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be a colder day today as well. let's take a look at the temperatures across the region. we can show you what is happening out there currently in washington. we have a temperature of 36 degrees here. 34 in baltimore. 34 at dulles airport. 41 in fredericksburg. hagerstown, you are at 29 degrees. winds are gusting into the 20s. 28miles per hour in washington. the most recent wind gust, 21 in gaithersburg. 16 down in leonardtown. 31 in manassas so quite the blustery morning. you will hear it blowing up against your house, your windows and the like t will blow your car around too as you are driving in. day planner for today, wind continue during the morning. we will see sunshine today but it will be much cooler after reaching 70 degrees for a brief period yesterday afternoon. today, mid-40s, low to mid-40s. that will be it. you think tucker was saying a 25-degree difference from yesterday. julie wright is here with the traffic. >> if it is trash day in the neighborhood and you put the trash out last night, you may find it in your neighbor's yard this morning. we are nice and quiet with no incidents to report as you travel northbound along i-95. traffic flowing freely in both the being press lanes and the main line as you guys travel northbound up onto 395. no trouble spots to report on the outer loop trying to get past colesville road. the inner loop is where we had at stalled car. fellow on the left shoulder waiting for a tow truck there. you will find traffic volume still moving at speed coming in towards south capital street and the douglass bridge. stories making local headline this morning, the agent for washington redskins defense man albert haynesworth says any sexual assault allegations are totally false. a 23-year-old waitress at the w hotel in washington has accused haynesworth of groping her after placing his credit card inside her blouse. this comes as haynesworth faces more trouble in an apparent road rage incident in fairfax county. in maryland, investigators are looking into another homicide in prince george's county, main found shot to death shortly before midnight in oxon hill. police have not yet identified the victim. they say they don't have information to release about a motive or suspects either. we are getting new details about masked gunmen shot by d.c. police. friends say the three men were college students trying to get their lives together, even starting a new photography business. police say the three men broke into a home on irving street sunday night looking to burglarize. shots were exchanged with police. two of the men were killed. one man surrendered. friends were surprised to hear what had happened. >> i don't know why they would go down there. >> of his a very good person, good-natured. it is very surprising for me to hear that this would happen. >> police have charged stefan fields with assault on a police officer and burglary while armed. a federal grand jury has indicted former prince george's county executive jack johnson on eight counts including conspiracy, bribery and extortion. the fbi arrested johnson and his wife, leslie, back in november. johnson is accused of accepting payouts from business owners and developers in return for official favors. johnson's lawyer says his client is looking forward to a day in court. republican leaders in the house finally pushed through the patriot act that they failed to get passed last week in an embarrassment to the new republican leadership. this time, they only needed a majority and it passed. the parts passed last night extend parts ever the law until december. it allows roving wiretaps, surveillance of lone wolf terrorists and fbi access to library records. for the next several months, our country's leaders will be fighting over spending. president obama fired the first shot with his $3.7 trillion budget that cuts some programs for the poor but republicans want even drastic cuts in social programs. later today, the president's budget direct our will be on capitol hill district attorneying the president's proposals. republicans have laid out their plan to slash $150 nil wrong in federal money before the end of the year. common is live this morning in northwest at the friendship heights metro station with more on what this might mean for the transit agency and also for riders. >> reporter: nothing is out of question when gop leaders are taking a look at this budget and trying to see where they can cut things. metro is one of many things they are looking at that could possibly face cuts. but here is the thing, as they try to pare down the national debt, metro is facing its own money issues, a $7 # million budget gap they are facing. republicans are proposing to cut $150 million from metro over the next eight months. you have heard about metro's problems especially since the june 2009 red line crash. you probably heard about the old railcars, also crumbling infrastructure, crowded platforms. but because of these issues, virginia, maryland and d.c. all agreed to chip in about $50 million apiece for the federal government matched the $150 million. now, that deal is in jeopardy. but republicans say that the deep cuts are necessary. >> frankly, as the nation's capital, a good part of the work force is really dependent on the metro system. over 40% of the riders are federal employees and that includes the pentagon. to put this train system at risk really puts our country at risk. >> this is business as usual at a time when bold and creative solutions are needed. this is not and i got the message