Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20171218

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happened a little before kw-8 this morning about 40 miles south of seattle. about 80 people were on board that amtrak train at the time and the train itself was moving at about 80 miles per hour officials say and heading to portland. dozens were taken to the hospital, including people who were hit while driving on the highway. you could see right there just how many emergency crew vehicles were out there today helping out victims, not to mentions a you just saw several of those passenger cars just dangling there over the overpass. when we got to the scene, it was obvious that there were some fatalities and a lot of injuries and some people were able to get off the train. multiple cars and struck were struck by train cars that evident there the train tracks and went down on to the road. the people that were in all the vehicles, even though when you see the pictures it's pretty horrific. at this point nobody in any of the vehicles is a fatal. now we're told the train's new route is part of $180 million project assigned to speed up service and bypass traffic. amtrak says those new tracks were tested out weeks prior to this first run. right now officials, including the national transportation safety board are out there investigat ing what caused the train to go off the tracks. they're actually in route as we speak. of course we'll let you know what comes out of that investigation. again, as we mentioned six people were killed on board that train and officials say they expect that number to go up even higher. keep in mind now, this is a developing story so keep it right here on fox5 for the very latest on this investigation. kristin leone, fox5 local news. >> there is new information tonight in the january murder of a 66 year old man. he told dy police drug dealers had taken over his apartment. allock you i ol i was found dead after a fire tore through home a after he filed a complaint with the police. now, nearly 11 months later there has been an arrest. paul wagner joins us live with that story. >>reporter: sarah and jim we were aible to see a nine-page court affidavit which lays owlt a very troubling case. mr. i lally met with police the night before he was killed and told them that he had been under siege for two months and that these drug dealers basically had been threatening and being the him. the man that was arrest odd friday has been a suspect all along. his name is garret taylor. we were able to catch up with him last summer outside the courthouse just down the street from here and we asked him about mr. i alley. here's the exchange. i don't know nothing about that. i don't know nothing about that. accord ing to this court affidavit mr. i alley told police that taylor known as g had taken over his apartment with several other forced him to allow them to stash illegal narcotics and firearms in his h home. mr. i alley told police the men moved into his apartment in november where they assaulted and threatened him saying he would pay the price if he contacted the police. the court affidavit says the night before the fire an after his meght with the police garret taylor attacked mr. i alley breaking several ribs and causing trauma to the back of his head. but when a friend called 911 he refused to go to the hospital but told police who assaulted him. after mr. ally's body was found police questioned taylor and said his clothes smelled like smoke and saw a written message on the wall you going down i ally. mr. i ally was offered protection the night he made the complaint but decided that he didn't want it. here's commander haifort. i can really only speak to the homicide aspect of this, but from my knowledge of the c that i understand that he was offered services and he just declined. we do in homicide cases and other case he we dwo offer relocation services. garret taylor was in court on saturday. he has a preliminary hearing coming up later next month. live at d.c. police headquarters, paul wagner, fox5 local news. >> new tonight, police are now searching for a person of interest after a toddler was south in southeast d.c. on savment it happened in the 2500 block of pomeroy road. police tell us children were playing with a gun before the whole thing happened. the toddler is expected to be okay. the police are now looking for 27 year old edward lee read. he is currently wanted for escaping and should be considered armed and dangerous. >> we're waiting for word on the three people killed in a small plane crash in indiana. the plane took off in kansas city, missouri and was on it' to frederick, maryland. the single engine cessna crashed about 70 miles east of minute annapolis. in addition to the three people killed a dog also died, a second dog on boashed survived the crash. >> the airport being shutdown. that's just unthinkable. i literally spent a whole seven hours on an airplane without food or water and then i walk into a dark room where everyone is sleeping on the floor. it's sad that people are helpless. they can't get down the stairs. it was just a nightmare. we were literally carrying old people down the escalators and up escalators and carrying wheelchairs and my heart was like raising because i'm scared for these peoples' lives. all the hotels are booked. we went up we're righting to see if someone can help us. we did not have a lot of correspondence from any of the airport personnel. what a mess. the power is back on, but the misery still remains for many travelers at at lapt a's jackson international airport. stranded travelers were forced to wait in these snaking long lines following sunday's electrical fire. it caused an 11-hour power outage at the nation's busiest airport. it led to the cancellation of more than 1500 flights all of this happening just days before the start of the christmas