this story now. Syrian and Russian Forces stepping up attacks on the last rebel stronghold in syria amid reports of a potential chemical weapons attack in that country. Were live at the state department for the latest on whats happening there in a moment. Plus. Sandra cbs making a major decision at the very top. The network parting ways with les moonves after more Sexual Misconduct allegations surface. The latest allegations and the fallout next. For the past five years, ive spoken with hundreds of families and visited seniorcare communities around the country. And ive got to tell you, todays seniorliving communities are better than ever. These days, there are amazing amenities, like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars, and bistros, even petcare services. 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Weve got this under control. Two. Youre a bunch of boys. You dont have anything under control one. First man. Rated pg13. Sandra the Arizona Cardinals honoring cindy mccain last night. The team naming senator john mccains widow an honorary captain. The funeral for her husband was two weeks ago and Larry Fitzgerald considered a touching eulogy at mccains Memorial Service in phoenix. Bill a cool moment. A lot to her to get that. Fitzgerald has been upstanding through all this. Well done, phoenix. U. S. Intel now believe syrian president Bashar Alassad is planning a chemical weapons attack. A rebelheld province in the northwestern part of the country near the turkish border. The news coming in despite several warnings from the Trump Administration. Rich edson is live from the state department. Whats the evidence on this, rich . The top u. S. Diplomat to the syrian situation says that there is evidence, there is lots of evidence. Refuses to get into specifics but he says on good grounds the United States believes the assad regime is preparing chemical weapons in that area of idlib northwestern syria as the wall street journal is also reporting that u. S. Officials believe that the assad regime has approved the use of chlorine gas in any offensive there. Its unclear if assad also granted permission to use serin gas . Theyve used serin before and banned under international law. Idlib is the last imagine or rebel holdout in the syrian civil war. Syria and russia are bombing the area. Iran is allied to the assad regime and helping it restore control over the country. Turkey called for a ceasefire warning an offensive would add to the refugee crisis thats going on there. Apparently russia, iran and syria rejected the pleas for a ceasefire. Bill how will the u. S. Respond . What are the options . A Senior State Department official says the consequences would be dire if the assad regime uses chemical weapons in the area and nikki haley has said it would be a dangerous escalation of the conflict if there were an assault on idlib. The Vice President mike pence echoed those thoughts. The United States of america and our allies will take swift and Decisive Action against any use of chemical weapons in the idlib province. Beyond that i will tell you were watching very carefully as resources are being martialed along the border of the idlib province. It is unclear exactly what the administration would do. The Trump Administration has twice before launched air strikes in response to Chemical Attacks and also used sanctions. Bill rich edson. Significant story at the state department. Sandra we are oef 30 minutes away from National Security advisor john boltons first major address since joining the Trump Administration. What does he see as the main threats currently facing the United States . Bill also president obama, is he helping or hurting the Democratic Party by hopping on the campaign trail . We finally found a democrat who thinks the economy is doing well under President Trump. President obama. He doesnt understand his messages and now he wants credit for the economy that the democrats say doesnt exist. Its pretty funny. Sandra a major shakeup at cbs effective immediately. Longtime Ceo Les Moonves is stepping down coming hours after a bombshell report revealing six more women accusing him of Sexual Misconduct. Brian yenis has more on that. What more do we know about the terms of his departure . The questions now is whether cbs will pay him upwards of 120 million in severance pay. Cbs says his severance will depend on the findings of an internal investigations by claims underway by law firms hired by cbs. Depending on the conclusions he will be given all, some or none of the money. Theyre donating 20 million in severance pay to metoo organizations empowering women. Cbs opened an investigation after reporter ronan farrow published an article in the new yorker. Moonves says untrue allegations from decades ago are now being made against me that are not consistent with who i am. Effective immediately i will no longer be chairman and chief executive officer of the cbs. I am sad to leave the country. He stepped down hours after farrow published another article sunday morning in which six more women allege in graphic detail how he sexually harassed them and retaliated against women who rejected him. A veteran Television Executive says moonves forced her to perform oral sex. Right after he appeared naked, he came running into my office and did this whole thing about that i didnt send a memo to anybody and then he picked me up and threw me against the wall. I mean, i just lay on the floor and cried. He denies these