Thank you so much. Au sean have a great show. All right, im Laura Ingraham and the ingraham angle from watching tonight, oh, boy are we loaded up. Candace owens is here on why africanamerican voters in detroit or calling out democrats for taking their vote for granted. Joe digenova and Jason Chaffetz sound off on disgraced former fbi official Andrew Mccabes proverbial middle finger to the ig. And to you in the public. An actual scientist will be witi us to debunk the top three myths that we heard during cnns endless climate propaganda town hall tonight. And seen and unseen Raymond Arroyo the nfl social justice plan for this seasons kick off. And why johnny depp is being charged with Cultural Appropriation. But, first, the disarming truth that is the focus of tonights angle. The huge reaction that we received to tuesday nights angle compelled me to keep this conversation going. Therefore, tonight, we dig further into the democrats plans toff affect a radical transformation of america. So over the coming weeks, we are going to show you in great detail how they intend to erode your freedoms. Your godgiven rights. So reaching their Big Government utopia is going to require that the citizenry, listen closely, the citizenry be eventually disarmed. The Second Amendment be damned. And if liberals dont really trust regular people, they prefer a system where a small set of elites in washington make decisions for everybody else. Including on issues of self defense. So clinging to guns and religion . Bad. Clinging to government . Very good. Got it . And after decades of mouthing banalities about how they supposedly respect gun rights, democrats are now openly advocating gun buybacks, translation, by the way, the road to gun confiscation. And, if we were really paying attention, we would have seen this was their plan was all along. Consider what senator feinstein said nearly a quarter century ago. If i could have gotten 51 votes in the senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, mr. And mrs. America turn them all in, i would have done it. I could not do that. The votes werent here. Laura the ban, she said it. But now they feel like they have momentum, the momentum of tragedy on their side, and they aim to use it. So if it takes exploiting the pain of victims, so be it. If it takes highlighting certain shootings and ignoring others that dont fit their narrative, like chicagos this past weekend, so be it. Lawabiding gun owners are invariably seen as suspicious. Their motives, trustworthy. And then cities teeming with their own problems of filth and homelessness, crime, they try to lecture us on safety . And then they want to divert attention from own failures with stupid stunts. Case in point, San Francisco democrats, they are now targeting americas largest gun rights group. The nra has it coming to them, and i will do everything that i possibly can to call them out and what they are which is a domestic terrorist organization. Laura okay. So if you believe these lunatics, 5. 5 million terrorists are, what, in some type of sleeper cell community and our country today . This is so shameless empathetic that its not worth responding to, but i will ask a few questions. Has the nra ever carried out attacks against against americans . Have they advocated such attacks ever . Have they conspired with anyone to carry out such attacks . Has the nra killed anyone . Not. Urse it is absurd. But since when do facts matter in the antiSecond Amendments fanatics . They dont. Its only getting worse. The left is bullying corporations to do its dirty work. On a host of issues they successfully forced weakkneed Corporate Leaders to fall in line. And including. On the antiSecond Amendment agenda. Yesterday walmart the biggest retailer in the world curtailing gun sales and it had bannedd ar15 weapons the most powerful rifle in the United States and getting out of the business completely and no longer selling barrel rifle ammo. Then kroger, theyns announced ty are forbidding people from openly carrying weapons and their Grocery Stores even in places where it is completely legal to do so. So you have a situation where retailers are competing with each other and not on products they are offering, but to see who goes to the far left. Who wins out in the virtue signaling contest. And, no, it doesnt matter, by the way, if handguns save lives in the hands of good people. It doesnt matter at all. Remember, according to the l. A. Times, they stop crimes and save lives more than 67,000 times a year. Just this week, a houston woman lachelle hujins, she used her handgun to fend off multiple men who tried to rob her. I see this guy, like, pointing something at me and telling me, like, open the door. I couldnt do anything but keep screaming and at one point someone told me to stop screaming and shut up. He reached his hand inside my car. Si had my gun and i shot ui couldnt shoot any more. I was alone. You know, like, im literally screaming in the middle of the