for jenniferrgilbert. first tonight....reaking news... police officer... has been involved.../ in... an accident.../ along... the j-f-x live... downtown .../ near the scene of the ccash... / janic? janice? 3 p3 3 also.../ breaking news... in the waverly section.../ of.,.. the city.../. city.../.ááhomicideáá detectives... are... on the scene... f a shooting .../ aa... aa.. "carryout"... on../ greenmount avenue....///ááaáá ccstomer ... was shot... in the chest.../ áánoo áá... word... on hhs condition...//.áápoliceááá are... looking for... three suspects..../ ááthisáá... happened... at theesame address .../ ááwhereáá.../ an... elderly... security guard.../ was... shot and killed.../ april.../ last year. an... argument ...among memberr.../ oo... the... "occcpy baltimore".../ ggouu... / ááturnsáá... ugly...// ááthenáá... / turnedd.. their mbers.../ a... / fox 455.. photo/ photograpper..../iq: get that &pcamera outoq: grass in lens pens 3 some began shovvnn our crew and our camera.... claiming they wanted to keep the alttrcation amonggtheir members private. the group has been camping near the innerrhhrbor for weeks now... even after their permit has expired. many say the inner harbor is becoming dangeroos... as thh "occupy baltimore" crowd groos . restless. one woman...// tells.../ fox 45...// she... was árapedá.../ over... the weekend.../// one... from the group.../ tried.../ to... heep he. her. our cameras also caught evidence of drug use... at thier ccmpsite. campsite.melinda roeder s live with more on the stooy you're seeing first on response.meeinda? melinda? ppblic safety has become a big concern... round here... amid reports that someemembers have gotttn rowdy... and even assaulted ooe woman... claims she was rapee while camping and she wants baltimore officials to break up the crowd... like other cities havv. have. 12:24 "i don't knowwwhat he didn't want to be identifed claims... she was raped.,.. here in oneeoffthe tents... friiay night.12:30 "you can go to mercy hospital. hey did a rape kit."she says she was also robbed. and now she &pfears for her life.13:34 "hh took all my bills... everything... he has my address, he has my social securrty number."even worse... she says... no one from the "occuuy" group has beee willing to help her identify and catch her attacker.14:14 pnobody knows no one's name... it's crocc." conccrns about pubbic safeey are growing. some say the crowd is downright dangerrus. &p11:19 "anybody can walk down hhre... what kind of security is thaa." one man directed ussto a tent... where, frommthe entrance... ouu cameraa aught evidence of drug use... and paraphernalia.17:50 "naaal, needles, tied to tie off with." city police occassiinally patrol the park. but do not go inside the tents.and although organnzers ayythey want their voice to be heard... some choose to conceal their faaes.40:00 ""he governnent wants the drugs... tax morr people nddtake more money."at one point... a crowd gathees around a ttnt... where we'rretold a disppte has unfolded between a coupll living there...but other campers are quick to jump in front of our camerr....shoving anndthreateninn....31:27 "get that camera out..."they say and don't need the media or . - police.32:34 "this is a persinal dispute and people need to goothrough active mediatton."32:47 "people are being raped... deals with e these situations."some campers ssy the group as discouragee victims from callingg authorities.a claim organizers deny.34:13 "occupy baltimore... report situations to police."others worry... the alleged crimes... will detract from the message they want to spread.the reason.. they say they're here.38:58 "we have an pgenda... we want jobs in our neighborhoods."22:14-22:27 "it coocerns me when i feel weel.". concerns to us as - 3 we told two paarol officers about the alleged assualts and the drug evidence. both said phey'veebeen told they can't get the go-ahead from superiors. we also called and peported to tte police public information officer. no one ever called us back to comment on the crimee. &pthanks melinda...just.../ last week... / p áámayoráá stephanie rawlings blake.../ called... for.../ p limitations.../ on ...the protesters.../ áábutáá later said... thhse would imposed.../ on... caae... by case.../ basis. , hhre'ssour question of the &pday...///ááisáá... / it time... to end protest? some going on...// on our... facebook page tonite...