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Getting political. Only white people think jesus are republican and excrack heads. Trumpets they go the trumpets they go. Steve live from new york city, it is 6 0 00 across the street they do saturday night live in this studio, studio f doing fox friends cable number one morning show on the planet. Ainsley two guys emceeing, host the emmys last night are from saturday night live. Steve they work across the street. Brian we will play excerpts of it. It was different emmys. Very tactical move. They didnt let the presenters read the nominees. Somebody else red the nominees they just read the winners talk about innovation. Steve did you watch . Brian i felt as a host its my obligation. Ainsley they said we thank the thousands of people in the audience and hundreds of people out there watching. Brian thats because the ratings have dipped. Thedipped. Ainsley they get so political. Steve they did get political. Speaking of political. This issue did get political. Its a fox news alert. The president of the United States, that man right there who can declassify material he deems in the Public Interest is going to have the department of justice declassify email transcripts, Text Messages and 20 page fisa application so people realize exactly what was going on during the summer of 2016 when the federal government went after the Trump Campaign. Ainsley a lot of people have called on the president to do this they want to know what the fisa applications carter page conversations conves with bruce ohr and Text Messages between strzok and page and bruce ohr. James comey. Brian not being redacted. Ainsley Everyone Wants transparency and they want to know what happened and if this will reveal any abuse. Brian senator schumer said flat out dont mess with the intelligence agencies 20 ways to sunday to get back at you. Steve before the election. Brian the question is were they getting back at President Trump. Did they not want him to win and were they maneuvering behind the scenes to make sure he didnt. And when he did made sure tumultuous and first months led to special investigation. The more you see Text Messages and my goodness we are watching this script play out. Its not opinion. Its fact. Now we where to get more facts including Text Messages if theyre throughout from comey, mccabe, strzok and page and also going to declassify that interview with bruce ohr. Devin nunes, the chairman of the Intelligence Committee said this. The Mainstream Media is also buying the koolaid this is going to endanger National Security. I dont know how many times they are going to run that play call but its laughable that they are saying that is going to somehow endanger National Security. Have you heard me say this and many others say this. This is full transparency for the American People. This will be all the information, really, that i think the American People will need to see because, for two years, we have been forcefeeding this russia koolaid so much so you have the Mainstream Media involved in it, the poor American People who are part of this resistance movement, who actually believe that the president is under criminal by the russians and republicans in congress and controlled by russians. This is crazy talk. Steve what republicans say by declassifying these documents, the president of the United States will allow people in this country to see that senior fbi and departmendepartment of justice officials acted ethically toward the trump pain and in the early days of the Trump Administration. Ar patiently what it is going to show is it is going to show it sounds like in the fisa application they used the dossier and used news stories planted by the people who had been hired by the democrats and Hillary Clinton to put it out there, fusion gps which is where bruce ohrs wife nellie worked and its a great big stinking mess. Brian i just want to sigh that isnt your opinion. Thats a fact. They were writing to each other bragging about the stories they that were planted in the papers. So remove republican and democrat from this. What i find most disturbing is that democrats arent as outraged and angered as republicans and as the American People should be. The fbi cant be used against us. Now its trump. Who is next . If its not stopped . Ainsley even mark meadows said multiple senior level fbi officials acted political. A lot of people talking about Brett Kavanaugh, they were supposed to vote on him on thursday and confirm on on thursday. This girl comes out from 35 plus years ago and says he tried to abuse her, auto tack her at the party. He says he was not at that party. Now he and his accuser is going to testify on monday. The confirmation hearing is going to be delayed. They are both going to speak out in fronts of the Senate Judiciary committee on monday. Steve its interesting because accord rg to the reports on capitol hill yesterday. The Senate Democrats werent cooperating at all. Chuck grassleys Committee Staff members calling and talked to kavanaugh and apparently talked to dr. Ford as well and they worked out a deal where they would both appear. We dont know exactly the format but it sounds like its going to be on monday. They could immediately have a vote after that. We simply do not know whats going on. To your point, orrin hatch says that judge kavanaugh told him i wasnt even at the party. And there are so many details that she doesnt remember, the only witness that she admits was there was this fellow who is a friend of his by the name of mark judge. He said it never happened. So its something where there is no way to confirm the story. Brian i can remember maybe two parties that i was at in high school. Steve how many parties did you go to . A lot. Brian i wouldnt want it to make it seem i was that popular because did i have issues in high school. Back to this story, she didnt name the exact party that she was at. Ainsley she doesnt remember the year. Brian how does Brett Kavanaugh know if he was there or not. Thats one thing orrin hatch talked himself into circles saying Brett Kavanaugh said he was not there we dont even know what party it is which is part of the challenge of the story. Ainsley the president Kellyanne Conway was on with us yesterday saying listen, she should have her say, we should hear her speak, thats whats going to happen. He has had 65 women who knew him in high school and college and come forward and said this is upstanding guy. He is a wonderful person. That is not the guy who she is describing. Thats not the guy we know. He dated two girls named maura. One was in high school and one in college. They both were on foxx last night. Listen to what they said. He was a responsible guy. He was someone who did have a beer but he was never out of control. He never became someone different after drink expblg all the times, all the years i have known bret, even if we had a beer, he was always in complete control. And he was actually one of the guys that if we were at a social gathering, he would be the guy to look out for other people. In all the years i have known him, like i said over 35 years, he has been nothing but honest and trustworthy and respectful. Steve the wall street journal on their oped page, they take a critical look at it and theyre partisan, clearly. They want him to be confirmed. They say it has the earmarks of a calculated political ambush. Lindsey graham asked a really good question last night on the Sean Hannity Show and he said if dr. Ford never intended to come forward, which is what she has told the Washington Post over the weekend, then why did she take a polygraph in august and then why did she hire a lawyer in august if none of this was ever going to come out . Brian steve, i thought that was the best point to come out in all our evening programming and Lindsey Graham is hardly the fire brand. He is a jag officer who spent 30 years as a judge, as a prosecutor and trained prosecutors. I will bring up this other element to it the other thing the administration is remarkably disciplined yesterday started with Kellyanne Conway on this show. Other thing that brings that up i cant get away from senator feinstein had an opportunity in closed session saying i have got this letter Brett Kavanaugh and im a little concerned about it. Steve about a month ago. Brian can you tell me about, not one time did she bring it up. It just makes you wonder about the timing while not dismissing the concern. Ainsley we will hear from both of them on monday and we will know more about the story then. Meanwhile, we have talked about the storm, the serious storm into the carolinas. Yesterday 17, 18 people on the morning show. We said were killed. Now look at that number. 32 people are dead in the wake of Hurricane Florence as rescuers are racing to save the survivors from flooded houses. Steve some entire communities are cut off by historic floods. Brian one of these places pollocksville, North Carolina. Thats where we find Griff Jenkins live where the water continues to rise. Griff . Thats right. Its all about the rivers cresting at, about, or just above record levels here in poll locksville. This entire town cut off by the trent river u its unbelievable. They have had to fly in helicopters, National Guard brings in supplies for these folks. Entire communities either stranded inside or being rescued being brought out. This is what the county manager Frankie Howard had to say. That we got resources coming in to help our citizens here in the county. They are delivering mres and bottled water. We have folks who havent had water for several days and food. Nobody living in jones county has experienced anything like this. We experienced flooding back in floyd. We have exceeded all those records now. And its pretty devastating. Were about 15 miles south of new bern. Have you heard about the rescues there. More than 200 there. About 150 here in the last few days. One of the people rescued yesterday as we were here was named clayton freyer and he was glad to finally get out. Have a listen. It was terrifying. I wasnt going to leave. I said god move mountains he can move a fool. I didnt want to be a fool so i left. Boy, was he relieved. President trump intends to visit this area in North Carolina. He says he doesnt want to come until the recovery and rescue efforts are over because he doesnt want to impede on those. Guys . Steve we dont know when thats going to be. Griff, thank you very much. Brian 11 minutes after the hour. Jillian mele back with us at work after celebrating your birthday. Two quick alerts for us. Jillian yes, dime get you caught up starting with this breaking news. Kim jong un praising President Trump for stabilizing the political situation on the korean pencela. The comments coming just moments as as the dictator meets with south korean president moon jaein in pong jiang. It seeks to end the nuclear dead long between the north and u. S. Also right now first, the Russian Military blaming israel after one of its jets was shot down by a syrian missile. Russias Defense Ministry claims the plane disappeared from radar with 15 people on board as it was returning from air base near the syrian city of l latakia. Attack targets in syria. There is now a sear search and rescue mission underway. Steve meanwhile judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser to testify publicly on capitol hill monday. How is that going to play out . Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley has some ideas. He is with brian next. Brian this guy figured out a way to beat arcade machines. No one seems to win u theyre is a kid inside. There he is. We cant show you exactly who it is but trust me, its a kid. Its magic if the music is true makes you feel happy like an old time movie what happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just car insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. Im ok take us downtown, waze. Waze integration seamlessly connecting the world inside. With the world outside. Making life a little. Easier. Introducing the wellconnected lincoln mkc. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. 