Transcripts For WRC News4 Today At 430 20170313

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it means we'll be hit with a great deal of snow, ice and wind. >> the snow is expected to be heavy and wet, which could mean power outages as well. because of the snow, metro access is suspending service monday at 4:00, that's this afternoon. it will not run at all on tuesday. metro says service will be restored when it's safe to do so. but it is not setting a time for that yet. the metro access call center is contacting affected customers to reschedule trips. when we're expecting snow, you can also expect to see crowded grocery stores. our cameras caught the crowds inside trader joe's. this one on 25th street in southwest d.c. >> that looks like a regular saturday. >> one customer said the line was out the door at one point. >> it wasn't until i came in and i saw the line out theiz and i better stock up. >> if you still need to stock up, get to the store soon. the snow will begin after rush hour. >> drivers are sliding off a snow-covered highway in the midwe midwest. tough road conditions there. this is in iowa. sunday night roads were completely covered in the white stuff. look at that. snow in minnesota also made for poor visibility. slick roads there. as this storm heads east, boston bracing for 12 to 18 inches in some areas, and you could see up to two feet across northeastern massachusetts. eun? >> tonight's snow could bring good news for maryland's only ski resort. wisp plans to reopen this week after being shut down early due to the lack of snow. the garrett county resort had only about five inches on friday. this is video of the conditions there last night. wisp is about a three to four-hour drive from washington near deep creek lake. the resort has not said what day it will start welcoming guests. >> make sure you download the washingt nbc washington app. storm team 4 will have around-the-clock forecasts. our team is also working on air to get you through the storm. we'll start early tomorrow at 4:00 a.m. through 4:26. >> our serious snow faces. the man accused of jumping the white house fence friday night is expected to be in court. the secret service says jonathan tran who is from california, made it on to the south grounds before he was arrested. he claimed to be a friend of the president and said he had an appointment. . according to court documents, police found two cans of mace on him. he is charged with entering restricted grounds while carrying or using a dangerous weapon. 4:33. it is the start of a busy week at the white house and on capitol hill. we're watchi demanding evidence backing up president trump's claim that former president obama tapped his phones last year. they want the justice department to turn it over today. the president made the accusation on twitter last saturday without providing evidence. president trump is expected to send coming his budget this week. it's expected to include a big boost to defense spending. the associated press reports agencies such as the environmental protection agency and education department could see significant cuts. healthcare is likely to dominate the week again. later this morning the president will hold a listening session on the issue. this as republicans try to move forward to replace the affordable care act. want to get another check on weather and traffic. >> an update on that situation on 210 with melissa in a moment. first we want to check in with chuck bell. as the snow creeps closer. why does winter wait until spring to ? snowy march as well, but this will be one for the books. snowfall amounts, a solid 4 to 8 inches of snow coming around the d.c. metro area. there will be some blockbuster amounts further north and west. northern maryland, pan hahandle west virginia could really take it on the nose on this one. you have all day to get everything done. plan for widespread business and school closures tomorrow. and likely to be wednesday as well. so heavy snow moves in late tonight. probably not until after 10:00 or midnight. so you do have all day to get things done. maker disruptions the next couple of days, a slow melt down. after all those days in the 70s, we may not get above 50 degrees all week. right now, it's cold. down into the teens and low 20s ac a high today. clouds on the increase. chances for what may start as rain but coming in as snow well after dark tonight. i'll give you a look of the snow forecast amounts coming up. first, melissa mollet with more on that indian head highway issue. >> look at this scene at indian head highway. justin finch is out there. we'll talk with him live in a minute. northbound indian head highway shut down after the beltway. a crash investigation going on. you can use oxon hill road and livingston road to get around that closure. just a couple of items of note as far as road work. right now inner loop at old georgetown road, the right lane getting