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political gains in the wake of the exchange and finally, middle east experts analyze the questionable statements that were made in arabic by bob bergdahl. we have more from kathryn. >> sean, six months before this propaganda video was shot, a military intelligence source says a second option was pursued, which did not involve the swap of the five taliban prisoners at guantanamo bay. u.s. personnel were tasked with setting up a dialogue with leadership who have direct ties to the taliban and an option on the table with catch. in december 2013, the mill taren te -- military intelligence source says they wanted a prisoner swap and should put the work on hold. u.s. intelligence officials say ov"ld by the bomb ma white hous and the community did not provide a formal assessment e department did not dispute other options were considered but said the final course of action was the preferred option. >> i think broadly speaking, we've considered all options to get him back. this was z(2]" to be, again, recently, we believe as general dempsey said, this was the best, probably last chance to get him home. >> and this change in strategy last december, one where the focus was placed on a prisoner swap is important to the timeline that suggests2z administration did have ample time to provide that 30-day congressional notification and we know that simply did not happen, sean. >> kathryn, thank you. joining me with new information about the unbalanced deal orchestrated by administration when it came to the bergdahl prisoner swap from the weekly standard. steven hays, what is the latest there? >> hi, sean. if you look at the -- what the administration decided u ultimately to do, they are caving from taliban demands. they started back in november of 2010, the taliban wanted basically a limit to counterterrorism operations on the ground in afghanistan. they wanted a cessation of hostility more broadly and wanted the five taliban back. in recent days it's clear they have got what they wanted. if you look at the operations on the ground in afghanistan. they have been diminished september december of 2013. if you look at drone strikes in pakistan. none since december 25th of 2013. if you look at what administration said, what the president said in his speech, he said he's going to the zero option after 2016 which means no u.s. forces on the ground in afghanistan, any combat forces in afghanistan and finally, of course, the taliban five, these much coveted senior taliban commanders who worked closely with al qaeda, with the iranian regime, closely with a number of those attacking u.s. soldiers in the days after 9/11 were  to qatar and can make their way back to afghanistan. >> steve, thank you. and here to explain how administration is now handling the intense criticism today, ed henry traveling with the president, early in the morningr he's in belgium tonight. ed, thanks for being with us. >> good to see you, sean. this was supposed to be a sweet day for the president. he was literally meeting with the candy magnet who is now the president elect of ukraine. he's known as the willy wonka to show positive news. this trip is overshadowed by the allegations he's been dogging him back home, whether he abused power with the taliban prisoner swap. today republican lindsey gram was charging this was all about the white house trying to get good pr for the president, waving the american flag to get an american soldier freed at all costs while top allies to the president, democrats on the hill, as well as staffers inside the white house tell me that is simply not true. the only thing that motivated the president was trying to get an american soldier off the battle field and they say it's unseemly for republicans to be attacking mr. bergdahl. listen. week we'll withdrawal from afghanistan and oh, by the way, commander in chief i secured the last captive of that war, the only captive of that war that was thought in their mind to be a pretty good political story for that week. it blew up in their face. >> opponents of president obama seized upon the release of an american prisoner of war. that's what he was, using a moment of unity and celebration for the nation, a chance to play political games. >> meanwhile, administration is trying to cleanup the slipup from susan rice on abc news over the weekend, claiming that bergdahl served within her words, honor and distinction, an official in the white house telling fox tonight what she meant is bergdahl volunteered for his country and had endured five years of captivity and susan rice was not trying to characterize the circumstances around his capture. the bottom line is that sunday morning appearance again creating credibility problems for administration whether susan rice was pushing a false narrative, sean. >> ed, did susan rice and the president know that just about everybody in this platoon, some that were forced to sign c confidentiality agreements, did they know everyone in the platoon called him a deserter and possibly a traitor? did they not know that? people diedl bergdahl. >> top officials told me the president ande$ susan rice wer aware there were allegations out there, and i think that what happened, as you piece this together, is that susan rice went a little further on the sunday show than they had planned, that they knew there were allegations out there. they didn't know whether they were true or not. you're right, there are allegations out -zizzthere. i'm told the president was aware of that but tiu nonetheless, f some reason, we don't know why she went a little further than planning and suggests look, he did serve with honor and distinction. that's not blown open in their face. >> we know they bypassed the intelligence experts and congress. they had an agenda. they knew they went to them there would be conflict, right? >> well, the bottom line is we and republicans on capital hill and oppositions raise. they suggested go forward with the prisoner swap. we have got to get bowe bergdahl but nonetheless, the terms ofz! this were very controversial and you would expect they would have run that past the