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the justice department in charge form of president trump with insurrection loss. is jan with good morning? good afternoon, good evening. whenever you are in the world, welcome to all t just just on 5 am here in the russian capital, and it's very happy with the money. let's take a look at today's top stories. russian president vladimir put in has visited neighboring bella luce for the 1st time in 3 years with top level negotiations, his counterpart, another shanker, on a wide range of issues. the leaders discuss ways to increase the core corporation despite the western fractions and puts in express support for training, brushing forces to work with the latest russian military technology. hey sheila, to combat coordination of the military units of our countries is being carried out on the territory. this fellow received a unified air defense system has been creed to you and is on duty humidity. i consider impossible to continue the implementation of the proposal of the present belarus on training the crews of the combat aircraft of the bell russian army, which are re equipped for the possible use of munitions, especially warheads, which i emphasized that this form cooperated is not our initiative b, u. s. has been conducting the similar activities with its nato allies protect you to protect your protect you when we open, after a total of 4 hours spent together, including face to face and with their delegations. wagner portner, alexander lucas shanker, came out to journalists to brief the media on the results of monday's intensive talks, deep and constructive, as both leaders described it. russia and bella rose, have historically had very close ties always, but especially after the beginning of moscow special built operation in ukraine that borders belarus as well. this is why republicans 1st visit to the capital means since 2019 before their pandemic. but far from a rare meeting with hazy bell originally counterpart, as lucas shanker said, i meet booking very often and some western countries, either in our water in about it, the bell, russian president stress that mondays talks come and meet the very loud outside skepticism about the nature of the relations between moscow and means good. a tickler eats equality with some claims. heard about the believers being observed by russia. look, shank assured that their relations are based on mutual respect and interest. he said that the relations have always been strong and will only be getting stronger to illustrate that the trade turner, where between moscow and means has already heat the rack. heard and he is expected to reach $40000000000.00. these ear not only in economic butting defense and security spheres, well, moscow means back in tea, didn't talk off the rate very closely. to de luca shanker announced the dwellers pooh is can darren s 400 complex as provided by russian. com, but u t. so the relations will always be strong and no one will be able to drive a wedge between us as lucre shameka said, although they tried, latimer porton added that the west does not want to see strong thus dangerous for them. the rivals on the international arena, and this is why moscow and mean squill, continually hearing these voices and base noise. and with these skepticism from outside tally, sounded like a shanker even joked about it. moved william saw, well, you know, the 2 of us are coders, rosters. huge the most harmful toxic people on these plotted were we have only one dish louis missouri. still you mr. prudent says that i owe ventura and i'm starting to think that he is. well, we have decided together that good. we live. all right, my point is listen to means. we're heard a lot from here about potential aims. of monday's talk, things clothing moscow's apparent attempts to convince lucas shanker to join moscow's special military operation, as well as even when launch had joined ground offensive against ukraine from the territory. all bella rose, i have been able to speak about that with the russian president spokesperson dmitri piece. cough. this is how he commented on that teacher. i didn't green's key again yet. also ukrainian general said that moscow is preparing together with feller is a ground operation against ukraine, from the belly ruffian territory. and that's why vladimir putin came to minsk. can you comment on that? what is the name of the ukrainian generals? i guess to lose any illusion he needs to rest. he is overworked at the out of the press conference. the to literacy talked a lot about sundays sleep a match between france and argentina. both progression can put an agreed that the 2 teams were stronger and performed. they're really high quality football, but as it happens and it should happen and live the strongest winds i ever interesting time. indeed, as course alive, mouth of follow us defense policy. alice michael maloof in washington. michael, thanks for joining xerox. and i was seeing strengthening murphy, corporation between russia and bell rues. what was the potential for both of us openly enter the grain conflicts? well, this is a very significant development, and it's a very, it's sort of a creepy development as i see it. even though outwardly we're, we're seen mister putin and, and mr. lucas jenco meeting. and reaffirming us their, their, their alliances and, and what have you got to keep in mind too that both countries are a