rush. investigators believe the power outage may have been caused by a cable fire in an underground electrical facility. they re lease these new photos on your screen today. the exact cause still a mystery right now. delta which is headquartered in atlanta accounted for nearly a third of flights canceled today the airlines said they expect operations to be back up and run ning by tomorrow. meanwhile president trump laying out its national scurl political reporter ronica cleary live at the white house with a closer look at the white house and what it means here at home. >>reporter: the president laid out his national security strategy for the future. but i'll tell you before he got to that he took a significant amount of time to look back at his first year in office and what he feels are the accomplishments of that first year. and to do it all he start ed with election 2016. take a listen. when the american people speak all of us should listen and just over one year ago you spoke loud and you spoke clear. on november 8, 2016 you voted to make america great again. (applause) the president then went onto highlight his decision to leave the transposition partnership, leave the paris correspond, decertify the iran nuclear deal, impose tougher sanctions upon north korea, among other things and then only then did he get to looking at the future presenting this national security strategy as laid out by the administration. secure the bored he ers rgs the president's first point was to focus on security borders by building a wall, increasing support for ice agents. the president then spoke about the need for economic prosperity. through cutting taxes, reducing regulations, supporting infrastructure. president trump highlighted the idea that we can only obtain piece through strength. in order to do so he says we must modernize our military and finally he spoke about advancing america's influence around the world championing america's values without apology. i spoke with michael oh hand lon a senior fellow at brooking's institute to speak about the president's accomplishments before getting to what he wanted to take a look at for the future. >> the speech sounded like donald trump the candidate and of course he began with attacking all that was wrong with america in his eyes and he saw this as a necessary con last to set up the ideas in his national security strategy. the substance of the report is to me pretty good. but again in the speech by the time he got to any of that we were already 15 minutes in to what was largely a campaign speech against his american domestic opponents. so given the world in which we now live where a campaign is never far away perhaps i shouldn't be surprised but i was still a little bit struck and a little bit disappointed. however you feel about the president's decision to outne in the way he did it was undoubtedly planned. he used the tell prompter today and clearly stuck to the script. reporting live at the white house, ronica cleary, fox5 local news. >> quomg up, a federal judge now facing sexual misconduct allegations. new calls for al franken to change his mind and reverse his resignation. new regulations to combat sexual harassment in the workplace. tom fitzgerald working that one tonight. >>reporter: jim, sarah, a new effort to get the situation in private companies cleared up, the question, though, is congress doing what they're telling other people to do. first let's go over to sue palka . hey, tom nice to see you without the heavy overcoat. we're all getting a break-in the temperature accident as temperatures were 10-degrees above average. can we do it again tomorrow? fox5 local news es at five will be right back. back. what do you think? hey, think ben will like it? yeah, was i the only one hearing the angelic music? i'm serious, i never know what to get him. just tell me you got him fios too. sigh. mrs. layne, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. that, plus this sick console, he'll be like whaaaaaattt. your new tech is best on the 100% fiber optic network. so get fios. now just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. touching the inappropriately and kissing them without their con sent. georgia sin can i re lease a statement apologizing for making his clerks feel uncomfortable. the 67 year old served nine years on the third circuit of democrats have come forward urging franken to rescind his resignation. it was the most hypothesize critical thing he's ever seen. patrick lahey had a private conversation with frank en which said he regrets pushing for him to resign. earlier this month franken said he'd step down amid allegations of misconduct. travis smily is now calling out pbs for doing what he says was a rushed decision to suspend him. on an interview on abc's good morning america smily said he never coursed anyone into a relation ship but only had sexual relations within the workplace which is not against pbs policies. while smiley contends he is innocent. pbs says they have uncovered multiple credible allegations. as congress continues to instrumenting struggle with the sexual harassment the new bill pull back the secrecy in private companies. there are questions whether congress is doing enough to solve its own problems. we've learned a lot about these problems on capital hill. we sure have, jim and sarah. in the meantime democrats and republicans they both have been trying to out do each other coming up with all of these new laws which they say will stop sexual harassment. however, it's also very true that a lot of people up here on the hill have been accused of the this same thing. even new two more politicians having their careers come to an end. we'll talk with texas republican congressman blake hazer hold. fair hold say s he will not seek reelection in the face of mounting harassment claims. he did re lease a statement saying he ran a per missyive office. there is also