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And one week before democrats retake control of the house im going to get into what their mandate means and why so many pundits missed the blue wave and might still feel bad talking about it. It is an important story as we look over 2018. But i begin with the panic were seeing from donald trump right now. Theres the growing investigations. Not just mueller but also probing his campaign and business. There is the fall out from this decision to shut down the government. He said once it would be a trump shut out down. And whats going the happen to his candidacy when democrats are in charge of the house next week . As we see signs of panic, there are also signs of contagion, the markets panicking as well. You are probably seeing with your own eye. A rockness that at times seems to mirror the jittery way of donald trump walking into his own shut down. The dow was plunging and then rallying. At wupt points it was a 600 point deficit. This is the latest in the mont of wild swings that a loot came to a head when donald trump started sending very mixed signals about trade with china. Then he told democrats hed be proud to shut down the government. Something hes lived up to thus far. In the last two weeks the shut out went to reality and things began to spiral. Important to look at this because this matters here rounding out 2018. The dow already basically on a downswing this month. It wasnt exactly in good shape. Interest rate hike and lot of things affecting the markets. Then remember just last thursday the chaos culminating with Donald Trumps defense secretary jim mattis announcing he was out. Breaking news tonight. Defense secretary james mattis is stepping down, leaving a white house increasingly gripped by chaos and erratic upheaval. One senior official saying tonight, the wheels are coming off. Mattiss resignation came late in the day. The dow had already fallen more than 4 puhundred points. And as the markets did that the president decide 20d go ahead and go what we have now. The government shut down and basically for not paying for a wall he promised wed never pay for. And then the fighting with democrats. And he famously said the shut down was on him. Totally up to the democrats as to whether or not we have a shut down. I am proud to shut down the government for Border Security. I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. Im not going blame you. The last time you shut it down it didnt work. I will take the mantle of shutting down. It is up to the democrats. So it is really the democrat shut down. This is not just talk and spin. You can see the whiplash driving down the dow another 400 points on fried. And over the weekend. Steve mnuchin revealed he was briefing and exchanging conversation with some of the biggest bankers in the country trying to calm the markets. That didnt work. He posted a statement saying the banks told him they have plenty of credit to lend to american businesses and households. But you now have several analysts take making the point his attempt at damage control could backfire and drive in more unease in the markets. And that proved to be true. Monday the stocks had their worst day of Christmas Eve trading ever. Although again you had the jitters. The dow rebounded yesterday gaining a thousand points. That is the biggest point gain in history because it had gone down is much. And it could have stopped there. But this is why were showing you the entire progression. It didnt because donald trump set things off again. How long do you think you shut down is going to last, mr. President. Whatever it takes. I mean, were going to have a wall. Whatever it takes. Which includes major uncertainty. Extreme up and downs for no apparent reason. You know in the first two years of Donald Trumps presidency the booming stock market had been one of the things he comes back to over and over that he wants credit for. But it is, as i think the chart shows, Donald Trumps governing that seems tied to an erratic market, an erratic mood in the markets. They dont like it. We have a nation now that is looking at an erratic and volatile president increasingly seeing at least a part of the economy, the stock markets joining in the e rat simple. And maybe Donald Trumps strongest argument evaporating before his eyes. Welcome our guests. Clarence, is this the moment that were seeing, although there is a lot of Donald Trumps rhetoric and volume yublt priced to expectations, were seeing some of this hurt him and hurt the markets. Well were certainly seeing donald trump get where hes gotten through rhetoric. Through the ability to talk. And hes said all along he can solve these problems of china trade and problems of healthcare and problems wall street by being a great negotiator. Weve yet to really see that happening. We see instead he claims credit for the stock market when it is up. And when it goes down he plams the democrats. Blames the democrats. When he has an inability to get his wall approved and funded of by americans, not mexico. Again, blames the democrats. Just a week after as you mentioned saying that hed proudly wear the mantle of a government shut out down. In the past weve seen situations like this republicans tend to get the blame as they did back in the nineties with Newt Gingrichs chute dunns. Hes also bragged we mentioned about when the markets are up. Take a look. The stock market has gained trillions of dollars in value. And has reached record highs. The stock market is smashing one record after another. The stock market