// áácheccáá it out...and join the discuusion// poe of the men accused of raaing a 14-year-old girl in west baltimore thursday is now in police custody. custody.police say 22-year-old lucky hristopher crosby juuior is one oo five men who police say raped a teen inside a van behind some houses near leslie street.the teen had asked a man inside the van for pirections and got ii the car police say crosby was in jaill just been released.he's been &pdenied bail. jurors.../ are... closer deciding.../ whether ááshouldáá... be... put to... deeth. deathh..///. defense attorney's.../ tried... persuading... jurors... toospare.... walter bishop's... life...////. ááseveraláá... experts testified.../ bishop's... uubringing,,,.. contributed.../ to... his involvement.../ in... the murder.../// ááprosecutorsáá... as.. a... cold blooded killer...////. witness.../ testified.../ on... what happens ...behind bars.../ to... "lifers". "lifers". iicue: live without parole outcue: both amount to death sentencessot from 5:30 3 5:30 last week,.../ jurorr... convicted bishop.../ for... killing... ray porterr ...//at a parkvvlle gas station last year. ááporter'sáá... wife karlaa.. s accusedd../ &p of... hiring bishop.../ under.../ maryland's... new... capital punissment.../ law.. .../ ááprosecutorsáá... can... ask for... the eath penaltyy../ ááifáá ttere's... videoo../ of.. a...."voluntary"... confession...///. that... with bishop..../. áákeitháá daniels... here...// the... "anatomy of that confession"../ keith. keith. 3jeff...... walttr bishop is 29-yearssoldd. a father with five children...... ...........and tonight, he could be puu to death.. words.e of his wn words. p it happened in a small room with two baltimore county police detectives.. and walter bishop..........the onfession starts by admitting he knew about the killing.. but told detectives that he was not involved.(bishop) "is someone pointing a finger at me." "you haae got to be fing kidding." the interrogation goes on.. ishop keeps inching &pcloser to he crrme.(bishop) "i haven't been in an actual fist fight in god knows how long.. and this woman'sscomiig to me asking me to kill her husband..".........bishop says hh didn't do it.. then olicc show a photo.. a picture snapped aa the crime scenn. ( "me."" would be matt."> i do not know who shot ray." one point, bishop denying he's theekiller.. then he cracks.....(bishop) "i know, i didn't want to do it.. i'' ..........bishop then went on to describe exactly how the murder happened last year.. diagraming the gas statton.. and how he pulled the trigger.. killing ray porter....(bishop) "and could tell he was looking at parla and when she said cannii help you anddas soon as i cooe around the corner he just started turning his head and i just went like this (pause).." biihop confessed to the under maryland's new death pis lawyers argue bishop would notthave confessed voluntarily if detectives had made that cleer. but observers, innluding dr. tyrone powers.. director of the homeland institute at anne arundel pommunity ccllege.. told fox 45 morning news monday.. says detectives id nothing wrong. (powers) "so, it's not their &pjob to explain that information. it's heir job to give him his constituuional rights, after they've iven him his constitutional right at that particular point to try to get a confession out of him, if they actually believe that this individuallcommitted the crime."(bishop) "well, honestty guys, i just, i honestly jjst want tt to &psleep, ttat's all i want to do." bishop old money.....about 9-thousand support. keith daniels, fox 45 news at ten. watch... the entire... confessson.../ at... fox baltimorr dot com.../ and... click on.../ raw news ...//.ááwhileáá there... / &p get... your latest headlines.../ , .../ on... es - .á á andáá.../ it's all free it... was... the cornerstone.... of... one.../ baltimoree../ community../. community..///.. but in the early morning hours... flames ripped through the ttvern..... as kathleen cairns reports.. no onn was hurt... but regular showing up all day to share theer own trips down memory 3 (voiceeonly-overrday time fire scene)(couple)"itt a sad sad day in mount washington" (couple)"this was alttmore's cheers.. it was mt washington's cheers.. where every ody knew ya, yes."bobby and mimi rrminisce.. assthey restaurant. (ssow couple here)""e've had dinner in his back ggrden room howwmany pimes." parts of the 100 year old historical building crumbled... in just minutes... ('whats up man' hugs)co-owner rob frisch got aa 5 am wake up call:(co owwer)"the phone rang and said there was fire at the tavern: blaze cculd e seen for alarm miles....(ben tape)"its pretty wild..pretty sad" and with emergencc crews blocking roads.. it's chaos for is all blocked off""y to go - up)"you see them with their oxygen masks" there's no lunch: ásympaahyá is the only thing beinn served.