Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 1130PM 20160712

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>> at a candlelight vigil, remembering the five slain dallas officers. >> brent thompson was my friend. he is a hero. >> the community and police side by side. >> what it did was galvanize us. >> a stark contrast to events around the country. protests ever on killings of two black men spark outrage. we are now learning more about the sniper who targeted white officers and according to authorities was planning a much larger attack. investigators say it was in this middle class neighborhood at a home shared with his mother where my kag -- micah johnson had a stockpile of bomb-making materials. his parents speaking out in an interview with "the blaze." >> i don't know what to say to make anything better. i didn't see it coming. >> authorities believe the 25-year-old army vet fast tracked his plans to murder police. dr. brian williams was one of the doctors who worked to save their lives. >> we have to come together and end all of this. >> dallas' police chief says he has a solution. >> serve your community. continue be part of the problem. we are hiring. we are hiring. >> reporter: and many more people have been contacting dallas police to join the force in the wake of the shootings. tomorrow president obama and the first lady will visit to honor the fallen officers and their families. in dallas, abc7 news. >> thanks, adrian. we want to continue our team coverage with melanie woodrow. >> melanie? >> ama and dan, police officers from san francisco, richmond and concord are headed to dallas to pay their respects. meantime san francisco mayor ed leigh attended an inter faith vigil for peace held tonight. >> inside san francisco's grace cathedral people came together for a vigil for peace. >> i thought i just have to come. >> it was in the stained glass windows. it was to restore peace and issue a call to action. >> it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. >> memorial and funeral services continue for five dallas police officers shot and killed last week. >> it is a scary thing to think about. where is our world going? >> she brought her 16-month-old daughter to the vigil. >> i want her to live in a world that does not label her. i want her to live in a world where she can be happy to be who she is. >> it is a world he wants for his six-month-old daughter callie as well. >> when we walked in, nobody professed their race. nobody professed their religion and nobody professed their age. their sexuality. we just walked into a room full of peace. >> san francisco mayor ed leigh attended tonight's vigil. police officers around the bay area including from concord are getting ready to travel to dallas. >> it means a lot to be able to go out there, but it is sad we have to. >> back in grace cathedral, prayers for a better tomorrow. >> ♪ we shall overcome >> and a brighter future. in san francisco, melanie woodrow, abc7 news. >> and a reminder that abc news will have live coverage of the memorial for the five fallen police officers. the coverage will begin with president obama and former president bush deliver their re, mas. it is expected sometime around 11:00 a.m. it was a fifth straight night of rallies in atlanta as people hit the streets to protest the police-involved shootings. officers are working 12-hour shifts and it is beginning to take a toll. police made several arrests, but tonight's demonstrations were mostly peaceful. an inmate in a desperate bid to escape shot two bailiffs in a michigan courthouse today. he wrestled with the officers and grabbed one of their guns. he also wounded a deputy and a bystander before other officers shot him dead. it happened in st. joseph which is near the indiana border. new at 11:00, a bicyclist is in critical condition after being hit by a car in downtown san jose. it happened at first and mission streets. our media partner at the san jose mercury news reported the bicyclist ran a red light. the driver cooperated with police. >> in the east bay, it is an open house for burglars. police say thieves are targeting houses for sale and making off with furniture and even appliances. abc7 news reporter cornell bernard is live in concord with the story. cornell? >> ama, these days homes for sale are attracting not only interested buyers, but interested burglars too. police say you can protect yourself. this house near downtown concord is for sale, but you won't see a sign. it was removed after a break in. tv's and personal items were stolen. police say the owner had recently moved out. >> it is a trend that's been happening for years now. >> concord police corporal said last weekend two homes for sale were targeted by thieves. one in concord and the other in nearby glase. jay we had houses for sale and they were broken into and appliances were stolen. >> police don't know who is responsible. teresa's daughter lives next to a recent for sale target. >> she is worried about her house too. >> it is communicating. >> the concord real for says these heavy duty blue tooth lock boxes can only be accessed by licensed real fors. real -- realtors. this box holds a lot of information. >> we know who has been in that house every minute of the day. >> not every thief uses the front door. >> there are so many people around. >> their best advice for protecting your home is basic. >> talk to your neighbors and let them know that the house is up for sale. >> good advice before and after the sale. in concord, cornell bernard. >> the warriors and usa basketball are waiting to see how the investigation of draymond green's arrest plays out before making decisions about his future. tmz video shows green being taken away by police in east lansing, michigan on sunday. the site m live reports that draymond green slapped a football player near his alma-matter, michigan state. he will be arraigned next week and unclear if he has to attend. the country's oldest park ranger is heading back to work following a violent robbery at her home in vallejo. two weeks ago somebody broke into betty reid soskins home, beat her and robbed her. intruder even ran off with her presidential coin that the white house says they will replace. she is set to return to work at the rosy the riviter place. she vows to the to move from home. the securities and exchange commission is investigating following a deadly crash. they want to know if tesla broke the law failing to report that a driver died in florida while his car was on auto pilot. a spokesman reported that tesla said they were not required to report the crash to investors. 