Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20170201

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nfl, just four days before the super bowl. accusing the league of teaming up against them. >> i just want them to know their worth. to not be taken for granted. >> the new allegations ahead of super bowl sunday. carefree in the caribbean. the obamas spotted strolling down the beach on a billionaire's island. >> thank you so much. >> the former first couple enjoying life after the white house. in shorts, sandals and sunglasses, their holiday in paradise. and good morning, america. prime time moment for president trump. now, wasn't quite "celebrity apprentice" but did build up the suspense and then neal gorsuch. >> judge neal gorsuch is the youngest nominee in more than 25 year, clarence thomas was 43 when he was nominated back i a harvard law school grad and the court will remain all ivy league if he is confirmed and has a doctorate in legal philosophy from oxford often compared, of course, to justice scalia. >> after the announcement president trump tweeting hope you like my nomination of judge neal gorsuch for the united states supreme court. he is a good and brilliant man respected by all. >> but the opposition is already gearing up. democrats vowing to fight and you saw protests on the supreme court steps overnight. abc's jon karl is at the white house with all the latest on this consequential pick. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, george. well, for president trump, this is a promise kept. he has nominated a solid conservative to the supreme court, but next up is a bruising battle to get the senate to confirm him. >> i would like to ask judge gorsuch and his wonderful wife louise to please step forward. >> reporter: tuesday night during prime time, pre court judge neal gorsuch as his pick for the supreme court. a judge he told the crowd that should be a shoo-in for confirmation. >> judge gorsuch has outstanding legal skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned bipartisan support. when he was nominated to the 10th circuit court of appeals he was confirmed by the senate unanimously, also, it's unanimous. can you believe that? nowadays with what's going on. does that happen anymore? does it happen? >> reporter: 49-year-old gorsuch the highest court nominee in more than two decades made a humble debut. >> you've entrusted me with a most solemn assignment standing here in a house of history and acutely aware of my own imperfections i pledge that if i am confirmed i will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the constitution and laws of this great country. >> reporter: repli but democrats warned of a tough fight ahead. overnight, senate minority leader chuck schumer expressed very serious doubt about gorsuch's nomination saying in a statement, quote, democrats will not simply allow but require an exhaustive, robust and comprehensive debate. but, there's one issue where gorsuch could appeal to some democrats and that's the issue of executive overreach which is a big concern with the trump administration. he has argued forcefully in the past, george, that the courts have a critical role in keeping the executive branch from exerting too much power. >> that will certain come up in his confirmation hearings. terry moran and dan abrams with more. terry, you've covered much of the supreme court. solid conservative and doesn't change the balance of the court but what about over time if he gets confirmed? >> reporter: there's no question he will fit in here like a glove, george, because he here. he clerked here. he is, in fact, the fourth former supreme court clerk on this court now and he clerked for justice kennedy who still sits there. what he can do over time in replacing antonin scalia in terms of the law they're very similar, but justice scalia was a happy warrior, a brawler up there. he didn't care sometimes if he convinced other people he wanted to get his opinion into law. what we can expect from judge gorsuch is a much more gentler and more collegial style and will try to make convert, not just make law. >> we tao president trump talk about the fact that judge gorsuch was approved unanimously by voice vote for his appeals court position. that's not going to happen on this one. >> reporter: not going to happen this time around. all these battles are scorched earth. he will be demonized certainly. it's going to be a little bit difficult because he does already have the support of president obama's former solicitor general high ranking official in the obama administration. he's that kind of pick. across the political spectrum, across the judicial spectrum and legal spectrum but can expect a rough go. >> i want to bring that to dan abrams who is here as well. terry talked about him being the acting solicitor general, is a good man. other democrats say, listen, this whole process is illegitimate. the seat shouldn't have been open in the first place. >> he's what one should expect from a republican appointment. precisely what wouone would exp. the issue is merrick garland which is president obama appointed someone who never got a vote so the question for democrats do we so fundamentally believe that that was unfair and wrong that we're going to make our statement now over this particular nominee and that is sort of the fundamental calculus that will have to go into the decision democrats make on how hard to fight. >> they're already saying there will be a assume he does get confirmed because there will be 51 votes for him no matter what. what are the big cases he'll look at. >> particularly with regard to schools. transgender right, 17-year-old boy born as a girl does he have a fundamental right to use a boys' bathroom. a case on the police use of force, police typically have immunity for actions that they do while they're police officers. the question is where is that line to be drawn? the rights of religious school, what kind of benefits can they get and also really interesting about disabled children and a question of what benefits, educational opportunities are school, public schools required to provide for kids with a disability in this case autism? so a lot of interesting questiocases. >> democrats are not only criticizing the president's supreme court nominee but battling his cabinet picks blocking a vote on attorney general nominee jeff sessions and boycotting votes for two cecilia vega joins us now from washington. good morning, cecilia. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. as you know new presidents usually enjoy a bit of a honeymoon. not this one. at the center of this battle that executive order, that immigration crackdown for democrats, the strategy when it comes to donald trump's nominees right now that strategy seems to be delay as long as possible. the strategy on capitol hill, delay, delay, delay. >> our republican colleagues are trying to rush these through. >> reporter: democrats may not have the votes to ultimately derail president trump's cabinet nominees, but that's not stopping them from trying. they boycotted a hearing for health and human services pick tom price. the room full of empty seats. >> we're not going to this committee today because we want the committee to regroup, get the information, have these two nominees come back in front of the committee, clarify what they lied about. >> reporter: same for treasury nominee steve mnuchin. >> had no no indication -- it's the rudest thing i've ever seen. >> reporter: a vote on attorney general hopeful jeff sessions blocked. so far just four of the president's 21 cabinet level nominees have been confirmed. not since at least the 1800s has a president had so few. on tuesday, transportation secretary elaine chao, one of the few to make it through. the president lashing out on twitter accusing the democrats of stalling for purely political reasons. they have nothing going but to obstruct. press secretary sean spicer not holding back. >> it's getting a bit ridiculous. the mere idea they're not even showing up to hearings is truly outrageous. >> reporter: the battle over nominations waging as the white house is in damage control over that extreme vetting executive order. >> first of all it's not a travel ban. i just want to make sure i get this straight. >> reporter: but the president called it a ban on twitter just a day before. even spicer has called it a ban. >> it's a 90-day ban. >> reporter: butow story. >> using the words that the media is using. it can't be a ban if you're letting a million people in. if 325,000 people from another country can't come in, that is by nature not a ban. >> i understand your point. >> it is extreme -- >> the president himself called it a ban. >> i understand that. >> is he confused or are you confused. >> no, i'm not confused. >> reporter: a heating briefing in here yesterday. the secretary of state pick rex tillerson appears headed for confirmation. during those hearings he said he doesn't support a blanket ban on any particular group of people, but, robin, he has not yet spoken publicly about this new extreme vetting executive order. >> and, cecilia, protests also, thank you, also growing over president trump's travel and immigration crackdown. thousands