Transcripts For KTVU News At 5pm 20131012

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>> since monday is the columbus day holiday. ac transit will run regular bus but on tuesday they will run extra buses if they are available. the ferries will have extra boats. the agency will extend the service hours. >> chp will have carpool lanes from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. that way they can accommodate more carpoolers. the last strike in july stranded 400,000 commuters. starting july 2 people lined up for ferry service in the east bay. commuters crowded on the bus service. the strike lasted 4 1/2 days but much over the fourth of the july holiday. our coverage to bart strike continues. ahead the frustration riders are feeling. and how much is this labor fight costing bart. the move that is costing the agency hundreds of thousands of dollars. a package that forced the evacuation of people in richland contained flashlights and bat reese. it was at the social security administration. the police say the office received a package that had metal and wires inside. as a precaution the building and nearby homes were evacuated while the bomb squad cleared the scene. san francisco sheriff department will conduct an investigation into the death of a patient at fran general hospital. the sheriff has filed a question for policies that safeguard patient safety. this comes after a patient, lin spaulding was found dead 17 days after she disappeared. the police and the mayors off it's are investigating her death. a month long investigation ends with millions of dollars of drugs off the streets and 13 people in police custody. >> the officer readed 13 homes. people say this is one of the 13 homes. it looks like any other home in the community. >> this happens to be pretty significant grow and appears they seem to be inner related. we look at conspiracy charge. police gave us these pictures that shows a portion of the plants they confiscated. of the 13 homes 11 had pot grows inside. they netted 1700 plants with a street value of $4 million. they collected $15,000 in cash. the suspect's bypass meters to hide how much they were using in to grow houses. 13 people are facing charges including growing and possession of marijuana for sale. the whole satisfactory is a drug problem and gang issues too. i'm glad to see it gong. coming up we'll have more on the story and what police say is the biggest concern with this bust. a federal judge dismissed an antitrust suit against lightning. they a-- mlb. the judge sided with the league's right to determine where the leg relocates. the judge sided with san jose saying it looks like lpga mlb interfered with the option on land. chuck reed said . continuing coverage of the federal government shut down. the nation is now less than a week from the deadline to raise the debt ceiling or face the government not being able to pay the bills. this biggest change is the two sides are talking to each other and a compromise may be in the earliest stages. the president did call and speak with the speaker of the house this afternoon, not long ago. had a good conversation and the two agreed that all sides need to keep talking. >> president obama hosted republican senators at the white house to talk about the partial government shut down and the debt ceiling deadline. one trying to formulate a compromise is susan colins of maine. >> the element plan that would allow us to reopen the government have a short-term extension to january of next year if the debt limit delayed the medical device and more plexbility to deal with seauestration. >> some republicans are working on their plan to extend the debt limit for six weeks but require the president and democrats to engage with the republicans in deficit reduction talks. analyst say if an agreement falls apart expect the markets to drop. the partial government shut down is delaying the investigation into last july airline crash at sfo. that was the word today, 383 of the agencies 410 employees are currently furloughed. that led the ntsb to postpone a hearing on the asiana crash. it's delaying the investigation into a battery fire in a tesla car. a 70-year-old woman assaulted and robbed and police say the man who attacked her is in custody thanks to a tip from a ktvu viewer. >> the man has been questioned for three hours. the police had no big leads but when the footage aired detectives got a very solid tip from a viewer and here we are tonight an 18-year-old in custody. walmart, osgood, big store, big crowd, big crime. what are your thoughts of younger people picking on senior citizen. it's horrendous. >> i don't think anyone should attack anyone. >> it did happen, a little after 9:00 p.m. >> she was yelling violently. the detective said this man and woman were hunting for a victim be found a 70 yield woman. >> he shoots the target he identifies the woman. she were shot as they shopped. the robbers goal, a gold necklace. they approach the victim from behind. grab the necklace. throws her to the ground. rips the necklace from her neck and runs away. leaving walmart shoppers disgusted. >> it's preying on the weak. preying on a child. >> and today soon after detectives received that tip from a viewer the police had a lead on a suspect and that man was arrested on his home. he was identified just a few hours ago by the victim as the man who attacked her. that victim is recovering from a fractured hip the female accomplish is unaccounted for. the 2-year-old son of a famous nfl running back has died and it was no accident. who's in custody. the governor signs a slew of gun control bills. what one will ban hunters from owning. stacks of postage stamps wasting away. the area weekend is here. we're talking about a warmup. which cities will be the warmest and on which days. look at them with that u-verse wireless receiver. back in our day, we couldn't just move the tv wherever we wanted. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. . happening now the san francisco waterfront is quiet on a week where it is normally crawling with visitors. all the attractions at fleet week has been canceled. david is in san francisco tonight to explain what people can look forward to even though the blue angels won't be flying. no airshows or aircraft carriers, folks are trying to keep the spirit of fleet week alive. fleet week attracts a million people. now to fisherman's wharf estimates they see 18 to 25% bump in sales when ship, sailors and crowds come into town. with out that merchants are expecting a regular week. please make it come back. next to 4th of july it's one of our biggest weekends. not having it impacts us a lot. >> besides disappointed merchants others stay show must go. on the man who created the sidecar motorcycle says this tribute will be on display for everyone to see this weekend. >> i don't need the fleet week to put out the message and the cause is a daily cause, our freedom never stops. it's 24-7. >> fireworks will be on every saturday to make up for the loss of ships. a special war fest is planned later in the month to offset the financial losses. reporting live in san francisco. david steven on. >> -- stevenson. >> on facebook we're asking people if they will miss fleet week. a lot of people have strong feelings on both sides. a 2-year-old son of minnesota viking star running back adrian peterson died after allegedly being abused. the boyfriend of the boy's mother is being aaccused. he's held on $750,000 bond. desirable charges could -- additional charges could follow. . a 30-year-old woman was arrested after her car crashed into parked vehicles in the richmond district. it happened on 10th and gerry. a 30-year-old was driving a blue mitsubishi when she hit a car. deere was arrested on discuss pitch of dui and hit and run. >> had a suspicious it was my car, i don't want to wake right now. it was 4:00 in the morning, then the cops rang my door bell. supporters of urban gardening celebrated legislation aimed at promoting that practice. dozens came to little city gardens, the legislation approved in sacramento aims to give property owners tax breaks to turn vacant land into a community garden. in blighted urban areas they don't have access to clean organic fruit. they can sell the food or give it to the food bank or the community. the new law allows recused property tax. a light earthquake in humboldt county. the 4.9 quake was 32 miles north, northwest of eureka. this comes after a 3.9 quake hit this morning. the bay area is ready for weekend, if you're hoping for the area to warm up let's hear the news. >> it will warm up a bit. we head toward the weekend. this week flew by, i'm getting older. here we are friday. weather is warming up. without the extreme fire danger we experienced. as you look at the satellite map, you can see the areas of green representing the 50s. those are the cooler spots. it's 68 in santa rosa. daytime highs were in the 70s for the most part. there's fog along the coast, you woke up lots of fog. the fog along the coast. it will push back inland tonight. here's the deal, as we go into the bay area weekend, temperature will go up. we could see low 80s showing up in the area. the winds are all over the map. southeast wind in santa rosa. we see the winds clocking around like that, that's typical for this time of the year. in the fall. in the summer it's onshore. this time of the year the winds have more versatility to them. it's not asper assistant -- asp persistant. overnight lows chilly. fog tomorrow morning, 6:00 a.m. the highs come in. yellows 70s, greens are 60s and oranges if you look hard are 80s. in the eastern livermore valley an 80. 75 in antioch. saturday is the coolest day to the weekend. sunday will be the warmest. you see that in the 5-day forecast, sunday warms up. monday, tuesday, wednesday back in the low 80s. none of this is high fire danger stuff. we have an offshore wind, northeast winds on monday, tuesday, wednesday, it will increase the fire danger, at this point the winds don't appear to be massively strong. we'll look specifically at the forecast for neighborhoods in the bay area as we head into saturday and sunday. the two silicon valley heavyweights recruiting people recently laid off by black berry. >> this art work is more than a measurial. the state writes a tiny check and it bounces. the buy out worth only 3-cents and cost a woman in the end. teens charged in a bay area shooting. these and more coming up new at 6:00. [ man ] it's big. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. the biggest in bail. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. . an oakland artist is helping a well-liked homeless man. how the man known as clean up stands to benefit from a mural. he spends his time sweeping up the sidewalks in front of homes and businesses in west oakland. >> that's why everyone calls him clean up. james is a fixture in the neighborhood. and now he's a fixture on the side of this brick building. >> he's really sweet, captivating, fun, funny. >> kate decided to paint a mural of clean up to tell his story and hopefully get him a place to live. art is a special medium is capturing the spirit of a person as alive as james. >> she captured me as i am. and showing this on a big wall like this, it was amazing to see. >> this is more than just a mural. at the bottom she put a web site and created a way to make donations. at sidewalk people have contributed six thought to get boatner off the street and write a book about his life. it means a lot. it lets the people know somebody cared. >> boatner used to work as a truck driver for oakland until a injury cost him his job. he's been homeless for 15 years. but he's tried to give back. >> i rather do this than just to be sitting around twiddling my fingers. a homeless man with a generous spirit and a mural that's giving him hope. >> google is going to follow facebook lead and put user recommendation in the ads. people will limit the use of the names but won't be able to opt out. google will not use the recommendation of people under 18. the new policy will take affect on november 11. it's not all bad news at blackberry. apple held a recruiting event in ontario, intel plans a similar event and google will open a mobility office. all of this is in addition to other tech software and internext companies in the same -- internet companies in the same area. an expensive move the reason mark zuckerberg paid $30 million to buy four houses in palo alto. people are paints rent to berth their boats. why can't they get to water. [ marco ] i'm a student at devry university. and this is my home team. this is my large lecture hall. this is my professor. and also my coach. this is my booster club. this is the guy who's graduating ready for a great career in technology. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. find your career success in the bay area. learn how at governor brown signs a slew of gun control bills and that has people excited but not all made it through the governor's desk. >> there's a media conference held outside the state building and touted two bills, one closes a loop hall in the assault weapons ban and makes it difficult for people who made violent threats to own a gun. nancy skinner represents east bay cities and she was joined by police representatives. one of the bills signed by the governor bans clips that modifies guns into high capacity and another extends the people who made threats can't sown a -- own a gun for five years. >> to increase safety in the communities, prevent gun violence and give our public safety officials and others more tools. >> we want to give law enforcement tools to even the playing fields. >> the governor rejected bills, one senate bill 374, it was intended to strengthen restrictions on assault weapons but would have included hunting rifles and collectible firearms. the governor doesn't believe the blanket ban would reduce criminal activity or enhance public safety enough to warrant this infringe: i called a spokesperson for the nra, i have not heard back. earlier there were recall efforts against lawmaker who's supported these type of bills. i asked the assembly woman what she thought. polls show that anyone who supports bills like the governor signed today has nothing to worry about. one of the bills signed today implements a ban on led -- lead municipal ammunition. the bullets poison wildlife. as mentioned some folks who support gun rights are considering recall. analyst say the gun right lobby is emboldens by recall efforts in colorado. we know the identity of a young man shot to death in san francisco. the victim is 20 year old eric mayberry. he was shot and killed wednesday on mission street at brazil avenue. he was shot and died at the scene. no arrests so far. students at city college of san francisco took the fight to save the school to marin county. they protested in front of the accredit team. the activist's aim was to shame the agency in its own backyard. >> your neighbors are trying to downsize public education and close a school that has a history of student success, offering high quality education. >> the committee yanked the adreadtation in -- adreadtation of next year. we're monitoring the talks in oakland. the new deadline for a strike stands at sunday night. they have been caught in the middle of the a bitter labor dispute and bart riders are weary. >> do you have a plan for monday if there's no training rolling. >> i will do like everybody else. carpool or public transportation. i will watch the news saturday and sunday and get a feel for the progress. >> just like the budget. why wait to the last minute the negotiate. you know you have issues. >> it will put me in a bind. without bart or the bus i have nowhere else to go. people don't like to take me in the car. it's a has toll break the scooter down. i depend on this. >> you're trying to get from the east bay to san francisco. >> yes. what do you do if there as a strike. >> make phone calls. >> you feel you're caught in limbo. >> i don't know what i'm going to do. it will be more money out of my pocket i don't have. >> everyone that works for bart need to stop complaining. >> the negotiations will continue. bart riders hope a deal