Transcripts For WKYC Channel 3 News At 11 20161013

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it was a very busy newsnight we are following to breaking stories. the cleveland barbershop riddled with bullets after employees turn the tables on robbers. a four-year-old is one of the several women including one from ohio come through with accusations against donald trump. we will have more in a moment but we begin with the shooting on cleveland's west side.>> at least three were shot during a robbery at the prodigy cuts barbershop on west 59th street and storer avenue . that's where hilary golston is live with the details.>> >>reporter: the bullets were flying outside of project cuts and a four-year-old was one of the victims. we can tell you a lot of kids side and as they often do, we found that three teen boys apparently tried to rob this place. what happened was they started shooting, and their firing and the people inside start firing back. it's amazing, truly a miracle that no one is dead at this hour.>> outside the scene grew folks in the neighborhood watching the lights, and at least one dozen police work away waiting to see what might happen next. after th in the foot. when you heard that, there is someone who has been shot and other kids are new that location. you must've been completely>> i was shaking because bullets don't have no destination of where they are going or where they're going to land. >> this man son is often outside of the barbershop and 20 minutes before a tonight the bullets started flying. three teens try to route the back. caught in the crossfire, not only the four-year-old, but a ,26 man shot in the back as well. both were taken to the hospital and both are stable.>> i've been on the street going on three years and i've never heard or seen anything crazy going on up here. up until tonight. this area is getting crazy and i think it's about time to consider relocating. >> how life is supposed to go. >> people in the neighborhood say this isn't the first time and enough is enough. >> we are fighting a losing battle. we're losing our kids. nobody seems to care.>> no indication that the battle, and a pointed out that she has bullet holes in the side of her home, just another reminder that the violence is real for so many people in this another fatality and not that long ago, and the people here are fed up with that.>> the police have any suspects? >> we did learn there was a 16- year-old taken to the hospital and were not sure the condition, but that person was taken to the hospital and we are told to the icu by a source who is here on the scene, just relay that information to me. it's unclear if that suspect is still in ic it has been a rapidfire nightclub bombshells in the race for the white house. several women now claim donald trump groped them. new emails reveal confusion and insecurity in the clinton campaign. let's begin with the trump.>> >>reporter: it was either a case of incredible amazing timing or incredible coordination. for women in the course of one hour reporting that donald trump groped them over the years. international student services in bowling green. she is one of two women who told the times that donald trump touched them inappropriately. she says back in 2005 she worked at trump towers and was a receptionist there. standing outside an elevator when donald trump would not let go of her and began kissing her cheeks and she said, he kissed me on the mouth. that is one of the two women, and this woman here is the other woman. jessica leeds 874. 30 years ago she said she was on a pl grabbed her breasts and try to put his hand up her skirt.>> when he started putting his hand up my skirt, and that was it. that was it. i was out of there. >> trump has told both women through the new york times that he denies the allegations. then this was reported out of florida. the palm beach post reports that he mcgill free of palm springs said when she was at trump's resort while at a rate charles concert, she was groped said she never reported to authorities. trumps spokesperson denies that. within that same 60 minute window, this woman, she was a miss washington when trump owned that miss usa pageant. cassandra series posted on facebook, this one guy treated us like cattle and made it us to the walk because we didn't look him in the eyes. that was donald trump. at this point no comment from the trump campaign on this allegation. a lot to chew on on this side of the campaign. at sea was going on in the >> hillary clinton maintains the lead in the national polls, but today wikileaks released campaign emails that confirm that clinton tailored policy positions to her presidential ambitions. clinton rallied voters in colorado urging them to cast their ballots as soon as they are able. roughly half 1 million americans have already voted. early voting kicked off today here in ohio. this morning voters were lining board of elections to cast their ballots. overall more than 1100 people voted and we are told that anyone in cuyahoga county who requested an absentee ballot will likely start seeing those in their mailbox this week. early voting continues daily across northeast ohio. through monday, november 7, you can check with your county sport of elections for a list of times. campaigns are rolling through the buckeye state. trump will be in cincinnati tomorrow and friday president. obama will be here in cleveland on behalf of hillary clinton. that event will be held at the airport. doors open at 8:30 am, tickets are required and still available tomorrow at the corner of east 30th and euclid near the cuyahoga board of elections. got to a story that is getting a lot of attention here on and on the facebook page, someone has drawn blue graffiti on a bridge over one of the areas most traveled highways. we have word the image because it's too graphic to show. it's a spray-painted image of male genitalia with the word clinton next to it. cuyahoga heights police first got reports of the image back in early august. they say they contacted the railroad and never heard back.