congress. more than anything that's what the law says they had to do, sean. >> thanks for getting up so early for us. my next guest is reporting the obama administration, they did go to great lengths to circ circumvent to the bergdahl prisoner exchange. time magazine senior correspondent is with us. thank you for being with us. how are you? >> thanks for having me. i'm fine. >> i read your report, they bypassed congress and the intelligence community and the state department and white house to quote the article, they should quote suck it up and solute. that was their attitude towards the military's thoughts on this? >> sob'á%uz is a long history to these five taliban leaders and the discussions whether they should be released. the pentagon and intelligence committee sending that message, u solute.p andfhqñj/ it's a contentious issue and frankry, there are a lot of questions out there about the release we haven't got to. >> let's go specifically into the phrase, quote, suck it up and solute. where did that phrase come from in your reporting? >> so that's a u.s. military official involved in the debate over whether to release the taliban five. >> and -- i'm having a hard time understanding. so they by pass congress, they by pass the intelligence community because in the past, you're right, history is accurate and that is that they did not want this to happen because they rightly believe these five would go back into the battle field and would be a threat to americans, which jay carney denied and the president had to acre knowledge but isn't that a kick in the face to military members for offering their opinion contrary to the administration and state department? >> well, from the beginning, administration worked out the regular -- worked out side the regular channels that they themselves established for deciding and discussing the wisdom of releasing prisoners, but these five were valuable to the administration. i don't think it's an extraordinary for the commander in chief, if he's negotiating during a conflict to consider what options may be in front of him, however, there is no question the committee and pentagon previously succeeded in blocking the release of these five men from guantanamo bay over top secret and secret intelligence indicating they would be a threat. >> so they had such a vast military experience -- >> not --yscez it's not him. >> it's not him? >> it's article two of the constitution. >> the constitution is the rule of law and the rule of law is clear, he had to seek out and inform congress 30 days prior something that he didn't do, right? >> there is -- that is a long and rich legal debate in our country's history. >> jay carney -- i have tape of jay carney saying that was his interpretation of the law when asked about it a number of times. >> i'll go with jack gold smith who was the last word on legal matters in the bush administration who said if the president is refusing to compile with a law that's unconstitutional, he then is acting you believac acting under the law of the united states. >> jonathan tourly says this president pushed the constitution to the tipping point because he doesn't obey the laws passed and we do have something called separation of powers but appreciate it. thanks for being with us. >> my pleasure. joining me with now fox news strategist ralph peters. why would the president -- do you not find that an insult their reference to the state department and the white house to the military and our intelligence community, suck it up and solute? i find it insulting. >> you know, the truth is the military is willing to suck up a lot. we sucked up a rock. we sucked up afghanistan. god bless the veterans. when it comes to something that has to do with national security, letting go five of the world's worst terrorists for -- what basically is a publicity stunt. >> let's say it. >> certainly. the va scandal off the headlines, that worked and also to help close down gitmo. it's so shabby that the military would have been there. it's tough. the hagel pentagon is an absolute mess. sean, i was appalled today when hagel in europe came out and said, well, we must not prejudge -- i call them private bergdahl. he should have said that to obama and susan rice before they try to hoist him on the as mer can public as a hero and beyond that, hagel had the audacity to say there is no conclusive evidence the six soldiers that died looking for bergdahl died because they were looking for bergdahl. that contradicts what the soldiers on the ground saw, heard and said. it goes back$)bov to the state department. looneys claiming that she knew better -- >> i couldn't believe it. >> she knew better than the soldiers on the ground. the soldiers on the ground in the fight always know better than washington. >> that was a disgraceful moment, the spokesman questioning the validity of those who served and knew what had actually happened. some of who were forced to sign a non-disclosure. coming up on this question, was he a hero or deserter or enemy? two platoon leaders will answer that question and then she lost her husband and he lost his wife trying to rescue beau beowe ber. the widow of this fallen story shares her story and a "hannity" investigation into the words, writings of bob bergdahl, that's bowe's father and praising his son's captors. what is this about? we'll tell you has "hannity" continues. honestly, the off-season isn't really off for me. i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! t! 