by. outer loop after branch, bridge repair block the right lane. more on the problem on 210 coming up. start filling in your brackets. we know who is playing in the ncaa tournament including the virginia cavaliers, a five seed in the east region. they play on thursday. the university of maryland, my te terps, sixth seed in the west. mount saint mary's tomorrow will face top seed villanova if they win. we talk about this every year. how much is checking that bracket costing your company? >> vcu is a ten seed. >> we didn't -- sorry. sorry. >> leave me hanging. the new study says lost productivity amounts to $2 billion. this comes from the firm challenger, greg and christmas. they also say the tournament boosts moral around the office. >> especially if you're winning the bracket. >> either boost moral or causes fights. a northern virginia teacher banned from campus. the accusations against him and allegations. it's something you might have charging in your home. what investigators say started a fire that's now being blamed for taking te ining two lives. and a special laplace for people with special needs. a fire that srt hover board that killed a little girl is also being blamed for the death of a firefighter. the hover board caught fire while charging. the 2-year-old was in the home. the firefighter died in a car crash on the way to the fire. a middle school teacher and coach is on leave after alleged sexual misconduct with a student. the "washington post" reports that georgetown day school teacher mark allen gifford is barred from coming to campus or contacting students. the incident did not happen on the school's campus. class meetings will be held to offer support to students and they're also speaking to members of the high school baseball and basketball teams. many people with special needs yearn for independence, and a new program in montgomery county will help them get that. up county community resources is offering a unique weekend caregivers can rest while their loved ones enjoy physical fitness routines and social interaction. ike legget was at the grand opening yesterday. >> i'm so proud we're doing this. >> some of the programs are drop-in and some will run for several sessions over several months. beware of the ides of march, especially when it comes to the weather. >> winter storm warnings are up. snow is on the way. i wish i could say it would be all snow all the time for everybody. the rain/snow line will be in play. some places will get a foot, other places won't get an inch. i'll show you that forecast coming up in ten minutes. and expect to see a lot of people heading to the grocery store. later this week, stopping for things on your lis c and prove it. what must happen today after president trump's claims of wiretapping. your time is 4:43. 15 before the hour. the justice department has a big deadline to meet today. they have to turn over evidence backing up president trump's claim that former president barack obama wiretapped phones at trump tower last year. >> that demand coming from the chairman and ranking member of the house intelligence committee. news 4's tracie potts is live on capitol hill. good morning. do we expect the justice department to meet this deadline? >> they don't really have high hopes on capitol hill. some lawmakers saying they may do nothing, they may not turn over anything either because they don't have it or there's concern that the more that the fbi and justice the more adversaries may learn about what we know and don't know. pressure is mounting, as you noted, from both sides, democrat and republican, for the president to either prove what he said or take it back. john mccain said over the weekend he needs to retract that statement if it's not true. democrats are pushing saying it's important that what the president says is credible. >> let's talk healthcare, we expect the congressional budget office to release a score on the republican plan to replace the affordable care act. how can that effect how republicans move forward on this? >> we could get that sometime early this week, but possibly as early as today. this will tell us what this plan will cost. perhaps more importantly to millions of people out there, how many people might lose their insurance coverage. up to 15 million, according to some estimates we've seen so far. >> thank you. we know you've been working evenings for a few weeks. >> thank you. as the white house and congress consider a new border wall and beefing up border patrol, the feds are training those protecting the front lines in our area. scott mcfarland and the news 4 iteam had a chance to go inside a massive facility where border agents are learning how to ro tekt themselv protect themselves and the country. >> standing above the border fence, we're not near the rio grande or in the southwest u.s., we're five minutes from frederick county, maryland. u.s. customs and border protection has a major training facility here, training border agents how to defend themselves and protect the southern and northern borders of the u.s. >> help may literally be a couple days away if we run into trouble. you have to be able to deal with situations like that. >> why is this sprawling training facility so close to washington, d.c. and not in the desert? what else do they do inside this highly secured up later tonight. for now, scott mcfarland, news 4 iteam. 