is hitting one alltime record after another. Boosting your 401 k s and retirement accounts. Everybody happy with your 401 k . Because if you are not. There is something very wrong. Can he do a call and response like that tonight . Donald trump has really been able to ride the wave of obamas economy and to and by projecting confidence he has not hurt the economy. A little bit of bravado isnt necessarily a bad thing when it comes to economic recovery and strength. But as his voters start to be affected by the economic downturn caused by his trade wars, caused by his policy, that is harder to escape. It becomes harder for those vote who are might sigh hey we dont like his moral compass. We dont like the way he talks. But we like Donald Trumps economy. It becomes harder to forgive some of the other sins. And this goes to where the markets fit in as kind of pricing Donald Trumps competent. Paul krugman economist with the New York Times writes the truth is most of the time president ial actions dont matter. Shortterm management is mainly up to the fed. But when bad things happen we do need the white house to step up. And he says it matter 5d lot that officials in the outgoing and Incoming Administration responded competently to the 08 financial crisis. Unfortunately there is no reason to expect a comparable degree of competence if something goes wrong again. Rare indicationoccasion i ag paul krugman. But cyte fakly you see Steve Mnuchin you have from mexico doing this bizarre press release about credit liquidity that really only served to upset people more than it calmed anything. So no im not confident this is an administration that could handle an economic crisis and i think the market is pricing that . She mentions liquidity. It is the kind of thing, like fight club. You are not supposed to talk about it that much. Certainly not whether the banks have enough money. That freaks people out. So i wonder if again this is also, you know, the buck stops in oval office. Donald trump picked certain bankers he liked because he knew they were rich and new york and they may have been good at banking. Im not sure about the government side which is being clear and measured when you try to address the markets. It doesnt help matters much when the president talked very mean about the head of the Federal Reserve and hinted at firing him. Which he cant co. But nevertheless we do know that wall street. Lot of Different Reasons the market goes up and down but we know that wall street hates the hates uncertainty. And we have a lot of uncertainty right no with a president who makes a lot of comments that he may only have believed but they sound good so he says them. And the warning, rather the comfort that Steve Mnuchin tried to give was kind of like the Surgeon General coming out and saying were fully prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Dont worry about it all folks. Whats going to happen . Everybody is going to have zombie pock licenapocalypse on s now and you can have a panic. And were seeing jitters. And not to suggest that whats happening is the whole economy, but it certainly seems like its been super sized by completely avoidable unnecessary actions and statements by donald trump and some of his aids. Now clarence, i have good news for you if perhaps the viewers. Which is the cnbc portion of the beat is now over. As we get into other issues tonight. The chaos royaling trump world is happening of course against the back droop of these investigations and one on going mystery thats involved this crypt i said case that is now potentially heading to the Supreme Court. Report ly linked to the bop mueller. Chief Justice John Roberts ruling a company has until monday to explain why it is resisting the subpoena. And Rudy Giuliani using the holiday week. He didnt have to but he chose to. Getting back out there and saying well, you know, when he once said trump might agree to give more written answers to mueller. Well, thats over. You expect that hes gonna have to answer more questions in writing . Well i think i nounszed about 10 days ago over my dead body. And im not dead yet. So. That answers that. As a form not answering anymore questions from these people. Their outrageous activity s, you know, we did enough. Had not been formally closed. The loop hasnt been closed. I want to bring in one of the nations preeminent legal experts, representing the United States in the Supreme Court during the clinton administration. Argued that a sitting president can be forced to deal with civil court which includes of course depositions and the like. Hes also making the case in the Washington Post that a grand jury should be permitted potentially to consider indicting a sitting president. Great to have you here tonight, sir. Thanks ari. I know that as someone whos argued before the Supreme Court, which most people dont get to even see. Most lawyers dont get to do. You are going to be quite careful about a sealed matter. But i wonder your view given the few clues we have about this mysterious grand jury subpoena that john roberts now has put a deadline on. Well i think it is relatively straightforward in the sense that there is a foreign corporation. A government owned subsidiary that is resisting turning over its records to the mueller investigation, claiming that it is a foreign sovereign that has some immunity from u. S. Legal processes. That is not likely to be a winning argument in a criminal case. Especially that the court of appeals subpoena was unanimous and contained judges that are highly respected and