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Night. You can read the latest and theres a business week magazine exclusive interview with the president of the United States, barack obama. The president had lots to say about lots of stuff. Until tomorrow. Coming up, hardball with chris matthews. Tie goes to the republicans. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im joy reid in for chris matthews. The Supreme Court delivered a blow to president obamas immigration policy. The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided court. Translation, its a tie. The court split 44 essentially delivering no decision at all. An Appeals Court ruling that blocked the program for being implemented, stands for now. The president called the news heartbreaking for millions of immigrants. The fact the Supreme Court wasnt able to issue a decision today doesnt just set the system back even further. It tabs kes us further from the country we aspire to be. More fully contribute to this country we all love in an open way. Republicans celebrated. They say the president overstepped his authority issuing the executive order shielding millions of immigrants. Here is the speaker of the house r , paul ryan. This is a win for the institution. Its wane for congress and to restore the separation of powers. President s dont write laws. Congress writes laws. Todays news could have huge implication for the 2016 race. Hillary clinton and donald trump differ sharply on immigration. Trump says he wants to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants and build a really big wall. Earlier today she responded in a phone interview. My heart is breaking for the five Million People in this country who have been waiting for the decision and are facing deportation, living with fear every single day. This decision leaves these families with fear. Its devastating, wrong and we must do better. A very formal sounds statement from donald trump read todays 44 Supreme Court ruling has blocked one of the most unconstitutional actions ever undertaken by a president. You couldnt have a starker divide coming up for American People in november on immigration. Is the issue of immigration enough to galvanize the Latino Community which has undervoted its share of the population . I think its going to help. This decision really, is a travesty. I agree with secretary clinton it is heartbreaking because it means more families will be subject to deportation. These are people that have been here for years and years. These kids often times only know the United States as their home. Now they live in fear of being deported and separated from their family. Its going to motivate many of the Latino Community to come out. Ive said the Dreamer Movement needs to transform into a motivation movement. Is that under way. We heard about some desperate efforts to register millions of latino voters. Is that under way in the Democrat Party . It could always be better. It is more advanced. President obama took a swipe. Leaving the broken system the way it is, thats not a solution. We can deport 11 Million People or build a wall without spends taxpayer money is abetting what is really just factually incorrect. Its not going to work. Its not good for this country. Its fantasty. Im sure you have seen the trump rally where he starts the chant of build a wall. Is that spect cal. Do those image, is that in and of itself galvanizing to a community that has not voted its population. It is. Ive had people who say they will vote for the first time because theyre going to vote against donald trump because hes scaring them. Its not just latinos but also asian americans and other immigrant communities. He started his campaign with a real slander and has been extremely divisive stoking peoples fear and added to this incredib t feel in the 2016 election season. Lastly, congressman, does Hillary Clinton have to do more than just rely on peoples fear of donald trump to get the latino vote out. Maybe picking a latino running mate. Do you have any suggestions of a name you want to look into . I think shes going to do every single thing she can to get out latino voters and all americans. Shes going to pursue a 50state strategy. I saw a poll that had her up by a few points in arizona. Florida has a good chance of doing democratic, arizona and also georgia. I know she will do everything she can to get folks out to vote. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Im joined by michael steele, the former chairman of the Republican National econocommit. You had republicans high fiving over this 44 decision that let stand an piles court ruling putting about 4. 4 million undocumented immigrants, many of them latino at risk of deportati deportation. Are republicans celebrating too early. We heard the congressman say this spectacle, isnt that going to drive out latino turn out for democrats. Lets be clear. Theyre not high dpoofiving the deportation of individuals. Theyre high fiving the executive action taken by the president of the United States has been sustained. Upheld in terms of the lower court decision. I dont want to conflate this and republicans are saying were going to deport them. Donald trump is. I understand what youre saying. Im also talking about other republicans as well. This is not mutually everybody on the same page here. We know that. Thats been articulated and defined to this point. How are they not on the same page . The republicans this congress refuse to pass Immigration Reform. Thats right. Ted cruz and marco rubio said they oppose Immigration Reform. They are on the same page with donald trump . Thats true. Were also talking about a president who is deported over a Million Immigrants a year over the last three or four. Republicans want that done. Thats right as did barack obama. What this means Going Forward is a challenge for gop. Im not going to sit here and pretend it isnt. We have a lot of work to do from the words of or nominee to the actions of some of our members in the United States senate as well as in the house of representatives that have not been honest brokers with Hispanic Community on this issue. If they wont do that and you have a ruling that says deportation of some of the parents, how do republicans take this issue into the general election in anything but high fiving this ruling and standing behind the build the wall nominee that they have all pledged to support . I think some republicans will do that and probably helps with some white voters in rust belt states. That may be a big battleground for donald trump. It does create huge problems for republicans in states like arizona. Those are state where is the latino voters could make a big difference in a bad way for republicans. It may depend on the part of the country youre in and the proportion of the latino voters where republicans think this is great thing happening for them politically or not. You know john mccain said this could be the erase of his life. He said build the dang fence. Does he dare triple down on his opposition to any kind of Immigration Reform . I dont know the answer to that. Youll have to get john mccain to specifically address that. I dont know. I understand that he is in a tough race back at home. I dont know how hes done the political calculations to answer the charges that will come in the light of this particularly decision. This goes back to my point earlier, joy, republicans have put themselves in a spot with hispanic voters. All of that has been gone, taken away from them. They have to rebuild this relationship in way that manges sense to latino voters to susans point recognizes that white voters who are up for the wall and all of that, they need those voters too. Very difficult spot. Thank you both. Coming up, on a busy night in politics, democrats end their historic sitin. Paul ryan wrote it off as a stunt but will it rally progressive voters and other americans who Want Congress to enact stricter gun laws. Polls are closed across great britain. It has huge implications not just for europe but here at homhom home. We should know the outcome sometimes tonight. Some republicans are questioning whether donald trump is serious about running for president or just looking after his business interest. Well play you part of an exclusive interview with donald trump, coming up. The hardball round table with be with us to fill in the blanks on this busy news day and tell me something i dont know. This the hardball, the place for politics. We can enable a banker to travel to the most remote locations with nothing but a phone and a tablet. Everywhere where theres a phone, you have a bank. 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To push, to pull, to stand up, and if necessary to sit down. Welcome back to hardball. That was georgia congressman john lewis emerging this afternoon with House Democrats on the Capitol Steps at the conclusion of an unprecedented and historic 25hour sitin protest on the floor of the house chamber. Democrats are demanding votes on new gun control legislation that would expand background checks and prevent suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. Republican leaders including paul ryan and ke thin mccarthy dismissed it all as a stunt. Were not going to take away the Constitutional Rights of w lawabiding americans. Democrats can talk all they want. Im not sure what their plan or end game is here. The bottom line is despite these distractions, we did our job we did the peoples business. Theyre putting it into chaos. This was more about democrats trying to raise money than achieving something. Joining me now is one of the democrats who was there is new york congressman Gregory Meeks and former political director for george w. Bush. Your reaction to the speaker of the house and other republicans dismissing what you and other members did as a stunt. Stunt. Theres nothing that john lewis does thats a stunt. Hes a legendary individual. He doesnt have time for stunts. He has time for points and tactics so we can bring to the floor what 90 of americans know makes reasonable sense to do and try to get the individuals on the other side, the republicans in the house to bring a bill to the floor. One of the things that took place in the senate, they had at the bait and everybody could vote on whether up or down however they did. Thats what that was about to have a vote on two bills. A bipartisan bill. It was peter kings bill. Its not all the democrats for. Its a vote where 90 of republicans are also this support of it. It wasnt a stunt. It was a tactic that want sthoe whats taking place ae ining pl. Your voice is the way it is because you havent been to sleep yet. If the idea was to stop all progress in the house and not let anything to happen, why did the democrats allow the to votes to happen overnight and why did you end it and allow the house to adjourn . You couldnt prevent those votes from happening. There was no way to keep that from happening. The dead of night, they wanted to get out of town. You want to talk about why not put the bills on the floor and what are their positions and closing the gun show loophole and making sure if youre on the no fly list, you cant get buy a gun. We can have that debate. To