Because small little bunnies and chicks. And little puppies. We want you to email us, friends foxnews. Com, easter hunts, baskets, knew outfits for church. Send them in. But theres got to be a screen shot of fox friends in the background. The the New York Times is saying maybe the yos yay wasnt what it was cooked up to be. The 20 democrats are jumping all in on impeachment and the Mueller Report. Lets take a look back and think about the holy week which started with a terrible tragedy in paris but was averted in some ways by people coming together, saving the treasures there. And now the bombing in sri lanka overnight. Churches under attack in easter. At least 138 people are dead after a series of explosions target churches and hotels in sri lanka. Weve live in the Jerusalem Bureau with the latest. Good morning. Reporter pete, ed, jedidiah, the story is developing by the moment. Authorities say that in the past hour two new blasts are occurred, this bringing the total number of attacks up to eight. The six targets killed at least 138 people, injuring hundreds more. The number expected to rise. The first round of attacks targeted three churches and three Luxury Hotels across the island. The majority of bombings happened in the capital city. Video footage shows blood across the pews. Many churches have canceled their services out of fear that another bombing could occur. Ten days ago sri lankas police chief worried that bombers planned to hit. As condolences pour in from around the world, sri lankas president has given instructions to Law Enforcement to take every step to find out who carried out the attacks. 35 foreign nationals were killed in the attacks. Were getting new information just now indicating that sri lanka has shut down social media sites in the country and additionally were learning that a curfew has been imposed to try to stop other people from going into the streets and putting themselves into danger on this Easter Sunday. Well get back to you throughout the show. Sri lanka fought a civil war for a long time. The spep las vegas because theyre suicide bombers, this could be the work of radical islamists, focusing on churches on easter . Devastation when any house is hit on a religious holiday, everyone feels so united and mourning. Those are supposed to be the Sacred Places that people go for safety and secure. And celebration on easter. And to find celebration and peace for themselves. Its devastating. The terrible accident in paris earlier in the week, obviously people came together. Hopefully many come together for those in sla ka. Sri lanka. The New York Times seems to have woke unup after a couple of years and realized that the antitrump dossier may not have, what it was promised and may have been filled with what they called fabrication. What weve been reporting on for a long time. Theyre reporting it now. Independents the finally New York Times. Its usually the failing the New York Times. This is what the the New York Times reported in their newspaper just recently. They said the release on thursday of the report by the special counsel robert s. Mueller iii under scored what had grown clear for many. Some of the most sensational claims in the dossier appeared to be false and others were impossible to prove. Mr. Muellers rt no overall assessment of why so much did not check out. How many reports in some cases have been doing excellent work in figuring out whats in the investigation and whats not but after a couple of years they never investigated some of this stuff, never got to the bottom of the stuff that weve been talking about on fox for a long time. Its good they felt compelled to do so. We can laugh about it. It is late. Welcome to the party. But im glad to see they felt compelled. If the the New York Times feels compelled to look into this and be honest what happened and question what was the basis for the investigation, that means that other liberal Media Outlets will follow suit, if they want to have credibility, we have to ask tough questions and be realistic. That this is their one time mea culpa so they can check the box and move on to whatever other investigation. Remember, theres going to be an investigation of the investigators. This. Is going to be followed up on. This is what the the New York Times listed as example exampl, intleinteractions with prostitu, moles inside the dnc, use of romanian hackers to attack the democrats, and Michael Cohens trip to prague. How many times did we hear about that. That started in the dossier, never proven of all of this time. The carter page one strikes me interesting because carter page has been thrown out there in the Mainstream Media for years, thrown to the wolfs. See leve and we might get the declassification of the warrant on carter page. Might get to see the unredacted version of what they trumped up on donald trump. Meanwhile we have Great Division between the Democratic Party. Some pushing for impeachment, some saying lets focus on the issues. Lets look at the democrats backing impeachment, larn, julian castro, al greene, alexandria ocasiocortez, ill hand omar, Maxine Waters, no surprises for me there. Lets listen to the democrats on impeachment versus investigations and see some of the divide. Impeach the president. Are you there yet . Im not there yet, but i can foresee that possibly coming. The impeachment effort is going to only divide it further. Essentially impeachment is a political process and in my view theres a better political process coming down the road on almost the same time frame and thats the elections of 2020. Another question for us is, is there going to be some accountability here. I have called on the house to initiate impeachment. I think right now we should continue the investigation. Lets keep investigating. Keep going. Does he want to investigate the investigators, though . The idea that youre going to keep investigating until you find something, i think angus king is right. If you want to impeach him, impeach him at the ballot box. To me if youre being savvy as a democrat at all, thats what you do expwhr blumenthal of blumenthal said this is not the end. Said this is the beginning of a new chapter. What youre saying is investigate on and on forever. The truth is if they felt they could impeach him at the ballot box, thats the route they would go. I think the fear is theyre deeply worried about the election. He is scoring big points. Lets figure out a way to get him out and tackle this in an underhanded kind of way. And a lot of democrats are being responsible about this saying hold on a second, impeachment is going to hurt us. I give them credit. Its a matter of which side in the Democratic Party wins the fight. Theres one guy who it took him a long time. Theres questions about the start of the joe biden campaign. Supposed to happen this week. Wednesday. One of his former aides, he said this, said ive never seen anything so half you know what. Youre imp provising and doing lastminute planning. The guy has been running for president since 1987 and cant figure out the basic of where should i stand o on the first d. This should make everyone nervous. Its felt like hes in and out. Is he off to the right kind of start here . It doesnt seem like it. And it seems like, can he come in as the grownup in the room and chart a course . If he cant figure out am i in, am i out, am i going to get the money, am i not going to get the money, its hard to show him having strength coming in. If he wants to go moderate, youve got the resist liberal left wing saying no no no, dont give in to trump, dont move on from the investigations. Hes showing the strength that you would expect. Instead hes showing a lot of waffling. Deep down inside joe knows this is not his time. Hes trying to figure out how to fit into the me too movement, when the Democratic Party has gone so far left. There doesnt seem to be room for him. Its a struggle. Hes saying to say i want to announce but how do i do this in a way that surges me forward and dont have Bernie Sanders on my tail. He will be there. A zoo keeper is in stable condition after being attacked by a tacker. Visitors watching as the 7yearold tiger pounced on the trainer. The animal puncturing the womans head, neck and back. The tiger will not be put down. The zoo closed briefly before reopening. Police in nelz say the parents of a missing 5yearold boy are not cooperating with investigators. This as the fbi joins the search to find the boy. The boys parents say they last saw him wednesday night. There are no signs that he was abducted. Ajs parents have been investigated for abuse and tbhe glect in the past. Felicity hutchman could avoid jail time after pleading guilty. He should spend her recommended sentence of four to ten month ms at home. She would have to wear an ankle monitor. The actress admitted to paying a harvard graduate 15,000 dollars to fix her daughters s. A. T. Score. Christians around the world are celebrating easter today. This is a live look at the vatican city right now as pope francis addresses a massive crowd. And the fire at notre dame forcing parishioners to hold their easter vigil at a nearby church. At washington, d. C. , thousands are gathering at the Lincoln Memorial right now for the sunrise service. Some establishment stop sanders democrats agonizing over his momentum. The establishment roorin establ. Surges in the poll polls in the meantime. What do bernies supporters have to say. Well ask one supporter and get the inside scoop next. Termites, feasting on homes 24 7. Were on the move. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Democrats about to get a 2016 primary doover with the relaunched cam pain of socialist Bernie Sanders. Some democrats are ag niesessing other his momentum and money as he continues to top the poll and surge in the fundraising. What do actual sanders supporters make of all of this. Lets ask democratic strategist chuck. Good morning and happy easter. Tell me why are democratic establishment folks so worried. We keep hearing about the secret dinners that are not secret. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi huddling, what do we do, how do we stop bernie. Why are they so worried . Ive been doing campaigns for 29 years. You have an elite class of donors who have called the by laws and the process, Bernie Sanders operates outside of that. Funded by grass hoot support from all over the country. 1 million donations today from small individuals giving a little bit of money. That takes the power away there the people who are normally used to being in power and that aint normally something good for folks in power. But there are some of the establishment democrat democraty devils advocat ad vo and advoct theyre thinking hes out on a limb and cant grow his base. Does he want to unite the Democratic Party or not . His first number one goal was to beat donald trump. And as we travel across the country were bringing people into the Democratic Party. You have to vote in the democratic pr pry pair. We had big crowds in south South Carolina for Bernie Sanders. People are unrunning to his message about health care and education. I hear from democrats privately, is he even a democrat . He is vedge spher registered as . He is registered for a democrat. He cares about the issues that we run on empowering people. Hes filed as a democratic now but hes always been a socialist. He runs as a democratic socialist. If youre for medicare for all, then youre a democratic socialist. Where is he on impeachment . I havent had a conversation with the senator exactly about that. Im not ready to answer that. Where is he on the mueller information . There was a lot of information that was a wakeup call. Everybody is taking it in and seeing what the steps are. The people have to take the report, take the findings of the report and do all of the work they need to do. Heres a bottomline question for Bernie Sanders moving forward. How does he beat donald trump if he is the nominee. When i talk to trump advisers, they say after a long drawn out primary, if a socialist, if you admitted thats really what he is, if a socialist wants to take on a capitalist, donald trump is going to run away with the election. In wisconsin, michigan you with a whole group of people that have forgotten about. They love Bernie Sanders, love his message, love medicare for all. Have those folks seen the unemployment numbers . Have you seen the polls . People are flocking to Bernie Sanders. People i talked to. Not everybody out there but the folks on the campaign trail. Were all waiting for it. 2020 is here already. Happy easter. Thank you, ed. Remember the media spent the last two years pushing the russia collusion narrative. The next guest says now that the Mueller Report is out the attorney general was right about everything and the left needs to apologize. Hes a the New York Times contributing writer. That is next. Quick easter head lines. More trouble for boeing as a the New York Times report finds shoddy production practices. The papers investigation reveals a Company Culture that values speed over quality. Boeing is denying the allegations. Latest setback for the company after two deadly crashes involving its 737 max jets. Spacex is addressing an anomaly that sent smoke billowing for miles. The company was testing a crew dragon capsule when something went wrong. Its designed to take people to the International Space sphaition anstationand were noo into democrats and the media spending more than two years rushing the russian collusion hoax and getting it all wrong. I think this is a potentially more dangerous situation than watergate. Donald trump is afraid. This is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. So many connections with the kremlin. I believe there was collusion. Donald trump is done. Hes done. Theres no question about that. The beginning of the end. Our next guest says democrats and the media owe the president an apology. Joining us now is publisher and editor of american greatness and the New York Times writer. Thanks for joining us. Not many people get the opportunity to write an op ed like this in the pages of the the New York Times. Tell us about your argument. Well, so i think youre talking to americas least popular man today judging by the hate mail ive gotten over the last couple of days because of this. But actually its something ive wanted to say for a while, something i have said for the past two years which is that the collusion narrative, the way i put anytime the piece was this is basically just a massively multiplayer coping mechanism. This is something that people came up with because they couldnt believe that donald trump was elected. Hillary was supposed to win. There us no possible way she coulden win. Couldnt win. A 90 chance to win, donald trump 7 . When that didnt happen there had to be an excuse. And it always seemed to come back to the same thing, which is it had to be russian. And there were headlines every day saying this is the end or donald trump, theres collusion, were going to prof it, mueller is going to prove it, team mueller and it turns out it wasnt true, which is what weve been saying for two years. And having committed what i think is a massive fraud on the american public, its time for people to own the mistake if it was an honest mistake and say i was wrong and apologize, move on. Thats the only way that people who say they are journalist can regain credibility. The odds f that happening are roughly slim to none. Do you think there will be any standout democrats particularly those running for 2020 will seize the opportunity to be truthful on this, my guess is no, or will there be people in media who want to maintain credibility and recognize that their credibility is on the line base on how they covered this from the start . It will feel good if you come clean and its good for the soul and youll feel better about it, youll regain your credibility, not really expecting that anybody coul would take me up oe offer. And honestly the people to do will be few and far between. When it comes to the 2020 candidates, zero of those people will do it. Thats not what their base is. They raise money calling donald trump names and saying he colluded. Its not in their interest to come clean and tell the truth. Right. So you said you got a lot of hate mail. Whats the major response. Are you lying in their minds . The major response is its sort of like they go to plan b. It doesnt say collusion but it doesnt say he didnt collude. I dont snow ho know how to pros that. Yeah, right, but if he had colluded they would have said that. And so its i feel like this is the six stages of grief and people who invested so much time and effort and mental capacity in this are trying to figure out whats next. Good for you. I think your dilemma and how to process that is the dilemma that most people are having. Appreciate your input. Thanks for being here. Coming up, Kim Kardashian worked with President Trump to free someone from prison whanchts the celebrity superstar is saying to the haters about working with the white house and why she has no plans to stop. I had no symptoms of hepatitis c. Mine. Caused liver damage. Epclusa treats all main types of chronic hep c. Whatever your type, ask your doctor if epclusa is your kind of cure. I had the common type. Mine was rare. Epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. I just found out about my hepatitis c. I knew for years. Epclusa is only one pill, once a day, taken with or without food for 12 weeks. Before starting epclusa, your doctor will test if you have had hepatitis b, which may flare up and could cause serious liver problems during and after treatment. 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Lets bring in the reverend from the archdiocese of new york. Happy easter. Somber news reminding us that christians are targeted around the world. This hits home. Easter sunday mass, People Killed while theyre worshiping god, it really hits my soul here to see this. Im going to have mass at 11 00 this morning. Absolutely no thought that anybody would come in and bomb my church but thats what happened in sri lanka. Were going to pray for those people and pray they can find healing and support among the survivors and burr arery the dead. But its very very sad. So many people in my family and families around the country and Countries Worldwide look to church as a sacred place where they find peace and feel they can find safety. When Something Like that happens it shakes through all of us. Despite this horrific news, what is your hope that people will remember on this Easter Sunday and learn from easter . Easter is christs triumph over sin and death. Even the People Killed today have the triumph of life. The life of heaven is whats parent. Christ came in as a prince of peace and we pray that his followers will respond in love. But we have to remember that evil brought christ to the cross. When he died on the cross we he asked to us bar bear our own cr. Theres a poll from ga gallop that caught our eye. It suggests that faith is losing its influence. 