street. Laura she was terrified. She defended herself. That is what i call the great equalizer. All these feminists talk about girl power, that is girl power. Hudgins story, by the way, moved congressman and disabled worth war bet dan crenshaw who later tweeted situations like this story or why we protect the Second Amendment. Side note, with universal background checks, i would not be able to let my friends borrow my handgun when they travel alone like this. We would make felons out of people for just defending themselves. Well, that tweet was enough to trigger, pun intended, renowned firearms expert aoc. And she snapped back with a bizarre accusation saying you are a member of congress, why are you lending guns to people unsupervised who cant pass a basic background check. The people you give guns to have likely abused their spouse or have a violent criminal record and you may not know it. Why on earth would you do that . It takes your breath away, does it not . Ou when crenshaw pointed out the utter idiocy of her statement, she just kept firing on twitter. Domestic abusers can be master manipulators, plus Domestic Abuse is a huge indicator for gun violence. That is why vouching for a friend isnt a substitute for background checks. En you s wouldnt lend a car to someone without a license, why lend a gun to someone without a background check . Okay, let that sink in. Aoc things people need to prove to the government that they arent abusive, wifebeating criminals before they can exercise a constitutional right. I must have missed that. The Second Amendment. Thats like cuckoo for cocoa puffs talk. But it is an indicator of how determined the left has become about rolling back the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. And the most disarming truth about this entire gun debate is that most democrat politicians who are committed to drastic gun control measures, gun buybacksmi bans, confiscation are themselves people who never really need to worry about protecting themselves, why . They often have bodyguards, and by the way, they are often paid for by the taxpayers or they have big gates in front of theia homes where fancy alarm systems, et cetera et cetera, et cetera. The regular folks, ms. Hudgins meanwhile, they will have to depend for themselves and hope a Police Officer gets there in time. As we saw in france, that Terrible Club attack, desperate were left helpless unarmed, of course. With only their own shoes to throw at the murderers. Is that where you want to end reup . And that is the angle. Joining mein with colion noir reaction is an attorney and wellknown Second Amendment advocate. Sir, its great to have you on. Why does the left continue to look down with suspicion, derision and you know utter contempt on gun owners . I think it is twofold. You have the elites who are essentially power hungry and they dont like the idea. There is a kind of certain inherent subconscious that arises when they release the general population of people are armed and able to defend themselves. Dont have to rely on them for their safety. Then you have the other side which is kind of the other i like to call the mass in the i middle who are ignorant on the issue. And so they like to talk about these things from an emotional place because they dont have any experience with firearms or knowledge any about them so the only thing they can go to is a emotion so as a result of that when we try to have conversations that are logical and pragmatic, they either shut down or just get emotional about it or start spouting emptyheaded hyperbolic statements or tweets like the same way aoc did with respect to whatever regarding the idea of loaning a firearm to somebody. Which is ironic because me personally ive had to loan a gun to an exgirlfriend years ago because someone broke into herrs apartment. That evening she was uncomfortable sleeping there so what i decided to do was to give her a gun at that time. So she wr protection ifpe something were o happen. But seemingly, these things dont happen in the world. Laura again, they have lines of security or handlers or people who can be kind of a ballast of protection. Most regular people dont have that luxury. I think as you said though, part of the reasons that conservatives do not trust the left on guns is they dont even know the issues. Here is joe biden. The idea that we dont have elimination of assaulttype weapons, magazines that can have multiple bullets in them is absolutely mindless. It is no violation of the Second Amendment. It is just a bow to the manufacturers and the special interest and the nra. Its got to stop. Laura hes a moderate in the race. The magazine with multiple bullets, he doesnt know the difference between a clip in a magazine. Weapons of war, those are machine guns and been outlawed for decades and decades versus a semiautomatic rifle, ar15. La dont even know the basics of this, but they spout off, colion, and they been shooting ranges, their whole lives. It is