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Well, you know, one possibility, of course, is that you have someone actually break on the stand, actually have the accuser admit that this is simply false, like the movie. The problem is that this isnt some powerful marine general. This is someone claiming to be the victim of an attempted rape. Moreover, its not a few good men on the committee, its all men. And so its going to be very hard for the republicans to deal with the optics of this. To have someone who comes forward and says look, this guy tried to rape me and to really sort of drill down in questioning on whether she is a liar. Thats going to be a very difficult thing for the republican members to do. But, i have got to tell you as a defense counsel there is no midpoint here. When you have a case where someone is alleging a Sexual Assault or rape, either its that person is the victim or that person is a liar. And you dont have any midpoint. If you finish midpoint, the jury tends to rule against the defendant. So, the republicans are going to be in a tough position. Either they are going to have to address this or not. Now, it is possible to have a polygraph with a false memory. It is possible for her to be mistaken that this really wasnt kavanaugh and done a polygraph. I have done polygraphs in the National Security area. They are not nearly as precise as people think they are. Brian other thing is did it happen . The technician could say yeah it, looks like it happened. Is it Brett Kavanaugh . So thats another question. I like to seat questions on the polygraph and how it was done if that, of course, becomes the case if you are dig down that far to decide if he should be the next Supreme Court nominee. The next is if he breaks on the stand, looks uncertain and cant answer the questions then it would all fall apart. And a thiessen narrow is the third option. You say its no better for kavanaugh. It cannot end in a tie. Its got to be definitive kavanaugh didnt do it, right . Its going to be real tough if it ends up as he said, she said. Particularly in the me too period. The republicans are going to have to create some basis to say look, at this point, it does not appear that this is a legitimate objection. Now, they are already trying to lay ground for that to say that he wasnt at the party. You know, this was over 30 years ago. Both of the memories on both sides can be challenged. Brian 50s to ask Jonathan Turley the chances of Brett Kavanaugh going forward. Oh, gosh, he has a margin of one or two votes. There were already a couple members uneasy about his position on roe. I would give it a 50 50 shot at this point. Its not a cop out. I think its exactly 50 50. Brian Jonathan Turley read his column today. Thank you for kick kicking us of so strongly. Brian the emmys go low. My mother doesnt like watching white award shows. You dont thank jesus enough. Only white people who thank jesus are republicans and excrack heads. Im laughing. Is this the new left . We are going to debate it or am i just missing the sniewrm they never saw it coming. Great grandfather fighting off three armed robbers. The video you will begin to see in a second if you sit through a pill commercial i want to rock rock i want to rock sometimes, the pressures of todays world can make it tough to take care of yourself. But natures bounty has innovative ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and wellrested. Because hey, tomorrows coming up fast. Natures bounty. Because youre better off healthy. Steve 6 24 in the morning on september 18th. First up the Trump Administration capping refugees into the United States to a new low record. Mike pompeo announcing the proposal for 33 decrease from 45,000 to 30,000 refugees next year. Pompeo says the new cap serves the National Interests of the United States. And President Trump turns up the heat on china. The white house is slapping tariffs on an additional 200 billion worth of chinese products. It starts at 10 next monday. And rises to 25 in january. It will impact things like hand bags, baseball gloves, and chandeliers. Just know that if you are in the market for a chandelier from china. All right. Ainsley . Ainsley brian just yelled i am, steve. Moving on, it is one of moveds biggest nights of the year. They wasted no time getting political. Taking aim this time at christians and of course the republicans and at the president. Listen. I have been watching this very shocking distaupian drama called the news. The obamas even have their own production deal at netflix. My dream is that the only thing they produce is their own version of the apprentice. And it gets way higher ratings. Only white people that thank jesus are republicans and excrack heads. Ainsley is this the new left . Here to debate this is spokesperson kayleigh mac anne and jessica tarlov. Is it funny . Was that funny last night . Did you watch . Did i not watch and i was watching baseball along with half my twitter feed i didnt know the emmys were on. Low low drawing comparison to republicans and crack heads no surprised emmys are the lowest rated award show. And award shows are lower in membership. Oscars hit all time low. Teen Choice Awards alltime low as well. Not surprised americans dont want to watch out of touch liberals pat each other on the backs. Ainsley jessica is this the new left. Last week the new left was coorkts this is a very different thing. Too two distinct categories taking shots at the president talking about what is going on with the Administration One thing making attacks on christians is quite another. I certainly do not support that i have spoken about this with kayleigh a number of times and i believe you ainsley as well. I think being respectful of anyones faith is critical disrespectful. No need for it if they wanted to make a joke about sayinsay thoughts and prayers after every School Shooting that would be different. I did not support this did i watch because i love the fashion. Ainsley you said its not the new left but it sounded very similar to eric holder and joe biden politicians from the past that are now out there campaigning. Listen to this these are eric holder and joe biden sound bites from over the weekend. Listen. On november the 6th we have the chance to send the message to the present occupant of the white house, i never call him the president. Barack and i agreed to be silent for a while to give this administration a chance to get up and running the first year. God, forgive me. [laughter] the president uses the white house as a literal, literal bully pulpit. Callously. [applause] callously exerting his power over those who have little or none. We are in a fight for americas soul. Ainsley jessica, john kerry and Elizabeth Warren were out there on the campaign trail using politicians from the past. I have no problem with it whatsoever. They can v. A big following. Hillary clinton wrote an oped in the atlantic which everyone should go and read. There is no problem with it. Doesnt mean we dont have new faces in the party that we arent energized we are 100 members energized and ready to go. People have a following like barack obama and joe biden has should be out there calling this white house out. Yeah, game on. Ainsley kayleigh. This last election was a change election. People wanted a turn away from the obama administration. The old faces arent going to help the left. Its really interesting and quite curious that both hollywood and liberals have a very odd habit of insulting half of the country. Joe biden went on to call trump voters the dreg he is of society, eric holder saying we were motivated by fear. Obama called us all sorts o of. They do have something in common its insulting trump voters. Ainsley we have to leave it there. Thanks for being with us. Bernie sanders trashing america. The next shot at the u. S. Senate that he serves. In the u. S. Air force is turning 71 years old today. We are celebrating with the 514th air Mobility Wing. Thats coming up next. First we want to wish a happy birthday to ben carson, he is 67 years old today. Happy birthday. Some debt you plan for, some just. crash . Happens. Putting it all on credit cards just wasnt working. But a loan through lending club was a cinch. No branch office, no stuffy suits. Consolidating our debt saved us nearly 300 a month. Thats not sofa change. We had enough to start saving again, and a little extra to send these two to summer camp. Being outdoors was good for them . vo check your rate at welcometotheclub. Com. With new, more secure numbers. But con artists, they never change. Theyll always try to steal your medical identity. So, what can you do . Guard your card, just like a credit card. Dont give your medicare number over the phone or email. And remember, medicare never calls unless youve asked them to. To find more ways to guard your card, go to medicare. Gov fraud. Dont let your guard down. Called to fight wars mud on our floorboard harvest time the only time that we miss church were the outskirt yeah, were the outskirts steve very nice. Brian outskirts on the inside. That was the air force country band Wild Blue Country performing the air force song in honor of the United States air force 71st birthday today. Steve thats right. Here to celebrate our colonel Thomas Pemberton the commander of the 514th air Mobility Wing and chief Master Sergeant the Senior Enlisted Leader for approximately 2,000 enlisted personnel at the 514th air Mobility Wing along with some airmen from joint base mcgwire dicks lake hearse and air force academy in colorado springs, colorado. I have been reading that intro. [laughter] good morning to you. Good morning. Ainsley good morning. Happy birthday. Thank you very much. Ainsley what does it mean for you . Very exciting for us. A Rich Heritage and tradition that we have had. We are excited to be here. The air force is celebrating our anniversary. We are made up of four parts, right . We have the active duty which are represented here by these great men and women behind me. Steve right. Air force reserves Citizen Airmen live locally. 25 of my wing live in new york city. 20 of them are First Responders. We are exsided for them last two prarts National Guard the same way the reserves do organized by states. Last are the civilians and contractors. Brian Master Sergeant i would argue no branch has had more pressure on them than the air force since the first persian gulf war. Yes, sir. Brian what has been asked for new this branch of fighting force. Just to serving our country, to be bigger than ourselves, to protect those interests that are dear to us. And so thats what we do. Everybody that you see here and everybody in the armed forces are volunteer force. And thats what we are here to do. Steve you never know when you are going to be called into action. Look last week with florence. You were pressed into duty. We have to be ready at all times. Several of my folks have already been activated for that we have had some folks that were deployed from evacuation that are already trying to help me people out. Steve as is the custom on fox friends, we get a cake. Brian this the smallest table we have ever had. Steve small cake, small table. What is your traditional . How can you going to cut this up . You are packing a sword. Yeah we do. I will be careful with it. Oldest and youngest serving person. Ainsley we would be honored. There are younger people than me. I would love to do. This could you hold that please, brian. Do you want me to do this with you . Yes, maam. Ainsley do we cut it down the middle . Okay. Happy birthday, air force. This is wonderful. Can i borrow this for my daughters birthday . [laughter] could you imagine if i brought that out . Anyway, happy birthday, thank you all for your service and sacrifice. Brian the band is sticking around, right . I hope so. Brian its your band under your commands. Steve by the way major wagner step out. Brian wagner if he looks familiar. Brian, what year was it . December 22nd, 2006, i actually got engaged on fox friends morning show. Steve was outside. He handed me the microphone and im proud to say since 2006 me and my wife are happily married. Brian all right. Good job. Steve its a two for today anniversary and brian got to say hi to his wife on tv. Brian by the way by the power invested in ainsley because she was using the sword should you toss it to jillian . Ainsley that would be wonderful jillian where are you . Upstairs . Jillian but i couldnt, but there is cake so i will be downstairs. It was your birthday yesterday . Jillian yes and you in two days. A sheriffs deputy killed in shootout near auto shop. Deputy shot by a suspect arguing with employee near sacramento, california. Another deputy and a by stander were hit but will be okay. A four year verb veteran of the force leaves behind a. Why 37th officer killed in the line of duty this year meanwhile Police Identify the man who killed a deputy in kansas. They say Roberts Grayson a convicted drug dealer shot and killed robert ciewndzy. Ciewndzarobert kuntzy. What he se senate. We just starve little children. We go bomb houses and buses of children. We give tax breaks to billionaires but we dont use the dirty word. Comedian trying to joke around with comedian Sarah Silverman on her show i love you america. This guy still has it 83yearold great grand father fights off three armed robbers. Take a look at insane video in shop in ireland. Second running when Dennis Oconnor chases them out kicking one in the rear. Oconnor didnt really think. He just wanted to help. Police now looking for the robber,s a grown man is sending a robber inside arcade game to prizes. See a small child poke her head out of the window handing the man several items. The child helping grab expensive things like a game boy. Police in New Hampshire now looking for that suspect. Jeesh. Thats a look at your headlines go, to meteorologist janice dean and janice, i know flooding is still a major issue in many parts of the country. Absolutely. Yesterday we saw several reports of tornadoes in North Carolina and virginia. Thankfully, the tornadoes threat is going to lessen today. But we still have a big chance of flooding as the storm moves northward all the way up towards the northeast. Lets take a look at where we saw the most precipitation. 35 inches record breaking rainfall. Still have flash flood warnings in effect for South Carolina, North Carolina, up towards virginia and even into the delmarva, pennsylvania, and new york. Where we have flash flooding because of that moisture is making its way northward. Here is your futurecast. We are expecting rain across the northeast for much of today and then by wednesday, things will clear out and we will finally say goodbye to florence. All right. Steve, ainsley, brian, back to you. Brian i cannot wait to say goodbye. 