78 say its losing influence 19 say its increasing right now. How do you turn that around . Well, you know, the job of the priests and the church is to proclaim christ. I think thats what we try to do. How we do that in the modern scene, it becomes a little more difficult because people dont come to the church build sog we have to appeal to them in many ways. But one of the most outstanding things that we can tell to people if you are a practicing catholic or christian, live your faith in joy, be charitable, believe in the doctrine with firmness, people come to you with questions, answer them. Most people wont ask me religious question, theyll talk to their play friends. If they believe jesus rose from the dead and this is why i believe it, it will have an influence. How do we get past the easter bunny. Its great but a secular reaction to a holy day. What the you do to connect the meaning of this day . Explain to them what happened in jerusalem. That he died on friday and rose the third day. Tell the story of easter and explain it. Easter bunnies are great. I was a kid. We all were. I love the chocolates, you know. But the easter bunny is just a symbol of life. Christ is life and the life of clies was real and true but kids need to know the story. Kids love details. You tell the story, the garments are cast aside, the holy women came, the angel told them that the lord has risen, they went to the tomb. They didnt believe then they believe. Read the gospel story to them that not only is it written down, its written in our hearts. Very well said. Thank you so much. Happy easter. Headlines for you now. The fbi addressed a leader of an armed malitia group that stopped undocumented migrants at the southern border. Larry hopkins was taken into custody and charged with being a felon in possession of a gun. The Controversial Group says it detains Illegal Immigrants until Law Enforcement can arrive. It takes a pair of bold crooks just 30 seconds to steal 100,000 dollars worth of jewelry from a georgia mall. The suspects posing as customers before Surveillance Video shows one of them pull out a hammer and smash a glass case. They both then grab trays of jewelry and run. The police are still searching for them. And parents are suing their sons former prep school claiming he got expelled for his conservative beliefs. Theyre accusing the academy for discrimination saying his son was kicked out for sharing his political views. School Officials Say he was not expelled over his beliefs and that he had several chance to follow the code of conduct. Kim kardashian is sharing more about her work with trump on prison reform. People say dont go to the white house. Your career will be over. Kardashian worked with the president to commute the president of firsttime nonviolent drug offender Alice Johnson last year. Those are your headlines. She took a lot of heat for that. I love on the banner it said Kim Kardashian west, celebrity. Its one of those sunday mornings. Adam, how are you doing . A harder turn from kim car dash yankardashian to adam. I wasnt going to say it but you did. Celebrity works for you. A good forecast for much of the country. Really beautiful weather. The big storm that we tracked over the last several days, were at the tail of that. Maybe a little rain lingering on portions of new england. Its really going to be clearingoff. Clearing off. Were looking at surgeon any conditions across the south, warmer temperatures, snow in the mountains and rain across the upper midwest. But those are small areas consider most of the country is looking at good conditions. Cool on the east coast, 47 degrees into atlanta. Theres your forecasted highs on the day. 73 in minut minneapolis, it is m and beautiful in the middle of the country. A nicelooking easter sunny. A little bunny. Easter bunny. The bunny is in mexico. When is he coming up to the states . He cant. We dont let that happen. Yo we built a wall. You set that up. How do you feel on the day after. The day after . The day after the loss yesterday, the arm wrestling. I won. You were about to go down hard sphwhr i i dont know what youre talking about. Charles payne with an easter miracle. Your shoulder sore . Theres a lot to break down about this. For one hes pulling me on his side of the table. I was taking your whole body with me. This guy cant just be gracious. Can we free the easter bunny, please . Get him in america for the next one. Thanks, adam. Facial recognition terminology, one of the fbis newest Crime Fighting tools. But is using it an invasion of privacy and is it so slippery slope . We debate that coming up next. Quick headlines. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand hits the bar with drag queens while campaign in iowa. The 2020 president ial candidate posting these picture on twitter thanking the group for inviting her to the show. President trump is firing back at mitt romney. The utah senator said he was sickened by the president after reading the Mueller Report. Well the president tweeted, quote, if mitt romney spent the same energy fighting barack obama as he does fighting donald trump, he could have won the race. Maybe. Pete . Maybe. New concerns this morning over the fbis new Crime Fighting tool. Facial recognition technology. It compares faces of suspected criminals to their governmentissued i. D. S. Critics say it violates the privacy of average americans. A report finding most of the 411 million photos in the fbis database belong to lawabiding citizens. They probably got my face and yours. The fbi hasnt implemented policy changes to meet the departments privacy and accuracy standards set by the Government Accountability office. Is this an important Law Enforcement tool or a slippery slope . Here to discuss, former nypd officer Darren Porcher and kara fred rick. Thank you both for being here. Kara, ill start with you. Lawabiezing citizens in this database. A lot of people look at this saying it feels like big brother. Definitely. First of all, thanks for having me. Happy easter. Darren, thanks for being here as well. Whats really important is you have to first distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate uses of the technology. There are ways that it could be a security boon. Identifying the Capital Gazette shoot ner maryland 2018. Thats a great legitimate use of the technology. But the problem is the slippery slope comes into play with two things that are going to impact the way this technology is used. This technology is getting cheaper and more ubiquitous. Just last month the the New York Times built a facial recognition machine for under 60 and they detected over 2700 faces in nine hours in a small subset of manhattan. Secondly theres ai optimized chips that are going to enable facial recognition to be used in smaller devices. Its going to be everywhere. If this as is everywhere its going to be open to abuse. Yes and no. You have to look at the Seismic Shift in Technological Advancements in Law Enforcement. This is the wave of the future. The Fourth Amendment protecting citizens from frivolous intrusions from Law Enforcement. I got that. But the truth of the matter is, i can speak from being a practitioner, ive used facial recognition on many occasions and it has enhanced investigations. And this is really is pathway that were moving in Law Enforcement. So when we go back to just the average citizen in a place like nonew york city, theyre photographed roughly 100 to 200 times a day. This data is being encapsulated and given to Law Enforcement agencies and independents. As we move forward this is where we are and i dont see it going back. Youre a good cop. I trust you would use it the right way. Are the safeguards in place to make sure that somebody who has nefarious intentions doesnt have a chance to use it . The safeguards are difficult to assays. But from an internal perspective at the fbi, i believe theyre sound. And i believe the fbi is utilizing sound practice to safeguard the information moving forward. Weve heard a lot about the fbi as it pertains to folks at the top using their powerful positions it looks like for their own purposes. Could this be used by the fbi in ways that average citizens wouldnt like . So, i think the question is less, you know, the intent of the programmers and more of the mistakes that the machine consist make. So the question of bias has been raised pretty publicly, especially in terms of facial recognitions ability to identify female and minority faces. These systems arent perfect and sometimes the risk of deploying them when theyre not yet reliable, when the algorithms havent been perfected, the silent implications that can have outweigh the security risks or stand to outway th outweigh t risks. And its important to look at whats happening outside our border with the use of facial recognition tick nolg. Look no further than china when the weaker minorities are living under the digital surveillance state where its allowed to sort of test these technologies. I mean we have to Pay Attention with the way this technology is being used outside the u. S. In order to determine how we use it here. Is my face in your database . Unfortunately your face is not in my database. It could be. When we look at the governmental information in place, drivers license information, passport information, true its in the database but being used for the right reasons. And thats what we need to focus on moving forward. Thank you very much and happy easter to you both. Happy easter to you too. Thanks, pete. Coming up, following the heartbreak in paris and the destruction of the Notre Dame Cathedral, a pledge to fund a major rebuilding of the church. But this morning why are the protesters taking to the streets to stop it . Susan lie breaks down the growing outrage in the city of lights next. clients voice remember that degree you got in taxation . danny of course you dont because you didnt your job isnt doing hard work. Its making them do hard work. And getting paid for it. vo snap and sort your expenses to save over 4,600 at tax time. Quickbooks. Backing you. Well the tragic fire at notre dame theeld bringing class warfare to the streets. Thousands of yellow vests protester rs taking to the streets and turning violent over the money raised to rebuild the cathedral of notre dame while the calls to help the lower middle classers are going unseen. Break down whats going on. You would think after the horrible fire at notre dame, the countrys place of worship that it would be a unifying event for france. Not the case. Some would say that the billion dollars in donations from the countrys wealthiest, the owners of gucci, louis viewto vitton we a good thing. But anything 1,000 euros is tax deductible. And it really angered the unions that the richest people in france and the Biggest Companies were willing to open their pocketbooks but not to help the middle class. So that helped galvanize the yellow vest protest that has been going on for 23 weeks now and theyre angry at what they see as an elitist in the president ial office off to help the rich and the wealthy but not the poor. People coming together and trying to rebuild and bringing money to the table would be a good thing. You would think so. But i would say that emanuel macron, he had to cancel that address on monday because of the notre dame fire. He is going to announce new measure to help the middle class and maybe alleviate the protesters. He has a tough job right now. One of the highest debt levels in the world at 97 gdp. Lots of social welfare programs to pay for. Three countries pay more than trans, belgium, denmark and sweden. And he has a very high Unemployment Rate to deal with, 9 that has been stuck there for many years but he doesnt have control of his monetary policy. Other people control where the currency goes. No control over that. He has taxes and spending. And so recently when he got into office he cut the wealth tax, increased the gas tax which some saw as benefiting the rich, and also he made it easier to hire and fire which traditionally in france people have been relaxed. And he was a lecturing president a few months ago. Remember that . Yeah. He has a pretty tough position to grapple with right now. When you give up your sovereignty to an International Body or to a european body you cant make every decision you need to make for your country. You cannot. And i would have to say that the wealthy, from what i see, average incomes have doubled over the last 20 years. Gone up only a quarter for the middle and lower class. But income in equality is actually, its lower in france and here in the u. S. , canada and the uk. A lot of people are saying, what are you complaining about, lets unify and rebuild notre dame. I noticed that you enunciated very well. Some are saying that President Trump should move on and focus on his legislative agenda now that the Mueller Report is out. Should he or should he demand answers on how this all started. We discuss the investigation of the investigators next. Ed yes, it is a very happy jedediah wow with, look at that setup, i cant wait to see it. Pete classic fox friends. We just had the reverend on. How to we move past the bunny and move on to jesus . Jedediah you can do both. When i was a kid, you know, i went to catholic school, we had the whole religious component, that was wonderful, but we also did the easter egg hunt. Pete theres a hunt going on right now at my house. I love it. Ed are you going to test us on scripture . Pete yes, i am. I tried earlier, i said he is risen, and now ed he is risen, indeed. Its not like i didnt want know anything. [laughter] pete its my baptist merged with my lutheran jedediah im going to test you on the catholic. Ed we know that pete is a caveman. Youve seen the geico commercials, hes going to film one of those he loves meat, and jed is about the healthiest eater we know. Jedediah yeah. Ed buy or sell on some of jeds favorite treats. Jedediah yeah, i dont want to scare you, but i brought you fresh celery juice, you have got ice cream with almond milk, my version of a cheese doodle, its going to be fun for you, pete. Pete i had bacon, sausage and eggs. Ed covered all the major food groups. A lot of news to get to. Obviously, the fallout from the Mueller Report, the 2020 democrats struggling. We want more investigations, we want impeachment, what are we going to do, theyre divided. The New York Times suddenly finding out there was a dirty dossier that had russian misinformation, thats a shock. Jedediah two years later. Pete but first, on this easter, a tough fox news alert. Churches under attack on the holy day. At least 38 people are dead after a series of explosions target churcheses and hotels in sri lanka. Ed were live with the latest, this is a breaking story. Trey, good to see you. Reporter pete, jedediah, ed, President Trump just tweeted moments ago offering his condolences to the victims of these deadly bombings. Authorities say that the at least 138 people were killed and more than six attacks across the country with two attacks in the past two hours. In addition to those original six, this death toll is expected to rise. The origin alp round of attacks saw three churches and three Luxury Hotels targeted acrosses the island. The majority of the eight bombings happened in the capital city, and at least 35 more nationals were killed. The three hotels are popular for tourists, and many likely came to celebrate the Easter Holiday with friends and family. Video footage from the site of one church shows blood strewn across the p covered with sheets. Many churches have canceled their services out of fear that another bombing could occur. The history of christianity in sri lanka dates back to the First Century. Just ten days ago the police chief warned that suicide bombers wanted to literature. S across the literature. S across the country. A group described by the times as a radical muslim group was planning the attacks. Now, what we are learning today right now is that sri lanka has imposed a ban not only on social media, but also on people entering the streets. They are saying no one is allowed out right now, they are imposing a curfew. Ed thanks for staying on top of that story, what a shocking story on easter morning. Pete well, it looks like an islamic attack the, and theyre in a tough neighborhood there. We dont know who it is at this point, but with the target of churches on easter ed nobodys taken responsibility, but well keep up with the details. Jedediah nothing sadder to me that when people are afraid to go to church. That should be devastating to everyone. Ed so media, you would think, would be doing a lot of soul searching about what they got wrong in the collusion story over the last couple years, but theyre focusing on what else can we attack the president over. A new line is when the president had those written answers to the questions of Robert Mueller and the special counsels office, theyre criticizing the president for saying i dont recall, i dont remember a couple dozen times. Obviously, thats fair game k you can always hold folks accountable, and heres what but Hillary Clinton they never seemed to hold accountable. Lets listen to what theyre saying about President Trump and hit clinton on the other side. When you use the word i dont recall to answer basic questions, then anyone would know youre lying. Its an insult to the judicial process. We should say the president s answers are tons of i dont recall, tons of i dont remember. Just think about that for a moment. In written answers the president of the United States is saying he doesnt recall my god, it was hike he had failed an alzheimers we ten test. 36 times he said i cant remember, i cant remember, i cant remember. Ed come on, alzheimers . To throw that in there . Jedediah the number of times President Trump said he couldnt recall, thats 36 times. The number of times Hillary Clinton said, 37 time it is. Hillary clinton couldnt recall what the c meant in confidential even though she signed papers at the state department that said she knew exactly what that meant. The media ignored it. This was someone who had a server in a chose set, basically