member of the c s t o, the collective security treaty organization. and what i suspect this is beginning to do is send a signal to the west that if ukraine continues to hit russia with missiles as it has been doing. and that they could activate c s t o, which include members of of context on armenia, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. that would be a and under the c. s t o, like nato's article 5. c s t o has article for an attack on one is an attack on all i see this as a beginning of a signally bi moscow that this could, along with bellow ruse b, b, b, b, a signal to breathe. c, s t o members into the, into the fight into ukraine. if they don't sit down and negotiate for this. c t o is just a wall, a counter measure to nato. i. i assume them, but yeah, i think that's what it i think that, but i think that's what it could be built up to be if, if, if this is, if our ukraine does not sit down and negotiate, i will put it in, says that there's been a rush russian troops could be trained to use these new russia, munitions for the, for a special warhead. with c s t o. with this over with the, the collaboration of these other countries is the hidden thing that better ruth could have nuclear capabilities if it needed to. it doesn't have to be neutral or just the mere numbers share numbers and the equipment that it could bring to bear to the fight, i think would be you won't, you won't need nukes, i don't think even in the equation, right. i think it's mr. b signaling that this is going to be the next step, short of new killer. of course, he's, he's already stated and he's not going to be using new map, some of unless the main, unless you veneration itself is massively attacked. and i would presume that's fine, a them, which i doubt i. and also you don't want to have new cars given the, the way the winds blow, because radiation will just blow everywhere. it will kill everybody. eventually, it nukes should not even be in this equation. while your number of forces will be certainly be something that could be dangled. if mr. mr. kolinski does not sit down and reason this thing out because it's, it's just going to get worse. not better, michael, this sort of brings me a little bit of script to listen to till the as i really interesting. so let me just say that with the c s t o getting together and perhaps in an ac saying, i think you said article for which is no one attack on one is an attack on all. but are we likely to see any reaction from europeans or americans on this at sole and the next few days? well, i don't know, i, it may be, it may be whisp being whispered around washington. but unless and until mister potent makes us explicit. my thank by advertising loudly and clearly his closeness and working with mister lucas shanker. this almost implies that the c s t o mechanism could be activated if, if necessary. it's sort of a dangling the, the, the, the sword of damocles, if you will, in front of nato and, and, and, and then the members of nato who want to conduct a proxy war through ukraine against moscow. by jose. interesting times indeed, i'm as always, the insights are wonderfully received. thank you so much for joining us there on archie, was a pleasure talking to you take care again. meanwhile, in the donna norm bus, the city of donnette has suffered yet another series of overnight on to the strikes by ukrainian forces with a hostile court in the line of fire. for the 2nd time in 24 hours, cuba is the laws that is 15 heavy rounds into the regional capital. the shells hit the medical center as well as neighboring civilian areas, including homes and a kindergarten to be ruled reported killed in ukraine's artillery bombardment of the hospital. the previous night offers all was initially struck on the same day that ukraine's presence unseen spoke about restoring peace. and reiterated his accusations, but russia was responsible for the conflict grange drives for peace, more than anything else. we offered peace formula to the world. wars must feel, and peace is to become the champion. me a lot of the bridge farmers that richie so that says russia efforts to pursue a ceasefire. ukraine, a quote, completely meaningless as the k is reportedly set to provide in $300000000.00 imagery aid to keep our keys. marina cross river reports, while more and more prominent figures are encouraging peace talks between russia and ukraine. the what is trying to make sure things stay as they are. we must be clear that any unilateral coal for a cease fire by russia is completely meaningless. in the current context, i think it would be a false call. we have no illusions that's a true piece negotiation that would be possible in the immediate future with our job to continue to sustain our military support to ukraine. so they are in the best possible position on the battlefield. so that if and when diplomacy is ripe, they will be in the best possible position at the negotiating table. that moment is not right now. of course, the slow now that send ukraine a few more $1000000000.00. so some more weapons try to, ostracize russia a little bit more. and who cares how many more people lose their lives? well, this time it was former us secretary of state, henry kissinger, who spoke in favor of peace talks. the time is approaching to build on the strategic changes which have already been accomplished and to integrate them into a new structure towards the chewing