Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 5A 20180223

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freezing but still it is chilly out there bus stop buddy has a warm waterproof coat the umbrela, and very happy because flyers and sixers both won last night. so we have widely scattered showers that continue through the area few breaks in the action every once in a while with you be prepared for rain at anytime. 38 degrees is our temperature in philadelphia right now we have a winter weather advisory in effect 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., that seems to be the time when carbon, monroe counties and mountainous elevations have a chance for freezing rain. it could get slippery up there for the rest of us, includeds and showers, throughout the day, high temperature in the upper 40's, around 47 degrees, as far as rest of the weekend we will see if you still need your umbrella when wably you the seven day forecast, coming up, bob kelly. >> good morning, everybody. friday, 5:01. we have an opening set for tacony palmyra bridge. 5:35 is the time captain steuben and gang will roll up through the tacony palmyra. there is the betsy ross if you are heading out. boulevard not bad at all working your way down toward the schuylkill expressway but there is an accidente on the schuylkill on the ramp to go north on the boulevard, that is that sharp curve ramp and that is a sign that the roads damp, we are seeing drizzle, so things are wet, slick through morning rush hour. we have fog popping up out here in chester county live look at the turnpike right here their reading interchange and some down wires, in bristol, this is ford road at new portville road by the fire company right there. september making changes over the weekend. they will roll out their spring schedules a combination of the sunday and monday on city and suburban lines so make sure you get new timetable today. manayunk are in is town regional rails will be using shuttle buses through the weekend, karen and thomas back to you. 5:02. there is therapy dogs they schos return for first day back, since the shooting la sheriff oy now making a stunning revelation after the surveillane video from what happened after that attack lives. he says there was an armed deputy only one of them,he schol building and never even went inside, never even going in, ned his weapon. they have deputy as scott peterson and he resigned yesterday. sick to y stomach. there are no words. these families lost their children, we lost coaches, i have been to the funeral. in shock that one, he was outside because i saw people like risked his life, and they don't even have guns and hee should be the one out there with the gun trying to kids. another huge, tactical error police were foloting by wg cameras on a 20 minute delay. live. >> new there is a question how do we keep our children safe? idea fleeted around, arming teachers inside the schools. steve keeleynsod, new jersey with more on this one, certainly controversial, steve. cole visit yesterday and he spoke with one teacher, who asked hi felt about the idea of him carrying a gun only oneassroom. student in the entire class, thought it was a good teacher to relate to the younger teachers should be routeing for students, and hand if you ae comfortable right now if you are strapped. raise your was strapped right now. hand. >> i just don't think in the profession that the trainin could everhere. if i was to trust somebody with the school it would need to >> go through a psyched logical train when to use it and the weapons are u. marshals. >> anything can wrong, accidents happen, guns stolen, just the burden of having and knowing the the classroom. >> i don't think that adding guns to an educational even violater, will wk. will only ine the chance for accidents. >> reporter: jumping inhe education association teachers union strongly against theining teach tours shoot back and in a statement, when it comes to gun v schools, churches, movie theaters, nice clubs, or any otoot our way to safety. thomas and karen. >> allig you 5:06. we will talk about guns more. there was area with a van load of innocent women and children. itap told but it yesterday. it appears to be random. to trye what has happened. lets get to jenny joyce with ret that these victims were not targeted, for any reason as this case is developing quickly. yesterday we told you we thought shooters may have been in i dark colored car. now police are updating to us say that their investigation leads them to believe that they were on foot and they are working to track them down. we have surveillance video of that van as it is careening off of broad street. this was after five bullets struck that vehicle with six passengers, including three children inside. one of those bullets hit and killed, the driver, tiisha tim ons, her brother is devastated over senseless loss of his sister. police cannot make sense of it either. >> we don't believe they were a target or we do not believe it was road rage. we do not believe the occupants had anything to do with this. >> she was a fine person. it is difficult to understand. my little sister was minding her business. she didn't deserve this. that is all. >> reporter: police say 20 minutes before their van was shot up victims drove past a shooting scene at 16th and ned ro streets and then sped out of the area. they said they had nothing to do with that shooting. they just wanted to get out of the line of fire but unfortunately could not escape the line of fire. so now police are still going through surveillance video and they are talking to a number of witnesses and investigators tell us they plan to release more information, once they have it. karen and thomas. >> find those clues, jenny joyce, keep us updated. 