closet, basically. You bleach a hard drive, i mean, theres so many things if you look at Media Coverage of ed right. She said i dont recall, that was an interview on the eve of fourth of july in 2016. Her lawyers were given immunity. There were all kinds of whereas this president did not invoke executive privilege at all. Pete yeah. You know what theyre mad about . Donald trump played this smart. The president didnt submit himself to some lengthy inquisition from robert s. Mueller iii where he could trip himself up about something he never did anyway . So they did written statements, they answered what they knew clearly, otherwise you say you dont know or dont remember. The medias mad because they didnt get him, because he wasnt dumb enough to submit to their games. Jedediah yeah. But the double standard infuriates we me particularly because Hillary Clinton got is a pass on so many things. Democrats were fiscally responsible when it comes to benghazi, but lets investigate trump til kingdom come. Do you care about honesty, integrity or transparency, or is it selective . We would love to know. Ed so, look, the medias going to go on and on and on on collusion, you know, it an act of pete its not going to stop. Ed Michael Goodwin has an idea about what the president should do to move forward, he has an oped saying Congressional Democrats are committed to keeping the impeachment flames burning, and the 2020 candidates are acting as a though the president is as guilty as they said he was the day before the report cleared him. The president must be, he is free of mueller, his lease on the oval office renewed. He should make the most of it. Jed jedediah should he move on and talk about the issues or also say investigate the investigators and figure out what happened here . Pete i think he absolutely should do both. The experts have said move on, dont talk about mueller, hes had to do two or three things at the same time. Hell keep doing that. But the democrats have a twopronged strategy. Basically, in the house theyre going to investigate to feed the beast, because the base needs the beast to be fed, and then the president ial candidates will sort of talk about and say we should do that, but theyre going to try to focus on policy including Bernie Sanders, apparently, out there today or recently releasing a new ad about it gives you a glimpse into the approach hes trying to take to win over voters across america. Listen to this ad from Bernie Sanders. At one time this is what built the middle class during the industrial revolution. This area was in trouble, and its up to us, the people, to fight back. He came here and lied to these people. I didnt buy it, but many people did because they were hanging on to hope, and they were hoping that he would do something, but he did the opposite. Bernie, we need you. We do. We need you, and we have your back, and i know youve got ours if we can get you elected. Man, were going to have the resources to transform america. Ed so that could be powerful because its in lordstown, ohio. There was a General Motors plant, the Prime Minister was saying, look, its going to bring back jobs, then it closed. But it was the president who talked about the forgotten man and woman long before Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton did. And i find it interesting because what part of really low unemployment, job growth and, by the way, wage do Bernie Sanders and his supporters not like . Jedediah also joe biden is considered an ally to Blue Collar Workers, so i think hes jumping ahead and saying, you know what . Were going to ally ourself with these Blue Collar Workers so by the time you come out, you have been associated with the washington elite, and i am associated with fighting for Blue Collar Workers. Not a bad political move. Pete i wonder how hard they had to find these people because if you talk to trump voters, theyre not dissatisfied. Maybe individuals who lost their jobs certain place, i get that. But for the most part, trump voters are grateful for the fight hes given, recognizing the resistance that hes faced and want to give him another chance after all this russia nonsense to see what he can get done. They know they have to get to that blue collar voter in that rust belt area ed yeah, and the president , as a capitalist, is itching at the chance to take on a socialist, because he thinks that makes it more likely hell be reelected. And the other issue, can Bernie Sanders get through the primary process. Many democrats view sanders as a candidate for the low call political loyal Political Base he built in 2016. Liberal voters could prove if valuable in a crammed field, they wonder whether he can broaden his support in the coming months and, more importantly, if he is capable of unifying the party should he win the nomination. Is he just serving the hard, hard left, the socialists that, you know, love his idea of medicare for all, parts to of the new green deal, who cares how you pay for it. You get them excited, but moderate democrats are going to say im staying home. Im not voting for trump or sanders. Jedediah i dont know if his goal is unite the party pete his goal is to win the nomination. Yeah, leapt us know, email us at friends foxnews. Com. Where does he stand on that . That article is indicative of the washington establishment. Bernie was never in our plan, it was supposed to be joe biden. Jedediah oh, jeb bush, reminds me of those time it is. All right, turning to headlines, the pentagon identifies an Army Staff Sergeant killed in qatar, Albert Miller died in a noncombat incident. The 24yearold from New Hampshire was part of a counterterrorism operation. He was assigned to the 736 th Aircraft Maintenance squadron at Dover Air Force base. Actress Felicity Huffman could avoid jail time after she pleaded guilty in the College Admissions scandal. The l. A. Time it is reports she could spend her recommended sentence of 410 months at home. She would have to wear an ankle monitor. The actress admitted to play paying a harvard graduate 15,000 to inflate her daughters s. A. T. Score. Once again heir going to say green privilege at work. Ed weve all seen James Clapper and john brennan attack President Trump. The most divisive president weve ever had. I think what we have here is a pa is a case of passive collusion. Pete now a former cia analyst is calling both of them out over their clear political bias. Daniel hoffman worked for john brennan and is here to react next. My dream car. It turns out, they want me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. Principal we can help you plan for that. If ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Did you eat all of your treats . Help i need somebody help not just anybody help you know i need someone the most divisive president wee ever had in the oval office. Donald trumps behavior and actions toward russia and toward mr. Putin are quite, quite puzzling. I really question his ability to, his fitness to be in this office. I think what we have here is a case of passive collusion. Jedediah former intel chiefs taking to the airwaves to create President Trump, but now a former cia analyst is criticizing them for airing their political views and says there could be an institutional bias toward democrats at the intelligence agencies. Ed john gentry says a considerable body of evidence indicates many cia people have leftleaning political preferences but less evidence shows it influences cia analyses. Jedediah here to weigh in is daniel hoffman, thanks for being here. What do you make of the ais circumstances about this political bias . Well, i served many years at cia, and i guess i would be cautious about equating John Brennans blatant partisanship not only in retirement when he made those unsubstantiated allegations of collusion and treason against the president , but also when he was actively serving as director of cia. Id be worried of equating that with lying cia officers who theres no political litmus test for serving at the agency. There are some people who voted for the president , some who didnt. I served under many president s, we just, you know, i think people are just focused on the mission, recruit spies, steal secrets and to the all source analysis on which president s rely. Ed daniel, we spoke a lot in general about the fbi and whether therell be lingering problems because of peter strzok and lisa page. It doesnt mean every fbi agent did wrong, but that has had maybe some lasting damage for the institution. What about the cia . When youve had brennan and clapper out there accusing the president basically of treason and all these other things, and i think almost as bad as after finding out, actually, there was no collusion, no treason, they havent apologized, they havent said, you know what . We should have stuck to the facts which is what i thought the Intelligence Community is supposed to be about. Yeah, thats exactly right. Youre supposed to look at all the ed and make judgments with low, medium, high levels of confidence and, of course, john brennan didnt do that, and an apology would be in order, but i know him pretty well, and hes not the one to apologize for anything x. Thats a shame. I think that, i think really where john brennan brought the greatest dishonor is not on the cia so much but on himself and on the arguments of those, especially our elected officials who believed him and parroted many of the unsubstantiated claims that made, really just did Vladimir Putins bidding by driving partisanship to new levels of intensity and making it harder for democrats and republicans to govern effectively together. Jedediah democrats are asking for an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. Do you think it will leak, and what will be the impact if it does on our National Security . Its hard to predict whether it would leak, but in the current climate in washington and just considering how politicized the report is, i would certainly be concerned about that. I just wish democrats and republicans would especially the democrat side just train your sights away from the partisan takes and focus on our main enemy, russia. Jedediah yep. Ed bringing it, just the facts, maam, which is what we like. Thats what intelligence analysts are supposed to do. We hope you and your family have a wonderful easter. Thank you, same to you. Jedediah a disturbing situation at the border, mexican troops drawing their weapons against our soldiers on our side of the border, so whats behind the story . Ed were going to ask brandon judd, hes live next. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. I can customize each line for each Family Member . Yup. And since it comes with your internet, you can switch wireless carriers, and save hundreds of dollars a year. Are you pullin my leg . Nope. You sure youre not pullin my leg . I think its your dog. Oh its him. Good call. Get the data options you need and still save hundreds of dollars. Do you guys sell other dogs . Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Customize each line by paying for data by the gig or get unlimited. And now get 100 back when you buy a new lg. Click, call, or visit a store today. Muck. Ed time for your news behind the numbers. First, 20 million, thats the estimated value of 40,000 pot plants seized in california. A tip led police to the massive bust around 4 20. It took officers 24 hours to remove the cannabis plants, no one with us there. Officials are looking into who owns that property. Next, 15. 5 million, thats how much money the Republican National committee raised last month. That according to politico. The rnc has raised more than 40 million so far this year alone. The dnc has raised nearly 13 million through february. Their numbers for march have not yet been released. And 1,993, thats how many career rbis it takes Albert Pujols to pass babe ruth for fifth all time in mlb history, pujols doing it in style smacking a ninth inning homer last night. Pete watching him hit is a beautiful thing. All right, heres yet another example of tensions boiling over at our southern border. U. S. Defense officials confirming mexican troops drew weapons on and questioned two american soldiers on the u. S. Side of the border. In a statement, the u. S. Northern command explaining, quote, an inquiry by the cbp and dod revealed the mexican military members believed the soldiers were south of the border. How does Something Like this happen . Here to explain is brendan judd. If you dont have a wall, the border seems ambiguous, then Something Like this conceivably can happen. This story should be very disturbing to all american citizens. Pete, youve covered the border for many years now, you know that these things dont just happen by accident, and i dont know one Border Patrol agent that is going to accept that story that the mexican military thought that these National Guardsmen were in mexico. We have hundreds upon hundreds of incursions by the mexican military into the United States, yet we have very few incursions by Border Patrol agents into mexico. So if this border was so ambiguous, you would have incursions on both sides pete why do we see incursions from the mexican military on our soil . Its very simple, we have case after case after case where it is believed that the mexican military is performing diversion tactics for criminal cartels in order for them to smuggle drugs or high value contraband into the United States. Again, think about what they did. They entered the United States, they pointed guns at our National Guardsmen, they disarmed our National Guardsmen, they held our National Guardsmen for a period of time. There were many crimes that were committed by the mexican military, and so now we have to look at what was the underlying reason why they did this. And the evidence and all of the different incurses clearly points incursions clearly points to this potentially was criminal cartels orchestrating a diversion tactic news of the world to smuggle in order to smuggle narcotics into the United States. Pete i absolutely believe it based on covering this for a couple of years. As you watch this become a political debate, youve seen democrats, some of which dismissing the idea of borders. At least cory booker recently brought a little bit of common sense. We do have a problem at the southern border, democrats should not deny that we dont. Nations should have borders. Borders should be respected. Pete nations should have borders, borders should be respected. It should be interesting for that statement to be dwelled upon, but based on where the Democrat Party is today, at least a little bit of common sense. Yeah. You know, the question now is whats cory booker going to do . Hes a legislator and, frankly, hes a very high profile legislator. Is he going to work with President Trump, and is he going to come up with solutions in order to secure the border or just say this and do nothing about it down the road . Again, this mexican military incursion just goes right into what cory booker said, and we look at this, the president of the United States, hes trying to secure the border. Is cory booker going to work with him, or is he going to give lip service to the issue . Pete and . You think he will . I, frankly, i havent [laughter] i havent seen any pete, you havent seen any policy proposals from the left in order to secure the border. You know, theyre saying its a humanitarian crisis, it is, but it is also a border crisis, and its a narcotics crisis. And thats what they refuse to recognize. Theyre all going to say, well, these poor countries back in south america or central america, thats potentially true, but we dont throw money at this problem. You have to secure the border. Is cory booker going to stand up and do that. Pete well, its easter, so maybe. Anything can happen. If jesus can rise, then maybe the democrats can find him on the border. Well see. Thank you very much, brandon. And he did rise. Pete he did, indeed. Thank you so much. All right. Well, it is an eggstravaganza, plus a petting zoo. Weve got tips to throw the best easter party, next. Lets be honest. Safe drivers shouldnt have to pay as much for insurance. As not safe drivers thats why esurance has drivesense. ® the safer you drive, the more you save. Although im not really driving right now that would be unsafe. 