rubin queun, a democrat out women have come forward saying that keun sexually harassed them . he will not seek re election. into all of this, democratic carolyn maloney has introduced two bills. one of them will prevent private companies from dedisuking out of court sexual harassment statements from their teaks. it will also require all private companies to file a yearly report now with the equal opportunity employment commission on how many harassment claims they have had when employers don't have to disclose these internal settlements, when there's no public record about abuse it can cause great harm to victims, other employees who may not know they're working in a harassing environment or who the harassers are or even the public at large if that description at all sounds familiar because it sounds a lot like capital hill right now. the system that congress set up in the 90s, the office of compliance has shelled out nearly $60 million in taxpayers settlements because of harassment here on the hill because of non-disclosure agreements that congressman dat ed many of those harassers have had their identities kept a secret. we're live at the capital tonight, tom fitzgerald, fox5 local news. some of the biggest figures in entertainment have established a new commission aimed at fighting sexual misconduct in hollywood. the new group will be claird anita hill. the famous declared clarence thomas of sexual harassment. it is formed by media and entertainment executives including cos from disney, netflix and paramount pictures. you heard sue mention a couple of minutes ago, if you have not been outside it's really nice compared to the last couple of ds. the gloves or the hats and you get the bope us shot of the sunset. >> that cloud deck coming across , it's a jaw dropper. good news, no snow pellets coming out of them today. so we'll have some clouds around tonight. they'll blanket us for the evening and keep us from getting cold in the overnight hours and how about the temperatures, easy to get your running around done if you're in the run up to this big weekend. it was easy for you today and guess what, you get a do over for tomorrow. it's still 53 here in gaithersburg. d.c. 51- degrees. you get down to the south, 56, fredericksburg still coming in at 59 as is quantico and then cooler near the water, annapolis 46, baltimore at five p. a wider view and not finding -- we're not finding a lot of cold air. new york city is a little chillier at 46, but that's a bargain this year. boston not bad at 34 and chicago coming in at 44. i mentioned some clouds coming across. that those will be with us throughout the overnight hours. but yes, a spectacular sunset. we have some passing showers through pennsylvania, not light rain showers. we'll keep the clouds around. by 9:00 , 48 and by # 1:00 47. not going to be terribly cold. most places stay even above freezing a headline for tomorrow, more spring-like temperatures on tap for tuesday as a matter of fact it's looking like tomorrow could be the warmest day so far this month as temperatures are mild out ahead of an approaching frontal boundary that will cost cross us tomorrow night. there will be a little bit of moisture down south. sixty, 616-degrees, a nice afternoon. it could be quite doable and quite spring feeling as we get through our tuesday without -- not much in the way is the run up to christmas. we have a look at what you can expect if you're traveling later this week and the temperatures for the holiday itself coming up a little bit with caitlyn's seven day forecast. >> thank you, sue. on the way, taipted marijuana. beginning next year, recreational pot will be legal in california but hear why the marijuana being sold there could be tainted. a warning tonight about one of the season's holiday toys, the injure one mother says her daughter suffered from the match a mole. but first, a message from our soldiers. soldiers. >> it is one of the hots toys this holiday season, match mals bath balms. one mother is sounding the alarm after she claimed the hatch mol left her deart daughter with chemical burns. she posted her warning a couple of weeks ago and it has been shared more than $10,030,000 times. she started complaining that her daughter's skin was hurting within a minute 's time. the toy's maker says it is investigating. if you plan to ring in the new year in california with recreational marijuana it may contain some un welcome additives. it will be legal come january 1, but growers have a six-month grace period. one test 93 percent of samples from 15 southern california dispensaries contain pesticides. consumers could mold and other contaminants. if you're trying to limit your wine consumption you may want to start by grabbing a ditch glass wine glasses have grown since the 1700s. >> my guess is probably so. with a large increase in the 1990s. the average glass now holds more than 16 ounces. that's a 60 percent increase from 2000 when glasses held just 10 ounces. some of them are like the size of your head now. they are pretty ridiculous. it's in the a problem. it's in the a problem in jim's book. if you go oversees their wine glasses are half the size of the ones that we have. >> and then they have the big boxed wine. >> we're continuing to follow developments out of seattle. the deadly train derailment. witnesses at the scene tell the story. a local police officer is attempting to support isis. another step rodent population in the dtsz. the new rat abatement tactic when the five returns after the break. this h is fox5 local news at five. he was sworn to up hold the law, but tonight a former police officer in our area is found guilty of helping to support isis. a federal jury in alexandria convicted of nicholas young, the 38 year old is the first law enforcement ever convicted of terrorism charges. he was convicted after a week long trial. prosecutors said young bought gift cards he