the point the congressman is making, if republicans believe that they have the better side of the argument about keeping people who are on the terrorism watch list, allowing them to still go into a gun store and legally purchase a gun, if republicans believe they have the better side of the argume argument, why not debate . Why not allow a vote . They had the vote in the senate. In the house . Lets face it. They had the vote in the senate. Its easier to bring things to the floor. They didnt have the votes to pass it. Many democrats didnt support the measure which would have given the fbi three days to make sure someone on the terrorism watch list should be on the terrorism watch list. We have been reading about it all day and americans who were put on the terrorism watch list, it can take up to eight years to get your name off of it. We shouldnt abridge someones constitutional right on the a whim. Its not have a sitibuster where the congressman knows the way you overturn the majority is get the voting for a discharge petition. First of all, matt thats very clever. Thank you. The speaker of house can bring a bill to the floor. You just made an argument on what you believe is the substance of having people on the terrorism watch list still be able to buy guns. Why not, in a body thats designed to deliberate and vote, why shouldnt have the house of representatives allow a debate an vote. Im talking about the house. Dont pivot to the senate. I have no problem voting on all these questions. Defending someones Constitutional Rights with the clear letters make it clear we shouldnt abridge that right on some kind of willy nilly procedure. Why do American People want people suspected of being terrorists to not be able to buy firearms. The majority of americans disagree with you. I dont disagree with that. Republicans are making sure they can. Republicans dont want terrorists to get guns. Theyre making sure they can. They had a vote in the senate and the democrats didnt support. Putting it on the democrats. Hes throwing it on the democrats. Look at the vote today. Congressman, the vote is yours. You are right, joy. Were two separate bodies. The senate had a debate on the floor. You vote up or down. Then your constituents know where you stand. We have not had a vote on the house. Not saying we dont know who would win or lose but at least the constituents and the American People will know where you stand. Its a major issue that were confronted with every day in the United States of america whether youre talking about the Mass Shootings or the other 33,000 deaths that have taken place in the United States of america. As horrible as it was in benghazi where we lost four americans, the republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars to try to figure out how we fix that. Here, we have 33,000 people that die and want to go a step to take a vote to make sure we save a life. Thats a relevant question. What policy, matt, do you support in order to try to reduce the 33,000 deaths a year by firearms. I would like to prevent all the deaths of those people in the orlando nightclub by making sure terrorists dont get weapons. How . It was the Obama Administration that took that off the terrorism watch list. No, he passed the background check and was able to get a gun and your party say she should be able to continue to do it. The fbi bungled it. Your job is to let me speak as well. The fact is the things youre advocating wouldnt have stopped what happened in orlando. Name one policy that you support that could pass the house and senate that your party would be willing to bring to the floor of the house. I got it. That would reduce the 33,000 gun deaths that include suicide, partner homicides, the Mass Shootings in places like sandy hook. Would you let me answer. We august to take the Mental Health records and be part of the background checks. Terrorists should not have weapons. Under the Obama Administration, we have seen two atrocities. Thats not a policy. Thats attacking administration. Your policy is attacking administration. Got it. Thank you very much congressman Gregory Meeks. Polls have closed and results are coming in from voters in britain as to whether they will remain in the European Union. What do their decisions mean for us in the u. S. . This is hardball, the place for politics. Heres whats happening. Baltimore Police Officer caesar go goodson has been acquitted. Gray died later. Residents in parts of illinois are cleaning up after four tornadoes tore throw the northern part of the state. A second body has been found in the search for a father and his three teenager children who went missing in florida. Back to hardball. Welcome back to hardball, its already friday in the United Kingdom and the polls have been closed for over two hours. They will decide whether or not britain should remain part of the European Union. Proponents and opponents have waged a fierce campaign, which was temporarily halted last week after british lawmaker jo cox was murdered. Her assassination stunned the nation and sparked questions whether immigration and the refugee crisis have become a center piece of that campaign. The remain side has a slight lead. We need to wait until the votes are counted to know the outcome. President obama weighed in on the referendum and he warned an exit would have a direct impact on the u. S. I dont believe the eu moderates british influence in the world. It magnifies it. The eu has helped to spread British Values and practices across the continent. The i thinksingle market brings benefits to the United Kingdom. Im joined by u. S. Correspondent