taking to the streets in minneapolis last night and inside the state department more than 800 officials signing their names on what is called the cent cable. martha raddatz has all those details for us, good morning, martha. >> reporter: it's a strongly worded memo order could increase hostility towards americans and to give perspective there are 8,000 foreign service officers, 11,000 civil servants so if you have over 800 signatures, that's quite a percentage. compared to last year when just 51 diplomats signed a dissent memo about the syria policy. people at state say they can't remember a dissent cable with more people signing on than this one. >> the trump administration not happy at all about this letter, martha. >> reporter: not happy. when sean spicer was asked about the dissent earlier in the week when abc had obtained a draft of the cable, he said, quote, they should either get with the program or they can go. that is not what these kinds of memos have been about in the past. people are not threatening to quit in the memo. this is an established procedure where these career professionals have spent lives with these affairs are giving advice. john kerry met with some of dissenters last year. given what sean spicer said if they don't agree with the president's policy, they should leave. we'll have to see what rex tillerson does, robin. >> we'll see what happens. martha, thank you. let's bring in cokie roberts to get more on this. cokie, okay, this is pretty remarkable there at the state department. at least 800 people signing that dissent letter but it's part of one of many sort of growing wave of resistance across government bureaucracies. >> that's true. inside the government and outside. i think we're kind of at a moment of inflection here where we're seeing resistance, that's the right word, it's not objection, it's resistance to the administration and to the president's policies and all of these demonstrations, we haven't seen this in decades of people really showing up and saying, we object, we want to do something about it. and it's going to put a lot of pressure on democrats in congress to certainly to obstruct and maybe more. >> in some ways those protests out ahead of the elected democrats in washington. >> oh, absolutely. very much so. i think a lot of it harks back to bernie sanders in the primaries saying we don't like what's going on in washington. it wasn't just trump voters saying that and so i think that there's a tremendous pressure on the elected officials to stand up to this administration. >> and, cokie, inside the administration you're already seeing some pushback, as well, on this executive order on this temporary ban. >> because the people inside the administration as martha was just saying are the career professionals who have been dealing with these issues, and particularly on the immigration issues and refugees these have been very difficult issues that lots of people in the government have been trying to work their way through and they thought they had gotten to a place where they could and children into the country and now all those people are stuck in limbo. >> cokie roberts, thanks very much. amy is here with today's other top stories. big changes in youth football. >> the organization that oversees youth football is trying to tackle safety concerns, usa football is planning to test new rules of the game that will include a smaller field, fewer players and no kickoffs. the goal is to reduce collisions and concussions, enrollment has dropped significantly in recent years. the controversial dakota pipeline appears to be moving forward. the army corps of engineers has received permission to issue the final permit. the standing rock sioux tribe has vowed to keep fighting that project insisting an environmental study is needed. it was a terrifying scene on sunset boulevard in hollywood as a man went on a stabbing rampage injuring at least three people before he was eventually shot by police. witnesses say the man was swinging a knife on the street restaurant. no word on a motive. overseas dramatic moments in china. take a look at this after a family's car crashed into the river. the father standing on the roof as they were sinking and threw his baby right there. look at that. to rescuers on land. thankfully everyone made it out okay. finally the obamas appear to be enjoying their r a&r as they vacation on the virgin islands taking a casual stroll in beach attire. the former president in flip-flops and wearing his hat backwards while sharing a meal with branson. i'd say vacation eight years in the making. >> he never wore his hat backwards as president, i don't think. >> i have never seen him in flip-flops either. >> thank you there, amy. hey, michael. >> hey there, robin. i promise not to wear my hat backwards on the show. in houston, everybody, super bowl is there, of course and with the super bowl comes ramped up security ahead of the game. expected to flood into the city and jesse palmer is in houston in the middle of it all. good morning, jesse. >> reporter: good morning, michael. houston is the fourth largest city in america and already a crowded place before you even add the players, the fans and the media and while the nfl security team has said there's no real credible threat here at the super bowl, there have been so many different security measures put in place for the big game on sunday and i had a chance to go behind the scenes to see how it all works. with an anticipated 73,000 fans making their way to houston's nrg stadium on sunday, this morning, local, federal, state and private agents are working around the clock making sure security measures are set in stone for the big game. >> we have almost three miles of security perimeter around our venues. >> reporter: with over 110 million eyes focusing on thety during game night the game is being called a top-tier security event. officials have actually been working on security for this game alone for the last several years. paris, what happened in nice, how can you prevent someone from just getting in a car and driving through a crowd of people at an event like this. >> the city of houston, houston police department actually brought in cement barricades downtown so those are in place and will stop any vehicles from going through. >> reporter: moore than 5,000 officers will be patrolling the area and s.w.a.t. team, cybersquads, intelligence analysts and surveillance specialists are all working to keep fans safe. authorities are teaming up with verizon also using smart cameras to monitor any abnormal behaviors. >> we had an object left behind or a vehicle placed where it shouldn't be, the cameras could pick that up and flag that as an abnormal event and trigger an alert for us to take a look. >> reporter: they would send the information then to authorities. how covert is the security strategy here? >> our goal is to be behind the scenes, we want everybody to enjoy the event. >> reporter: security officials here in houston are urging everyone to their surroundings saying if you see something, say something, guys. >> good piece of advice there, jesse, thank you very much. over to ginger, snow causing accidents in the northeast, right, ginger? >> oh, robin, this image is of interstate 95 in connecticut that was shut down for a time. the southbound lanes there, that picture is not the only one, unfortunately, connecticut state police telling us there were 300 accidents with that clipper that came through. it doesn't look like a lot of snow. it wasn't, one to four inches of snow blew through and for the most part will be leaving later this afternoon. look at this. this new storm in the west, in the pacific ocean, you can see it on infrared satellite coming at california. wind advisories up to 55-mile-per-hour gusts in parts of central california, portland, tomorrow night has to look out for snow and then freezing rain on top of it. a lot of rain coming with this one too. let's get to cold cities now. days - 40s today through friday; 30s this weekend - very light wintry mix sunday (low impact - nothing to get excited about) - 60s next week today: mostly cloudy to overcast. a bit cooler. highs: 49-52 winds: w 5-10 mph tonight: decreasing clouds. cool. lows: 31-38 winds: nw 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. seasonable and breezy. highs: 40-47 winds: nw 10-15 g 25+ mph - isolated slick spots early; otherwise cold & breezy - few sprinkles tomorrow & wednesday - quiet rest of the week (40s) - watching sunday into monday (wintry mix possible) today: mostly cloudy ot sprinkle. zy. hig and coming up newly resurfaced tapes raising questions about preside president's closest advisers, steve bannon, now in the spotlight. as you reach for your morning cup of java, could it be sabotaging your die yet? dr. ashton and dr. besser are here with a wake-up call this morning. sorry about that. >> say it isn't so. oh, uh...olate thunder is all yours. and with those tires, she'll be with you a long time. a long time... goodyear viva 3 all-season tires 60,000-mile treadwear warranty save money. live better. walmart. they are ridiculous when they first wake up. daddy walks into the walls like he's a bumper car. your dunkin' doesn't make you, you... but it helps. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. for huge deals across the hurryentire store. today like paint plus primer at the new lower price of only $17.98. plus get up to 40% off select bath items. don't miss out on the season's best savings >> anchor: good morning, washington. i'm melanie hastings. breaking, a scary way to wake up , a car slams into a home in prince georges county. this happened around 2:00 a.m. in lanham. the homeowner claims this is the fifth time somebody crashed into his house since he moved in in the 1970s. people speed around a bend in the road. no one was seriously hurt in this wreck. also breaking 4 people shot in southeast, officers were called to the 2900 block of martin luther king just before 2:30. two men and women were hit when gun fire erupted. all the victims are expected to survive. no word on what may have led to the shooting. authors have not released suspect inf check life is ridiculously awesome!!! and with the billion point giveaway, it's about to get more awesome. to claim your share of a billion shop your way points during the big game, download the shop your way or kmart app today!!! >> reporter: this february kicking off with some milder temperatures, yes, chilly out there right now but we'll see the mercury rise into the 40s. close to 50 degrees with mainly dry conditions under the over cast sky. super bowl sunday, mainly light rain starting late morning end ing mid afternoon. maybe some wet snow mix. any isolated spots with slick conditions north and west of dc. next week, back into the 60s tuesday and wednesday with rain. >> anchor: we're dealing with a crash on the capital beltway, inner loop, traveling from springfield into annandale but as we look at the big picture map you can see the red northbound 395, headed toward duke street, also north and southbound on dc295. as you head toward the sally jewel. we though, interstate 66, the crash at 28. send and the wolf huffed like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice 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(child giggles) symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. get symbicort free for up to one year. visit today to learn more. welcome back to "gma," everybody. and you're looking live at a pep rally in texas. this is a surprise so super that we needed the entire town to come in and fill the gym and pull it off and it's for someone in the crowd. they don't know it but they're about to win tickets to the super bowl and it is a coach who has inspired so many and given so much of themselves that the entire town piled in to surprise him to give back. >> he's not listening right now. >> he has no idea. he better not be listening. >> they've got spirit, yes, they do. okay, also right now, battle brewing over president trump's new supreme court nominee, neal gorsuch, republicans praising his pick calling him a good and brilliant man but democrats are now banding together to fight him to keep him off the c president's cabinet nominees blocking, boycotting votes on capitol hill. president trump has the fewest nominees confirmed by this date in at least the last 40 year. >> lots of holdups. now we take a closer look at the man who may be president trump's most influential adviser, steve bannon, a member of the national security council and he's in the spotlight as controversial comments he made on his breitbart radio show are resurfacing and tom llamas here with the details. there are hours of tape where bannon calls muslims immigrants a threat and says the u.s. engaged in a global existential war. >> hours and hours, that's right. president bush had karl rove, president obama had david axelrod and president trump has steve bannon, one of the advisers that helped him with that executive order on the travel ban, a man who just months ago was running a website now one of the most powerful people in the white house. as president trump pushes forward with his plan to change the countr growing on one of his most influential and controversial advisers, stephen bannon. recently in an unprecedented move, president trump named bannon to the national security council, adding a political strategist to the team in charge of keeping the country safe. >> he's got a tremendous understanding of the world in the geopolitical landscape we have now. >> reporter: bannon is one of the most mysterious players in the president's inner circle usually seen wearing a field jacket, a bit rumbled and almost never does interviews but when he does they're mostly with pro-trump reporters. >> we need to have a fight in the republican party for the soul of the conservative -- >> i agree with you. >> reporter: for years bannon who ran the breitbart website called for a gop revolution, in trump he found his revolutionary. on his radio show bannon shared a world view that mirrors what president trump said on the campaign trail and now in office. christianity is dying in europe and islam is on the rise. >> reporter: here he is talking about muslim immigrants in europe. >> these are not jeffersonian democrats. these are not people with thousands of years of understanding democracy. >> reporter: steve riley reviewed dozens of hours of bannon on the radio. >> it's apparent he views the worldn some type of civilizational conflict in which the judeo-christian west and other forces are competing for resources. >> reporter: bannon a former nave officer made a fortune at goldman sachs as as an investor in the "seinfeld" franchise and called himself the patron saint of commoners. at breitbart bannon's critics said it was fueled by racism, sexism and anti-semitism publishing headlines like, hoisted high and proud, the confederal flag proclaims a glorious heritage. birth control makes women unattractive and crazy. and this one, calling conservative analyst bill kristol a, quote, renegade jew. >> don't believe the mainstream media. don't believe the establishment. do not believe the permanent political class. we are on the right side of history. >> now, bannon is also playing the role of bulldog for the president telling "the new york times" the media is the opposition party and should, quote, keep its mouth shut and just listen and bannon also jokingly referred to himself, george, as darth vader. >> some others have said something like that as well. jon, bannon also the driving force behind this executive order banning temporarily this travel from seven majority muslim nations. i want to play part of this radio interview he did a while back which illuminates that. >> well, i think we need to do three thing, one is we need to put a stop on refugees until we can vet. you know, we've been through a number of classified briefings. >> reporter: why stop. why do you mean vet? why are you going through all this thing on vetting. the opportunity cost on vetting. >> vet something important. >> you don'tly -- commander, you only vet if you are going to let them in. why let them in? >> this made bannon much more of a target. >> reporter: republicans on capitol hill already looked at stephen bannon warily because he has no loyalty to the republican party as we know he. he wants to break the republican party as we have known it, create a new party that is more populist, that is more based on american workers. but this has been a controversial move not just for the order itself but the way it's rolled out. >> tom, his place inside the trump -- want to put up a cartoon circulating on the web. you see steve bannon the puppetmaster behind president trump. very loyal to the president but that's the kind of thing that's going to get president trump upse whether it's trump tower or the white house, anyone who works for donald trum knows he's the boss and he gets all the credit. i will say this, whether it was a debate against hillary clinton or whether it was a major speech a lot of times the one person who was waiting in the wings for donald trump after those big moments was steve bannon. he is so loyal. the nationalistic populistic themes whether immigration or the forgotten man and woman, that all comes from steve bannon. he's been saying those things for years. >> we'll hear a lot more about it. coming up, an abc news exclusive, the nfl blasted in a new lawsuit just days ahead of the super bowl. but cheerleaders are accusing the league. real housewife bethenny frankel's ex arrested charged with harassing her. we'll be right back. "real house frankel's ex arrested charged with harassing her. we'll be right back. " bethenny frankel's ex arrested charged with harassing her. we'll be right back. and changes our relationship status forever. a diamond kind of love is the inspiration behind our endless brilliance collection, designed to sparkle from every angle as a perfect symbol of your love this valentine's day. only at zales. the diamond store. when you hit 300,000 miles. or here, when you walked away without a scratch. maybe it was the day your baby came home. or maybe the day you realized your baby was not a baby anymore. every subaru is built to earn your trust. because we know what you're trusting us with. subaru. kelley blue book's most trusted brand. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. (keybdear freshpet, tank was overweight and had no energy. until freshpet... put the puppy back in my dog. z299xz zstz y299xy ysty back now on "gma" as we count down to the big battle on super bowl suay facing another fight. a group of former cheerleaders is filing a lawsuit against the league. amy, you have the details and in some cases these women claim they were making less than minimum wage? >> that's right, robin. this is a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of all the cheerleaders in the league would according to the claim were getting paid as little as $1,000 a year. they are as much a part of the nfl as touchdowns and tailgating. but this morning, a group of former nfl cheerleaders are calling a time-out. filing a proposed class action lawsuit claiming the league and its 26 teams conspired to suppress their wages by agreeing to pay female athletes below fair market value. the lead plaintiff, a former san francisco 49ers cheerleader asked we not use her name. she spoke exclusively to abc news. >> the cheerleading life looks quite glamorous but once they see the number attached it's not what you would think at all. have intentionally conspired together to thwart competition so that they could pay these women elle lylely. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit nfl teams paid cheerleaders around $100 per game, a stark contrast to the $6.4 billion a year the lawsuit says nfl players earn collectively just last year. in many cases the cheerleaders say they were not compensated at all for time spent rehearsing or for mandatory public appearances. the suit goes on to claim that the league prohibits female athletes from discussing their wages with each other in a further effort to suppress wages. kaitlyn yates was an oakland raiders cheerleader for five years. >> so, when i was on the team, we would be paid $125 per game. and we would be paid that amount in one lump sum at the end of the season which was for ten home games, it would be $1250. minus fines. we would be fined for all sorts of things, sometimes if you're missing a certain number of $40 for that. so that all comes out of your paycheck at the end. >> reporter: the lawsuit states even team mascots earn between $25,000 and $65,000 per year and often receive benefits. >> i just want them to know their worth. to not be taken for granted. >> reporter: now an nfl spokesman told abc news that neither he nor the league's lawyers were aware of this lawsuit. we are not going to have a comment is what they said and the cheerleaders, by the way, are seeking between $100 million and $300 million in damages. >> let's talk to our senior legal correspondent, sunny hostin about this. there have been cheerleaders who have filed individual suits against teams and have been victor use. this is a different lawsuit. >> this is against the nfl. it's against the league and individual teams and it's basically alleging that the nfl knew about this and conspired with the team to suppress these wages. they didn't -- they're also alleging that they're not even letting these women go to other teams and try to make more they don't want these women to talk to each other about how much money they're making and so this is very, very different in that they're saying the nfl is in on this. >> it's tough to prove conspiracy. >> it is very difficult to prove conspiracy. no question about that. >> $100 million to $300 million. i think when people first hear this number they're like, what. >> it sounds like a lot. >> when you break it down a little bit, you can understand. >> i looked at the numbers. the nfl had $13 billion in revenues and in 2003, these cheerleaders did a lot of these calendars. each team got $1 million in revenue. but the cheerleaders got about $1,000 per year. that just doesn't seem equitable. look at the other lawsuits, they got about -- they settled for $2.5 million so when you look at it, they probably deserve in the hundreds of millions of dollars in back pay. >> they get a low paycheck and then so much comes out of that paycheck. >> they have to pay $25 to audition. can you imagine? >> where does the suit go from here? >> i think the name of the game is settle, that's what happened before and change needs to happen. they should all be paid at least minimum wage for their time. >> and we're talking about this close to the super bowl, they may want to make this go away. >> settle, settle. >> see you on "the view, view, view." we're settling down with the docs here. two big topics. can president trump fix skyrocketing prices on epipens and more. the hidden calories in your coffee. could your morning cup ruin your diet? i sure hope not. (vo) do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. do not go gentle into that good night. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, do we have a big board for you this morning. dr. ashton. dr. besser making a house call. two major medical stories that we want to talk mr. let's start with donald trump. the president sitting down with leaders of major pharmaceutical companies tuesday to address issues like skyrocketing drug prices. let's take a look. produced extraordinary results for our country but the prices have been astronomical for our country. we have to lower the drug prices. >> and, dr. besser, we have seen and i think this is something that people can be united about, these skyrocketing prices. epipen. what they did and these three insulin makers >> that's right. >> what's going on? >> yeah, so yesterday there was a lawsuit filed against the three makers of insulin saying they conspired to drive up the price and for some diabetics they were paying $900 a month for insulin. over a ten-year period the price of insulin more than tripled and it's not just insulin, the companies say that these claims are baseless but it's not just insulin. if you look, in the u.s., people pay more than twice for prescription drugs what they do in other industrialized countries. and a recent study found that one in four adults on prescription meds did not fill the prescription over the past ye afford to. that's just not acceptable. >> that's not acceptable. >> dr. ashton, the lawsuit also claims some people are -- because of the high prices of the drugs they are using expired insulin. >> right. >> or just skipping shots altogether so had they can go to the er room and get a free shot. >> that's the last thing any doctor wants to hear. we have to remember that a lot of these medications, insulin a perfect example, not optional. it's not elective. these can be the matter between life and death or serious complications so what i encourage people to do anyone having difficulty paying for med, speak up. talk to the doctor, the pharmacist, your insurance company. your local hospital. the drug company even. ask, ask, ask. you never know if you could get some assistance. this is not something to skimp on. >> you got to speak up. there are some cases where you can find some help. >> yes. >> did you all hear anything with the president yesterday talking to big pharma that gives you hope that this will turn around. >> he was acknowledging that prices are too high and that's really important. he was saying that two solutions are mor c regulation. but when he was on the campaign trail he said that the government should be able to negotiate drug prices like every other country. we didn't hear that yesterday. >> time will tell. >> time will tell. you know what, another thing that we're going to talk about, a lot of people at home in no. >> you're drinking that coffee. might want to put it down and listen. all right, a new study at the university of illinois finds that tiny add-ins to your morning cup of joe like milk and sugar could lead to extra pounds and, dr. ashton, i like milk and sugar. that's the problem. >> i know. >> they did 12 years and looked at the study over 12 years. what did they find. >> americans, no surprise, we like our tea, we like our coffee. if you look at the average cup of tea -- thank you so much. did you know i needed my coffee already? if you look at the average cup of tea, people are adding about 43 extra calories which doesn't sound like much but we'll get back to it, 85% of that is in the form of sugar. the rest in fat. coffee drinkers like myself on average adding about 69 extra so, this is something to keep an eye on. >> yeah, it just kind of adds up there but then when you look at milk and cream, you know, we try to say, there's calcium. it's good for us. >> yeah, so the average -- >> nice try, robin. >> the average adult needs between 101,300 milligrams of calcium per day. by adding your cream in there you're adding 22 milligrams so don't think about it as a great way to get your calcium. it's not going to contribute very much. >> this is the thing that i think people watching need to remember. one cup, 43 calories doesn't sound like a big deal. three to four to five cups like i have four cups a day. >> whoa! >> that can become 100 to 200 calories extra a day over a year, that's 10 to 20 pounds. >> what do you put in your coffee. >> i put a little whole milk in there. tea, i put honey. one cup a day like me and deciding between having the big gulp with 300 calories frappuccino with 400 calories or just a