thought would be used by the islamic state but the person he gaich the cards to was working for the fbi. the trial revealed young had been under federal surveillance since 2010. metro service back to normal on the redline after a train struck a man in cleveland park this evening. the man deliberately jumped in front of the train. no word on his metro had to incorporate s l \track\tract after the incident service back online just about an hour later. a germantown man is in custody charged with breaking into a gun store in fred rirks maryland. police ar rested dylan fox. fox smashed out the front window on rosemont avenue and tried t get inside but left before officers got there. he is facing a whole host of charges that include burglary and destruction of property. police ceased nearly a pound of marijuana, 7,000 buck s in cash and. police ar rested two men. both men are being held on bond. we are continuing to follow developments in washington state where earlier today an amtrak train derailed near salt. fox5 's kristin leone has been following the latest developments. she's here now with more. >>reporter: more details continue to he emergency in this investigation, but let's recap what we know so morning's run was the first for passengers on a faster new route with brand new tracks. the high speed train on that run plunged off the overpass and onto several cars on that highway killing at least six people and injuring dozens of others. this all happened a little l before 8:00 this morning about 40 miles south of seattle. we're told about 80 people were on board that amtrak at the time and the train itself was moving at around 80 miles per hour officials say. and heading to portland. dozens like we mentioned were taken to the hospital, including people who were hit while driving on the highway. you could see just right there how many emergency response crews were out there helping today and the train in the roadway over there. not to mention several of those other passenger cars just dangle l l ing off that overpass. i just had, i had just woken up and gotten my coffee and i hearing all the sirens and i went outside to look because it always seems like something is happening around this area. the it's a terrible thing. the train's new route is part of a $180 million project designed to speed up service and bypass traffic. amtrak says those new tracks were tested out weeks before this first run. right now, officials including the national transportation safety board are investigating what caused the train to go off its tracks. they're actuallien route as we spevmet of course we will let you know what does come out of that. again as we know right now six people on board that train were killed and officials sec that number to go up and keep in mind as we've been mentioning, this is a developing story here so keep it right here arrested on an outstanding fox5, for the very latest on this investigation. why is continue leone, fox5 local news. >> the death l toll. sixty-four people , but the new york times says it could be more than a thousand. there have been 900 deathses since the hurricane all reported as due to natural causes, but that number is unusually high for the island. the month long blackout could have prevented medical treatment for many people. the thomas fire continues to grow. the third largest in california history. the wild fire has grown to # 70,000 acres. 8500 firefighters are working to fight the flames and so far it cost $130 million to fight. the battle is far from over, but winds are expected to calm down this week which will likely help the firefighters get an upper hand. we've told you multiple times about the rat problem in the district. well, now, today mayor bowser took another step towards disee creasing the rodent population. in ward six she demonstrated a new tactic using dry carbon monoxide and helps control the rodent situation in other states. make sure trash stays in the trash cans and make sure those clean up after their pets. they need water. they need food. you know the food they really like pet waste. so there's more public education that we have to do around that as well. the the use of dry ice has led to a 95 percent reduction in rodent activity in boston as been used more frequently in cities like chicago and new york. did she realize this would be a hot butt button issue when she ran. >> i'll bet not. fox5's bob barnard reports the annual fairies more old. this is fabulous. this is fellowshipping, giving, sharing that's what the season is all about. it's a police escort taylor made for the holidays with santa riding shot shotgun on a firetruck. every year they come and we real aappreciate. looking after seasoned seniors. florence forthright lives at a home for seniors getting special gift baskets of food courtesy of the different public safety agencies in prince george's county. >> thank you for your service. christmas meal with all the trim mings, the poultry, the bread, the vegetables, the fruit . everything that they need to prepare a christmas dinner. >> merry christmas to you. this is our 33rd year of doing the food baskets for the less fortunate in prince george's county. the day started at prince george's county fire fire chief been barts day. we have all the different public safety agencies, police, fire, sheriffs, corrections, dispatchers. >> as a resident of prince george's county we like to give back to the opportunity so many times you see childrens and families and things like that that are in need and when they look at public safety they don't necessarily see that we're here, we're part of the community and we care and we help. this is put together by the prince george's county public safety assistance program with help from outside organizations donations ever food and money. by friday we'll have 2,000 food baskets out. this sure helps with public relations. >> normally we're