Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20191118

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in on that call with the president of ukraine, set to testify before the american people in the morning. also late today, the passenger jet evacuated when a passenger had a backpack that was smoking. flight attendants jumping into action. overseas tonight, the tense standoff right now. is it the last stand in hong kong? our correspondent is there. the nor'easter here at home moving up the east coast. rain, snow and ice right into the northeast. we time it out. the queen tonight standing behind prince andrew after what some are calling a disastrous interview about jeffrey epstein, saying he found epstein's conduct unbecoming. >> unbecoming? he was a sex offender. >> yeah. and the heartpounding moment tonight. >> open the door! >> an 8-year-old girl saved from her kidnapper. good evening and it's great to have you with us here as we start another week. and we are following two doping stories. two deadly shootings. the urgent hunt under way this hour another another deadly shooting at a walmart. a bystander with a gun approaching the suspect in the parking lot. the gunman would then turn the weapon on himself. at least nine shots fired. family members rushing to the scene. abc's marcus moore is also on the scene tonight from duncan, oklahoma. >> reporter: the calls came in just before 10:00 this morning. >> getting several reports of shots fired at walmart parking lot. >> reporter: police racing to this walmart, 80 miles south of oklahoma city. >> this is a very sad tale that's unfolding here in duncan, oklahoma. >> reporter: schools placed on lockdown. >> we know that two people were inside of this red car you're i. >> reporter: three people, including the alleged shooter, dead. a handgun found at the scene. >> we have two white males. and a white female. two of the victims are inside the vehicle, one is outside the vehicle. >> reporter: a witness telling station koco that before the gunman took his own life, an armed citizen approached the man. >> he told him to stop and then after that, the shooter did stop and then he turned the gun on himself. >> reporter: police say this was an isolated incident outside the store, but the shooting comes just days after the walmart in el paso reopened, where a gunman killed 22 people in august. >> with the history in the last several years, it has a lot of impact. it makes people very fearful. it makes people wonder what's going on. >> so, let's get right though marcus moore tonight, live from duncan, oklahoma. and any word of a motive tonight, marcus? >> reporter: well, david, police are not commenting on a motive, but they do say that the victims and the alleged shooter all knew each other. and tonight, investigators are looking at surveillance images, trying to get a better picture of what happened in this parking lot. david? >> marcus moore, thank you. also developing just before we came on the air, a verdict in a case that has made national headlines. in colorado, fiance, that young mom, kelsey berreth. he was accused of bludgeoning berreth to death. she was last seen with their daughter at a supermarket on thanksgiving day a year ago. her body was never found. the jury taking just three hours to determine guilty on all counts. abc's clayton sandell on this breaking story, he's at the courthouse tonight. >> reporter: tonight, patrick frazee is a convicted murderer. the jury taking just three and a half hours to determine he killed his fiance. >> it was a sweet day in the sense that justice was brought for this brutal, gruesome, senseless murder. >> reporter: berreth was last seen shopping with the couple's daughter last thanksgiving. patrick, why don't you talk to us? in a trial that lasted just over two weeks, frazee's former mistress, krystal lee, testified frazee wanted berreth out of his life. admitting he went to her condo, tricked her into putting on a w burning her body. lee admitted she cleaned up the bloody crime scene and destroyed berreth's phone, cutting a deal to become the prosecution's star witness. >> i learnedion's final witness, one of fra sooi's fellow inmates in county jail, who claims frazee asked for his help to kill all of the witnesses who were set to testify against him. >> clayton sandell live tonight outside the courthouse. and clayton, not only did the jury come back fast, but frazee was also just sentenced? >> reporter: yeah, david. it happened fast. just moments ago, frazee was sentenced to the maximum, life in prison, no parole and an additional 156 years. david? >> clayton, thank you. and now to the search under way at this hour. the other deadly shooting we're following tonight. and that urgent manhunt playing out right now in california. families and their children were gathered to watch sunday night football when two gunmen got onto the property and began firing. at least four were killed. several more shot. mothers and their children grieving tonight. and in that california community and beyond, they are searching for the suspects. matt gutman is there tonight. >> reporter: tonight, an all-out manhunt for a hit squad that filled this fresno street with gurneys. >> all units responding. >> they may be having multiple victims come in. >> we need ems out to the back. >> reporter: a group of 30 family and friends watching football. ten people were shot, four of them would die. >> they came through an unlocked gate. they walked into the backyard and bega >> reporter: police say the group in the backyard of that watch party were unaware they were about to be gunned down. >> we're going to need more ems ambulances out here. >> four more are in route. >> reporter: police say the two gunmen were reportedly armed with semiautomatic pistols. and there were so many victims that every first responder in fresno was called out. inside the house itself, about 20 others, including women and children. >> thankfully, the children were inside the house at the time, but they could have just as easily