4:48. the former mayor of the city of fairfax is heading back to court today. scott silverthorn will enter a plea on the criminal charge he tried to trade drugs for sex. his lawyers will also ask for a hearing to see if there's enough evidence for a trial. silverthorn was arrested in august after a sting at a hotel in tysons corner. a riverdale man is mourning the loss of his home and dog after a massive fire. look at the flames here. this is at a historic home in riverdale park. many consider it a staple on oliver street. it was a big house on the corner built by one of riverdale's early mayors. the current owner is michael herman, also a former mayor. he wasn't home when the fire started saturday, but rus >> right now i don't think i can get one item out of my house. everything is gone. but fortunately no people died. and we'll get back. >> so far investigators have not figured out what caused the fire. some kids in prince george's county may have to ride a different bus to school after several school buses caught fire. someone noticed the flames yesterday morning and called firefighters to short cut road in brandy wine. four buses were damaged it could cost $250,000 to replace them. prince george's county fire faters are trying fate er investigators ar t t fire out how the fire started. with the time change over the weekend, many people lost sleep. aaa reports that fatal car crashes go up the first week after this time change. last month about 3 to 10 drivers said they were so tired they had trouble keeping their eyes open, which is really dangerous. the person who bought the winning powerball ticket in the 4$435 million drawing is set to claim the prize today. the a single ticket was sold at a gas station in indiana. the win ker take the 4$435 million payment in installment over 30 years or a lump sum, roughly 2$260 million before tacks. >> take the cash. >> you know what i noticed? you and i haven't changed our watches. >> you're kidding me. i don't use this thing. it's not digital. >> you came to work on friday borrowing a watch from conniement. >> i just have to wear one. i feel naked without it. >> you have to trade in the watch for a snow stick. >> chuck. >> yes, indeed. >> i don't want to accept it. >> the only reason this is happening is because i declared winter dead the end of february. mother nature does not like when do you that. >> did you that on purpose. >> sometimes you have to play reverse psychology with mother nature. storm impact s tonight and tomorrow this promises to be one of our better, or worse depending on how you look at it, snowstorms. as far as 4 inches of snow, the vast majority of the news 4 nation will get out more than 4 inches of snow. north and west of town, northern montgomery, leesburg, probably a solid 8 inches or more. many spots will get more than a foot of snow. the march snowfall record is march 1942, 11 1/2 inches at national. bwi marshal, 1942, 22 inches of snow. the one that's really memorable for a lot of us, exactly 24 years ago today dulles airport got 13.9 inches in the big super storm of 1993. so winter storm watches and warnings are up for everywhere. lower snow totals -- it will be a steep gradient between a whole occurs down across southern maryland. calvert county, st. mary's county don't even have a winter weather a advisory. everywhere west of 95 likely to get 6 inches or more of snow. you have all day to get things done. it's in the teens and 20s now. it will be a cold day today. temperatures will be above freezing, we'll be in the upper 30s to around 40 degrees for highs today. there's the area of storminess back out to our west. that's coming in here for late tonight and into tomorrow. here's the computer output on how much snow we might get. first inch of snow midnight tonight. by this time tomorrow morning 3 to inches of snow a possible. here's my forecast map. i think 12 inches or more northern frederick and carroll county out to the panhandle of west virginia. most of us inside the beltway, 4 to 8 inches of snow. but 8 to 12 on the northwest side of the beltway, u to 70. staying cold all week so it will be a slow meltdown here. above freezing each and every day, but if you get a solid 6 to 10 inches of snow, that will take a while to go. it will be a heavy, wet snow so good snowman making. >> that means we'll be dancing tonight at my house. breaking news here, again, northbound indian head highway after the beltway, livingston road after the beltway, shut