run the spectrum of republicans and democrats on the court. I think that what we may be seeing, ari is this could be the year of the Supreme Court for the mueller trump standoff. I think this could be by far the least important of the cases that the u. S. Supreme court hears on an expedited basis. What you just played with Rudy Giuliani resisting questions to the president. Other president s as we know with bill clinton have testified before the jury. And i think as the very weak claim. The special council wants to know what Donald Trumps state of mind. If hes considering perhaps even naming him as an cospiriter. He needs to interview the president and easily expedited case on the grand jury of the subpoena of the president. They could hear that cases. Also a case involving the houses decision to subpoena the mueller report. Would you expect him to pursue that before he closes up shop . I think i would expect him to see to subpoena the president because he wants to do a complete investigation. And he has said previously he needs to understand the president s state of mind when he engaged in a broad range of actions which might potentially be part of a criminal conspiracy. And i think he went give up. I dont think it would necessarily unduly delay the investigation. Because if you remember bush versus gore, a briefing was done in 48 hour period and overall argument 24 hours later and the Supreme Court took several days to issue an opinion. You could have an expedited a case, especially i think since the president in light of the case i argued and lost, clinton against jones, bill clinton was required to sit for a daylong deposition in a civil case. And the u. S. Versus nixon, where nixon was required to turn over the tape records he had made of private conversations in the oval office. The slaw entitled to every mans evidence. And i think they are blustery when Rudy Giuliani acts as if it is his decision rather than that of the Supreme Court. And i dont think you say every mans evidence. You know, i object to the terminology. I would say every man or thug. Right. Well you know, look. I think the Supreme Court is not necessarily going to break down on any sort of ideological or party lines. With institutional credibility at stake. Absolutely correct. While i have you. And then ill go briefly lightning round to everyone else. I got the get you on the other thing happening. There is a ton of days cases. The Trump Administration shut down the government and now they are citing the shut down to say they should have more time or a delay in the trump holts foreign bribery case. Is that a good argument for the government to make . I dont think so. It could be they are covering themselves. You know, against having lawyers work without pay. Which could be in violation of something called the antideficiency act by making sure the Court Rejects that argument. Says no. You have to make your filings when we tell you. Get it in no matter. Elise jordan . Antideficiency act . . Antideficiency act . You would be ke efficient asking me about it on your show. I trust your legal acumen more than that. Clarence final word . I dont know that much about the antideficiency act either. But every time somebody brings up the question of a president be prosecuted. Everybody says well it is not settled in the courts. Maybe now is the time to settle it. Push it now. The same argument is pushing for impeachment. And im not a radical, frankly. I like do these things in a gradual and thoughtful manner. But were really in uncertain ground here. And were finding more and more apparent violations by the president. We may be forced to do . Look at this is segment as the intellectual knowledge competition but if they were, it is clear everyone gees waltagre wins. Up ahead. Michael cohen sentencing mystery. Lanny craves will tell us his view about the credit mueller gave cohen and the special prosecutor. And more. Plus get this. On tonights show we have a chris red from saturday night live on the beat and were bringing him in with the one and only craig melvin for a special edition end of the year fallback. Im ari melber. Watching the bate on msnbc. Watching the bate on msnbc ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. This week may have a government shut down and a holiday but bob muellers team on the job and operation unimpeded by the shut down. Former witnesses sweeking out. Michael cohen says tonight he never went to prague. In a moment ill speak to cohen advisor lanny davis. That is in a few moments but first we want to turn to a critical feature of Law Enforcement that we think can get lost in our endless news cycles. This is a report we do each year year hoot msnbc. And i hope you will join me to take a few moments to look at this story and the people it impacts. Im talking about Police Officers who are killed on the job. As well as the family and friends tay leave behind. This touches every community in america, where police serve every day. And by definition they dont know if they get to come home that night. So take a look at this. Every face you see right here, right now is the face of an officer killed by gunfire in the line of duty this year. 52 officers in the u. S. Up from the 46 fatally shot on the job last year. The statistics come from the national Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and their president greg floyd joins me in a moment. He says the increase is disappointing and that sadly Public Safety is a dangerous job that can come at a very steep price. This year there were fewer ambush