accusations. The highest rated network, les moonves is out. Sandra thank you. Bill it was very disappointing to see president obama break with the tradition of former president s and become so political and roll out the same tired arguments that he and liberals have made over the last eight years. The truth is the American People in 2016 rejected the policy and direction of barack obama when they elected president donald trump. Bill now we have former president obama catching heat from many prominent republicans for jumping into the fray and support Democratic Candidates running in midterms. John sununu is former chief of staff to george h. W. Bush. I imagine you caught one of the appearances last friday or saturday by the former president barack obama. What did you make of his appearance, delivery and message . Well, hi, bill. The Vice President is right. Barack obama is breaking with 230 years of tradition. Virtually a practice by every former president in that they dont criticize their successor and they dont get into the middle of the politics of the day. But obama is out there, i think, for two reasons. Number one, he has an insufferable ego. Obamas ego saw an opportunity to find a couple of venues where he could go out and talk about himself and he is going to be doing that. Unfortunately he is finding out, as he did in anaheim where they were set up for thousands, that only 750 people showed up. So his ego may take some bruising. The second reason i think is more interesting. I think he is worried that if the republicans do hold the house and the senate, that the investigations of congress will continue into the shenanigans of the comeys and mccabes and even extend into the brennans and rice and illegal unmaskings and all of a sudden the investigations will get to a point where people will start asking what did obama know and when did he know it . I think he is trying to stave that off. Bill when you saw him on stage you were thinking about that, right . What decisions did he make or others around him, what did they do before the campaign of 2016 . Actually, my first thought is what is this damn fool doing coming out of retirement to break with the tradition of not attacking sitting president s. That was my first thought. Bill wow. He said when he left office that he would follow the footsteps of others, be it your president , 41, or bill clinton 42 or george w. Bush 43. Or jimmy carter. All the modern president s have followed that tradition. He said he would. But i really do think its a combination of his ego and a combination of his concern that the republicans that there wont be a blue wave and that republicans are going to hold both the house and senate. Bill interesting response. You say they drew how many in anaheim at that appearance . I was told 750. At least thats what the press reports were. It was in a venue geared for thousands. Bill do you think his presence drives up some republican attention in areas where its counterproductive . Look, in his eight years in office, what the political result of his presence was was over 30 republican governors. Thousands of state legislators switched from democrat to republican. I think the republicans are looking forward to him being out there and reminding people of the bad eight years so that the contrast with the success of the trump economy, for example, can be driven home even better. Bill with the Obama Campaign that you just talked about, with the bob woodward book this week and transcript dribbled out a week ago, the New York Times oped from some insider source within the Trump Administration, what do you think that one, two, three punch has done over the past week . Look, history over the past year and a half has shown that those kinds of flashes in the headlines will be forgotten in about 10 days. The president has an amazing capacity of shifting the agenda to what he wants. I think thats going to happen. I have think you are going to see aggressive republican campaigning in the next 57 days. And i think if the president does what he wants, this blue wave that the liberal press keeps talking about is not going to be a blue wave. Bill do you have a sense whether they hold the majority in the house today . If you were betting what would you say . I would bet the republicans hold the majority by a handful or more. Bill really . Huh. Yeah. Bill well see what happens then, thank you, john sununu. Great to have you on this monday. Thank you. Sandra were about 30 minutes away from National Security advisor john bolton. He is set to deliver his first major address since joining the Trump Administration. Gillian turner is live in washington what are we expecting from ambassador bolton a few minutes from now . He will be at the Federalist Society here in d. C. As a first order of business he is planning to drop some major shade on the International Criminal court known as the icc. A draft of boltons speech obtained by fox news includes this bombshell. He says we will not cooperate with the i. C. C. We will provide no assistance to the i. C. C. We will not join the i. C. C. We will let the i. C. C. Die on its own. For all intents and purposes the i. C. C. Is already dead to the United States. The next step the war in afghanistan. He plans to threaten sanctions against i. C. C. Judges into what they say are war crimes by the American Military in afghanistan. He is planning to say the u. S. Will use any means necessary for our citizens from prosecution by the illegitimate