the families of trayvon martin. michael brown, george floyd, now the family of tyree nichols. we will hear from crump in just a moment. but first, we'll get to the body camera videos which were released today. we do want to warn you, though, they are this video shows the offices officers violently pulling nichols out of his car, yelling at him to get on the ground. nichols does and tells the officers that he didn't do anything after about a minute of being held down. nichols gets up. runs way with one of the officers trying to tase him. police eventually did catch up with him and that's when pepper sprayed him. >> beat him for 3 minutes as witnesses say nichols cried out for his mother. the memphis police director described the police officer actions as heinous, reckless, inhumane and said her department has not been able to confirm claims of reckless driving, which led to that stop. and you're looking at the 5. former officers now facing a string of charges including second-degree murder from left to right a tree us haley, desmond mills junior and matt martin. the 3rd justin smith in to darrius bean court records say 4 of the officers did post bond. they were released from custody this morning. cities around the country were on high alert tonight in the wake of the video's release. here's a look around the country where >> protesters took to the streets demanding justice for tyree. many of them appearing to be peaceful. a protest even breaking out here in san francisco on mission street near the financial district. that one also a peaceful protest. >> and now to an interview that you will see only on kron 4 are justin campbell talked with attorney ben crump about the death of nichols. >> so hard to work these officers continue to brutalize this young man to a report of him attorney benjamin crump. we don't see them alongside his investigator. arthur read represents the tyree nichols family. crump says he was given the body camera footage showing 5 officers kicking pepper spraying and teasing nichols early january. >> after a traffic stop, he believes the memphis officers handled a wrong from the start. >> they had it is a 30 seconds. they could be estimated from the first moment they the 5 officers have since been fired from the department and charged with second degree murder which in tennessee can lead to 15 to 60 years in prison. but crump, anne reid say they believe more charges may need to read we think that there may be some room to increase the charges, but we will have to see as well as there are some of the officers on the that. >> my need to be chartered. when you look at this video frame by this point is that they've already been arrested. and i think that if in thatai don't want to take a that the an attorney crump, says police officers must change how they interact. >> with people of color, we do see. >> wright brothers and sisters who all. this kind of excessive force where those but we see videos over and over again had was black by the in videos everywhere. reporting in san jose. justin campbell kron. 4 news. >> and as part of our continuing coverage, we will hear from civil rights attorney john burris spurs represented a rodney king in the 1991. >> case a lawsuit against the la police department. that's coming up at 9.30. reaction pouring in from everywhere tonight in response to what happened there. oakland mayor sheng pow saying in part, quote, terry nichols should be with us today. it is wrong and horrifying that this young man was killed. it hurts me to know that tyrese family to see a video of their son and loved one being brutally beaten and we'll likely see it again and again in the days ahead. i cannot imagine their pain. the san mateo county sheriff christina corpus, also reacting to the video tonight saying in part, quote, what i saw those police officers due to tyree. nichols is deeply disturbing and their actions stain our profession, the actions of these officers greatly damaged the trust between law enforcement and the communities we serve. governor newsom also speaking out about the video release of the beating that led to nichols death. he says in part, quote, terry nichols should be alive today. the video released shows important behavior in these officers must be held accountable for their deadly actions and clear abuse of power. today, we're a country in mourning and must continue our work nationwide to push reforms to prevent excessive use of force and save lives. president biden is demanding that congress pass federal police reforms with the white house underscoring the george floyd policing act. >> this bill would update nationwide standards. it would require that other officers always intervene if they witness excessive force. police reform legislation does remain a divisive issue on capitol hill. some lawmakers, though, say they won't give up. it's congress's responsibility to now have a consistent policy. >> to help police departments across america recruit the right kind of people and make sure that in this nation of law and order that every person's life is worthy. we have real problems in this country. we need focus on real solutions. that means republicans and democrats coming to the table to keep the good policing their jobs and keep our community safe. >> speaker kevin mccarthy has not said at this point if he will reopen police reform negotiations. another big story we're following for you tonight. disturbing new video released of the attack on paul pelosi taking place in his san francisco home back in october. the footage, you know, shows chilling moments that led up