21 minutes before the top of the hour, still ahead on our show Jason Chaffetz has a brand new book out about the deep state. Candace owens will be joining us live. They will be here shortly. Steve President Trump declassifying key documents related to the russia probe which he calls a witchhunt. Will it be a game changer. Judge Andrew Napolitano is on the case live next. But, first, more from the air force band Wild Blue Country on their birthday. 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Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Jillian good morning and welcome back. Canadas cola could be the wave of the future. The Coca Cola Company now considering developing marijuana infused beverages. The drinks would be geared towards easing anxiety. Inflammation and pain. It would not get people high. Today is your last chance to vote on what city heinz mayo ketchup will first debut. Winner food truck takeover featuring free samples of mayo chup. The combination of ketchup and mayonnaise sauce hit at the end of the month. I dont know if im not that interested. Ainsley what happen mus chup mustard and ketchup. Steve ordering key documents from the russia probe declassified including the fisa warrant and disgraced fbi peter strzok and lisa page. We is see it right away. Ainsley what can we expect to see once this is all declassified. Here to explain is fox news senior judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano. Judge . There are a lot of documents which formerly classified or never classified still cant be made public for other reasons under the law. Steve like what . Documents evidencing what went to a grand jury documents evidencing a thought process figuring out a case and send messages, text or emails to each other. Documents that are the result of confidential or undercover sources. So, dont expect these documents to come out today because just like the last time the president ordered this stuff declassified, dozens of pairs of eyes have to look at each document before it can come out because some things, even the president cant order public. He can order declassified what he wants. Steve right. Judge the statute keeps these things secret. If its an ongoing criminal investigation and the revelation of these documents would interfere with it. Cant be revealed. Steve because members of Congress Asked for this stuff. Its going to go to their committees first, right . Judge thats what makes it very interesting. Do you remember when senator feinstein released 6,000 pages about torture on the floor of the United States senate . The cia didnt wants it out. The other democrats didnt want it out. President obama didnt want it out. A member of congress can take to the floor anything and release it with impunity, no matter what the law says. Now, i dont know if the members of the house Intelligence Committee will do that. They can lawfully do it. If they dont do that, then each document has to be scrutinized before it can be revealed to the public. Brian does the president know what is he getting . I dont think so, brian. I doubt that the president has seen these materials. In fact, i doubt that any one person has seen all of them. So, its a bit of a gamble. The president is frustrated. A lot of us understanding that we all share his frustration. How and while and by whom did all of this start . Was the fisa court duped . Was this really a political undercover hit job under the guise of an intelligence operation . He feels that by revealing these documents we may get answers. Brian we already know a lot. We do. Brian know what we know already is disturbing. Yes. I fear that revealing these documents is going to reveal Confidential Sources and the the way the Intelligent Community works. I have been a credited particular of the intelligence community. I also respect at love them risk their lives to get this information for us. And that cannot be made public without damage and harm to them. Ainsley mark meadows, devin nunes have said this is real transparency. Do you agree . Might be a little bit too much transparency. Steve we have got to know whether or not the fbi and the department of justice presented the information to the fisa judge. All they showed was okay, we have got this dossier. We are not going to tell you that the democrats funded it. I understand that argument. Look, you know. This brian and i have talked about it until we are blue in the face. I have been a harsh critic of fisa it purports to change the constitutional standard. But, if you are going to expose what went to fisa in this case. Then fisa will no longer be secret and helpful. Steve judge, if officials at the top of the fbi and the department of justice conspired against the Trump Campaign ultimately the first couple of months we have got to know. Agreed, agreed. Brian led to a special counsel. The goal was to get a mueller situation. They got a mueller situation and prosecuted people who have done bad things like paul manafort. Where it goes from here we dont know. Brian stuff they dropped and werent interested in 12 years ago now they have already put them in jail for it. Ainsley there have been Text Messages that reveal folks within the doj and fbi were unethical. Do you think anything that will be revealed through this transparency or through the release of this information will it be illegal . Im smiling because sometimes i think of the text that brian and i sent each other which wouldnt want revealed. Ainsley highly unethical. Brian bruce ohr and his wife. Judge we dont know what in those texts but we are in our most unguarded moment. Steve thank you very much. We will be watching. Meanwhile fuming and volcanic a few of the choice words the media use to describe potus. Plenty of outrage from President Trump this weekend. The president described as volcanic, seething tonight. Sources say he has been fuming about cohen all week. Steve analyzed the recordings. Brian im fuming about that. Ainsley continue to celebrate the air forces birthday how clothing can make a big difference in the life of a veteran we will tell you why coming up next. Ever get together again youll ask. What pain . Advil liquigels minis. Military family nunes sister always inspired by service. Emily honored the military betsy honored the military by creating sword and plow with her sister. They created a special Edition Tote Bag and joining us now is sword and plow cofounder betsy nunes thank you for being with us. Thankful to be here on such special day. Thank you for having me. In honor and commemoration of the 71st birthday we put together a really special release. Thats our best selling styles in probably some of the coolest material we have worked with before. So this is our mini tote and this is our travel kit. They are made out of repurposed surplus flight jacket fabric and on the inside its lined with avu air force camo. Uniform fabric. Steve you work with the Service Branches with the surplus stock to make your stuff . We dont work with them specifically directly but we have a variety of outlets for receiving the materials wunsd oone of the newest way unn firm to dedication program. We have been able to repurpose thousands of pounds of surplus into our military products. Steve have the handbag and jackets. What else do you have. Mens accessories as well, brian. Brian all right. Repurposeed 50 caliber shell casings hand maam hammerd into money clips. Brian did you say hand hammered. Yeah by one. Steve all day long pounds on 50pound shells. She has a whole team made thousands of beautiful necklaces, money clips. Brian the neighbors must be complaining. Enough with the hammering. I can imagine its loud in there. Ainsley camo is huge right now. Those are great clips for the man or cosmetic kits for women. Great shaving kit. Think about holiday early i dont want to be that person already thinking about holiday shopping. 20 off for all the fox viewers. Fox 20 and then talking about practical gifts 10 of the profits from all purchases today are going to be donated to bunker labs and thats a veteran focused nonprofit. They are doing incredible work and helping other veterans and military pluses. Brian what does sword and plough. Apply it to a beautiful application. Steve nor more information . Sword and plough fox 20 for 20 off. Ainsley you all need to get this for your wives. Some of the cool es bags brian i dare you to read. I double dog dare you. Straight ahead judge Brett Kavanaughs confirmation vote has been delayed over those Sexual Assault allegations. Dozens of women writing a letter in support of the judge. One of them who is also one of his best friends is going to join us next hour. This is stonington, maine, a town where almost half the population is selfemployed. Lobster fisherman is the lifeblood of this town. By 2030, half of america may take after stonington, selfemployed and without employer benefits. We havent had any sort of benefit plans and were trying to figure that out now. If i had had a little advice back then, id be in a different boat today, for sure. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. Steve the president of the United States is going to have the department of justice declassify documents and emails regarding fbi transcripts, Text Messages, and the 20page fisa application. The president is frustrated. He feels that by revealing these documents we may get answers. Brian Brett Kavanaughs confirmation put on hold. The Supreme Court nominee and the woman accusing him of assaulting her when they were in high school will now testify on capitol hill. Its going to be real tough as this thing ends up as a he said, she said. Particularly in the me too period. 32 people are dead in the wake of Hurricane Florence. I was a kid when fran and bertha hit and they were bad but nothing like this. The only white people who thank jesus are republicans and excrack heads. Dont believe me just watch steve live from washington, d. C. And new york city. Its fox friends for kind of a rainy tuesday here. Ainsley someone walking on the front porch of the white house a moment ago i saw. Brian be trying to get back in. Steve look who is here Jason Chaffetz, fox news contributor. Jason is the beneficiary of the greatest thing to ever happen on a day that a book drops. His brand new book the deep state, how an army of bureaucrats protected barack obama and his working to destroy the trump agenda is being published today. You can buy it at the stores. The same day after the president of the United States declassified all this stuff that proves there is a deep state. You know, i went to work for 8 and a half years when i went to congress i didnt know what it was. 8 and a half years later im here to tell it you is real. Concerted effort by abulbasher in of people they dont want to be exposed. They are brazen in their attacks. They did everything they could to protect barack obama. They dont like a disruptive president like donald trump who sun veiling a lot of things and uncovering things and today of all days dropping, you know, getting rid of the classification and dropping these documents so the American People can see whats really going on there. Brian in a way we are getting closer and closer to finding out exactly what happened between administrations. And do you think its a coincidence and it might be, that holder, biden, president obama, as well as others, john brennan have been personally attacking President Trump as more and more Text Messages come out that show a plot i and a plan mueller, it seems the anger is going off the charts. Do you think its a coincidence . No, i dont think its a coincidence. There is a concerted effort. Remember, when donald trump first started, there were leaks. There were just absolute leaks going on. The president would have a discussion with the foreign leader. That would get out. Declassified information. This is how the deep state operates. They did it to me personally. As a member of congress. When i was a chairman of the Oversight Committee. I had the secret service more than 40 agents delve into my background because they wanted to embarrass me. More than a dozen offices. The irs. Detail in the book what happened with the irs. We go through fast and furious. Did you go through all of these cases and benghazi. I mean, they sent a spy essentially to just watch what i do. Its amazing how brazen. Who is the state department in the state department did this. Thats how i open up the book and talk about it. Ainsley wheation the purpose . To take down anyone who is protrump or anyone who is republican . They dont want exposure. They dont want accountability. They want more power and they align with the democrats in large part because democrats want bigger, more government. But whether you have somebody who is like involved in oversight, there is always somebody doing something stupid somewhere, right . When you unveil that, they dont like and it they fight back. They are fighting this president. They fight members of Congress Like devin nunes and others, and thats how they operate. Brian this is what has got me really