budget it is unserious and it is irresponsible. >> reporter: here is the thing though. this is far from a done deal. if this does indeed pass the house, it will still have to pass the democratic- controlledded senate. we'll have to wait to see what happens. sarah simmons , back to you. denied due process. that is the claim of a u.s. citizen once accused of plotting a dirty bomb attack. a warning delivered by secretary of state clinton. we'll take a break and come back. it's beautiful. it's intelligent. even genius. but does your network work ? yes, i can hear you now. this is america's largest and most reliable network. verizon. built so you can rule the air. can the government hold an american citizen without charges. jose padilla has been in prison since president bush declared him an enemy combatant in 2002. but the government dropped the charges for allegedly plotting a dirty bomb attack. he has been kept in isolation, deprived of sleep and kept away from his family. his lawyers say donald rumsfeld violated his constitutional rights. there is no app for ending online repression. a peach at george -- a speech at george washington university by hillary clinton. protesters need tear gas yesterday and dozens more were injured. >> we who call to act the iranian government that is once again using its security forces and resorting to violence to prevent the free expression of ideas from their own people. >> some some congress are now calling on the white house to impose stricter travel bans on senior officials in the iranian regime. the valentine type's rendezvous that was out of this world. >> we are talking bay close encounter in outer -- we are talking about a close encounter in souther space and -- in outer space and we'll have pictures.  nice view of the monument but boy, is it shaking out there. we still have some winds left out there. not as hard but you will feel it and with it the cold temperature that come along with it. jet number doesn't look so bad but when you factor in the winds. >> yeah, you compare it to what we had yesterday. a big difference. temperatures in the 30s this morning. cold start to the day. today will be a colder day certainly than it was yesterday. let's start with the temperatures around the region. yesterday morn, we were well into the 40s, around 50 degrees. not so today, boys and girls. 35degrees is your current temperature in washington. 35 now. up in baltimore, it is 33 degrees. fredericksburg at 39 degrees. winchester, 32 degrees. 34 in dover, delaware. you saw the camera blowing around. these are your sustained winds. we showed you wind gusts not too long ago up to over 25, near 30miles per hour. these are your sustained winds. very blustery start to the day. factor in the winds with the temperature like gurvir was saying, here are your wind 4 take is what it feels like when you step outside. 24degrees is what it feels like when you step outside. it will take a while for the winds to diminish. nothing in the way of precipitation. we still are in this quiet weather pattern across the entire eastern united states. got a few clouds out there but skies are mostly fair. they look pretty good and we'll see lots of sunshine during the course of the day today. so the forecast for today looks like this. mostly sunny, much cooler and still breezy with the winds blowing out of the northwest 10 to 15 miles per hour. gusting up to about 5 miles per hour or so. 44degrees for your high today as opposed to yesterday's 70. we got to 70 for about 15 minutes and then the temperatures very quickly began dropping. tonight, partly cloudy, cold overnight. 29-degree for your low overnight. so an even colder night tonight. tomorrow, we start to rebound again for a few days. mid-50s on wednesday with sunshine. thursday, friday, good amounts of sun, we think. some more clouds factoring in. on friday, temperature into the 60s. on saturday, we're back into the 50s. now, let's find out more about this morning's rush hour traffic w that, here is julie wright. good morning to you. no major tie-ups to report if you are traveling at the wilson bridge. traffic volume flowing freely there. so far, so good. 95 northbound keeping an eye on your commute here. volume increasing as you work your way north of the prince william parkway. lanes are open as you continue up to 395 and head out duke street. we've got light traffic volume between annandale and merrifield. overnight construction now cleared off of 66 westbound as you approach 267. all of those lanes were blocked overnight. that again has cleared. lanes are open at the hot lane zones. the top side of the beltway looking good college park around towards silver spring. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. it was a valentine's day shuttle mission for that is actual the unmanned spacecraft star bust last night flew by a comet half the size of manhattan at more than 24,000 miles per hour. it came within 11 # miles of the surface of the comet -- it came within 112 miles of the surface of the comet t did ?p that pictures. this is an image taken at 11:35 last night at a distance of more than a thousand miles. nasa expects closer images to come in shortly. the kennedy space center is slated to receive $2 billion but that means plans to modernize the space complex will have to be put on hold. we have a report. >> reporter: it is president obama's now 2012 budgeet for nasa but at the kennedy space center, cuts for funding were met with some disappointment. under the white house nasa budget, they will receive $2 billion in 2012 but the white house