Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20160716

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ou st the [ gunfire ] gunfire, bombings and bloo shed in turkey as mill terforces try to out of the government. in the past two hours, turkey's president said that it is over. minutes ago, turkey's police chief says 16 coup plotters have been killed, 15 others detained. >> andrea is tracking the latest. >> the police chief says the clashes are about to come to an end, the coup is over and the government is in control. whether that's true remains to be seen. hours of insurgency tonight as an attempted military coup in turkey began in a hail of alternate gunfire. [ gunfire ] >> reporter: a faction of the military stopped traffic over two bridges and sent tanks to take over the airport. there was a bombing outside the turkish parliament, and military aircraft could be heard. the president face-timed supporters. he is a controversial figure in turkish politics, seen as an authoritarian. president obama said the turkish people should support their democratically leaked leader. this isn't the first time there's been a coup attempt. in the past piflt years, coup from have unsee theed fur governments. soldiers who took part in the attempt were arrested by fellow troops and handed over by police. the total number of arrests is more than 750. when the president addressed a crude outside the airport, he said the coup supporters "will pay a heavy price." he also said in his words, "this government brought to power by the people is in charge." a flight from the bay area is on its way from right . n't >> reporter: some people were refusing to get on the plane, and they're shocked their flight isn't canceled. travellers lined up at turkish airlines ticket counter. thigh heard the. a was closed. and flights were diverted elsewhere. there were reports of only turkish airlines planes landing in istanbul. >> quite scared fliel. but no one -- actually. but no one can tells what's going on. so we have to trust the company. >> reporter: many had connecting flights in istanbul. >> we're used to being? a delicate situation. >> i'm uncomfortable but what can you do! >> reporter: several tried to change their flights. there was no way they'd stop there to india. >> vipeople from work calling me telling me not to get on the plane. bridges have been shut down, -- there are fighters flying over. why is anybody going? >> i can't imagine why people would take this flight. and why would the airline risk its crew? and the passengers? >> reporter: one family was ready to given up their german vacation. >> fine, i will give them if it means we're safe and sound. >> the plane is still on course toward istanbul. turkish airlines tweeted that the airports back open and flights are resuming safely. >> a bastille day attack killed several people in france. several cal students were hurt. a fourth student who vanished in the attack is still missing right now. >> reporter: friends say the last time they saw nick lesley was running away from the trick barrelling through crowds of people. they think they got away but no one has seen him since. >> it's a really bad time for all of us. >> reporter: nick's good friend and former roommate, trying to do everything on social media to find his buddy. >> trying to stay positive. it's been a while. >> reporter: nick is one of 85 uc perkily students celebrating when the attack happened. a third student had a broken foot. she was running away from the attack. >> she told me that during the incident, in all the chaos she happened to break her foot. >> reporter: on campus, fellow students are hoping for the best outcome for nick. he's a southern and planning to major in business. >> i know three or four of the students right there, they happen to post on facebook saying they were all safe. >> reporter: i talked to nick's mother this morning after the phone, she said the u.s. embassy and some rem didn't evens in the area are looking for nick ging from hospital tow hospital. >> the student missing is from del mar in southern. his mother posted this picture on facebook sighing this is what he was wearing yesterday. neighbors have been dropping by the family home. high has not answered his phone or returned to the student housing where he's living. protests on both sides of the bay tonight upart of what is going called a day of rage. things got heated in the mission in san francisco. protestors faced offpolice in riot near about 90 minutes ago. the protests streamed liveton is it and in oakland dozens of protestors tried to walk onto the freeway. >> reporter: one of a handful of antipolice brutality protestors across the country. this was among one of the tamer protests. at one point, protestors walked onto the one ramp, they left before chp reeved. one appeared to hit a protestor with his baton. several became anxiety psychiatry confronted the officer. the man who was hit says it was totally unnecessary. >> he got out of his war and whacked me with the baton to get out of the way. >> reporter: doors along the broadway corridor were boarding up their windows tonight in case of vandalism of the proefrs continue throughout the night -- protestors continue throughout the night. sheriffs said they