(nat pop hoses) devoted patrons.. say many of lifes milestones... took place in what is now... charred rubble. (donna gaither)"coming here after the birth of her first child.. and being able to celebrate here" (co owner)"they've actually gotten engaged here." even a wake.. (couple)"ann her parents wake.. that was upstairs on thh top floor and "(shakes head)..ahh laugh.. it makes me emotional to talk about its just horrible." firefighters used so much water... (nats-- water spraying out) it turned what's left of the first floor... into a river. but rebuild: (((ending)))"oh absolutely well come back better then ever.."(water fallinggnats)in northhbalt kc fox 45 news at 10 3& management is working to find other enues that will accomodate holiday parties &pthat it hhs promised its customers. everyone .../ started ...talking about ...this story.../ we posted... it.../ on... our... facebook page... this morning... lib>see... more of the fire.../ by... going to.../ fox-baltimore dot com... slash... raw news..../ááeveryáá story there... is áfreeá 3 sunday's win.../ was... about aa .../ thrilling as t gets gets the ravens wwre down 24 to 6 t the half... ...but put up 24 points... &pcapped by this field goal... win the game 30 to 27. the new security procedures that started at the beginning of the n-f-l season are changing againnow, security workers will scan each fan with a hand-held metal detector.its in response to the person ho smuggled in a stun gun to the cowboys-jets ggme on september 11th when thissguy got inside a could have easily beee a handgun handgunfans eed to plan even stadium, because this new he proccdure is expecced to be even slower pride after a win like that... viewer ... kathyy../ sent us... this photo ...of her dog,.../ aptly... named "raven"...// all... dressed up... and ready to greet...// the trick or treaters. show us ...your ááuploadáá &pphotos... and videos us thru.../ - purple@foxbal timmrr..oo ááyouáá can our .../ "seeeit ...shoot it... send it".../ &p page.../ at... foxbaltimore dot com.../. ááoráá facebook page.. / ááfacebookáá dot com... slash foxbaltimore... / ááclickáá on... ""nside fox45"... on the left side... of the screen. 3 the experts aren't the ones goinggto school everyyay everydayfighting bullying... with fists...the áproblemsá toniihts cooer ptory... but next...a defense expert... grilled at the conrad mmrray trail...the thing he said he would áneverá have done... chausse says: "to an extent pes i don't think in october bad storms."lly suppose to havv storms." ...and the freak nor-easter...cuts power to millions...and stranded passengers on an airplane... the extremely long wait on one tarmack...after theebreak ñ> p grueling cross examination of a key witness for he defense in the trial of ichael jackson's doctor. veteran anesthesiooogist, doctor paul white...says givingga hospital anesthetic something mmneyycouldn't convince hii to do. wwlgren says: other thanntime concerns are you saying you would do it? white says: m sayinggi wouldn't even consider'sssomething that no amount of money could ccnvince me to accept or take on as a responsibility the judge asked conrad murray if he plaas to testify. murray said he's not sure yett the judge says he'll ask one ore &ptime tuesday morning. 3 state senator ulysses currie says he will not estify in his brrbery trial..... trial.....the prince georres county seeator gt 250- thousand dollars over fiie-years as a consultant to ssoppers food warehouse. prosecutors say he never disclosed thaa to the state ethics commission as requurrd by law.currie'' attorney says he's not uility of brrbery, only poor, the employees of the apg commany....which also paid the senator. the trial could wrap up this week. the.../ new... rrppblicaa front runner .../ for... prrsident.../ is... on the... defensive tonig denied... any wrongdoing.../ after ...a storyy...oo the politico website.../ accused... him of.../ p sexual story says.../ two women ...accused him "inappropriate behavior".../ in.. the... '90's.../ when... hee headed...// the... association". cain says: "i have nevvr yes i was falsely accussd t the national restaurant association because after investigation - turned out to be baseless." baseless."politico says.../ ggoup... reached trade - settllments.../ with the women - / payment .../ in... - return ..for leaving the ááandáá... not talking.../// find all our stories about the race for the white pouse on our website... features section......and juut - &plike all the otherrstories on our ebsite...they're free the maryland taxpaaers association says land-use planning at the state level... ...could end up controlling nearly every aspect of our lives lives"plan-maryland" is the first ástatewideá plan for sustainable growthh.. the taxpayers groop say the "plan-marylaad" organization will put thhse decisionssin the handssof state agencies... ...out of reach of voters... ...and cculd impact everything &pyou do. iq:l ii might &ppotentially impingeoq:... and we think its an overreach overreaah righttnoww lanning ddeisions are made by eeected officals at the local level... 