to the suspect, david de pap, attacking the 82 year-old man with a hammer following a judge's order. authorities did release know the body camera video from the police who responded to the 9-1-1. call at the house of former house speaker nancy pelosi and her husband, paul. we are going to play that footage for you now. but please note, some of our viewers might find the video disturbing. >> doing what's going on there? >> and back on october, 28 that you can see when the door opens. pelosi and the path both they seem to have a hold on the hammer, tangled arm in arm when officers confront them to pap takes full control of the hammer. ultimately swinging it towards pelosi's head as he falls to the ground. the officers leap forward to try and stop the attack from getting any worse. in addition to the body cam video security video from outside the pelosi home was also released take a look at this. this is 05:00:05am. and the morning of the attack, the pap enters. so you saw him there at the museum. now at the bottom of your screen. >> he walked around the back of the house looking around with his hands on his hips. >> and then returns about a minute later. this time he's carrying a backpack and 2 bags to pappas sets them down. this was a few minutes ruffling through the bags eventually. he reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a hammer. and in the video, it's it's hard to see. but he also grabbed a pair of gloves. we know from the investigation that they're also zip ties in one of these bags as well around 05:10am. that's 5 minutes after he had arrived to pap, walked to the back of the house began smashing with the hammer. it's not clear weather was smashing a glass window or door at that point. but he smashed with a hammer for about 30 seconds before he was able to get into the house. it is not clear how much time passed between dip app entering the home and when he woke paul pelosi at some point, pelosi did call 9-1-1 to pappas standing very near by the audio of that call was also released today. >> of the things got a problem that is he's >> okay. halifax might be 8? no, no. gentleman, just the team into the >> want your waiter. my wife come home and you know, gone in know who the person is. no, i don't know. who is going do not go not to do really the be you know, phone down to time. in 18 0nd, ok, okay, what the gentleman's name. i about with that. but i think that that the name of >> following a dip apps arrest. he actually sat down with the san francisco police for an interview after police gave him his miranda rights. he proceeded to tell police what he did and why he did it. and that full interview has now been released. and tonight kron four's dan kerman has excerpts of the interview and analysis from a local attorney. following his arrest for striking former house speaker nancy pelosi's husband, paul with a hammer. >> david de pap told san francisco police interview he went to pelosi san francisco home to stop her democrats alike to america. >> same for >> people watch? >> to pap echoed the false assertion that democrats stole the election and then told police his plans for speaker pelosi had she been there? >> people too. >> during the almost 18 minute interview just released. pap tells police paul pelosi has called the 9-1-1 pushed him into a corner. he says he had other targets and was not going to let pelosi shopping then admits getting pelosi with the and they have >> pulled >> you >> know, >> taught me people, you the statements he made to the police are so incriminating. >> it's hard to imagine how do an ring this bell? legal analyst steven clark says the release of this interview coupled with the video of the attack. will make it difficult for to happen to get a fair trial, especially in san francisco. he not only set out, he says to injure mister pelosi, but he also wanted to go after the speaker and other high-profile people. >> which this potential jury is going to think makes him a very dangerous person. and while clark says prosecutors will benefit from paps admission, he was there to do harm. he says defense attorneys may also benefit from the police interview for the defense. they're going to point to the delusional nature of this in his the tree. alex statements against people in the democratic party like nick hillary, nancy pelosi and that he had other targets, that this is a man that's unhinged, that he's suffering from some mental defect and they're going to say the interrogation plays right into that. clark says ultimately if a jury can be convinced attack on paul pelosi was not attempted murder, but just assault dropped. that would be a win for the dan kron. 4 >> defense attorney meantime calling the release of that video, a terrible mistake. a deputy public defender, adam lipson said in a statement releasing this footage is disrespectful to mister pelosi serves no purpose except to feed the public desire for spectacle and violence. the footage is inflammatory and could feed unfounded theories about the case. and we are extremely concerned about mister de pap stability to get a fair trial. and our coverage also continues online. you can learn more about the release of the body cam video that 9-1-1 call you can hear paps interview with investigators. if you scan that qr code will take you right to a page on our website. kron 4 dot com. and returning to our coverage of half moon bay and the shootings that happened there. a community vigil was held tonight to remember the victims. >> conference, theresa report. >> a sea of people came together in downtown half moon bay friday