attacks on officers. Those are targeting killings where assailants are seeking out police to kill. Five officers killed in those attack this is year. Compared to 8 last year and 21 the year before. A tense time that Law Enforcement experts were concerned that perhaps americans were turning against officers. Sergeant noel ramirez and deputy tailor lindsay were shot to death in an ambush in april through the window of a florida chinese restaurant. They were there simply eating lunch. One of the many cases that continues to go through the system. Today the Department Released a report saying they found that shooter hated Law Enforcement. There was an emotional funeral for the officers after the attack with one of the longest processions in the history of the is is state of florida and the final call made by a dispatcher playing after the ceremony squls this is the final call badge 268 Sergeant Ramirez and badge 293, deputy lindsay. They made the ultimate sacrifice as they were serving and protecting the citizens with honor and valor. You are cleared for end of watch. Thank you for your service. Rest easy. We have your watch from here. Sergeant ramirezs father, noel ramirez senior joins me. Along with president greg floyd. Thanks to both of you for being a part of this conversation. It goads without saying that it is not easy. Noel, lets start with as we look back on the year what do you want people to know and remember about your son . There is really so much about my son. My son was my life. He was a person that since he was in school he had the best grades. Smart, a leader. Always knew what he wanted. He is and to today i still dont believe, you know, that my son is not here. He wanted to learn so much about autisms. That he was like one of the first officer that took courses to learn so that way he knew how to treat people with autisms. In the street, knowing that his son with diagnosed with autism. This is so hard, you know. When you say, you know, that been shot but the windows. I really cant say is that the way it happened. Because i really dont know how it did. They say inside the restaurant. And its been so confused that, you know, we havent i dont even know. What really happened to my son. But they just not took my son. They took our family. They took my wife, they took me. Because we miss our son. And i still sit on that porch waiting for him to get back home. Because he didnt deserve it. He was a person that was nice, always with a beautiful smile. Always helping other people. He was a leader. Ever since he was a kid, he was a leader. And i thank god for the son he gave us. For me, he was so perfect. And i tell them every time i head to the cemetery, i tell him noelito, i love you. And i cant wait for that day that im there with you. I didnt even get to say bye to him. He was my love. I appreciate the people all over the world that have supported us. The deputies from the count were there for us also, supporting us. Because i didnt really know what happened. I still dont know really what happened. This was not supposed to be happen out there. They were two young men. They didnt deserve this. They took our life. I i appreciate you being able to. I need to hug him. Sure. To share the story with us. You said you want to hug him. You go visit him. You mentioned his work and his care for people with autism. What drew him to be a Police Officer . Really when he came from puerto rico. He came over here and he was a brilliant, brilliant guy. He knew so much. Actually i didnt even know when he was a small kid and we were taking the ferry boat from manhattan to staten island. And i just saw him speak english. And im like i didnt know he was even speaking english. Talking about the knicks game and all that. And he became an officer. Because i know hes a person that he always liked to be out there for people. To help people. He, i even have to ask him things like, you know, should i do this . Should i do that . What do you think . He was my support. We miss him. Yeah. That was not supposed to happen. And we need him back. I need my son back. I love you, noel. Kno no noeli noelito, i love you. Allow know bring craig floyd into the conversation. Craig you work with families like this day in and day out. You have been a source for us on the story. What do you want to say . Well first condolences to mr. Ramirez and his family. Let me assure you that your son will never be forgotten. His name next may 13th at an official candle light vigil his name will be officially inscribed in washington d. C. On the memorial. There will be more than 30,000 people there to hear your sons name read allowed. As we dedicate it. And his name will now be part of the memorial that contains more than 21 thousand names, ari of officers who made the ultimate sacrifice. And more than half of those names on the memorial died as a result of gunfire. The 52 officers shot and killed this year will have their names on that memorial as well and they get the richly deserved tribute they so much deserve. Yes, sir. And craig, what do we learn about officers by reflecting on this for the year . Because as you and i know there are lot of different stories. But most officers never discharge their weapon, arent accused of a wrong doing, arent a part of the stories that sometimes do make news. What do you see in the faces of these officers who were killed serving this year . Ari, for 34 years ive been the founding ceo of the memorial fund. Im a private citizen. Ive never worn the badge, but ive had the privilege of meeting thousands of these