5:07. was he angry because he who a video game, possible motive. that father faces charges in the death of his baby girl. authorities say five month-old was with her father zion isaiah shockly at his home in coatsville when she went into cardiac arrest february 10th. paramedics rushed her to the hospital. she died two days later. investigators say the girl had severe injuries consistent with having been dropped and violently shaken. shockly faces first degree murder and gun charges. in bucks county police imposter pulled over two women and touches them inappropriate ly. lets lot at suspect. twenty-six year-old eric miller. it happened in warminster. he pulled over two women on wednesday night. he claimed he was an off-duty officer. he says women were drug suspects. he held them for two hearst frisked them, groped them, stole their phones, went through their purses. investigators want to know if he has ever done this before. they are obviously horrified. >> i'm ter filed. i mean that could have been me i'm in the exact same spot. that could have been me. >> it is pretty disgusting i think and i would have probably called the police myself. >> guess who did call the police? he did. unexplainably, he calls the real police, for backup, who come and obviously arrest him. he is facing a whole host of charges. in delaware county a burglar tarring churches they have hit up two so far. police are investigating st. lawrence and calvary presbyterian. they say money was stolen from the boxes for those in need and officials discovered burglares thursday morning after finding church equipment was damaged, and change jars were taken. upper darby investigators are warning other churches now to be on high alert, in fact, the superintendent, pretty disgusted. >> they are scum bags, to break in the poor box inside of a church is a scum bag, pure and simple. very preliminarily, the drug addict trying to get money to get high. >> one issue hampering the investigation the alarm system and security cameras are in the working at st. lawrence. in the lehigh valley allentown married he had pawlowski is defending himself against accusations he tied campaign donations to city work. his federal corruption trial begins today with pawlowski testifying about his interaction was donors and contractors. prosecutors say that he sold his office to many contact pain donors. the 51 year-old faces various charges including fraud, bribe ry and lying to the fbi. happening right now in delaware people in blades can use their tap water again but you do need to do some things first before you put away your bottled water right there. here's the deal, public officials say your public water is safe for drinking. it was fund to have chemicals last week but now they cleaned it all up. here's what you need to do, flush out your water system to do that turn on faucets outside your home for 10 full minutes and go inside that house turn on your shower and let it go full blast from hot water until you run out of the hot water until it cools down for everything you need to do go to fox i cannot even imagine kids are very curious, wait until you see this fall. >> these people in the right place at right time we will tell you the story behind this life saving catch int a moment. plus going to the theaters this weekend? what should you expenditure money on, what is good and in the? we will break it down. >> reviews straight ahead, been kelly. how are reviews on the roadways. >> i have one accident, right here eastbound schuylkill expressway ramp to go north, on route one as we look live, lets get to reading pennsylvania, sam hunt sings our traffic jams tune this morning. oh, with the rain on the way it will be a house part think weekend. what is a song we can play for you this friday morning. what is a song we can play for you this friday morning. hit us up #traffic jams and this is so exciting, dave! what is a song we can play for you this friday morning. hey gus, meet tucker... .nd awwww... whoaaaa !! ...and axle, angie, frank, charlie, millie, ralph, henry, audrey and duke... yep...ten times the fun. sorta like this... ahhh, ten times the bucks. it's one of the new times the bucks games from the pennsylvania lottery. with millions in prizes! hot diggity dog! keep on scratchin'! a giant blob is taking over rehoboth beach, delaware. we have a lot of rain drops on our lens. >> don't look now but weather is changing. what can we expect for the full weekend? sue serio, what can we expect. >> more rain, back to you. >> okay. >> it has been a rainy month, we had over 5 inches of rain in philadelphia, well above average, atlantic city close to six, around five in wilmington and reading around four and a third. so a rainy month so far. we will add to those totals. here's the latest round moving through the area, a lot of cloud cover but we will zoom in and see areas of heavyish rain around route one, nottingham, east nottingham area around mushroom country in souther chester county. we have the philadelphia area with some light rain just enough to make roads wet. so be