embarrassing. Well, they say those things even though they dont know what they are talking about because they taking advantage of the ignorance of the mass of people in the middle trying to make a decision on the issue. But i will take it one step further, for me and my perspective and what ive seen im glad that they are doingande saying now. Im glad they are taking it to the extremes they are because for the last several years, me and a lot of people in the Gun Community have been saying, no they dont want common sense measures. No, they are not trying to be reasonable. They are trying to take the guns. They do want to ban and confiscate theasg guns. Largely, weve been met t with this notion we are crazy and dont know what we are talking about. Stop saying that you are unreasonable. But now look where we are at now. You had beto talking about forcing a mandatory buyback, which is a confiscation. If i dont have a choice in the matter, its either ice home e government or go to jail, i dont care if you went door to door or made me come to instead of going to jail but in 2018, if you bought an ar15, you you have an ar15, you can keep it. It was just under a year completely flipped. So how are we supposed to trust these politician with respect to our constitutional right when they flipflop back and forth like a fish that landed on land . Laura well, i think thatsrh they felt all along but a little more clever how they discussed it. Colion, great to have you on tonight and we appreciate your perspective. Democrats and their media cronies playing hardball as we sat on gun control and vilifying Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell for not caving to leftist demandsds to immediately bring a guncontrol vote to the senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is once again signaling he will take no action to tighten restrictions on gun ownership or firearms purchases. Mitch mcconnell needs to figure out who he works for, whether the president , the nra or the american people. When walmart is doing more than Mitch Mcconnell, it is pushing us in the right direction. Joining me now is dan bongin, Fox News Contributor and also author of the forthcoming book exonerated, chris hahn former aide of Chuck Schumer and aggressive progressive podcast. Dan, is mcconnell just working for the nra . Or is he trying to protect american Second Amendment rights and this emotional lurch to enact more Big Government regulations as we have seen in the past . I think mcconnell understands what most sane people understand, especially Law Enforcement professionals like i used to be before i left. Criminals dont give a rats ass about gun laws. Can i say that . They dont care. Now, a lot of people and liberals who have never handled the gun or worked in Law Enforcement talk out of the wrong end of their body and insist somehow the next law iste going to be the one to do this. I get it. I get their concerns. These are serious tragic incidents that happened. Ag i am not minimized that at all because i have children, too. Us the guy with this recent incident where the guy failed the background check and one went and procured a gun the other way already broke the law. What he did was illegal. What do you want to make it . Extra super illegal with a new law . Goodt . For Mitch Mcconnell to bringing common sense debate and stop putting obstacles in front of legal gun owners because the criminals dont care. They never cared about gun laws. Laura chris, going back toto 95 Dianne Feinstein spoke quite openly about, look, if she had the vote she would go for the allout ban on a certain class of weapons. She said it. We dont have the votes now. But do you agree the democrats do feel like they have some momentum now to go for more extreme measures . Just a few years back they said no, no, no, thats not what we are about. Well, i think that the 90s era assault weapon ban actually worked. Laura it didnt work. It didnt work. It did work. 40 fewer people died of assault weapons. Laura it is not linked to that ban, that it is the difference. It goes to different things. But go ahead. Well, i think absolutely momentum to have stricter rules on background checks in this country. I wonder why moscow put a bill like that before the senate. It would pass the senate right now and i also think we have that common sense solution on guns. Market based solutions with insurance with private nra. Can offer that insurance instead of buying fancy houses for a ceo. I think it would be something that would be good and they can control who gets it and have personal responsibility for the people who have those guns so some liability on the owner guns to willynilly and that gun malfunctions and hurts someone. When i was a kid and took nra class, the one thing i learned handling a gun when not properly trained on it is very, very dangerous. For in crenshaw and prior gas to say they just lent their guns out, lest they know that person is trained on that particular