evening to pay their respects to the families of those who lost loved ones in that horrific mass shooting on monday that left 7 people residents say that the vigil. >> also, is it time to try and heal and recover as well as lend support to one another as they grieve. >> we're all connected. many ways. i 2 blocks from here. so i walked by the memorial every day. happen to find out what's happening in it's just important to show support several 100 people packed the closed streets around mac dutra plaza near city hall. >> the plaza has been transformed into a memorial for the victims. it's been such a tough week. i felt a little bit alone. >> and not able my appreciation everything that everyone done. wanted to be here tonight >> this is the first of several events that are going to be taking place in this community to try and heal and recover from such a tragedy. there is an interfaith service that is going to be held next tuesday. we have more information for you on that on kron 4 dot com and half moon bay to reset. it starts kron. 4 news. >> i time now for 4 zone forecast on this friday evening. getting a live look right now at the golden gate bridge, light traffic and the we've had some spring. you whether lawrence that's about to yeah, spring bake it coming to an end. now it's back to some winter weather. so here we go. but yeah, the temperatures really going to be cooling off across the it felt outside today that sea breeze kicking back into that really helping to drop the temperatures mostly clear skies over of the bridge right now in around the bay area. but the temperatures you have taken a hit today. >> as numbers coming down 13, even 18 degrees cooler in parts of the bay area's the cold air begin to make its way in off the pacific to cool down the temperatures. so outside tonight, not a bad night, but it will be a little bit chilly in spots back into the 30's and the 40's tomorrow. you see a lot of sunshine, but temperatures are going to be noticeably cooler again and breezy and then much cooler as we've got a very cold system dropping in come sunday, even a chance of some scattered showers to go along with that highs today to remember yesterday and over 70 degrees in santa rosa today. yeah, reach 60 degrees. 63 in concord, 66 in livermore. still a little bit above the average there. 63 in san jose. and then we move below the average in oakland, a 57 at 56 degrees in san francisco. so out the door tonight, those temperatures are cooling off in a hurry compared to the last couple of days. 49 now in san jose. 43 in redwood city. 49 in oakland. 46 in the bottle. and 43 for our friends in santa rosa. but it's going to get a whole lot colder. i think especially sunday night into monday, probably on tuesday to as we're going to see maybe freezing temperatures even up along the coastline could get cold enough to freeze as a very system rolling in starting on sunday. and that's leaving behind that cold air as those skies clear out on sunday night into monday. those temperatures are really going to drop off even near the coastal sections. that onshore wind continues tonight and that will keep the temperatures down quite a bit. instead that offshore breeze that set those temperatures soaring into the 70's this week. so yeah, change in the weather pattern. now. it is back to some wintry weather as it looks like high pressure breaks down a bit and allows a list of cold system to drop through. got one little weak front. that's going to kind of fade drives in tomorrow. but leave behind that cool air behind that. you are to begin to see that next system getting ready to make its way in toward the bay area. so we're going to knock down the temperatures here in the next couple of days and then bring a chance of rain in the forecast didn't look like a bad sunday. doesn't look like it's terrible. just a few light showers as the system moves through. but there goes that low winds right the bay area. that brings with it a chance. some scattered showers and snow showers in the high country overnight. lows tonight will be chilly. 30's and 40's by day tomorrow. the numbers are going to stay on the cool side. plan on highs about 54 degrees in half moon bay about 56 degrees in oakland. >> thank arms in the east bay nearly 2 weeks after badly damaged her home. a livermore woman is continuing the road to getting a call back together. but as kron four's philippe djegal reports, it could still be weeks or months before she's able to move back in. >> gloria full-forward is eating and sleeping better. now that the reality of her situation has settled and progress is being made on her flood damaged home. >> in livermore, springtime it. >> 18 inches of drywall pulled out due to the water whipping up the walls. when we met before last week she was ripping up some turkey and preparing the drywall removal. >> and neighbors and friends have helped her terrible things out. the danger, the mold, i think is gone. >> so i'm a little bit more relaxed without said she does not live in a designated flood zone and she come out of talking for all of the repairs and eventual renovation. >> though she is hoping either federal, state or local dollars could be available since the governor and city declared emergencies due to the recent storms team or walk through the couple days ago. >> not sure what's going to happen because they set a certain percentage. had to affect it. not just a home here at home. >> continues to remove everything from the shower to were has placed wraps around the house. now that it is open to rodents, what she is grateful for all of the help she has her husband has passed away. so initially she thought she would have to do it all alone. >> and that has not been the case. people, neighborhood friends have been. >> wonderful. they've come by. they stop. they've offered to help where they can brought food. lunches and stuff. so it's it's been. >> nice before he's staying with a friend and says it will be weeks or months. people she can back in in livermore. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> and coming up, the latest on the investigation into a bay area assisted living facility accused of elder abuse and 78 years since the liberation not see death camp. the white house is commemorating holocaust survivors. also the family that suffered more than one tragedy now. very grateful for friends who are coming this next story is a testament to the power of friendship. a woman on life support will. >> so leave behind a teenage daughter. but the woman's lifelong friends have come together vowing to make sure that her daughter will be taking care of kron four's haaziq mod-yoon has the story. >> 54 year-old cindy said best to leave buried her husband joe 3 years ago. >> this is danielle elizabeth. >> leave another heartbreak. within days of this past christmas, her 17 year-old daughter was involved in a deadly auto accident on the little one freeway in the bout winter. she did not survive within weeks of that tragedy. suffered a major medical event leaving her in critical condition. i don't i can't comprehend. i'm still numb from. just it's beyond tragic. its contract. we've been friends with her for over 43 years. >> you can use lifelong friends who call themselves cindy lou's crew are gathered here at black these past year in the bottle to reflect on cindy's life. they say that she is the only thing missing from this picture that she was the life of the party. she is our terra. linda tried and true. >> mascot, she is larger than life. >> bang, bang, niner game. cindy. as you can see in this video, she love cheering for the home now cindy's gang of childhood friends have been together in support of her. 16 year-old surviving daughter josie, by starting a gofundme. yes. so the goal will be. >> to support joe c every need. cindy was everything to all that she was the glue. >> they kept everybody together. so for us coming together, i as well needed. but, you know, we really want to do is right for her for josi. now, this point. >> anyone who would like to help is invited to it all. david called dine-in donate for the lee family saturday. january 28th. >> at last, tireless in nevada, our hopes are. >> that we can take care of josi the rest of her life. >> in the lotto has the met. kron 4 news. >> next at 9, we learn more about the life of tyree nichols, the man killed by memphis police officers moved get nor can in california scho >> and he's nursing home workers now facing felony charges in connection with the death of a resident. a 94 year-old man died. a trio walnut creek. this was last summer after investigators say the man drank a cleaning solution contra costa county da's office now charging his care taker with elder abuse kron four's. dan thorn following this tragic story for us and joins us now in the newsroom with more. dan vicki and catherine. prosecutors say this worker. >> willfully caused unpermitted 94 year-old constantine. noon to be in a dangerous situation suffered from dementia and was somehow able to drink a toxic cleaning solution. the nursing facility previously said they believe the reaction was to food. but the coroner's report disagrees. >> a nursing home worker is now in jail after an elderly resident died from poisoning on the night of august 23rd of last year. investigators say constantine can noon had to be rushed to the hospital after ingesting all-purpose cleaning solution. the 94 year-old died just days later, something went very wrong here. contra costa county deputy da mary knox says could nunes caregiver. 54 year-old leticia starling ignored her responsibility. noone was living and memory care unit at atria walnut creek. when he consumed the cleaning liquid couldn't suffered injuries to his stomach. asafa kiss and part of his throat. starling is now facing felony elder abuse resulting in death. >> this some of the most serious of charging that can be brought against a criminal defendant in september. can nunes son told kron 4 the nursing home said his father had a bad reaction to eating flaming hot cheetos. prosecutors say the coroner's report did not reflect that and instead showed can nunes injuries were consistent with consuming a toxic chemical. >> the nursing homes, parent company atria has said similar complaint said other bay area facilities just 3 days before ca nunes poisoning 3 other residents at atria park in san mateo were accidentally served cleaning liquid instead of juice. one of those residents died. knox would not comment on a tree is handling of these specific cases but says care facilities should always be monitoring residents even more crucial that when someone under takes their care that they do so responsibly and always mindful of the fact that when you leave dangerous chemicals around that they could easily be picked up in justin. >> the walnut creek police department referred this case to the contra costa county district attorney starling is right now in the martinez detention facility with bail set at $100,000. she is scheduled to be formally charged on monday in the newsroom. dan thorn kron, 4 news. thank you, dan. to the south bay. now as aged boys behind bars after a car crash