piece, through negotiation. how their, who that was pretty much the reaction from key if right away. unfortunately, even after 10 months of war, mister kissinger did not understand anything, neither the nature of this war nor its impact on the world order. henry kissinger has states, at the last, may he propose the states fire line along the borders existing before the special military operation began, which would see russia abandon these 4 new territories and hold on. so crimea and that would become subject of further negotiations after the fire. and we've already heard a similar proposal from elan mosque. remember, it also didn't go down very well whether one likes it or not. crimea is absolutely seen as a core part of russia by russia. crimea is also of critical, national security importance to russia, as it is their southern naval base. from their standpoint. losing crimea is like the united states losing hawaii and pearl harbor. he was ridiculed scrutinized and dismissed, as opposed. some propagandists were proposing and negotiated solution. and now we have a political, a heavy weight with decades of experience proposing as similar plan and everyone's mock and him for it's all supporters of simple solutions should remember the obvious an agreement with the devil. a bad piece at the expense of ukraine in territories will be a victory for pudding and the recipe for success for autocrats around the world. the preferred all calm for some is a ra sheranda important why the war? i disagree for all is propensity to wireless. russia has made decisive contributions to the global aqua librium and to the balance of power for over half or millennium is historical role should not be degraded. but it seems that the west is seeking exactly that and will not stop until russia is degraded weekends and humiliated. something which is highly unlikely at term that the west like seems so how many more people have to die. how many countries have to suffer before the west realizes that it is time to encourage peace talks instead of arm sales? why and in g news now the eas leadership is agreed to impose a price cap on and that suggests supplies of a $180.00 euros per megawatt per hour. but several member says hooke's 1st song opposition the netherlands, say the researches are unsafe for centuries applies of the critical commodity. i'll see, continue to ritual marson, shirt us. oh, opinions on the issue. while the ink is even dry on this new eve, gas price caps struck to day and already the hungarian foreign minister is sounding the alarm on more potential tinder, being added to this total dumpster fire of bad policy that the block has created for itself. it's too bad that doesn't keep us warm here in the you because everything would be all set. so have a listen to the hungarian foreign minister. what he had to say. the price come to be introduced to natural gas is bud harmful and dangerous, but it's still being introduced despite this. so today it's another big bottle with brussels now hungry knows what it's talking about. when it comes to price caps, they tried imposing a cat on gasoline and diesel prices just in the past year. specifically to protect hungarian households in the run up to the countries parliamentary elections in april. and they ended up having to nick, sit earlier this month. why? because foreign companies cut their fuel shipments to hungary, causing supply shortages. now that led to panic, buying and long lines gas stations. so it's no wonder that hungry voted against the european union. now trying to do pretty much the same thing and capping the price, it now says that it will be willing to pay for gas ostensibly to protect european households. so this price cap of a $180.00 euros is well below the $275.00 euros that the european commission wanted, which would have been so high that you have to wonder. it's almost ridiculous. you have to wonder if they just wanted to make a symbolic p r gesture with all of this. just to be able to tell your opinions, look, we're doing something for you while actually doing nothing. if only because doing virtually anything else. risk screwing up, supply and pricing for the e you more than they already have. every time they pound the desk, slap on anti russian sanctions than wait to see what other damage they've caused for themselves. this time, a handful of european countries wanted a much lower cap and the energy minister of one of those nations reese cost us struck us has said that quote, anything between a $150.00, under $190.00 euros to a 100 would work. i think a 188 will give the right signals to the markets. not sure that the european union has inspired much confidence as the market whisperer when energy and inflation are so high as a result of their policies. the german gas lobby had said earlier today that the idea of controlling gas prices was a quote, political illusion that was destined to fail in practice. that sounds like a pretty logical assumption if one was looking at this through the prism of actual you know, logic and reason. but as usual for the e u, it's all about virtue signaling about unity cheering, about having come to an agreement, whatever that may be. making europeans think that they're doing something to help the average person, even though the whole reason, the average citizen is in this whole mass to begin with is precisely because of the use constant tinkering. your ram paula clag