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the train slammed into a truck east of brentwood near discovery bay. lloyd lacuesta live at the scene he's been gathering information and talking to passengers and officials there about what happened. >> reporter: as you can see behind me emergency personnel are at the train trying to help those injured. 2,000 people were on amtrak 718 who had left stockton earlier. the truck driver was not injured. 35 people are suffering moderate injury, neck and head pain. there are no deaths. we were able to talk to a passenger. >> i was on the train, i was asleep. i just left richmond i was on my way back to stockton. when i was sleeping it was a big ball. i bam. it was sitting on a chair so when i got hit it rattle me back and forth. so my whole side is not doing very well at all. >> reporter: all calls have gone out to ambulances. many passengers are still on the train. >> they are starting to transport patients to local hospitals. i don't have an exact count on how many we've transported at this point. >> amtrak is sending buses here to get people who were not injured. an investigation is on the way to figure out why the truck stalled. >> stay with ktvu channel 2 for continuing coverage, we will bring you an update early on. police in richmond took action to try to find the driver who struck and hit a man in his wheelchair one week ago tonight. patti lee is in richmond and tells us what police were doing at the spot where the crash took place. >> reporter: here at the intersection where the fatal accident occurred there are now these fliers asking for the people's help. for three hours richmond police passed out fliers offering a reward to find the person who struck and hit a man on his wheelchair. a lexus hit cox from behind. cox landed on the hood before being thrown off as he made a left turn. >> we found the lexus emblem. they processed it. >> it's going to be very lonely without him. >> reporter: this man tells us cox and him have been friends since childhood. sharing a common bond. >> he would call me every night. >> reporter: cox' sister told us about his love for the raiders, his family and friends. >> they owe it to the family so we can get peace. they've done damage and they need to make up for it. >> i call that a very coward person to do that. >> reporter: police describe the driver as latino in his 40s with some facial hair. they say it now appears to be an accident but may be facing charges because he failed to stop and render help. a woman in her mid-40s was driving near san leandro high school hit the curb. the teen suffered only minor injures. it appears the woman suffered a seizure. riser has failed a lawsuit including his children. riser claims he was forced to testify at his trial something his trial lawyer declines. riser is now declining a new trial along with all that money. riser was convicted in 2008 for killing his wife nina and laider led authorities to her remains. lay offs are coming to eden medical center. the hospital told ktvu it hopes to drop 5% of employees. one patient we spoke to says he understands the challenges that eden is facing. >> a hospital like any other dizziness, you have to -- a hospital is like any other business, you have to take a look at its costs and overhead. sun power of san jose received a $1.2 billion guarantee. but solar city didn't make the deadline to complete the paper work. this is the same government program that provided solyndra half a million dollars. ali baba is going to make a bid to take over yahoo. yahoo fired its ceo carol barts last month. yahoo owns a 43% stake in ali baba. jack ma is a millionaire from china who plans to spend a year in the united states to learn its culture. rita williams tells us the arrest was made in san francisco in rather undramatic fashion. >> reporter: the man hunt ended today 200 miles from when it began, a block from the police station. >> we wanted to get the violence off the street. >> reporter: more violence like this sparked by a many bike gang member. gonzalez was acting suspiciously sitting in his car. gonzalez was seen on a surveillance tape shooting petigrew. >> the hells angels and the vagos have had a conflict that erupted into violence. >> it's tragic, senseless, nobody is winning nothing, everybody's lost. >> reporter: the hell's angels just printed these t-shirts for the death of their president petigrew's funeral. a disabled man badly burned in a fire at his mobile home yesterday in vallejo has died. jimmy brown called 911 asking for help saying that his bed was on fire and as a paraplegic he was trapped. he was transported to st. francis hospital where he died today. investigators are calling him the mr. magoo bandit. this surveillance picture is from a bank in nevada. investigators believe the same man robbed a bank on tuesday. investigators also believe mr. magoo bandit robbed six banks in san jose. preparations are under way for the weekend's start of oracle open world in san francisco. an estimated 175 thaou people from 173 countries are expected to attend the conference. it'll focus on invasion in business software with product demonstrations. the event begins sun and runs through thursday. the control room in this san francisco county jail