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So whether you have it delivered or pick it up, we do it all so you can rest easy. Are you ready old man . Ha i been outworking you all day. See your authorized mahindra dealer to test drive the retriever 1000. Ed we asked for your photos on easr morning, and they are pouring in. Jedediah this picture from florida where they are dressed in their sunday best. Pete and an email from patricia, the cross she tech rated this year at gold canyon methodist church. Jedediah wow. Ed email from mike, a picture of his daughter with a little chick at their easter egg roll this year. That is pretty cool. Love the pink hat as well and the rosy cheeks. Jedediah were going to have chicks and bunnies and binny pigs pete friends foxnews. Com. We still have two and a half more [laughter] send em in. Ed we talk about what happens on College Campuses and how there should be free thought and often times theres not. People only want to hear from liberal voices. A story caught our eye about whats happening at a high school in ohio where they have an elective course for seniors where they actually invite extremists like bill ayers. You remember him. To come in and talk about extremism. And it sort of makes you wonder, yes, we want to hear from all voices, but is that really what you want to hear . Pete take a watch. The course on political radicalism is offered to seniors as an elective. Id say this class is a lesson in tolerance. This is where you can see face to face whats actually out there in the world. Its very, very important, you know, to have that greater understanding, and, you know, to expand beyond your own beliefs. The teachers insist its not about endorsing any particular perspective. How have you seen students change . Sometimes ive been affirmed in what i believe, but the most common thing is im just a more open person. Ed you saw bill ayers in that clip, he was one to have persons in the front of the room. His ties to barack obama was under scrutiny because going back to vietnam war protests, the Weather Underground were involved in bombings where people were hurt. This was a big, big deal. And, again, i think you should hear from all voices, but its curious to me that we dont want to hear from a ben shapiro on a College Campus whos not radical, just have different ideas jedediah some say he is, i would disagree ed but you look at this type of radicalism, and this is okay . Jedediah you mentioned bill ayers, richard spencer, harry houston hughes, william pierce. The question is true, ed, should there be limitations, you know, if someone has been involved in executing violence or tried to execute violence against someone or a group of people, how old that person be excluded because they are too politically extreme . Should someone whos, say, an anarchist be included, and others would argue bring everyone, let the students ask those questions and be repulsed by someone who may have wanted to commit pete i would encourage my senior to elect to take that course if theyre prepared for it. Im sure the parents are well aware their kids are taking this. Its a course on radicalism. We live in america. You could argue that our founders were radicals. Certainly, the crown did. Ultimately, its all about time and perspective, and if youve got a White Nationalist like richard spencer, hes going to say some bad stuff youre not going to like. Ed i want my kids to hear all voices, but im stunned its okay here, but dont listen to ben shapiro, hes a radical. Jed thats the problem. You are conservative, but you will defend the right of everyone. Ed what do you think . Friends foxnews. Com. Jedediah just city moll its brother is calling the chicago investigation unjust. He writes this entire process quickly devolved from a focus on him as a victim of assault to him being falsely accused. All charges against the empire actor were develop canned. The family of late american singer kate smith say theyre heart broken as two professional sports teams ban her version of god bless america. It comes as a racially insensitive song she once sang resurfaced. Her niece telling usa today, quote, she was very in tune with a persons character. The. In new york yankees and Philadelphia Flyers have stopped playing the rendition. And a 5yearold boys fast food craving turns into a 911 emergency jedediah Isaiah Thomas made the call whis grandma was sleeping. A michigan officer went to check in, picking up mcdonalds for the boy on his way over. Amazing. Those are your headlines. Over to ed. Ed oh, man, we are out here on fox square, we are having a brand old time. Pete here are some tips on how to throw a party to impress your gifts. The general manager of the bash. Thank you for being here. These are some cuddly little bunnies ed by the way, we want to bring in a special guest. Pete how did i this is our easter bunny from , and, look, you want a great photo op. Were going to take some photos in the photo booth in a moment. Youve got some real bunnies, and the kids will love that. When youre throwing a party, you want a party that entertains your adults and kids. Happy adults, happy kids. Pete this is quiver farms . Yes. And they brought adorable little animals today. You can bring all sorts of animals into any party. Ed thats great. Flower walls . So, look, decor should really play to the theme of the party. This is new york paper flowers. Com, and they brought in a beautiful floral wall that makes for a great backdrop for photos. It can light up your dessert table, creates an ambience thats beautiful. Pete and easter egg painting. Crafts are a great way to keep kids entertained. Pete and adults. And adults. We brought in bunnies and eggs, they can paint with temporary the paints, theyre washable, and they can have a great time. These are from handson pottery. And, look, kids are entertained, and the parents can have a conversation. Pete thats really what we want to do, keep them entertained, quiet, so we can do adult things. Coming away with crafts and having a great thing to bling home with them. Pete lets bring the easter bunny down for Face Painting. Ed this is pretty cool. How cool is this . Jedediah oh, wow. Ed what do you think ant that . I think that when you have a party and kids are happy, this brings out their sense of enjoyment, they get to look like bunnies. Theyre painting all of our friends as bunnies today, but you can make it themed to your party if youre having any kind of party, you can get your kids little faces painted. Ed pete made this for me. Its an ed egg. Can we take a selfie all together . Do we do it all together yeah, were going to pete weve got to get the easter bunny in here too. Come on, easter bunny. [laughter] adam, get in. Super close together. And this is a very special photo booth. Well talk about how. 3, 2, 1, perfect. So this is a really special photo booth. Photo booths have gone, you know, off the charts. You can get 360 photo booths, photo booths that take boomerangs, this prints on cookyings. Jedediah i love that. We took one earlier today, and they get printed on cookies, on cocktails, on koch coffee drinks. Photo Booth Technology has gone off the charts, and selfie photos are a great way ed whats your web site . The bash. Com. Pete well have some special cookies coming up soon. Ed a lot more news, the Mueller Report, a big victory for the president s war chest. President trump has one million reasons to smile this morning, a lot money pouring into his campaign. Jedediah matt schlapp is on deck. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Nice but uh, whats up with your partner . Oh we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize Car Insurance because no two people are alike, so. Limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. Ya. Hell figure it out. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. No collusion, no obstruction. [applause] this hoax, it should never happen to another president again. Pete that was the president on thursday, feeling vindicated a after the Mueller Report finds no ed of collusion no evidence of collusion. Ed and now his supporters are opening their wallets, theyre backing the president s Reelection Campaign reporting now theyve pulled in more than a million bucks following the release of the Mueller Report. Pete here to react is former white house political director for president george w. Bush, matt schlapp. Thanks for being here this morning. Those are big numbers. President trumps total First Quarter fundraising, 30 million. What does it say about his base of support there it is compared to the democrats. Where does the president stand right now in. Yeah. Pete, i think that giving a donation to a candidate is the ultimate political bonding. And i think its especially important when it comes to donald trump who is a billionaire, after all, pete. So you actually have average americans writing a check to a person who has great wealth because they want the world to know, and these donations are obviously made public, they want the world to know that they stand with their president. And i think the other thing is they just, theyre disgusted by the corrosive Media Coverage of this ridiculous story of russian collusion. Ed matt, to your point, if you have the president s sort of small donors kicking in money, 50 at a time, 20 at a time to say im fed up about the Mueller Report and the investigation, what do you think will happen with those small donations if the democrats go forward with impeachment . Oh, its going to go through the roof. I mean, the thing is, is that whats so unique about trumps presidency, his candidacy that the president has been able to raise most of his money with these small donations. And republicans like mitt romney before him, they raised in big chunks from a lot of megadonors and bundlers. You know, donald trump didnt have that kind of operation last time. He really raised money from regular folks out this in the country, and the democrats move towards impeachment and i know many of their leadership realize that would be stupid politically. By the way, its insane to try to impeach somebody when theres no crime. Imagine how silly that is. All that becomes is a relitigation of an election which is just 18 months away. So, lets face it, this has always been about politics from the very beginning. They never accepted donald trump, and for his supporters out there and i deal with grassroots people around the country all the time for his supporters, they have had enough of their desire to kick him out of office through these illegal ways. Pete matt, we know the leftwing medias not going to stop, but where should the white house pivot . What should be their focus going into the summer . Their focus, i believe, needs to be lets get right back to the agenda. We have a riproaring economy that is making peoples lives better. The president has been able to accomplish so much when it comes to our National Security and making sure that america is not apologizing overseas again. He needs to get back to focusing on the fact that hes got an agenda to make americas lives better and all the democrats have is obstruction. And they have done that against republicans in the past successfully. Its time for this republican president to push them back on their heels. What do they believe. And right now its all socialism. Ed well, matt schlapp, conservative activist but also husband, dad, happy easter . Happy easter, guys, its an important day. Ed it is, indeed. Its also an ongoing joke, pete the caveman making fun of jeds healthy snacks. Pete you cant make butter out of almonds. Nutritious woman on the jedediah wait til they start drinking green juices. Ed this morning pete is being forced to try some of jeds faiths. You is simply cannot miss pete looks like poison. Ed that is next. Irl . [ engine revving ] flo needs help . [ engine revving ] take me to her coming, flo why arent we taking roads . flo. [ horn honking ] oh. You made it. Do you have change for a dollar . This was the emergency . [ engine revving ] yes, i was busy 24hour roadside assistance. From americas numberone motorcycle insurer. 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Ed i knew you might like this pete you cant make butter out of almonds ed apples with Almond Butter. Jedediah pete, i know you want some. Pete you cant make butter out of almonds, people. And its not like peanut butter. Jedediah forever contrast, i have the Avocado Oil Sea Salt potato chip. [laughter] Almond Butter. Pete nutritious woman on the planet. Jedediah wait til they start drinking green juices, you heard it here first. It has been an ongoing joke, pete making fun of my healthy snack, and this morning he will be taste testing some of my favorites. Ed pete will report and youll decide, only fair and balanced. Will he be willing to buy or sell pete the criteria is would i ever consume enget . Jedediah this starts with my celery juice made from home. It blends in the nutri bullet. Youve got to taste it and let me know its pure celery, nothing added. Ed buy or celery . [laughter] inpete no, no. Why to you drink that in the morning . Jedediah this is my coffee, this is an antioxidant. Pete i can see why someone might get used to it. Jedediah now we have, do you like yogurt . Pete i like regular yogurt. Jedediah this is cashew yogurt. This is plain, so its going to be tough on the tall let because it doesnt on the pal leapt because theres no sugar. Pete and it came from a cash shoe ye jed give it a whirl. [laughter] i knew that was going to be tough. I sweeten mine with maple syrup, but i gave him the straight stuff. Ed part of me seems confused about how you make these jedediah i know. The other challenge, Everyone Needs to know pete doesnt like change. [laughter] now this he may like, this is a vegan pizza, so its just vegetables with no meat. Its meat less, but you really should fancy this. Ed its normal crust . Jedediah normal crust, and its got all your vegetables. This is probably more vegetables than youve eaten in, like, two weeks. Okay, there you go. I got a buy. Pete it is pizza, after all. Its hard to mess up. That was pretty good. I do miss the cheese. Jedediah youve got to say it right. Ed these bowls look very healthy. Jedediah these are acai bowls. Its like a fruit smoothie in a bowl nuts and protein rain seeds, oh, look at him. Pete its okay. Whatever the fruit is. Swred jed theyre different. This is, like, you can get a protein bowl ed horrible. Im going to buy that one, that one im going to spit out. Jedediah theyre different flavors. Pete the acai doesnt make it good jedediah acai. [laughter] now we have ice cream. Mocha almond fudge made with almond mil, so this is dairyfree ed how do you make ice cream out of almonds . Jedediah i love cows. Got that give em kisses. Its vanilla fudge. Ed is much more open minded. Pete the fudge redeems it. Ill buy that. I mean, not compared to regular ice cream but, hey, i came prepared because youve just poisoned by palette. Im going to have to clean it now. Ed you havent tried the Almond Butter dark chocolate with puffed quinoa. [laughter] jedediah i got a few buys, but thats a win when it comes to pete hegseth. More fox friends coming up next. This is loma linda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. You see so many people Walking Around here in their hundreds. So how do you stay financially well for all those extra years . Well, you have to start planning as early as possible. We all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. I dont have a whole lot saved up, but im working on it now. I will do whatever i need to do. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. Ed its easter, and we want you to send us pictures and photos, memories of your easter traditions. We have a new one here. You send yours to friends foxnews. Com. There is our selfie cookie. Jedediah i love it. Pete very nice. Jedediah look at that. Yeah. Pete its organic and green. Jedediahs very excited about that. [laughter] jedediah glutenfree, people. Pete you know what . I got ahold of one of these though. Ed henry head. [laughter] jedediah you knew that was coming. Pete byebye, ed. I love it. [laughter] ive always wanted to take a bite out of ed. Ed the president wakes up in palm beach and decides to western everyone a happy easter. Ive never been happier or more content because your economy is maybe stronger than its ever been before. Have a great day. Pete heading into easter with the economy roaring, were all thinking about our families around the world. Jedediah and, unfortunately, some difficult news, a fox news alert. This is video of one of seven people under arrest in connection to churches and hotels in sri lanka. Ed this hour we now know at least 190 people are dead, hundreds more injured in the easter day attacks. Pete live from our Jerusalem Bureau, we have the late. Trey, good morning. Reporter the death toll is expected to rise in this bombing in vir lank a ca, authorities do say at least 190 people have been killed and hundreds more injured. The first round of attacks did target three churches and three Luxury Hotels across the island according to police. Another two bombings occurred later in the day. Authorities say the majority of the eight bombings happened in the capital city of colombo and at least 35 foreign nationals were killed. Police have arrested seven people believed to be connected. One suspect loaded into a police car as an angry crowd throws punches at him. The three hotels are all popular for tourists visiting the island, and many likely came to celebrate the easter hold cay with friends holiday with friends and family. Many churches in sri lanka have canceled their Easter Services out of fear that another bombing could occur. Although just over 7 of the population is christian, the history of christianity dates back to the First Century. The leader of the Catholic Church, pope francis, weighed in on the Easter Sunday attack, offering his condolences. Just ten days ago sri lankas police chief warned that suicide bombers wanted to literature. S across the country saying that ntj, a group described as a radical muslim group, was planning the attacks. So far no group today has taken responsibility. Pete, jedediah, e. , we are learning that in is sri lanka a curfew has been imposed and a curfew has been set. Pete its easter, jesus has risen, gives a lot of people hope. Christians under attack around the world n. The middle east, down in southeast asia, here in sri lanka, this is a real problem. Jedediah so many people will be going to church to find some peace and will be looking to their pastors, to their priests for guidance on issues like this. Ive spoken to so many people around the country that get so scared in times like this because church is their refuge. It doesnt only shake the nation, but it shakes really the whole world. Pete we dont know, but at this point early ports point to radical us lombic islamic terrorism. Really tough stuff. Ed nobody claiming responsibility as far as we know just yet, one person in custody as we reported. As we get more information, well keep getting back to that. Meanwhile, back here at home the Mueller Report landed at the end of the week heading into easter weekend. Now democrats, several of them out on the 2020 campaign trail, are backing the president s impeachment even though the report found no collusion, no conspiracy. And in the end, no charges against the president over obstruction. Pete yeah. Remember that president Elizabeth Warren . Oh, yeah, thats not going to happen. [laughter] the list is growing. Its young progressives as you see from those three in the house, its a couple president ial candidates, Maxine Waters whos been talking about it from the beginning, but they didnt care what mueller was going to find, they wanted to impeach no matter what, but there is a divide. Jedediah we have to wonder if any democrats are going to stand out and say no, but unfortunately, they need to win their primary. They ran with collusion, then it was obstruction, now its impeachment, what else do we have . Ed will it be impeachment or endless investigations . Maybe a little bit of both. Watch. Impeach the president , are you there yet . Im not there yet, but i can foresee that possibly coming. The impeachment effort is going to only divide us further. Essentially, impeachment is a political process, and in my view, theres an even better pretty cat process coming right down the road on almost the same time frame, and thats the elections of 2020. The fundamental question for us is either going to be is, is there going to be some accountability here. I have called on the house to initiate impeachment. I think this should be a conversation [inaudible] no. I think right now we should continue this investigation. Pete gotta do more, gotta keep looking. Jedediah someone had Something Interesting to say that caught