careful cumberland, salem counties, cape may county new jersey atlantic county seeing rain, new castle county delaware. if you are in the getting rain right now you will before the end of the day, before the end of the weekend, on and off rain, possibility of freezing rain, freezing rain up in the northern part of the area, toward the mountains this afternoon, and then everybody just gets rain but it still comes back. here's saturday. now we will roll into sunday. we will see more rain, few heavier downpours. sunday we may get a couple thunderstorms as cold front will come through and air will be milder but even then rest of sunday stays cloudy, drippy , we do not clear out until monday. winter weather advisory for possibility of freezing rain that we just talk about, for 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there is a danger of temperatures dipping below freezing. we are below freezing in tan nersville, and albrights ville but in new london, it is 38 degrees. swarthmore it is 37. so we are above freezing. thirty-nine in somers point. in west deptford it is 39 degrees. thirty-eight in moorestown. as we get started in middletown, delaware 38 degrees. chilly rain out there all day long. five out of 10 is your weather number. we will get milder, upper 50's for saturday. sixty on sunday. we still have a chance of rain , drying out by monday and tuesday, couple beautiful days , not as warm as it was this week but still above average and then another chance of rain, on thursday. >> grilled cheese, and soup, today, tomorrow, grilled cheese, every day. 5:17. schuylkill expressway, wet morning rush hour ahead of us here, good set of wiper blades , the best investment you can make today and just be prepared for that longer commute, a few extra minutes, and, the little ones have to navigate wet roads getting on the schuylkill. here's the live look at sue talk about rain and fog rolling in from mushroom country in front of the hank's place outside kennett square eastbound on the schuylkill expressway an accident right on the ramp on the schuylkill the boulevard that first curve you hit, and then again these early morning travelers are rolling along at 55 miles an hour and you hit that off ramp and that ramp is wet from the light rain that could send us slipping and sliding. up yet? tacony palmyra will be up, 5:35 we are set for an opening that will cause a delay on both sides, betsy ross is your best bet. hello to delco, a live look at i-95 you can see it right there, roads are wet, we have spray coming off the cars and trucks in front of you. slow your roll on a friday morning. >> yes, slow your jelly roll. >> slow that jelly roll. >> 5:19. as promised pennsylvania republicans are challenging state supreme court's new congressional district lines, in a lawsuit filed yesterday, eight g.o.p. congressman say court over stepped its authority in drawing the new map that you see there that gives philadelphia two districts instead of three. republicans argue state lawmakers did in the get enough time to produce a map of their own. political analyst say redrawn in chester, bucks, and bucks counties all become more blue. developing right now russia investigation, continues work some new charges special counsel robert mueller filed new tax and bank fraud charges against ex-trump campaign manager paul manafort here and also his associate rick gates whom we just showed you. manafort is already charge with fraud, conspiracy, money laundering and making false statements in connection with his work with the ukraine, manafort and gates have pled in the guilty. missouri governor eric has been arrested and indicted on felony charges, st. louis grand jury indicted the republican governor thursday for felony violation on privacy charges? what is that all about? he is accused of secretly taking a compromising photogrph of a woman he was having an extra marital, and played that up during his entire campaign and then threatened to make that picture public if she exposed that affair. he admitted to the affair but denies the threat. he is refusing to step down saying he hasn't done anything illegal. his lawyer says the charges are baseless. >> eric is absolutely necessary event, of these charges. we will than filing a motion to dismiss very shortly that will make it clear why this case should be dismissed. >> well, the people out there, they are forming i group continue on investigate these charges and figure out if the governor can lead while facing felony charges. new york university and a company that catering its dining facilities they are apologizing this morning for is what being called a racially insensitive lunch during black history movement some students say they were outrage when they saw black history month theme menu that ribs, corn bread, collar greens and even more outraged when they saw that cool aid, was being served and water melon flavored water. one sophomore wrote, quote in 2018 there is no excuse for intentional and deliberate dis respect. nyu and catering company aramark have issued an apology and some employees have been fired. terrifying moments for a bikini barista we told but this out in washington state where they wear bikinis. wait until you see what happens. a guy goes right through the window. there she is in her bikini. doesn't realize. she turns, he jumps, grabs her , he has a knife, then he says she has to go with him. he drags her out the window