weapon, that is something and nra member will tell you that is dangerous and unsafe and shouldm not happen ever. Laura well if you are nra and took nra training, dan learning how to fire a revolver if you are a sensible human being, i dont think dan crenshaw is a moron, and i dont think hes going to hand out his gun to a 14yearold, that is not the kind of people he is. And to say that he was going to get his gun out to a wife abuser, that bizarre aoc tweet what was that, that made no sense to me whatsoever but look hold on, dan, dan bongino, look it isld true that democrats feel much more emboldened today. They feel like the public is on their side. Why not do expanded background checks . Why not lock down the gun shows to make sure everybody has a background check. Very popular in opinion polls. Is this something you will see movement in the white house . Well, of course, there are popular with opinion polls. The media knows nothing about guns and lies to the public like chris just did telling you the assault weapons ban worked. I didnt. Chris is unaware of the study you cited florida which ive read by the department of Justice Department of justice determined that the assault weapons ban have no significant effect. Chris didnt read that and he doesnt know that, but thats okay. Do and then what he does, a liberal hallmark number 2 in a debate and treats americans like they are all dumber than he is. Wow, he tells you guns are very dangerous, guys, maybe you shouldnt handle them as if the average american is so stupid that they have not figured out shooting rounds of bullets that can harm people. Would you stop talking . You annoy me when you do this. Im not going to debate if you talk over me all the time. They firearms can be deadly tools, and they dont need a lecture from chris hahn. They will figure it out, i promise you. And they are deadly too. Cars. And the owners are responsible for what happened. Theyre not in the bill of rights. Hahn, easy. You know that, thats the the car and gun comparison, i mean there are certain things just need to leave behind, that is a lamo comparison, probably no one as smart as you ever took an nra class. The 2nd amendment said well regulated. I cant believe you are a lawyer, turn in your degree. It reads the right of the people. It says wellregulated. It is the only bill was rights that says regulate in it, come on. All right, guys. My favorite headline, from back in 2009 february 15th, i want to put this up on the screen if we could. Kirsten gillibrand, i keep two guns under my bed. And she becomes this big, she was running for congress. And a big gun person. And then the senate, now it is all different, the big bad nra. So shameless. Dan and chris, great to have you both on. Ff coming up, black voters in detroit a dire warning for democrats. Whatan is it . Candace owens is here to tell us next. Here, it all starts with a simple. Hello hi how can i help . A data plan for everyone. Everyone . Everyone. Lets send to everyone [ camera clicking ] wifi up there . Ahhh. Sure, why not . Howd he get out . a camera might figure it out. That was easy glad i could help. At xfinity, were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. So come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. Laura joe biden is leading in all these polls, so why isin his team acting like it . One of the Senior Advisors recently told reporters, do i think that we have to win iowa . No. The last four democratic nominees have won the iowa caucuses. What about New Hampshire . That same Senior Advisor once again downplayed bidens chances. There is incredible homefield advantage for massachusetts candidate or a new englander. And its not just bidens team slowly sounding the alarm. Real clear politics has released new betting odds data for the 2020 democratic nomination, and the odds for Elizabeth Warren. Joining me now to explain is tom bevan, cofounder and president of real clear politics. Tom, what do the betters see that the people right now might be listening . Well, what weve done is basically the same thing with the polls, which is taking aggregation of the nine biggest betting sites. And what you see in the data is that joe biden has dropped in Elizabeth Warren has surged into at least people placing money in thinking she has a better chanc. That is a reflection of the effect this race and is wide open and biden is more of a wobbly front runner then some people are saying at least from what they see in the polls. Laura people today tweeting out photos of one of his eyes, bloodshot thing going on. That happens sometimes. Now, the guy cannot even have a bad eye day. Its like every syllable is amplified. And yet hes running for president. L so you will have your missteps when you dont know where you are, what state you are in, that will be added up into theis he. That is what is resonating, is it not . Definitely. There is concerns that part of this is joe being joe at a Tipping Point perhaps if he has more