killed 2 people in san jose police found a stolen vehicle at the scene this morning, which had crashed into a light pole and then burst into flames. the young man in the car who was a passenger died at the scene. a woman was taken to the hospital where she later died. the drivers and you've u-haul tonight facing the charges, including vehicular manslaughter. the identities have not been released. it is san jose's first traffic fatality of the year last year. traffic fatalities caused more than 60 deaths in that city. >> as we reported earlier, body camera video was made public today of the assault on paul pelosi by david de pap. this was in october, former house speaker nancy pelosi was on the east coast when her husband was attacked. here's what she said today about the public release of that video. >> i have not heard as the 9-1-1 call. i have not heard the confession had not seen the break-in and have absolutely no intention. i've seen deadly assault on my husband's much. i won't be making any more statements about this case. as it proceeds except to again, thank people and inform them of home. spread this. but that began to for that said that the case. thank you. >> pelosi says her husband is continuing to make progress. he had surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands continuing our coverage now on the release of the body cam footage showing the brutal moments that led to the death of 29 year-old tyree nichols. >> attorneys representing his family are comparing the beating to the notorious 1991 police beating of la a driver, rodney king bay area. civil rights attorney john burris represented king in his civil rights lawsuit against the la police department. our first gayle ong talk to burress and has more. >> seen this young man would be picked over abuse. the and police in that policing got a probably didn't start out with idea telling him to the government guy didn't respond. got to be may continue to be very a civil rights attorney john burris reacting to the brutal beating of tiree nichols in memphis, tennessee, that eventually led to his death doing. >> the city may police body camera videos public on friday. the fitted so graphic. we're not showing you all of it. officer striking him with a baton and punching him and kicking him in the head multiple times. the nichols family legal team has linked the u.s. all to the infamous 1991 police beating of los angeles motorist rodney king. there is represented king and his civil rights lawsuit against the los angeles police people know jails on fat black. most of the people problem wrongfully being wrong. turn back in this particular case are black. so the race is not to control the back to here. it is really positive impact. that particularly the and fay to hold individuals accountable that the issue? >> nichols was an avid skateboarder from sacramento and came to memphis where his mother lives. his family said nichols had a 4 year-old son and worked hard to better himself as a father and departments have to take a look at how are run. >> and whether or not they can see patterns that exist. we didn't know but we have to have a racial profile people being stop unnecessarily. so excessive and people been shot and killed more often than not. well, a lot of those issues have been corrected. >> and besides a second degree murder, the officers each face a number of charges, including aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct and official oppression. 4 of the 5 officers are out on bond, too. of the officers. court appearances will take place in 2 weeks in the studio. gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> and other news tonight as california tackles the opioid crisis, state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are urging new action. capitol correspondent eytan wallace gives us a look at some proposals which legislators say could save lives. >> well, here at the state capitol, there are many issues upon which democrats and republicans disagree. but when it comes to combating the opioid epidemic, there is common ground. >> fentanyl, it's one of the most powerful synthetic opioid drugs around a chemical cousin of heroin deemed at least 50 times more potent than morphine. fentanyl far in the ways the most common opioid responsible for overdose deaths across america nationwide. fentanyl accounted for more than two-thirds of the 100,000 people who died from a drug overdose in 2021. and in california, it was linked to more than 5,000 of the 7,000 overdose deaths statewide. the fentanyl crisis is real. it's imminent. it's claiming the lives obviously in particular young people. and it's young people who are at the center of senator anthony portantino is new bill. if it becomes law, the legislation would require places where kids congregate, including school sporting events and concert venues to have on-site narcan, a potential lifesaving medication to treat overdoses, having something on site. immediate pick when time is of the essence will save lives. we already require many of those places have different why? because if somebody has a heart attack, you want to be able to >> have the later on site until the paramedic and get their principle with narcan. his legislation goes hand-in-hand with governor newsom's budget goal of 3 and a half million dollars to provide overdose medication to all california, middle and high schools who requested. this is a top priority. there's not a parent out there that doesn't understand. >> the significance, this bundle crisis for the cdc. pharmaceutical fentanyl is often prescribed