my eye, Jeffrey Pollack, Campaign Adviser for kirsten jill brand, said if in a year i am talking about the Mueller Report, i am losing. This is what we have been saying that democrats need to remember they need to be talking about issues, the economy, health care. Issues that people are talking about at their dinner table. I understand this Mueller Report is talked about in d. C. And new york, but no one else is talking about this. Theyre trying to feed their families, pay their health insurance. Democrats need to realize they made a big mistake last time around not listening to people. Hillary clinton ignored and, and they lost as a result. Ed are others in this party listening . Pete what will Jeffrey Pollack be doing in a year . Not working for her, because she wont be the candidate. Angus king said why dont we just shoot for 2020. Like, if you want to impeach him, impeach him at the ballot box. When are they going to pivot to that . They havent figured it out yet. The few that have, like Bernie Sanders, honestly, have been talking about a certain set of issues for a long time, so they feel comfortable talking about these issues. Is some of these senators running like Elizabeth Warren, theyve got to find ed so thats why the question of exoneration, vindication, Kellyanne Conway at the white house says the ultimate vindication for the president will be reelection. Watch. The real rebuttal for donald trump will be his reelection. The democrats and their friends in the media wasted so much time thinking this was the way to get him out of office, and really diminish him to the American People, and its had the opposite effect. The medias poll numbers are way down. Youve got no lesser souls than nancy pelosi, steny hoyer and some of to 2020 president ial field saying, oh, no, were not having that conversation right now. They know theres not a public appetite for more of this. But perhaps there is a public appetite for knowing how this all started in the first place, investigating the investigators. Finish. Pete there is, especially amongst Trump Supporters who feel like there should be some justice done here. I dont know that the on the right or the left ultimately the investigation of the investigate ors or the Mueller Report is going to be what an may notes the decision in 2020. Animates the decision in 2020. Dont think thats going to be the president s avenue to reelection. He runs on his record against whatever socialist lines up against him. Jedediah we had a guest, i always say his name wrong, Christopher Buskirk had written a great New York Times oped saying barr is right about everything. Admit you were wrong. [laughter] he came out, we have sound, actually, lets take a listen and then well talk more about it. This is, basically, just a massively multiplayer coping mechanism. This was something that people came up with because they just couldnt believe that donald trump was actually elected. Remember, hillary was supposed to win. There was no possible way she couldnt win. We saw all the polling that says hillary has a 93 chance to win, donald trump 7 , and so when that didnt happen, there had to be some excuse, and it always seemed to come back to the same thing which it had to be russia. Pete yeah ed i think hes also saying theyre been invested in the narrative, right, so they wont give it up. They cant say, okay, lets move on. New york times is a whole other story today. The back door ways where putin was trying to collude. So now its not the front door, its the side door, soon well be in the garage. [laughter] jedediah thats still not proof that trump did anything wrong. Its like the search, yes, everyones been talking about russias intervention. Russias intervention is a separate story than whether or not trump conspired with russia to intervene. Those are two separate things, media, youve got to figure that out. Pete the failing New York Times also just admitted maybe the dossier wasnt a good source to begin with . They caught up two days ago into that reality. Theyll do it one day and then theyll move on to, like you said, the gram. Jedediah were going to turn to some headlines. A zookeeper is in stable condition after being attacked by a tiger at to pica, kansas, zone. Visitors watching. The animal puncturing the womans head, neck and back. The zoos director says the tiger will not be put down. The zoo closed briefly before reopening. Police in illinois say the parents of a missing 5yearold boy are not cooperating with investigators. This as the fbi joins the search to find a. J. Friend. The boys parents say they last saw him wednesday night. Police say there are no signs he was abducted. Authorities say a. J. s parents have been investigatedded for abuse and neglect in the past. Those claims though were unfounded. And the Supreme Court will hear arguments on tuesday over adding a question about citizenship to the 2020 census. A new York City Group is trying to stop the Trump Administration from adding the question. The Organization Says it will intimidate immigrants. The Administration Says its necessary to get an accurate population count. 2020 president ial hopeful beto orourke taking some heat, accused of accepting money from a fossil fuel lobbyist. I take no money from any lobbyist [inaudible] beto, i was really inspired to see that you said you would not take money from fossil fuel executives, but i looked it up, and you did. Millions of people whose jedediah uhoh to. The angry voter in New Hampshire demanding beto return the money which he actually promised to do. Ed it was 250. So the apology tour continues. Pete the reports are that he drove to the event in a car powered by fossil fuelses, but thats only because i ate ive got these journalist promptings coming into my body. Jedediah fair and balanced. [laughter] pete how do i get rid of them . [laughter] ed youve had a lot of rejection going on, the food pete i did. Jedediah dont forget the arm wrestle. Pete speaking of 2020, Bernie Sanders and joe biden leading the race, but are they the wrong men at the wrong time . Jedediah one editorial asks should a white man be the face of the Democratic Party in 2020 . Ed well answer that when a former Bernie Sanders supporter joins us next. Our dad was in the hospital. Because of smoking. But we still had to have a cigarette. Had to. But then, we were like. What are we doing . The nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Nicodermcq. You know why, we know how. Amandas moms appointment hello mom. Just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. Get the right care. Right at home. Pete with 2020 approaching, Bernie Sanders and joe biden leading the race, but are they the wrong candidate at the wrong time . One New York Times editorial asks, should a white man be the pace face of the Democratic Party writing, quote, whats the bigger gamble, to nominate a white man or nominate a minority candidate or a woman who might struggle to carry predominantly white swing states like wisconsin, michigan and pennsylvania . Here to react is an independent voter and former Bernie Sanders 2016 campaign staffer. Ted, thanks so much for being here. Ill ask you that question, is the gender and the skin color of the candidate on the democrats side the most important thing . Well, you know, if it is, then were really going to be in a lot of trouble. Its literally 18 people running, 6 women, you know, who are running as well. So everyone has an opportunity to galvanize the base and bring the energy, and if were selecting a candidate based upon, you know, oh, well, this mix us all feel good and check off a diversity box, then were going to be in a lot of trouble. Democrats really need to figure out who can beat donald trump, and that has nothing to do with a woman. Obviously, that didnt work out well last time and, again, im a woman. I would love to see a woman run and win, but if democrats want to be smart, theyre really going to have to looked at someone who can actually win, and joe biden as of right now is a proud moderate. Everyone else is pretending to be a progressive with the exception of senator Bernie Sanders. Everyone else is pretty much copy catting his policy. I think democrats need to be smart and mugger out who can figure out who can win the championship. Pete who can win the division and the championship . Youre rejecting identity politics as the criteria. You want the best person the run against donald trump. Is that someone whos true to their progressive roots or joe bidens campaigns going to say, well, he might play well in some of these rust belt states. How to you break that down . As far as me, what i would person lille want personally want, i just want to see the diversity. Unlike 2016 people were told they could not run. Im not saying its not important to have a diverse field. It is important to see different candidates, different candidates of color and so forth. But what we dont want to happen is say, oh, lets just all feel good because we just want to have a woman and ultimately get beat like a drum in the final, you know, general election. Its going to take a tough person to go up against trump, thats the bottom line. But it wont be easy for joe biden. Hes going to have to explain his past record, certainly to the africanamerican community, comments that hes made in the past. This wont be a pass, for sure, for sanders or biden pete has the party left joe biden . You were a bernie supporter, a progress weve. Do you feel like this party is just not attuned with where joe biden is right now . I think this partys just pleatly divided. You know, i left the party. The party may have left joe biden, but its people like me who left the party in 2012. And its because of that reason. Look at right now, you know, the conversations that theyre having as far as impeaching trump. You have one side of the party saying one thing and the other saying something completely different. I dont think the party really understands, you know, where they are and what type of candidate. And it cant be just, oh, lets be this way. Thats the problem, theyre copy catting senator sanders, and thats a big failure. They said he shouldnt come to fox news and do the town hall, but now theyre behind senator sanders. Pete a party divided, thats a great way to tribe it. We appreciate your time, thanks for coming on. Michelle obama comparing the Trump Administration to this. Spend weekends with divorced dads, and that feels like its fun, but then you get sick. Thats what americas going through, were kind of living with divorced dad right now. [laughter] pete our next guest is a divorced father of two, theres a few of us out there. Hes got a message for the former first lady, coming up next. That we just hit the motherlode of softserve ice cream . I got cones, anybody wants one oh, yeah get ya some no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Ed ed we struck sprinkles [cheers] believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Geico could save you fifteen percent at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. Findican be overwhelming. R dry eyes. For relief that lasts. You want soothe xp from bausch lomb. Soothe xp helps restore the eyes lipid layer. Seal in moisture. And protect against further irritation. Soothe xp. The right choice for dry eyes. Every day, visionaries are creating the future. So, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. The United States Postal Service makes more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. Because the future only happens with people who really know how to deliver it. Because the future only happens with people there but what are wes to get our messactually saying . Ys. Any message is a story. And all stories tell the tale of the times we live in right now. How do you want to be remembered . How do you want your story to play out . Our own experiences make the best stories, and your words carry a lot of weight. Think about what you want to say before you say it. Or send it. We come from a broken family. Were a teenager where, you know, were a little unsettled and, you know, having good parents, you know, is tough, you know . Sometimes you spend weekends with divorced dad, and that feels like its fun, but then you get sick. Thats what americas going through, were kind of living with divorced dad right now. [laughter] jedediah Michelle Obama called out this past week over her comparison of the Trump Administration to living with your, quote, divorced dad. Our next guest writing an oped saying shes perpetuating a stigma. Pete joining us now is senior fellow at the cuny center and author of the new childhood raising kids to thrive in a connected world, jordan shapiro. Thank you very much for being here. Thanks for having me. Pete im a divorced dad as well. The challenge of weekends or time and traveling and investing in children is real for a lot of people. Which makes a comment like this a lot of people looked sideways at it. Yeah, you know, i think theres this huge stigma around divorced dads, this notion that all divorced are bad dads. This is something i first noticed when i published my book where all the reviews were great and occasionally id get one that started with, well, hes divorced, so what could he know about parenting . I thought how does that serve anyone . Maybe i did screw up, but then dont you want me to be a good dad in the long run . [laughter] that seems like the goal. So when i heard that Michelle Obama said it, i said, you know, this is really problematic. We dont want to perpetuate that, more than i want to victimize the doored dads, its more divorced dads, its more the children. We need to put kids first. Its the narrative that were somehow not going to do that is really not a positive thing for anyone in the culture. Pete great point. Jedediah also so many kids out there living in very unconventional families that are loving, supporting and nurturing, you want those kids to feel like theyre not being stigmatized because they may not have a situation thats not like what their friends or used to be conventionally accepted. I have to get into your book though. I am a little obsessed with this, because i wrote a book hashtag do not disturb which was somewhat antitech, and you were in the new childhood where you talk about how technology, when used properly, can really be healthy and create a healthy dynamic between parents and children. Can you tell us a little bit about that . Yeah. Well, the first thing i would say is when i say tech can be healthy, its not like celery juice [laughter] jedediah you should try that, by the way. Im not suggesting theyre getting positive vitamins, but i am saying the technologys here to stay, the video games are here to stay, the screens are here to stay, and rather than us, you know, were always asking the question how much exposure is good and bad, what i really think is parents need to get involved and make sure we use these powerful, fantastic tools in good ways rather than bad ways. Its only going to become more a part of our lives, so as a parent, what i want to do and what i think all parents and teachers need to do is go, hey, how do i lean into this and make sure my kids know how to use it in compassionate, ethical, moral ways and positive ways, all the things, the values that we want. Jedediah yep. Pete here are a few ways that kids 816 are using different forms of media. 87 on youtube, 51 use facebook, 49 on instagram. 47 snapchat. You teeb, im youtube, im wary of that. You never know what theyll land on. To is its not about banning the tech, its knowing what your kids are does your 8yearold subscribe to cute by pie cutie pie or pete i dont know. I will use that later [laughter] but they know how to scroll through everything, and when i see youtube because of the vortex, i get worried. Yeah, and you should be. Its, you should be about all of these things, i think, worried. People often read my book and think im super positive on screens, i think kids should have screens all the time. No, im very worried about it. Im not worried about the screen, the screen is neutral what im worried about is that kids arent learning how to use them in positive ways. Kids arent learning the right etiquette around them. You know, when my kids were little, i assume when yours were little also, i took them to the playground, i would run around with them on the jungle gym, might go down the slide with them, and if they hit a kid, i said, dont hit. And i constantly intervened in bad behaviors. When it comes to tech we tend to as parents go, here we go, good luck, and then were shocked they dont know how to do it. You have to teach kids over and over and over. They mess up a lot of times, and every time you have to intervene and say, no, this is the right way. Were not doing that which means these tools become dangerous and scary, and we end up in a world where theyre not used in the right ways. Jedediah we agreed on more than i planned on. Pete congratulations on the book. Im going to check it out. Thank you. Pete all right. Well, a new caravan make us way to our border, but its the citizens who live south of the border, in the mexico, who are outraged by the problems plaguing their communities due to immigration. How open borders are hurting mexico, coming up next. Ybody el. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate Car Insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Ed we asked for your photos, we were thinking maybe church photos, but robert sent in this pic, he said hes spreading eas. Jedediah do you see this puppy with rabbit ears, ooh [laughter] and this adorable photo comes from michael, his grandson met the easter bunny for the first time. Pete id be scared of thatser bunny. And this is a video of my kids this morning leaving their holding pen of their rooms [laughter] jed e jed wow. They just keep coming. Pete there they are at the table opening their easter baskets, all of them. They got footballs, candy, a couple of toy guns, a little car. And the video was shot retro style, apparently, grainny film ed by an experienced producer. Pete were going to have to figure out what went wrong there. Jedediah happy easter to the kids, and the kids at home. Ed this is a remarkable one that caught our eye. A report that all of a sudden theres a little backlash against migrants in mexico. Turns out there are some residents in mexico who are saying, you know what . We wanted to help, but in the has gotten ridiculous, and its overwhelming our towns. By trying to do good, he has done a lot of bad. Theyre talking about the liberal mexican president. Seems like he is more worried about the migrants than about his own people. [laughter] this is in mexico, folks. Pete it sounds like they want mexico first. Ed oh, no, you cant say that. Pete if you live in mexico, youre allowed to say that. Take care of our own citizens before we become a Holding Place for migrants that our government ed for the mexican president in that article, thats racist. You should be welcoming everyone. Pete i know. Ed so the mexicans dont want to welcome nip. Wed jed well, they want to welcome people, but they care about the safety and welfare of their own citizens. Somehow thats not vilified over here. So whats the story . I thought prioritizing our own citizens is something that should be beloved all over. Ed every country. Pete i just miss the era of patriotic journalism. I think it still lives here at the Fox News Channel, but otherwise in other places youve got this globalist internationalist view, and americas usually the bad guy, and they see it through that lens. Ed think about it, cory bookers comments saying voters need to mean something. If you switch spit say donald trump said that, oh, thats an awful thing to say. Cory booker says, oh, yeah. Pete cory booker has to say that, guys, come on now, borders do matter ed because they do. Pete but so many in his party have rejected that. Jedediah its also so insulting to hispanic americans when they say, oh, its racist, they dont care about border security, i know a lot of hispanic americans who do care about the security of their families, they came here legally, and they have a lot of positive things to say about the way the president has prioritized immigration in this country. Pete thats why his Approval Rating is at 50 or with his hispanics. Jedediah turning now to headlines, the fbi arrests the leader of an a Armed Militia Group that stops undocumented migrants at the southern border. Larry hopkins was charged being a felon in possession of a gun. The Controversial Group says it detains Illegal Immigrants until Law Enforcement can arrive. A spokesman blamed the arrest on, quote, political pressure. Kim kardashianwest is sharing more about her work with President Trump on prison reform. People would say to me dont go to the white house, your career would be over. I guarantee you, the people sitting behind bars do not care who the president is, they just want that relief. Jedediah remember, kardashian worked to commute the sentence of firsttime nonviolent drug offender Alice Johnson last year. And its one of our favorite easter treats, so an Emory University professor put peeps to the test. Watch the chemistry experiment as the fluffy marshmallows appear virtually inning destructible, surviving liquid nitrogen and acetone. But the marshmallow chicks were no match for a microwave. Uhoh. And those are your headlines. Adam, over to you. What have you god . Adam well, i am the worst artist here. This is supposed to be a fox friends egg. I think i failed, but theres a lot of really good stuff going around me. Thanks for your help, i appreciate that. Instead, i think ill focus on the forecast. It has been really nice out here all morning long. This is a look at the satellite and radar loop over the last several hours, really for your Easter Sunday things not going to be too bad. A little spotty showers across new england, the same across the upper mid can west and running into portions of the mountains. Besides that, temperatures feeling print nice. As im talking to you im on the move because i smell some food. Yes. Adam theres some food im moving towards. Its Easter Sunday. Family and friends come together to have a big meal, and our next guest has you covered. Ed chef david burke with some incredible dishes, the david burke tavern here in new york city, but youre going to tell our folks happy easter how to do it at home. Yes. If its too late to make a reservation, you can make these at home. [laughter] some of the simple things, easter, springtime, lamb, ham, vegetables, asparagus, mushrooms. So this is an italian classic. Its a torta rustica. Its got mushrooms, ham, vegetables, our classic lobster scramble, and this is a crab cake, smoked salmon weeings and vegetables. But the lamb, we have a rack of lamb. The idea is you see what weve done here with all these veggies, roasted with the meat. Right underneath. Dont be afraid to brown up the vegetables. Rack of lamb like this, you turn it look this, this is miss tarld and herbs and olive oil, a lot of it. Ed that is a lot. Well, you can use parsley and some mint. Mint also goes right on the meat. You make a little bit of a paste, you flip it around ed too much vegetable for you, pete . This becomes a roast. You can do this or you can do it this way. This becomes just a rack of lamb. This goes in the oven, you make a beautiful presentation. You can also do a leg of lamb and use this as a september piece. Adam those are fantastic. Add miss tarld and more vinegar and sweeten it up. Ed we also want to say happy passover, and you have a good idea for dessert. Even though its just passed, this is good for left over, dipped in chocolate, we make napoleons, we did a passover menu at that is the piece. Thats what were fee huring today. Ed happy easter. [laughter] back to you inside. Swre jed thanks, guys. Obamas attorney general slamming attorney general william barr, calling him the president s lawyer. But remember when eric holder said this . Im happy, im still enjoying what im doing, theres still work to be done. Im still the president s wingman, so im there with my boy. Jedediah wingman, health care mm. Our next guest remembers that, hes calling out the hypocrisy coming up next. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. I got a leaf right away. A leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. I learned that my ten times great grandmother is George Washingtons aunt. Within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, im related to george washington. This is my cousin george. Discover your story. Start searching for free now at ancestry. Com pete welcome back. Some quick sports headlines. An umpire and security take down two fans who stormed the field at yesterdays oak as game, the first fan trying to climb back into the stands, then a couple innings later, an umpire body slams him. Security took em down. There you go, boom. And youve got to hand it to shortstop Freddie Galvis for this play during that game, look at that, one hand. Theres a fly ball to left field, and thats going to be trouble. Oh, what a play pete i will say i was playing whiffle ball with the kids yesterday, made a similar grab. Not in the highlights. He had to make those plays in vens wailing la, you dont need a baseball glove. Ed i love pete sliding in there, just like a big leaguer. [laughter] all right, cool. President obamas former attorney general eric holder is the latest to attack the current attorney general, bill barr, following the release of the Mueller Report saying, quote hes making mistakings. The attorney general of the United States is the peoples lawyer, not the president s lawyer. Now, dont forget holder once had a very different idea about his own relationship as attorney general thenpresident barack obama. Listen. You going to stay around for all four years . Well, i dont know, well see come on, man. Come on [laughter] we need you. I gotta can ask. Come on, attorney general, please. Im happy, im still enjoying what im doing. Theres still work to be done. Im still the president s wing man, im there with my boy. Ed oh. Here to weigh in, fox news contributor, syndicated column u. S. Deroy murdock. Happy easter. Happy easter. How are you . Ed so, im doing great, except i hear eric holder attack the current attorney general. How does that work . Quite amazing. I think we ought to start with something new which is the nobel prize for chutzpah. This man was held in contempt of congress because he did not turn over documents related to the fast and furious scandal. So here he is saying william barr is engaging in some sort of cover hum. Coverup. He continued to serve in office ed in this case, meanwhile, the current president , and its a relatively new attorney general, there was no executive privilege invoked at all. Correct. And, remember, the only thing that william barr had to do was just Tell Congress no collusion, no obstruction, period. He could have put a onesentence letter, and that would have been it. Instead we got a press conference, he answers questions, releases to congress, releases to the public, no executive privilege, as you said, all the documents and witnesses mueller wanted, he got. Ed the only reason we know about these ten episodes that mueller looked at on whether there was obstruction was because the president , as in the current president , President Trump, allowed his white house lawyer, don mcgahn, to testify about all of this. He could have said executive privilege, timeout youre not learning anything. Yes. And obamas done that sort of thing. President s have said, look, this is something we need to keep inside the white house. I need to have the quiet counsel of my counselors, and a lot of courts have upheld that. I think he spoke for 30 hours, if im not mistaken. They also made no attempts to redact anything from the Mueller Report when President Trumps lawyers were able to get a sneak preview of it ed you called it chutzpah, but theres a special approach, i guess would be a kind way of saying it, for eric holder to now sort of lecture team trump on obstruction of justice, executive privilege and whether or not the attorney general is end dependent. Yes. I think you also could say a complete hack of selfawareness. Hes in no position to do this sort of thing. If hed walked out out who any scandal having had an open, Transparent Administration or running of the department of justice, he could say that kind of thing, but hes no no position in no position to lecture anyone. Ed how to you see President Trump moving forward . I think he ought to focus on his agenda, on getting the border under control. I do think we need to figure out how this thing started. I think people like comey, peter strzok, lisa page, Andrew Mccabe need to be wrought to account, they brought to account, and i think thats something the folks on capitol hill ed thanks for coming in. A new poll shows Church Membership nationwide is declining, but our own Rachel Campos duffy found one con event where membership is growing convent where membership is growing. She takes us there with the hopeful story, next. If ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. Priceline will partner with even more vegas hotels to turn their available rooms into amazing deals. Delegates, how do you vote . wild cheering music plays sample yes. Yyyyes. Yes. Woman that is freaky. In honor of my dad, who was alzheimers. I decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. [announcer] check out our huge selection of Custom Apparel for every occasion. Youll even get free shipping. Get started today at customink. Com. In honor of my dad, who was alzheimers. I decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. [announcer] check out our huge selection of Custom Apparel for every occasion. Youll even get free shipping. Get started today at customink. Com. Pete as families head to Church Services on this Easter Sunday, a new poll finds churchmen has been declining membership has been declining. Jedediah but this is a light in the dark, and its shining in ann arbor, michigan, home of the sisters of mary who are taking it upon themselves to grow their convent and spread their values. Ed guess who saw that light and is bringing us this wonderful story . Fox news contributor Rachel Campos duffty caught up with them. In the beginning i thought, theres no way that were going to be on oprah. [laughter] and now look. At a time when the number of religious sisters is diminishing throughout the catholic world, the dominican sisters of mary are a phenomenon. This group of nuns live, work, play and pray together in perfect harmony. At a time when there are more catholic sisters in the United States over 90 years old than under 60, you wont believe whos joining. The average age of us right now is 31 years old, so that really is countercultural. And despite more americans losing their faith, the numbers show women here are drawn to a life of serving others. Were out of room here. We have 140 right now. Coming from all walks of life, these young women are flocking here. Sister bridget, you have a tree in biochemistry . Jean, you were a captain in the air force. All sorts of things, i wasnt deeply satisfied. So finally i surrendered to the lord. Why this order . This really attracted me. As i joined the sisters in their routine, that joy was so so clear. What would be your message to a young woman whos curious about the lifestyle that you lead . I would just say yes to being loved by the lord. And theyre reaching masses. This order has three billboards, charttopping albums. Has the music drawn some of the women in . Oh definitely. How else do we get ourselves into the homes where the families are . Every song you hear is a prayer by the sisters. Colleaguings that ive talked to who are heard our music, these are people who are not necessarily christian. They say when i listen to that music, it bring me so much peace. Its just pure love poured out to god. And thats what their lifestyle is all about, bringing people closer to god. This order has also created things for the world to enjoy that has brought in revenue. Were living off of the goodness of other people. Weve developed resources to help teachers teach children. Muck. I attended vespers with the sisters, and you talk about tradition, these are prayers that go back centuries. The beauty of it just carries me away. And then after that its not really thinking anymore, its a higher contemplation, its a being. We enter into this prayer where were not thinking about the fact that were praying, we just are. Ed very cool. Pete you want to take in ancient tradition and a faith of 2,000 years and make it alive, you better make it relevant to peoples lives today, and it feels like thats what rachel brought to us. Ed such a great message on easter. Pete i dont know what else we have on the show, weve got a whole hour left dont miss it before you go to church, stay with us on fox and friends. Here you go little guy. A cockroach can survive submerged underwater for 30 minutes. Wow. Yeah, wow. Not getting in today. Not on my watch. Pests never stop trying to get in. We never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Ed how beautiful is that the kids enjoying this, and i hope folks at home are enjoying as well. Jedediah ive got the baby chick which by the way they dont bite. They just do a little peck on your finger. Pete happy easter to everybody. Well try it here is a few pictures of some of the folks sitting with the easter bunny not afraid. Beautiful sunday outfits. Ed is that a horse . Pete thats a horse. Jedediah easter colors make me happy i have to say i feel spring, i feel sunshine even if its not sunny out you kind of make your own sunshine and look at us. Show your socks pete. Look at the pink ones. Pete lets try it again for the third time. He is risen. Ed didnt get it once. Jedediah your own version of it pete indeed and in honor of you , ive mixed some celery juice. Jedediah he has. Pete in with my Strike Force Energy drink so its a combo. Jedediah better than you drinking just that stuff. Pete you might counteract each other. Ed absolutely. Remember how this holy week started with the tragedy in paris people coming together there though but theres been a whole new tragedy of night breaking, and we now know two americans, this is brand new information, among those killed in a series of attacks on churches and hotels in sri lanka jedediah more than 200 people are reported dead and hundreds more injured in the easter day attacks. Pete we are live in the Jerusalem Bureau with the latest trey . Reporter we are learning from authorities that at least 207 people were killed in these bombings in sri lanka and hundreds injured the death toll is expected to rise the first round of bombings targeted three churches and three Luxury Hotels cross the island, another two bombings occurred later in the day and Authorities Say the majority of the eight bombings happened in the capitol city and reports do indicate that 35 nationals were killed including american citizens. Police have arrested seven people believed to be connected to the attacks. Footage shows one suspect being loaded into a police car as an angry crowd punches at him. The three hotels hit r with all popular for touristsisthe islane to celebrate the Easter Holiday with friends and the pews, and bodies covered with sheets and many churches in sri lanka canceled their Easter Services and President Trump tweeted his condolences saying the United States stands ready to help although just over 7 of sri lanka population is christian the history of christianity dates back to the First Century and the leader of the Catholic Church pope frances weighed in on this Easter Sunday attack saying this. I wish to express my love to the christian community, for those gathered in prayer and to all of the victims of such cruel violence. Reporter just ten days ago, sri lankas police chief warns Trump Administration bombers wanted to hit churches across the country and his statement was reportedly based on intelligence provided by another country saying that a group described by the economic times, as a radical muslim group , was planning the attacks. So far today no group has taken responsibility. Now pete, jedediah, ed, reports indicate in sri lanka a curfew has been posed to avoid further casualties back to you. Ed story keeps getting worse, thanks. Pete its a reminder that churches and christians have been under attack all over the world as radical islamic groups have been on the march suicide bombings, no one has taken responsibility yet but it has all of the hallmarks of that, sad thing keep them in your prayers today. Ed something we will say all morning. Jedediah our thoughts go out to the victims, their families and everyone around the world whose hearts are breaking together as we watch this terrible tragedy unfold. Ed meanwhile, weve been talking about the Mueller Report report since it came out thursday, interesting because weve been talking, reporting for a couple of years now, about whats known by critics as the dirty dossier, because it was an antitrump dossier, to help fuel the beginning of this entire investigation, paid for by the