of these. If they get more, worst of a situation where flooding a war like previously and cant figure out what state hes in. Cant remember stories accurately. Thosee are the kind of things that i think will add to that. Again, he is, in many ways, while he is still considered the front runner in polls, given his past history and the Democratic Party is now,there is a questioo whether he is laura i remember the betting sites going into september and october and i think i was talking on this network and not all that many people were. And i was watching where the money was going. It was interesting to watch, but they pretty much always have a heavily favored Hillary Clinton not as much as the New York Times poll, but it was all pretty much weighted towards hillary. Tt andot as things got through the night, you started saying things like special polling, special bets, but it was a little it dont know how revealing this is now. This is a snapshot in time just like the polls showing biden up 5442. You never want to be down in the polls but none of these polls matter. The general election matchups way too far for the democrats and they dont have a nominee to settle in. In terms of the democratic nominating process, you are right. Take a look at the batting averages and its interesting it provides another metric, data point and perspective where this race is. What you see we gathered six es data in thef latest graph, which we just rolled out. Much more volatile in terms of news events, Kamala Harris urged. Ws she got an uptick in the polls but surged ahead of the betting markets with oddson favorite after the first debate butt ad p down. Elizabeth warrenhas had a stead. Laura Pete Buttigieg on the most magazine covers and the momentum neverra really came. No momentum for him. He had his moment but it seemed to have faded. Thanks so much. And for months we have been hearing how democrats will win the black vote in 2020 by a lot despite all of the obvious economic gains for the africanamerican community. They have benefited undoubtedly because of the policies put in place during thehe trump presidency. Black support is going to consolidate around whoever becomes the nominee. I think we need to be realistic about that. Black folks are not simply, you know, going to come down to the democratic nominee and they will not pick the White Nationalist president. Laura White Nationalist president , how nice. Not so fast. Los Angeles Times talking to black voters in detroit in a dire warning for democrats here in the bag. I thee owens, the author ofof upcoming book blackout candace, so happy about your wedding, your marriage and you were beautiful bride, i saw the photos so congratulations, best wishes on that. Whatsh about this, the taking te black vote for granted and this has been going on for many years, something new happening. Look, laura, ive been on the show with you the last two years telling you that this would happen. The black americans areth goingo wake up and realize we have been lied to, used and abused by the eDemocratic Party. Trump had the audacity to stand on stage and asked black america what you have to lose by taking aa chance on me and democrats havend taken everything from yo. Look at our communities, in the ground, crime, Gang Violence and have the audacity to tell me to look to the border and mexico and we should care about mexico instead of black america. There is no awakening. Thats wht now for black americans. Laura you think this White Nationalist talk, the commentator on one of the other Cable Networks in the sentence with we will not vote for White Nationalist. White nationalist has become what they used to say about halliburton or the koch brothers, White Nationalist, it trips off their tongue. Is that effective longterm shortterm . It is effective for republicans because you are seeing black americans tired of it. Growing fatigued of it. Everyone in america getting tired of racism, sexism but especially white nationalism. Look around the corner they never want to talk about what actually is going on and what is actually killing our communities. Ultimately it is harming them. I encourage them, keep calling everyone a white supremacist White Nationalist but dont be surprised when you wake up and black america standing behind a republican party. Laura cnn analysts are saying that black women willer choose the democrat nominee. Watch. The people who will choose the democratic nominee are africanamerican voters, particularly africanamerican female voters, period. Laura what about that . Was that fredo . I kind of gave it away. A sound bite. Look, these are the same cnn analyst that told us Hillary Clinton would sit in the oval office and they got that wrong. I would like to see them as people with a bunch of wishes in a box. They dont have a temperature on america anymore. They dont have the temperature on black america anymore but theyre hoping and praying that they say racism enough times, someone might believe