The midterm results mean for you and this president. Plus, trump takes it to the media this is unbelievable i was screaming laughing. What a rocks press conference reveals the media has learned zippo during these last two years. Raymond arroyo is here for seen and unseen. He tackles the big losers of last night, especially the celebrity stars who started to fall. We begin tonight with the news that pushed the midterms off the front page the resignation of Jeff Sessions. All right. Sessions departure comes less than two years after he angered trump recusing himself from the russia probe. The president repeatedly expressed his frustration over that original decision to recuse. Stepping in as acting attorney general is matt whitaker. A former u. S. Attorney from iowa who is serving right now or was, as sessions chief of staff. Trump has had a very strong personal report with whitaker who for now will oversee the Mueller Probe and the rest of the doj business, which includes, by the way, dojs other federal investigations including those new york prosecutors who were looking into the finances of the president and his former aides. For what this 80 resignation could mean, we are joined now by former u. S. Attorney showed the gin of, who is not in the studi studio. Former u. S. Assistant attorney fox contributor Andrew Mccarthy and George Terwilliger, who actually became an acting ag himself. Joe, lets start with you. Democrats are already calling [cackling] for whitaker to recuse himself. He was a contributor, he made comments about the Mueller Probe. Your reaction . Speak of those previous comments are not reducible comments. Mr. Whitaker is a fine person. He is completely independent. He knows about the administration of this particular case. I am delighted that supervision of this case has been taken away from Deputy Attorney general rosenstein in terms of his conduct. The democrats are doing what they always do when they dont have anything else, they just start screaming and yelling. This is an embarrassment to them, but its going to continue. Mr. Whitaker is going to be just fine. We are going to go to you since you are acting ag. I remember now i had forgotten. Schumer said the following. Given his previous comments advocating defunding and imposing limitations on the Mueller Investigation, mr. Whitaker should recuse himself for the duration of his time as acting attorney general. Just so people know what we are talking about, i want to play this sound bite from mark whitaker. This was from cnn and it was back in july of 2017. Lets take a look. Watch. I can see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced, a recess appointment, and that attorney general doesnt fire bob mueller and he reduces the budget so low that his investigation grinds to a halt. Laura different life when he was working for a network. Grounds for refusal . No. Two quick points, laura. If every time a lawyer made comments about some matter of Public Interest and later got involved and would later have to recuse himself, poor joe wouldnt be able to practice law. But secondly, your point is well taken. Im doing just fine. This was a different time, a different set of facts. Im sure matt will make his decisions based on whatever circumstances he becomes aware of. Laura just for our viewers edification here, as acting attorney general if you have all the powers of the attorney general. Correct . You simply havent gone through senate confirmation. Its thought to be temporary. Could it be indefinite . Under the vacancies act, therell be some limitations of time. And matt cant be nominated to succeed to his own position while hes in this position. There are a couple of exceptions, such as he cannot sign fisas. Laura your favorite, out the day banging the same recusal drama that george was just referencing. Lets watch brendan and company. Matt whitaker comes with a lot of baggage. Itll become quite evident if hell fulfill his or possibilities that position. Laura are you saying with his comments on television should be recuse overseeing the Mueller Probe phase on those comments . A strong case given his public acknowledgment on this prejudice to view on this issue that he should recuse himself. Laura and d . More recusal talk. Its what they pushed sessions into doing. Theres a debate about that. He shouldnt have recuse himself but he rushed to recuse himself. A lot of pressure put on him and he wilted under it, mind you. Is there really legitimate grounds here for a former commentator to have to recuse here . No, laura. I look very carefully at what he said when he was at cnn. I actually have a column up at National Review tomorrow. He didnt say anything that was in the nature of reducible commentary. He didnt make any prejudgments about the investigation. He didnt say anything to denigrate what mueller is up to. What i find fascinating im not casting dispersions, i want to be clear, on Deputy Attorney general rosensteins ethics, but i have not heard any of these guys complaining that rosenstein is overseeing this investigation, notwithstanding that mueller is investigating supposedly trump for obstructing the investigation by firing comey, a transaction in which rosenstein is a key player. If there is anybody in this equation that has a screaming conflict of interest, its rod rosenstein. I havent heard these guys say a word about that. Laura joel, i have to ask you on picks for attorney general. We all have a couple of ideas. What are your ideas . L, i have, uh, a couple of ideas i shared with the president and i will not share them with anyone else. If i share any of my ideas, i will be sharing a conversation with the president. Laura can you give us a vowel . Can we do wheel of fortune . Forget it. There are