for nt and the bbc. We understand that if britain were to leave the European Union it would make it smaller economy, but what would it mean for the Global Economy and the u. S. Economy . The latest poll shows that twothirds of americans werent aware that brexit, as its called, the possible british exit from the eu was even happening. Britain is the fifth largest economy in the world. Its the seventh largest trading partner of the United States. The United States would have to renegotiate. That would have an impact on jobs in the u. S. Thats why president obama felt so strongly that he had to give a message to the british people that he traveled to the United Kingdom to speak standing next to David Cameron and deliver a robust message. Much more robust than David Cameron managed to do. All of that would not only royal the markets, the Global Financial market but impact the glow ball economic recovery. That could have an impact back here in the United States in Election Year when jobs and the economy are on every single voters mind. When it comes to the politics, thats important. The campaign that the remain camp or the leave camp has waged has been driven by what some in the uk said are the politics of anger. Theres a lot of comparison being made between that campaign there and the way a candidate in the United States, like donald trump is addressing voters. Theres comparisons between brexit and the wall that donald trump would like to build between the United States and mexico. Are we going towards more of that or are we going to see a pull back from that kind of language. Explain to us very briefly what immigration has to do with this idea of leaving the European Union . A lot of what the leave campaign was saying was that if there werent enough jobs in the uk, if services were overstretched, it was all because of immigration. The government simply couldnt control it. He put it out in morning where he showed this huge cues of Syrian Refugees trying to flee syria, trying to get in over the summer last year. He had it on basic build board with the words breaking point. There were a lot of advantages to immigration. Theres a lot of labor jobs that need to be filled. Theres a shortage in skills that the british cant fill. Thats one of the criticism of the leave campaign that the leave campaign has received. They try to stoke peoples fears. Its very easy to tell people if there are more immigrants, youre going to lose your job, but its not always that black and white. Well be watching to see what happens. Coming up, donald trump says Hillary Clinton has done a horrible job but do his attacks with stand fact checking. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. 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Critics worry this is a distraction from the campaign trail. Im not sure what the purpose of the trip is. Trumps son said in an interview, worry not, quote, its a brief but important visit and he will be back on the campaign trail. Trump sat down with lester holt at trump tower. You delivered a speech yesterday. You went hard after hillary cloin on the. She said you attacked her because you had no answer on substance. Shes been terrible at what she does. Whether its libya or the great migration thats largely her. Shes done a horrible job. All over europe its a disaster thats taken place. She will be a terrible president. The attack is an attack on the fact she will be a terrible president. You made some very bold claims about her that didnt stand up. You dont know if they stand up. What claim are you talking about . Your claim she was asleep during the benghazi attack. She was left helpless to die as hill clinton soundly slept in her bed. Were you there . Shes testified before the committee that she wasnt asleep. It happened during the day. It happened all during the day and it was going on for a long period of time. I guess what im asking its going on for a long period of time. She was asleep at the wheel. Whether she was asleep or not. You said she was sleeping. She might have been sleeping. Somebody said she put out a tweet. Nobody else could put out a tweet. You stand by that . I can tell you this, whether she was sleeping or not, and she might have been sleeping, it was a horrific disaster. It was on her watch. You also made the claim that her email, personal email server had been hacked. Her server was easily hacked by foreign governments. Suggesting that if you dont know it hasnt been. Suggesting she would be compromised as president. What evidence do you have . First of all, she shouldnt have had a personal server. She shouldnt have had it. Its illegal. What she did is illegal. She might not be judged that way because we have a rigged system. What she did is illegal. She shouldnt have had a personal server. Is there any evidence it was hacked . I think i read that and i heard it. Where . Somebody gave me that information. Where . I will report back to you. You said it with certainty yesterday. Probably she was hacked. You can be hacked and not know it. She probably was hacked. The fact is, she should not have had a personal server. Youve been critical of Hillary Clinton for taking wall street money. Will you take wall street money . Im taking very little. You will take some . I dont know. Well have to see who comes up. I have turned down millions of dollars from people who i dont really want the give me money. Shes taken tremendous amounts of wall street money. I put up my own money. Now we started raising money. Ive gone to different events. A lot of money is being raised for the republican party. I think youll be surprised