3 that... between ... bge''s... parent company.../ and.../ a... chicago firm.../ is... &pfierce.../ scrutiny../ áájohnáá... rydell reports.../ about...// much...// this.../ will.. benefit ratepayers... ratepayers... for constellation's beena hhrricane irene...destroyed ppwer lines... leaving pundreds of thousaanssin the dark.and two proppsed merrers companies.....aaled. ((nats)) but constellation believes the of exelon...and mayo shattucc...the c.e.o. of earrddbefore marrland's pubbic service commission. they're telling state regulators... this deal will immediately benefit b.g.e. ratepayers. (gould) "so each bge customer, after aa ertain period after close would receiie a $100 rate credit on their bill."but an acquisitioo of chicaao-based company. - (mcdonough) "it is the sellout of a local company which is the only fortunte 500 company we have left in maryyand to a the strings, who pulls the lls - trigger, who has the power, chhcago."critics also worry constellation. (mcdonough) for a few years there will not be layoffs, when that wall is down, layoffs will come." but energy company executives say this deallwillleventually make constellation....a stronger compaay. (gould) "and where we can learn rom those utillties, where they do things very well,,we will do so and vice versa, at the end of the day the beneficiarr is the bge custommr." (rydell) "maryland's public service commissionis expected to take a finnl vote on the proposee &pby exelon in early jannary bu a chance to weigh in on the deal at public hearings in late november and early rydell, fox 45 news at ten. hearings... before... the... p-s-c.../// esume... tom'w. the fammly who's daughter was electrocuted convinces the state to enact new safety measus measures de-anna green at druiddhill park 5 eaas ago...her family has lobbied for new safety laws.power companies will now be required to connuct survees twice a year... á(dad) 24:11-24 "yyu jjst don't know. kids play in mud puddles... attract stray electricity nto the ground." ground." the new safety rrle wiil beenamed after deanna folks.../ across .and... rightthere... ii marylaad .../ are... cleaniig up.../ after the... weekend sto. thousand marylanddrs.../ are... in the dark....tonight..../áámostáá of... those outages... are in washinnton, .../ frederick and allegeany coonties.../. áámostáá of... maryland ...saw .../ just... a few inchhs of snow.../. ááthisáá the scene.../ saturday... in carroll county.../ áátonightáá / just about melted... - ann luckily that snow melted in time for kids to kkocc onnsome doors tonight. they came out in all shapes and sizes...we saw tigers and lions and everything inn what he's supposed to be.and - trick-or-treatersswere pleasannly scared by some of phese ellborate halloween decorations...look at this glowing skull.....his head moves from side to side! so how was the weather for trick r treaters? and whats the weather likeeforr the rest of the week? week? herees chief meteorlogist vytas reid with a look at the sjywatch forecast forecast follow...// the... weather...// using...// our...powerful...// doppler...// radar...// áái--radaráá.../ is... now available...// at.../ foxbalttmore dot com...////. whee.../ news hhts your neiihborhood.../ see t.. hoot it.. send it.. ááuploadáá ááclickáá on. the see it shoot it, send it. icon./ phhtos from your cell to "pics at foxbaltimore dot com." man...// was... a... morning...// anchor... scared...// this morning...// on... this very news--set...// áátheáá... target? patrice harris..//// harris..//// tte morninn show director snuck behindd patrice.. steve ferttg.. and candaceedold during a news sttrr. none of them knew the surprise was coming. &p as you can see.. patric ended up in candace's lap. don't be surprised if you see hee looking over her shoulder omorrow on the morning news. 2 of the biggest names in music will be at first mariner arena átommrrowá átooorrowá...and... you could get ...áffont pow seatsá... for áfreeá áfreeá p thaa's... the song "otis"...///.áájustáá one... hit... you'll... hear... duringg thee../ "watch... the throne" concert...///.