is empty for now. so are all the dorms. coming up we'll explain why san francisco sheriff's department is planning on reopening this jail and how many inmates are expected to come in the next month. an athlete's remarkable recovery and what this man plans to do next. another live picture from eastern contra costa county where we are co u.s. officials say a drone attack has killed two top al- qaida clerics including one who was american. jana katsuyama has the story. >> reporter: julie both the cia and president obama has declared the attack today a successful blow to al-qaida. but the killing of the two has raised questions on activists. officials say anwar al-awlaki -- two u.s. predator drones fired missiles killing al- awlaki and a second american who was from south carolina coed co-editor of a afghanistan magazine. >> awlaqi was a threat because of his continued threats. >> reporter: awlaqi was born in new mexico. he inspired the american who pled guilty to the attempted car bombing in 2010. awlaqi exchanged e-mails to the fort hood shooter prior to the massacre. >> this is depriving someone of life without a due diligence. >> if the american president ask order anyone in the world assassinated then we've crossed a very frightening line i think. >> critics say the government should be forced to provide evidence in court before putting someone on the kill or capture list. live in the newsroom, jana katsuyama, channel 2 news. the pentagon will now allow military chaplains to reform same-sex unions gay and lesbians just marked the end of don't ask don't tell. military members can get married on or off base as long as it's not prohibited by official law. a chaplain can conduct any ceremony as long as it doesn't conflict with his or her beliefs. this is a picture of what authorities found on wednesday inside a tractor trailer after an officer did a routine inspection. the border patrol says there were 14-tons of marijuana stashed in crates. the estimated value more than $22 million. the load was headed for the los angeles area, the 35-year-old driver was arrested. newly released jailhouse video shows casey anthony's response to the news that her daughter has been found. in the video you see there anthony putting her head in her hands. anthony was acquitted on charges that she killed her daughter caylee. >> under the state's controversial new prison realignment program but how many extra as ktvu's allie rasmuss explains the numbers don't add up. it's opening up for business again. >> this is county jail number six, it has 360 beds and if the county of san francisco gets an influx of prisoners this is where those prisoners will come. probation responsibilities will also shift from the states to the counties. >> it's the biggest dramatic change in the criminal justice system in 50 or 60 years. >> reporter: the state is giving the county money to deal with the extra burden. >> their numbers are grossly under estimated. >> reporter: the state estimates san francisco will get 26 new inmates in the first month. sheriff michael hennessey disagrees. >> in the first three months i expect to get 450 new prisoners, that other wise would have gone to state prison in the past. >> i don't know where san francisco got those projections but we have provided our projections and that's what we're going on. >> reporter: the state says there's no way to know for sure how many new prisoners will end up in county jail and that's something the state and the sheriff can agree on. >> we just have to suck it up and do the best we can. >> allie rasmus. we checked the numbers for alameda county. we asked the alameda county sheriff's department it expects 150 extra prisoners in three months. the city of palo alto and it firefighter union reached an agreement. the most significant change is the elimination of the controversial minimum staffing requirement. previous contracts required 45 fire officials to be on call autotime. with this agreement the firefighters join other city employees who have now had their benefits scaled back. now to a story you will see only at 2:00. a football player once in a coma is seeing major recovery. he was hit by a player on the opposing team. mcgiver was in a coma for 12 weeks. but mcgovern has made a remarkable recovery and is now going through rehabilitation at laguna hospital. he tells us he can't wait to get to ireland. >> i can't wait to get home, i have tv and i have food. >> the player who hit mcgovern was suspended. police are investigating the case but no charges have been filed. a 9-year-old boy hit by a truck after a giant game is returning home. the phillies have now asked ryan to throw out the first pitch for tomorrow's game. your temperatures today were cooler than they were yesterday. temperatures tomorrow saturday slightly cooler than these. these were from today. tomorrow we're going to see a lot of upper 50s, low 70s. still a nice day. your bay area weekend is going to be mild. you're going to see a few clouds out there tomorrow morning. here we go with the fog forecast or the cloud forecast. 