them. Laura what about the ompresident going to, i mean, hs going to baltimore, l. A. , maybe San Francisco, maybe st. Louis on an urbanti american renewal tour . And just listening to folks, maybe calling certain areas Like National emergency . Because people have been clearly been left behind. There is arg Major Health Crisis going on with the homeless population. What about that . It is kind of risky, but i think he should do Something Like that. He has to do this. I believe he attempted a few years, National Guard with chicago and did g a lot of workn chicago. As the democrats tried to block him and call him a racist. Ii believe he should be putting his focus in black america right now. We are talking the black vote 5 , five points and the Democratic Party is finished. This is why they are so desperate to call everybody racist because theyve never seen this before. The shaking that is happening. At differentg parties and we are into themidsw in black america. Laura candace, i think they are so petrified of trump going into these neighborhoods and try to vilify and scare him away. He should be bold, a bold thinker. Great to see you tonight. Great to see you. Laura tonight, Raymond Arroyo with seen and unseen should there be a size limit for animals on airplanes . You know w. You saw it over the weekend, the nfl wondering and the fans would like the social justice lectures from exconvicts. Ed more next. Laura it is time for seen and unseen segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. So how big is too big for a Service Animal . Johnny depp charged with Cultural Appropriation and nfl turns an excon into a social justice advocate. Joining us with all the details Raymond Arroyoex Fox News Contributor. All right, raymond, we reported some weeks ago that the nfl partnering with jayz, extremely popular and basically a billionaire for a new social justice initiative. What is the latest . The nfl committed 89 million to inspire change. That is their initiative to advocate for criminal Justice Reform and build Community Relations with the police. Now, remember that. This entire movement came out of Colin Kaepernicks kneeling protest. I think we moved past kneeling. I think it is time to go to action action. This is the next phase. There are two types of protesting. How you protest and then the company or the individual to say, i hear you. What do we do next . Next is selling inspire change of apparel. Hes releasing a new song each month and the nfl, making jayz a lot of money and a kickoff concert tomorrow night with megan trainer and rapper. The nfl claims they are inspired change advocates. Those two singers. Mele is an interesting case, laura hes been in and out of jail from gun and drug charges appear in an example criminal Justice Reform is needed, but if you are trying to strengthen relations with Law Enforcement, why feature a guy who sang in a song, stay woke, dreams get shattered when scene full of crackers and they charge you with blank. They are trying to bring people together. Remember Colin Kaepernick did not offend the players union. He offended nfl viewers, fans. Why didnt they use anan inspird change effort for patriotism or to salute veterans and cops . Garn a better leader for this then jayz. Im very concerned about this and i think nfl viewers will be. Laura i have a question did. Mr. Mill get his gun legay when he committed those crimes . Theres always a road to redemption. I agree. Im for criminal Justice Reform. He makes a good case. There were a lot of stumbles along the way but my question is, why are you rubbing this story in peoples faces when it is supposed to be elevating. Laura you shocked me i didnt know jayz was making money on any of this. I thought this was all volunteer work. And other pun intended, dior withdrew their ad after a ferocious backlash that featured johnny depp intoning a native american dancer. You see him there. Ro we are the land, dior, he said. That was too much for some. Ms. Hugacane tweeted i cannot agree with dior exploiting native culture for yes that is savage what the dash and then taylor tweeted, it dont prop it up native people dont use a slur as representation. Now dior did try to get this right. They consulted with an indian group and they were called americans for indians opportunity. This is ron martinez, watch. Cultural appropriation for us is a huge thing because weve been dealing with this since colonization. Our presence on this project for us to make sure the look in the identity is authentic is important. I dont know what else they could have done, laura. Laura isnt he native american . He claims hes native american. Laura hes more native american than Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth warren could have dons clone cologne. Hes claim native american ancestry and he was adopted into a tribe in 2012. Laura i cant believe the pirates of caribbean culturally appropriate pirates . Remember Kim Kardashian a similar thing for she was