made no arrests and issue node citations. this man kidnapped jc dugard and held her captive for 18 years. where he could be eligible for parole. >> donald trump chose this man to have his running mate. is he having second thoughts? >> neighbors complained about the dangers of this roadway. the proposed solution, raise the speed limit. ent an pence, is donald trump's pick for v-p. trump tweeted this morning, he is pleased to announce that he chose governor pence as his vice presidential running mate. this is trump tweeted he is pleased to announce governor pence as his running mate. here is their campaign localo. their first joint appearance held tomorrow. tonight trump might be questioning his choice. >> reporter: around midnight, donald trump was calling around to various campaign persons asking female thefs really, really for real obligated that pence would be his vp. he was having second thoughts and wanted to go with someone that his gut was telling him he should go with. >> trump would change his mind before the national convention monday in ohio. some delegates are already in cleveland. tim tebow will be speaking at the gop convention. it turns out no one told him. >> i wake up this morning to find out i'm speaking at the republican national convention. it's amazing how fast rumors fly. that's exactly what it is. >> so he will not be at the convention. one person who is going, melissa kane. a first in california tonight: a man has been arrested for flying a drone over a wildfire. the trailhead fire along the middle fork of the american river is now 98 percent contained. cal fire says eric wasser flew a drone over the flames.. the a man arrested for flying a drone over a wildfire. cal fire says he fly a drone over the flames the night after they first broke out in june. he got in the way of the aerosol and has been charged with interfering with firefighting operations. the man convicted of kidnapping jc dugard could be released 400 years early of >> reporter: attorney pearson wants to know what's happening around a case that once shook his county and entire state. >> he abducted an 11 wreerld off the street and held her in captivity for many years. we shouldn't even be talking about the potential of a release of >> reporter: june 10th, 1991, jacy dugard was kidnapped and taken to antioch, sexually assaulted and i didn't evened for 18 years. gerrido was sentenced to 439 years behind bars. but state prisoners who are 60 or older and have served at least 25 careers issuing offered parole hearing. >> if somebody has proven themselves to be that dangerous, we should not be releasing them. >> reporter: in 1998, he was released from prison after only serving seven years. eligibility for a hearing doesn't guarantee patrol. according to staffer, out of the 1351 hearings for inmates eligible for elderly parole, only 3 pine were grant -- 359 were granted parole. 102 rejected the hearing. by 2034 when he has his hearing, the governor will have the ability to reverse the decision or send it back to the board for another review. a couple of vacaville teenagers called heroes after they rescued a toddler alone at thigh during a busy street. the mother of the 3-year-old found the baby sitter through she used the sitter before. at the time the teenagers who found the toddler, police were investigating a drunk driving accident. and the driver was the babysitter. >> someone could have took her. she could have walked through the streets and got hit by a car. >> the baby sit serfacinge ing a misdemeanor, dui charge, and felony child cruelty. part of the lower expressway caved in near sunnyvale, this afternoon. murder charge farris deadly hit and run. the stolen honda crashed into and killed a bicyclist on june 22nd. police say the driver abandoned the car and fled the scene. today police arrested the suspect. 19-year-old nicky garcia. a questionable safety solution for a dangerous street in san rafael. one person has already been killed. so emily turner asked why police. to raise the speed limit. >> reporter: this stretch of roadway has lock been considered a hazard. >> i think any space along this area is unsafe. children, there will, runners. >> reporter: never more so than last year when 17-year-old machado was hit and killed by a mini-van when she left the sidewalk. >> i'm a parent, this would be my nightmare. >> reporter: police never said how fast the driver was going. now the speed limit is planned to go from tlich to -- tloif 40 miles an hour, neighbors are worried. >> it's a residential neighborhood on the other side of this road, and i think 35 is more than enough. >> reporter: traffic officials say it will improve safety. officers can't use radar to ticket speareds on this road. once the new ew limit takes effect, they'll. transit officials say they are equipping the entire bus fleet with air conditioning. the request came mostly from the drivers. an abandoned mansion with 14 brooms has finally -- bedrooms has finally been sold. it is a registered national landmark, built in 1904. the owner, the founder of cnot, struggled to find a buyer for four years. at one point, he had to deal with a squatter. the asking price ranged from a high of $25 million to a loy of $12.5. settling into their new