7-eleven handed out free slurpees across the nation. however, if you were in berkeley you couldn't get one. sean ruse took a photo at the 7-eleven on san pablo avenue. none of the berkeley locations said they would be participating because of the city's sugary drink law. 7-eleven was giving away the slurpees because today is 7 will be 11, july 11 -- 7/11, july 11th. a robot versus a child. the south bay child injured by a machine that isment to provide security -- that is meant to provide security. >> and the pokemon phenomenon that is sweeping the bay area and the nation. how much information are users putting at risk. >> and first it was flour and cookie dough. there are new pantry problems as an e-coli recall expands. >> i am meteorologist sandhya patel. find out when we will see some hot days coming up. >> thank you, sandhya. first a look at what is coming up on "jimmy kimmel live" after abc news at 11:00. gem me? >> here is what awaits you tonight. >> if you don't vote for jimmy kimmle for vp i will personally give each and every one of you the attitude adjustment you deserve. fremont, palo alto, north bay and all of the bay area, this is abc7 news. >> the san francisco company behind the wildly popular mobile game pokemon go is working to fix a mistake that gives it full access to some users' personal information. pokemon go lets them track down digital creatures in the real world and collect them. the tech blog 9 to 5 mac reports new apple users who signed in with their google accounts automatically gave the company full access to their google profile information. they said they did not access any information beyond the user id's and pass words and the error will be fixed soon so users don't have to take any action themselves. the parents of a little boy who got knocked down apparently and run over by a security robot at stanford shopping center is trying to get the word out. >> they say the machine is dangerous and fear another child will get hurt. lilian kim is live in palo alto with the story. lilian? >> reporter: dan and ama, the parents say the robot should be taken out of service. otherwise they believe another child will get hurt soon. stanford shopping center security robot stands five feet tall and weighs 300 pounds. it amuses shoppers of all ages. 16-month-old harwin chang had a collision with the robot. >> the robot hit my son's head and then he fell down facing down on the floor. and then the robot did not stop. it kept on moving forward. >> reporter: harwin's parents say the robot ran over his right foot causing it to swell, but luckily no broken bones. harwin got a scrape on his leg from the incident. >> he was crying like crazy. he never cry. he seldom cries. >> reporter: the company that built the robot has yet to respond to the e-mails and voice ails. voicemails. they are set to respond to changes. the fact that it didn't stop when it hit harwin is concerning. >> today is a day and age where everything has a sensor. >> maybe they need to work on the sensors more. maybe it stopped detecting. >> what is more worrisome is a security guard told them another child was hurt from the same robot days before. they hope by sharing their story other parents will be careful the next time they are at stanford shopping center. lilian kim, abc7 news. two more products are on the recall list for containing possibly tainted flour. general mills today recalled two flavors of betty crocker cake mix, carrot cake and party rainbow chip. no illnesses are connected to the product, but it includes products that could contain e-coli. it was produced by general mills. 10 million pounds was voluntarily recalled in may. in less than an hour, amazon's prime day begins. right now amazon's home page is ready to go announcing the upcoming event. amazon started the manufactured holiday last year and shipped more than 34 million items worldwide. that broke amazon's black friday sales record. however, some shoppers complained on social media that the deals were not actually that great. wal-mart is offering an alternative, free shipping on all orders until friday. >> all right. certainly. time to check the weather. we are heating up this week. >> it is not too brutal. sandhya? >> dan and ama, it is not going to be extreme heat, but certainly hot enough for people inland to notice. as we look at live doppler 7hd we do have fog. it is not going very far from the coastline tonight. it is confined there. i want to give you a quick update on our drought situation. it continues. we are in the fifth year as you know. livermore area, the inland east bay basically extreme drought we are looking at severe drought and most of the bayside and the coastal communities are between dry and moderate. so while our marine layer is still here and the fog is still around we have to keep in mind that around this time of year one of our driest months combined with the drought means the fire danger remains high. the temperatures are in the 50s and the 60s. antioch is 71 degrees. a live look from the sutro tower camera and you can see how low the fog is. this is what you will encounter on our commute. mild to warm tomorrow afternoon and heating