10:00a.m. tomorrow, at golden gate park you have mostly to partically cloudy. that's your saturday. daytime highs are going to be on the mild side. out in the park you're going to be in the low 60s. across the bay or towards fremont upper 50s and low 70s. you're looking at just mid-70s in the warmest spot. when i come back at 10:45, we're going to look at your five day forecast with your weekend in view and there's some rain in view as well. a popular trail in the sequoia is shut down because of the failure of [ female announcer ] at jcpenney uncover mystery savings this friday & saturday. everytime you use your jcpenney rewards credit card reveal savings worth 15...20... or 30% extra off all apparel, shoes and accessories. no exclusions! plus with 4-hr steals save big on $14.99 sweaters for her. 60% off sportshirts and sweaters for him. $12.99 jeans for kids. and 50% off shoes and handbags. go to to see everything on sale. we make style affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. the exact moment when paramedics arrived at michael jackson's home was detailed today. the paramedics testified they were alarmed by what they saw and also by what the doctor did not tell them. >> reporter: the first paramedic to reach michael jackson's bedroom was on the stand today testifying dr. conrad murray never revealed that he gave the singer an anesthetic. >> i asked what his underlying health conditions was, he did not respond. i asked again what his underlying health condition was, and he did not respond. i think it was the third time he said nothing, nothing. he had nothing. >> when i first moved the patient, his skin was very cool to the touch. when i took a first glance at him. his eyes were open. they were dry and his pupils were dielated. >> reporter: prosecutors claimed the 58-year-old doctor repeatedly lied to medics about medications he gave jackson. defense attorneys say the king of pop gave himself the fatal dose after the doctor left. >> but it is adequate for that isn't it? >> if you were watching the screen the entire time. >> okay, when you don't have the audible alarm it's necessary to watch? >> that's correct. >> that's the only difference isn't it? >> that's correct. >> that's a big difference, right. >> that's a huge difference. >> between life and death potentially? >> yes. >> the supervising nurse at the hospital said the singer appeared clinically death when he arrived. in los angeles, adam housley, fox news. stanford university says reports of sexual abuse jumped in 2010. that's compared to 12 in 2009. stanford's police chief told ktvu traditionally sexual assaults on campus have been under reported. >> i think it shows an increase in people reporting the sexual assault assault as opposed to a dramatic number of sexual assaults happening on campus. bank of america customers lost banking access for about two hours today. about 29 million people bank online with bank of america. city bank is joining its competitors in charging new fees for its customers. people with checking account can expect a $15 fee unless the balance is more than $6,000. letters went out this week advising city bank customers about that change. a home that burned for hours. coming up next, returning to see what's left and what's happened to the wedding that was supposed to take place there tomorrow. a live update on tonight's amtrak crash whoa. you gotta be kidding! you guys are exactly who i had in mind when i created my new jumbo breakfast platter. it's a ton of food: 8 of my new mini pancakes, hash brown sticks, scrambled eggs, plus bacon or sausage, all for only $2.99. it's just the kind of breakfast hardworking guys like you need. ...yeah. they're here! ladies, you have the right to remain sexy... at bank of america, we're lending and investing in the people and communities who call the bay area home. from funding that helped a local entrepreneur start a business... to providing grants to a nonprofit which offers job training and placement... and supporting an organization working to help the environment. because the more we do in the bay area, the more we help make opportunity possible. we want to update you now on developing news in eastern contra costa county. news chopper 2 over the scene of an accident that injured several people. you can see there a large stagging area which is just next to the train. >> reporter: the enjury count has gone up to 39. we want to emphasize that authorities are saying these are minor to moderate injury, there was no one seriously hurt and there was no lost lives from this. i notice they've been looking at the track to see if it's okay. the train is still here. there are still 200 people that this train was carrying. it was headed from oakland to bakers field and it got hit while -- it hit a tractor trailer truck. for some reason the trailer was on the tracks about a quarter mile west from where i'm standing here and it hit the truck, the trailer and it continued on. the train did not derail. we're told that the truck driver did not suffer any injuries and he's okay. but they are trying to figure out why was his trailer on the tracks there. now, i've been talking to some passengers they are all describing what happened as a heck of a jolt. here is what a man who was headed to stockton told us about the hit. >> all of a sudden the train was riding smooth. and i heard a boom sound and you just heard the impact and the train i mean the train instantly shook. we didn't really know what was going on. we thought the train had fell off the track and was about to derail. >> reporter: a few minutes ago some of the passengers were actually out here. but they've put them back on the train because they said they want to keep them warm. they're waiting for buses to pick them up and take them on to their destination. one passenger described to me, the second trailer, there was two trailer, was the one that got hit. split apart it was carrying corn and the corn strew across the area. the 39 people, 10 have been sent to sutter delta and antioch. 