takespoon of sugar in your coffee, enjoy your teaspoon of coffee, teaspoon of coffee. five cups is different. >> i'm a five-cupper. >> what about -- i like tea, as well. is honey good in tea? sometimes i like a little tea with my honey. >> sugar. you just feel better about it. >> i can't win. i just can't win. >> look how light that cup of coffee is. >> a little coffee with my half and half. >> you're getting calcium. thank you very much. this incredible image a truck plunging through thin ice, stuck below the surface. wait till you see the dig-out and our super coach surprise. someone is about to get tickets to where you're going, the super bowl. >> oh, yeah, and they have no idea. come on back. ♪ i do believe that ♪ something good is happening, yeah ♪ ♪ i do believe, i do believe [ male announcer ] rethink the power of the oat. quaker -- we are the good we make. our blogs are buzzing about the designer smile... colgate optic white high impact white toothpaste. with a professionally recommended whitening ingredient. r four shades visibly whiter eth. the designer smile... colgate optic white high impact white. this piece is so you. i saw it and i was just like "oh, i have to have it..." state farm knows that every one those moments, there's one of these... this piece is so you. i saw it and i was just like "i have to have it..." from renters insurance... , state farm is here to help life go right. whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪ tum -tum -tum -tum smoothies! only from tums you have cancer? 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"good morning america" is brought to you by secrets resorts & spas. experience adults only unlimited luxury where everything is included. >> anchor: good morning, washington. i'm melanie hastings. here are top stories now. authorities are searching for whoever treed to sexual assault some one inside a car this morning. police tell us it happened near the intersection of suitland parkway and naylor road in hill crest heights. the victim was able to flag down a dc police officer, the suspect ran into the would see. unclear if the victim and suspect know each other. on capitol hill today, the senate judiciary committee is expected to vote on jeff session s, his vote was delayed yesterday, democrats believe he needed nor scrutiny, after president's expensive order on im-- executive order on immigration. we'll let you know what happens. a little cooler today, veronica johnson >> reporter: this february kicking off with some milder temperatures, yes, chilly out there right now but we'll see the mercury rise into the 40s. close to 50 degrees with mainly dry conditions under the overcast sky. super bowl sunday, mainly light rain starting late morning ending mid afternoon. maybe some wet snow mix. any isolated spots with slick conditions north and west of dc. look at next week, back into the 60s tuesday and wednesday with rain. >> reporter: mid week commit, looking at volume delays across the [technical difficulties]. [audio difficulties] >> anchor: there but you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. see you back here for another local update in 30 minutes. now back to "good morning america." hope you have a great day. nosy neighbor with a glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. supreme court showdown. the president nominates conservative neal gorsuch for the court. democrats already raising concerns about the choice threatening to block it. protests outside the supreme court overnight. bethenny frankel's ex-husband charged with harassment and stalkering in front of their 6-year-old's school saying i will destroy you. what they are saying this morning. what is the secret to tom brady's success? his diet, his workout and what's the one thing that gisele has him wearing for good luck? get ready for a morning so super we need an entire town to pull it off. one coach somewhere in america is about to get the surprise of his life. and he has no idea. as we say -- >> all: good morning, america. ♪ feel it in my bones like whoa ♪ good morning, everyone. don't know where the cameras are coming from today. happy hump day. you're so excited to be here this morning. [ applause ] >> she was first -- first in line this morning. you were first in line this morning. i saw you bright and early. and bright. you know, we have had a lot of surprises over the years. we love to do that, surprise folks and give them gifts and such. well, we have -- it's going to be hard to top this one we have today. this is a high school somewhere in america and there is a teacher, coach, more than 30 years, he thinks he's there for a pep rally for the super bowl. a super bowl pep rally. he has no idea we're going to surprise him and send him to the super bowl. there's the arrow. pointed the arrow. yeah. >> he has spirit. >> it's incredible. he was nominated by more than 100 people. all these letters were sent in from people he has inspired and he really has contributed to their life and they felt he deserved it and he definitely does. i can't wait to do this. big deal. he has no idea. >> yeah, i heard it's very emotional, the piece. i cannot wait. former players traveled hundreds of miles to be there to honor him. he has no idea. he's also getting vip tickets to the super bowl. from us. now, you guys know our viewers know he's the only one. >> he's smiling like that even before he knows. >> pretty special. >> cannot wait to get to that. amy with the morning rundown. the big story, the looming battle over president trump's supreme court pick. the president nominating 49-year-old appeals court neal gorsuch last night and this morning democrats are voicing their opposition. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl has all the latest. good morning, jon. >> reporter: good morning, amy. president trump did exactly what he said he would do during the course of the campaign, he has nominated a solid conservative to the supreme court with a long track record. but that said, this is going to be a bruising fight in the senate for his confirmation. democrats are still upset that president obama's nominee for the same seat never even got a hearing. they are talking about filibustering this nomination. this will be a tough fight although republicans i have spoken to say they are confident he will ultimately be confirmed. amy. >> all right, jonathan, thank you. republicans are trying to push through more of president trump's cabinet nominees after hitting a political roadblock. democrats boycotted hearings for health nominee tom price and treasury nominee steve mnuchin accusing both men of lying about their business dealings. saying they're acting like it dwrots. jeff sessions' hearing was rescheduled for today. new protests over president trump's immigration order. at least four more lawsuits have been filed. more than 800 workers at the state department have also signed a so-called dissent cable opposing the order. meanwhile, the trump administration has confirmed nearly 900 refugees will be allowed into the u.s. this week because of extreme hardship. well, there are new details about the wife of the orlando nightclub shooter who was facing charges of her own. today lawyers for nora 1salman are seeking her release from jail on charges of aiding and abetting acknowledging she was with her husband when he bought ammunition used in june's attack but insist she did not know her husband was planning that rampage. and women are making more progress when it comes to complying the corporate ladder, but that progress is slow. a survey today finds out 15% of all director seats a women. that is up from 12% a couple of years ago, but at that pace, it will take until 2055 to reach parity. finally, humans are not the only animals turning to the internet to find love. orangutans at a zoo in europe will soon be looking for love on their version of tinder developed for primates. scientists behind this project want the apes to swipe through a series of possible partners until they find a match they're attracted to heaping to improve their chances of successfully breeding. they do have a little hiccup, though. some of the girls are liking those tablets too much and destroying them. even the steel reinforced ones and have to come up with stronger tablets to be able to swipe left or right. >> so much. so much. it's hard to know what to say to that one. >> maybe they're destroying the tablets because they realize it's a silly idea. >> i think you're on to something. i love it when that happens. we're all looking like you say something. you say something. >> it's always you. >> you are going to give us "pop news." >> i sure am. i like that. one of our audience members, our favorite audience member goes pop. that could be the new catch phrase. hey, everybody, good morning and "pop news" time. lady gaga begins our news. lady gaga fans and, of course, she is doing the halftime show at the super bowl and we're hearing now she planning on taking it to new heights revealing she'll perform at least part of the act while suspended from the roof of houston's nrg stadium high above the packed audience. this upcoming stunt has gaga's shock value written all over it but it was actually her younger sister who came up with the idea. during an interview on boston's mix 104 radio show natalie had the idea for the high-flying moment and the nfl was all in. in fact, gaga thinks part of the reason she got it was super creatived ideas on how to make the show bigger and better than ever before. last year her incredible performance on the national anthem might have had something to do with it. as for who else might join her, always surprises in the halftime show. many are saying donie bennett, of course, is one of them and kind of -- they're connected at this point. they've done so many great things together but gaga would not budge on that so we'll have to wait and see. super bowl sunday this weekend as you might have heard. >> going to be good. >> you better believe it. when are you leaveing? >> i'm leaving today. >> you are? >> i'm interviewing her tomorrow. so i'm going to try to get it out of her. >> sneak in your duffel bag. i would like to get into the duffel bag and go with you. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> someone has to hold down the fort. come on, baby. one of your michael. ♪ clap along if you feel >> yeah, come on. >> come on, george. oh, got a clap. >> we're all happy on "gma." this guy, pharrell williams has a lot to be happy about this morning. congratulations. the 11 time grammy award winner pharrell and his wife helen have welcomed not one, not two but three bundles of joy. >> wow! [ applause ] yowza. >> yowza. >> that's a lot of diapers. we don't know the gender yet of the triplets or their names but "vanity fair" is reporting that all are happy and healthy, that's the best news. pharrell and helen married back in 2013 and have a little boy named rocket who now has three little siblings just like that. congratulations to pharrell, helen and the whole enlarging family. >> congratulations. triplets. >> did you know? >> i didn't know triplets. >> it was a big surprise. >> wow. >> yeah, i team. >> the biggest surprise we got a clap out of george when the song started. >> i was trying hard to stay focused. i thought i saw some movement next to me and i was like, what is happening? >> triplet, come on. >> that's what it took. i have to get pregnant with triplets to make you dance. not happening, america. all right. finally, we all know swaddling is sometimes the perfect way to calm a baby, pharrell, in case you didn't know, make it feel safe and relaxed of the now a midwife in japan is recommending that new moms give swaddling a try on themselves. it's called -- [ speaking a foreign language ] adult wrapping. those are people inside those wraps and can reportedly cure post-pregnancy aches and pains. the new moms lay on their backs and wrap head to toe and then are gently rocked. chiropractors say it may not actually cure back or hip issues, shocker, but those who have tried it say it works from what they remember because they fell asleep like that. >> well, thereou >> swaddle me. i just want to sleep. >> we should do a segment on that. i'd like to try that. >> now you know we have to do that now. >> they're like swaddling, line four. >> drum roll. >> find a sheet big enough to wrap me in but other than that -- >> mine said sold. thank you, lara spencer with "pop news" for that. [ applause ] coming up, tom brady, how does he stay in super bowl shape from his diet to his workout. the tips you can try at home. >> that big headline about bethenny frankel and her ex-husband, going to talk about that when we come back this morning. 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>> saturday. >> saturday. it's about to get real cold. can i show you this? windchills will go from look at this, single digit in chicago on thursday, to 9 in new york city0 days - 40s today through friday; 30s this weekend - very light wintry mix sunday (low impact - nothing to get excited about) - 60s next week today: mostly cloudy to overcast. a bit cooler. highs: 49-52 winds: w 5-10 mph clouds. cool. lows: 31-38 winds: nw 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. seasonable and breezy. highs: 40-47 winds: nw 10-15 g 25+ mph - isolated slick spots early; otherwise cold & breezy - few sprinkles tomorrow & wednesday - quiet rest of the week (40s) - watching sunday into monday (wintry mix possible) today: mostly cloudy ot sprinkle. zy. highs: we have been talking about the super bowl. why don't we share with you tom brady's secrets to getting in super bowl shape when the patriots qb hits the field on sunday he'll be going for a record-breaking fifth super bowl ring. abc's mara schiavocampo has a look at how brady is preparing on and off the field. >> reporter: at 39, tom brady will be starting in his seventh super bowl with no signs of slowing down. so what's really fueling the superstar quarterback's success. >> your body for an athlete is what your asset is. if your body breaking down you can't perform, then have you no job. >> reporter: brady has credited his diet with keeping him co he and his super model wife gisele bundchen have a private chef. allen campbell who prepares healthy meals based on alkaline foods. >> he's following a diet that's high in lean protein sources, he's staying away from processed foods and he's incorporating fruits and vegetablesrd according to campbell he achieves it by balancing his diet with 80% organic vegetables. the rest consisting of whole grains like brown rice and queen what and lean meats. off the menu, white sugar, white flew, msg, coffee and dairy and certain vegetables like tomato, peppers and mushrooms. according to campbell, these fruits and vegetables cause inflammation. just as important as the food off the field training. brady working with friend and body coach alex guerrero. their secret weapon, resistance bands. these bands promoting pliability. >> he's lengthening and softening the muscle, decreasing your rate for injury and increasing your range of method be why he's only suffered one major injury, a 2008 acl tear in his 17-year career? >> there's no really difficult injury or physical ailment that's causing trouble for him. and so i think we're going to see tom brady for several more years. >> reporter: brady also says that he uses cognitive exercises that help him stay sharp and make better split-second decisions. and a little good luck never hurts. the quarterback revealing just this week that he has got a super bowl good luck charm. >> new england touchdown. >> from wife gisele. a protection necklace. >> she gave me this before i came down for protection and would be happy i'm wearing it because she doesn't like anybody hitting me so says throw the ball really fast. really fast. >> yeah. our thanks to mara schiavocampo for that. and we're going to bring in espn's jessica mendoza. a world class athlete herself, a former olympian, jessica, good to see you. so, no brady, what he follows and that's what we see with top athletes, right? >> you know, it's funny, you're seeing it now more and more common but mostly with top athletes that want to have a longer career, because even tom brady talked about, he has teammates that have been squatting heavy weights since they were 15 years old so there's a lot of these old traditional ways of lifting weights and eating that are very comfortable with -- you think about it, a lot of pro athletes have gotten to that top level point, once they get there, they don't really want to change, get out of their comfort zone and do things that they have been doing since they were younger so i applaud tom brady. but you are seeing more top athletes if they want to be playing at the top level when they're 39 years old, they have to change whether it's their diet and the way they work out. >> lifestyle like that is very consuming. you got to commit to it, don't you, jessica? >> absolutely. and you think about the goals that you have to set and a passion that needs to be behind it. because if your passionate you're welcome to try s i started eating clean, trying to new workouts that not only make you stronger but make you feel athletic and your ability to move and just be that person that is so -- has so many abilities to do different things then you don't want to go back and try new things. i've even gone into where i've worked out in the garage with sandbags with my kids and doing different things because you have a goal to be that type of athlete. >> i thought that was one of your kids in that bag you were swinging. scary. >> looking good, jessica, looking good. you know what that's all about. >> oh, yeah. >> hall of famer. >> got to take care of your body. that's your business as tom said in the piece? that's right. coming up, a super coach surprise for the super bowl. come on back for that. >> anchor: good morning, washington. i'm melanie hastings. breaking, a scary way to wake up a car slams into a home in prince georges county. this happened around 2:00 a.m. in lanham t homeowner claims this is the fifth time somebody has crashed into his house since he moved in in the 70s. he tells us people speed around a bend in the road. nobody was seriously hurt in this wreck. right now, police are searching for whoever tried to sexual assault somebody inside a car this morning. police tell us it happened near the intersection of suitland parkway