plenty of great people. Laura thats a uncharacteristically vague answer from joe the event of. This is a fun conversation. I agree with joe. Theres a lot of people out there. Laura am i the only one who will give the president any advice other than andy and joe and george if he ask you, would you take . Laura, i do not need to be on a signature line. Im content to not be in the caption under where it says u. S. Versus. Look, George Terwilliger and joe digenova have been on the top of every single list of this question every single time ive ever been asked it. Boy, could the president ever do a lot worse. Laura we got terwilliger on the list. Im trying to hint around this, andy. You gave it away. You have joe on the list. You have terwilliger on the list. Yes, you are. Im going to make a suggestion. Just to throw it out there, you can all criticize and attack. Its fine. Im going to make a suggestion of Chris Christie. There are a number of reasons why christie would be good and we might have him out of order if we have a graphic. Number one, he has an 18 your personal relationship with the president. They get along, they know each other. He has already walked through the media fire. He knows what its like to be in the bright, white spotlight of the new york media, and frankly the national media. I think temperamentally he and trump are similar. They get along as people. They have kind of a similar style. Thats not a detriment in this job whatsoever. He was known as a type of nails prosecutor, very well respected by career prosecutors at doj. I think bridgegates i do not think any of that matters with the number of republicans we have in the senate, christie would be confirmed. If the president said this is the guy we want, i think Chris Christie would get confirmed. I dont think its much of a problem. I do not think that beach closure is going to knock him out of it, okay . Thats my view. Joe, give me some thoughts on that. Kristi . Chris christie would be fine. Hes experienced, hes smart, hes intelligent. He would have the full confidence of the president of the United States which to me was missing with the relationship with Jeff Sessions. The president is entitled to have a fulltime attorney general. Laura andy mccarthy, what about christie . Ive had my policy does agreements with him, but no one can question his credentials. I am worried the bridge gates thing would be more of a problem than i think you are calculating, because i think they would try to relitigate that whole thing. Laura republicans in the senate arent going to relitigate it. If the president said, i know him, hes not going to wilt under pressure, hes not going to go, recusal, recusal, recusal he has a Good Relationship with mueller. Hes not been on tv saying its a witch hunt. Hes been dispassionate in his overall analysis, andy yet no, look, all of that is true. I think it would be more of a problem than you do in terms of the way it plays out in a confirmation hearing. I think he would do a good job. By the way, his lawyer in bridge gate was christopher wray. Laura the tangled tentacles all around. Well let you go. What do the republicans have in store in the house of representatives with subpoena power, all these very anxious democrats who have been out of power for a while, emoluments clause, business dealings . It has the promise of getting really ugly. I think the white house is going, and the administration in general, are going to have to make some very hard decisions want things to fight, when to fight, and how to fight. But they are going to have to fight. Laura again, Chris Christie is a fighter. Anyone whos seen his old press conferences, among the most entertaining. Hes really smart. Thats true. I think its really important that somebody at the top of the justice department, particularly with these issues cannot be a real prosecutor now. Laura who knows how to do it. That was a deficit for Jeff Sessions for Jeff Sessions i think is a very nice person. Hes phenomenal on so many of the issues that trump cares about and was great i love what hes doing on the marijuana thing. Im with them on that. He is temperament versus real nuts and bolts experience in that regard. Well, and he had another problem which is the president insists on people who have command presence. That is certainly something which Chris Christie would bring to the job. With Robert Mueller spending more than 38 million to produce absolutely nothing by way of russian collusion, christie would be the perfect overseer of that monstrosity. Laura before i let you go, andy, does the Mueller Investigation how do you see it developing at this point with the change of sessions . I think its probably pretty right. I think mueller is towards the end of what hes doing anyway. I think you want a wartime consul consigliere. Did i pronounce that right, joe . Yes, you did. Laura have you never watched the godfather . Fantastic. Thank you so much for your insight. Will you come back . I love you. Laura much better than joe and andy. For more on why trump won and how the g. O. P. Can do it again, get my paper back. Busting the barricades. Coming up, im going to tell you what the Midterm Elections really mean in a special election edition of the angle. Stay right there. Laura trumps victory and the democrats rays to defeat. Thats the focus of tonights angle. All things considered, it was a very, very good night for republicans and a major win for donald trump. The president was absolutely tireless on the campaign trail. He stumped for Republican Senate candidates across the country. Trump ignored the advice of people like paul ryan, god bless him, and liberal Media Consultants in that he followed his own political instincts. I will say this. Those instincts