can get done. they don't want to go through another strike. fears of a strike kept bart ryers off the train. the ridership was down by 20,000 passengers. trance bay trips down 11,000. people made other plans, worked from home or used other ways to get around. stay with ktvu for continuing coverage of the bart negotiates. prosecutor put off filing charges against ephron karil. police say he was wearing only underwear and socks and carrying a cell phone. a window screen was toone on a home. attorneys which are handling the case asked for a delay in filing charges. napa count deputies are looking for a man who pulled a gun on deputies. the man shown first loaded a cart with goods in the store and took them to the return counter and exchanged them for a gift card. when guarded stopped him he pulled a pistol. police have arrested three women at massage par locals on --, parlors for prostitution. investigators say the women worked at independent contractors. i have seen an increase in the type of businesses that have moved out here. the membership's closing store jack speed is cancelling plans to open a store in the mission district. this is amid a neighborhood backlash against chain stores. they hoped to open a store on 16th street but on wednesday they voted to consider jack spade a formula retailer. that would make the permitting process more complicated. >> look here and see if there's anything missing. the first lady said there is something missing and it's costing the postal service millions of claars. >> paying with cash, it's costing millions in hidden costs. traveling for free. the airline that will allow family members to combine their frequent flyer points. ♪ at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. the vatican made a spelling mistake that's surprises many. it misspelled jesus. it came out lesus. 6,000 medals were minted and four sold. the correct inscription refer to the appeal to a tax collector. in club -- lubbock texas wants to bring the message of jesus love for everyone and using outcast, addicted. hated. a new survey suggests americans using cash is over paid by $200 billion a year. that's a conclusion by tufts university. estimating check cashing services. fees for nonnetwork atm and getting money from a payroll car. jetblue will allow family members to share frequent flyer accounts. two adults and five children or two unletted adults. it's the latest loyalty program. the points no longer expire. a new study suggests the u.s. will be named the biggest oil producer. but the international agency only counts non-opec countries. the u.s. is producing 10 million-barrels a day and that's expected to grow because of fracking. sometimes privacy comes at a price. in a move to asear his privacy -- assure his privacy, zuckerberg learned a developer wanted to buy a property and build a mansion andtis -- advertise the owner would live next to zuckerberg. want fries with that. they'll be free. the fast food chain that wants you to try the new creation on the house. why an image of a child doing a cannonball on a stamp has led to a clash. a gun giveaway. the message the nra is sending to the white house. i'm coming back and talk about the weekend. sunday will be the warmest day. how hot is it going to get? i'll let you know. yeah, our birthday entertainment was a mathemagician. because if there's anything that improves magic, it's math. the only thing he taught us was how to subtract kids from a party. ♪ let's get some cake in you. i could go for some cake. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. stamp -- stacks of postage stamp are sitting in a warehouse in new york. the postal service is in a holding pattern because of objections of michelle obama's office. urging children to be more active that's the idea behind the stamps. when the post office asked michelle obama for support they objected. the stamps are sitting at the printer. >> it's not the white house's job to approve of stamps. >> the staff is asking postal officials why the stamps were printed before the first lady's blessing and how much it cost. >> the postal service is deeply in the financial hole and wasting money like this is not a good thing. the white house administration took issue with the stamp with a skateboarder not wearing knee badds and the head stand without a helmet. >> i wouldn't want the security gear. it would lose the impact. the postal service could sell the stamps and risk mrs. obama criticizing them or destroy them. no decision has been made. officials will have a better idea closer to the end of the year. >> the noble committee gave the peace prize to an organization. or the plow i had bigs of -- prohibition of the chemical webs. the opcw has just begin in syria. burger king hoping to give frias way. they will giveaway the fries on saturday and sunday. the low fat frys have 30% less fat than regular fries. a small serving has 270 calories and 11 grams of fat. burger king regular fries have 15 grams of fault. endeavor will break records on public display. the shuttle was opened to the public last october 30th. it was moved across the city last year. 2.7million people have come to see the shuttle. crews are building a permanent exhibit foreign dever. -- for endeavor. it will warm up toward the tail end of the weekend. the weather system that went through hara knew days ago. look how quickly it's traveled. it's in the northern plains and we're in this area. the clouds are in the pacific northwest. more rain in portland and seattle. this is our time of the year to get great weather. you see the high clouds coming over the top of us. that's high clouds. fog to the coast. that will be a constant player tonight, tomorrow, by tomorrow afternoon the winds will clock around this ties into our warm up. when the winds come around it will blow the fog around setting up a nice day on sunday. these are the current numbers. 