seeing people when they're at their worst moments where something like today it brings joy to their heart where we're able to help them have a merry christmas. they're going to riverdale elementary school as well. a lot of the kid people in uniform. this is one of the ways we try to help and say this is good people. in the middle of the night in may and the middle of the day in september these men and women will be out there protect and serving this community. so this is a great time when they have a moment to do something that doesn't involve our discipline. and on this occasion putting smiles on a lot of faces. come on, sit on his lap. i want to sit on your lap, santa. bob barnard, fox5 local news. >> santa, everybody is excited to see santa. she certainly was >> twitter enforcing some new rules. we're going to explain who they are aimed at. have you ever wondered how much a seasonal santa makes, the helpers. >> mr. saint nick's salary may surprise you. but first gary mcgrady, what's going on? >> lots of santa in the newscast tonight. matter of fact, i got santa, too, in rockville. santa is going to be on the firetruck tonight. he's going to be going around our neighborhoods in rock ville. i'm going to be talk ing to santa coming up in just a second. here is san a right here. do that thing you do, santa. merry christmas, everybody. caitlyn, how jealous are you right now. totally jealous,s ' santa. you get to meet him tonight. gary, that's great. it's not a bad night to be riding around in santa's firetruck, don't you think. we've had some more cloud cover but we are gearing up for a very tuesday. temperatures in the 606s for some. how long will that last i'll have that coming up when fox5 news returns. urns. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ♪ getting in the christmas spirit santa clause is coming to a town near you. tonight they are in rockville that is where the biggest elf of them all, gaish imac grade i is with the big guy . what's going on gary? >>reporter: would not love to have my job today especially. it doesn't feel like christmas buts ' gorgeous out here. i found myself back at rockville volunteer firefighter. this is the second time i've been here in about a week or so, these guy s are great. i assume since we've got the chief here and we've got the deputy chief here people can come hang out at the fire department. isn't that how this works? >> this house is their house. if they want to stop by and see us we're this has been going on a long time. >> this is our annual santa run we go out in the community with santa arrested on an outstanding the firetruck. we've been doing this since the 40s and 50s. it originated as member request. we would take santa on our firetruck to our members home so santa can thank them for being a member of our community. now it's a highlight throughout the rockville community every year. this is the truck, santa -- this is like santa's sleigh, isn't it >> this is not one that is in service now. >> it's in the a. it's a truck that used to run out of this firehouse many, many years. i was sold to a firehouse up in pennsylvania. they used it for a fire and then chief hien purchased it back as a novelty item. i'm not going to ask you how much the it cost, but this is a big boy toy. my dad and my grandfather rode it when itas doing things like that. what's the plan tonight. what neighborhood are you guys headed to. >> horizon hill. we're going to bounce through every street that's in that community. we'll be leaving here shortly, probably within 20 minutes or so >> come on over, santa. we got to talk to santa, right. >> absolutely. can santa say more than who he, who he, who he >> yes, i can, merry christmas, everybody. is this a warmup for you. >> yeah, start waiving my arm and get right in the mood. what's your plan tonight in you're going to get up on this big boy and take it to the streets, aren't you in. >> i'm going to climb up there with help and start waiving through the neighborhood. is this the opportunity where you take your requests, the little kids come out and they want to tell you what necessity want. >> and also, i look at the parents. okay? what is one of the big requests this year? what's the big gift from santa. >> i don't wars items. >> santa, so you're going to be out tonight. rockville, the volunteer fire department, how cool is this going to be? you better start climbing up there now much it's a long climb up there. thanks very much for let ting us tag alone long. hopefully at 6:00 we'll be out there with them and so you santa in the neighborhood. it's like i'm a little kid hanging out at the fire department and then santa is just a bonus. back in to you guys. >> loch the big guy. >> it's a big night. we've been talking so much about the weather and the fact that it doesn't feel like why is mass is a week away. >> most of the week and even christmas day itself is not going to feel very christmas i. we'll get briefly cooler and then rain as we head into the rain. a white christmas i don't think it will be this year. travel you may be in luck. we had a warm one with high temperatures in the mid 50s today. we will be even warmer as we head into tomorrow. let's get straight to your weather headlines. mostly cloudy, but not too cold. temperatures will stay above freezing. warmer tomorrow with some 60s on the map. even though we turn colder by sunday, but the temperatures should warm back up by friday. rain chances do increase as we head to the yind. it looks like saturday will be the soggiest day. our winter solve tas with our shorter amount of daylight, thursday. nine hours and 27 minutes with the sunsetting at four:48. once we get past thursday we'll start to see the time expand and we'll gain back some of the daylight day by day fifty-five in washington, 53 in baltimore. forty-five in annapolis. fifty-one out at dulles, 48 in martinsburg. good for tornado