been injured or killed. >> reporter: what the gunmen left behind was grisly and traumatizing. >> i had two of my officers that were covered in blood and actually had to be decontaminated. >> reporter: police say it appears to have been a targeted attack in the community predominated by southeast asians, but that no one at the party seemed to have gang affiliations. >> we're coming for you. this is not going to be tolerated. >> reporter: david, now, the surviving victims have told police they could not identify that pair of shooters because all they saw were those muzzle flashes. now, police have been going door-to-door looking for eyewitnesses or even surveillance video that could help identify those killers. so far, no leads. david? >> matt gutman on this story all day for us. thank you, matt. in the meantime, we move onto other news this monday night. the impeachment showdown. televised hearings first thing in the morning, and this week, nine witnesses. some of these witnesses were actually listening on that phone call between president trump and the president of ukraine, and one witness, the ambassador to the eu, gordon sondland, spoke with president trump about what he wanted in crew crane. it all comes as our new poll shows 70% of americans believe the president's request to a foreign leader to investigate a political rival is wrong. abc's mary bruce tonight on the new offer from president trump that he might now answer questions in the inkwirry. skeptics say that's unlikely. mary's on the hill. >> reporter: tonight, president trump is suggesting he may take the house speaker up on her offer to testify in the impeachment inquiry. >> the president could come right before the committee and talk, speak all the truth that he wants. >> reporter: pelosi saying trump could even do it in writing. the president's response? "even though i did nothing wrong, i like the idea and will strongly consider it." but that seems unlikely. trump is currently blocking over white house officials from testifying and he's attacked those who have. >> he should not frivolously throw out insults, but that's what he does. i think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter. >> reporter: the president has dismissed the public testimony so far as hearsay, but that changes tomorrow, when congress is set to hear from three officials who were on that call between trump and the ukrainian president. jennifer williams, a special adviser to the vice president, called it "unusual and inappropriate." and lieutenant colonel alexander vindman, a top ukraine expert on the national security council, told investigators, "i did not think it was proper to demand that a fo of the week is gordon sondland, the trump megadonor turned u.s. ambassador to the eu. sondland has already revised his testimony once, admitting he personally told the ukrainians that if they wanted nearly $400 million of military aid, they would have to publicly commit to investigate the bidens. trump has tried to distance himself. >> let me just tell you, i hardly know the gentleman. >> reporter: diplomat david holmes testified he overheard one of their phone calls in a restaurant in kiev. trump asking whether the ukrainian president was "going to do the investigation?" holmes says, ambassador sondland replied that, "he's going to do it," adding that president zelensky will do "anything you ask him to." >> do you recall having a conversation with sondland on july 26th? >> i don't recall, no, not at all, not even a little bit. >> reporter: holmes said sondland told him that when it comes to ukraine, trump only cares about "big stuff. big stuff that benefits the president, like the biden investigation." tonight, democrats announced holmes too will testify in public on thursday. >> so, let's get right to mary bruce, she's live up on the hill. and mary, david holmes, as you just reported there, he'll testify thursday and we all knoll that's one day after gordon sonland, and sonland is perhaps the most anticipated witness of this entire inquiry. >> reporter: david, sondland has been acting as a middleman. he testified that he told the ukrainians that military aid was contingent on announcing the investigations. but sondland didn't know these were investigations into the bidens. he has already revised his testimony once, though. the big question, will he change it again? david? >> we'll be watching right there with you, mary, thank you. abc news will have live coverage, the hearings on tuesday, wednesday and thursday, begins tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. eastern on abc. meantime, president trump's unannounced visit to walter reed on saturday still raising questions tonight. the white house now explaining that the president had a, quote, free weekend, so he went for, a quote, quick exam and labs, the first part of his annual physical. his first two physicals since taking office were scheduled and announced. the last physical was in february. overseas tonight, in hong kong, police are tightening the noose around a university where protesters are holed up. police firing pepper spray to try to get them to leave. the situation growing more desperate by the hour, and abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell right there on the scene tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the david versus goliath battle. some calling this the last stand in the fight between pro-democracy protes tors and police now in six months. police firing rubber bullets, water cannons and tear gas, surrounding hong kong's polytechnic university where 500 students are trapped inside. protesters responding with bricks, bows and arrows and molotov cocktails. once again, the police firing water cannons. this isn't near the polytechnic university, that's under siege. these are the streets all around it. but now, many protesters are trapped, unable or unwilling to leave. their only one way out -- arrest. overnight, those under 16 have been allowed to leave along with the injured, though it's not clear whether or not they'll