and tries to sexually assault her. a car pulled up at the right moment, he gets scared, she calls 911, police later find him and arrest him. >> terrifying. >> lets go, out to egypt in the center of the screen that was a toddler that dropped. nearby police officer, three of them, they sprang into action and guarding a bank when that toddler was dangling they saw the child, called over to the police officer, they ran over and just in time they caught him. >> wow. tiffany had issue don't know the name you where to because her schedule is filling up. >> you may remember her from girls trip, break you the roll in that one. wait until you see what happens when only the best will do... tempur-pedic delivers. only tempur material precisely conforms to your weight, shape and temperature. and tempur-pedic is the best at minimizing motion transfer during the night. you'll wake up, ♪ this president's day save up to $600 on select adjustable mattress sets from the brand ranked highest in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j.d. power. find your exclusive retailer at weekend given all of the rain to go to the movies. >> you are probably wondering is what out today our movie critic kevin mccarthey has new releases. >> kevin mccarthey with your philly movie minute. while black panter will be number one in theaters, there are two new releases opening up and first is natalie port man starring in annihilation from director ali ce garland who directed a masterpiece. this piece tells story of the biologist played by, natalie portman who teams up to uncover secrets of the mysterious phenomenon known as the shimmer. there are mutated creatures and landscapes that prove ton extremely dangerous and along for mission are characters played by jennifer jason lee, gina rodriguez and more, film was beautifully shot, intriguing, featuring solid performances. i felt under whelmed by the ending but i do want to re visit the film one more time for now i'm giving it a four out of five. next up new movie starring jason baitman called game night and featuring a group of friend whose frequently meet up for a game night, although this time they are actually trying to solve an actual murder mystery, the film, itself stars kyle chandler, rachel mcadd also and more and i will have a full review later this morning. stay tune, i'm kevin mccarthey that is your movie minute. thate night. thanks, kevin. interesting.ts of news happenint new and big question should teacherst is the conversation, president trump callsschools bul te imagine being stopped, held for hours, frisked and then finding out that officer was not an officer after all, an imposter. also ahead on good day a new twist to smoking in the bathrooms, students they are sneaking those va ping device ness school and teachers are looking out for them but it is pretty hard to catch. we knew warm weather wasn't going to last. it is cooler. not too bad. it is soggy out there. so how long will it stick around? sue will let us know. >> it is all right, it is friday. >> i'm thomas, that is karen, this is cold and that is soggy >> yes. >> it will be a soggy happy hour, tuesday, wednesday, we did outdoor happy hour. >> so nice. >> yes. >> it seems like so long ago. >> no happy hour outdoors today. >> lets keep the party going. >> it is called happy, hour, so lets be happy that the weekend is almost here despite the rain. now number of the day is in the 10, it is half of like like it was on tuesday and wednesday, it is a five. it is not only rainy but chilly out there we have put warm coat back on bus stop buddy. we are happy about the sixers and flares bet winning last night but be prepared those temperatures in the upper 30's throughout the region and that is why we're seeing rain, and there are a few areas where rain is heavy, just kind of damp here in olde city at 38 degrees right now. feels like 33. winter weather advisory nor mountains from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. possibility of freezing rain. for rest of us, cloudy, chilly when not raining on and off rain throughout the day and night and if you go rolling in the overnight hours tonight. that is your forecast for friday. do things improve over weekend we will let you know coming up in the seven day forecast, bob kelly. >> good morning, another problem here this is ease bun schuylkill expressway, 5:31, i think this is second accident in the same area, eastbound schuylkill expressway ramp to go north on the roosevelt boulevard right there near city line avenue. this tractor trailer wasn't here a few moments ago, what happened was one accident started it all off and this guy added to the whole mixture here, you can see police officers blocking the ramp, that will cause delays for everyone trying to gain access to go north on the boulevard. thinking real fast here. your best alternate to jump off before you get to this point and take signs that say kelly drive, kelly drive, will get you access to the roosevelt boulevard instead of direct access from here. so, be ready for delays as you head outside front door. tacony palmyra as promised in the middle of an opening, there it is, up on one side, betsy ross is your best alternate, just a wet morning rush hour, about a half handful of accidents, not a heavy steady pounding rain but just enough to make things wet , slippery. we have spray off the cars in front of you. best tip for the day good set of wiper