worried. After 2010 when president Obamas Administration got she lacked and you guys ran and took the house and got close in the senate all of a sudden the irs started going after the perpetrators, the tea party. Because they got the momentum. They had the push behind them. They created the firestorm. Guess what . There was some outrage and investigations and television. Bottom line is they got what they wanted, a sidelined tea party. Now, after social media led the Trump Administration to the success in 2016 through facebook and orioles. Now have you google, facebook, and twitter on capitol hill seemingly to sideline the voice of conservatives and republicans again. And there is outrage. But, guess what . They have done it. No, they have done it you have a complicit federal government who actually pushes this in that direction. Thats what i talk about in the deep state. It is real. They do fight back. They are brazen. They dont hide in some corner. They actually use the tools and power of government to move that ball in that direction. Steve a lot of the people you suggest deep government. State department, department of justice. I didnt use this in the book but its there is the b team. There was this famous story about a congressman who went to go meet with a cabinet secretary and they said no. When he got there they met with somebody else. No im sorry you are meeting with the b team. Would he be here before and we are going to be here after. Were going to outlast you. Brian and giggle. Ainsley what about Brett Kavanaugh the accuser and hearings put on hold Brett Kavanaugh and accuser speak out on monday. Thats the direction its going. Democrats had a sole purpose. They wanted to delay and defeat this nominee at all cost. What is sort of breaking down is the democratic story here. She doesnt wan come forward as Lindsey Graham pointed out she got an attorney, did a polygraph test. She does an interview with the post. Those are not signs of somebody who doesnt want to come forward. So, why didnt they reveal this name when the fbi was doing, i think six background checks. Brian why didnt Dianne Feinstein bring it up oneonone with kavanaugh. Steve there is no way to confirm her story. At the end of monday i think brian was talking with Jonathan Turley, if its a tie and you believe both of them, who wins . Well, look, in my book its more than 36 years ago and i also think one of the compelling parts to this there is not a pattern. You look at Harvey Weinstein and whats going on with that movement . There is a pattern. There are dozens of people that are coming forward. Cosby, but, come on, this is a good, decent person. I feel for this mans daughters. What person. Brian the basketball team. So unfair to somebody. Steve the womans story . We are going to hear it out. 36 years ago and from what i read she cant tell you where it was, how she got there, how she left, i dont know that anybody can really remember 36 years ago and she didnt tell anybody at the time not a friend, not a family member, not anybody. Ainsley she does deserve to be heard, right . Steve exactly. I also wish they would have the literally 64 women who signed on this letter supporting Brett Kavanaugh. Will they bring up anybody and let them testify that they dated this person at that time that have known him for decades . I worry that we give we dont give a balance there to show a good decent person. Brian there were times when the president shows remarkable discipline we saw it in the fall of 2016 to win the election and seeing it yesterday. Kellyanne said yesterday she shouldnt be heard and she shouldnt be attacked. Steve she should be heard. Brian she should be heard. President trump said something similar. Patient, put it off. Is he a great guy. Lets hear her and see what happens. Do you look for that discipline to hold. The fact that they are actually going to have the hearing on monday, we are going to hear her and hear the judge kavanaugh, i still think he is going to be justice kavanaugh. I really do. Steve so do you think that they are right now its still up in the air what Chuck Grassley is going to do after the hearing on monday. They could go ahead and say you know what . We have heard them both. Lets vote. Or they could just bypass that and bring it right to the floor of the senate and let them vote. Really swings three or four senators. Brian corker, murkowski, collins. Brian that ainsley congratulations finally out. All the book scores stores, amazon. Steve we have been talking about the deep state and you have been talking about the deep state for a while now. What is one thing from your book that people are going to go whoa, i had no idea. Attorney general Jeff Sessions isnt going to like this too much. I dont think eric holder is going it like it at all. People involved in trying to smother the benghazi story. Thats how i started it. We also talk about Barack Obamas team how he took them and put them back into the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to give them literally millions of dollars. Those stories have never been told before. Steve lets go back to Jeff Sessions, what isnt he going to like about this . When i sat down and presented cases, one of them was a bipartisan case. A guy named maury orosso this board that came before us, we unified in the Oversight Committee and we said this person should be prosecuted and said no. Im thought going to do it. Steve why . Because they wont prosecute themselves . When is the last time you actually saw the federal government prosecute a federal elmly noee . Emily employee . It just doesnt happen. Steve what happened with drain the swamp. Brian tag said he never sent or received an email, ever. He got immunity from the federal government. Immunity so we wanted to talk to him. He didnt show up at our Committee Hearing twice. We held him in contempt. We sent that over to Jeff Sessions. When i sat with him he said no, i cant do it too close to Hillary Clinton. Brian too close tclinton. Briano close to Hillary Clinton . Has the gull to put out a tweet well i dont do anything politically. I looked him eyeball to eyeball and thats exactly what he told me. Ainsley is that the most shocking thing you found . The whole book is chockfull of this stuff. Yeah, its so frustrating. Ainsley congratulations. Thank you. Brian lets keep in touch. Ainsley jillian has more headlines for us. Jillian good morning. Congratulations you to again, jason. Start with a fox news alert right now. California, a sheriffs deputy killed in a shootout near an auto shop. 27yearold deputy shot by a suspect arguing with an employee near sacramento, california. Another deputy and a bystander were hit but will be okay. A four year veteran of the force leaves behind a wife. He is the 37th officer killed in the line of duty this year. Meantime Police Identify a man who killed a deputy in kansas. Robert grayson a convicted drug dealer shot and killed robert kunze. Kim jong un praising President Trump for stabilizing the situation on the korean peninsula. The comments coming momentsd ago agents dictator meets with moon jaein in pyongyang. The high stakes meeting looks to end the nuclear dead lock between the north and u. S. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle coming together approving legislation to combat the nations opioid crisis. The bipartisan package of 70 bills passed in a vote of 99 to 1. It includes new restrictions on opioids and other drugs being ships into the country. Suspecting President Trump has called lamb form of warfare. More than 72,000 died from opioid overdoses in 2017. The legislation now heads back to the house of representatives. Monday night football kicks off with two Seattle Seahawks ditching 2345e789 with game before the bears. Quinton jefferson and linemen duane brown stayed off the field but on the field chicagos defense proving too much for seattle. Third and 17. [cheers] grips it. He is unbelievable. Jillian bears take this one 2417. Send it back to you guys. Brian he eventually scores that touchdown. I know we cut it off. 12 minutes after the hour. Steve the storm may be moving north but the flooding is in full force still in the carolinas. We will take to you a community cut off by the flooding. Choppers the only way supplies can get in. We are live on the ground next. Plus our democracy is in crisis at least according to Hillary Clinton. What do you mean steve were back with a fox news alert. Yes we need help it says on that sign. At least 32 People Killed in the wake of Hurricane Florence as rescuers race to save survivors from what are now flooded homes. Brian some entire communities are cut off by this historic flooding. Ainsley one of those places is pollocksville, North Carolina. Thats where we find Griff Jenkins. All about the rivers, the Cape Fear River in fayetteville and lumberton river. The entire town underwater and cut off from civilization. Its crazy here. We saw the helicopters coming in, bringing supplies. We have seen local and federal assets coming. In and mr. Bell, if you could come in we ran into darryl bell. A lifelong resident. He owns a business here. What do you make of, this darryl. What has happened . We have had a lot of rain and a lot of wind. A lot of devastation and a lot of families had to relocate and we do definitely have a mess as you can see i dont know if well ever be the same again. Griff why do you say that . A lot of people are not going to come back. I saw somebody yesterday who said they are too old to rebuild. They have got to go somewhere else and start over again. Our whole town is devastated and we will do the best we can we have got to do it is what it is we have got to proceed on the best we can. Griff darryl, we look at this water, hurricane floyd in 1999 set the record for the trim river mark 28 feet. Now you set a new record 29. 2. When i look at this, whats the difference . Bic difference i was here in 9 and down the same street in 99 looked where it crested and we are a lot further up the street than we were then. Town hall got a High Water Mark on it High Water Mark now will be on top of the building. Once again guys, this is just devastation beyond anybodys imagination in this area and we are dealing with it and were going to go on. We have generators and hope and faith. We are going to try to make it. This isnt going for those who do stay its not going to be over soon this is going to take how long. Long process weeks, months, possibly years. And like i say, we never had to deal with anything like this. We have had people flooded. Didnt have flood insurance. And they will have to do the best they can. Lots of older people really cant financially afford to make the changes but they going to have to do the best they can. People have to help out and help them and get on down the road. Griff darryl, there are a few people stranded. Most of them have come off. Still very difficult. While i have been standing here i have see seen not one but two snakes here. This is dangerous stuff. People had to evacuate and looks like snakes are evacuating now. Snakes are evacuating. Hang in there. We appreciate your time and the country is thinking about you. We certainly thank yall and well do the best we can. Griff thats whats happening here on the ground as we continue to watch these rivers cresting at or above record levels. Steve it is going to be a long clean up. All right. Griff, thank you very much. Brian good to see the sun though. That must be a relief. Steve water is still high. Thats the problem. Ainsley still hard to way. Exactly, there is no more wind, no more rain but they are standing in feet of water. Its going to take a long time for it all. Still ahead judge brawchs vote delayed over assault. Dozens of women writing a letter in support. One of them one of kavanaughs best friends is going to join us next. Brian peta trying to take out the air of one universitys 50 year football tradition. Can you say nebraska . Steve nebraska. Brian well explain e send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. Bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 1025 year olds. Even if meningitis b is uncommon, thats not a chance were willing to take. Meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. Were getting the word out against meningitis b. Our teens are getting bexsero. Bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. Bexsero may not protect all individuals. Tell your healthcare professional if youre pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. Ask your healthcare professional about the risks and benefits of bexsero and if vaccination with bexsero is right for your teen. Moms, we cant wait. Takes more than just investment advice. From insurance to savings to retirement, it takes someone with experience and knowledge who can help me build a complete plan. Brian, my certified financial planner™ professional, is committed to working in my best interest. I call it my comfortable future plan, and its all possible with a cfp® professional. Find your certified financial planner™ professional at letsmakeaplan. Org. Brian time for news by the numbers. Lets get started 50,486 thats the new median house income for hispanics living in the United States of america. Where we are. Its a record high and up to 3. 