still be charged, leaving just a few hundred trapped inside who also want to leave but still refuse to surrender. david? >> ian pannell tonight, thank you. and from london this even, queen elizabeth reportedly approving of the interview that her son, prince andrew, gave to the bbc, breaking his silence about his friendship with accused sex trafficker jeffrey epstein, and the claims he had sex with a teenager years ago. but many are now calling the interview a disaster. and here's eva pilgrim. >> reporter: tonight, prince andrew facing growing backlash after speaking publicly for the first time about his relationship with accused sex trafficker jeffrey epstein. >> do i regret the fact that he has quite obviously conducted himself in a manner unbecoming? yes. >> unbecoming? he was a sex offender. >> yeah, i'm sorry, i'm being polite. i mean in the sense that he was a sex offender. >> reporter: the prince telling bbc's "newsnight." he has no regrets about his friendship with epstein before he was convicted in 2008 of soliciting prostitution from a minor. but just months after epstein's sentence ended, the prince was seen in this video obtained by the mail on sunday appearing in the doorway of epstein's new york home. he says he came to end their friendship but admits he stayed for four days. >> but you were staying at the house -- >> yes. >> -- of a convicted sex offender. >> it was a convenient place to stay. i mean, i've gone through this in my mind so many times. at the end of the day, with a benefit of all the hindsight that one can have, it was definitely the wrong thing to do. >> reporter: the prince insists he never saw any unlawful conduct involving underage girls and has no memory of the 17-year-old in that infamous photo. >> you don't remember meeting her? >> no. >> reporter: virginia roberts guiffre says she was one of epstein's teenage sex slaves, claiming in court filings he ordered her to have sex with andrew on three occasions. the prince flatly denies the allegations, suggesting the photo could be a fake. >> i am not one to, as it were, hug and public displays of affection are not something that i do. >> reporter: andrew claiming he never really partied, but british media now running a string of photos showing the prince getting cozy with multiple women. this after he insisted giuffre's account was impossible. >> she was very specific about that night, she described dancing with you. >> no. >> and you profusely sweating and that she went on to have bath possibly. >> there's a slight problem with the sweating, because i have a peculiar medical condition which is that i don't sweat or i didn't sweat at the time and i had suffered what i would describe as an overdose of adrenaline in the falk land's war when i was shot at. >> reporter: the prince said he would be willing to cooperate if advised to do so by his lawyers, but says he wouldn't have much to offer because he claims to have not seen any sort of the behavior epstein has been accused of, david. >> eva, thank you. there is still much more -- i'm going to have one more story before we go to break. the supreme court halting the release of president trump's tax returns for now. the supreme court issuing that stay to the president and to congress, giving both sides ten days to submit arguments. lower courts have ruled the president's acown stands must turn over his financial records. the president continues to appeal that decision. and now we move on tonight. much-ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. breaking news. the peaker jet evacuated tonight. the passenger with a backpack that was smoking. flight attendants jumping into action. the heart-pounding moment tonight. police banging on the door. an 8-year-old girl saved from the kidnapper who had just been taken from her mother there in the street in broad daylight. and the nor'easter moving up the east coast tonight. rain, snow and ice right into the northeast and we're going to time it out for you. a lot more news ahead. i'll be right back. the city with the most millennials living at home. we all live together here. it's myself, my dad, and my husband, and our three dogs. we hear a lot about millennials, but did you know that more than one in four are caring for a loved one. as the years went on, she took on more and more responsibility. so how do you financially prepare for needing care one day? 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for a few gut-wrenching moments there's no sign of her but then -- >> hey, here she is. >> got her, we got her. >> reporter: she pops up right there in that laundry basket. david, the kidnapper was sentenced to life in prison late last week. we're told that brave little girl is doing remarkably well. she's being described as resilient. david? >> we're just glad she's okay. pierre, thank you. when we come back, the passenger plane evacuated tonight at a major airport. and the nor'easter moving in, we'll track it out. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression and shnk tumors in ov half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. to the index of other news. the scare onboard the southwest jet. smoke coming from a backpack. the plane was evacuated. flight attendants putting the backpack into a fire containment bag. bomb squad on the scene. an overheating battery could be to blame. the nor'easter moving up the coast tonight. the storm battering the carolinas over the weekend. waves smashing through the dunes in the outer banks. fog and icy roads blamed for this crash in virginia. more than 20 people hurt. rain, snow and ice from new york to bosto through maine tomorrow. and the "jeopardy!" dream match. after winning the "jeopardy!" tournament of champions, he'll face ken jennings and brad rutter in the greatest of all-time tournament. that's in jan in prime time here on abc. when we come back, you'll remember the story of miracle the dog what we've learned tonight. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? 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