dnc and Hillary Clintons campaign with all kinds of dirt that we reported again and again is unverified and yet many have cited that as if some of it were true. Pete over and over. Ed New York Times suddenly says wait a second time out they actually bring sense to this and say do you know what . It turns out that a lot of this may have been disinformation thats not true. Jedediah a quote from the new york time reads a release on thursday by the report by the special counsel Robert Mueller had underscored that what had grown clearer for months while many trump aides welcomed contact with the russians some of the plans in the dossier appear to be false and others were impossible to prove, mr. Muellers report contained over a dozen references to the documents claims but no overall assessment of why so much did not check out. Ed hang on time out right there because why so much didnt check out. Think about this so mueller didnt completely go into that and the president and others said he should have but he didnt. Who did take this as gospel . James comey, john brennan perhaps. Pete and then denied it. Ed but they used it to go to the fisa court and say weve verified there are some problems here and we need to surveil carter page, surveil the trump campaign, to do as an advisor and as the attorney general william barr has said under oath now there was spying of the trump camp so just think about how serious that paragraph is that this was unverified and now people are wondering about it years later. You think you should have started it earlier but people inside the Obama Administration use that unverified information to get this whole thing. Pete the only real journalism thats been done for the most part is at Fox News Channel actually talking about this when you look at the aspect of that i think we have a graphic of all of the things in that dossier that ended up not becoming true, claims of trump putin intelligence trading, interactions with prostitutes, and carter page had collected a brokerage fee, michael cohen, that trip to rag that everyone was looking for. Ed they always try to use that as examples of collusion. Jedediah its so humiliating that the stunning lack of interest in asking questions, this should have been a story fascinating to many as far as what was the basis for the investigation if they could just for a second be impartial and step back all of those questions that you asked youve done a great job. Some others out there have done a great job but so many have just made a decision that they were so partial to wanting trump out that they chose to not ask these tough questions and now, people like the New York Times, like buzzfeed having to come out and say oh, hold on a second some of that reporting needs to be corrected, needs to be switched around here because we have credibility, we think, in this industry wed like to uphold. Pete it feels a bit like election day remember how good you felt ed that day on election day . Okay im speaking for myself. Do you know how good its going to feel in 2020 . This is running against with everyone against you what this president has done. Better late than never. Ed this explains the anger inside the trump camp and the Trump Supporters about what is played out with us the last couple years shows you why in the first 24 hours or so, after the Mueller Report being released, the trump camp raked in about 1 million for the Reelection Campaign on top of the 40 million they had in the bank already. Jedediah because it feels like an enormous hitch against him and now even people i know people who werent even that fond of President Trump to begin with maybe it wasnt their guy have now turned around and said wait hold on a second everything this guy does he cant catch a break from the media, ill support him now and ive had enough of this nonsense and has actually convinced so many people to be like im voting for this guy i had enough of this media. Pete well matt schlapp was on earlier talking about this and here is what he said. Giving a donation to a candidate is the ultimate political bonding and i think that its especially important when it comes to donald trump who is a billionaire after all, pete but you actually have average americans writing a check to a person who has great wealth because they want the world to know and these donation s are obviously made public. They want the world to know that they stand with their president and i think the other thing is they are disgusted by the corrosive Media Coverage of this ridiculous story of russian collusion. Ed one of the folks who wants to take the president s job it appears is joe biden. We think this coming week on wednesday he will fine pally officially announce. Pete launch his third candidacy ed he lost in 88, lost in 2008, and singledigits when he wasnt on his own so can he do it and is he also concerned has he been inching along because hes concerned his own party has passed him by and moved further left . Well take a look at this from a former biden aid to time magazine. Maybe saying ive never seen anything so half blank, starts with an a, theyre improvising and doing last minute planning the guy has been running for president since 198 p 7 and cant figure out the basics this should make everyone very nervous so this is a former biden aid saying probably still wants to see him do well and was thinking this is going to be the grown up in the room among a pretty weak democratic field. Ive heard that by the way, former obama people told me, they hope someone like biden will get in, and now a former biden aid is saying what the heck is taking him so long he doesnt know what he wants to do on day one . Jedediah i think hes struggl ing because he sees the Bernie Sanders and the aocs and thats not him and what his record reflects and hes struggling in this me too age, biden has a very odd shall we say approach, sometimes he can be a little overly affection at and he has a certain way about him, probably not a good idea but he is trying to figure out where he fits into all of this not only his policies and approach to politics but also his way, where does that fit in . Pete you mentioned the big field, its weak. Well the republican field was considered very strong in 2016 trump beat all of them. Bernie sanders if hes facing a weak field and hes got energy and money and the perception is hes a true progressive hes sitting in a very good spot right now so one of the guys that wants that job as well is beto orourke. Hes out on the trail, waving his hands around and he got this confrontation from one of his supporters listen. Ill take the money from any organization. On march 29, i was really inspired to see that you said you would not take money from executives, but i looked it up and you did. The millions of people whose lives are being effected by crisises and if you do will you prove it today by returning that dirty money . Im returning that check. [applause] ed oh, no, look first of all, you said you wouldnt take dirty money by the way the context . 250 check from a chevron lobbyist so okay if he said he wasnt taking money that woman has every right to say look you promised you wouldnt, maybe it was an oversight because some time people send in checks. He doesnt know that its the lobbyist or not but here is the point it was 250. And he has 10 or 20 million, were talking 250 and they are saying that is the worst thing in the world how can you do that and i think even worse is beto orourke is like im sorry im giving it back. My point hes been on this apology tour, do your thing, man stand up for what youre going to run on rather than every time theres a little supporter, oh, i didnt mean that. Pete thats it. Jedediah i think he is the most overestimated candidate, the media was so excited about him. I dont see it, whereas i think a lot of people underestimated and came out and started giving interviews very nuanced with a lot to say and his approach was so much more authentic to many than that that beto orourke i think that he has rushed up take en his spot. Pete they thought they were getting beto, instead they got bob. They are like this guys not that great he thought he was awesome. Ed but he jumps up on tables. Jedediah he does which is a germ germaphobe ii object to by the way. Here we go. How does this even work . Pete well thank you for being here we got more in this hour fox friends Easter Sunday, a lot going on, following the heartbreak in paris and destruction at the Notre Dame Cathedral a pledge to rebuild this church but this morning why are protesters taking to the streets to stop it . Ed unbelievable Maria Bartiromo on that amazing story, next. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 389 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Findican be overwhelming. R dry eyes. For relief that lasts. You want soothe xp from bausch lomb. Soothe xp helps restore the eyes lipid layer. Seal in moisture. And protect against further irritation. Soothe xp. The right choice for dry eyes. Ed well yellow vest protests continuing to erupt in the streets of paris it happened yet again today. Pete after months of protesting macron over sky high gas prices, demonstrators now enraged over the more than 1 billion pledged to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral while citizens struggle to make ends meet. Jedediah here to react is Maria Bartiromo most of sunday morning futures. Maria great to see you guys happy easter. Yeah, this is just incredible. I dont know that they know what they want. Youve got all these billionaire s giving back, recognizing this tragedy and wanting to help, and then youve got the yellow vests complaining it reminds me of when bill deblasio here in new york said oh, we have a lot of wealth in new york, but its just not distributed right. So he doesnt like the fact that people on the high end have worked hard, made a lot of money and then they give back. Its like when they gave 100 million to harvard medical oral the money to the New York Public Library giving back and still getting criticized. Ed we had Timothy Cardinal do lan archbishop here on friday and he was saying home depot fame and others have stepped up given money from their pockets here in america and they setup this fund, st. Patricks to notre dame in order for americans to help as well and theres some in paris who are not happy about that. Maria its the kind of stuff that the unintended consequences of squeezing the rich will lead to them stopping. Not giving back so much, perhaps changing their giving ways. These are some of the unintended consequences of conflict pointing out rich is bad, wealth is bad, even if you worked your whole life and actually achieved success. Jedediah and macron has been labeled the president of the rich so you think this is just a larger way of protesting his policies like eliminating the wealth tax or cutting spending or just so disgusted with him saying all his policies benefit in their minds rich people. Maria i think thats right on, spot on because theyre looking at him as sort of the face of the rich person. Pete man is he addressing anything, will any of this change . Maria i dont think so, pete. At this point there is such a culture and a fight over that culture that he represents one portion with the yellow vests do not want to see anybody else get any benefits in terms of being rich until theres more of a focus on the lower income. I just think its so misguided to attack those p employee who have given money to try to make a difference in the notre dame specatacle, and obviously tragedy. Were going to talk a bit about it this morning weve got former federal prosecutor John Ratcliffe coming on to talk not just about the democratic policies but the fact youve got all of these crisis going on in the world. Look at the border and whats happening with north korea and yet you cant get any democrat attention on it. Ted lou has been sending out Text Messages and tweets saying its day 30 of the National Emergency that the president tells us that were in. Can you feel it . Well yeah i can feel it actually because we have exclusive video well show you this morning from the border in tucson where 980 people were just apprehended in a few hours. Dan kilday is joining me as well a congressman from michigan hes very moderate and hes there saying my constituents want to know how they deal with all of the new jobs that are going to be required in the future from technology because technology is taking over, and my party isnt talking about any issues. Darrel issa is also coming on he was the former head of oversight and hes been saying for a long time, they obviously abused the fisa court, lets investigate the investigators so we want to find out whats happening in terms of investigating the investigators when do you think william barr is going to stop with these democrats all these crybabies that the Mueller Report didnt show it and start handing out indictments over why this investigation was started in the first place. Ed maria taking on the cry babies you dont want to miss that at the top of the hour. Maria [laughter] thank you happy easter. Pete for all of the crybabies out there. I love it. Ed californias governor gavin newsom calls himself the most antitrump governor in america. I also see my role as not just the center of the resistance, but a positive alternative to trump and trump ism. Pete so what do california residents think of that . Mike slater says his governor barely only governs his own state. That next. Here i go again on my own goin down the only road ive ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone keep goin man you got it if you ride, you get it. Here i go again geico motorcycle. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, every day can begin with flakes. Its a reminder of your struggles with psoriasis. But what if your psoriasis symptoms didnt follow you around . Thats why theres ilumya. With just 2 doses, a majority of people were clear or almost clear. And over time, even more people were clear or almost clear. All with dosing 4 times a year. After 2 initial doses. Plus, ilumya was shown to have similar risks of infections compared to placebo. Dont use if you are allergic to ilumya or any of its ingredients. Before starting treatment, your doctor should check for tuberculosis and infections. After checking there is no need for routine Lab Monitoring unless your doctor advises it. 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Now the animal punctured the womans head, neck and back and the zoos director says the tiger will not be put down. The zoo closed briefly before reopening. And the murder probe of two indiana girls is going in a new direction. Authorities say they will announce new information tomorrow about the deaths of Abigail William williams and liberty germany. The middle schoolers were found dead on a hiking trail in indiana back in 2017 and now the case went cold after the man in this photo a potential suspect was never identified. Pete . Pete all right, California Governor Gavin Newsom attacking President Trump by saying he sees his role as a positive alternative to the president. I do govern the most un trump state in america theres no doubt about that, but i also see my role as not just the center of the resistance, but a positive alternative to trump and trumpism. Jedediah radio talk show host mike slater lives in california so mike what do you have to say about gavin newsom. He gave examples of how he is so antitrump and one is he had the backs of people of color. Only 19 of black kids in california and 26 of hispanic kids can do math at grade levels we have the highest poverty rate in the country 31 of hispanics are living in poverty so great b,avm loong out for people of color. Pete what would he say to that . What would his response be . Just i think trump is a racist so i stick up for people of color . Whats his response . Who knows, right . He talks a good game, gavin newsom has always talked a good game, but you cant, theres no fruit to what hes been talking about. For all these years he fails continually. Health care in california also talked about obamacare. We spend a third of our budget on healthcare but so few doctors accept our version of obamacare that its impossible really difficult for people to get access to health care, so we have longer lines and worse care for people. The only real place where gavin newsom is antitrump and successful at it is taxes. Newsom wants to raise them and trump cuts them. Jedediah lets talk about how these liberal policies actually impact some of the prominent cities like San Francisco for example, where airport officials are saying theres this surge of Homeless People taking over. Now, look at this. U. S. Cities with the highest homeless population, new york, 76, 500, los angeles, 55, 200, San Francisco 28, 200, liberals here, my question for you is why do these liberal politicians keep getting elected if this is what is happening in these cities . Well california we get what we deserve right . Its unbelievable that we keep voting for these people. Gavin newsom was the mayor of San Francisco for many years prior to becoming governor right now, and his city is now famous for having the poop patrol right i dont know if you saw this map recently of all of the places where feces has been reported on the sidewalk its everywhere and thats the best metaphor, for these progressive policies its welcome to eutopia land where everything is free and amazing just watch where you step. Pete [laughter] because its disgusting everywhere and theres needles all over the place. Pete they say its just because were so compassionate. It is not compassionate to let people who are either addicted or perhaps mentally ill sleep on the street, right . That only makes these people spiral into even darker places, nothing compassionate about that that literally means to suffer with and the ultimate hipocracy from progressive politicians is they talk about being compassionate and let people sleep on the street and go live in their walled off mansion and the nice part of town theres nothing compassionate about that jedediah compassion should mean policies that incentivize people to get out of poverty and enable that to happen in terms of job creation, taxation. Pete education. Jedediah school choice, so its so common sense when you look at these policies. Its complete backwards so remember Rudy Guiliani when he was mayor of new york city he did all these things and helped People Living on the streets and he was called a terrible horrible heartless person but he actually helped people but gavin newsom and all the rest let people sleep on the streets and pat themselves for the back for being so compassionate. Pete mike slater, thank you very much. Happy easter. Jedediah well, Felicity Huffman paid her way for her daughter to go to college but now she may go to prison in her own home and were hopping back out to the fox square for the big easter party. Pete the easter bunny has been to your house, but now hes here , tips for your easter celebration, coming up next. Easter is on its way, bring in every girl and boy w 2019 ford ranger, its the right gear. With a terrain Management System for. This. A bash plate for. That. An electronic locking Rear Differential for. Yeah. This. Heading to the supermarket . Get any truck. Heading out here . Get the ford ranger. The only adventure gear built ford tough. driver relax, its just a bug. Thats not a bug, thats not a bug burke hit and drone. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum at a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. You wouldnt accept from any one else. So why accept it from your allergy pills . Most pills dont finish the job because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase allergy relief is different. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. Ed happy easter look at those beautiful babies. Jedediah oh, i love that. Ed such beautiful families sharing them this morning. Pete nancy sent this in that says happy easter from my youngest grandchildren. They look close in age right there. Jedediah an email from kim she sent this picture of gunner, the horse, and pete she adds that easter grass is pretty good too. Ed well im with mine this morning email, here is the family after local easter festival in the beautiful state of north carolina. Happy easter. Jedediah happy easter everyone. Pete very cool. Ed . Good hands. Jedediah whats going on with that. Ed he painted me an egg. Jedediah oh, wow. And you ate his head off the cookie. Ed she may be able to serve her sentence at home for that College Admission rigging scandal and she allegedly paid a harvard graduate get this, 15,000 just to correct her daughters s. A. T. , that gave her a boost of 400 points from the earlier taking of the s. A. T. Pete could face up to 10 months a defense attorney told the times since her recommended sentence is on the lower end she could end up serving her sentence at home while wearing an ankle monitor so because she paid not as much money, wasnt as big a part of the scandal. She goes to jail at home. Jedediah so if it was just an average person on the street who did this do you think theyd be serving their sentence at home . I would say no so this is what has outraged people about this story because why is there a separate set of rules if you have money and pretige and connections. Ed yes youre right and i thought the whole point of the scandal was they were stopping that who said you elite folks who can buy your kids way into college were stopping that but theres a double stand and if they get caught, then its how they are punished they say were going to jail you might be able to have a little ankle monitor on. Pete on becky, otherwise known as lori loughlin, she plead not guilty, and did a lot more, and might actually go to prison. So that one is still out there. Jedediah well see how that one plays out. Pete a few months at home with an ankle bracelet i could see that in my future. Ed oh, no dont say that. Jedediah well keep him out of trouble. Ed let me get to other headlines check out this video that shows a terrifying moment a woman is dragged on the train tracks, her hand, you see it there, appears to get stuck in the door at a platform out in San Francisco, as the train pulls away. A transportation worker standing right beside her as the woman gets pulled under the moving train. The woman survived but her condition at this hour not known wow. Parents are suing their sons former prep school, claiming he got expelled because of his conservative beliefs. Now are accusing connecticuts academy of discrimination saying their son was kicked out for sharing his political views in the middle of an english class where it came up School Official s say the 16yearold was not expelled over those beliefs and that he had several chances to follow the code of conduct at that school. Meanwhile, an Illinois Police officer goes above and beyond to help a man he pulls over. Officer roger mules stopped ka shawn baldwin, for expired plates. He found he did not have a valid license and the man said the reason he was in a hurry was he had to get to a Job Interview and instead of issuing a ticket the officer drove the man himself to the interview. Something came upon me, god, whatever it was and said give him a little break so thats what i did. Ed baldwin got the job at fedex and how cool is that both will join us tomorrow right here on fox friends youve got a Police Officer doing what they do best, helping other people, adam thats pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, thats very cool Something Else thats very cool here at the Face Painting station ive got a blue bunny with thats a carrot on your finger. Yeah, thats you on the tv back there. Thats you, you know, i actually had a little bit of face paint ing done too its called makeup, getting rid of all of my wrinkles because im getting older and also supposed to be forecasting were about to see the weather map come up on there okay . Lets bring up that, here is what were looking at across the country temperatures up to 57 in new york city not too bad of a day, a little bit overcast conditions forecasting across the country here for this Easter Sunday, a little bit of rain up into new england were also talking about rain across the Northern Plains otherwise, Beautiful Day in the heartland, Beautiful Day across the southeast not a bad Easter Sunday. I brought you this. Pete thank you, adam i do see the easter bunny was in mexico your previous forecast but now hes here. He made his way. Thanks for being here. We are celebrating easter today with our own Easter Eggstravagan z a, and here is Allison Bernstein general manager of the bash. Thanks for being here. Thank you for having me. Well talk about elevating your easter party and first thing you want to do is keep them entertained. Parents have cocktails kids have crafts so here we have some kids painting pottery from handson pottery, and this is great because it also doubles as a takehome gift they could bring home and remember this great party. Pete they dont leave it at your house take it to their own. I like that. Also there are ways to keep their kids entertained so you can hire all sorts of vendors to come and entertain the kids, musicians, magicians, and this is Magic Memories entertainment a bunny that comes perfect for easter. Pete absolutely. Ed you need to hop on over to j ed right . I think were doing Face Painting first. Are you getting your face paint ed . Pete no im not. Weve got color me happy Face Painting which kids love to have face painted and angel is having her hand painted lots of kids look like bunnies today and then we have when you have a party you also want to think about decor that serves double duty so this is a beautiful paper flower wall from new york paper flowers you can rent these in the new York New Jersey tristate aer yeah and it doubles in decor. Pete i like it lets go over to jedediah shes with animals right now will the easter bunny hop on over . Jedediah joining us is rebecca and her daughter and they are from the Third Generation family owned farm, and they have brought some real baby chicks, baby rabbits this morning and im holding a baby rabbit, we have a guinea pig, little baby chicks, can you tell us a little bit about your farm . Yeah, so the farm was started by my grandmother and my mother joined in and she took it over, and built it to what it is today and i run the office and get to go to fun things like this. Jedediah and the kids have been loving these animals stopping by the whole time holding the bunn ies right now, do you allow like the people to come visit can they play with the animals . Actually all of our programs come to you guys, they go to Nursing Homes anybody who wants to do it well come. Jedediah what is the benefit you found of bringing animals . Theres talk about how animals reduce stress so much and for me they do ordealing with people suffering from illnesses what have you found to be the biggest impact of these animals on people . I think they are just an all around learning experience. You have the baby chicks you watch them hatch out of their shell, and theres so much learning involved you can have a baby bunny or a mother bunny come with her baby bunny and watch them grow into the process of it, and we have a traveling farm where we bring out farm animals and the kids get to feed a calf a bottle. Jedediah well this is my heaven thank you so much i love this. We appreciate the kids are lov ing it too so thanks for coming. Well toss it over to ed henry. Ed thats awesome i want to stay on that shot of pete with the bunny ears but i guess we cant, investigator impeach depends which democrat you ask that question to. Impeachment effort is going to only divide us further. We have accounts to initiate impeachment. Ed can democrats get on the same page . Will they get on the same page . Well debate it with a couple of democrats, next. Fely. But allstate actually helps you drive safely. With drivewise. It lets you know when you go too fast. And brake too hard. With feedback to help you drive safer. Giving you the power to actually lower your cost. Unfortunately, it cant do anything about that. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . P3 its meat, cheese and nuts. I keep my protein interesting. Oh yea, me too. I have cheese and uh these herbs. P3 snacks. The more interesting way to get your protein. 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Im not there yet, but i can foresee that possibly coming. The impeachment effort is only going to divide us further. I have called on the house to initiate impeachment. We have to have a conversation about impeachment right now. I know, i think right now we should continue this investigation. Ed so democrats get on the same page here to debate gop polster justin wallen, and good to see you and happy easter. Good morning. Happy resurrection day. Ed i want to start with you, an toine. I cant your party listen to the simple idea of dividing the country and get back to the issues that i thought democrats ran on in 2018 those Kitchen Table issues . Well let me ressurect some thoughts for you this morning, ed. The bottom line is weve heard consistently from democrats that we want to investigate and legislate and i think this congress has done that very well when we hear about impeachment, we hear that from some people who have been in that party thats okay. Different constituencies in this country sent members of congress to washington to do different things. Ed hang on but what exactly legislation has your party gotten done in the first 100 or so days for the house . Well you can name hr1, reopening the government, you can name passing meaningful government legislation thats 60 of the American People want, you can name protecting our health care, i can rattle off four or five things to you that we know has passed. Ed nothing passing in the senate the republicans run that but basically theres been a lot i cant control the senate but we can talk about what happened in the house. Ed so real quick and i want to get to the other side, so where are we going on impeachment . Oh, i dont know but what we do know is the special prosecutor in his report gave democrats a slam on the goal to continue investigating this corrupt administration of this president , i think youll see that, i think youll see the special prosecutor being caught and who knows what may happen from there. Ed justin, slam dunk for democrats . Impeachment is the third rail for democrats, this is not something American Voters want a majority of American Voters dont want to see impeachment. I think democratic leadership recognizes that and they are trying to soft pedal it and calm down that small proportion of democratic elected who do want to push forward that kind of breathless group who desperately want to find something with the president that can be impeach able. Right now it doesnt exist, americans dont think it exists americans Want Congress and their elected to focus on those thins that really matter to them and whether thats jobs in the economy, immigration, healthcare , these are the agenda items that need to be focused on and frankly if theyre not focused on, next cycle democrats own those issues, every bit as much as republicans own them in the last cycle. Let me jump in then what about what corey booker said hes a good democrat for your party out there running for president and he says i dont think were ready for impeachment. Lets keep on investigating i thought your party was going to tell us Robert Mueller will have the goods and lets wait for him and now he comes in with the verdict so you say lets keep investigating. Pete i dont know if you read the same report i did but, im sorry ed, i dont know if you read the same report but what we do know is there are things in that report that will cause that need for democrats to continue to investigate and this will be a marathon not a sprint, the direction will be more important than seat and so yeah, i call for my party dont go for the knockout punch right away but take the time to flush out what we need to flush out so the American People will know. Ed theres a lot of metaphores in there but if it wasnt a knockout punch a marathon sounds to me like a whole lot of investigating for years. Yeah its a political ploy. The reality is what anyones going to find beyond the full weight and force of the u. S. Government investigation is really very little. Its possible, theres a remote possibility, but its pretty dog on remote, when you have an investigation of the scale, scope, time that was undertaken no one finds out anything else. The reality is there is no smoking gun there. Theres nothing there to fight, but thats not true. If you want to support the president ial policy agenda this is the was it to clog it up. Ed ill give you 10 seconds if you start, go. There were redacted portions of the report that we do not know and clearly states that there are other investigations going on, and that they gave the power to the congress to do what they do. Ed well see what congress does and im ed, happy easter. Happy easter. [laughter] ed take care. Shes written songs for faith hill and sarah evans and now her own song has become an instant hit and shes going to perform it for us live how cool is that . Singer mall are holt here with a special easter performance. [running through woods] so i think were going with a family van. A family van . Was that her choice . Naaah man, that was my choice. This things got reclining seats, dvd player, its got a builtin vacuum cleaner. You ever seen my kid eat crackers . Yeah. So you see how that works . Mmhmm. Sometimes you gotta go straight for the source. Car loans fast from Navy Federal Credit union. Our members are the mission. If ywhen you brush or floss, you dont have to choose between healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax has 8 designed benefits for healthy gums and strong teeth. Complete protection from parodontax. One ptwo parts incredible. Ibs. Steak ribs starting at 14. 99, with your choice of sauce or dry rub. And back again is our 3point rib bloom, topped with cheese fries and barbecue ribs. And try our everyday lunch combos, starting at 7. 99. Ed the song, for stars like faith hill and sarah evans. Pete now shes breaking into the christian music theme with her own album, out of my hands. Jedediah Mallory Holton arms johns us. Happy easter everybody. Jedediah tell us what youre going to sing and what its about . This is a song i wrote when i was comparing myself to others feeling like i wasnt good enough and some types people throw labels at us and i decided to write something to help encourage people to be comfortable in their own skin and see themselves the way god created. Ed great message. Jedediah take it away, i want to hear it. I could be stronger, i could be braver, i could be someone who never called a failure, i could have letdowns, i could have more faith, but i can come to you, bold and afraid , i can be me, a broken live together perfectly, a child to love no matter what the world may be, in your eyes theres no one else that needs to be, i just need to be, me. I cant be fearless, unashamed to show my every weakness, i can stop comparing, because you promised, sometimes i call you all i ever wanted, and i can be me, broken and put together, perfectly, awe child in love no matter what the world may see, in your eyes theres no one else i need with me, i just need to be me you were strong and in my weakness, i am yours, i am free, i am free, i could be stronger, i could be braver, but i know that you are never gonna matter, because i can be me, a broken mess you put together perfectly, a child in love no matter what the world may be, in your eyes theres no one else i need to be, i just need to be me need to be me, its okay to be me [applause] and here comes the wacky new maid maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . Shes always here, someone tell us why why, oh, why shes not the maid we wanted because im not the maid but shes the maid we got again, im not the maid. I protect your home and auto. Hey, campbells. Whos your new maid . I protect your home and auto. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto with ultra coating. Ed what an awesome song that was great. Jedediah loved it. Pete the stone is rolled away the tomb is empty he has risen happy easter everybody, have a wonderful sunday. Jedediah have a great day. Maria good sunday morning everyone and happy easter to all im Maria Bartiromo, thanks for joining us straight ahead right here on sunday morning futures, congressman and former federal prosecutor John Ratcliffe is here exclusively to react to Robert Muellers findings and what happens now after the special counsel clearly states there was no collusion, how do republicans plan to hold those at the Obama Justice department accountable and the russia investigation in the first place plus exclusive democratic reaction with congressman dan killday and the political battle over the Mueller Report ever shadowing the growing crisis and showing the massiveup

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