trimmed money that would have begun a complete million -- modernization at this aging complex. >> that was money we could utilize to do this. >> reporter: included in the white house's $2 billion ksc budget is $850 million to help along commercial space ventures. today, ksc director bob cavana wouldn't say when the space agency would have a rocket ready for deep space authorization. >> the goal was to have a heavy lift vehicle by 2016. whether that is doable as we lay things out, that is still what we're working on. >> reporter: to speed up commercial ininvestment on the space coast, nasa recently put many of its aging facilities up to rent that. could literally change what ksc looks like. they say they will no longer have the funding to maintain old buildings and facilities that are no longer being use giant food if we can't find folk to come in and take the facilities, and we have no need for them, we'll have to tear them down. montgomery county's school board is sounding an alarm saying it needs $2.2 billion to run schools within the funding required by law. the problem is about # thousand more children in the county schools next year. the law says they have to spend the same amount of money per student as the county did last year regardless of enrollment. the county says it will only approve a budget of $1.86 million. >> our situation is simply dire. we are in a precarious budget situation. >> creating a very significant issue for the county because it essentially mean that the school system's budget will always grow and we know that that is not sustainable. >> the county council wants state lawmaker to change the rules so that counties can spend less than the year before in tight financial times. plenty ahead on fox 5 morning news. coming up next, claim of unfair wages by d.c. restaurant worker. >> can you live on the minimum wage with tips in that is what they restaurant workers do. coming up, a new report take you be-- takes you behind the kitchen door. valentine's day is the busiest day of the year for the restaurant industry. >> d.c.'s restaurant workers seized the chance to make a pitch for better workers. >> reporter: d.c. has a vibrant restaurant industry employing more than 6,000 workers. they work hard. the restaurant opportunity center of washington held a summit to put out the word that 86% of the city's restaurant workers earn less than a living wage. >> wait staff, servers, bartenders, buskers, runners, cooks, dishwashers. >> reporter: their average annual westernings are just over $2,000 compared to more than $65,000 for workers in private industry. the report found most of the workers do not receive health coverage, paid sick days or vacations. no regular raises, promotions or ongoing job training. katherine jimenez has been working as a hostess. she said her employer made sexist demands. >> being requested to wear high heels. it has to be two inches or higher. >> reporter: the summit was held in eatonville. the owner says his restaurant is the exception rather than the rule in paying workers a fair wage. he predicts in wal-mart moves to town, it willen harder to expect other places to offer other benefits. >> when i abig place moves in, they start setting the standards. >> reporter: the national restaurant association had this reaction to the report. it release a statement saying there is incredible upward mobility in the restaurant industry. it says the average tipped employee make between $12 to $15 and hour in tips alone which it says is much higher than the average worker making minimum wage. maryland congresswoman donna edwards plans to introduce legislation that who raise the minimum wage for tip the workers. that would be the first increase in some 20 years. time now is 5:27. we have plenty ahead this morning. >> reporter: metro's budget problems may get even worse as lawmaker try to agree on how to tear down the president's new budget proposal. i'm sarah simmons. i'll have more when fox 5 morning news returns. 's rig welcome back. we get a live look at the washington monument. temperatures in the -- actually pretty good right now in the 30s in most places but the winds are what makes it feel especially cold out there this morning. so after a beautiful day yesterday, i guess it is back to reality today. >> at least for one day. temperature will go back to around normal or a little bit below normal. we certainly had well above normal yesterday. today, we have to deal with and get through. let's take a look at the temperatures across the region. we are in the 30s this morning. 5degrees at reagan national -- 35 degrees at reagan national airport. ocean city is at 38 degrees. winchester, 32-degree at this hour. we have fair skies is what is being reported at reagan national airport so a couple of clouds here and there. that is about it. we'll see plenty of sunshine this morning shortly after 7:00 when the sun comes up. and plenty of sunshine through the day today. winds continue to be brisk out of the north and west giving us wind chills in the 0s. it will take a while for those wind to die down. your forecast for today, sunny skies, much cooler, still breezy. winds blowing out of the northwest at 10 to 15 miles per hour. this morn b 10 to 20 miles per hour gusting up to 25 -- this morning, about 10 to 20 miles per hour gusting up to about 25. more on the forecast coming up in just a little bit. >> julie wright, my four-legged babies were just hanging out watching the westminster kennel club show when the winds started to howl and then they just dove under the bed. >> did they really swoo