69 in walnut creek. just a perfect day. perfect friday. foggy at the coast. temperature today like yesterday, warmer, warmer on saturday, or about the same. the forecast, let's check out san jose, the forecast for tomorrow, the numbers mostly in the 60s and low 70s. by 2:00, 2:00 san jose downtown almost 70 degrees. start out in san jose at 52 degrees in the morning hours. it's chilly as we start off tomorrow, temperature warm up. it's october. this pattern is what we expect for this time of the year. as we go into sunday through tuesday, the high pressure kicks in and the winds come around offshore. as it pushes inland, the winds, the arrows go this way. sunday through tuesday a warming trend, an increase in fire danger, i don't expect what we saw friday when it was really blowing, warmer sunday, and then monday through tuesday, wednesday, thursday, temperature in the upper 70s, low 80s. beautiful day, 70 in santa dollara -- clara. you've got fog in the morning hours. by sunset, late in the day there's clearing. the 5-day forecast. the bay area weekend in view. warmer and so saturday fog, sunday no fog. these days, monday, tuesday, wednesday, the fire danger comes up a bit. the days at the coast you love to be part of. the coastal sections will be in the 60s and sunshine. a nice looking five-day forcast. the fire danger rachels up -- rackets up. harry mill:00 will be -- milk will be immortalized. a 3-cent check from the state bounces. we're asking about the penny causing confusion. bart could strike on monday. there's a bit of a silver lining. the freebie for bart riders. . the coast guard arrived in miami beach with a ton of drugs seized at sea. 2100-tons of marijuana, the wholesale value of $16 million. the coast guard said the street value is higher. they seized firearms and eight drug smugglers were arrested. dianne feinstein and the obama administration are trying to ban guns, the nra is giving them away. the gun rights group is raffling off rifles. the nra is asking for a 5- dollar donation and they will use it to protect the second amendment. glee paid tribute to cory monteith last night. >> monteith played fin hudson but he died of an overdose in vancouver near july. he was only 31 years old. the story line showed the friends dealing with the death. glee is singled out as the most inexclusive show on television. it features gay and lesbian characters and the only transgender charge on -- character on television. harry milk will be memorialized on a estimate. -- stamp. the stamp will include a picture with a message hope will never be silenced. it will be the first to honor an openly gay official. the stamp will be available next year. going nowhere fast. that's facing betters in the north bay -- betters in the north bay. this may look like a betters paradise. it's frustrating. and to be shut down to lake. the army corps does not have a big presence out here. i don't understand if issue to water itself. we're year round slip holders and should be able to use the boat. he spends $300 a month on the house his houseboat. >> we can't go out. >> the army corps of engineers has jurisdiction because of a dam it built into the partial shut down means furloughs for the park rangers they oversee safety. no rangers no boating. what betters find inif you are rating the corps receives a portion of the berthing fees. this is the best time of the year to to be lake. i wait all year for this month. people agree the shut down must end. >> we should remember this when election time comes. >> in sonoma county. now at 6:00, no strike but no dealetter. now bart is coughing up 10s of thousands of dollars. the worse case scenario, $45,000. the unnecessary expenses caused by the threat of a bart strike. >> and a robbery and assault now a break in the case. how a viewer helped nab a teenage suspect. >> a state issued check for 3- cents bounces. why east bay officials say it's a miss understanding. good evening. the bart trains are running but they may not be for long. union workers issued their 72 hour strike notice before midnight. if a deal is not made by midnight going into monday they are working on the job on that morning. things are different right now. tom looked into the threat of a strike is costing 10s of thousands of dollars. >> if you put a deposit on it, it will come, cancel too late, loose your deposit. like the strike in june, bart chartered buses for free rides. buses for today were canceled last night. that's a few hour as head of the deadline. no word on how much of the $900,000 of the deposit was forfeited. >> the worse case scenario, $45,000 to back out of the contracts for the weekend. >> next week should a strike come, bus rentals will be a quarter million dollars a day. eventually that will go to $400,000 a day. we have to efficiently move the buses through traffic. even if we have 200 buses we have to move

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