7 from 2016. Next, 30 . Thats how much private air traffic increased during the Global Climate action sumentsummitlast week. Thousands of officials and environmentalists gathered on ways to fix. And clog the airports with their private jets. Isnt that nice al gore . Finally two and a half hours, thats the extra time americans spent commuting to work last year. That according to a new survey. The average daily commute increased by 18 seconds per trip. Researchers say rising cost of living are forcing americans to move farther and farther and further away from cities. Here in new york city is ainsley. Ainsley thank you so much, brian. As Supreme Court nominee judge brawnch and the woman accusing him of Sexual Assault get ready to testify on monday to the Senate Judiciary committee, more than 60 women who say that they have known him for over three decades have come to the judges defense. In a letter to the Senate Judiciary committee they write, quote, through the more than 35 years we have known him bret has stood out for friendship, character and integrity. He has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school and remained true to this day. Joining us now is one of the women who signed that letter meghan mckay lebanon. Thank you so much for being with us. Good morning. Ainsley what was your initial reaction when you heard about this accuser. I couldnt believe it when i heard she was accusing bret of this. And i immediately knew we had to rally around and support him because that was not the Brett Kavanaugh we knew. Ainsley who is the Brett Kavanaugh that you know . Bret was a friend of ours in high school and to this day. He was always respectful. Always decent. Never out of control in any way. And always, always treated women with respect. Ainsley do you believe this woman . Why do you think she is doing this . Im not certain. You know, she alleges that she had this traumatic event and i feel like it is not the Brett Kavanaugh that we know. It is so wildly inaccurate to his character that im not certain where its coming from. Ainsley Kellyanne Conway and the president have said she should be heard. We need to hear from both sides in this situation. Do you know anything about her . You both grew up in d. C. You went to all girls school. Bret went to all boys school. What do you know about this woman Christine Blasey ford. Right. Actually Christine Blasey ford. I did not know her well. We went to the same pool growing up. I would see her there sometimes. She went to a different high school and really didnt hang out with our group. Did i not see her often at all. Ainsley what are women saying about her . You say you have friends in common . People are in disbelief. They really are. Because its absolutely not brets character and we are shocked that this is even coming out. Ainsley she alleges he was stumbling drunk that night at the party. Were you at the party and have you ever seen him drunk. I have no recollection of that party and no, i have never seen him stumbling drink ever. Ainsley did you ever drink with him and if so what did he act like . He was always in control. And always respectful. He was one of the more mature ones of the group. I enjoyed hanging with him. Ainsley it says a lot that 65 people. I dont know most people cant recruit 65 people from high school 35 years ago to come forward and stand up for them and say that you have great character and thats kind of unbelievable that he has 65 women that have said this about him, including some exgirlfriends that were on marthas show last night. How did that letter come to be . How did you 65 of you get together . We are a very Small Community in washington. That letter came from five or six different girl schools. Women that knew bret growing up in high school. And it was easy to come about. Texting a few friends, they texted friends. And it was very simple to gather that number of people in support of brets character. Ainsley do you know the man who was allegedly in the room with him as a witness. Did i know him in high school. I have not seen him in many, many years i did know him. Ainsley do you think Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed . Absolutely. Ainsley thank you so much, meghan for being with us. Thank you. Ainsley a yellow stone visitor attacked by an elk. Plus the emmys go low hitting President Trump and even jesus. The low lights coming up next. And coming soon a brand new streaming subscription base service for all of you fox fans. Its called fox nation. Its going to feature exclusive access to indepth conversations about the news of the day and powerful documentaries. To learn more, you can go to foxnation. Com and sign up were allamerican and we work real hard barbecue july 4th. Hot apple pie. Thats why we designed capital one cafes. You can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. And one of americas best savings rates. To top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. This isnt a typical bank. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Red, white and blue flying high on the farm aim high a little more back it says u. S. A. I wont buy nothing that he cant fix wwd40 and a craftsman wrench he aint prejudice hes just made in america oh, made in america made in America Steve very nice. The u. S. Air force Wild Blue Country made in america. Good job, guys. Ainsley thats awesome. Today is their 71st anniversary. Ainsley i know. Happy birthday air force. Brian they had to enforce the nofly zone after the persian gulf war the first one and now they are still being asked in syria every time you see a bombing run. Every time you see something in force thats the air force. Ainsley helping here at home with florence in recovery efforts. Steve indeed. Happy 71st anniversary with you. It was emmy awards on Television Last night. Not surprisingly they got political were. They funny . You be the judge. I have been watching this very shocking distaupian drama called the news. Im on practically season 9,000. Gets darker and darker. The obamas now even have their own production deal at netflix. My dream is that the only thing they produce is their version of the apprentice and it gets way higher ratings. My mother is not watching. She says she doesnt like watching white award shows because you guys dont thank jesus enough. Thats true. The only white people that thank jesus are republicans and excrack heads. Ainsley was that funny . Brian they did not mention donald trump much. They kept him off. Warren michaels trying to up the ratings they got 11 rating last year this year trying to bring it up Lauren Michael had the whole cast there trying to spread it out. Steve guys who do the weekend update. We asked you earlier what you thought about it. We got all sorts of responses deb tweeted us. This thats why i dont watch award shows anymore. That behavior is not appropriate and has nothing to do with award presentations. Ainsley this is what jay said i dont ask an electrician to do plumbing and i dont ask hollywood for political clarity. Brian michael says i wouldnt know because i dont watch award shows. People wants to be entertained not insulted and lectured to. Good friends Henry Winkler after 35 years. Ainsley finally got his emmy. Said he wrote his speech decades ago. Brian when he was fonzie. Steve tv show berry won best actor in supporting role. Somebody said once stay at the table long enough and the chips will come to you and last night he said tonight i got to clear the table. Henry winkler. Ainsley congratulations. Steve ayyy. Brian hard to believe he could play fonzie and not win an award. Ainsley you loved that show. Brian i thought patsy overrated ralph mouth could have used more lines. Steve good to have this analysis. Brian you never asked before. Ainsley kind of asked. Steve anyway, keep the comments coming. What did you think of the emmys, if you watched it email us friends foxnews. Com. Ainsley jillian was celebrating a birthday. Jillian i was asleep. It was boring. Fresh digs at President Trump nearly two years after she lost the 2016 election. She calls the president monstrous and despicable. Lists what she considers to be the five main examples of assault on our democracy saying quote trump undermines the National Unity that makes democracy possible. The elk at Yellow Stone National park are on the attack. Look at that thing. Tourists running from the angry wild animal in wyoming. Not clear if anything provoked the elk. Another elk charged a man. Beware. First touchdown at every nebraska football game. Peta wants to take the air out of the universitys 50 year tradition. Vegan Advocacy Group ban the balloons claiming they are environmental hazards that cause animal deaths. Nebraska has resisted prior calls to lose the balloons. Man is going back to the moon, kind of space x naming first private tourist to go to space. Finally i can say, can i tell you that to the moon. Ainsley he wont actually land on the moon. Just fly around it still pretty clear cool unclear how much he paid for the trip. Brian i would want to do something i would like to start it up or park it. Are you qualified . No. I just want to be there i want to know how much he paid for it. Steve i dont know. I heard a news report. Think he is taking 8 friends along with him. Jillian what . Instant bff. Ainsley didnt Richard Branson if you paid 150,000 you could maybe go to space . Brian i dont think he is that good at flying. With a rocket . Jillian what did you eat this morning . Brian has he had a lot of success with rockets . Steve low or bit lost in space, outer space, inner space. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. Janice as florence the effects of it are being felt in the new york city area today you have some of the rain totals, 3 feet in elizabethtown, North Carolina. Janice incredible. Yes, finally getting the tallies on the system. Close to 3 feet of rainfall in North Carolina and South Carolina and you may have heard florence is the wettest storm to ever hit North Carolina and South Carolina so historic still dealing with the potential of flooding. Flooding major to historic at this point with some of these rivers and streams. Some of them will press today. Others later on this week. So its a slow moving disaster and a lo in a lot of these places where the rivers are over their banks and they have never experienced water like this before. The flooding concerns go up towards the midatlantic and northeast. Flood flashes and warnings posted all the way up towards maine because this system is on the move. Its moving northward and we will get the potential for heavy rainfall in the forecast specially across the northeast for the next 6 to 12 hours, finally moving offshore by this evening and it will be out of our way but, you will see additional rainfall certainly along the coast in the carolinas. Up towards the midatlantic and northeast. And finally, finally well be done with this. Also want to point out quiet for now in the Atlantic Basin but it looks like october we could get busy again. We are in peak season when it comes to the tropics not over yet, my friends. Back to you, steve, ainsley and brian. Steve brian, regarding richmond branson and rockets. Virgin galactic completed the Second Rocket powered flight of unity space craft back in may. It reached 114,000 feet and he hopes to have Space Tourism as part of his brian here is the problem. Waffles there anyone in that rocket . Steve dont know. Brian no cockpit. Not going to get me in there. Steve i dont think you are invited. Ainsley if you do take a camera with you because we want to see. Brian i would make it a segment. Ainsley would you actually do it . Brian if they are better at it they are not that good at it. Ainsley i would be a nervous wreck. Steve off we go to the wild blue yonder. Ainsley you heard the hype around the democratic darling alexandria ocasiocortez. Have you heard of morgan mur dove . She is the youngest person running in this years midterm republican in california. You will meet her in the next hour. Steve plus, take a close listen how the president is described by the Mainstream Media. Plenty of outrage by President Trump this weekend. The president is described as volcanic, seething tonight. Sources say he has been fuming about cohen all week. Steve it doesnt stop there media center analyzed all of the newscasts. The findings, coming up next. The party wont be ready get it rocking its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. With advil liquigels, what bad shoulder . What headache . Advil is relief thats fast strength that lasts youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels where were changing withs . Contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com. Jillian good tuesday morning. Welcome back. Quick Health Headlines now. A simple spit test could save your life. D. N. A. Test could prevent thousands of strokes and heart attacks each year. Researchers making a major break through identifying over 500 genes linked to high pressure. It could help high risk patients get early preventative care. A new study says there is no evidence that high levels of bad cholesterol causes heart disease. Researchers looking at more than 1 million patients find nothing link between a certain type of cholesterol and hardening arteries. Statins drug use to lower cholesterol may not help prevent heart disease. Interesting, steve . Steve now you know. Jillian, thank you. President trumps performance in office will be a key issue in this years november midterm elections. So, take a close look and listen to how the president is described on some network news shows. Plenty of outrage from President Trump this weekend. The president described as volcanic, seething tonight. Sources say he has been fuming about cohen all week. Mr. Trumps furious reaction to the cohen raid. Provoked angry response from President Trump. It did, dave, anger response in all caps. Steve volcanic or seething or fuming few words to describe the president. The Media Research center analyzed the language used by reporters. Here with more Research Director for mrc and Senior Editor at news busters dotted organ rich. Good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Whats the matter with the president calling the president volcanic or seething . Well, its just going away from the neutral language that reporters used to use with president s and getting into subjective commentary that i think over time is creating this prejudicial impression of the president , i mean, they are trying to focus on the drama surrounding President Trump and his emotional state. Instead of looking at the actual results in office. I mean, where is all this is we have had 185,000 sand synonyms for anger, lived, that time should be spent talking about the economy and talking about jobs and talking about the results. If this was leading us into a bad situation, that would be one thing, but the results are pretty good. This is the the coverage is distracting from the real state of the nation. Steve you mentioned 185 times the word angry used. 30 times frustrated. 