11 have gone to kaiser deer valley. and 10 to don muer in concord. no serious injuries, they are moderate to minor injuries but it's going to take a while before they get this track cleared. for now no train traffic on this major artery between the bay area and the central valley. live near brentwood, lloyd lacuesta ktvu news. continuing coverage now of a huge house fire near napa that we brought you last night. the home belonged to a wine maker and was set to host a wedding this weekend. the devastating fire all but destroyed the sprawling home that was in the middle of a construction project. >> reporter: this used to be the paul myers home sweet home. >> we're calling ourselves the smoked paul myers. >> reporter: the homeowners returned to salvage things. >> it's the little things. >> reporter: a phone charger. paul myer's stepdaughter was set to marry at the home tomorrow instead crews are breaking down what didn't burn heading to plan b. >> it's a bigger less lesson. it's going to take us a while to figure out what that is. >> we had to go into a defensive mode and stand back and try to put the fire out from a distance. >> reporter: the modern sprawling house was under construction for a new addition. >> it's horrible i don't understand what could have done it. i don't know. so there's a few things going on the other day, and somebody dropped the ball some where. >> reporter: but today isn't about the fire it's about the future and that still has wedding bells because home really is where the heart is not where the house is. reporting in napa, noel walker, ktvu news. changes are coming to an east palo alto intersection after an accident there killed a 6-year-old girl. a raven wood street crossing guard is helping students. that's where zamora was hit and killed. people we spoke to today say the changes were bittersweet. >> it makes me feel better but at the same time it makes me feel sad that this girl needs to die so they can do this. >> reporter: the school district says the guards will be present from 2:00 until 4:30 every afternoon. no word whether they plant to use crossing guards in the morning which is when the accident actually happened. on tuesday the city council will discuss making intersections safer. a driver in another east palo alto accident that day now facing murder charges. the san mateo district's attorney charged banford with second degree murder, felony evading a police officer and felony hit-and-run. oakland police said tonight they have arrested a man suspected in a deadly shooter. michael pew is now in the hospital. the shooting happened on 34th street. guzman was shot several timed. michael peau has been charged with the shooting. ktvu's eric rasmussen shows us how this man hunt is starting to look more and more like a military operation. >> reporter: armoured vehicles. and another 27 s.w.a.t. team members from sacramento made up the largest force yet looking for eric vasler in the woods. yesterday he useed the same kind of gun seen in this photo to fire at a team from the san mateo office. the sheriff urged us to keep our distance from a part of this densely wooded area now considered a crime scene. >> it's horrible, i hope they catch him soon so nobody else has to go through it. >> reporter: neighbors came to thank the officers who have been looking for him for several days. he didn't want to go on camera but vascler's father said he tried to warn police about his son. >> it's all going to depend on mr. vasler based on what he did yesterday we're very -- >> reporter: in fort bragg, eric rasmussen. he spent six days fighting for his life. a man's incredible story of and incredible story of survival out of southern california, a 68-year-old man was found alive after the car he was in went off the road own plunged 200 feet down an enbankment in the angeles forest. david laveu was last seen last friday in his home. his family contacted police but also went outlooking for him and they finally found him yesterday. >> we stopped at every ravine and looked over every hill and then, my brother got out of the car and we kept screaming and the next thing we heard dad say, help, help. and there he was. >> david laveu told investigators he was blinded by the high beams of another car, swerved and that's when he we believe the down the ravine -- that's when he swerved down the ravine. another car was found in the ravine. that belonged to an 88-year-old who's body was stilled in. leeward was flying a world war ii era plane two days ago when it slammed into the ground at high speed. 