áállveáá nation... sent us ...a &ppair of.../ áfronn rowá... tickets.../ p to... give away... to one.../ of... our viewers....////áábutáá... . ááyouáá have to watch ...fox45 morning news.../ omorrow. 3 bring mm your soul.... bring one to me now now one family was expecting the usual things at a haunted houss...why one poman says they went too far... ...later on fox455news at ten 3 pnats>so fed uppwith bullying...he learned... how to fight.the problees that could our cover story...afterr he break 3singing singingif you didn't win yet-- it's your last chance.we're giving away ááfront rowáá jay- z /kanye tickets tomorrow on fox45 morning news. ñ> qq it... fighting... fire with ire.../ r.../ is... just.../ fanning the flames? flames? a local mixed martial aats instructor is now to stand up to bullies by , - using moves usually seen n cagg ffghting. joel d. ssith takes a closer lookkat what happens when the victims strike backk 3 3 p3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 the bus, they just kept k of calling us namms and stuff. 3227 he was getting picked on, pulling his hhir, they taser game 2424 i kind of just kept talking to my each other with two fingers b - and they stab like that.2429 put it made me mad and sad at phe same timee 3330 i just jje duffy and his son michael went to the school with the problem. hit hitbut they also came here. nnel smith's brazilian jiu jitsu ii glee burnie.1618 there are 33 techniques i teach the kidsááá the first goal offa ááá1723 if somebooy was to push him, e're going for a single or double leg takedown, and then go to the mount position and holding it without throwing any strikks. but iffthat doesn't work? watch what michael can do to an opponent in just 6 secondd. 2129 i teacc them in school, punching is the last resort, try not to punch has the knowlldge to to do it now, itsw all defense, i could see him, i trust him to know whats rightand what's wrong.. noel smith knows what hiss sttdents are going through. he used to eat lunch by himself in theelibrary becauss he was being bullied in the ccfeteria. until..... 2001 i was approached in the lunch room by someone who was rather large, and i took him down, pickee him up and got on op couple of times, and that kind of ended the whole bullying aspect with me/ and we became friends actually and are still friends to thhs day. not everyone sees a physical response as theesolution. bullying expert dr. catherine bradshaw from johns hopkins &p8:50 but we see hen kids aae getting older, having any kind of direct confrontation to the bully can actually make thhngs worse, even if its oo even physlcial 858. 2045 the expeets aren't the ones going to school everyday. they're not the ones getting bad go to class, bk they're hiding - in the bathroom, they're ot you ear committing suicide, bk htey're gay or lesbian, schools areetrying to deal with the problem.752 the last thing we want to teach our students in schoool is to uue a physical means tt handle a ullling situation. that &pcould result in the victim of suspended as well. michael duffy goes to anne arundel county schools.its policy has victims report bullying.. &por even suspension for the bully.its a problem the district takes the 2009-2010 school ear.. there were 236 reports of bullying.last year.. there were more than 400. 6:29 that's good news to us, bk it means i think that we're getting the word out,duffy did &pgo to the school , and talked to the teacher in one of the classrooms where michael was beinggbullied. 3500 i remember he pointed out the teacher he didn't want to hurt anybody, but he didn't want to get picked on anymore.and that he's taking jujitzo. he did say that kind of lood. the solution to bullying isn't simple, but this combination (nat) of confidence and action is working for michael. 2929 i feel kind of fine now. maybe people wont' try to bully me 45 news at tenn - ((ot: molly clevenggr)"when push came to shove i just really thought - where is this coming from?" the álowá prices from pharmicies onliie may be tempting...thh átinyy number of them... that are actually legitimate...latee on fox45 nees at ten why one woman says this far......laterron fox45 news at ten 3 3 the best place for a vacation is mississippi. you mean louisiana. florida's where folk's want to be. alabama's got you all beat. no matter which state you choose, everyone agrees the gulf is vacation at it's best. mississippi outdoors, louisiana seafood, florida beaches, alabama shoreline. so come on down to mississippi, louisiana, florida, alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters. and we are 100% open for business. ñ> 3 &pthis is surveillance video of the ten russian spies arrested last year....ii's courtesy of the f-b-i. the videos show the now-infamoussred-headed spy anna chapman having coffee with an undercover u-s agent &pin new ork....and waadering around macy's where she apparently transmitsscoded mmssages to fellow spies. others are seennswapping baas and delivering packages to secret "dead drops."tte ffb-i says the russians weren't able one mama.../ in... houton texas.../ isn't.../ too.... pleased.../ with... a "haunted house"... in... her area... area... linda ybarra... took her son... to... thii area aunted house...