by doctors to treat severe pain while illicitly manufactured fentanyl is usually distributed 3 legal drug markets for its heroine, like effect, it's often added are laced to other drugs because of its extreme potency, making them even more powerful and addictive. all traits attracting drug dealers with in california and across the u.s. mexico border. >> here in the golden state democratic assembly member jasmeet bains and republican senator kelli say have each introduced legislation to create a state led fentanyl task force of experts who addressed the crisis every day. >> cr toe and bain say they want to work across the aisle to get their bills through. we need to get everybody in the same room so that california comes up with a comprehensive plan to deal with this crisis. we need expertise to tell us what we need to do. >> to day and week, we do not have the liberty of delays. this and no word on whether the governor plans to support these bills. but as you heard him say, combating the opioid epidemic is among his top priorities reporting from the state capitol eytan wallace kron. 4 news. >> well, it is back to wintry weather around the bay area. get ready for a chance of rain. some snow in the sierra nevada. you got to get away forecast coming up next. >> and now a quick reminder to tune in tonight at 10:00pm for a very special edition of kron. 4 news road to the championship for a look at how the bay area and the niners are getting ready for the big game on sunday. >> and today has been international holocaust remembrance day. it coincides with the 78th anniversary of the liberation not to death camp. the husband of vice president kamala harris visited the site of the camp that's in southern poland. doug emhoff was joined by the u.s. ambassador to poland. a wreath was laid at the site of executions known as the wall of death back in washington. lawmakers introduced a bill. it is aimed at evaluating what's being taught about the holocaust and public elementary and secondary schools. >> we have to make sure that the children, our nation, are being taught about the darkest times in our history to grow up, understanding that never again is absolutely a critical. thing that they need to absorb and their hearts. >> more than 1 million jews poles and soviet prisoners of war were killed in before it was liberated on the stay and 1945? >> the forty-niners went through their final practice at levi's today than they boarded buses for the city of brotherly love. next in sports, we'll get the final thoughts from kyle shanahan over sunday's championship >> and now kron 4 sports. >> well, the forty-niners eagles matchup. this be a battle in the trenches where a good running game could prove to be all the difference, which could be a slight problem for the forty-niners. as elijah mitchell missed his 3rd day of practice today, mitchell has been dealing with a groin injury and live been listed as questionable on sunday or for sunday's game on the bright side, though, chris mccaffrey, he's back. he was a full participant in practice today for the first time this week yesterday, mccaffrey said that there was a 0 chance that he would miss was game. and that's good for kyle shanahan because he's going to need every available weapon on that offense. >> to hold that eagles defense to keep his game plan of getting ahead early and controlling the clock intact. >> you always want to get out to a good start and stuff. but any time you go against a really good offense and the defense, especially when the defenses starts with their pass rush. i mean, then that becomes even that much more important. got to that's always your goal should go every week incident reporting on this week. but it there's also other ways to win. if you don't get off to a great start to do so. >> and you want everything to go ideal. but however, this is dictated i feel we've got the group that can just whatever. >> and by now, they may have already made it to philadelphia. but this is video from earlier of dead. there's that man. brock purdy is he's boarding the bushel. see kyle shanahan in just a second. of course, that gm in lynch's well, there's kyle shanahan is they were preparing to head to philadelphia earlier now in the afc, the bengals and the cheese will fight for the afc title in kansas city come sunday. all eyes have been on. patrick mahomes is ankle after he suffered high ankle sprain against the jaguars. last saturday. now he has had constant rehab and treatment while also participating in practice all week. when asked today about mahomes is steady and erie kept it short and sweet and his response. >> looks it looks good. i mean, these move around i think you know, you've got play. he'll go out and play. >> the warriors welcome the toronto raptors tonight to chase center. the splash brothers had their way with the team from canada. curry throws down the 3 pointer. he was 4 from 8. that's 50% from beyond the arc and finished with 35 points on the night. while klay thompson had 29 on the night, he was 6 of 14 just under 50% from 3. the warriors take it to the raptors. one 29, 1.17 was the final score shocked fans travel. well, as you can see him there in carolina, looking for a win against the hurricanes. now the game was tied at 2 in 2 in the 3rd when newly acquired mikey own with the his first goal as a shark gives them the 3 to 2 lead. but then the canes came back. they tied the game in overtime. martin he had that sharks lose a tough 1, 5, to 4. was that final out as a victim? you guys at the desk. >> all right. i think time now for 4 zone forecast as we