court. Sandra we know john bolton has been a staunch critic of the i. C. C. What else . Sandra the Israeli Palestinian conflict. He will confirm the state Department Plans to close the plo office in washington and include the following. The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, israel. The Trump Administration is concerned the palestinians are trying to get the i. C. C. To investigate israel. This announcement could be the clearest signal yet theyre going all in. The palestinians remain undeterred and insist today they are planning to go to the i. C. C. Anyway and the p. L. O. Mission closure is the latest pressure tactic by the Trump Administration thats already biased against them. Bill we await john bolton shortly. Gillian turner, thank you. Bill a week ago democrats tried to turn the confirmation battle with kavanaugh against trump. We gave democrats more documents on kavanaugh than the last five combined. He is the most qualified judge of his generation, outstanding, 12 years on the bench and you know exactly what you get with him. 300 plus decisions. E competitio; hydrating better than 100, 200 even 400 creams. With our b3 complex, Beautiful Skin doesnt have to cost a fortune. Olay. We really pride ourselves on making it easy for you tech at safelite autoglass, to get your windshield fixed. With safelite, you can see exactly when well be there. Saving you time for what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace bill a bit of a chaotic scene at a nightclub in tennessee shooting in the Early Morning hours. Five people were wounded including a Security Officer who is said to be cooperating with investigators. So far no arrests have been made. That from tennessee. This was an effort by the democrats to respond to a base that has just really gone crazy with all things trump. He will get confirmed. I think there will be a handful of democrats vote for him on the floor. Nobody in the committee, confirmation hearings are about politics not the qualifications of the nominee and i really hate that. Sandra senator Lindsey Graham speaking his mind on sunday morning futures saying democrats dont really have anything to go on in their effort to block judge kavanaugh from the Supreme Court. He says theyre just trying to make it about the resistance to President Trump. Joining me now is Carrie Severino director at judicial crisis network. Thank you for joining us this morning. You clearly saw the display by democrats last week to make this all about trump. It wasnt necessarily about policy disagreements or concerns. No. Thats because if they made it about kavanaugh it would be so clear he is one of the most qualified people ever to be nominated for the office. You had people like the a. D. A. Seeing is an a . So if we were really talking about judge kavanaugh this guy will have broad bipartisan support but what we saw instead were a lot of democrats running for 2020 campaigns embarrassing themselves everything from the complete fake fishing expedition by senator harris or editing tape to try to fundraise off of kavanaughs own comments to cory booker playing spartacus. It was embarrassing and the protestors being egged on by Democratic Senators themselves. It doesnt affect kavanaugh as much as it will make uncomfortable Democratic Senators like joe manchin and others who like what President Trump is doing and the independents wont be impressed by childish behavior on behalf of the Democratic Senators. Sandra we covered the hearings and sometimes during these hours and sat here and watched every word and exchange and everybody has their opinions on what happened in that confirmation hearing. But Lindsey Graham weighing in yesterday really sharing his disappointment in the tone of that hearing. Listen. The democrats are under a trem enous amount of treasure from the left to destroy everything trump. I was disappointed in the tone of the hearing trying to suggest judge kavanaugh wasnt telling the truth about a conversation between him and some person in a 300person law firm that bore no fruit. In terms of documents we gave democrats more documents on kavanaugh than the last five Supreme Court nominees combined. He is the most qualified judge of his generation. Sandra should the tone to which he referenced, should that be a concern to all of us whether on the left or the right . Absolutely. The Senate Hearing process should be something that is more solemn and more thoughtful. Again, asking questions theyre important questions for a nominee to be able to discuss. Really important principles. Some of the senators brought out good exchanges on the role of a judge and how our constitutional system works. That is appropriate. Having people shouting is not appropriate in the middle of the hearings. And then, of course, the dishonesty that he is referring to where senator harris trying to trap him as if not knowing if he would who you may have spoken to at a law firm with hundreds of members. I dont know if i know anyone at the law firm and could answer it under oath without having to reconsider. Very unfair and designed to cut footage for 2020 president ial ads. This is not designed to find out anything about Brett Kavanaugh. People announced sometimes before he was nominated that they would vote against him. I dont think theyre looking for information, just trying to score these cheap political stunts. A lot of them fell flat. Sandra it could be a losing fight for them making it all about trump. Well see