14 times afraid or worried. Happy 23. Confident 6. Calm one. Rich, does this really surprise you though the language, the subjective language that certain reporters use when you look at the general coverage that the networks have given the president , your own outfit has 90 of the time its negative. So, if you are going to do a negative story you need some negative words, dont you . Right. But this, you know, it is the same thing that were finding with the broader coverage, the spin of coverage has been 90 negative from the very beginning. Back during the campaign. It continues to this day. But, this is not the way these news outlets have covered other president s. This is not how they covered barack obama. Its not how they covered bill clinton. They have thrown away their own rule book and theyre using a different set of rules for President Trump. And its designed, i think, to create this general impression that he is unfit for office. Way beyond what the results of his presidency are showing us. Steve you make it sound like reporters are trying to put their thumb on the scale to impact how the public feels about the president. This could be their honest reaction to the trump presidency. They are not paid to provide their own personal reaction to the news. Present the facts and let the public decide. Whatever happened to that old way of doing business . Steve yeah, remember that how quaint in the olden days. Rich noyes from news busters. Org. Rich, thank you very much. Thanks, steve. Steve 11 minutes now before the top of the hour the president has declassified key documents to the russia probe. Will it be a game changer . A discussion in a couple of minutes. Do you really need all of those fancy new baby gadgets . Overspending on baby goods is one the top five money mistakes new parents make. The other four coming up do the walk a line walk the le you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from an allergy pill . Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Its more complete allergy relief. Flonase. Ainsley well, september is the most popular birthday month. With the cost of raising a child from birth to 17, now over 233,000 what i are some money mistakes that new parents should avoid . Steve joining us to break it all down consumer savings expert andrea warrick. Good morning to you. Steve one of the big mistakes new parents make they dont save enough money. Then again, its hard. Hard to figure out especially when you are new to this world of bringing in a child as a usd estimates spend 12,000 in the babys first year of life alone. Consider Maternity Leave rarely covers a mothers salary at 100 percent. Sometimes parents are taking unpaid leave to stay home longer there are so many unexpected cost. It could be really daunting to figure out how much you need to save. My best tip to you is to set up an Emergency Savings fund for those unexpected costs like going to the er in the middle of the night when the baby gets sick. I had to take my daughter to get an echo cardio gram that was 1,400 bill. Obviously everything turned out to be fine. But if i didnt have that money savings plan set up i would have had to use a credit card. Thats how parents get into debt. Set up a separate account and start automated transfers every week. Ainsley you usually get used to how much child care is the first week i had to pay for child care, what . How much am i spending . Unbelievable. How do you save for that . Important to if figure out how much can you afford on hourly basis. Steve you dont want to lose money. Average cost for day care for a week over 200. For a nanny spending 600 a week or more. Figure out which option works best for you are and then determine if, you know, if you should be saving a little bit extra. Dont forget you may have to have a sitter on week nights or weekends. Maybe can you find other parents to Exchange Services and make your life easier instead of trying to find cash in a checkbook. Get them to set up a money app. Like zell, pay instantly fast, safe and easy way to manage your money. Brian number four is ignoring Life Insurance needs. Number four is spending on baby goods you want your baby to have the best. Retailers want you to think you need all these gadgets and gizmos make your life easier. You really dont. You need the basics, a car street, a stroller, a crib. Shop used if you can so many sites that you can buy from other parents or speak to family and friends. Maybe there are things that you can borrow like swing or bouncy seat. Brian just a little spit on it from another kid. Clean it up. Its not too bad. Steve a little clorox. And finally, the baby may just be born but some day they might go to college and you need to start thinking about that day one. Day one. The longer you wait, the more money you have to put away, obviously. But, you know, a College Savings plan like 529 college plan works like a retirement account. The sooner you start putting money away, the more money it will grow compounded interest. How wonderful that is over time. Instead of birthday gifts or toys for the holidays. Ask grandparents and family to contribute towards your college fund. Maybe they can give a small toy and cash donation. Also open up a custodial account. Another great way to contribute to that go to saving for college. Com. They have a calculator tool to figure out how much you need to put away each month. Steve that will just scare you. It will scare you but at least get you thinking about it so can you prepare. Ainsley in 18 Years College is going to be outrage justly expensive. Its growing in the last decade the rate is 6. 5 every year. So if you try to do the math on that. Yeah, it will scare you. You might need to take on a side hustle to pay for it. Brian uber. Steve some mistakes patients make. Patients parents make. Ainsley congratulations. Due in november. Yes. Steve still ahead on this tuesday Brett Kavanaughs Supreme Court vote now on hold as he prepares to face his accuser, perhaps in a public hearing. Just how much could this delay of confirmation, a discussion coming up next. Brian emmys go low. Hitting President Trump, christians and republicans. All in the same joke. Candace owens is here live to react next. And have other stuff. We gonna rock with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. The president of the United States will have the department of justice to release document and email regarding fbi transcript, Text Messages and a 20 page fisa application. He feels the pimco nominee and the woman accusing him of assaulting her when they were in high school will testify on capitol hill. More than 36 years ago. One of the compelling parts of this, there is not a pattern. He was always in control and respectful. One of the mature once. 32 people dead in the wake of Hurricane Florence. We will start over again. The only white people who think jesus are republicans and excrackheads. That was a really low blow. On honor of the United States air force, 71st birthday today. Just to serve our country. To be bigger than ourselves, those interests that are dear to us. Live from new york city, we get up to four inches of rain from the remnants of florence. Welcome to fox and friends. Ainsley thanks for joining us. The storm is traveling up the east coast. Brian two major stores, when the president dropped on us yesterday afternoon and he decided to make these documents, declassify a lot of documents including the fisa application that says we need to spy on carter page. He is enemy number one. The president also said i went these Text Messages and rejected and released in its entirety from bruce ohr, james comey, peter stzrok and former deputy if you bought fbi director andrew mccabe. Before and lisa page, and the interview with bruce ohr. Pete congressional investigators have got their hands on hundreds of thousands of pages of stuff but a lot of is redacted so what the president is saying is he regards the russia collusion thing as a witchhunt. He wants the American People with declassified documents to see what was going on at the highest levels of the fbi and department of justice. It looks to some on the republican side as if they are trying to tip the scale in favor of Hillary Clinton and essentially to punish donald trump. Ainsley that he wants transparency, judge Andrew Napolitano was on with us earlier and this is what he had to say. I doubt the president has seen these materials. I doubt that any one person has seen them. It is a gamble, the president is frustrated. We all understand, a lot of us share his frustration. How and why and by whom it all this start. What does the fisa court do . Was this a political undercover hit job under the guise of intelligence operation . He feels by revealing these documents we may get an answer. Brian we got a note from somebody who said the president has seen most if not all of the fisa operations. The sources and methods will not be declassified. We will not see them. The judge said because republicans and congressional committees requested these, we are not going to see them but i heard they will be released in three groups. The first one, they are going to go to the committee, the house judiciary or intel first, and pete Mister Coates will be in charge of that. Interesting to see the fisa application. We might have to visit the old fisa system, they approve 99 for applications to go there. We have Text Messages, and revealed. What we learned in the last 2 and half weeks have been the most intriguing as opposed to the last two years from bruce ohr, his communications with Christopher Steele and lisa page, peter stzrok combining to release intelligence to the media and bragging and congratulating each other for how they release the stories that are negative on the administration. From imagine how outraged, the president trying to get traction is a new president and to see the media, the intelligence apparatus working with the media against him. Ainsley something to talk about his Brett Kavanaugh who was have a confirmation hearing, it has been postponed because Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser are going to testify or we are told they will testify monday in front of the Senate Judiciary committee. She has not responded it is not said she will be testifying monday. Pete her lawyer says she is ready and a linda graham brought up it is interesting someone who didnt want their identity exposed, they did get a lawyer and take a polygraph test. If you were not going to be identified would you do that . May be there was political signing going on. Because she has not responded we dont know if she will appear monday. Democrats have said essentially we are not going anywhere until the fbi thoroughly investigates, but republicans are under no obligation to play by their roles. If they want to do hearings on monday they could in committee or as Jason Chaffetz told us they could go to the senate. Pete jeff flake, they cant lose one vote and they wont get any red state democrats so jeff flake, you made me vote, i would have voted no but now that you have taken your time to hear from them he is speaking about it again with corker, flake, murkowski, where everybody is focused. They got there out. Ainsley a washington trial lawyer, these allegations are completely false. He told others he was not at the party. Pete she has not identified the party, to know that you were at a party. And to investigate. That is through or in hatchs spokesperson, probably said Something Like i dont remember going to a party like that. Jonathan curley said essentially there is no way to confirm the story. What happens . Listen to this. Reporter there is