>> bbc world news is present by kcet, losngeles. fundg for this presentation is made possible by thereeman foundationf new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. the newman's own fodation. the john. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. and union bank. >> union bk has put its financial strength to work f a wide range of compans, from small bunesses to major corporations what can we door you? >> and now c world news. >> couple benedict lebrates mass after being knocked down by a woman as the remony began. thounds gathered to celebrate christm. the u.s. senatesays yes to one of the key leslative prioriti. anoth bloody day in aq. near smultaneous attacks across the country. welcome. we are protesting to youn pbs in the states and around the globe. mancster + w man. we will hearrom ose in charge. in rome, a trational christmas was interrupted ba secury alert. the mass ceremony wasnder way, and th pope had a wman jump over the barrier andtry to rush him. they quickly carried on with the ocession. me said it was a moment of concern. >> we were watching it on the television, watcng a wom rushed towardthe pope just a he was beginning be mass. there must he been a nuer of peopleunning, a dozen, and aftwards, officlsspoke, saying that aoman tried to jump just as the pope was entering the basilica. was briefly ocked to the ground. the master of cemonies was standing at his side, helping him to hiseet. a fren cardinal walking near the pope was also knocked down. lice say thathe woman is now beg interrogated. >> given what haened to the italian prime minister a few days ago, one would assume that he pope would have had high security. >> t public does tight security at all times, especially at ceremonies. hhas his own secuty guards. the basili of saint ter, where the pope was, is exaterritorial. its notechnically the city at l. although theris jurisdictn rights in each squarin front of the basilic. security guardsoved in very iftly, and i presumed that the woman was beinghanded over t italian police. >> in bethlehem, the tradional birthpce of jesus, it is alreadyafter midnight, and they are celebrating mas want to showou some pictures now fm there. some15,000 tourists are expected to visit the area during the festive season, howeve palestinian officials say that the boohas failed bring in more money. peacin the region remains elusive. >> tourists come for the spectacle, but mny are drawn to be spiritual. this pla is believed to be where jesus was going celebrion today ended with midnight mass. the man leading the service spoke earlier about his frustrations at t israeli occupati. there is lack of trust, let of freedom. we want to finish. >> the pager d pointed to the barrier, winding to e west bank. israelis say this r securities. palestiniansayhat it restricts their movement d grabs their la. it i what the needs of the fastest eighth, butam's shoulds are sagging. th hope that a new americ president would r a fresh light an old struggle but at the end, the feeling here is tha the story is nothanged much. >> pole in kandah say eight people have been kill in a suicide asts at aotel frequented by foreigners. a fmer was driving a horsand cart, detonating elosives on his body when he was ordered to stop. several other people we injured in the blast. this is theecond attack in the city in three days blamed on the taliban militants. secuty officials in yemen killed at least 30 suspected al qaedamilitants ia raid in a remotmountain area. they had been planning attacks on yemeni and foreign targets. the u.s. revealed it has gven 7 million to help tacklel qaeda save areas. conoversial reforms to overhaul the health-care system insured that it came a bit closer. unlikmany other developed, i up to individuals to maintain insurance, and most maintained wh their empyers or sign up for private coverage. but arnd 47 llion are uninsured, 25underinsured. th is a co to the u.s. that represents 16% of gdp, almost twice the average other developed countrs. new rules willlow everyone to get health insunce and crea a health insuran plan for those at do nothave access or do not qualify for government assistance. >> not for 100 years, bright and chee in anticipation of a restored vote. the oldest senar, not in good health, madsure he was there. in theast, there have been huge protest agains wt some see as a risen big goverent. it is more muted tod. oside,he leer warns against an outbreak. >> ey know there is widespread opposition. i want to hear you, mr. president. despite his long from over. >> the senator, harry reid held his head in his hand when he changed the vo. >> the protectionist past. [applause] >> at thisoment, the senate lit a candle of hope for 50 million americans who went to bed last night without the protection o health insurance. >> i is good f the ameran people, and a true symbol of what we can do if we all pull together. >>he senate bill would cost $871 billion over years. itould mean nearly al citizens wouldave to take up health insurance. t it does not include a change that many libals say is vital. > we canno do another geration to soaring costs, floating coverage, and expding deficit. we need to do wt we were sent for, to improve the lives of pele. >> this is going to get bter. d if it do not mak it bett, i do not know what will happen. there may need to be another volution. because this is tha >> mine andis children of the ones tt are going to pay. >> the president delayed his family holiday for the vote, but now they helown to hawaii. it is not over yet. there stilhas tobe actity from the house >> i asked why so many republicans were again this vote in the senate. >> they fear this bill, with its curren cost, will plun america from another and death a will not state reducing the deficit into the futu. they do notike it, and ey do not think it will work. >> how much shoutingnd yelling will there be? >> qui a bit. the senate has to sit down with the use of repsentatives and they have to take two sepate bills and mash the into one. the bills are different. evyone will have ideas about what the final bill ought to said. e fight is going to continu it is possible the wheels might come o this whole tng at the last minute an the bill might not get to presidentbama's desk possible, not likely. think mocrats feel they he come so far right w they caot let it down. >> chief executives of fannie maend freddie m could receive million dollar d packages. the chf executive officers are each elible for compensatio yments of up to $6 million. the awards g again effortsy the obama administration to limit such lavish pd increases. still to co, it is all squared. england andouth africa. botheams prepare to lock hns agn. what are thlatest preparatio? ile japan struggles to avoid e misery of a double cession, when industry lebrates the bad times. these kind ostores a enjoying a rush of trade. here we are with the story. >> the small town, and few businees are booming, eept for the local discount sps. low prices are t key sellin point, a there are plenty of customers. >> when the economy isad, there are many re concerns. wean provide pructs. when everything is bad around us, we are good. we hope th siation continues r a long time. >> her husband works in the constructi industry, and they are nervous. they're keeping a cle eye on their spding. her daught's close we bought a dcount, and pretty much everythinghe wears herself. japan must government is planning more stimulus sending the economy on tck. but toring it back tostrong growth, shoppers will need a new taste for spending. >> this is bbcorld news. thes are the headlines. a cebration of the vatican ntinues after a brief knockdowof the poll by woman as the ceremony began. and the birthplacef jesus celebrates christmas. ed least eight people were killed in baghdad. 