are generally superior to all the socalled pros, many who a few months ago were predicting a big blue wave, which in the senate was more like a wave goodbye for democrats. In the end, the president accurately laid out what this midterm would hinge on. This will be the election of the caravan, kavanaugh, law and order, tax cuts, and common sense. Thats what it is. Laura he couldnt have been more correct. In the end the mother love certainly, kavanaugh, he ticked that off, was a huge factor. Almost all the Democratic Senators in tight races who voted against kavanaugh loss. Those who suggested the president shouldve muted his talk about immigration on the campaign trail hello, paul ryan, were simply wrong. Most proamnesty republicans well, they either retired or lost. You had some who decided lets stay away, lets stay away. They did very poorly. Carlos cabela, mike coffman too bad, mike. Mia love. Mia love gave me no love. Peter roskam. Didnt want to embrace. Eric paulson didnt want the embrace. Laura why didnt they want the embrace . Mia love didnt give me love im sorry, im screaming. It was so funny they crashed and burned. Others like pauline, jeff flake, bob corker, they retired. There were some exceptions. I got to be fair. Chris go , crisco badge attached to the. He wasnt a great campaigner. On the whole, trump a strong immigration policies prove the deciding factor in both the senate and gubernatorial victories. In florida, texas, and in georgia. In florida, for example, voters rated immigration the second most important issue. Just a few points behind health care. Check it out. Three points. These midterms also show that neither political nor Hollywood Star power paid off in georgia nor in florida. And what the democrats did achieve in these midterms was, welcome a below average pickup. A seat in the house against the party of power. The amazing thing is with all this happening, the democrats still really havent learned anything. Since donald trump defended that big brass escalator in the tower, theyve been trying to cast him as a racist, a homophobe, xenophobe, hes like an art she hunker in a long red tie archie bunker you cannot put up with someone like archie bunker today. My friends, the democrats are bereft of real ideas. Rather than offering some, they propose socialist style freebies, health care, college, universal prek. The democrats once again, by the way, went all in for identity politics in the midterms. They tried to argue that brian kemp in georgia was trying to stop black people from voting . Its ridiculous. They tried to argue ron desantis was some kind of closet racist for questioning gillums ethics. It went on and on and on. Even after they got shellacked in 2016 and lost the senate last night, they are still dealing the race card he used every race dog whistle, every bigotry he had. Making overtly bigoted, racist statements, attacking brown people, attacking black people. Hes going to replace the caravan with a black man, elijah cummings, a woman, nancy pelosi. The president has enough support and enough places to win big races in states that have large enough rural populations to either of on the offset suburban america. Laura its those racist rural people. How dare the country bumpkins ruin the country for the urbanite relief. When the country rejects the lefts race was asian of politics, the democrats write them off altogether. I have a simple question to ask. How do you build a Political Movement by hating on basically half of the American People . Rather than grapple why this tactic fell flat last night, the media continued the race to the bottom during todays white house News Conference. On the campaign trail, some you call yourself a nationalist. Such a racist question there is some people who are saying that the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists why do i have my sizable numbers ever with africanamericans . Why do i have the highest whole numbers ever with africanamericans . That such a racist questions vehicle have you ever used racist remarks . s vehicle at one point you told her its just a percent, sir. Single digits. When you talk about division, its people like this that cause division. Great Division Point of fact is ive never used a racist remark. Thats the point of fact. Laura the press was absolutely reprehensible today. I have never seen anything like that. The president is right. Rasmussens tracking poll from october 29th has the president at a 40 approval among black respondents. They can throw out the Single Digits all they want, lets take lets say its 25 . Its good the president smashed back against these obvious attempts to recast his victory and demonize his supporters. Here are the facts the democrats have lost a two court seats. The senate. And the white house. After two years of protest and nonstop attacks on trump, they emerge from the midterms with no mandate. Good going, guys there is no doubt the president of course now will have his work cut out for him. He is going to have to recalibrate his approach as the new year begins under Democratic House rule. So he would be wise to do a few things. Begin to expand his movements beyond where it already is and hes got to adapt to the changing demographics in key states. Occasionally he should shift to a more moderate tone while not moderating his policies. He should offer to work with democrats on issues with common concern. Which, by the way, he did today watch. I put that statement out on social media about nancy pelosi and a lot of people thought i was being sarcastic or kidding. I think she deserves it. She fought long and hard. A very capable person. Nancy pelosi and i can Work Together and get a lot of things done. Laura that was a great moment. Sometimes