and naylor road in hill crest heights. the victim was able to flag down a dc police officer, that suspect ran into the the woods. we have a cooler day on the way. here is veronica >> reporter: this february kicking off with some milder temperatures, yes, chilly out there right now but we'll see the mercury rise into the 40s. close to 50 degrees with mainly dry conditions under the overcast sky. super bowl sunday, mainly light rain starting late morning ending mid afternoon. maybe some wet snow mix. any isolated spots with slick conditions north and west of dc. look at next week, back into the 60s tuesday and wednesday with rain. >> reporter: on the capital beltway, we are getting better as you travel from the springs field mixing bowl through annandale. earlier crash activity has moved to the shoulder a. quick picture at the big picture. you can see or the clara barton parkway, delays, also the george washington parkway. on our traffic land cameras we're looking at the beltway at dc295, also southbound delays on i270, earlier collision at montrose road. you can get more news, weather and traffic on good morning washington on news channel 8. nosy neighbor with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. ♪ go big or go home so, we have a supercharged audience with us, a lot of students. we got an anti-bullying group that's here with us. welcome. a group with their volunteer teachers celebrating a birthday back there. and, of course, a great audience in texas too for our super coach surprise. >> yes, yes, yes, all the way down in texas and houston, 51st super bowl is four days away and one coach who is in that auditorium right there is about to get the surprise of his life because we asked you, our viewers to nominate your favorite coaches and the response, we have to say was pretty overwhelming but there was one person who really stood out. he received more than 100 submissions from his super fans, rob is with one of our finalists right now, and, rob, what's happening down there in good old texas? >> michael, childress, texas, between amarillo and dallas, these kids are pumped for the super bowl. texas, of course, they love their football and they love and respect their coaches. we have a slew of them right here but there's one in particular, coach phillip rhodes, you've been here over 30 years. i am told you are the heart and soul of the bobcats. is that accurate? >> yes, that's true. >> you need that sort of confidence to coach these kids. i got to be honest. we're live on "gma" and we haven't been quite honest actually. we're not here just to have a super bowl pep rally, everybody that you see here is here to honor your extraordinary work as a little bit more. have a look. >> oh. >> he's real good at motivating. there's something about him that makes you want to do his best for him. >> he warrants us to make it to our goals and even excel at them. >> if he sees you have talent in you then he's going to make sure he can do everything in his will to make sure that you keyed with that. >> coach phillip rhodes has coached football, basketball and track in childress for more than 30 years. >> i liked him right off. he was the best hire. >> he teaches his students to look far beyond the track and field. >> he always makes sure you're looking forward to something bigger and your future. >> reporter: coach rhodes delivers discipline, lots of pointers and one more thing -- >> i buy them dough news for every track meet. >> everybody usually gets about two or three doughnuts. he's just got a thing for doughnuts. >> he can reach right down into their soul and get the best out of every person. >> reporte from coach rhodes are endless. he inspired many of his students to become coaches themselves. >> i learned from him, get to be a quality person and just give back. he doesn't just do it to draw a paycheck. he does it because he truly loves the profession and has a passion for people. >> reporter: his generosity knows no bounds. he quietly buys running shoe, sports gear and even a senior class ring for some who cannot afford it. >> i never take it off, honestly, because it's my senior ring because someone so special bought it and he didn't have to. >> i have a little girl who didn't believe in herself very much last year. >> he says you can go to the olympics. all you have to do is look in the mirror and say that you're a champion. >> i'm honored to know him, to be his friend. >> reporter: what coach rhodes xheepss to clint coley hits home more than 25 years later. >> i come back often and when i he's still the first person i go to see today. >> you come across people in your lifetime that are special. they have a special gift for people. he's that guy. you're a better person for knowing him. >> surprise! >> all: coach rhodes, thank you for everything. >> thanks for everything you do. >> thank you, coach rhodes, for my beautiful senior ring. >> we love you and you are the best coach ever. >> oh. oh. [ cheers and applause ] >> you feeling the love, coach? you feeling the love? >> i can't hear you. what did you say. >> you feeling the love right now? >> i feel the love every single day. every day. >> i'd expect that answer. these good people, you have changed lives here, my friend. the kids in the school, the adults in this community, this school itself, they came out to support you this morng. say to them right now? >> i'm mad because i was going to skip this because i got up at 4:30 every morning to work out and i didn't want to miss my workout so i said what the heck, a couple of teachers made me feel guilty yesterday so i said i better go so i worked out at about 3:50 this morning so i could be here. this is great. this is awesome. i didn't expect this right here. they didn't have to do this right here, but i'm happy, though. >> yet another lesson for the players here, don't skip the workouts, okay. there's no excuse for that. well, you know, we've got a lot of nominations from all over the country about people like you. great coaches doing great things but you have had such a tremendous impact on this community. i tell you what, coach, we want to you pack your game bags, because you are "gma's" super coach and you my friend are going to the super bowl. [ cheers and applause ] >> how you feeling now? glad you got that workout in early. >> i got that workout in early and to be honest i've been watching the super bowl since 1970 so i've been watching them every single year since 1970 so i'm glad i'll finally get to see one. >> you've been watching them, have you ever gone in person? >> i've never been to a pro game. here at the high school we watch video on sunday so i don't get a chance to watch much of the pros. >> you're watching the pros in the biggest game of the year and not just the game but there's lots to do. what else does he have to do in houston. >> first of all, we got to say congratulations to coach rhodes. coach, an incredible story. what you've done for everybody is so remarkable. and you've never g game and now you're going to go to the biggest and the best pro game so our friends at nfl on location experiences are not only giving you tickets to the game, but you're going to have vip access to the biggest parties of the weekend. the live pregame party. a live pregame performance by lady antebellum. you'll be there that and friday night party with an epic performance by bruno mars. so, you'll be there, as well. and then to top it off one of the greatest things as a player/coach is to be on the field postgame after the confetti falls and you're going to be on the field for the postgame celebration. >> wow. >> as well. so take it all in. [ applause ] >> how does it feel? >> and, coach, we're not the only ones moved by your story who are fans of yours, there's another player who wanted to send you a message and we heard you're a huge deion sanders of yours so take a look at this message. >> coach rhodes, i want to thank you and congratulate you for winning these super bowl tickets. awesome. i heard you are a fan of mine. i'm a fan of yours. you are totally awesome. i want to thank you a thousand times for winning these wonderful super bowl tickets. i hope you enjoy the game. i hope we're rooting for the same team. congratulations, man. god bless you. [ cheers and applause ] >> not bad. a little shoutout from neon deion. >> that's my man. >> what he forgot to tell you is that he's going to see you in houston. you'll get to meet him too. >> yay. >> neon deion, going to the super bowl's all these people love you. on behalf of your community, on behalf of everybody out there, "good morning america." super coach. back to you guys wh congratulations. >> truly, truly a model of what every coach should be. you know, i've had a special coach. i think everyone has had a special coach that's added so much to our lives and for over 30 years to do what he's done, inspired so many people, over 100 submissions and most we've ever gotten for anybody. pretty amazing story. >> good that deion got him excited too. >> i know. >> look at that. de jong is the man. i get a chance to see him on sunday after the field. >> tell him hello and give him a big hug for us. >> i definitely will. you know what, coach, we got to say good-bye to