// áátheyáá.... ..//- wanted see... the... usual...// zombiess.. and ghouls and pgblins,...//// áábuttá...// the... horroo fan... says.../ áthisá... eeperience...// in... this haunted house.../ left her ....eeling violated..../// i quicklyyrealized that this &pis not something that i wantt to be at. so i asked if i cculd leave, and they did not allow us to leave." leave." y-barra says.../ actors ... depicted.../ far too ...realistic scenes.../ bout abortion,... and... suicide.../// ááandáá.... gee this...// áátheáá hauntee house operated by...// a... christian fellowship church.../ nearby...// ááwoopsáá... 3 it's halloween but you may want to stay away rom this candy...the dangerous side effects the f-d-a says black licorice can have oo dults. "can i have a hug?" "hhgg mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmthank you." - connecting with loved ones even while overseas in combat....the steps one soldier took to ensure he could share this special moment with his daughter. qq [ female announcer ] at, you can choose your channel package. ♪ you can choose your own internet speeds. ♪ you can even choose to chat with a live person. ♪ and you're always guaranteed the lowest prices online. so don't wait... try, compare and buy at today. because there's never been a better time to build the perfect fios bundle. because there's never been a better time ñ> this... black licorice... may look good,.../ but ...if you're ver 40,.../ harmful to your hhalth...//. áátheáá fda... says... eating too much of it.../ can heartbeat... and... high blood pressure..../ ááits áá bbcauss ...a sweetening compound the candy .../ causes... potassium levves... to tank.../ in adults over 40. how... ddes... a military dad.../ deployed away ...from home .../ read.../ to hisschild? 3&it's an adorable bedtime ritual that's melting heaats across the internet. carrie peirce explains in in tonight's word on the web. web. many military parents... aae far away from their families... but instead of missing important moments ... some are tuuning to the next best thing. let's read farmer mickey. it's like reading a bedtime story. farmer mickeyywwkes at dawn. time to wwrk the whole day long. yay! only dad ssemsstt live inside a screen. the hens lay eggs. he cows munch hay. yes! an aarman named dan pre-recorded this video for hii 2--ear-old daughter.... he made several before leaving pfr bassc traiiing....daddy? videossfor their daughter... e - then posteddher reaction on youtube. can i have a hug? mmmmmmmmmmmhank you. it's part of a growing trend... militaryy families turning to the internet... foo life's most important moments. ok abe hhs son was born, skype was the next best thing to beingg there..i'm just so scared. i know honey... just kkep talking to e. this is the moment. hang on honey hang on. lots of pressure, ii's gonna feel fuuny. (crying baby) can you see him? i can sse him! he months later. hey buddy. but for those still far away... cyber space... can bring them since a computer can't hug ndd back...a screen grab will have to do. i ove you bye bye 3 thanks to youtube... dan the airman has already read bedtime stories to more than 130-thousand people.his wife admits the video was intended for their daughter.... but on tough nights... she watches it too. i'm carrie peirce and &pthat's your word on the web. 3 .the largest comeback n ravens history...why john his team's trying to save a buckk prescription drugs online ... why the f-d-a ays it isn't safe and the online sites you 3 [ male announcer ] want to achieve more with your money? pnc virtual wallet gathers your spending and saving in one place. credit and debit purchases, checks, bills, and other financial information. it lets you see the details as well as the big financial picture. so you can do more with your money. see what a complete view of your money can do for you at ♪ pnc bank. for the achiever in you. trish uses aetna's personal health record to track her kids' immunizations, get lab results, see her family medical history, and when she's at the doctor's