down there. live picture from the scene. a live report from justin finch coming up in a minute. all lanes blocked because of this crash investigation here this morning. use oxon hill road, use livingston road to get around the closure and work your way into town. 66 and 95, we are looking good. no major issues there. inner loop at georgetown, that's hanging around with the right lane getting by. branch avenue, that issue is gone. looking at 270 here from frederick down to the spur, going to take you 26 minutes. a lot of you might be thinking about sneaking away somewhere warm after today. how to score the best deal the next time you buy a plane ticket. and ahead at 5:00, we continue to work for you as we get you ready for the snow headed our way what metro riders need to know that could impact your commute home tonight. take a live look now at so far flights are on time. we'll check for you all day. because you know what this means, this weather. the flights can change in a matter of hours. you will definitely have to check before you go. if you're going somewhere warm, try to see if you can leave now. >> right? >> if you're leaving around 5:00 this afternoon, you'll be out of luck. if you're planning to go to europe, you should also try to plan early. >> new airfares popping up. norwegian air has started to offer one-way flights from the u.s. to europe for $65. experts are waiting to see if flyers will see similar prices on other airlines. if you book a flight, you have to figure out exactly what you're paying for. >> they're going to be flying into those smaller airports on smaller aircraft. >> norwegian air will be using 737s from smaller airports in new york and rhode island. it will drop passengers off in scotland return flight will likely be more than 65 bucks. >> always a catch. good news for drivers. the price you pay for gas could go down 2 to 4 cents, that's because crude oil prices have dropped and u.s. refineries have produced a large amount of gasoline. in the d.c. metro area, the average is 2.27 per gallon. the district's developing h-street corridor has a new attraction, if you will. we got a sneak peek inside the new whole foods there. the store's team leader tells us the company hired roughly 100 new people to work at that store, and many of them are from d.c. he says that is really important. >> we know the neighborhood. they're from the neighborhood, they're excited. and those that live in other parts of d.c. are from northeast neighborhoods. we're excited about that. >> the grand opening for the new whole foods on 8th street is wednesday. doors open at 9:00 the first 500 people get a free reusable bag customized for shoppers. >> is it bad i want that? >> yeah. >> stay with us, news 4 continues now at 5:00 a.m. don't be surprised if you see a lot of road crews out treating the roads around here. they've been out trying to get ahead of the impending snowstorm that could mean a snow day for a lot of you by this time tomorrow. most of you. not us, but most of you. >> never us. >> just about 5:00 a.m., i'm aaron gilchrist. >> i'm eun yang. you could be sleeping in tomorrow -- not us -- but depending on how much snow we see here. >> we're working for you to get you ready for this. melissa will have a look at the roads. let's start things professor bell. checking the computer, doing all the math. >> i am stranded on gilligans island is how i feel when you call me professor. get ready for a three-hour tour tomorrow, just to get anywhere around town. it will be ugly slow going. by this time tomorrow snow, heavy at times, likely to be coming down. weather headlines, you have all day today to get things done. nothing will happen until after the sun goes down tonight. it might even be after 9:00, 10:00 before the rain/snow combination begins it will go to mostly if not all snow tonight. heaviest of the snow from midnight tonight to about noon tomorrow. future weather, all is dry through 5:00, 6:00 tonight. by 9:00, which may start as rain but quickly moving in as temperatures should drop, here comes the real hitch in the giddy-up for the forecast. this is the rain/snow line. all rain in southern maryland, all snow north and west of the city. snowfall amounts could

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Norway , New York , United States , Leesburg , Indiana , Washington , Rhode Island , Boston , Massachusetts , Minnesota , California , Virginia , United Kingdom , Garrett County , Maryland , West Virginia , Creek Lake , Carroll County , Prince George County , Riverdale Park , Iowa , Montgomery County , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Frederick County , Calvert County , Norwegian , Scotland , Allen Gifford , Barack Obama , Chuck Bell , Scott Mcfarland , Aaron Gilchrist , Eun Yang , Jonathan Tran , Michael Herman , Justin Finch , Melissa Mollet , John Mccain , Tracie Potts ,

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