daily of ireland. so the block is quote, cutting its own throat with its economy. resistance then supposes people to increase poverty. worse is yet to come. so set the mass been october. europe's economies are being estimated by sanctions. millions of europeans are going to have to decide between heating and easing. this winter. people in poland are burning rubbish to keep warm and the lights are winking in german industry. the russians are laughing at us. the americans are laughing at us. i wouldn't blame them because when europe decided to go to war, it ended up by causing its own throat death is the most important energy nowadays, due to the energy change in europe. so this is a huge, huge hit and we are entering into a phase where uncontrolled bureaucrats are grabbing after the industry and taking one step after the next and setting up mechanisms that you, this uncontrolled rock receive. it's taking their grip on, on the different areas on the different market within europe. and you can come to the conclusion that you can have the impression that these people are not serving the european people. they are serving other power, such as at the minute the us or they only got club. they want to go away from the fossil fuels. they want to be industrialized a europe. they will have the fantastic ideas we're going to work doesn't work. and we're all the people are suffering as setting their price camp of $180.00 euros . but if you are thinking like hell, then the nobody will sell any cubic meter of gas for, for this, for this amount of money. this is a very, very sad day for the european people. while the survivors cheaper natural gas is strained installations with one of its main provide. this car says the box recent moved against the gulf. states in good limits in time as you to corruption allegations could greatly impact supplies of look precious commodity. the decision to impose such a discriminatory restriction that limits dialogue and cooperation on katara before the legal process has ended, will negatively affect regional and global security cooperation. as well as ongoing discussions around global energy, poverty, and security, we firmly reject the allegations associating our government with misconduct. katara was not the only party named in the investigation, yet our country has been exclusively criticized and attacked. a higher level corruption scandal in the european parliament has led to the suspension of one of its vice presidents. there are allegations that she and several other individuals accepted, lavish presence and cache from casara as part of the supposed influence buying campaign. the cathartic government has adamantly rejected those claims. nevertheless, the you decided in recent days limit it's time with the golf state. as it investigates the matter. we heard from sally already a media specialist and right in the her who says the eas accusations have been did that to mental to its relations with cutter. when i 2nd rear, this undermines trust between guitar and the you. these are hasty conclusions after germany signed a 15 year agreement on the supplies to tory gas where these voices amount to heavy pressure from europe or some european countries on katara. so that they could sign agreements with. the problem is that some european countries seek pressure tactics instead of i go, she ation us guitars as for teaching ally to the whole world, not just the european union, the lesson. so it is strange for us to see such a baseless campaign. and the question is, why, from why now you might that there is an e, you mission and guitar. there is an ambassador. i think this is a clear game of some states to influence could tori relations. they want to achieve something and i think they will not achieve it through applying such pressure against our country. guitar rejects such attempts to pressure us if such pressure had been applied in 2017 when the crisis of the gulf states occurred, could tar would not have agreed to the conditions. the latest document leaks of the so called twitter files claim that f i officials repeatedly grilled the company's management or else censorship on the social media platform. ortiz kelly woven as the details. so it appears that at a rather politically sensitive time, now we have members of the intelligence agencies in the united states reach out to twitter and asked twitter about the activities of what they called propaganda actors on its platform. and the response from twitter was to basically say, there's not much of it, there doesn't seem to be much activity of that kind on our platform. well, the intelligence agencies would not accept that answer. they provided a bibliography of articles from the wall street journal and, and other media outlets talking about how r t and had been been riding on twitter, et cetera. and it appears that yo colon, ah, he was quite shocked by the response of the u. s. intelligence community to is reporting on what was actually taking place on the platform. here's what he said. high team, the questions we received are attached. i'm frankly perplexed by the requests here, which seem more like something we get from a congressional committee than the bureau. there's a big discussion to be had about state controlled media, which will be impacted by the label launch later this month. but i'm not particularly comfortable with the bureau, demanding written answers here. what's your