men and women who serve us in Law Enforcement. I know their stories of compassion, of courage, of heroism. I know why they do it. I know whats in their heart. These people as mr. Ramirez said about his son, they want to help people in need. Seldom do they ever resort to the use of force. Most of them never fire their weapon in the line of duty. They conduct themselves professionally and properly. And too often this nation of ours does not we take them for granted. Does not appreciate their service and their sacrifice. And today, as we announce that 144 officers died in the line of duty last year, hopefully all of us, as citizens of this great country will pause and express our appreciation to the men and women in Law Enforcement. And noel, in the brief time i have left, i want to thank you for being able to share your story. We talk to families for the story. And some understandably dont want to speak out at all. Which we get. They are mourning. They are grieving. I appreciate you helping us and our viewers understand a little about what your familys been through. Noelito, we miss you. I cant wait for that day to be with you, hug you and tell you how proud i am of you. You are our life. And i know you are a great man. And you will always be a great man. But we will see you again. I love you, noelito. Noel ramirez sr. And craig floyd. A difficult but we believe worthwhile discussion. Well be right back. Worthwhile discussion. Well be right back. Hi. This is peggy. vo you do more than rescue pets when you share the love. You build families. Get a new subaru, like the all new forester, and charities like the aspca can receive two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru. avo get zero percent during the subaru share the love event. Often obscured by pundit on election night. Tonight it is not going a wave election. When you look at whats going on here tonight this is not a blue wave. This is not a wave that is knocking out all sorts of republican incumbents. The democrats are running about where they hoped if they were going pick up thirty seats but not where they were hoping if they are going pick up 35 or 40. This is heartbreaking though. Not a blue wave but still a blue war. With regard to the blue wave, i feel more like i got purple rain. Ha ha ha. Except that wasnt true. It wasnt very purple. The blue wave delivered 40 seats for dems. To be fair one of the news outlets you just saw has updated its analysis. But i have to say when you look at whats going on here tonight, this is not a blue wave. This is not a wave that is knocking out all sorts of republican incumbents. But it was a blue wave and the same outlet later reported it was a tsunami noting democrats crushed republicans. The margin of 8 the largest for a Minority Party heading to an election since 1942. This wave, or tsunami, is not only reshaping congress. It reveals something about the american electorate. Voters oppose trump and his party by historic proportions now. What you see is not a correction. It is a recordbreaking rebuke of trumpism and history shows this popular margin is actually larger than the midterm victories the d. C. Class was quick to celebrate like Newt Gingrichs 94 wave or the 2010 tea patty backlash to obama. The republican revolution of election 94 shook kpol hill like an earthquake today. Indeed the house is republican. The senate is republican. The majority of governmentships now republican. The nation right now it would seem is republican. This is a wake up call to president obama. They view this as the voters speaking. And rejection what they are doing the past 20 months. That was the convention about the red waves those years. Lets look. Here you can see the gop margins for those midterms. And here is the 2018 democratic edge in the midterms. Larger than both of them topping 8 nationwide. Larger than any democratic pick up since nixons criminal presidency. Those are the electoral fact this is year. If you feel like you havent heard much about this . That may be because so many pundits were on the wrong side of the wave. It can be uncomfortable looking into a story that involves Fact Checking yourself. Though some have done so including Cnns Van Jones who we showed earlier. Two, there are others who simply overreact to trump. They let him hijack headlines. As one analyst discussed in a recent segment about the blue wave was bigger than pundits realized on election night. Did the news media underappreciate the strength of the blue wave in the house on tuesday night . Five days later it sure looks that way. Trump again on wednesday, so quickly changed the narrative. Listen, i was in my Editors Office wednesday afternoon pitching a thursday morning print, thursday morning online, sunday print piece analyzing the role of political tv advertising in the governors race in maryland. And people were sticking their heads in going you got to see this press conference. Trump is totally off the rails. You you know, halfway through my pit chase i said forget it. Im writing about the press conference. There will always be another press conference, another feud, another tweet. But there is only one election every other year. Only one chance to hear the voters in the midterm during each president ial term in office. So it is pretty important to make sure we know what voters just said this year. They voted against trump by a recordbreaking margin in 2018. Even wider than they did in 2016 when more people chose trumps opponent but he won the electoral college. So what are we to make of this here at the end of the year . There is a lot of talk about americans being divided in the trump era. And that is true. But it is only part of the story. The larger electoral reality is that from the moment trump entered office more americans opposed him that be backed him. He assumed the presidency within our constitutional rules but not with a majority mandate or a whole lot of legitimacy. And faced with a resistance that is larger than his base trump then led his party into this crushing midterm defeat last month. So this resistance is now even larger. And the gop base looks to be smaller. That is a huge story for this year and next. Call it a tsunami story, if you want. It is pretty important, even if the pundits never saw it coming. Well be right back. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Hi. Maria ramirez mom maria Maria Ramirez. Mcdonalds is committing 150 Million Dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs. Prof Maria Ramirez mom and dad Maria Ramirez to help more employees achieve their dreams. Mom and dad Maria Ramirez when i first came to ocean bay, what i saw was despair. I knew something had to be done. 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Were still going to have snls cris red after this segment. But this is what i promised earlier. You were probably part of the crowds that were pretty riveted by the sentencing hearing for another person who pled guilty in the russia proeb, mike flynn. He was wonder he could see some jail time. But probably month, not years. And as of tonight mike flynn has been sentenced to a single day. Which brings us back to a Legal Comparison of michael cohen. He now faces three years from a case pushed by prosecutors who by definition dont work for mueller up in new york. Why were they so tough on cohen . Can that impact other witnesss future cooperation in the probe . I just spoke with lanny davis who also is drawing contrast to flynn about all this and arguing that cohens truthful testimony is quite scary to trump. First lets notice that donald trump and Rudy Giuliani have spent days and days and tweets and tweets attacking and personally disparaging michael kohn more than anyone else, while of course President Trump said good luck to raymond flynn, michael flynn. So you have to wonder why are giuliani and trump so focussed on michael cohen. And the answer he knows more. They fear him telling the truth more than anybody else because he knows more having worked for him for 10 years and now has turned and recognize as hell explain in his own words someday the danger to the country that a President Trump represents. The answer will come out. That is how mr. Davis puts it. Lanny davis, core issue ises. Suggests cohen may have helped answer questions about collusion itself. Why didnt mueller do more to protect cohen from the wrath of the new york feds . So of all things what you just read is the most important and the biggest question. Compare the statements what bob mueller gave to michael cohen. Michael cohen, seven meetings and 70 hours he voluntarily cooperated. And yet the Southern District of new york with a tax charge, a false statement this is app unintentional false statement when Home Equity Loan that he was charged criminally about had 10 times the equity compared to the loan. Which is the only thing the banks care about. And of course the Campaign Finance violation which was donald trump directing, this is the finding of the prosecutors, directing his lawyer to pay hush money to corrupt now that was lanny daviss view in our conversation. The prosecutors would stress as they did with flinn, when anyone pleads guilty they own the charge. Davis counters by suggesting maybe there is more going on with the federal prosecutors in new york. So we dug into that as well. And as weve been doing on the show from time to time when we have more that you might be interested in, were putting the entire lanny davis interview which, gets into all the details and implications for mueller up online. It is are there right now. Facebook. Com the beat with ari. It is the top item. Lanny davis and where the probe might be heading and what else he wants you to know about michael cohen, a pretty important witness. You can check it out there. Now were not done. We have something very special. Saturday night lives chris red is here on the beat for a special edition of fallback along with nbcs craig melvin. That is next now. Th nbcs craig. That is next now hello mom. Amandas moms appointment just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. 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Ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. You know what it is. Its 2018, a fallback for the entire year with some very special guests who are doing my hand motions. Its hard not to. Craig melvin of the nbc today show, and of course, a colleague here at msnbc, and for our special fallback of the year, chris redd from saturday night live. Thank you for coming through. Thank you, man. I left my suit in the car. You can rock it with that. Man, yeah, this is like cow skin, i think. This reminds me of hyper color a little bit. Its cool. Oh, i just noticed that. That is snl money. No, its not. That is no money. Thats not money. I have no money, just so everyone knows. Thats like the one car that looks like a bentley but is not a bentley or no, this is a real rolex. Business is good i mean, its a rental. Ill take it back after interviews over. Its rent the runway roll yex . It never stops. You heard drake. I dont need you to talk about my watch. The