blades, you will need it not just for today but as sue mentioned tomorrow and sunday as well. live look at rain and fog coming through chester county this morning, delaware county is wet and soggy as well up and down i-95. karen and thomas, back to you. >> bob, thank you. teachers will be back inside marjory stoneman douglas high school for the first time since last weeks shooting. students won't be back until next week. yesterday officials revealed that an armed deputy was on campus but did nothing to stop the shooter. the sheriff says surveillance video shows scott peterson standing on the side of the building as students were running out and he never went inside or engaged the shooter. peterson is no longer with that department. meanwhile hundreds gathered in carol springs, florida to honor that man life of coach aaron feis, he was among 17 killed in the attack. feis was an assistant football coach and work as a school security guard and saved lives by shielding students from bullets and holding open a door so they could run out. now the big question, what do we do with this information should teachers have guns? lets get over to new jersey, it is a big debate right now, steve. >> reporter: they have two full-time guard is here but they are not arm. in upper darby where we talk to police superintendent mike chitwood, 30 guard in all of the schools there, some veterans, some former retired police officers, but not allowed to carry guns while they are working full time as security in the school. however, we found one school argyle, high in texas they have a sign on it that says please be aware staff at argyle are armed and may use whatever force is necessary to protect our students. one teaching assistant said school board's decision to arm teachers after sandy hook massacre in 212 set an example for other schools that we mean business but she and others in favor of the idea like mike chitwood admit it is controversial but right now, it is the only solution, to take some kind of action to deter and maybe even stop some day the next shooter. >> it is a simple solution obviously it creates controversy every time you mention it but every year they get trained, every year they go through a psychological evaluation, they are concealed weapons. they are not walking around showing them in class. they are hand picked by the school boards or the superintendents but it has to be a national thing. >> i think our schools are safe places. we have procedures in place. we have a lot of structures, physical structures and procedures that we follow to keep us safe, and i don't think that if all of those fall through i don't think having a teacher with a gun will help. i think everyone has best intentions. i think people want to be solution oriented. i think all ideas are worth listening to i just don't think that this one is a particularly smart one. >> reporter: disagreeing with that teacher is a history teacher at argyle high in texas who told los angeles times that we will protect our kids at any cost and she's disappointed lawmakers haven't done what is more common sense regulations such as expanded background checks. she says at least we are taking action, karen and thomas, i feel safer coming to work then other teachers in this country do right now. >> it is just thing people have very strong feelings on. 5:36. lets get to a ban in montgomery county on flash drives, why? because kids are va ping with device that is look flash drive. they look like juul that many teens have been using and they are plugging them into their computers to charge them which is how you use it. you kent realize what it is. the school district says it is a good idea to make this ban in place right now but in the sure it will solve the problem though. >> kids are aware of it, and probably deep into middle school. >> i think that is a much smaller issue then va ping cigarettes themselves. you will fine two or three of them, in the school and 100 va ping cigarettes. >> va ping is a big issue in high schools and, middle schools as well. superintendent says that since the ban has been just put in place they have only found one student with one of these devices. we are learning a shooting on van load of innocent women and children appears to be random. the driver tisha timons was shot and killed this video shows the van with three women , three children inside crashed wednesday night at broad street the two right of the screen. it careened out of control after five bullets were fired from the passing vehicle, no other person, but timons was injured but grieving family members are searching for their own answers as detectives continued their search for a motive. we don't believe it was road rage. we don't believe occupants had anything to do with anything. >> she was a fine person. just put the guns down. my little sister was minding her business. she didn't deserve this, that is all. >> investigators are still going through surveillance video and say two men in gray hoodies were seen running from that scene. bucks county a police imposter pulls over two with men and then touches them in a prep eighthly. so creepy. it happened for a long time. lets lot at suspect 26 year-old eric miller pulled over two women on street road on wednesday. he said he was an off-duty officer. he said they looked like drug suspects. he held them for two hours, frisked them, groped them, and then stole their stuff. then he unexplicably called for backup from the real police and arrest head him. he is in jail facing multiple charges. 