also inappropriate. We have to move on to Service Animals laura. This is quite a story before we go. Flirty, now the miniature horse why is this horse walking through the airport . Laura where is this horse . Believe it or not this is a Service Animal into American Airlines. The owner claims she is allergic to dogs and the horse soothes her anxiety and reminds her to take her medication. So, laura, i pulled the American Airline Service Animals requirement and it reads fully trained Service Animals and emotional support psychiatric Service Animals may fly in the cabinet no charge. Animal must be a cat or dog, a trained miniature horse may be permitted. A Service Animal. Laura my friend has a ferret and the ferret is her support animal. Su so if it is a horse, this is when you can start begin discriminating against animals. But, laura, my wife is allergic to horses. We scan airplanes for peanut dust so why are we letting a horse on . My feeling is, god bless this lady and i Love Services for the blind. Laura we have to go or im going to go blind. This is terrible. Youre not giving me my time. A i will go get my Service Animal. Laura a boa constrictor next time. Thats what im taking. May s. Laura i dont get that, who cleans up after the animal . Where does it go to the bathroom . It deserves an aisle and you should buy an aisle to have a Service Animal. We could do a whole hour on this. We are, fox nation. Laura coming up the former fbi official Andrew Mccabe, he still around . Democratic fundraiser joe digenova, Jason Chaffetz is on next. Yo laura former acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe claiming it isnt political, but now the Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that the disgraced former fbi official will headline a democratic fundraiser in pennsylvania later this month. No, not political at all just raising money for the democrats. Remember President Trump fired him in march 2018 after this ig report came down saying he leaked information to the media. Wasnt forthcoming about it and the Inspector General is still investigating. Ge joining me Joseph Digenova and Jason Chaffetz chair of House Oversight committee, the brandnew book power grabgo g. Joe, the mask is really off on mccabe. Is that not now . Absolutely. He and comey have done irreversible damage to the f. B. I. But this is not surprising a seamless transition from the private partisan Political Activities he conducted with comey and others especially on behalf of his wife who is running for a senate seat while he was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for her from client in operative. Now, hes just public with this democratic partisan politics. Hes a disgrace to the fbi and hes kind of a pajama boy. As you watch him, there is something kind of weakly masculine about him. S hes a littleee strange. Laura [laughter] he doesnt scream no. Thosef are the kind of people that comey surround himself with, all weird, they are all strange. Laura those are odd. Jason, the fundraiser, just in case you want to get your ticket,congressman, it is purchased through act blue. They range from 80 to 160. The more expensive speaker circle tickets, jason, access to a private reception so if you want to be lied to your face, you can go to the president event. It looks like quite a fewth tickets left but also ones down to 32. 50. Get a signed copy of his book for 32. 50. What of this . This is so terribly tonedeaf. He on the receiving end of one of the most scathing ig reports there has ever been. And at least two more ig reports that are coming out. We know that mr. Durham a u. S. Attorney is looking into the details. And he accomplished something mr. Mccabe did that almost no deother federal employee did and that is he got fired. He got fired not because of donald trump or some republican congressmen wanted him to. Because his peers looked at his actions. He went through the accountability review board. The office of professional responsibility, i should say, and then a career professional who recommended his firing because he was lying. Ld he was less than candid when being interviewed by federal investigators. It doesnt get any worse than that. Laura joe, all these cable outfits hiring all these deep stators, brennan, klapper now mccabe, comey. He hasnt lans he . It is sad commentary on the state of the fbi under comey because if you look at them to see who they aree and what they have done, it is all failure. And it is lying. And it is political corruption and it is deceiving the american people. It is seditiouss behavior. I mean, what a legacy comey has left. This is a guy who taught ethics at william and mary . Give me a break. Laura and hes also the guy who claims he wasnt political as his wife, he said was running for office and they gave a lot of money to the democrats. I want you guys to not forget he was in the room when it happened when rosenstein supposedly talked about wiretapping a sitting president of the United