coach rhodes. he's getting mobbed as he should from his team. >> getting the love. >> and you know what, just couldn't be happier for him than his team and showed him support over a thousand people showed up in that auditorium at the school to celebrate him this morning. he deserved every bit of it. and we want to thank you at home for watching and celebrate him as well and everybody in the audience holding up the signs. that up for being a part of that. >> bye, coach. thank you for everything you do. >> everybody, stay right there. we'll be right back. why are you checking your credit score? i think we could finally get a bigger place. yeah, let me check my score too. try credit karma. it's free. credit karma. give yourself some credit. back here on "good morning america" we don't want you to miss our super bowl pawdoption live stream today. we have three of clinton dial of the 49ers and san francisco. oakland raider star dan williams and remember those 2016 super bowl winners, of course, you can't forget the bronco, well, demarcus ware will be with his dog in denver. take a look. >> hi, i'm demarcus ware. your denver broncos, come on here, sam. on the wrist. on the wrist. good boy. >> if that doesn't inspire you to adopt i don- 40s today throu friday; 30s this weekend - very light wintry mix sunday (low impact - nothing to get excited about) - 60s next week today: mostly cloudy to overcast. a bit cooler. highs: 49-52 winds: w 5-10 mph tonight: decreasing clouds. cool. lows: 31-38 winds: nw 5 mph thursday: partly cloudy. seasonable and breezy. highs: 40-47 winds: nw 10-15 g 25+ mph this weather wrought to you by kay jewelers. up to robin and george. >> we're hungry. >> better be. >> our super snack two super fan foodies, erica key and dawn collins. their favorite recipes, game day recipes vying for the trophy. where is the trophy? that's it? all right. it's a taste of the nfl and host and top chef please welcome richard blais. >> wow, what a formal inproduction. i love that. >> love having you here. >> love to be here. >> you'll judge but first you brought one of your favorite. >> i love all super bowl snacks and foods but one of my favorite, nacho, just a good time to get messy. this happens to be sort of a southern inspired nacho, some pulled pork, barbecue sauce, lots of cheese and pickled jalapeno, i love it all but talking about nachos right here. >> the pulled pork, nice touch. >> takes it to another level. >> it does. all right. i hate to talk with my mouth full. >> we got to get over to michael. pork nachos. let's get this party started. y'all ready to get it started? [ cheers and applause ] the super snack showdown starts with erica. erica, what is your game day snack? you're a big falcons fan? what are you eating on super bowl sunday. >> we will have a bacon wrapped beef tenderloin with a peach chile glaze. it's amazing. i had to represent for the south with the peach chili glaze. i don't trust anybody who doesn't like bacon. >> all right. and atlanta falcons fan, what do you think of her dish? rise up. get excited about it if you love it. that's what i'm talking about. >> okay. but let's go over here to dawn collins. you're representing the patriots. >> i am. >> a lot of pressure on you, so, dawn, what is your super bowl snack? >> today i brought for you buffalo chicken won tons but calling them the brady chicken won and spicy buffalo sauce, creamy chunks of blue cheese, shredded carrot for sweetness. the wrapper makes it different and standout and you'll love it. >> okay, so what do you pats fans think about the brady -- [ applause ] you know, we'll find out who the winner is because we'll send it back over to the judge's table. judge, what do you have for us. >> yeah, richard. >> i mean, listen, to be honest with you, i would be proud to serve both of these. they're both absolutely delicious. i mean, erica, beef and bacon, that's like as classic and poised as matt ryan, right? and you have this peach sauce that's like the julio jones to this dish. it's a good combination. >> you're bringing it. >> dawn, dawn, buffalo wontons sounds like a horrible idea. but it's as good looking as tom brady and as smart as bill belichick. i mean, it is insane out of >> you put a lot of thought behind that. >> he did. >> all right. but have you tasted both? >> i've tasted both. again, wow, it's so close. this is like two yard line, three seconds to go, last play of the game but i think -- >> drum roll. >> it comes down, the winner is -- >> you can't do it. >> erica. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. >> congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> so close. >> both great job by both of you. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> can't go wrong with bacon. new year, time to get rid of stuff. simplify, declutter, unplug, purge, or even quit cold turkey. i raise turkeys without growth-promoting antibiotics, hormones, or steroids. if you're looking for little ways to simplify life, feeling good about what your family eats is a pretty simple place to start. my name is tammy plumlee, and i raise honest, simple turkey for shady brook farms. . we are back now with my three words, our big event. "gma" and our sponsor tropicana wanted to find out what inspires you. what gives you that special spark in the morning. the videos came rolling in and a whole bunch of folks are here with us today with their three words. take a look. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ you wake up never ever do you wrong ♪ as for me two plus two makes four i'm gonna teach you ♪ ♪ all about it ♪ all you got to do is repeat after me a, b, c, easy as one, two, three ♪ ♪ simple as do re mi, a, b, c, one, two, three, you and me girl ♪ a, b, c, easy as one, two, you and me girl ♪ ♪ come on ♪ i'm going to teach you how to break it down ♪ ♪ come on let me show you what it's all about ♪ ♪ learning tree ♪ teacher's gonna show you how to get an "a" ♪ ♪ listen to me baby that's all you got to do a, b, c as easy as one, two, three ♪ ♪ do re mi one, two, three. ♪ ♪ that's how easy love can be ♪ that's how easy love can be how are you guys doing? doing well? ♪ >> ready? >> come on, girl. >> high-five. >> i think i love you. get on, girl. show me what you can do ♪ shake it baby shake ♪ shake it baby shake it it baby ♪ ♪ one, two, three ♪ do, re, mi ♪ that's how easy love can be ♪ a, b, c, easy as one, two, three ♪ ♪ ♪ that's how easy love can be ♪ teaching how to ink come on come on let me show you what it's all about a, b, c ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ a, b, c just enjoying my juice. big thank you to our viewers for your messages of inspiration. thank you very much, tropicana, for helping us s.t.a.r.t. the day in a positive way. we want everyone to join us in a very special toast to my three words and you guys, thank you, our audience, thank you viewers. we love you guys. [ cheers and applause ] and before we go, let's see our super coach one more time. throw it back to coach rhodes. >> super coach! [ cheers and applause ] >> have a great wednesday, everybody. >> there he is. good morning. i'm melanie hastings. four people recovering after being shot in southeast dc. officers were called to the 2900 block of martin luther king junior avenue just before 2:30 this morning. police tell us two men and women were hit when gun fire erupted. all the victims are expected to survive. no word on what may have led up to the shooting. authorities have not released any suspect information. also around 2:00 a.m. a car slam s into a home in prince georges county. this happened in land ham. the homeowner claims this is the fifth time somebody has crashed into his house since he moved in in the 70s. people speed around a bend in the road and lose control. luckily no, one was seriously hurt in this wreck. got an up and down forecast. here is veronica johnson. >> reporter: this february kicking off with some milder temperatures, yes, chilly out there right now but we'll see the mercury rise into the 40s. close to 50 degrees with mainly dry conditions under the overcast sky. super bowl sunday, mainly light rain starting late morning ending mid afternoon. maybe some wet snow mix. conditions north and west of dc. look at next week, back into the 60s tuesday and wednesday with rain. >> reporter: we are seeing typical convention on the southeast southwest freeway. as we look at the big picture remains a strugfrankly the beltway to dc295 earlier accident activity on new york avenue, may cost some time as we are still blocking a lane at montgomery avenue. a live look at 395, headed toward crystal city. we have the volume delays as you approach the 14th street bridge, we're seeing a slow ride on the whitehurst freeway and the key bridge. you can get more news, weather z231zz zi0z y231zy yi0y >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, from the new film "the space between us," carla gugino. and parenting hacks courtesy of katie brown as we continue our "what the hack" week. plus, busy philipps returns for another day of cohosting. all next on "live!" ♪ [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and busy philipps! [cheering and applauding] ♪

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