>> >>reporter: interstate 77 is the gateway to cleveland. with all the great things that are going on in cleveland right now, you don't want this kind of representation, the first thing people see pulling into cleveland. >> because the bridge is the property of csx, the city is unable to paint over it itself. they went to the local csx office and so do we. we reached out by phone and we haven't gotten a response. a mother and grandmother have been sentenced to nine years in prison for their role in the team's deadly heroin overdose. the drug with andrew when they left him alone. that's when he overdosed. the two women told investigators they had shot in the hotel to go swimming but police found. an aerial and syringe is in the room. 20 people have been indicted for their part in a huge grosgrain. federal officials say the suspects are bringing large amounts of them know here when in cocaine into the area. the drugs are being transported from a chicago in new york, drug enforcement officials say those arrested have links to mexican drug lord while keen up tempo krizman. workers for the apl are on their way back after picking up 16 dogs from south carolina. the dogs were in a shelter there and needed to be moved to make room for dogs who lost their homes and owners because of hurricane matthew. the group should arrive back in cleveland within the next several hours and we are told the dog should be up for adoption very soon. a dangerous new game is starting to catch on where teams and even adults try to jump over a moving car. the game is taking social media by storm. ,16 boy there ended up dying when he didn't make the job. >> >>reporter: demetri allman says or con kobe was with friends when she received a call from colby's number. >> a young man on the phone and he was frantic, he was panicking . i could hear shock or whatever. i guess he was scared and terrified. i heard something in his voice. >> she said his son was struck in flowers said where her son was it. after recently leaving purple high where he was a star on the basque ball team. on then later learned from her sons friends, i game is what led to her son's death.>> they said that he and a group of other kids were playing a game called jump the car, when a car is coming toward you and you jump over it.>> several videos on youtube show the sun being attempted often unsuccessfully. retired layer kobe bryant also jamming over a moving car. all meant wants her son's death to bring the game to an end.>> i just want them to know, just because something is seen like it's easy to do, don't do it. especially something like jumping a car. >> if she received support from friends and family and plans her son's funeral, she is also making time to speak to her sons friendre sunday night.>> they are all heartbroken were sick. they are upset, scared and they are sorry. they tell me how sorry they are. and how they loved him. they love him so much.>> changing directions, gordon square arts district is now the national spotlight thanks to lebron james. tonight was the season finale of his show cleveland hustles on cnbc. the program showcases the cavaliers superstar and his investors. it's brought more than $1 million in investments for for businesses and gordon square. old city libations, cleveland bagel and groundswell.>> business has been incredible. we take legal a nurse come out, and we've also gotten people from all over a break states that come out. and more businesses are going to receive help. the big announcement came during tonight's watch party for cleveland hustles. investigator, i'm sorry investor alan clay su that cleveland hustles investment model will be rolled out to more cleveland neighborhoods undergoing revitalization efforts. coming up tonight, facebook morning how your personal information could be leaked through political postings in your. >> security breached. the maker of popular says it was hacked. see how this impacts customers. and it is 5:00 somewhere it will have your first look at when jb buffets margaritaville certainly some outdoor weather going on in northern ohio. plenty of sunshine and warm temperatures but a cold front coming through right now. it means big changes for tomorrow. details on what you need to know before you head out the turning to news, a new study questions how valuable mammograms are for breast cancer screenings. scientist at dartmouth institute conclude that a woman is more likely to be diagnosed with a small tumor that is not destined to grow that she is to the american cancer society. doctors pointed out mammograms catch deadly cancers and save lives. the study is published in the new england journal of medicine. new concerts tonight about your privacy online. with less than one month until the election, presidential campaigns are in overdrive on facebook and across social media. you probably noticed. hoping to win your votes especially millennials, through online ads. >> you ma where you live and what you like to do. here's how it works. >> >>reporter: the average user spends almost an hour a day on facebook. scrolling, liking and commenting . each move is a data point. facebook is scooping up more than your age location and relationship status. working with retail brands and political campaigns together more than 50 personal things about you. including how long you've lived in your home, how many credit lines you have, which groceries you buy, even what kind of >> i was a bit freaked out by it for sure. >> tyler woods has been on facebook for eight years and lately feels like political ads are following him around.>> if you feel like your information is being sold are spread to parties or entities that you have no idea, it loses that sense of trust that you feel. >> the data is especially useful as political campaign spent an estimated $1.2 billion on digital ads this election cycle.>> i'm donald trump and i approve look at a zip code, i can tailor specific interests within the zip code, you can address those people directly with a message that will resonate. >> who did you target? >> this might be people interested in: issues. >> he says targeted facebook ads alone have helped his candidates move up in the polls. they are much cheaper than tv.