westminster was last night and tonight the big crowning of the champion. >> the beagle won the other year. >> tree debris and if it is trash day in your neighborhood, you will be chasing that trash can around all afternoon. you will fine on the roads, # 01 is in trouble. we had a stalled car -- you will find on the roads, 301 is in trouble. inbound suitland parkway coming inbound, traffic volume moving right now. no incidents to report 295 at the inbound 11th street bridge. southbound 270 out of germantown, lanes are open. the volume increasing on the top side approaching and passing 109 but still good to go through the rockville interchanges. nice shot here at the american legion bridge. traffic flowing freely out of montgomery county. you are still at speed headed north of the toll road around towards 270. making headline this morn, the house has passed the patriot act. it failed last week embarrassing the new republican leadership. they brought it back last night using a procedure that requires only a majority and it passed. 275-144. republicans didn't give a lot of time for debate and allowed decembers only one amendment which failed on a party line vote. the budget battle on capitol hill has started. it began with the president sending his budget proposal to congress. this plan calls for a $3.7 trail ron budget that freezes or reduces some programs for the poor. the president says it has tough ask sphieses but republicans say it does not go nearly far enough in cutting the deficit. others are criticizing for not tackling some of the biggest penning issues. one of the things in the proposal is a $100 million increase in the smithsonian's budget that. will be used to build a new black history museum on the mall. other museums who see small cuts. the national zoo would have to close the kids' farm. deep cuts could be on the way for metro too. republicans have laid out their proposal to slash $150 million in federal funding before the year's end. sarah simmons in northwest at the friendship heights station with more on what this could mean for the transit agency and for you. >> reporter: good morning. this is one of many things that republicans are looking at cutting from just in order to cut down the national debt. but as we know, metro has faced its own money troubles. they face a $72 million budget gap and with this proposal, things could get even worse. the republicans are proposing cutting $150 million from the transit agency over the next eight months. you have heard about the metro problems. you've heard about the old railcars, crumbling platforms, crowded platforms, also the escalator issue. who knows what ould do to that but it would not be good. because of these issues, you maybe remember virginia, maryland and d.c. agreed to pool that you are money together and each pitch in $50 million. the federal government would then match the $150 million. that was the agreement. now, that deal is in jeopardy. but republicans say the thing is we need to make these deep cuts and that they are necessary. >> when we passed a law saying we were going to pull our weight and did our share, our funding is dependent on the federal government doing their funding. if they pull back the $150 million, that pulls back d.c.'s $150 million. that cuts it by over $350 million. >> this budget abdica attempt s the future. it says the president does not have the will or the ability to do what we need to do with the money we have. >> reporter: there is a lot of give and take left here. the gop would still have to get this proposal past the house. if it is able to even do that, it would then have to pass a democratically controlled senate and that will be very difficult to do. we are live here in friendship heights, sarah simmons , back to you. a new round of trouble for albert haynesworth. a waitress has accused him of groping her and now police are investigating. bob barnard tax a closer look. >> reporter: the alleged abuse against a hotel restaurant waitress happened sometime saturday night or early sunday morning at the w. the former hotel washington with its famous now year-round rooftop restaurant called pob. according to this police reported filed at 5:15 sunday morning, the 23-year-old server says he caressed her breast when he placed the credit card in her blouse. the alleged victim said she nodded that it was okay to put the credit card in her blouse but then he reached in and touched her inappropriately. haynesworth is only identified as suspect number one but police sewers tell us it is against the controversial redskins defensive lineman. the alleged offense is a misdemeanor sexual abuse. while the report doesn't mention the incident's exact location a source at the hotel's steak house says nothing happened there or at the wine bar downstairs, leaving the rooftop bar- restaurant as the most likely scene of the alleged crime. >> bob barnard reporting. up next, we'll tell what you authorities did have to remove near a playground that could have been deadly. your arms are numb? >> yeah, effect is numb. >> i want you to give a couple of yells at the top of your lungs. >> don't panic. >> it was a dramatic ice rescue. this man was trapped for nearly and hour. we'll let you know how this ended. stay with us. we'll take a break and come right back. h checking headline this morning, you remember shirley sherrod, the ag department employ year who was caught up in a raisch fire storm last year. she is suing andrew brightbart who posted the video that led to her dismissal. the usda apologized and now sherrod is suing for defamation and