the president might seem to think that showing his humanity or i do not want to say soft, maybe humanity is a sign of weakness. Its not. Turning on the charm sometimes, it resonates. Especially with female voters. But going forward, the president should urge separate from the tone and how you should come off, should urge Mitch Mcconnell go full steam ahead of both judges and members of the executive branch. The next Supreme Court nominee should be chosen without regard to gender, skin color, none of the been counting. It should be only be based on his or her conservative bona fide up. Do not let the we all know that maxine will takes too far in their favor for payback and the voters will not like it at all. President trump will have to be more creative in advancing his agenda forward. In the meantime, he should feel really good about what he accomplished, especially since the voters may have unwittingly given that president something he has needed for so long. A clear and worthy opponent. And thats the angle. All right, coming up, who were the biggest losers last night . Hollywood, for one. They still havent gotten the memo. Raymond arroyo is here. Seen and unseen next. Cancer may be tough. But we are tougher. We are the leukemia and lymphoma society. Our gamechanging research has led to the belief that the cures for cancer are in our blood. We are the leukeia and lymphoma society. Beating cancer is in our blood. Laura time for our seen and unseen segment where we explore some of the big cultural stories of the day. Now it could be the biggest hollywood slop ever, maybe since the ghostbusters reboot. The political advocacy did not achieve what they hoped. Raymond arroyo, New York Times bestselling author of the just released paperback, mother angelica. Hollywood just had a horrible night. They accused me of trolling taylor swift, by the way, in the hollywood reporter. I just sent a funny tweet. Shes adorable the Hollywood Community was to turn out the young vote, one of the biggest effort was a starstudded telethon organized by comedian ben glee. Jerry lewis had the love network . Has reported the other night, the idea was you called in and pledged to vote and a starwood call you back. There was only one problem, no one knew who host pendley was and they barely knew the stars of the phone back. Watch. We are going into our celebrity phone bank. Look at these incredible people. Hello, high five. Weve got everybody here in the phone back. We got eric griffin. My god. Weve got matt smith, everybody. Weve got an incredible line appear. Hello, everybody, weve got bill bellamy, debra messing, ike baron holtz. Debra messing is the only person i recognize. Laura i literally was like, joe smith. Mike brown. Needless to say, this effort did not produce much. There was a bump in the youth vote. According to a tufts study, there was an increase. But twothirds of those were democratic. This is where it fell apart. A third was conservative. There were Young Conservatives in the mix, which threw off hollywoods intended efforts. Laura charlie kirk may be charlie kirk is on the college campuses. The youth vote failed to flip the major races in florida, georgia, texas. Actresses Julianne Moore and Rosario Dawson there created narrated an ad to try to move voters. They created and humanitarian crisis by putting children in cages. They want to imprison these children indefinitely. Laura indefinitely so we just take children from every vinces arms keep them we keep them and make sure they are with the adults vehicle first of all, they might not be aware of the third branc, its called the judiciary. They said to settle it in 20 days. Maybe we should send them a pocket copy of the constitution this whole effort was organized by a group called we stand united, mark ruffalo, marisa tomei, filmmakers, people in the digital industry, they tell stories that hope move the electorate. They got what they wanted partially. Laura will they ever stop politicking . Tell me what happened at the israel Film Festival at beverly hills. That sounds like a fun Film Festival. Jason bluhm, the producer of halloween and get out, given a film award. When he got up, started talking about trump. Not only did he like the president , but the president is creating antisemitism. This crowd did not like it. Now im being physically removed. They are yelling, pulling him off the stage for festival says, look and we got security in there to take him away for his own safety. But he picked the wrong crowd. This Film Festival has long been sponsored by the sheldon there mustve been a lot of proisraeli, protrump people in the room. I do not like this and civility. When you go up to get a film award and thats with the audience expects, some people were yelling. Its a Film Festival, not a political rally laura we are sick of hearing your physical we didnt go to the views to hear your political views. They arent interesting. That was an interesting moment. They dont think hes antisemitic, do they . Before i go, last night we were watching Nancy Pelosis News Conference and you knows assistant democratic leader jim clyburn standing here behind pelosi didnt crack a smile. It made me think of a song. Laura what song . You know i cant smile vehicle you tweeted out, why is jim clyburn not smiling. Look what happened. Wait till you see. A big night for you. Back in the majority very soon. Should the focus now for democrats be finding more Common Ground with the president . He cant smile without you. Laura i just saw them there and it was after all the coverage by the way, great night for fox news. Awesome, everybody. Great team effort. All the people behind the scenes. The people behind the camera, they are all right. But the people behind the scenes are the best. I was watching, they won the house looks like he lost his best friend. He also had a shawl collar on. I like those sweaters. Laura we have to ask tommy if he is pro or antishawl collar. I havent seen anybody with a greater opinion of mans good tour than you. Laura shawl collars, x ixnay ixnay. And no big turtlenecks. In one postelection press conference with the president , the media revealed they have learned a zippo in the past few years. Bongino, schlapp, and york breakdown why the media is more divisive than the president nex next. 