when you see the next report. Do you plan to debate her . Of course i do. Three times . I think its three. You plan on doing them . Sure. Are you preparing for them . I think my whole life has been in preparation. You made an appeal to Bernie Sanders voters to come over to team trump. Youre asking people who support a democratic socialist to come over to you, a symbol of capi l capitali capitalism. True. Who said he may or may not take wall street money. Let me tell you why. Im no fan of bernie. Bernie sanders is right about trade. Hes right. The difference between him and me is ill do something about it. Ill do something about it and take those horrible deals and make them great deals for the country. Joining me is the hardball round table. Donald trump says Hillary Clinton was asleep during benghazi. Maybe she was asleep. She was hacked, definitely hacked. Maybe she was hacked. Is this the reset they have been looking for . Is this the coherent trump they have been looking for . The bar is pretty low. I had an operative tell me he found the speech surreal because it almost sounded like something a traditional candidate might give. That said, the bar is low because of all the things you just picked part. All those embellishments and falsehoods that are still there. He stayed on message for an hour. He wasnt congratulating himself for being right about terrorism. He was more on message. Some republicans might excuse him. The problem is because of the embellishments and theyre still there, thats what people are looking at and taking apart. If he can clean that up then perhaps more of the message his campaign wants and needs to get across would be coming across more clearly. It sounded like paul ryan staff wrote the speech. He was very republican boilerplate. The usual blue plate special republicans put forward. You have trump sitting down with lester holt vereverting back to form and is there concern that anything that donald trump does the seem like a regular candidate really is an act he cannot maintain . Absolutely. The last six week vs bes have b pretty disasterous. The more hes off message and stumbling through and taking personal credit for things, that, to them, they win every time that happens. Every time that happens the sort of dump Trump Movement gets an extra boost. He needs to show that he is president ial and he can do this. Going off to scotland to do a Ribbon Cutting doesnt say president ial. Mitt romney went there as the 2012 nominee. He met with David Cameron and he met with members of parliament. He did an official trip. That cshowed presidency. Especially one that is voting to leave the European Union and could collapse. Hes ignoring those factors and going for his own grandisement. Its not sure how he would be received because the of that stuff is known to the leaders there. Hes been openly criticized by some european leaders. I wonder if this reading of the script, this thing where the republicans want him to read from the paul ryan play book is that a desire to be president ial or pretend president ial long enough to get in office and sign the privatization of health care. I wonder does he listen to the words coming out of his own mouth. The boldly state she was asleep and later in the interview say, maybe she wasnt asleep. She was asleep at the wheel. Thats the kind of lack of preparedness and thinking things through that so disturbs republican leaders. I dont think donald trump is welcome to change. He even hinted at that this the interview when asked are you preparing for the debates. He said ive been preparing all my life and hesitated on that. He better prepare because he will have to think through some of these issues to figure out what he really believes so he can present a credible leadership for the party at this point. Indeed. These guys are sticking with me. Up next, what does Bernie Sanders want . Hes speaking during this hour telling his supporters where he sees the movement going from here. Hes still not dropping out of president ial race. This is hardball, the place for politics. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing using 60,000 points from my chase ink card i bought all the fruit. Veggies. And herbs needed to create a popup pickyourown juice bar in the middle of the city, so now everyone knows. We have some of the freshest juice in town. See what the power of points can do for your business. Learn more at chase. Com ink see what the power of points can do for your business. Philadelphia democrat has resigned from congress. He was convicted tuesday on federal corruption charges and could face prison time when sentenced in october. Fattah lost his primary earlier this year. He was not up for reelection. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf will call for a special election to fill that philly area seat. Well be right back. Every day you read headlines about businesses being hacked and intellectual property being stolen. That is cybercrime. And it affects each and every one of us. Microsoft created the digital crimes unit to fight cybercrime. We use the microsoft cloud to visualize information so we can track down the criminals. When it comes to the cloud, trust and security are paramount. Were building what we learn back into the cloud to make people and organizations safer. Bp wind farms are monitored 24 7 at our remote operations center, so onsite teams can count on Early Warning of approaching weather. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never b ing satisfied. One coat, yes one coat guaranteed marquee interior. Behrs most advanced paint. Come find our top rated paints, only at the home depot. Have you begun to prepare your speech for the convention . Will you speak at the convention . Its hard to say. It doesnt appear that im going to be the nominee so im not going to be determining the scope of the convention. That was Bernie Sanders acknowledging in a rare moment that he will not be the democratic nominee. But sanders has yet to concede the contest for the democratic nomination. Hes speaking tonight in new york but no concession is expected from the senator. Clarence page, j. Newton small, eli, what do you expect to hear from Bernie Sanders tonight . The speech was billed as quoteunquote the way forward. I think hes trying to lay out for his followers and supporters where they go go from here. He wanted to change the platform, thats what hes been advocating, to say, we need to bring the platform a little farther to the left. Things like a 15 minimum wage. Hes won a fair amount of concessions from hillary and dragged her arguably farther to the left than shes ever been in this race so many would say hes already had a successful candidacy. On trade, wall street, reform, education, a number of areas hes already gotten a lot out of her. I think he really wants to cement a lot of that progress and bring it more to the left to say, heres where the party is, heres where my followers are, this is where we should be going moving forward. Clarence, you are from the city where Jesse Jacksons two runs for inn his political career, he made this run at the convention in 1994 that redounded to his benefit in 88. What can Bernie Sanders get at this point from team clinton and what do you think he will try to get . Jesse jacksons case, he wanted a plane. He wanted transportation. And the platform to go around the country and campaign on behalf of the party and the partys candidates. I know Hillary Clinton is hoping that bernie will go around, help her campaign, give her a good, strong endorsement. Thats the leverage hes got right now that hes playing. Playing hard to get as it were. Jay and i were talking about how its lucy and the football waiting for bernie to announce that hes with the team and he hasnt quite done it yet. Certainly democrats are hoping that he will. Last night during the House Democrats 25hour sitin, massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren crossed over to the other chamber to show her support and brought the house members some dunkin donuts. I just brought dunkin donuts. Hey she joined the members on the house floor as part of their protest. And eli, i wonder if the problem for Bernie Sanders now is that he and Elizabeth Warren share a similar brand, very similar brand, but shes now taken that brand and married to it the clinton brand and absorbed a lot of the oxygen, a lot of the popularity, a lot of the excitement. Does Elizabeth Warren sort of upsurge in importance in this campaign, diminish Bernie Sanders leverage in any way . Yeah, perhaps a little bit, because she speaks to and represents that same constilt wancy of farleft democrats who were backing Bernie Sanders. I think bernies been out there saying, and the reason hes still here, hes basically saying, attention must be paid to me, to my message, to the millions of people who supported me. And i think the problem is, you might calculate, well, if i quit right now, if i concede, i lose whatever leverage i have. I think hes already started to lose that. Elizabeth warren is part of the reason. The other part is the optics of a guy who has clearly loss and is failing to come to grips with it, saying in this interview im probably not going to be the nominee. He looks like hes sort of the last person to figure that out. I it might be news worthy for him to finally admit that. This is a party that need to unify for Hillary Clinton so make sure they hold blue states like pennsylvania and ohio. Still there. Hes not really playing his part yet. The roundtable staying with us. These folks are going to tell me something i dont know. Youre watching hardball, the place for politics. Im alex trebek. If youre age 50 to 85, i have an Important Message about security. Write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. The lock i want to talk to you about isnt the one on your door. This is a lock for your Life Insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. But be careful. 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Woman you worked with computers . Man 2 thats classified, maam. Man 1 but youre job was Network Security . Man 2 thats classified, sir. Woman lets cut to the chase, here. Man 1 whats youre assessment of our security . Man 2 [ gasps ] porous. Woman porous . Man 2 the Old Solutions arent working. Man 2 the world has changed. Man 1 meaning . Man 2 its not just security. Its defense. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. We are back with the hardball roundtable, tell me something i dont know. I interviewed kathleen clark, Democratic Congress woman from massachusetts, shes the person who started the sitin. She went up to john lewis on the floor of the house last week and said, i want to do something that can be beyond a moment of silence to really mark the orlando mass killing, lets do something drastic. He said, lets do a sitin. So she was the impetus for what became the sitin. Eli . This weekts, Corey Lewandowski removed on monday, everybody says manafort is in charge. The power, trumps three children, they are increasingly consolidating power and as the campaign transitions into general election mode you can look for them to be more public

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