no bid point. Someone alleging a Sexual Assault or rape, either that person is a victim or a liar. And if you finish mid point, the jury will against the defendant soap is they are in a tough position. The other thing from what he told the Washington Post, there is only one known witness, a man named mark judge who went to high school with Brett Kavanaugh and mister judge says that never happened. I have no recollection of that. You wrote a book about how much you drink in high school and how much you blocked out. You have a marriage, you go to a therapist with your husband, professor ford, they supplied the notes from the therapists, one that is disconcerting is the therapist said you told me there are poor people there. And only two people involved. That was a discrepancy with therapist. Everyone wants to hear from her and what she recounts. He is saying it didnt happen. What if she doesnt show up on monday . Ainsley she hasnt accepted the invitation yet but i would be surprised if she didnt. One of his best friends, one of the women who signed that letter, 67 women came together saying he was a man of character, wonderful person, never lost control. One of his best friends from high school, megan michaela was on the show earlier. Couldnt believe it when i heard she was accusing brett of this. I immediately knew we had to rally around and support him because that is not the Brett Kavanaugh we knew. Bret was a friend of ours in high school and to this day he was always respectful, always decent, never outofcontrol in any way and always treated women with respect. Ainsley even had past girlfriends, one from high school and one from college saying such nice things about him. Pete on the other side some alumni who have rallied around doctor christine ford. Pete the wall street journal Opinion Column says hashtag me too kavanaugh and bush, a story this old and unprovable cant be allowed to delay a Supreme Court confirmation vote. You know where they stand. Jonathan truly, a very fair analyst with great legal background says 50 50 whether he gets confirmed after this because if they both book look believable the tide goes to the accuser. That is is believe. Brian it is 6 days away. We will see what happens. 8 10. Ainsley we have a fox news alert, 32 People Killed in the wake of Hurricane Florence. They are racing to save survivors from flooded homes, entire communities cut off by this storms flooding. Ainsley Griff Jenkins is in polandsville. Reporter in 1999 hurricane floyd left its mark on paul lockesville, devastating, recordsetting fashion, you are looking at the entire town is underwater. Anyone who stayed behind is trapped inside. You can see the water up to and above most businesses. This is main street, the Realty Office and a small motel. That tall brick building is a biker church call the broken spoke. Brian we lost the shot but that happens in a hurricane situation, a lot of power down and it is hard to communicate. Pete that view work on broadband, cell phones and in the morning when many people are using their cell phones. Ainsley that is main street, that is what it looks like. Lets look at the rest of the news, devastating images in california and a fox news alert, a sheriffs deputy killed in a shootout near an auto shop. Deputy shot by a suspect arguing with an employee near sacramento, california. Another deputy and a bystander were hit will be okay. A 4 year veteran of the force communities behind a wife, the 37th officer killed in the line of duty this year. Police identify the man who killed do deputy in kansas. Robert grayson shot and killed robert coombsy. A man at the center of the rest charged with murdering golfer on the golf course. Finding the body of celia in iowa. The suspect, colin richards, has a long rap sheet including the mystic abuse and assault, police dont know if he knew the victim. He was afraid iowa state universitys female athlete of the year qualifying for the womens u. S. Open. Kim jong un praising donald trump for stabilizing the political situation on the korean peninsula, the comments moments ago as the dictator meets with president moon, aiming to end the nuclear deadlock. That is look at your headlines. Back to you. I wonder if donald trump meets with them in new york city. Former president obama keeps taking credit for todays soaring economy. You hear these folks bragging about the economic miracle. Remember when it started . Our next guest, former reagan Economic Advisor says obamas economic recovery was the worst in history. Brian this guy figured out a way to beat this arcade game when nobody seems to win. Put a kid inside. A map. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. You may have gum disease and could be on a journey to much worse. Try parodontax toothpaste. Its three times more effective at removing plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. Leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. Theres nothing small about your business. With dell Small Business technology advisors, you get the oneonone partnership to grow your business. The dell vostro 14 laptop. Get up to 40 off on select pcs. Call 877buydell today. president obama trying to take credit for the booming economy under this president. We worked hard to turn this economy around. When you hear these folks bragging about this economic miracle. Remember when it started to. 44 said donald trump is responsible for the state of the economy. Competitive 15 who say obama and the democrats are responsible. Joining us is former Economic Advisor to president reagan and founder and chairman art laugher. Does president obama deserve credit for the economy . Know, he doesnt. Trump does deserve credit. Trump had the first year and a half in office, the best year and a half in office for any president that i have ever seen and i have seen almost everyone from George Washington on. He has done a fantastic job on the economy. Doesnt harken back to the tax cut . The tax cut is part of it. It is a big part believe me. But also he has deregulated the economy, he has a new fed chairman raising Interest Rates back to the equilibrium level. He has gotten all sorts of things that are really good for the economy that obama did the opposite. Obama raised the death tax, the Capital Gains tax, the dividend tax, the income tax, did quantitative easing at 0 Interest Rate so there was no investment, and the economy grew, the worst recovery in us history under barack obama. It is amazing. If you take the Great Recession and compared with raggeds trough, if we had the growth under obama the we had under reagan, gdp would have been 3. 5 trillion higher, 14 extra jobs, 581 billion extra dollars of tax revenue for state and local government. Lets listen to what president obama promised when he was still president. Listen. Hes going to bring all these jobs back. How exactly are you going to do that . Wave a magic wand . The unemployment is 3. 9 , almost full employment and growing at over 4 . Does he have a magic wand . He does, it is called good economics. If you tax people who work and pay people who dont work dont be surprised if you find a lot of people not working and obama raised the amount you pay people who didnt work and tax people who work more and just like the night follows day the unemployment, lack of jobs was there. Just amazing. Up to donald trump and republicans to be successful in the midterms to define what they are responsible for. Thanks so much, great to see you. On a different note talk entertainment, the enemies go low, hitting donald trump and jesus, Candace Owens next. vo this is not a video game. This is not a screensaver. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Ainsley Michael Bloomberg could be eyeing a president ial run as a democrat, the billionaire telling the New York Times his views dont line up at the Republican Party anymore. He has been teasing a president ial run for a decade most recently as an independent in the 2016 election. Senator Bernie Sanders trashes america in a new interview. Listen to what he says about the senate. Starve little children, we bomb houses and buses of children and give tax breaks to rich people but dont do the dirty work. Ainsley he was joking on i love you america. Pete alexandria ayman alzarqawi became a household name in the world of politics instantly becoming the medias new democratic darling after defeating new york congressman joe crowley. And other nontraditional candidate running for congress you may not have heard of, a millennial, a republican running in liberal california, the youngest candidate for congress and the country. Joining us is candidate for congress, good morning. I am 26 years old, a lot of people compared you to alexandria ocasiocortez. Im a Second Generation american, my family came from mexico 50 years ago, i young woman running for congress, the youngest woman running for congress and dont fit the left as narrative that because im all these things, i must be saved by the Democrat Party. That is why i havent been getting as much attention as alexandria ocasiocortez. Pete you are conservative and she is a socialist. Exactly. Unlike my socialist counterpart im not going to demand you give me have your paycheck but i will politely ask anyone out there watching can donate, i would appreciate it very much. Pete you are working for the money you make and came up with a novel idea because these days if somebody is at home in the hear a knock on the door, half the time they dont open it up so what did you do . Who did you sign on with so you can get people to open the door and you could make your Campaign Pitch . I was struggling to pay my bills and run for congress because as a lot of you may know it is a fulltime job. I started delivering food via post mates and using that as a way to meet voters and to make money on the side and it is working extremely well. I delivered food to a Sorority House the other day and they will have me speak to their chapter. Pete did you deliver a fake pendant somebody is part of your doing . One guy ordered a pen, i delivered him a pen and he thought it was the coolest thing in the world that a future congresswoman delivered him a pen. Pete there is a downside. Some people have complained that a republican is delivering food and was not. These are not actual people you deliver to. Just people who dont like you. Just trolls on the internet but what can you expect from trolls on the internet when you are a republican and doing something creative and they are just upset they didnt think of it first. Pete why are you a conservative at 26 years old . I am a conservative because i believe in individual liberty and equal opportunity for all and i believe that is what the Republican Party is platform entails. Im very concerned for my future generation of millennials for siding with socialism over capitalism and i hope to be a voice to show them that is not the way. Pete you know people your age love the idea of free stuff. They love the idea of free stuff until they realize they look at her paycheck and realize they are the ones paying for it in their paychecks. I think a lot of millennials dont understand what Socialism Means until they get into the workforce and get higherpaying jobs and start seeing firsthand what is happening. I think being a voice of reason and talking to them and having these conversations is opening their eyes. Pete you never know when you order something from post mates in california. Morgan murtagh might be the one knocking on the door. Thank you for joining us. What do you think of that . Email us. Straight ahead the emmy award show hitting donald trump and took a shot at jesus. My mother is not watching. She doesnt like watching white award shows because you dont thank jesus enough. Really white people who thank jesus are republicans and excrackheads. Pete Candace Owens is here to react. Sacrifice and accomplishments, the brandnew ad featuring an nfl star nike could learn a lesson from. Ying a slice of piz. Now its as easy as pie. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Captured lightning in a bottle. Over 260 years later as the nations leader in Energy Storage were ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it nextera energy. Of course, daniel. Fridge, weather. Clear skies and 75. Trash can, turn on the tv. My pleasure. Ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. Okay. And make ice. Pizza delivered. Whats happened to my son . I think thats just what people are like now. I mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. Even on social media. Hell be fine. [ laughs ] will he . I dont know. Say thank you dont feel dont cheat dont line always think im losing time when the dream comes to you when the work you put in freezes up a you cant describe it closing for all time pete happy birthday u. S. Air force, 71 years ago, nicely done by Wild Blue Country. Brian tim mcgraw is holding you. Before so your country and your musicians, doesnt get better than that. That is a highball for Candace Owens from turning point usa and that was the leading, can indications director, welcome back. Reporter thank you for having me. Brian the wall street journal, new york editorial says this. Republicans if they dont go to bat for Brett Kavanaugh and if they caved to the accusation from 36 years ago. Do you agree . I 100 agree. I have been very vocal in my support for Brett Kavanaugh. We have reached speak lunacy on the left and this is the most disgusting thing they have done yet, politicizing Sexual Assault and politicizing rape and this sort of thing. I spoke out early on against the me too movement because i thought the writing was on the wall what they were going to do. Any movement rooted in victimization is going to be hijacked and weapon iced by the left and that is what we are seeing happen here. Pete what is the matter with what the democrats want . They are of the opinion that they should wait now that this is come in at the 11th hour for the fbi to do a thorough investigation, that will push it much closer or past the midterms. That was their intent from the beginning. This is the next logical step in them trying to delay his confirmation and they will do this by any means necessary. Any person who actually supports Sexual Assault victims should be speaking out against this. This is disgusting, despicable behavior and someone should be held accountable. The emmy awards, they were trashing republicans, the president , they even trashed christians and said some political things on the red carpet as well. Listen to this and get reaction. I have been watching this dystopian drama called the news. Im season 9000, gets darker and darker. The obamas have their own production deal at netflix. My dream is the only thing they produce is their own version of the apprentice and it gets way higher ratings. My mother is not watching. She says she doesnt like watching white award shows because you guys dont thank jesus enough. That is true. Really white people that thank jesus are republicans and excrackheads. Ainsley what do you think about that . Start by admitting i did not watch it. You seen one awards show you see them all, a bunch of selfaggrandizing liberals in fancy dresses mocking trump but what is interesting is whenever theres an overwhelming presence of liberals there always seems to be the purposeful omissions of god. They love to mock god, they love to mock jesus christ, they love to mock anybody that supports god or believes in god or jesus christ and interesting question why they do that. They seek to replace god in peoples lives, they feel so important and view themselves as godlike figures. It is par for the course, nothing to get upset about, what we have come to expect from all awards shows. Pete we talked about hollywood and how the cultural elite have trump derangement syndrome. I dont know if you saw the oped page of the New York Times there was a writer who said trump derangement syndrome does not actually exist. It is a myth. What say you do that . The irony here is quite rich because the New York Times is the publication where every single article is essentially somebody suffering from trump derangement syndrome. You have to ask yourself do the New York Times writers read the New York Times . If they did they would know trump derangement syndrome does in fact exist. Marco rubio is launching an investigation to see if john kerry violated the law in going to iran and talking to them about waiting out trump. Is there something to that . If you think Michael Flynn was over the line when he talked as a National Security adviser to russians about what was going to happen when he took office you must have a real problem with this. This is way over the line, this investigation needs to happen. Someone needs to be held accountable. There has been so much collusion we found on the left not with the Trump Campaign, they put so much work to stop trump, disrupt him during his first two years in office, i am wondering when somebody in the Democrat Party is going to be held responsible for what they have done. I hope it is john kerry, hope it Hillary Clinton, hope it is all them. After the president declassified that stuff regarding russia, we will see what was going on. Pete thank you for joining us from the city of brotherly love. Jillian look at the shocking body cam video showing the moment a suspect pulls a gun on police before they shoot back. That shooting south of denver. The man was not cooperating after a traffic stop before he pulled the gun. Paul askins who was once on the berkeley warrant was shot and killed, no deputies were hurt. Gillette trying to one of nike by coming out with a new ad featuring an athlete who was in the nike ad and it was not Colin Kaepernick. Take a look at this. Can nobody beat you . Ainsley the shaving company telling the story of Seattle Seahawks refugee griffin who despite having only one hand be the odds to reach the nfl. He was an nike ad that was overshadowed by the Colin Kaepernick controversy. Grown man is caught sending a toddler inside an arcade game to steal prizes. You can see the child put her head out of the window handing the man several items. The child helping graphics and of things like a game boy, police in New Hampshire looking for the suspect. Fox news family helps save the lives of very friends, leland helping First Responders rescue these dogs, abandoned during Hurricane Florence. He dumped of the pups on the porch as they navigated floodwaters in North Carolina, the dogs will travel back to washington dc with leland were lucky dog rescue agreed to help find them forever homes. I love stories like that. So sad when you see the dogs on the porch. They were left, they were abandoned. Ainsley whoever lives in the house, do we give them back to the owner . Jillian i dont know. Brian i think the dogs are headed to washington dc. Before we will get you in touch with leland. Pete those are some muscle he dogs. Ainsley thank you. We mentioned the flooding down south from florence. Even more devastation of the rivers are rising, live on the ground with cover efforts next. Brian thousands of americans carrying the American Flag across the country but before making the crosscountry journey they are stopping by fox and friends. As moms, we send our kids out into the world, full of hope. And we dont want Something Like meningitis b getting in their way. Meningococcal group b disease, or meningitis b, is real. Bexsero is a vaccine to help prevent meningitis b in 1025 year olds. Even if meningitis b is uncommon, thats not a chance were willing to take. Meningitis b is different from the meningitis most teens were probably vaccinated against when younger. Were getting the word out against meningitis b. Our teens are getting bexsero. Bexsero should not be given if you had a severe allergic reaction after a previous dose. Most common side effects are pain, redness or hardness at the injection site; muscle pain; fatigue; headache; nausea; and joint pain. Bexsero may not protect all individuals. Tell your healthcare professional if youre pregnant or if you have received any other meningitis b vaccines. 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Last week the fda gave the 5 largest ecigarette makers 60 days to come up with ways to stop underage people from using their products. Ainsley tornadoes carving a wake of destruction in the wake of tropical depression florence. Before several twisters touching down in virginia ripping off roofs and killing at least one person. Brian Allison Barber is in north dak carolina picking up t pieces. Reporter we saw a lot of heavy flooding in his area, still pockets of heavy flooding but you can see people have started to clean up, piles of trees people have raked up out of their yards. Other items of debris like this half of a tree will be more difficult to clean up, not as easily raked away. We were in front of his house all day yesterday. This area where i am standing was under water, the water went all the way to the street just behind us. You can senior this tree how theres still a significant amount of water but all of this actually went all the way up to the front of this house past the steps that are here past this bush, all the way to the door. Other pockets in dillon, South Carolina are still flooded but they got some relief because it rained on and off but just enough are some places like this to start drying out. The concern in places like the pd river basin where ryan ainslie says water from the rivers in North Carolina is going to start heading down the river basin will flood next and there will be another set of issues. Ainsley now over to janice. We saw those, those tropical systems. We always have the threat for tornadoes, we have seen dozens of reports of tornadoes and in and around the virginia area. The threat will listen today as the storm weakens and moves northward. We will see the threat of flooding across those rivers and streams and tributaries that are still rising and cresting at historic levels. Here are the radar estimated precipitation amounts, 35 inches in North Carolina so protections came true of 3 feet of rainfall, incredible amounts, North Carolina and South Carolina have the most water from the tropical System Associated with landfalling system. There are your flood warnings that start toward new england. The storm is moving northward, weakening, it will be out of here by tomorrow. Pete we could get a couple inches by the time all is said and done. Still ahead tuesday honoring old glory, thousands of americans teaming up to carry the American Flag across the country before completing the car crosscountry journey, here on fox square next. Brian sandra smith is a tractor in her own right. Reporter the showdown expected capitol hill monday, Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser are invited before the Senate Judiciary committee. A former clerk for Brett Kavanaugh joins us in a moment. Another big story this morning, donald trump ordering the fed to declassify those key fisa documents. Judge Andrew Napolitano is here and the latest on the devastation left behind from Hurricane Florence. Fresh reaction from the white house when mercedes slap joins us in moments. To nourishing 3 minute miracle, to the moistureinfusing gold series. We give more women great hair days every day. Pantene. Feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Team are wb kicked off the old glory relay in boston on september 11th. The epic journey will take that flag through 24 states and 10,000 pairs of human hands wrapping up the relay on veterans day. But before making the crosscountry journey they are joining us, chief advancement officer on Team Red White and blue, megan king and nate black. Why make this journey . It builds connections, across the United States. Pete the red, white and blue team . We are made up of veterans and Community Members across the nation, 150 people bringing together veterans to help bring them back to the sense of purpose and, robbery which are missing from their days military so life after service can be really challenging. This is helping us in a way, making it tangible. The hand to hand connection. Ainsley how did it save your life . I felt i didnt have a purpose, didnt belong anywhere. I had gotten to the point i felt my son would be better off without me and i found team red, white and blue, that gave me the success to support myself and my son and give back and support others. Pete so they run across the country with a flag but do other things too. We are about making relationships. It is about breaking isolation. It is not just a veteran problem but we help you to make a friend in your local community. Those relationships help build a bridge to your community. That helps get people healthy, mental and physical wellness is increasing. What is your message to other veterans feeling the way you felt . To reach out and get connected. Everybody belongs. What is it like . It is a connection. The connection this flag builds between the matter who youre running contact with his longlasting. By the time you get to san diego on veterans day, who are those people. It will be folks like you and i and across the community, Community Members, schoolmates coming in to touch the flag. Elizabeth hassle back does a lot of things. A great run. Thanks for driving by. Thanks for having us. Back in two minutes. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. You know whos happy today . Gillian. The day after her birthday. She has the afterglow. This is why youre happy. Janice dean, come on out she has party hats. Party hats . You took the day off yesterday. Happy birthday, gillian. My goodness. I dont know what to say . Thank you. Thank you. Ainsley, where is your sword from the air force celebration . Oh, yes. Next year can we do one party . No, different days. We need more than one cake. Who do we thank for this cake . Me. We actually paid for it . Thank you very much for joining us. Sandra happy birthday to gillian. We have a supreme showdown shaping up on capitol hill as judge kavanaugh and his accusers are invited to testify in public next monday. Im sandra smith live inside americas newsroom. Eric good morning, im eric shawn in for bill hemmer this morning. Judge kavanaugh saying he wants to clear his name as he strongly denies the allegations of a decades old Sexual Assault made by Christine Blasey ford. Were waiting to see whether she will except the invitation from the Senate Judiciary committee. Sandra the white house standing by the nominee as everyone waits to hear from the woman making waves across washington

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