>> this is live or die for politicians. being able to get to people exactly where they are and it's essential.>> the hillary clinton campaign says it is spending $30 million on digital ads between now and election day.>> we face big challenges that we can solve them the same way families do. working together. >> on facebook where competition for your attention with your best friend, your spouse, your kids and if were not able to produce a message or video or whatever it is, it's actually compng scroll past were click to any other thing on the internet. >> both campaigns match boater information with your facebook data to get the vote out. donald trump campaign also uses his huge twitter following. gathering personal data from twitter, then matching it to find you on facebook and show you ads.>> donald trump for president when mr. trump sends out a tweet and his tweets are retweeted more he tweets out we are able to pull that data and use it . >> privacy advocates call the platform the surveillance business model. every click you make will future.>> it means that when you're going on facebook, you are likely be presented with ads and information that are based on what your patterns have done in the past. not neutral, it's not supposed to be neutral. >> digital rights experts say that store data could be made more available to the government and to hackers. the more this collected, the more the target.>> nbc reached out to facebook a responded that their ad model is standard in they recently noted it's easier to add your preferences by going into your settings. privacy experts say there are steps we can take to safeguard privacy including some programs that block third-party cookies. another company dealing with security breach, vera bradley set is payment system has been hacked. the spokesperson said hackers might have access customer data from payment processing systems in its stores including card numbers, cardholder names, expiration dates, and internal verification codes between july the exact number of cards affected is unclear but vera bradley said cards used to shop in the company's website were not affected. if you're hunting for a holiday job, chances are you'll get your pick this season. nearly 90% of retailers plan to hire for the holidays, up 10% from last year. many of those jobs come with perks like cash bonuses and more flexible hours. the competitive environment makes attracting workers more first national hiring day to get your attention.>> >>reporter: retail season is like a super bell for us. with the economy being strong and prickly the job market being tight, we know it's a competitive environment for seasonal hires.>> there is more good news if you're looking for a job. the opportunities will not and after the holidays. nearly 90% of companies say they plan to hire holiday workers on full-time in the new turtles. hundred thousand animals fly in airline cabins every year. the so-called comfort animals became a hot topic during a federal meeting today. department of transportation is trying to reshape regulations on service animals. airlines are asking to restrict the definition of service animals to train dogs and miniature horses. some argue they need their pets by the side. >> toby helps alleviate anxiety especially in situations where i plane rides where i have no control.>> as a gets pointed out emotional support animals may be seen for unseen like ptsd. it's too easy to pass off and easy that they say. a vote will, on which animals may no longer fly. here's what channel 3 news four will look like when it opens up in the flats. the cleveland location should open next spring and it has all of the anticipated you would outdoor seating, rooftop bar, palm trees and reminders that it's 5:00 somewhere. it certainly is. you going to talk about hurricane nicole? >> all of the focus was on matthew and then we seeing there's the other little storm out there. the goal has gotten a little bit more concerning specifically for the island of bermuda. there's the storm, a huge eye on this thing. it's a category four bermuda. bermuda is only, like 20 1/2 mi.2 total. there it is. the entire island can set inside the eye of this thing. the storm is expected to make a good pass by bermuda, likely impacting that island sometime tomorrow. this could be bad for that area. that tiny little island is probably its best defense, it sizes. it has a been struck by hurricanes but a handful of times. since records have been kept, we only have a few showers lingering for the morning rush tomorrow. temperatures in the 50s you may need winchell wipers a few times. you won't be the wipers later in the day. cold temperatures, we will stay in the 50s. rain moving through, just like stuff and we are not anticipating anything heavy as we go through the night. all in all it looks like these light showers will slowly but surely continue to move out to the east. as a mentioned they really haven't been causing problems. the me see if i have my here. we will zoom in quickly on the east side because we have some of these light to moderate rain showers coming down on 90 eastbound as well as 480 and 271 about to get what pretty soon. if you still have plans ahead of this evening be advised you may run into a few of these rain showers. far to the south into the madonna county we have not been dealing with any of those problems. will take a big zoom in here. let's move on. there is a look at the bigger picture as the earth continues there is another round of rain out to the west. this will bring another search later on tonight but there's definitely a definitive line here and that line is the front. the dark green line separates the warm temperature from the cold temperatures and you can see it's only 48 in chicago, 42 right now in minneapolis. the forecast does continue to have rain showers through 8 am, a lot of this will continue to be spotty. mp start, winds