where it all goes. We dont have our crystal ball but keep watching all of it. Thank you very much. Good to see you. Bill in a moment we have a new miss america. How has the competition changed during the Metoo Movement. We report from Atlantic City in a moment. Well talk to rick next. Im going to start with some balayage clipins, then razor cut up to a blunt angled lob. Im retiring; youre my swan song. What . hes gonna slap some clips in your hair, give you a bob and then hes gonna move to boca raton. But youre gonna look amazing. Ok. There are multiples on the table one is cash, three are fha, one is va. So what can you do . Shes saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. But you got this Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. Understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes by americas largest mortgage lender. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. 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One of the big changes this year was dropping the swimsuit competition and the winner says she was happy about it because it meant she could eat more in the week leading up to the contest. 25yearold nia franklin becomes the seventh miss new york to win the crown but takes a job in possibly the most turbulent time in miss americas history. After last years miss america said she was bullied by the new leadership including miss america board chair Gretchen Carlson the former fox news host who took over and rebranded the pageant in january. Carlson made it all about her and after posting a five page letter online documenting her complains two dozen former winners and half pageant leaders called for carlson and the current board to resign. I asked the new miss america for her reaction to all this late last night. I love her but this is my year and ill support her no matter what. I look forward everything i want to do with my year. Working with hospitals in supporting this organization. Late this morning the Miss America Organization released the findings of an independent internal review of the complaints. The tumult of leadership transition was compounded by dramatic changes to the organization and branded and ineffective communication about direction and guidelines led to confusion and distress among multiple witnesses. The report supported some complaints but did not find evidence of bullying. Bill Rick Leventhal today. Sandra in a few minutes were expecting a major announcement from the Trump White House and john bolton will take the stage soon for his first address since joining the Trump Administration. Well bring that to you live when it begins. Hungry eyes one look at you and i cant disguise ive got hungry eyes applebees new 3course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Whoever came up with the term Small Business, never owned a business. Are your hours small . What about your reputation . Is that small . 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Beat South Carolina or North Carolina, virginia or wherever she eventually lands, theres a possibility that she stalls and then becomes a rainmaker so in addition to the storm surge and the wind, you got all this water that could lead a lot of areas so its only monday, tomorrow is 9 11, just 17 years later, going to have a lot of coverage on that tomorrow but going to be with us all week and maybe its thursday, maybe its friday, perhaps a little later, we will see. States of emergency in the carolinas, heed those warnings. Florence, i guess you could say we really didnt see it coming, but it is still the season and there were two others out there, so just watch it and will keep you updated on what you need to know up and down the east coast so thats that. Speaking of fast, we honored gerri willis yesterday celebrating, she is now cancer free after going through treatment for breast cancer. She is now a huge supporter of the Susan G Coleman foundation, raise 75,000, fox news, fox business colleagues gathered around her yesterday to run the race for the cure in central park right here in new york city and what a morning it was getting together there in our running gear. Just the three of us i guess. I had no idea that you showed up to actually run the race. We had a stride, didnt we . I didnt know you ran track at lsu, you are division i athlete. Im just a kid off the sidewalk here. We had a decent pace. A great cause, a great group. You are very respectful of my slower pace because you would hold back and allow me to keep going. Do you think we couldve pushed that pays more . I was fine with it. It was a sunday morning. Congratulations, you grab so many of your colleagues into that event to raise 75,000, thanks to fox news and you scoring everybody. It was fun running with you. Outnumbered starts right now. Harris the president s National Security advisor john bolton it set to deliver his first major address since joining the trump administratio administration. We expect to hear him announce that the United States will push for sanctions over an International Criminal Court Investigation into alleged american war crimes in afghanistan. Mr. Bolton is also expecting to discuss the closure of the palestinian Diplomatic Office in washington, d. C. We will take you there live when he begins to speak live here and outnumbered. In this fox news alert is where we began. At the white house stepping up attacks on the anonymous author of a highly critical

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