perspective on how best to navigate? so you'll ra, is the main sensor at twitter, who's responsible for overseeing the taking down of certain accounts and suppressing of certain voices. but even he was perplexed and shocked by the f. b i's response and what they were asking of him. and this points to the fact that there seems to be some interesting gaps in this narrative that we get about twitter being a neutral, accurate seems to feed the idea that the intelligence agencies had a lot of control over it. and it certainly doesn't dispel the idea that twitter wasn't meddling in american politics. now, you'll recall on adam shift the democrat in the u. s. congress, or that he came forward and talked about how twitter got a free pass. here's what he said. i think got a big problem right now with social media companies and their failure to moderate content and the explosion of hate on twitter, the banning of journalists on twitter or i don't think these companies should enjoy an immunity from liability when they behave this way. you know, we can't tell them what to say, not say, but we, we gave them immunity and seems this immunity that he was describing has been lifted it's past it's no longer in effect since the alon moscow took control of the platform of twitter, milan mos, someone who urged folks to vote republican and the recent us mid term elections. since then we have seen alon moscow phase, a federal investigation whose twitter deal. there has been a round denunciation of a law mosque as a dangerous man, a tyrant. in addition to that, there's been a threat of sanctions from the european union. so we have a situation that now the twitter seems to be in the hands of forces that are not in line with the democrat party. because of that, we now have twitter and, and, and social media giants not, you know, being told they have this immunity they once had. and at this point we have read republicans making the allegation that big jack is really just a wing of the u. s. intelligence agency, and they're using it for political purposes to meddle in the elections, and they're saying they want to do something about this. i believe that in the end we will find that there's no intelligence of that supports the f b i doing this, that this is a, a campaign by the f b i. that really is outside of the bounds of anything we would expect them to do. and certainly in a very constitutionally troubling who's the mastermind. and since this is not based on intelligence, this is not formal. i'd actors that the malign actor throughout with the f b i themselves. who is it that is coordinating this? we have an ironic situation here where the f, b, i and their attempts to snuff out what they call for an actors is actually revealing their own mouth. these are revealing their efforts to cover up the hunter by laptops, danville, and other other efforts that they made to kind of nudged winter to operate in certain ways. and it certainly, you know, this bits of pattern in the new revelations that are coming along, which seemed to indicate the twitter was certainly not a free and open space. and there certainly was a partisan agenda being carried out by this very important tax platform. since becoming to this see here, it almost has been shaking up the entire platform. one of his most recent stuff long with the files as opposed to decide whether he would remain that pose foot will develop chicken by one flight of c don't. course wasn't to the files take a toll on a dental class, amputations pauses, and officials all making their own lose and democrat lead. congressional committee has told the justice department to charge rival republican form of president donald trump with inciting an insurrection full. so i'd say was either social and conduit, or also nicea in the accusation presented of the year and a half of investigations into jerry says, roys on capitol hill. trump says the claims have been fabricated by federal law enforcement officials for the democratic policies. the people understand that the democratic bureau of investigation, the d. b, i are out to keep me from running for president because they know all when and that this whole business of prosecuting me is just like impeachment was a partisan attempt to sideline me. and the republican party, this is a, a non biding binding referral to the justice department. so this will be in the hands of turning general merit garland, to the term will determine whether or not he's going to pursue criminal charges against president trump. then of course, there is the process of indictment and then from there that will be the question of whether or not a plea deal is reach. to perhaps avoid jail time. i, we've never had a situation where a former president has lucy jail time, the united states. so there may simply be an agreement that he'll plead guilty to a crime be charged and then be forbade for a run for office going forward, but could avoid jail t r. i before we wrap up this book in some a middle eastern news to our conference report coming from syria saying that at least 2 soldiers have been either wounded or killed. as a result of is, brady asked, strikes on damascus ass likes near the cities international apple reported by syrian state media, which directly hughes is very menchie. eye witnesses posted photos for everything to shoot massive explosions in the area. cnn.

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