5:38. still ahead here on early addition of good day philadelphia, it is happening, rush hour four is a go. >> jackie chen, chris tucker, getting a cancer diagnosis is difficult. getting an appointment with a specialist shouldn't be. at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia, you can see a cancer specialist in as little as 24 hours. you'll meet with a physician who will discuss treatment options, answer your questions and recommend next steps for your personalized care plan. learn more about cancer treatment centers of america and schedule your appointment at i'd like the "my wife is out of town and i'm in over my head meal". sleep over! sleep over! sleep over! so you said 5 chicken mcnuggets happy meals and a classic chicken sandwich for 3 bucks each. exactly. build whatever meal you want with favorites on the new $1 $2 $3 dollar menu from mcdonald's. with favorites on the new $1 $2 $3 dollar menu good morning i'm kristin rodgers, nba basketball return last night sixers traveled to chicago with their first game out of the all-star break. sixers were up bias many as 18 but now just up one bulls with the ball five to go chicago trying to get the shot but they cannot, sixers hold on, and they win this 116-115, flyers/blue jackets, flyers on the pur play claude giroux, shayne gostisbehere, noland patrick with the shot, yes, flyers win two-one. fill business their first exhibition game against university of tampa, jared eickoff starting for phillies, gets strike out here, now in the fourth, danny ortiz at bat dunn right field line, scoring off rbi single, phillies win six to nothing. well, how about the dragons, drexel dunn by 34 points last night, to delaware , and they still won 85-83. largest come back in division one basketball history break ing duke's win over tulane from 1950. that is sports in a minute. entertainment world, right >> yes. >> a lot of highs and a lot of lows. >> mena. >> good morning. >> happy friday. >> happy we made it to the end of the week. >> but in the so much good news when it comes to this. >> she has been married for 27 years, dwayne martin and tisha campbell-martin are getting a divorce. very surprising. what is going on in hollywood. everybody is divorcing. >> what is the scoop, why is she separating. >> they are saying she's going back to work. she is going back to work. she was part of the martin. that is rumored to becoming back. that has caused some issues in the marriage. aim sure that is not all of it >> she's trying to reboot her entire career. we have seen her in a lot of things. she was spotted with martin lawrence, actually last month, having lunch. >> yeah, and she has a singing career, a lot of people are not aware. i went out to l.a. last year. she has an amazing voice. i would not be surprised if we see her coming back on tv and putting out more. >> yes. >> i have something else, let me show you this, listen to this. >> it is me tiffany haddish coming straight at you with good news, i will be at mtv movie and tv award, check it out, monday night, it will be off the chains because you know what, i'm hosting and you know what that means. hilariousy love perfect. >> she is hilarious. >> she's hilarious, and she's hot right now, she's doing everything, she just met, oprah, and she is crying, and really funny. >> like nothing else was even there. >> i wrote you so many letters and, she's red hot right now and, that is a sign because former host kevin hart, and new comers. >> and, she was the first black comedian stand up comic to host snl. she's everything a break out year breaking these records. >> getting her own animated series on netflix. >> and on with kevin hart. >> tracie minister again, and nothing stopping her career. >> super fan i can see, we love that. >> i mean this took 10 years, rush hour four. >> yes. >> jackie chen and chris talk are coming back together. it has been 10 years. fans are excited about this. there was some delay here. basically it seems like they wanted to find the right script. it seems like jackie was in the sold on some previous scripts presented to them but now they are both on board, it has been 10 years, it will be same cast and that was the thing, jackie chen says i will not do this unless chris tucker signs up to do this with me because it is all about chemistry, these cop movies it is about how you bounce off your partners. >> he said let's do it before we get too old. >> you cannot do martial arts and those special effects and fight scenes and stuff like they did. >> mena thanks very much. we have some breaking news just coming in we want to let people know bit. here it is parkland school district in the lehigh valley has cancelled their classes for this morning. fire there has destroyed dozens of buses at a bus garage people there said they heard explosions according to the morning call. >> getting information in right new we are learning that it happened in south whitehall township. jenny joyce heading to the scene and will give us a live report in about 12 minutes here when good day continues at 6:00 o'clock hour. lets check traffic real quick, good morning. >> i guess that is good news for kids not good news for parents for folks who have to shuffle around for alternates for kids there live look at tacony palmyra, just completing an opening but traffic still