Transcripts For WCAU The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20171209

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roots crew. >> questlove: 786! miami, man! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness that is a great crowd. welcome! welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, everybody. welcome to "the tonight show", baby. this is it. [ cheers and applause ] you're watching it. you're here. thank you very much. here's what people are talking about. you guys, tomorrow is santacon. [ scattered cheers ] it's the annual bar crawl where people dress up like santa claus for a day of drinking. [ cheers ] also the day uber drivers walk out of their apartment and say, "nope." [ laughter and applause ] take this day off. >> steve: i'm good. >> jimmy: that's right. santacon is this weekend here in new york. so if you see a big guy in a a red hat stumbling around slurring his words, kindly help the president find his way back to washington. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] actually, i saw that trump hosted his first white house hanukah party last night. i think he was a little confused. every time he saw a yarmulke, he put his drink down on it. [ laughter and applause ] no, yarmulke. that's -- "the coasters are wrinkled." [ light laughter ] yeah, it was a little awkward. staffers spent the whole night telling him that the menorah wasn't lumiere from "beauty and the beast." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ be our guest be our guest put the service --♪ melania trump told a group of kids if she could spend the holidays anywhere in the world, she'd go to a deserted island. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] oh, my gosh. oh, man. when asked what three things she would bring, she said, "not my husband, not my husband, not my husband." [ laughter and applause ] but get this. interior secretary ryan zinke spent $6,000 of taxpayer money on a helicopter to meet mike pence for a horseback ride. [ light laughter ] i'm sorry, were they discussing policy or going on date from "the bachelor"? that's what they do on the -- [ light laughter ] [ applause ] speaking of horses, roy moore says that he's going to ride his horse to vote in next week's alabama senate election. he'll ride his horse. he didn't plan on riding his horse, but his windowless white van is still in the shop. >> steve: oh! [ laughter and applause ] oh, oh! hey! >> jimmy: and facebook is launching a new feature called "did you know", where you post your answers to simple questions like what superpower you want or what your dream job is. it's a great way to let your friends know more about you, and already a lot of notable people have been using it. i'll show you how it works. for example, for the prompt, "what scares me the most is" -- shaquille o'neal said, "ceiling fans." >> steve: wow. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: next for "the musical artist i relate to most" -- charlie rose wrote, "ol' dirty bastard." >> steve: wow. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] finally, "if i could live anywhere in the world, it would be" -- president trump wrote, "the united shtates." >> steve: oh. [ light laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: can we see the clip? dave, can you show that clip -- >> united shtatesh. >> jimmy: there you go. [ laughter ] >> steve: unidid shtatesh. unidid shtatsh. >> jimmy: i think -- they said his dentures were falling out. >> steve: i was going to say, his dentures were falling out. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. that is funny. >> steve: gosh dang it. >> jimmy: well, this is cool. m&ms is going run its first super bowl ad in four years and apparently they have a secret idea for it. people were like, "is it a a talking m&m?" and m&m was like, "damn, how'd you know?" [ laughter and applause ] this was kind of funny. this week, someone brought their service dog to the musical "cats." [ light laughter ] and it actually got up and started chasing one of the actors. [ light laughter ] they used the leash to restrain the dog and a laser pointer to distract the actor. [ laughter and applause ] well, it's the end of another crazy week. and since there's too much to talk about, instead of giving you a full week in review, we decided to put together a a little montage that just focuses on the keywords used this week. it's something we call "this week in words." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> tweet. >> tweet. >> tweet, tweet. >> the mueller investigation. >> trump. >> feeling the heat. >> a little complication. >> after a weekend tweet. >> the president still. >> has yet. >> to figure out. >> when there's. >> something to hide. >> don't tweet the stuff out. >> trump just confessed to obstruction of justice. >> clearly he. >> is not to be trusted. >> then he. >> proclaimed. >> his lawyer's to blame. >> be careful. >> mr. president, you're going to get. >> busted. >> every day's a circus. >> what's the world coming to? >> ryan reynolds. >> will play pikachu. >> olympics. >> russia can not participate. >> and god bless the united shtatesh. >> approval ratings. >> has a ways to go. >> it's a 35%. >> that's his all-time low. >> you need to stop. >> you want to keep your job? >> and don't tweet. >> tweet. >> tweet, tweet. >> jimmy: there you go. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi! woo. hi, everybody. hey, welcome -- >> steve: wow! >> jimmy: welcome, welcome. what a great show we have tonight. first, i just want to give props. i saw chris rock last night at the theater at madison square garden. >> questlove: yeah. >> jimmy: you saw him two nights ago? >> questlove: yeah. >> jimmy: it is funniest thing i've ever seen in my life. it was so good. it was just hour and a half. >> questlove: mm-hmm. >> jimmy: comedy for an hour and a half, chris rock. i was laughing so hard that i -- my laugh changed. [ light laughter ] because i was laughing for so long, i've never done -- you know what i'm talking about? >> questlove: i was wondering what you were talking about. you said -- >> jimmy: i don't know how the describe. yeah, because i was like -- i started out, i was like -- [ chuckles ] you know, how i would normally laugh. and then by the end, it'd kind of be like --e [ laughter ] everyone probably was like, "get this guy out of here." i was like -- but it was so unbelievable. i want to thank chris rock for doing that last night. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] go see him. go see him. it's an unbelievable, unbelievable show. we have a great show tonight. this guy is the real, man. >> steve: love this dude. >> jimmy: come on. he stars as p.t. barnum in the big holiday movie "the greatest showman", which hits theaters december 20th. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the one and only hugh jackman is here! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the showman! plus, this is his brand-new album. it's out today. [ cheers ] "what makes you country." luke bryan is coming by today. [ cheers and applause ] i love that dude. we're going to catch up with him, then luke is going to perform the title track off of the new album on the show tonight. can't wait for it. yeah, it's going to be good. [ applause ] guys, we have exactly 11 shows left before we go on christmas break. which means it's time for that beloved "tonight show" tradition. it's time for 12 days of christmas sweaters. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ 12 days of christmas sweaters 11 days left ♪ >> jimmy: that's right. every show between now and christmas, we'll be giving one lucky audience member a a fantastic christmas sweater from the "countdown to christmas" cabinet. [ cheers and applause ] now, since there are 11 shows left, let's open door number 11. [ drum roll ] >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, whoa. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers ] i get it. santa with the classic playing his trumpet. just like the famous stories. now, let's see who's going home with tonight's sweater. everyone, look at your seat number. if i call your number, i need you to jump up and let me know where you are. quest, can i get a drum roll please? [ drum roll ] who wants me to pick their number? come on! [ cheers and applause ] 115! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ how you doing, buddy? how are you? how are ya? >> good. >> jimmy: that's for you. what is your name? where are you from? >> i'm brandon. i'm from fort worth, texas. >> jimmy: hey, welcome, brandon. [ cheers and applause ] from fort worth, texas. now, this is fantastic for you, i think, because you look like a guy that really wants to control his temperatures. [ light laughter ] >> that's true. >> jimmy: you know what i'm saying? >> this is true. yes. >> jimmy: you have a a short-sleeved shirt on, but yet a winter hat. and so there's a lot of stuff going on. you got a lot of things. do you have anything like this at home? >> that's -- no. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, yeah, that's a no. it's great. it's only -- look, it buttons right up like this. would you like to? >> let's do it. >> jimmy: yeah, let's do it. ♪ even the inside looks nice. [ cheers and applause ] look at that. oh, goodness. look at that. that looks fantastic! [ cheers ] keep you nice and warm. if you feel like it, take it off. thank you very much. i appreciate it, buddy. congratulations! [ cheers and applause ] thanks again to our lucky audience member. stick around. we'll be right back with thank you notes, everybody. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ feel the power of theraflu expressmax. new power... fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax. new power. (train whistle blowing) i want a rabbit. what about you? well, i want an iphone. make sure you get that on verizon. it's the most awarded network ever. and if anyone asks, i want a bigger train next year. (vo) give the gift of any iphone and get up to $300 off. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody! welcome back. [ cheers and applause ] today is friday. >> steve: friday. [ laughter ] friday, friday. >> jimmy: today is friday. that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. you know, i check my inbox. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: i return some e-mails and of course i send out some thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] and i was just running a bit behind today so i thought if you guys wouldn't mind, i'd just like to write out my weekly thank you notes right now. is that cool with you? [ cheers and applause ] stationery right here. james, can i get some thank you note writing music, please? ♪ wow, there he is. my old buddy, zippy over there. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, santacon, for being that magical time of year where parents explain to their kids why santa is puking on a cop car. [ applause ] >> steve: no, i don't like it. >> jimmy: i don't want anything to do with it. >> steve: i don't like it. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, fingerlings, for being this season's hottest collectible toy or as beanie babies put it, enjoy the ride, kid. [ applause ] enjoy the ride. >> steve: enjoy it while it lasts. >> jimmy: it's a blast when it works. >> steve: goes by fast. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, trump, pronouncing the united states as united shtates, for making me laugh my arse off. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: united shtates. >> jimmy: can i just see it again? i'm sorry. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: dave, do you have it? >> united shtates. [ laughter ] >> steve: nothing was wrong. there's nothing wrong man. don't look over here. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, donald trump jr., for refusing to provide congress any details of a phone call with your father, or as trump puts it, snitches get stitches. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: united stitches. trump stitches. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, family christmas newsletters, for letting my trash can know what my cousins are up to. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: travis has gone to yale. oh, three pages, singed spaced, double sided. [ laughter ] oh, nine-point font. well, that's good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you knew it was a a nine-point font by looking at it? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, local news santa tracker, for keeping kids up to date on santa's whereabouts as they watch their favorite show, the local news. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ thank you, meghan markle, being engaged to prince harry for proving that hallmark channel christmas movie plots can happen in real life. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah! "suits!" >> jimmy: great. i believe! >> steve: he believes! he's a prince. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, stockings, for somehow managing to make a a bunch of small bad gifts seem special. [ laughter and applause ] ] there you go right there. those are my thank you notes. we'll be right back with hugh jackman, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [fireworks exploding] [♪ ] hurry in to old navy! get gifting with up to 60% off the entire store. that's up to 60% off the entire store with styles from 6 dollars, at old navy. you know how you don't talk like this... (forces to enunciate slowly) play the peter bjorn and john song called "young folks" on spotify. you talk like this: hey google, play that hipster song with whistling. ("young folks" plays) it's google home mini. now only $29. it's google home mini. i started volunteering for (victorinational parks.s twelve, i go out and demonstrate to people what life was like in the eighteenth century. you can have almost a spiritual experience with the beauty of nature or with a connection with the past. there's no better place to find that than a national park, which preserves that beauty and the history. (vo) the subaru share the love event has donated over six-point-five million dollars to help the national parks. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more. (victoria) ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪ music ♪laying ♪ ♪ but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? no, it's good. -hmm. -oh. huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. blow on it. you see it, right? is there a draft in here? i'm telling you, it's so easy to get home insurance on progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: our first guest had a a huge hit earlier this year with "logan", his final turn playing wolverine and just in time for christmas is another huge movie called "the greatest showman", which hits theaters wednesday, december 20th. please welcome the one and only hugh jackman! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: we love you! >> i love you too. >> jimmy: thank you for coming back to the show. >> i will always come back, invited or not. i will come back. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know, we know that you are the most -- you made most appearances on the "the tonight show" out of any guest, it is you, hugh jackman. number one. >> number one? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: this is your ninth appearance. >> ninth! >> jimmy: this is your ninth appearance. >> i'm very competitive. so thank you. i love to hear that. >> jimmy: i love that too. >> who's my competition? is it, j.t.? >> jimmy: there's a dog named zippy. [ laughter ] i don't want to get into it. >> right. >> how long do dogs live? all right i got to keep going for a while. >> jimmy: in dog years or no? yeah. >> yeah. just let me know if i'm about to be beat, all right? >> jimmy: okay. >> and do me a favor, you'll quit at the same time so we can go out together. i think that's a -- >> jimmy: okay i see what you're saying, yeah. >> no, seriously. we'll ride out into the sunset, together. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. of course. so if somebody's getting close to you -- >> yeah, we'll both -- that's it. >> jimmy: that's it. >> okay. you heard it first. that's it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my final guest, hugh jackman, everybody. >> thank you. i love being here, man. >> jimmy: i love having you. the movie comes out december 20th. >> yes. >> jimmy: and this -- it's a a great holiday movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: big movie. so much fun. great music. you go back to australia for the holidays? >> i go back to australia. i will be there on the 20th of december. >> jimmy: oh yeah, wait you do -- >> middle of summer. >> jimmy: hot christmas. what do you call it? >> well, it is hot. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we just call it christmas. [ talking over each other ] [ laughter ] no, in our house. >> jimmy: i might have made that up. yeah. >> it's very hot. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, of course. yeah. >> but that's not me. >> jimmy: hot christmas. >> but it is super, super hot, although my parents, i'm english, so we persevere with all the english traditions which is like here we have hot turkey, hot ham, gravy, steak, potatoes. cooking. it's literally like 110 degrees. >> jimmy: yeah, it's cozy. >> the paper hat's disintegrating. sweat. drunk, arguing. it's messy. >> jimmy: yeah, it's the middle of the summer. yeah. >> come. please, everyone come. >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] [ talking over each other ] >> we swim. we go to the ocean. we get up. we swim in the morning. we have 30 for lunch. i mean, i'm from a big family, but deb's family does it on steroids. like literally 30 for lunch and then 100 for dinner. >> jimmy: no. >> yeah, we go -- like she calls it the christmas orphan dinner, so anyone who's without a family or doesn't celebrate christmas, whatever reason, they're invited over. >> jimmy: that's the best. >> come on. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'll come by. yeah. i'll come, it's just hop on a a plane. it's no big deal. >> you know, 24 hours, whatever. >> jimmy: yeah. you were here last for "logan" and i just loved it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: what a a performance. >> thanks. >> jimmy: but what a cool movie too. you really -- i did not see that coming at all. and it was just great. >> thanks. >> jimmy: and are you going to miss wolverine? are you gonna -- >> in a way. in all seriousness, a little bit of him, i'll miss, but i'm -- to be honest, i'm so grateful to jim mangold, everyone at fox who took a a chance on that film. >> jimmy: jim mangold did a a great job. >> honestly, i feel like i owe my life -- my work life to him, because that movie, for 17 years, i played this character, i knew it was going to be my last one, so it meant a lot to me, and he delivered a a movie -- literally, i saw it in berlin next to him and i was just weeping. >> jimmy: yeah? >> he was like, pull it together, man. you're wolverine. just hold it together a little bit. >> jimmy: exactly, it's wolverine, exactly, yeah. superhero movie. but it's not -- it's more. >> and the fans really sort of dug it. >> jimmy: almost hit $1 billion or something like that. >> $7 billion, i think. $7 billion. in australia. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: $700 billion. >> $700 billion. >> jimmy: but it's also on a a lot of critics' top ten lists of the year. so congratulations on that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: well deserved. >> thank you. >> jimmy: tonight, you're leaving our show and heading over to a giant, giant, massive ship. >> giant. >> jimmy: look at this. >> it's not a bad -- look at that. >> jimmy: it looks -- >> it's the queen mary. >> jimmy: but what is -- it's the size of manhattan. >> the queen mary -- yeah, it's huge. so, we're premiering "the greatest showman" on that boat because the cunard line, barnum used to take jenny lind when he went on his world tour. that's the connection. but basically he's barnum. barnum was like, why have a a one-ring circus when you can have three? make everything huge, make it massive, build that kind of hype. so that's what we're doing tonight. and you're all welcome. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you can all fit. >> literally. >> jimmy: it's giant. >> but it's actually going off tonight. >> jimmy: it really is. >> yeah, so you know, if it doesn't go well, i might just stow away. >> jimmy: and tell me about this movie now. because you've been working on this for a while. >> seven and a half years. seven and a half years ago, i just finished -- >> jimmy: so much work goes in to these things, i don't know if people even realize. >> well i just hope for the oscars -- the producer of that came to me and said, "man, you should do what you've done on the oscars, what you've done on stage, you should do it on film." and he had this idea for an original movie musical about p.t. barnum and i said, that's fantastic. to be honest, i thought it was about a one in ten chance because it had been 23 years since a studio had commissioned an all-original movie musical. so, that's -- so all the music is original. >> jimmy: wow. >> all ten songs. and that started seven and a a half years ago and i'm so proud of it. i can't wait for you all to -- and the soundtrack just came out today. so, check out the soundtrack. because these guys who wrote the music are phenomenal. they really are. justin, benj and -- justin and benj. which is justin paul, benj pasek. check them out. >> jimmy: and then how did you come up -- these guys, when you started doing this, they were kind of unknown. >> yeah, so they're like straight out of college. they really -- we found them and they wrote one song, which we loved. and at the time, we were going to go for like whoever the biggest artists were. we went to bruno mars, we went to pharrell williams. adele, all the writers. macklemore, lewis. these guys were just writing the best stuff. so after they wrote one, one of the studio execs said to michael gracey, our director, they said, "who's this justin and benj? who are they?" he said, "oh, they're huge. they're really huge, they just won a tony award for -- on broadway." >> jimmy: is that true? >> and the guy's like -- no. [ laughter ] he goes, "for what?" and he said, "oh, it was 'james and the giant peach.'" and he goes, "oh, fine." now, there's never been a a "james and the giant peach" on broadway but this was hollywood so they assumed it was true. >> jimmy: wow. >> and that's how they got in. and then they ended up writing all 10 songs. they just won the oscar for "la la land." they won the tony award for "dear evan hansen." the just got nominated for three grammy awards and they do not talk to me anymore. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's how you do it. [ applause ] >> that's it. >> jimmy: that's the beauty. i want to talk about this movie. hugh jackman and i are talking more about "the greatest showman" after the break. [ cheers and applause ] stick around, everybody. hugh jackman! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ being a location scout, my office is on my back. the less stuff i have to carry the better. with surface pro, i have one device that does everything. technology has really changed how i do this job. on pacific rim: uprising our characters are 250 ft. tall. where in the heck are you gonna land this big robot? pulled up a satellite image and there is like a giant bullseye, robots here! i feel very proud of what i bring to the screen. i have the greatest job in the world. now it just needs a tv! we can just order one on and pick it up in the store. easy! you got this? can you add a vacuum to that order? order online at and pick up in store. except for every ladies' night. vegetarian... only glad has forceflex to prevent rips, leaks, and punctures. so whatever you throw in the bag... stays in the bag. be happy, it's glad. (train whistle blowing) i want a rabbit. what about you? well, i want an iphone. make sure you get that on verizon. it's the most awarded network ever. and if anyone asks, i want a bigger train next year. (vo) give the gift of any iphone and get up to $300 off. ( ♪ ) you know when your hands are covered in flour or, ew! chicken gizzards... and you go to check the recipe and... wait! ugh! the screen locked and your hands are still dirty! instead: "hey google, what's the next step?" google voice: mix the eggs with the flour. it's google home mini. now only $29. it's google home mini. now it just needs a tv! we can just order one on and pick it up in the store. easy! you got this? can you add a vacuum to that order? order online at and pick up in store. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. we are here with hugh jackman, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] his big new movie, "the greatest showman", is in theaters wednesday, december 20th. tell me the story about this. p.t. barnum, did you end up -- you must have done a bunch of research and read about him. >> yeah, a lot. he's an amazing character. he was a true pioneer, a bit of a disrupter. i think of him as a steve jobs or an elon musk. he saw the world completely differently to anybody else and he had this idea to change entertainment. art at that time was kind of stuffy. it was opera, it was meant to elevate and meant to civilize. he was like, screw that. let's just have some fun. let's make it for every -- he really invented pop culture. so it was, first of all, in the form of a museum and then it became the circus and the greatest show on earth. and he really redefined marketing. he redefined entertainment as we know it today. >> jimmy: what is the -- what is the song? >> "this is me." >> jimmy: "this is me." >> "this is me" is -- >> jimmy: "this is me" is the jam. >> well -- >> jimmy: that's the one! >> jimmy: you know what he did? actually, in the time -- >> jimmy: "this is me." get it on spotify right now. >> if anyone -- >> jimmy: alexa, play "this is me"! [ light laughter ] >> if anyone's seen "the elephant man", you remember those people who were called oddities at the time were kind of in the seediest part of show biz. and they were locked up in basements and people were ashamed of them. and he brought them out in the spotlight. so tom thumb was the most famous person on the planet and beloved the world over. the bearded lady, the three-legged man. he brought them out and he made -- that was really his family. that was his circus troupe. and really what he was the first to do was to say, what makes you different makes you special. don't hide who you are. celebrate who you are. own it. so that is one of the big themes. and that song, "this is me", is an anthem that every time i hear it, i choke up. >> jimmy: it's fantastic. we have zendaya coming on the show on monday and she's fantastic. >> zendaya to me -- and i've told her. i'm ashamed of it. i hadn't heard of zendaya when the studio mentioned her. when i told my daughter, ava, who was 12, she was like -- >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: oh my god, dad! you're so embarrassing! [ laughter and applause ] you don't know zendaya?! >> she's like, "you're in a a movie with zendaya? you? what?" honestly. but she is so grounded, so -- such a wise soul. and you can't -- i can't wait for everyone to see her in this movie. and i can't wait to watch to see what she does. but we have michelle williams, rebecca ferguson, zac efron who is incredible in this. [ cheers ] and watch out for the keala settle, who is the bearded lady in this. and she's been on broadway for 13 years, doing eight shows a a week. she didn't think she was going to get the part. she came out and she sang in our final workshop. she sang it so well, tears running down her face, that the head of the studio leapt out of his chair, hugged her and said, "you just booked your first major motion picture." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: isn't that beautiful? >> come on! >> jimmy: great story! i love that! we have a clip. here is hugh jackman as p.t. barnum in "the greatest showman", in theaters wednesday, december 20th. check this out. ♪ one one come all you hear the call to anyone who's searching for a way to break free ♪ ♪ break free break free ♪ ♪ and the world becomes a fantasy and you're more than you could ever be ♪ ♪ 'cause you're dreaming with your eyes wide open ♪ ♪ and we know we can't be go back again to the world that we were living in ♪ ♪ 'cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open 'cause we're dreaming with our eyes wide open ♪ ♪ so come alive ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our thanks to hugh jackman, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] "the greatest showman" is in theaters december 20th. we're talking to luke bryan after the break. stick around, everybody! 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[ cheers and applause ] it just came out today. it is fresh out of the oven. luke bryan is here, ladies and gentlemen. come on. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how you doing, buddy? >> good. oh. >> jimmy: that's it. this is it. >> look at that guy. >> jimmy: have you seen it yet? the real one -- >> i hadn't seen the vinyl. >> jimmy: there it is. that's the vinyl, absolutely, man. that's cute. hey you're looking good, man. you're a stud. >> you think so? >> jimmy: yeah, you always -- last time we were here, you helped me out and we did a bit called, i don't know how to pronounce -- or i don't know how to say gyro. >> gyro, gyro. >> jimmy: gyro now i know. >> you still, even after we did that -- >> jimmy: we still don't know how to say it. >> you still second guess it. >> jimmy: you do. because it's spelled g-y-r-o. >> it throws your brain. >> jimmy: it really does -- >> and our brains really aren't capable of anything. >> jimmy: but yeah -- but anyway, if you want to see it on youtube, it's, how to pronounce gyro and it's really funny. but i think of you all the time. i -- >> every time i see the cart i'm like, jimmy. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: good, i'm glad. ♪ somewhere out there >> i'm fievel. >> jimmy: i'm fievel as well. two fievels. >> they don't even know who fievel is. >> jimmy: no, no, no, that's right. we'll have to re-release that. let's talk about the record man. i want to talk about this. congrats on this. it's out today. and what makes you country? what does that mean? what makes you country? >> well, you know -- can we start with you or me? me first. listen to me talk. [ laughter ] i mean, it's pretty much -- >> jimmy: yeah, that makes sense. that makes you country. >> that's the stamp right there. right there on the forehead, boom, he's country. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. you're definitely country yeah. >> especially when i'm walking around new york city and i'm like, oh yeah, i'll have the sketti, not spaghetti. mama called it, get on in the house, the sketti's ready. >> jimmy: is that right? >> we didn't have enough time to say spaghetti. >> jimmy: i don't know. i might have a little country in me. >> i mean, every time i -- so i got a -- every time i'm around jimmy, he has to brag on his pickup truck. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's right. i love my truck. >> it's like your favorite thing in the world. >> jimmy: it really is awesome, yeah. >> so what percent country would you say that makes you, based on your love for your pickup truck? [ laughter ] is it -- do you get 5%? >> jimmy: oh, i get more than 5%. yeah. i mean, some of the best songs in country music are written about trucks. >> i know. i've written 90% of them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm talking to the man. [ laughter ] oh, man. i love my truck so much. >> what hemingway is to fishing, catching a fish, you know how that is. >> jimmy: what are you doing for the holidays? anything fun? >> oh gosh, it's just -- it's christmas mayhem around -- we get all the family in. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we get all the fights out, you know, all the fighting. >> jimmy: out of the way. just get it out of the way. >> right off, try the first day. >> jimmy: first five minutes. >> clear all the air. look, you go through it too. >> jimmy: i'm irish. absolutely, yeah. [ laughter ] >> yeah, we -- we're going to -- we're just kind of settling in to our house. this will be our second christmas in our house. and we get the family in, but still, we have a good time. we do, you know, after all the -- after all the turkey and all that -- >> jimmy: thanksgiving. >> so i started a few years back, my mother and i, we kinda said, let's do chili dogs on christmas eve. [ light laughter ] and my mother, like, it's a a thing, because she wants to go shopping -- like she's turning into an all-day event because it used to be, well, it's always been, "luke, it's 11:00 now, we've got to go do our chili dog shopping." she takes me to the grocery store and it's literally -- this is her time to have with me and we buy all of the -- she has this chili recipe that she spends so much time on it and i think, you know -- >> jimmy: so is that a special, beautiful thing? >> some of her cigarette ashes land in it. [ laughter ] sorry, mama. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the secret ingredient. you gave it away. [ laughter ] [ unintelligible ] >> she's like oh! did anybody see that? stir it up. >> jimmy: keep stirring. no one will even know. >> but the buns have to be the buns that -- they're not the buns that -- they're the buns that are split on the middle. >> jimmy: yeah, yes of course. >> and then what we do is we take the -- we put the chili in a bowl, and you cover the chili dogs up completely. you cover the hot dogs completely up with chili and you take oyster crackers. >> jimmy: wow. >> the little saltines, they're called scramble dogs. >> jimmy: yeah. i'm in! see, i would love that stuff. >> the next morning, christmas morning, around the tree, you're not happy about what -- >> jimmy: no, no, no, of course not. yeah, of course not. [ laughter ] >> i can't believe i just said that. >> jimmy: i know. there's so much i have to -- i don't have enough time to talk to you but i want to say congrats on "american idol." you're one of the new judges on "american idol." [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: i'll be watching. >> you know, it's really, you know, when you -- when you take on something like that, you don't know -- you got to -- you got to do contracts and stuff, and they're like, they're serious about it. >> jimmy: oh, it's amazing. >> yeah, and you're like, you may get there and be like, "oh my god, this is miserable." >> jimmy: yeah. >> but it's truly like watching these kids and this young talent come in and watching them start singing, and you're like, "how have you not been discovered yet?" that's what always is amazing for me. it's like, with all the, you know, youtubes and socials and stuff, these kids come out -- >> jimmy: nowhere, yeah. >> of these places and you're like -- and it's amazing. and getting to work with lionel and katie, i mean, lionel -- >> jimmy: i love lionel richie man. oh my god. we love him. >> it doesn't get any better. [ cheers and applause ] and katy, everybody -- you know, katy, i tell you what's interesting about is we all dissect the talent pretty similarly, and katy's like, i mean, we're -- we're trying to find an "american idol." it's pretty daunting because if we don't find one, then it was our fault. >> jimmy: no yeah. you'll find one, you'll find one. and you'll help them too. we love when you perform. we do. we love you so much. and i actually have a clip of one of your performances. >> oh, goodness. >> jimmy: recently. you know what i'm talking about? >> no. i have no idea. >> jimmy: yeah, you do. yeah, you do. watch this. this is good. this is what happens when you go see luke bryan in concert. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: dude what happened? buddy, i love the dance moves. the dances, you doing the dance move -- >> i'm doing the shake and the fly is spreading out. and i look at the front row, and all the girls are like -- the one girl's like -- and i'm like -- >> jimmy: what does that mean? check, please? yeah -- >> whatever it meant, i knew the fly was down. >> jimmy: xyz, man. >> i was like -- and all my years, never -- i've fallen off stages. forgot words. said the wrong city. >> jimmy: but never did that. >> first time, fly down. >> jimmy: i'm sure i've said the wrong city before. >> and it was like -- i had a a shirt like this jacket, like you perform and you -- i looked down and my jacket or something that i had on was taking all of the paint off my guitar. like -- i'm like, "oh my god, my jacket's destroying my guitar." so i ran off, did a wardrobe change and through that, just forgot one small de -- not small. you know what i mean. [ cheers and applause ] one minor -- >> jimmy: one giant detail. [ laughter ] one better than average detail. >> you googled it too. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. luke bryan, "what makes you country" is available now. today it's out. [ cheers and applause ] you know i thought we'd have a a little fun. just a toast. >> nice! >> jimmy: just a toast for you. >> oh yeah. >> jimmy: and mom. this is from crif dogs here in new york city. it's one of the best chili dogs i ever had. >> it looks -- >> jimmy: it's delicious. >> it's ready to rock. >> jimmy: yep. luke bryan, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] luke is going to perform for us when we come back. stick around, everybody! nice! 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ people talkin' 'bout what is and what ain't country what gives 'em a right to wear ♪ ♪ a pair of beat-up boots is it the size of your tires and your fires or your wild ass buddies ♪ ♪ well give me a minute let me hit you with some hometown truth ♪ ♪ you could be a cowboy on the texas plain or a plowboy waitin on the rain ♪ ♪ we're all a little different but we're all the same everybody doin their own thing ♪ ♪ i got my dirt road cred when i was 12 on a no cab tractor hauling 'em bales ♪ backing in boats fishing limb lines running bird dogs through the georgia pines ♪ ♪ step side covered down in peanut dust friday night spotlightin that was us ♪ it might not've been you but i can't judge just be proud of what makes you country ♪ ♪ ♪ does it run in your blood did it come from your daddy and mama ♪ ♪ where you converted by an alabama song on the radio ♪ ♪ that feels so right did you lock eyes with a little green eyed girl from jackson ♪ ♪ tell me what got ya i just gotta know ♪ ♪ me i got my sunday learning in a live-oak church silver queen corn in the backyard dirt ♪ ♪ waiting for the fall to finally come along so i can grab by gun and get my outside on ♪ ♪ step side cover down in peanut dust friday night spotlightin that was us ♪ ♪ it might not've been you but i can't judge just be proud of what makes you country ♪ ♪ ♪ might be from a city or a little farm town whatever kind of square that you drove around ♪ ♪ do you wear it on your sleeve or keep it deep down ♪ ♪ you know you gotta let it out ♪ ♪ i got my dirt road cred back when i was 12 on a no cab tractor haulin' 'em bales ♪ ♪ backing in boats fishing limb lines running bird dogs through them georgia pines ♪ ♪ step side covered down in peanut dust friday night spotlightin that was us ♪ ♪ it might not've been you but i ain't judging and just be proud of ♪ ♪ what makes you country ♪ whatever makes you country ♪ ♪ you do your kind of country they doing they kind of country ♪ ♪ i do my kind of country whatever makes us country ♪ >> oh do your thing. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is how you do it. that's how you do it buddy. come on. >> thank you. >> jimmy: luke bryan right there. [ cheers and applause ] "what makes you country" is out now. my thanks to hugh jackman, luke bryan. [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. hope to see you next week. bye-bye everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- john oliver. from "crazy ex-girlfriend," actress rachel bloom. featuring the 8g band with will dorsey jr. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. in that case, let's get to the news. the official rockefeller center christmas tree was lit earlier tonight. and it will stand there until early january when i have to drag it out to the curb. [ laughter ]

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