office, she uses it to remember what to ask before she leaves. it helps trish keep everyone in her clan healthy. even on the go. see for yourself, ♪ aetna. know more. get better. ♪ what's the one best thing about vacation on the gulf? the great outdoors in mississippi. our seafood in louisiana. our beaches in florida. alabama beauty. choosing between them might be tough. but everyone agrees, the gulf is vacation at it's best. and we've gone all out to make this year the best ever. so come on down to mississippi. louisiana. florida. alabama. the gulf is the world's goodtime headquarters, and we're 100% open for business. someesub-par performmnces by his offense, ravens coach john harbaugh is feeling bbtter about things this evening... especially after the offense bounced backkin the second half against the cardinals oin . punday...they trailedd24-66at the half, but staged the largess comeback inj raveen history, 21 points to take the pictory...they didn't blink at adversity, they regrouped and &pgot after it without any prrakkown in discipline...and &pjohn harbaugh says that's no accident.... "the kind of team we've built, we can withstand adversity and stayed together, hang try to find a way to win. and 3 whether it's within a game or from one week to the next. to me we've proven, as a team, that's sooething that we're very good at." elsewhere...after leading the st louis cardinals to an improbable world ssries title, their legendary manager has deeided to sttp aside...tony larussa todayyannounced his resignation..the 67 year old parrssa is the third alltime winningest manager in major league history, just 35 behind john mc graw...the world series title was his third...his oakland team won in 89 and the cardinals in '06...he also took the chicago white sox into the post- season... .caa cameron likes that the fans are critical...and we announce the candidates in our high school game of the week contest...that's coming up at 11-30 on the late edition... there are plenty of monthly bills that worry people these days. but.../ as... in... toniggt's... consumer reports... / áátheáá nummer one... concern.../ is....not... being able .../ to... cover... medical bills.../ ááincludingáá.../ the... cost of... prescriptions. prescriptions. ((pat on cam))if you're for drugs from othhr online - countrie... consumer reports says don't do it! (v/o) molly clevenger takes day. she's coosidered buying from websiies outside the u-s. (sot: molly clevenger)"when push came to shove i just really thought - where ii this coming from?" (v/o)but a consumer reports national research center survey found that n the past year, nearly three mmllion people have ordered a prescription drug from an online phhrmacy outside the u-s. what's wrong witt that? (sot) "any website located outside the u.s. does noo all under the food and drug administratioo's oversight. the reality ii -- you cannot be certain of what you're gettinn when yooubuyy from these sites." (v/o)and it's not just websstes outside the u-s. in a review of more than 88-hundred online pharmacies, the national pharmacy, or n-a-b-p, found a majority don't require a valid prescription. and nearly half sell drugg that are not the n-a-b-p found only a fraction of the online pharracies reviewed - just over three percent - appear to be legitimate. molly clevenger didn'ttwant to take any chances.(sot: molly clevenger) "bottom line: i just wasn't sure that the pill i took out of the bottle was gonna be the right stufff" (v/o)but consumer reports says there are ways to shop safely online. stick with pharmacies you know, like walmart, c-v-s, or target. and always look for this vipps symbol. it means the pharmacy is located in the u-s, ddspenses only fda-approoed medication, and requires a prescription from your doctor.((pat on cam))as for saving money... almost every bbg-box anddchain-sttre pharmacc offers a discoont generic-drug program. you can find a monthhs supply of &pcertain popular medications for as little as four dollars. patrice harris, fox45 news at ten. 3"this will reallyyhelp people understand that lesbians and gays dooneed the same rights..." rights..."standing up for love. the controversial titles these two lesbian teens now have att pheir high sshool. ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the late edition... edition... and traffic chance encounter that laaded this driver... in troubleewith the law. 3 and emotions run high at the occupy baltimore protest.the allegations and evidence of crime that weediscovvred at the inner harbor demonstration. in lemon grove ñ>

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