infliction of emotional distress. colorado, some scary moments after i live grenade turned up at a playground. the bomb squad found out the pin was in it and it was wrap upped in tape. police say if it had gone off, it would have killed everybody within 15 feet. there are all some scary moments and a daring rescue no a machine -- for a man in independent in. a man fell into the lake trying to get into a qie ask. clinton baker huge hung onto his kayak and pulled out his cell phone that had been wrapped in plastic and called 911. >> your arms are numb? >> yeah, everything is numb. >> i want you to give a couple of yells at the top of your lungs. >> don't panic, they'll get there. >> the rescue crew did find him after about 45 minutes in the water. the man is expected to be okay. he was wearing thermal gear. up next, we'll check a consumer alert. a true sign that ving is not too far away. nationals pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training today. we'll check in with the junkies and check weather and traffic. welcome back. we take awe look at the capitol dome. are you all right there, mr. perkins. a heavy sigh. you must have been out in the cold and winds. >> tony is here by the way. he is giving us our forecast for today. and apparently not very happy about the winds out there and those cold temperatures. >> it is just a cold start to the day. sorry about that. it is cold, it is brisk. temperatures are much colder than yesterday and our winds are blowing around. our wind chills this morning in the 20s. a rough start to the day compared to yesterday. take a look at these high temperatures yesterday. 70degrees was your high at reagan national airport about 2:00. not bad at all. 66degrees at dulles international. 67degrees at bw incident marshall. we went goat anywhere near the temperature today but perhaps we will at the end of the week. take a look at the current temperatures around the region. we are in the 30s. 35degrees now in washington. 33 in baltimore. 33 at dulles. patuxent naval air station is at 37 degrees. in hagerstown, it is only 28 degrees at this hour. here is your surface map. we've got a chilly tuesday for you with highs only in the 40s. blustery winds through the morning hours certainly into the early afternoon. then those will gradually diminish. high pressure will start to build back in and for this week, what we will gradually see, there you go, is a warming trend. we had that warmth yesterday. cold front came through. today is a cool bun but then the warmth comes back in and we start to see that tomorrow. the forecast for today, hey, here we go. another move on the map. 60s for thursday and friday. i think near 70 for friday. all right. mostly sunny today. much cooler, still breezy. 44degrees for your high. winds gusting up to 25 miles per hour. partly cloudy and cold tonight. overnight lows in the 20s. so much colder night tonight after a cold one last night. then your five-day forecast, tomorrow, mostly sunny, 55. there are your temperatures in the 60s for thursday and friday, not bad. saturday, we're knocked back down into the 50s but that is above normal. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, let's get more on the traffic from julie wright. >> a lot happening early this morning. we were talking about 301 south of 214 central avenue. hay tree come down the highway there. they just cleared if -- cleared it from your path. trouble now in virginia. v-d.o.t. was checking for the inner loop of the beltway here at eisenhower avenue. we had reports of a stalled car that was tying up the left lane. be careful on the inner loop as you work your way from the wilson bridge in the intersection of the springfield interchange. trouble on northbound i-95 this morning as you work your way up towards route one in woodbridge. delays forming here and leaving 13. accident active reported along the left side of the highway as well. 395 still good to go from the beltway to the 14th street bridge. southbound 270 now starting to slow as you work your way towards hyattstown and out towards the truck scales. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. checking your consume anterior letter this morn, 800,000 car seats are being recalled. they were sold under the brand name safety first, disney and cosco. more detailed information including production numbers are on our web site, on our money page. apple is working on a smaller version of its iphone to compete with other cheaper smart phones out there on the markets. according to the "wall street journal," the new hardware would be about half the size and half the price of the iphone 4. it is not clear who would sell the downsized devices. apple is also thinking about changing its mobile me online storage service. the idea is to make it free but maybe take away some of the functions to make up for the memory. let's go to the sports junkies at 106.7 the fan. what is up? >> hello. >> let's talk about the capitals down three in a row. at what point now that they are in the sixth place, at what point, do you have to start thinking is the coach's job safe? do the players need a shake-up? what is going on with the caps. >> as far as the coach's job being safe, i think you are working with a remarkably patient organization headed by ted leonsis and george mcphee. i don't think they will rush to fire bruce boudreau but if they don't get out of this tailspin quickly, they could be down near the seven and eight spot in the playoffs. you don't want to be in that spot and draw the 199ers in the first round. >> we were talking about