Transcripts For KNXV RightThisMinute 20160910

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it's accept 9th. we've got an all-new show "right this minute." disturbing video is discovered by the children of an elderly woman. >> we realized their mother was, in fact, being abused. >> the story of how a camera busted the care taker. it's a slippery rescue in a swimming pool, but -- >> i'm not going with you. >> how mr. hot and bothered a kayaker's got a mad skill. >> the beer roll without the beer spill. >> it's so cool. we've got christian, oli, charity, gayle and nick with the best viral videos including a cliff jumper's proposal. but, see the twist that was so not part of the plan. >> and you're like well will you two marry me? >> it breaks my heart so much to know that people like this exist. especially when you guys know i love my grandmother so much. to see someone attack someone else in this vicious manner absolutely is -- that's a 96-year-old woman that's been put in that 25-year-old -- >> christian this is truly heartbreaking, because these people can't fight back. >> and not only that, this woman is diabetic but not just that caretaker, throughout a period of years -- >> oh, come on. >> put this poor woman in this abuse. >> nobody noticed the issues with the mother but never suspected that the injuries could come from someone caring for her? >> a family member says the woman did say to them someone is trying to kill me but because she has dementia they thought that maybe she was just making things up. and it wasn't until they went back and jt footage that they realized their mother was, in fact, being abused. >> was this person actually a qualified nurse? >> well there's no word on whether she was just a person they hired as a maid to help this woman or if she is actually qualified. but you don't need training to be a decent human being, and the judge that ended up seeing this case recognizes that and ended up putting this woman in jail for ten months. >> and just as disgusting as to china, where it's absolutely beautiful thing happened and was captured on security video. keep an eye on this guy right here. that is a police officer. and that is an elderly woman who needed help getting -- not just carrying her from the platform onto the train, this woman apparently had forgotten her i.d. >> she couldn't even get on the train. >> so this guy picks her up, carries her all the way home. so she can grab wha to get on the train. carries it all the way back, and she's able to make her train with three minutes to spare. >> pick up -- >> right. >> i want you to meet bob. bob was found wandering in an urban area. >> it's a cat named frog. >> you can see poor frog wandering in an urban area with that front leg just like that. victim of a hit and run or just a mean human doing something to it. >> i could cry. >> the people took him in. >> ooh. >> that leg is completely useless. there is no life in there. >> they are going to have to amputate. but the good thing is is that cats and dogs can live perfectly fine missing a leg. so after he was found and cleaned up they discovered he had a broken spine. so, you see from this -- >> ow. >> surgery, they cut that leg off. you can see all o been shaved off but the good news is, after this, somebody gave him a forever home. and look at this. >> oh, look at that. >> are you kidding me? >> this cat's been more places than i have in europe. ?? >> yeah, just don't fall into the canal little buddy. >> i could still make it to the cat food, don't get me wrong. he is a cool cat. this badger, not so much. check out this individual pro apparently this badger was stuck in that area. this is martin. he's got to get up close and personal and the badger is like, i'm not going with you. >> he has to do a tool change because that one's not working. the stick with the lasso at the end, that's not working. badger is like i'm going to go up to the fence, no, you're going to get stuck. and it does. but just a little bit. >> a little bit of help. there gu. >> there are some people on the bunch running video, too and delay say let's see what they got from their angle. >> oh, my gosh. they were playing pokemon >> they missed. >> a normal turn for these two in china. here they are in the toll booth everything looks just fine when suddenly -- >> the camera starts shaking almost like there's an earthquake. >> whoa! >> somebody hit it, didn't they? >> yes. >> a semitruck carrying vehicles 131 feet long and as it goes smashing through the toll booth the women going flying. >> they're so lucky they didn't just get squashed in there. >> and at one point in the video the women were taken to the hospital with serious conditions. the one has spinal cord injuries. the other one is still there. on september 21st laws could change about modified vehicles like this one so that more people aren't injured. in fact, they're saying that trailers like these are absolutely too long and can cause more accidents on the road because other drivers can't get around them. when they do, it could be deadly. >> this take place in brazil. take a look at that. >> flat tire and dragging -- >> the woman hit a motorcyclist. the way. she's still dragging the bike. >> no! >> oh, that's carnage. >> she drags this motorcycle just over a mile. you can see the shadow of other motorcyclist he was with that other biker and caught it all on tape. and as she pulls into the gas station, there's the bike, there in the front. >> they're pulling into the gas station. like i say there's something -- >> can you check the air in