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Laura a short while ago, the white house announced they are suspending access to cnn reporter jim acosta after some absurd self involved theatrics during the white house News Conference. Here are some choice moments. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements you made on the tail end of the campaign in the midterms. Here we go well, mr. President , that the caravan is an invasion i consider that. Honestly, i think you should let me run the country, you run cnn, if you did it well your ratings would be much better. Mr. President , let me ask you a question thats enough. The other folks pardon me, maam. I tell cnn should be ashamed of itself having you work for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldnt be working for cnn. Just sit down, please. You said the democrats would unleash a wave of violent crime. Because they very well could. What are you pitting americans one another. To be clear, the question is clear. Sit down. You didnt answer my question. The answer down the question is why are you pitting americans against one another i am not. If its unfair to the country and costing millions of dollars please, ive answered the question. Go ahead thank you. I will give you voter suppression. You just have to sit down, please. Sit down. I didnt call you. I didnt call you excuse me, i didnt respond im talking to this gentleman. Excuse me excuse me would you please sit down like make thank you, mr. President. Very hostile. Such a hostile media. Its such b1 byron york , fox news contributor. And dan bongino, a host dan bongino show. Ive got to start with you. Have the media learned anything about how trump roles rolls and how he connects with the American People after the disgraceful performance by the reporters in that briefing . No, they learned nothing. For the four and a half years ive worked in the white house, im sure you are as welcome of the daily caller reporter questioning obama while he was making statements and the media lost its mind, how disrespectful, how horrible it was. What you saw today was not a press conference for it what you saw was an interrogation. What they wanted was not answers but what they wanted was a confession. They came in there convinced donald trump was a fascist, a racist, and a xenophobe, they wanted him to answer. That was the convention. One last thing on this, lara. I do not know whats more embarrassing, jim acosta singlehandedly changing the conversation from the democrats house take over to the conversation about jim acosta . Well done, jim. You learned a lot of lessons from that. Laura byron, i want to go to you on this. You are a working journalist every day, great column. It seems like a lot of these reporters are really all about not me, them. The finger is always pointed back at them. Look at me, im having my moment, viral, viral, viral. Its embarrassing. Its embarrassing to the country. I want to show this graphic. This is americans saying the media have divided more than united since trump took office. More to divide, 64 . Thats the political morning console pole. Who is more divisive here . The came before the midtermd it also said does President Trump did more to the unite and divide, and they said he did more to divide, but then they said the price, 64 . I think what we said is a perfect example of that. They went overboard on the adversarial thing. Chris wallace, who is covered a lot of white houses, college of acostas performance shameful and he had embarrassed himself. There comes a point where the president of the United States is the president of United States and you are the reporters standing there asking a question. You ask a question, the followup, you persist laura when neil run it was one question. They went nuts on him. He was completely out of lin line. Munro got up and interrupted him and obama was completely stunne stunned. Laura compared what they are doing now . Neil munro was completely out of line. Perhaps that will happen in the acosta case as well. He lost his pass in the white house. No time frame on that. Thats the right decision. There has to be some decorum. There is another case they are supposed to be facilitating a giveandtake with the president for the American People you have a president who in the last 24 hours, maybe sometimes i should look at my tone. He says that he should be maybe i should work with her. They turned that which is an important moment for our republic into this ridiculous parade. What about that pbs question to nationalism equates to White Nationalism . Laura that whole nationalism thing my earring file. That whole nationalism thing. The whole nationalism thing has been completely opposed. Cnn did put out a statement today, this is what they said. The president s ongoing attacks on the press have gone too far. Not only dangerous, disturbingly unamerican. While President Trump has made it clear he does not respect a free press, he is a sworn obligation to protect it. Jim acosta, fellow journalists everywhere, we stand behind him united. Dan bongino, again, this is the drumbeat. Hes a tyrant, hes an autocrat. Hes like putin, stalin, pol pot combined. They been