watch some h shopping. most of active weather is well off to our nor. we don't expect to see anything here, even through the next couple of days. it's a quiet week, which is good if you're doing any early travelling. clear skies as the clouds thin out by tomorrow morning. i think we see a decent amount of sun on your tuesday. even as we go into the evening, all the sunshine will help our temperatures rile warm up. for tonight, mostly cloud disclosures not too cold, 44 degrees. we are going for 60 . i think we'll do it. areas e into the low 606s. it will be beautiful and feeling much more like a spring afternoon. look at that, 626 in fredericksburg, mid 50s north and west, 357 there in annapolis. accuweather seven day forecast, very warm, 15-degrees above normal. mostly cloudy and a little cooler. we do have a pretty chilly one on thursday. late showers arrive on friday -- by evening. showers look likely through most of the day on saturday which will be a warmer and a wet wofnlt kind of in between systems and there's a lot of divergence with the models sunday into monday, christmas day. one solution say ing it's going to be a warm rain. 48-degrees with some rain showers. seven days out so we'll be following that pretty closely. that's a look at your forecast. fox5 will be right back. every tv doctor knows scrubbing is serious business. they also know you need to get your annual check-up. now, with one touch using the mycigna app, you can find a doctor in your plan's network to save money. need to be thorough. cigna. together all the way. >> heeshes ' a look at what's trending right now. espn john kipp skipper said he's resigning from the network due t a substance abuse problem. he has struggled for the past few years and he said the most important thing to do is resign. george poat niemer will act as acting chair for the last 930 daze. ing about labron james statement. one black, one white each featured the world equality written in gold across the back labron didn't mention president trump by name but he did speak about equal rights and other powerful messages. twitter is cracking down on violent and inappropriate contents tenth. hate symbols, abuse and. twitter says any accounts that fail to abide by the rules will be suspended permanent limit meanwhile the new york times and politico uncovered a success defense program to uncover the secret threat. defense officials claim itenned in 2012, but it's backers say the program remain in existence t. most of the research was undertaken by an air space company run by a company in many parts of it remain classified. it looks like santa clause may make a comes to town. most good santas can make $15,000 during the season. the best of the best can charge as much as $500 on christmas day. he has to give a little before he gives the gift of pay. a custom suit cost more than $1,000. there you go. that's what's trending. coming up, the search tonight for a dog owner who authorities say abused this animal. where he was found , next. >> the search is on tonight for a dog owner whom authorities say abused this animal. the dog was found near chattem colony court and motioner driving in reston last week. animal control in fairfax county says the dog's hair was so matted it covered the dog's face and bod dwi. only one of the dog's eye was visible am the other completely covered a appears to be seven or eight years old. they were able to help the dog. they want anyone who may know the owner to please give them a call. a golden retriever is safe, the dog was stuck in an icy creek. they carried the pup and carried him back to safety t. they gave him good food and water and if the owner doesn't come to claim him the firefighter says he's going to adopt him. >> witnesses describe the moments before 13 train cars jumped the tracks hitting several vehicles blow. paul. a court affidavit has troubling new details about a man who was killed after he says drug dealers took over his apartment sexual harassment shifted on pr doing enough to clean up their own house? the news at six starts right now. this is fox5 local news at six. we got cars every where and down onto the highway. right now at six, high speed disaster, several people dead, at least 50 hurt after an amtrak train in washington state derails. the dramatic images as the search for a cause gets underway. we're learning more tonight about the deadly train derailment in washington near toe come a with more than 80 passengers on board. the crash killed at least six people and sent a dozen others to the hospital. fox5's kristin leone expwhroins us with the latest on the investigation. >>reporter: tony and marina, this is what we know so far. officials say this morning's run was the first for passengers on a faster new route with brand new tracks, but as you see right here, that high speed train on the run plunged off the overpass and onto several cars on highway killing at least six people and injuring dozen of others. now, this all happened a little before 8:00 this morning, about 40 miles south of seattle. we're told about 80 people were on board that amtrak train at the time of the derail ment and the train itself was moving at around 80 miles per hour officials say. and heading to portland during that time. dozens were taken to the hospital as we mentioned, including people who were hit while driving on the highway and you see right there just how many emergency crews were out there at the time helping victims off the train and roadway not to mention several of those passenger cars just dainging in the background over there off the overpass. when we got to the scene it was obvious that there were some fatalities and there there are with a the love injuries and some people were able to get off the train. multiple cars and trucks were struck by train cars that left the train tracks and went down on

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