70 were wounded in t bomb blasts. two members in the police force are dead. w to ourorrespondent, with the latest. >> a bomb plant with the aim of maximizin casualtie the tart this time was a crowded bus stati, 100 kilometers sou of baghdad. two devices, the second detonating as a bomb dispol team was tryin to detonate i >> we heard a bang. a second blast took plac hours later, two more tacks in baghdad. thisne stck mourners who had gathered for a funeral. these bombings, as thousands of member of the security forces were on duty in the holy cit 4 million pilgrims are expted in the city sunday. attacks on ose attending the ceremonies. more th 25,000 troops have been deoyed to protect prrams arriving toommemorate the anversary. sever bombsave taeted programsreparing to head ove the problem for the serity foe this year is the government is receiving intelligencef a threat against the christian minori. over the next fw days, thounds of personnel wille on high alt here. the russian president says his countryill work on new generati of msiles to make sure that deterrence remain effective. in an ho-long interview, he said that they used to be aid straight at thwest during the arms re, at the united states, pa of the era omutually assuredestruction but athe end of the cold war, thnumbers were increased and the treaty is now with associated -- regotiated. the russianresident says that there is still work be done. >> it haso determineur existence at the biest nuclearase. that is why wneed to calculate everything carefully. a nuclear shield allowss to solv all the problems we want to sell. of course we will develop new city's -- systems, deliver systems. it is quite norm. the whole world doing it. >russia sti contrs thousands of nlear weapons and has pns to put short-ran missiles to cancel out theush defense shld in ctral europe. that hasauseda lot of tension, reminding some of the cold war. the kremlin begins exercising military muscle after a short war with georgia lasyear. but with barackobama, and the defensive seld consigned to e dustbin, relatiohips are less fra. >> after being blamed for locking an agreement at the copenhagen summit, chinas under attack another front the environmt. we lo at how china' need for imber is driving trade. >> the russian fest lks and lessnd untouched. but it isot. w are on the hu for illegal lgers. our eye ithe sky is telli us where to go. below, they ottedim quarter tes were sent from a gps. now it is arace on ot to cah him in the act. it is a bust. this then stilhas a chainaw in his hd. -- this man still has a chain saw inis hand. he coulace three years in prison. ts is protected forest. they've been choosing only th most valuab trees. hardwoods. th is ash, this is a hoax. -- this is oak. over 100 years o. ts will do nothing to stop illegalogging. the men who live in the squid camps a just foot soldiers. >> we're jt ordinary works. i d not really care about the paperwork. it is my bosses. there arthe ones making it. >> the logging is driven by a massive demand from china. this is a russian sawmill, but every worker re is chinese. l of the timber is heading ver the border. activis say that th industry is subveing the economy and government. >> the main problem is corruption on all levels fear. >> ts is one of dozens of yards we drove past. three-quarters o this would has been cut illegally. ch will end up as hardwood flooring sold in america and europe. as little as 10 yes, it all will bgone. eastern ruia. >> news knell on the new mancster city manager. he has giv hs first match ws conference. he won three title as a manager of another team, and he s asked how he felt that his team has not wo anying significant in england since tree years ago. >> nintelligble] >> nintelligble] >> to get into t minds of the touring sled. the beaches are home to the weird and wonderful, remindg us it is dangeus. the men who died here know that help thinking too. there are a lot of issues that england can try to rolve. there was concer about the state of the tas, and we certaiy tuned in. >> he is an important and practical player who is struggling. >> times were tough, and every member of the art ut thinks that on state or another -- at onstage or anothe. ultimate, that is what it boils wn to >> there is oe man that knows everything, south africa's coach. he can highlight the weakness ec's on the eve of a big test matc >> i wouldot expect eland to go beyonwhat hapned but i think they' coming t the test matchnder a little bit of pressure. >> they're frustrated. mind you, on christmas day, they will be training. >> you have to be switcd on to what you are goingo be doing. a couple of meetings in the morning, and in the afrnoon, it is timeo relax. you have the festi spirit for a while. >> 25 on the 25th. but even on the beach, it fee good. >> a lead the 1-day series agnst sri lankan. he had his 14 odi,long with gambia. 224 for the third in calcutta. india reached trgets with 11 goals to spare. watch the news unfold at also on the website a lection of photos from around the world. >> funding w made possible by the freeman foundation of ne york, stowe, vernt, and honolulu the newman'own foundation. e john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation. and union bank. and union bank. >> union banhas put its financial strength to work f a wide rge of companies from small sinesses to major corporations. what cawe do for you? >> i'm julia stiles. >> i'm kevin bacon. >> i'm kim ttrall. >> hi, i'm ken rns. >> i'm li taylor. >> i'm henry louis gates j, d public broadcasting is my source for news abt the world. >> r intelligent conversation. >> for eleion coverage youan count on. >> for conrsations beyond the sound bites. >> a commitment to joualism. > for deciding who to vote for. >> i'm kerrwashington, and public broadcasting my source fointelligent connections to my community. >> bbc world news s prested by kcet, losngeles.

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