10 other people were killed and more than 70s others were injured. the marin county decided not to charge a councilman for a hand slap. she filed a complaint but the d.a. decided it did not merit a charge. a powerful storm came on shore. by the time it hit vietnamed it had been downgraded to a tropical storm. but it still had high winds and brought heavy rain. there are warnings of flash floods and landslides. in italy this is going to be a very long weekend for amanda knox. she is the young lady from seattle accused of killing her roommate. knox is currently serving a 26- year-old sentence and insists she is innocent. the family of the victim meredith kulcher believes knox is guilty. in japan someone left 10 million yen which is $135,000 inside a public restroom. a note was along with it saying the money should go to help victims of the earthquake and tsunami. it is hard to top a view from the air. so why is there a new plan to limit flights? you might be surprised by the [ female announcer ] at jcpenney uncover mystery savings this friday & saturday. everytime you use your jcpenney rewards credit card reveal savings worth 15...20... or 30% extra off all apparel, shoes and accessories. no exclusions! go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. whoa!! the really big chicken and it's as big as ever. i'm gonna jump it! you can't jump that! it's two chicken patties, topped with bacon, and melting cheese plus seasoned curly fries and a drink for only $3.99! what do you know? your only a baby! vrrrrooooom! i'm t-rex and i came out of extinction cuz i heard the combo was back! and that got a million hits? yep. why do we even make commercials anymore? 'cause you like to be in them. everytime you use your jcpenney rewards credit card reveal savings worth 15...20... or 30% extra off all apparel, shoes and accessories. no exclusions! go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. helicopters and plans provide tourists of the pay area's most beautiful spot -- of the bay area's most beautiful spots. now there's a plan to limit the flights. >> it's peaceful, it's beautiful, no place like it. >> reporter: and it is the golden gate national recreation area. the marin head lands, the precidio, alcatraz and so much more. >> i just think it's gorgeous. it's relaxing, for me it's a place of peace. >> reporter: peaceful it is but maybe not quite peaceful enough. a couple of government agencies are trying to crank the volume down a bit. to protect the visitors, to protect the animals and they're looking to the skies to do just that. >> the faa and national park service want to cut back on air tourism. and limit the number of flights and helicopters over the ggnra. >> part of what we're mandated to look at when we're regulating this kind of use in a national park is the impact on wildlife. >> reporter: congress passed a law back in 2000 requiring national parks to enact what's called an air tour management plan. san francisco sea plane tours flies passenger all over the ggnra. the owner says while his business will take a small hit, he supporting reducing the flights. >> having helicopter buzzing over head would impact the visitors experience. >> limit the noise? >> yeah, yeah most definitely. >> reporter: most people we spoke to agreed. limit the noise, dive into the parks, and enjoy the view. mike mibach, ktvu. vector control hit the streets to control mosquitoes carrying west nile virus. the area targeted is bordered on the north by willow park road and in the south by clayton road. they had complaints about large numbers of mosquitoes and west nile virus has been detected in that area. tonight's fogging was expected to end at 10:00. a battle was brewing tonight between the city of martinez and an artist celebrating a mural of that city's history. he was asked to paint over an important part of his painting. a beaver. the city says it doesn't belong alongside martinez greats like john muer and john demagio. the winds are up as we head toward the bay area weekend. you're going to notice temperatures a little cooler than they have been. we have some wind at the golden gate bridge right now. the winds are gusting to 15. this is this direction. there is fog offshore and low clouds headed inland. that will be alameda tomorrow when you wake up. they'll be clearing tomorrow afternoon. a little bit of drizzle in the morning early hours. shouldn't be enough to shut you down. the weekend looks like it'll be a classic fall weekend. you can look forward to 60s and 70s for most of us. i don't think we'll see any 80s. overnight lows drizzle possible in the morning hours. it's this kind of weak weather. it'll increase the winds. here's the system you can see it forming up here. you can see a little bit of drizzle in the tail end. in san francisco it'll be late tomorrow night, early tomorrow morning. i imagine by 10:00 in the morning it'll be just a memory. you're going to see some clearing. as we head into the bay area next week. like monday and tuesday. look what shows up this is a nice looking weather system a couple of them. for this time of year, it's a pretty significant system in that we could see a half inch or an inch of rain in the next few days. tonight at 10:00 i will step out of the way. see what the model has done, it's got a little bit of something going on here. that can translate to drizzle. as you go into tomorrow night and sunday