get a live what looks to be the the pyramid transport impairment up lord of the talking about big changes this weekend. yeah, people get in the way maybe for the weekend to go and enjoy and not only the bay area and the state, but hey, maybe if you're lucky enough, you got one of those golden tickets are headed to philadelphia. the see the niners and the the weather looks like it's going to cooperate. just right. we're going to see a couple of clouds rolling in. there is a chance of showers 50's the forty-niners used to temperatures like that. 52 degrees. the expected temperature at the kickoff on sunday. there's a slight chance of a couple light showers out there. the winds. yeah, a little bit of a breeze to about 10, maybe 15 miles per hour. so pretty good day for the game. they're all right. let's get you get away forecast. we've got a couple clouds that moved along the coastline today. no delays at sfo, oakland or san jose. looking good as you make your way into southern california. you're going to see temperatures there. a little cool coast side in the 50's. some 60's in the high country. and speaking of high country. how about this? we've got some cold weather moving in the 40 degrees in truckee. got 42 in south lake tahoe. 43 degrees in reno. if you plan to head the high country, be prepared. snow likely to come back as early as sunday. and that's no. yeah, it's going to be a company by some very cold temperatures down in the 20's for highs. and by the time we get to monday, that snow moves out. but the temperatures low 20's for highs. so we've got winter storm watches that are going up in the sierra starting on sunday morning. continuing until the evening hours could see upwards of a foot of snow the higher peaks above 7,000 feet out there. tonight, we've got the skies clear now just a bit some fog, low clouds early on today, launch forecast starting its the now. we've got a storm system dropping into the bay area. doesn't look like a ton of rain but a chance. some showers and some much colder temperatures, especially on sunday into monday. some freezing temperatures around parts of the bay area maybe along the coastline. but that kind of opens the door to a series of storms possibly making their way on shore. nothing looks like a major rain event but looks like more storms headed our way for this next storm system. not going to be a huge drain on not a soaker, maybe a 10th of an inch of rain. if you get lucky, maybe a little more math, but really just some light showers. the colder temperatures are going to be the story. thank be a little chilly in spots. we've got 30's 40's for overnight lows tonight. by day tomorrow. those temperatures going to be on the cool side. we're looking aw about 54 degrees in half moon bay. 55 in hayward. that breeze will be picking up in the afternoon as well. that sea breeze to keep you cool. then the next couple days and these temperatures really fall off. how about that is back to winter. we go highs in the low 50's around parts of the bay area. chance of a couple of scattered showers overnight lows in the 20's and the 30's so been love bring to mind is it back to winter. we go fund while was right. but it's good. if we get more rain, right? yeah, we want to keep it going. you know those great. we've got all that rain. we did need to break. you know, we may get some rain going to ok? >> they're looking for that. >> we'll take a look at this camera at the top of hawaii's tallest mountain capturing a sky spiral there. there is in the corner of your screen. researchers believe that it there coast is showing the after effects almost doesn't look real of a spacex rocket launch when the company's falcon 9 rocket. it sent the gps satellite into orbit. you can see the white or spreading and then forming a spiral as it moves across the sky. spacex is yet to comment. no, actually, it's pretty cool. and this does to leave with time is honoring 93 year-old japanese artist yayoi in its new york city store. it's using a robot version of the artist are looking up to >> the robot. it's in the window of the 5th avenue store. it appears to be painting colorful dots on the inside of the window. the outside of the building also features a giant polka dots. that's a signature design of qasem. that's a that's a robot. yeah. winking even. yeah. it's a pretty good robot. local. we'll its all too real. and that wraps it up for us. that's it for kron. 4 news at 9 a lot because we have a special edition of kron. 4 news road to the championship. our kron 4 sports team will look at how the bay area and the forty-niners are getting ready for sunday's big game will be right back after a quick break. >> now from the is local news station. is a special edition of kron. 4 news road to the championship. >> led you to write her used to grow will make history. >> mister irrelevant has made history. now he stands on the precipice of even more. is that thing in me that you want to win 31 game away from becoming the only rookie in history to lead his team the super bowl. every side every moment matters in their way. the philadelphia and the mask pass defense in the lead. it's never easy. you know, every single game that playing. it's never easy. it's already taking forty-niners fans on the ride of a lifetime right with on the road to the menaces win or go. >> win or go home. welcome to a special edition of kron. 4 news forty-niners road to the championship. i'm ken wayne and i'm catherine heenan. the niners took off today headed to philadelphia for sunday's nfc

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