States. He didnt seem all that shocked. Watch. We talked about why the president had insisted on firing the director and whether or not he was thinking about the russian investigation. The Deputy Attorney general offered to wear a wire into the white house. He said, i never get searched when i go into the whitete hous. I can easily wear a recording device, and they wouldnt know it was there. Wanow, he was not joking. Laura all right, jason, he was not at all in a state of shock when he was revealing this. He was like, oh, yes. He was basically saying it was justified although the career the counsel, the general counsel at the fbi,ie bridge too far. He sounds like he would have been fine with it. The scariest thing to me, laura, if Hillary Clinton had won this election, that guy, he was the acting director of the fbi. He was going to be the Senior Leadership and between comey strzok, page, mccabe, thesee are the people who are going to run the seniormost Law Enforcement agency in the world. That is what scares the living daylights out of me. You know what is scary about it . That was the picture of a sociopath. Mth what you saw was the calm, effortless recitation of unconstitutional behavior by a sociopath. That is scary. Laura i would watch it again. The makeup on, this guy is creepy. All right, joe and jason, thank you. Cnn hosted seven hours worth of climate propaganda for the 2020 dems tonight. They just want to bore you to death. Forget viewers, they want to bore you to death. We have a scientist to respond on the real lies and we expose them. Dont move. What were you doing today . You did know that cnn hosted a grueling sevenhour Climate Change town hall . Didnt you see it . Wect believe at the ingraham angle in finding the truth. We have thelo author ofen convenient facts. All right, gregory, lets therein to one of the most common refrain we had heard from the the town hall. This is happening more frequently, we have to tackle the issue so the storms are less likely to happen in the first place. That hurricane is the first to hit the bahamas in a way weve negative answer is before. We have 11years to avoid the catastrophic come wednesdays, we have more extreme weather lake Hurricane Dorian. Gregory is they of this true . Not a bet. In fact, there three things they talked about, two of them is that hurricanes will increase in number, increase anyone tensettt and it is alleged that hurricanes are moving slower because of Climate Change. All of those things we can refute with science, facts and data. Go ahead, sorry. The noaa data we looked at, their data tells us that hurricane numbers are not increasing. Hand falling hurricanes in the United States are in fairly significant decline and the intensity, if we look at that, thats not increased either. And again, with the speed of the hurricanes, slowing to a crawl, granted dorian was one of the slowest, i looked today, according to noaa, most of the slowest moving hurricanes occurred early in the 20th century theres no rim to that will. I want to no relationship to that. I want to get to somebody that Kamala Harris said today about fracturing. We have to see the fracturing is eknorr must to people. There is no question im for banning fracking. Banning fracking . Would that help the climate. Ki fracturing in combination n horizontal drilling has led to a decrease in the carbon monday objection monoxide in the United States there are many studies that show the safety of fracking. It is like the gun debate, facts dont matter at all. It is all driven on emotion. They said cutting Carbon Emissions in the United States k is the key to curbing Climate Change, is that key, going Carbon Neutral or cutting Carbon Emissions. Absolutely, if the United States cut 100 of the Carbon Monoxide emissions, 750. How many jobs is that worth, and have our restrictions for. 750 degrees. Youre so picky. That is a big temperature change. Just wrapping up any moment there at cnn. The last bite is next. Stay tuned. For what you love most. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace is eligibility for a va loan country give our veterans for up to 100 of your homes value. Thank you, admiral. So if you need money for your family, call newday usa. Laura its time for the time for the last bite. Did i hear you correctly say you have to cut your pills in half for your son . We can keep that down a little bit, thanks. Keep the baby quiet please. Bernie reminds me of the movie i saw in the 90s, grumpy old men. It is distracting bernie, get the baby to be quiet please, Shannon Bream and the fox news at night team are never grumpy. That cracks me up about the baby. It made me laugh out loud. One of those moments, so much fun. Have a great show. Shannon fox news alert, the death toll in the bahamas rises to 20 is the total devastation unleashed by Hurricane Dorian is coming to light. Residents say they lost everything. Organizations are mobilizing

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