morning, some fog and low clouds sunday morning. then clearing in the afternoon. look what developing up over my shoulder that's sunday night. as we get into monday. there it goes. there's your first brush with rain. real rain. that's monday around lunchtime. the afternoon commute looks like it'll be wet at this point and there's another one teed up out here more powerful that will get in here on wednesday. tuesday will be scattered showers. your weekend looks good. it's just transitioning now to this cooler, weather pattern it's going to feel a lot different than it did last saturday for kpaáfrpl. e x a mple -- example. don't shut your plans down, there's a lot of stuff going on it's just going to be a little all right mark is here with sports. some lousy weather back east. >> it put a cramp in the style. those yankees were anxious to get it rolling into another past season. it's suspended because of rain. although they did get things started on time. the pride of vallejo, cc sabathia. 1-0 lead in the first then in the bottom half of the first. yankees were two on. >> a rod with an out at first but jeter scores to everyone things out. but then the rain, look at it come down in sheets. eventually officials suspended. it'll be picked up tomorrow at 8:37 eastern time. well don't know if they can take it the distance but the tampa rays have that look of one of those teams that puts it all together down the stretch and they kind of blow right by etch else. it's kind of running out of steam as the giants can tell you it's all about when you peak as in last year. first-inning and it is johnny damon going deep. the guy knows a little something about postseason baseball and he's doing it up right for tampa bay. they are also getting help from pitcher moore. here's one of his six strike outs. the rays weren't done as they've got a fellow by the name of kelly shapick hit not one but two long home runs for tampa. and they win it 9-0 tampa with a 1-0 lead in the best of seven. as we reported last night, someone was going to bare the brunt. the whip comes down quick. manager francona is out. the feeling was apparently mutual. francona was ready to move on any way after four years and a couple of championships with the red sox. time now our high school football game of the week. takes us to the south baby popular demand. oak grove, both teams could ill afford a loss because each had one already. first half game 7-7. oak grove caps a nine play. ray rivera hits cleveland wallis for a 12-yard score 14- 7. glen answering right back. their quarterback rich rivea with a nice shot of illusive skills as he avoid a couple of shots. second half all oak grove doe rivera hit 5-11 for three touchdowns, three through the air. trevor sheets with the touchdown there. and then early fourth quarter. rivera with a little shorty to caleb harvey. 53yards the touchdown. harvey had 102 yards rushing and oak grove winning handily. they are now 3-1. not that they need them right now any way but raider rookie quarterback terrell prior won't be suiting back any time soon for a game after his five game suspension. upheld by roger gudel. while he starred at ohio state the commissioner prior left college to avoid sanctions against him. he will not allow prior to manipulate the system that way. so prior will not be eligible to be activated for a raider game until october 9th. raiders in new england that's going to be a great one this weekend. that's the sports life for a friday night. not to forget nineers against the eagles. >> mark, thank you. we want to bring you up to date on a collision between an amtrak train. the train was on its way with a final destination in bakersville. the train rant into a truck that had stalled on the tracks. 39 train passengers suffered minor to moderate injuries. the truck oh, i see. a throne for the tv... room for movies... your workout gear... non-stop football... it's a man cave! the boys next door will never leave. who says we want them to? you guys are exactly who i had whoin mind when i createdg! my new jumbo breakfast platter. it's a ton of food: 8 of my new mini pancakes, hash brown sticks, scrambled eggs, plus bacon or sausage, all for only $2.99. it's just the kind of breakfast hardworking guys like you need. ...yeah. they're here! ladies, you have the right to remain sexy...

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Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , Japan , Nevada , Brentwood , Alameda County , Oakland , Afghanistan , Eden Medical Center , San Leandro , China , Alcatraz , New Mexico , Stanford University , Central Valley , Virginia , Stockton , Richmond , San Francisco , Fort Bragg , Marin County , South Carolina , Sacramento , San Francisco County , Ohio , Ireland , Ali Baba , Bamian , Italy , America , American , Amanda Knox , Caleb Harvey , Sutter Delta , Jack Ma , Michael Pew , Frank Somerville , Rita Williams , Los Angeles , Francisco Sea , Cleveland Wallis , Jimmy Brown , Eray Rivera , Paul Myer , Carol Barts , Michael Jackson , Paul Myers , Conrad Murray , Allie Rasmus , Michael Hennessey , Noel Walker , Eric Rasmussen , Johnny Damon , Patti Lee , Anwar Al Awlaki , Adam Housley , Casey Anthony , Doe Rivera ,

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