this. you often hear that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. we don't expect different results. do you really believe they're going to make a stanley cup final run this year? maybe they do need to shake it up. >> if you were going to fire boudreau, you probably would have done it in the middle of that losing streak. they survived that. boudreau said it earlier in the week. his stars have to play better. ovechkin, stemmons, backstrom, his key guys aren't performing. that is boudreau's faulted or those guys' fault? >> he has to worry about getting the power play fired up. they haven't scored a purchase play goal in the last 15 chances. >> it just seems even to the casual observer there is not that fire on the ice that you are used to seeing when the guys touch the puck. it used to be it came within 10 feet of ovechkin and the crowd was on its feet. >> you are talking about a two- time mvp who is now 2 #nd in the league in goals. >> something has changed. >> backstrom and stemmons have combined for three goals since december #nd. that can't happen. let's get down to florida where it is a little bit warmer. nats pitchers and catchers report. what is your outlook this year. >> i don't know that i'm that optimistic about the nats at this point. they are in such a brutal division in the last eying east. they have to that's the phillies so often with that loaded line-up. that five-man rotation in philadelphia. i don't know what to think about it. that is the biggest story for the nats this year. >> they should be a little bit better. the starting pitching still isn't very good. he don't have an elite pitcher but their offense should be much better. >> the nats are all about the young players. right now, the young players aren't there. strasburg is rehabbing obviously. maybe we'll see him towards the end of the year. and bryce harper is in his first year of professional baseball. i think it will be more of the same with the nats this year, no strasburg excitement unfortunately. >> that is the toughest part. i think they are still a year away from putting all those pieces together. you had adam dunn last year and look how much offense he added and they couldn't go anywhere it. hope for the best. it is exciting when march comes around and it is baseball season. >> i think that is the hope for 500. if they can get near 500, that is a good season. >> with the last couple of years, you're right. how ironic would it be if they are stuck with albert haynesworth for one more year. >> why don't they just cut him now? he clearly has zero trade value. we need to let him go now. cut the ties. it is over. >> don't you wish the skins could go back if time when the titans had the third round on the table and the redskinno, we better deal for albert haynesworth. >> that hurts. >> wow! >> i don't think we could get a hershey kiss for him right now. >> you might have to do one those deals where you trade him and the cash to get nothing in return. >> he is a fat, grossly overpaid buffoon and the redskins need to part ways as soon as possible. >> cutting the losses might just be cutting him loose at this point. we'll see you again tomorrow morning. good talk. 106.7 the fan. tonight, virginia tech and charlottesville taking on the cavs in virginia. that is 1:00 saturday here on fox 5. an iconic couple back together again. we'll tell you who is reuniting for another triat love -- try at love. how about this? >> you know there has to be something good in there. what it is? we'll tell you coming up next.  but i'll be right there. ♪ [ screams ] [ people screaming ] [ tires screech ] ♪ [ tires screech ] ♪ [ man screams ] [ man on radio ] l.a., the end is near. ♪ [ male announcer ] without all-wheel drive, it's the end of the world. with dodge all-wheel drive, it's just snow. ♪ trading card company tops celebrated its diamond anniversary by giving away an engagement ring. >> and bachelors dressed in dux ead owes jumped into a ball bit looking for the diamond. >> that fellow got. it the lucky winner immediately proposed to his girlfriend who said yes. to be eligible for compete, each man ho -- had to submited a video. ken and barbie back together again. they had been dating since 1961 but they hit a rough patch and split up in 2004. after a while, the mark thing gods decided they belong together and they should reunite. in the movie toy story 3, spark fly and now they have a second chance for lover. >> i love it. i'm glad to see them back together again. straight head, we'll take a look at all your top stories plus we'll take a look at your morning commute and some cooler air moves in overnight. tony will tell bus that. fox 5 -- will tell us about that. fox 5 morning news will be right back. 

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , Rockville , Maryland , Germantown , Springfield , Delaware , Suitland , Manhattan , New York , Washington , District Of Columbia , College Park , Hagerstown , Strasburg , Pennsylvania , Oxon Hill , Dover , Baltimore , Washington Monument , Leonardtown , Fredericksburg , Iran , Philadelphia , Florida , Gaithersburg , Annandale , Hotel Washington , Ocean City , Prince George County , Colorado , Fairfax County , Capitol Hill , Montgomery County , America , Iranian , American , Julie Wright , Bob Barnard , Jose Padilla , Clinton Baker , Adam Dunn , Jack Johnson , Katherine Jimenez , George Mcphee , Ted Leonsis , Shirley Sherrod , Tony Perkins , Bryce Harper , Sarah Simmons , Bruce Boudreau , Donna Edwards , Donald Rumsfeld , Hillary Clinton ,

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