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>> yes, at least 30 days of continuous looking. after that every mix we went on, bergdahl was always in the back of our minds to where any information we could get, we would get to helpz?b find him. >> yeah, and did you know some of the people that we'll speak to, a widow, who lost her husband, three months before their baby was born, this baby will never see their. does that anger you? >> yes, it angers me a lot and every soldier out there. every soldier that left, it wasn't linked to his search but every soldier it changed the tempo and anywhere a soldier was could have been different if they stayed on the op. it's a matter of the right place, right time as far as that. >> if you hear on a radio transmission that you're monitoring that bergdahl is looking for the taliban, that means he's going to collaborate with the enemy, isn't? otherwise you would think the taliban is going to kill you. does that in your mind page a strong compelling case he's likely a traitor? >> i don't want to say traitor. he's a deserter, though. he left his fellow soldiers, leadership and country behind leaving his gear on, the op with us just out to seek the taliban. >> justin, thank you very much. we appreciate your time and service to your country. thank you. my next guest, another leader of the platoon says he has evidence that bergdahl was seeking talks with the taliban when he first walked away. from the days you left, you were monitoring the raids owe and air contact and you heard there was a english-speaking taliban. >> following him leaving in the immediate days right after, we had plenty of assets looking for him in the area. we had a way to listen in on radio communications. it's pretty common and listen to cell phone conversations in the area just trying to listen see the we could pinpoint something about where he could be. there was an interpreter in the bunker where we had the system and he was interpreting what was coming over the radio to the people in the bunker with me and we heard straight across that radio and through the lips, there was an american, and like i said, a couple miles from where we were at and he is trying to find someone who speaks english so he can talk to the taliban. that's what was said. that's what i heard. there is no confusing that was. that was alarming to us. >> yeah, that had to be him. who else could it possibly be, right? >> at that point, yeah, it was -- we only assumed that it could be the one american who -máá walked >> following hisjh there were ides going off under trucks and you had suspicion he was giving intel in terms of your travel patterns, et cetera. >> yes, at the platoon, knowing that he just walked away and also knowing that he apparently was -- not apparently but knowing he went to seek the taliban out, and then all of a sudden, ieds start going off under beneath the trucks as opposed to front2 >w or side, i attacks are directed. >> what did you think when susan rice said he served with honor and distinction and jay carney said he served with honor and distinction? they had to know the real story behind this. why do you think they would tell the american people that? >> i couldn't -- i can't say why they are saying what they are saying. i know that he did not serve with honor and distinction. it is frustrating. it's frustrating for my fellow soldiers in my platoon and just really soldiers anywhere, anyone who did serve honorably deployed, returned home, deployed again. multiple deployments and got out of the army honorably or got out of the military zvñ÷honorably. those are honorable soldiers. to say k2nbowe is honorable, ths a spit in everybody's faces. >> thank you for being on the program and getting important information out about this, sergeant, we appreciate your time. >> thank you very much for having me, sean. still ahead tonight, texas senator ted cruz will be here but first, the widow that died on a mission to save sergeant bergdahl joins us to share her emotional story and then tonight. [speaking foreign language]. >> the father of bowe bergdahl is raising serious eyebrows and our panel of experts will analyze his comments, e-mails, tweets and a special "hannity" investigation. that's straight ahead. smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ♪ get ready, get ready ♪ 'cause here i come [ male announcer ] take osteo bi-flex®. osteo bi-flex® is specially formulated with joint shield™ to nurture and help defend your joints°. so now you can keep doing... and doing... and doing what you love. hi mom, dad. what'd you guys do today? the usual! the usual! ♪ get ready, 'cause here i come ♪ [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, ready for action. welcome back to "hannity." we're learning more and more about the soldiers that lost their lives. we learned after he desertedy/6s o2009. my next joins us with her story. julie andrews is with us. thank you for being here. i'm very sorry. >> thank you. >> you at the time when you lost your husband, you had a two-year-old boy and i believe you were, what, six months pregnant at the time that hewas killed? >> that's right. my son was about to turn two and i was six months pregnant. >> so three months after your husband died you had a -- you had your daughter and he will-e never see -- he'll never get to see his daughter. let me ask you, we just had on the platoon leaders, they say that bergdahl abandoned his post and deserted his platoon and your husband was one of six people that went out looking for him in a very dangerous area. he gave up his life trying to serve him and they are calling him a deserter and they heard radio transmissions of him seeking out the enemy, the taliban. how do you react to that? >> well, at first when i heard this news, i was very angry and was that darron's job and i know he believed that he would need to go -- they would need to go find him. so -- >> even though he had deserted his platoon and was seeking out the enemy, seeking to kill each and every one of them. i mean, it's -- >> right. >> it's really outrage usouous . >> i agree. i do feel like he would have had someyyjiñ bitterness about it ou know -- but i know he would know that's his job and that is what he just had to do. so -- you know, i spoke to the platoon medic earlier today and he told me about the severity of the injuries. he knew your husband. i asked him specifically if he knew your husband. he did know your husband. he saw your husband and the other five that died. so here we have adm deserter an maybe worse and the government trades for five of the most brutal, vicious islamic radical terrorists that we were fighting. how did you react when you heard that part of the story? >> you know, i feel like it is a huge injustice to those men who fought and risked their livessto