connection between that individual and what happened and what is continuing to happen inside the courthouse behind me. >>rt it was really important fo you to set that scene, yasmin, that the number of protesters -- because we saw a fair number, right, the first day, but this was not someone who was in the middle of a crowd of people. this is not someone who was in the middle of a protest. >> no. >> this was an individual, and it sounds like -- because you saw it as it was unfolding, that the response was very quick. it does not sound, from what you've observed, that there was any o kind of security situatio potentially that was created there? >> reporter: no, i mean, let's be clear. the security situation down here is seincredibly high, right? because the former president of the united states along with secret service arete inside tha building. so they already have a very high security situation happening here. there was no threat really to