up inland wednesday through friday. a live look from the east bay hills camera and you can see the fog layer. your hour by hour day planner is showing you the foggy conditions tomorrow morning. mainly at our beaches. it is low to mid50s. at noontime it is sunny for most of you. warm inland at 4:00 p.m. and as you head toward the 7:00 p.m. hour, it does get breezy with a little fog near the beaches. tomorrow morning, the temperatures will begin in the 50s. 51 in half moon bay. santa rosa, our warmest spot is antioch, 62 degrees. the fog is what you really need to watch out for so as you look at the computer animation, here is what it will look like. you have the fog and it will be pretty shallow. it could be right down on the deck. your visibility will below in pockets and you will need the extra time for the commute. there are a few patches around the bay at 5:00 a.m. as well. and then the fog pulls back toward the coast by 8:00 a.m. most areas are seeing the sun away from the beaches. eventually most of the bayside communities will clear as well. a little patch of fog will linger well into the afternoon and evening near the beaches. your highs for tuesday will look like this. 82 in san jose and 80 in sunnyvale and 79 in santa cruz. on the peninsula midto upper 70s 70s from san mateo to redwood city. 62 degrees especially if you like the fog. 60 in daly city and 67 in downtown san francisco. north bay mid80s for santa rosa and 80 in san rafael and in the east bay 73 oakland and 76 newark. inland spots, 88 in fairfield and 87 in livermore. a warm day in antioch. 92 degrees and 84 in san ramon. here is a look at the accu-weather seven-day forecast. you will notice that it is going to be a mild to warm one. low 60s to low 90s. we'll start to heat it up inland wednesday, horse and friday. wednesday, thursday and friday. the coast will stay comfortable. we'll have the summer spread for saturday. it does turn breezy and cool with the temperatures coming back down to the mid80s. holding in that range for your monday. ama and dan? >> thank you so much, sandhya. still ahead on abc7 news at 11:00, feeding frenzy out there. >> the close call kayakers had with this large whale and with this large whale and ot ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. kayakers captured amazing video in the san francisco bay. humpback whales are in a feeding frenzy. the kayakers linda and dick -- malory saw them and decided to check them out and why blown away. they fed far below the surface and then gorged on herring. the whales usually do this feeding in the colder waters farther north. >> that's what it looks like at the sports didn't comma satisfactory. comisarry. >> yes, around the trough. >> don't get too close. >> i tell you, that video was spectacular. what i i have is almost as good. i am selling it hard. homerun derby in san diego was bombs away. who is the king of the long ball? the whale of the competition if abc7 sports is brought to you by river walk casino. >> the sluggers took over tonight. giancarlo stanton, did he put on a show at pet co park? everybody loves big possible -- big papi. gonzalez didn't make it out of round one, but he left his mark and on one man's souvenir. shattered. just like that. baltimore leading the league in homeruns and this is one of the most impressive of the night. stanton from florida so strong. his muscles have muscles. 25 homers in the first round and beat him in the second with 17 bombs. so it came down -- these kids are wearing the old padres colors. either you love them or hate them. the defending champ todd frasier in the finals. frasier hit the western metal supply building, but stanton is 20 in the find round. yes, we are obligated to say down goes frasier. stanton wins and he hit one ball 497 feet. his homers traveled over five miles hitting 61 total. draymond green has his sights set on playing in august and he will see a judge. the warriors forward was arrested in heavy mitch. green was arrested on assault charges following an altercation with a man at 2:40 a.m. no injuries reported and this is just a misdemeanor. he posted bail of $200 and was released. not the kind of news you want be to making in the off season. you will hear a lot of mccaw. finished with 13 points and two steals. i will stop mccawing. d'angelo russell and he is starting to develop into the player the lakers were hoping to draft. look at the crossover right there. he had a game high 26 points. he was victimized on that play, but the big man with a nice spin move of his own right here. he is out of maryland. he might find a roster spot with the warriors. lakers win it 78-65. never won for fanfare or spotlight, the best power forward quietly walked away. tim duncun retires after 19 years with the league 19 with the spurs. he is so understated he didn't even want to be at his own retirement announcement. just issued a statement and that was it. the big fundamental is done. we finish it up with one more story from the allstar festivities in san diego. this is milea perez from san ramon, a finalist in the pitch hit-and-run contest in the 9-10-year-old age-group. over 600,000 kids entered the contest and she was among the handful who made the finals and here she is flying around third base at pet co park. she came in second in her age-group and had a

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Stanford , California , United States , East Lansing , Michigan , Oakland , Texas , Florida , Indiana , San Diego , Bayside , Bay Hills , Maryland , San Francisco , Berkeley , Daly City , San Francisco Bay , Dallas , Baltimore , Giancarlo Stanton , Brian Williams , Melanie Woodrow , Jimmy Kimmel , Brent Thompson , Fremont Palo , George W Bush , Cornell Bernard , Micah Johnson , Francisco Richmond , Betty Reid , Betty Crocker , Todd Frasier , Lilian Kim , Dan Ashley ,

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