out of the northwest at 10 miles per hour, the wind state northwest to the day tomorrow, brisk winds at that. that will drive some lake effect rain showers into the early afternoon before they start to back off. will be in the upper 50s as we had through the later part of the day and have those clearing skies in place. the window forecast does have the best rain chance in the morning and that's as we had through a good part of the day tomorrow. you can see morning's backing off in just a few showers midday. it will be dry for the end of degrees on friday, and a chilly start to the alcs. 52 is the eight away came time temperature. will be in the upper 60s for the faraway p.m. start on saturday. and another round will be coming next week. we all want to do our part in making a difference in our community. you can help make a difference as well. on october 22, >> channel 3 and volunteers from across the country will participate in the of service. our team will be volunteering in several locations. joined us, we have a list of places where you can help serve a there's nothing like october baseball as the indians were on the field today, except for the blue jays.>> jimmy has a preview of game one of the hi everybody here we go. let's set you up for game one of the alcs@progressive field friday night. first pitch is 80 way p.m. best-of-seven and again, the indians even though they won the season series against toronto for games to three, the indians and toronto yet to lose so far in the playoffs. toronto has basically one for games in the postseason at the indians won the three against the red sox. the indians felt that really the big key for them in the red sox series, the way the series began. they want to hear and that's home-field advantage at progressive field and all of the work that you the fans did to really push them through those first two games. really helped and they want to cheering for you, then someone else, that waivers in your favor of the time. >> you always have that energy that the fans bring. the fans get you going more so than if you're on the road obviously.>> here we go. game one the indians feel great power did well and opening game against the red sox, note the start time at 4:08 pm saturday late afternoon start. game three in toronto coming up on monday night 80 way p.m. josh tomlin pitched well at fenway on monday, and came for scheduled to get the start of along with the indians bullpen, they might piece together that bullpen and use the bullpen frequently and all of the games because they are ready and were very effective against the red sox. danny sell is our is not ready unlikely to make the roster for this round. terry francona said still not 100%. dealing with that injured forearm in forearm. salazar has been throwing in arizona but is not ready to go.>> the cavaliers had practiced today talking about their upcoming season but also about the excitement with the indians going on. the cavaliers play toronto tomorrow here but then on friday night, i'll be a son of a gun, they are away so they won't be around for the indians but back home for game two coming up on saturday afternoon and lebron james and the rest of the cavaliers feel that the great intensity that the fans have right now is pushing everyone through.>> roback there's no relaxation time for fans because the indians are playing well. you have to be intense. if you see game three, our fans were like, come on pulled this thing out. relaxation. is not as relaxed anymore.>> with all of that excitement, let's talk about as they take on the tennessee titans coming up on sunday and they do not have a healthy quarterback going into the game. that's the way it looked at practice today. cody kessler and josh mccown were both out there, and they are trying but remember they are both still in pain. still trying to get ready, kessler got hurt last sunday and got knocked out of the game against new england. if these close to being healthy, it seems as though he'll get the nod to start.>> >>reporter: the plants is the he makes the call on those but i'm going to continue to stay that on the process and continue to prepare like a half.>> all of that is bad, but this is really bad. a really outstanding young offense alignment joe bitonio who's been doing a great job at left guard since he arrived a couple of years ago, commander university of nevada, a foot injury, not good. expected to miss extended periods of time, if not the rest of the season if he has surgery. that is a huge loss for the browns on the offense of fine.>> a strange today. the former head coach at baylor was a gas today of head coach huge action. he was also dressed up like a working with the browns quarterback today. he is a friend of hugh jackson and hugh says sometimes the guy needs a second chance. he was fired in may after many sexual assault charges and a scandal going on within the baylor football program. tells me if you do have an unhealthy quarterback in an nfl game it's a problem>> those kind of facing that, that's what made me the dean to come up with those conclusions. and you are right as rain on that. you need one. will be right back. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition nt a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. [ cheers and applause ] ?? >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- bryan cranston, dakota fanning,

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New York , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Cuyahoga Heights , Rockefeller Center , Nevada , Washington , Cleveland , Florida , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cincinnati , Mexico , Arizona , Bowling Green , Tennessee , South Carolina , Colorado , Chicago , Illinois , Bermuda , Americans , Mexican , American , Jimmy Fallon , Vera Bradley , Hugh Jackson , Alan Clay Su , Terry Francona , M Josh Tomlin , Josh Mccown , Kobe Bryant , Gordon Square , Jessica Leeds , Tyler Woods , Lebron James , Bryan Cranston , Cody Kessler , Hillary Clinton ,

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