put these terrorists in jail and to capture them. so, you know, i don't know any other way it could have been done, but i definitely don't agree with the decision to do that. >> let me ask you one last question and we appreciate you being on the program. i understand the military, when you learned about what happened to your husband, how does the military treat you and your husband's parents and everybody else? are you happy with how they have most part up until this incident. you know, i don't expect to know a lot of details about my husband's missions or things of that nature because, you know, as a military spouse you don't know things like that. but i do feel like it was5, pry hurtful to me to find out about this, or about darron's involvement in this search for bergdahl and his death being linked to that. it was hurtful for me to find out about that via the media. i feel like someone should have told us sooner, you know, before it was released to the media. >> i spoke with colonial north on the program last night and told him about your two kids and he's going to reach out to you. they have the freedom alliance scholarship funds for the children of heroes that have given up their life for their country including your husband. god bless you and god bless the kids. thank you for being us andjj s÷ telling us your story. >> harry reid is accusing the gop of playing political kbgain. when we return the colleague and later tonight. >> people of afghanistan, the same. [speaking foreign language]. >> our team of middle east experts examine the words, the writings of bowe bergdahl's father. that investigation tonight on "hannity" still straight ahead. a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. tigers, both of you. tigers? don't be modest. i see how you've been investing. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? >> >> test >> >> test in pursuit of all things awesome, amazing, and that's epic, bro, we've forgotten just how good good is. good is setting a personal best before going for a world record. good is swinging to get on base before swinging for a home run. 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[speaking foreign language]. >> i'm your father, bowe. should people of afghanistan the same. >> now the arabic phrase reportedly translates to quote in the name of allah in the compassion. bob who learned arabic, reportedly grew a beard to earn simple sympathy from captors. >> strangely to some, you must also thank those who cared for our son for almost two years.le those who played a role in sheltering the american prisoner. we know our son is a prisoner and at the same time a guest in your home. we have whepped and that his peace may come upon the people of pakistan. [speaking foreign language]. >> so exactly what message was he trying to send here with reaction, the american islamic, form for democracy judy is with us. that father was saying, you might argue in 2011, he has to get the release of his son. i would buy that. what he said on sunday and what he said in the rose garden is the muslim victory call and then the president smiles when he does it as soon as he hears he calls it thez.ñé war cry of al. is that what that is? >> that is the war cry of allah. throughout history of 1400 years, every time muslims conquered a place or location, they would stand and read basically declaring the greatness of allah over that land. what the father of bowe bergdahl did, he did that which the taliban and radicals throughout the world will perceive as a victory and success standing on the steps of the white house. >> do you agree with that? >> sean, i have to tell you, i'm muslim and i say that 30 or 40 times a day in my prayer and i serve with honor and there are muslims that look at the taliban as an enemy. i believe this private served with dishonor and should be tried with treason and his father probably radicalized him. we have to be careful in that this passage means in god's name which many must suls say. certainly people get the totality of the father what son have said. it's an islamist narrative that anti american. there is nothing in his statement. there is nothing;f& in this statement proamerican how he was proud of his son to keep america safe and liberating and islamist narrative how basically, lending a nod that afghans arejd0va vic of american soldiers, et cetera, there is no doubt. i don't care if this guy is a muslim or not, they are part of the narrative. i have no idea how he was allowed to dawn a uniform because we don't have islam filter. >> why -- i'm do you think the father is  radicalized? he said i know my son isn't speaking english well, so let me speak arabic. there is disagreement as to what that is. >> the prayer is prayed multiple times per day. y5:)rj greatest.u prays declari what you have to recognize about islam it's a political religion. so others say the same exact prayers that zirdeh said. it's the same prayer. s now, zunti in his mind will never betray it however, radicals who say the same prayers look at their religiong the way prophet mohammed practiced it. >> you think the father inter operated it in that way? >> i think the meaning behind his words and how the enemy perceived his words. >> you think quickly... >> the passage is the fact he identified islamic and had been part of that narrative. >> thank you both. coming up, dr. mark seigel from our fox news medical aid team. was bowe bergdahl has sick as he claimed? we'll get to that when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. with lobster! don't miss our first ever lobster toppers event! 4 delicious entrees topped with sweet, succulent maine lobster starting at just $15.99! like savory new wood-grilled shrimp topped with maine lobster in a citrus hollandaise... or the new ultimate: lobster-topped lobster -- 3 split maine lobster tails topped with maine lobster in a creamy white wine sauce! four choices, for a limited time, starting at just $15.99! everything's better with lobster! come in now, and sea food differently. character yez arquinez ♪ here's to the man who truly is the best of us. 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