stopped, betsy ross way to go and here we get live lah at 42 freeway seeing volume pop and there is what we are dealing with this morning, rain, spray coming up off the cars and trucks, in front of you. good morning to the collegeville, starting to see delays on 422 working their way in towards king of prussia double shot of rain and fog that is rolling through chester county like right here along route one and gang out there in reading, we're dealing with some delays, guess what, delco, it is your turn on monday, we will come and take over your town, we will broadcast live all morning long, as i love to do, from the empire diner on baltimore avenue in lansdowne, showing you all of the good stuff that is happening in lansdowne so you know while school is involve, police, fire fighters, local businesses all want a good cup of hot coffee. come join me monday morning at 4:00. sue has the forecast in 15 seconds... so as predict the frontal system that came through and lined our 70-degree days stalled to the south. it is expect to lift north as a warm front but still stick around for rest of the weekend what that means is we're on the cold site of the front right now and to the north, when it moves up further we will have slightly milder temperatures that will move in for the weekend but in the meantime is there a chance of rain, today, rest of the day to day, chance of freezing rain in the pocono mountains but then it is mild enough that everybody just gets on and off rain and new we're into saturday night, sunday morning, see rain on and off and heavier at times throughout the weekend, so maybe, maybe not, those indoors plans or plan to dodge rain drops if you go outside. yes, there is a winter weather advisory for later this morning through later on this evening, and that is for possibility of freezing rain. we have 36 degrees in pottstown right now, we have 38 degrees in volume here, upper 30's to start, 47 for a high today, 57 tomorrow and 60 on sunday. those are milder temperatures over the weekend and still a chance of rain, we will dry out through early part of next week, thomas and karen. >> sue, thank you. keeping a close eye 5:51. >> hi mike. >> hi everybody. >> lets punch up my instagram because we will start this monday, do you know what that is. it is pretty easy to figure out. >> it could be ice land. >> that is ireland, we are giving away a free trip for two to ireland, you will stay in the castle. >> free trip. >> absolutely trip. >> what did people to have do. >> just watch the show every day but especially next machine through friday and we will give you a ward of the day, you know, i might have it tattooed on my chest or something or where ever and when you see word of the day you get to the web site put your name in there i know word of the day. >> and people will stop you now more so on the street. >> i cannot reveal i can only say it on the air, that is starting monday. there is a couple or details you will need to necessity about. >> isn't isn't that please keep your shoes on! stop messing with your sister! hey! hey! don't make me come back there! so? feels really good.... yeah, i'm gonna buy it. (vo) customer service that goes the extra mile. enterprise makes it easy. it will be quite the show kid rock taking stage at wells fargo tonight, by the way still get ticket at $30 and show starts at 7:30. talk about a hugeoc teen wed you to her last week kate made a big splash with the girls basketball team in camden catholihi this last nighd famous harlem globetrotters recognized her talents, duce mcclerkin gave h name swish, played ball with the girls inn gave them a pep talk, duce commended katemazing attitude. >> kate's an amazing young lady, by the way kids treating her. they all love her. very big community oriented place here. that is what the harlem globetrotters are all b wety fay and kate exemplifies that. >> another gift for entire team duce invited team to the globetrotters game to the wells far sunday 5:56. still ahead on "good da in shocking revelation in the florida school shooting, what an armedl did, instead of confronting the gun> also ahead on good day another team trying to steel o r dogs? lane johnson doesn't think so, he daily news sports cover more on that he daily news sports cover more on that when good day (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs.e, nobunny knows easter better sick to my stomach. there are no words. >> he didn't go in. not that man of course, talking about a shocking revelation as you know right now florida school shooting what an armed deputy at the school did instead of confronting the gun man, he did not go in. i want y'all raise your hand if you are comfortable if you knew i was strapped. >> fueling the debate president trump continues his calls forearming teachers in our schools we asked local teach tours weigh in. our sports teams are continuing their winning ways, the flyers, sixers continue to feed off of the eagles super bowl win, both teams, picking up huge victories last night, in tight, exciting games. but here's the sports story of the city, history was made last night in university thrill. >> they are on fire. decent crowd for drexel. we will tell you , it was stunning, it hasn't been since 1950 by duke. basketball pur house. good d friday, february 23rd, 2018. >> it friday. >> lets get started with break ing news out of

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