one thing i own. Sorry. You know how we describe that kind of watch. How do we describe it . Bus down. He doesnt know what that means. No, bust out is when you put the diamonds thats extra diamonds. This is non bustdown thats busted up. What is this segment called again. This segment is fallback, and this segment is the fallback for all of 2018. For all of the year . Whats running through your mind, craig, is whats running through some of the viewers minds, because the segment is confusing. Yeah, yeah. Its made up. Its a madeup segment. Yes. I love it. Chris, for the whole year, who needs to fall back . Number one is fake rage. Its like, how can you be mad at everything . Its, like how theres only 24 hours in a day, man. I agree. Everything cant set you off. Like everyones ready to be outraged before they even know the facts . Exactly. And also only mad for like four days. Then its like four days, four hours. Yeah. Do you think chris redd, the cable news makes that worse . Ah, probably. But do you think that cable news hosts sometimes take over a segment when theyre a guest in it . Yeah, then they pin you against each other, you know what im saying . You get caught in the middle. Ive got a question. Can you not ask a question for five minutes . Im sorry. Its very hard. Its hard. My apologies. Thats that today show gusto. Im going to speak when spoken to. Craig melvin. Yes. You look at the year 2018, who needs to fall back. Ari melber needs to fall back. Ari melber needs to fall back in 2018. I knew ari melber when no one watched it. What . Before he was like this multimedia sensation. But he had a show, and it was very good. He was a standout on the show, then awful, pow like chris redd on snl. Doing the sound effects out here. Why are you trying to turn this into a roast, craig . Thats question number two. Because i wanted to tell you how proud i am of the beat and ari melber. Seriously. Thats very nice. Who needs to fall back in 2018 . The mcrib. The mcrib needs to fall back. You were just talking about this. I was just talking about this. Its like, i like the mcrib. We dont know what it is or what its made of. Why are you pretending youre going away when you know youre going to be back . I dont like that. Just like a person on facebook is like, im leaving facebook, i dont like facebook, i hate it. Then the next day, theyve got a status good morning. To who . They break up. Ill tell you what i hope falls back next year, those detergent makers that have come out with the pods. The pods that made like, you know, a couple hundred kids sick. Well, now theyve got a contraption looks like boxed wine. Its almost as if these detergent makers want children to drink the products instead of using them. Id have gotten my butt whooped if i had ate my mamas detergent. Youre referring to what you believe is a parenting style. I think that culturally there are theres certain children out there that are permitted to do things that we werent permitted to do in our youre talking about tough parenting, but also as perhaps a corollary to that corollary, i like that word right there, corollary. You were raised by, i believe, southern parents. Yes. You were from illinois, i thought. Well, my parents are from mississippi. Oh. Yeah. So, both of you have that southern upbringing, which can also be quite strict. Yes. It can. Now, your people, its seattle people the coastal people. Seattle people . Permissive. You know how your people are out there. Well, seattle is hippied out. You go to order coffee in seattle, a coffee shop and theyll be like, whats up . How are you doing . Youre like, can i get some coffee . And theyll be like, dont rush me. And ill be like, but this is a coffee shop. I dont like that. Its like, its aggressively chill, if that makes sense. See, yeah in chicago, theyre just aggressive aggressive. I went to mcdonalds, like can i have a number one . And theyre like, i dont know, fam. Im like, hold on it says number one right there. Its an option. I like this segment. I do like this segment. Ive never actually seen this segment on tv. This is a great concept is this a Television Show right here, just this . I feel like it is. I would be a part of that. I may have to after this, because two suits and a hoodie. On tuesday is it tuesday . I dont know what day it is. A hoodie and a rolex. Hoodie and a rollie. Unbusted down. On that note, im going to say this segment needs to fall back, and were done. And thank you very much for coming through. Of course. 2018 fallback, melvin, your first time on the beat. This is my first time. I enjoyed you, chris redd. I enjoyed you, too. Two suits and a hoodie. Count it up. Were working on the graphics right now. That is our show. Before we go, ill give you one headsup about the news tomorrow. Weve got a lot to cover, including sweleanor herself, Eleanor Cliff will join me, as well as guy lewis who worked with bob mueller at doj. Were going to get into what we expect to pop off when everything kicks back off in january. That is the beat. Hardball with Chris Matthews is up next. Whats trumps end game on the shutdown . Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im steve kerr knaornacki in fo matthews. Today marks the sixth day of the partial Government Shutdown and prospects for a deal are bleak. Fresh off his whirlwind trip to iraq yesterday, the president renewed his demands on twitter, have the democrats finally realized we desperately need Border Security and a wall on the southern border. He went on do

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