digs.. watermelon helps. they were orphaned in yosemite. now they have a team of some lucky bear cubs settling into their new digs in yosemite. they have a team of surrogate parents at wildlife care. they way less than 10 pounds burk they'll be ten times that size when they're ready for release hopefully next year. >> i've got the time. great weekend to drive up to yosemite. >> or stay home and have some watermelon. >> chilling out, have something watermelon, getting bigger and stronger. tahoe good, yosemite good, menloe park, good as well not 90 degrees. summerfest this weekend. the ocean breeze returns, and we'll be with good air quality, saturday and sunday. a live view of the dunbarton bridge. livermore, 65, oakland 60, san francisco mid-50s. mid-50s overnight tonight. the kwoon shore flow was not very strong the past three days and didn't make it inland. it will tomorrow. the 680 corridor, hundreds gone. they were gone today. the 90s are gone tomorrow, and is likely gone for a while. i don't see any big warmups for the next 7-10 days. as for the reason why, clockwise swirl leaving british columbia, heading toward albert arc 800 miles away, expert an influence. ridge of high pressure, 1,000 mile s away! having an influence on the weather, strengthening the flow. fog returning to the coastline. even when it burns off in the afternoon. temperatures will not get that warm. san jose 83. pacifica, 61. comfortable tomorrow. 90s are gone. dublin 84. berkeley 64. cloverdale, degrees. then we stay right in that sweet spot. 60s and 70s near the bay. 80s inland. the late show will broadcast live next week from the republican national convention. tonight stephen colbert gives us a preview ever his referencing. the network news. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, show with stephen live coverage of the political party conventions will not be limited to the network news. >> that's right. the late show with stephen colbert will be broadcasting live nightly from cleveland and philadelphia. the man who made his name in political satire will be doing the late show life during both political conventions in july. >> the odd thing about mr. trump, i don't think there's any joke you could make about him that would upset him enough not to talk to you again. he's an entertainer. it's like curd see among professionals. wh mrs. clinton, i believe she means everything she says. she's harder to make jobs about a policy paper. but it's easier to make jokes about an orange manatee. [ laughter ] >> the late show live from the republican convention next week. monday through thursday, and again july 25th through the 28th with the democrats. back to work for major league baseball. and that meant the giants and the a's tonight. wow! did they put on a show! baseball... back to work at the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, baseball... back to work at the all-star game sight... baseball up top, giants best record in baseball. back to work at the all-star game site. madison bumgarner in san diego. padres brought some lum tertonight though. they increase the lead in the 4th. rosales, another run, 3-1. will myers in the 5th, solo job. officer night. padres beat the giants 4-1. we pixelated alonzo's face because we didn't want to you read his lips. tossed for arguing the ball was a strike, so was melvin. they were down in the 4th, came back in the 5th. steven vogt put in a performance. smashed that homer. thing in the 7th, it's vote again. play at the plate. and first he's called out. ken says safe. a's won the game, 8-7 against the jays. one of the power teams in the east. the open in scott land. makes the hole. want to know why he missed the cut? there's your answer. phil mickelson followed up his first round 63 with a 69. within inches! par three 8, leaves the field with this one. aaron lynch is going to miss the first four games of the season, suspended for validing the league's substance abuse policy. (break))) if you believe the experts, they really need some help defensively. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, the late show is up next. >> stephen: i'm telling you, the mallow mar is a seasonal cookie. >> hi, steve. >> stephen: what's up? i want to talk about the convention. >> stephen: i really want to talk about that. >> do you actually want to go? >> stephen: hello very important celebrity. now's a fine time to talk. >> c'mon, stephen, you're talking to your hand. >> stephen: hold on. am i? >> hello. who is this? i'm talking to stephen. bling-bling. hold on. getting another call. oh, mr. president! what's up? of course now's a good time. hold on. got to go! >> what up, man?

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Istanbul , Turkey , Cloverdale , California , United States , American River , Germany , Oakland , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Vacaville , Cleveland , Ohio , San Diego , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Berkeley , India , Pacifica , France , Turkish , British , German , Eric Wasser , Stephen Colbert , Phil Mickelson , Emily Turner , Mallow Mar , Melissa Kane , Nick Lesley , Nicky Garcia , Tim Tebow , Scott Land , Aaron Lynch , Madison Bumgarner , Steven Vogt ,

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