my tires? >> there's your problem. >> it's a moat bike. >> police were called. they did take her in. driving, resisting arrest -- her family says she has behavioral health issues and suffering from depression and on medication. >> i can't believe that person had the gall to just keep driving. >> it's so bizarre. [ inaudible ] >> we made it. it's my favorite part in everyday we're exposing unsung heroes that just need to get out there like this he's in sweden but a bit of a kayaking expert. >> and then -- >> oh, i love seeing people do that. it's so cool. >> on point. >> just epic like i said, this guy is my new hero of the day. this might be a thing i have to start "right this minute." my hero of the day. because yeah he just demonstrated to these guys, if you want to do it they call the it and you can master it you can do it without one. >> okay. >> so good. i'm so impressed. >> try it. ?? >> it's exactly the same, nick. you are also my hero of the day. >> no you're the zero of the day. >> just ahead, in more of todas around with face point. >> this is hilarious. >> what? >> in what messed up world is this remotely funny? >> see the scary twist on the comedic classic. and a guy decides to bust out an old school hang glider and launch it off -- >> find out how it holds up when it's time to take off. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies... try clarispray. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, return to the world. try clarispray today. i had that dream again -- that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] ? ? grocery shoppers of america! take your o organics baby carrots. take your eggs. even your o organics chips. and join the organic movement. organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. now everyone can afford to go organic. exclusively at albertsons. closed captioning provided by -- gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliates, duces bumps 74%. gold bond. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. i don't know if you noticed but the world sucks. or at least that's what they're trying to tell everybody. you know what? not everybody stands for it. it's actually not these guys. >> what's up guys? today we're trying to spread some positivity by handing out nice notes to people. >> how you doing, sir? >> i was just walking by but i loved your energy so i wanted to give you this. >> oh. >> get the smile ready. >> thank you. >> no problem. >> you have a great -- >> you know what it is? it's that famous saying be nice to everybody because you haven't walked a mile in their shoes. you do not know what they're going through. somebody may be having a horrible day and just getting a note that says you're awesome, maybe the thing that puts a first time in that whole day. >> exactly. i mean like very much like this next lady sort of walks up, and i think has got a little bit of a, what are you trying to pull. but she epps it up. >> oh. and she wasn't smiling. but that's -- >> she definitely was. >> look. she just got that look of contentment on her face. and it's just like this over and over again. it doesn't matter who it goes up to, young guys saying you're the man or all these other people. just get a nice like, huh. >> l today i want to give you this. this note. >> oh, thank you. >> i think people looking like, maybe inspire some other people to go out and do that. and just a little bit. little bit just seemed like because the world doesn't suck it can be awesome. [ indiscernible ] >> oh, thank you. you're awesome. >> have a good day. you're about to show you evil. and i'm not talking about me. >> uh-huh. >> legitimately -- >> everyone is legitimately scared of clowns when they're like this muppet. >> exactly, because of this right here. >> just get your makeup done like that. and carry around a sign that says free see how -- >> people are doing that right now. >> i know. >> this is the work of artist lonny. >> look at the muscles, and the sinew and all that kind of stuff that you can see dude i can show this to my wife. >> she hates clowns. >> and this is hilarious. >> what? >> in what messed up world is this even remotely funny? >> looks like a mask. >> we can put this video on our facebook page and you'll see 700 comments saying nope. >> this is the kind of vintage clothes, vintage cars. but you don't have to -- >> thank you. >> might not be the thing that you put your face and -- it's all part of colorado fly week the pilot 62 years old decided to bring out this 1979 hang glider and launch it off 10 >> made of steel. >> here he goes. >> this looks so solid compared to what we're used to seeing. and it still works. and it works -- >> uh-oh. >> a bet heavy he says but no drama here. i led you down a path. no drama here. he had a little bit of an issue with his gloves, said they weren't quite as grippy as he thought. got his right hand caught up in some of the strapping but this life. just because it's old doesn't mean that it doesn't work. give it a chance. >> and then throw it off a cliff. >> guys! >> a son's greatest gift to his dad. >> get ready for the waterworks with this video. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, live with kelly's looking for a fresh face to kill in, but the thing is -- >> that's right. you! >> so i'm thinking, i'm thinking, we all throw our hat in the ring, as well. >> see how you can go for the gig and why you probably have a better shot than us. >> kelly give me a chance because i mildly resemble your husband? >> not really. >> oh, my gosh. >> i wish you did. >> not even close! >> plus >> open your mouth. >> why this fashionable lizard what muscle pain? what headache? what arthritis pain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money... and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured onthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control provided by -- e-10 eczema relief is specially formulated for eczema, with the strongest non-prescription itch medicine for fast, lasting relief. cortizone-10 eczema relief. feel the heal. apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. the saying no, no, no, not for you. it got a corner, and he turns around like it will not take it. >> yeah. >> it's all going to the birds. >> he's just -- >> and at the head of the table. >> come on. >> clearly this cockatoo wears >> this next video meet macgyver. macgyver likes two things. shrimp and papaya. >> wow. >> macgyver is a big boy. >> mm-hmm. >> adorable sweater that macgyver is wearing. >> fashion forward macgyver. got to appreciate that. now somebody's been putting food out for a feral cat. they were noticing the feral cat would leave some but now the bowl is empty so a camera was set up to see who exactly is taking all the she thought it was a raccoon. but she had a whole menagerie of animals showing up. first it was a possum. and then a skunk. so we got a possum and a skunk. but then >> -- >> is this over the hedge, too? >> this is a community bowl. normally i'd be upset like you're eating the cat food. it's a feral cat, all is fair. >> this is on the cat cloud youtube channel realized i can't be feeding raccoons as well as feral cats but it wasn't just one raccoon. >> wow. >> i counted five and of course you know they're going to get in on it. that wasn't the end of it. guess who came next? big old tomcat. >> they just need to start leaving steak out obviously everybody's going to be eating. >> now you know we're looking for a co-host around here i'm not sure if you heard that. that's right. you could be the co-host. >> you can see kelly ripa and that f right there morris chestnut. as you know over the last few weeks they've been having all kinds of celebrities co-hosting while they've been looking for one. now they're looking for another one. >> i'm building a co-host empire. >> a chance to be kelly's co-host for a day. go to or our facebook page for details on how to enter by september 20th. >> i should point out that they haven't expressly said that it's open to people who haven't done television. it says you just have to be 18 years old and a resident of the which, well, we all are. >> so i'm thinking -- i'm thinking we all throw our hat in the ring as well. >> get my agent on the phone. i've got to put a call in to new york. >> hello, kelly. >> they're not dealing with either of these. i bet >> come on. what -- >> totally going to do it. i'm definitely submitting myself into this and everybody at home should do as well. hello, kelly. i'm oli. i was born in hong kong, and i'm british, not >> no, no, no. don't hire him forget about him. hire me. i speak two languages i might even give you a ride on my motorcycle. >> don't worry about him. charity bailey here i also speak two languages one of them is -- [ indiscernible ] i need a new wig i'm going to go for it. >> -- credit card -- >> kelly i want to come to your house and cook og your electrolux stove it looks awesome. >> give me a chance because i mildly resemble your husband? not really. >> oh, my gosh. >> i wish you did. >> not even close. >> okay. maybe everyone at home should just take those as examples of what not to do. why don't you sit down, put together a minute video and submit it. >> just go to our website and facebook pag and good luck, and i'll see you here. >> yeah. >> we'll be here. >> that's a good-looking man. >> i know it! >> a fake injured knee has girlfriend coming to the rescue. but -- >> notice he gets down on one knee. >> so it wasn't a rock. >> and it kind of hurt his wallet. >> see why what happens next might hurt his ego. you'd like. >> you just go -- >> we've had so many beautiful videos on this show of falls in arizona stunning lakes >> oh, no. wings my friend. >> tyler crow we have a problem. he injured his knee. >> did he hit a rock or something? >> who knows maybe he just twisted it on the way fortunately tyler has his girlfriend there in the crowd so she can come over and take care of him no problem. >> i got an owy. >> i got you, baby. >> so it was a rock. >> and it kind of hurt his wallet. >> he opens the box and is about to propose, because you know, he's feeling in the mood for love. >> going to slide right by. >> no. this isn't the prank. >> oh, come on. >> he's lost the ring. i'm not kidding. ?? >> the real ring or the plastic ring he should have put in there? >> and he's like well, will you still marry me? >> >> and use your imagination. >> oh, my gosh! >> and she says yes. >> yes [ bleep ] >> and you can see it in his face he feels like a broken knee >> why would you jump with the real ring? >> because they do have -- and they searched and 20 minutes later on the end -- they found the ring! >> get out! no way! le. >> how the bleep did they find that ring? >> oh, my gosh. >> oh. >> thanks for hanging with us today. we appreciate it. check out it's been a deadly day on the hiking trail, and another scare tonight. >> and this time it's echo canyon. two people lost in the darkness of the night. kim tobin is the joining us live. >> they're okay, but it's going to cost them? >> reporter: yes, $107 is how

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