doing this since day one and it just does not resonate. They dont learn. Whats the first thing youre going to work on with pelosi. How are you going to get it done . I would ask that question. Go ahead, dan. Laura, what we witnessed is like an intergalactic cosmic disgrace. Americans who work for a living had to be horrified at what they saw if you had happened to witness that life today. You are right. There are so many good questions to ask. How do you feel about it, making permanent the middleclass tax cuts that nancy pelosi complained about because they were not permanent. How about that . How about portions of our Health Care Law click my government interference . How about shooting loans . How about the opioid prices . What answers did we get about we got questions about, mr. Trump, are you a racist . Will you obstruct justice by firing bob mueller . Laura you to go, very quickly. They condemn this obvious punitive action of the administration and call on it to restore mr. Acostas credentials immediately. Byron, the white house is not going to okay his credentials. I think somehow acosta had harmed the young woman b1 laid his hand on her. Look at the tape. Thats not a very good reason. They could say they were doing it because he was disruptive at this event. Theres got to be some sort the one i disagree. If this had happened with obama i do not think he tried to puncher, but she was clearly nervous. That was the wrong thing. Laura stay right there. Just a short time ago, nancy pelosi formally launched her bid to be the next speaker of the house. But will she be able to fend off the radical leftist heading to washington . Thats next. I was trying to hang onto the microphone to continue asking the president questions. Obviously i didnt put my hands on her and or touch her as they are alleging and its unfortunate that the white house is saying this. Laura thats all we need to hear from him. Cnn, by the way, issued a statement saying that the president s revocation of the press pass was a threat to democracy. Byron york, a threat to democracy . It was a melee in there. He might as well taking the podium from the president and done the press conference himself. If im a member correctly, this actually happened with jim acosta before during the transition. I think it was a News Conference at trump tower and jim acosta treated it as if it were a one on one as if there was nobody else sitting there, nobody was going to ask questions and you do not have a right to ask questions indefinitely of the president of the United States. If you ask your followup, its over. Laura you just cannot keep the microphone and these other reporters, like, covering what are they calling him . Thats unfair. Its a clever pun. He likes that microphone. Laura i paid for that microphone lets now talk about nancy pelosi. She was treated with kid gloves as you guys pointed out during the break, dan, they are asking her, tell us how great all these new women are that got elected. Whats your favorite color kind of press conference from her. She played a pretty nice and pretty down the middle, different from jerry nadler who was on the rattling off all the investigations hes going to undertake according to Mollie Hemingways piece today. I read the Mollie Hemingway piece. I encourage everyone to do so. Jerry nadler gave an interview to the entire car of the nacelle at heading to d. C. Let me tell you, laura, ive done this before talking a little bit too loud, so i know what jerry nadler is going through. This impeachment thing that nadler allegedly said, this will be a goal number one, think about this. You have upwards to 1215 democrats who just won on the kind of hopychangey stuff. How do you think thats going to go over when they have to go on the record on impeachment, for instance, Steve Russells seat in Oklahoma City that they just won thats like r 6. The polls are showing that people do not want the impeachment style. Do you know who really get that . Nancy pelosi gets that. You saw the answer that they are going be very careful and take it stepbystep. She knows if they overplayed their hand, theyll lose all these deeds. Russia was not a midterm on the issue in the midterms. We saw the exit polls say that 54 of laura immigration number two issue in the state of florida. Only behind health care by three points. Interesting. Guys, fantastic. Great to have you on. Tonights last fight is from a republican woman in california making history, though. You might have never heard of it. Certain first dont count. Coming up. Test. Theres a me no one knows waiting to be set free so, whats the empty suitcase for . The grand prize trophy i was born to be somebody laura at sam for the last bite. The Mainstream Media is fawning over the more than 85 woman elected to congress. That is kind of a cool thing. They are forgetting a republican who is also making a first. As you know i am an immigrant from south korea. I have a unique perspective and to what it means to be an american, to live the american dream. Laura i want to have her on. Maybe shell come on tomorrow. Phenomenal. What a great story. Beautiful, wellspoken, and a credible first. Just elected to congress, thats in californias 39th district. A blue state come a red victory. That is all the tab we have. Shannon bream any fox news in night team take it next. Shannon. Shannon i feel like it could be friday. I can catch my breath. Theres so much news. Well, nice job executing. Thank you very much. Hello, welcome to fox news at night. I am back in washington where we begin with a fox news alert. The white house launching aggressive news in the wake of a Midterm Election after historic gains in the senate. On a night

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