Transcripts For WUSA CBS Morning News 20171212

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less than 24 hours after a man detonated a pipe bomb in a pedestrian tunnel in the heart of the city subway system, the passageway has been reopened. and 16 women come together in a renewed call for action against president trump for alleged sexual misconduct. good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters good to be with you. i'm anne-marie greene. the contentious campaign in the special alabama senate race is over. voters go to the polls today to choose between republican roy moore dogged by allegations of sexual misconduct and democrat doug jones. alabama hasn't elected a democratic senator in two decades but the allegations against moore have divided the republican party producing a race that appears to be too close to call. brook, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's allegations have divided thpu from alabama says he wrote in someone else's name rather than vote for moore, but others in the party are pushing hard for this republican. this is an offyear election where turning out die hard supporters would normally be the whole game but this race has become something bigger. alabama will finally pick its next senator today, republican roy moore or democrat doug jones. last night both candidates held big last minute rallies head lined by some big names. moore who has been dogged by sexual misconduct towards teenagers, it wastoeve bannon urging not to let outsider es influence the election. >> moore once again denied and questions the timing of the allegations against him and asked voters to judge this former judge on his record. >> if you don't believe in my characr, >> reporter: against the backdrop of anti moore protesters his challenger brought out charles barclay. >> if somebody sent you this as a movie script you would throw it in the trash. you says there's no way possible this other dude could be leading in any polls. >> jones is trying to become the first democratic senator in two decades and insists the race goes beyond traditional red/blue lines. >> it is time that we put our indecency, our state before political party. >> moore has had a slim lead in most polls but the latest two were split. one poll has moore in the lead, the other shows jones winning. the count that matters happens tonight. the balance of the senate right now republicans have a two-sloet majority there. a lot tonight that any two senators legislation. >> thank you very much, brook. the would be suicide bomber who allegedly set off a pipe bomb in the new york city subway system told investigators that he wanted to avenge u.s. aggression against the islamic state. the subway passageway reopened this morning. officials say while akayed ullah may have been inspired by isis he never had direct conduct with the terrorist group and he acted alone. >> reporter: through the grainy lens of the surveillance video the moment of the explosion is clear to see. when the smoke cleared the alleged bomber was laid out on the ground. outside, hundreds of frightened commuters fled the chaos. inside others were locked down for nearly an hour. >> i tried to get out, but they wasn't letting us out. >> reporter: patricia felt trapped in her wheelchair. >> people were lik over the place, so at that point i was really scared. >> reporter: authorities say at 7:20 a.m. the terror suspect, the 27-year-old akayed ullah set off the bomb in a pedestrian tunnel just two blocks from times square. >> investigation at the scene indicates this male was wearing an improvised low tech explosive device attached to his body. he intentionally detonated that device. >> officials say the bomb was similar to a pipe bomb and was strapped to ullah using velcro and zip ties. it's believed it malfunctioned and partially exploded. five people sustained minor injuries. r with 270,000 passengers every day. it's also the for new york city's 6 million subway riders. the entrance is boarded up and under guard. this video shows the more than 700 foot long passageway with no emergency exit. the city is still on high alert with visible security at vulnerable soft targets. >> it's going to take everybody to have their eyes open, pay attention to what's going on. if you see something that's uncomfortable, make that phone call or talk to a cop. >> reporter: as police approached the suspect he appeared to be reaching for his cell phone and had wires hanging from his jacket and his pants. he is in custody at a nearby hospital. cbs news, new york. well, authorities have been searching ullah's home in brooklyn and a nearby rented space. police swarmed his home within hours of the explosion. sources tell cbs news ullah made the bomb himself. he came from he eventually became a legal permanent resident. ullah's family released a statement saying that they are heart broken by the attack, but we also -- what we are rather outraged by the behavior of law enforcement officials during the investigation. one teenage relative was pulled out of high school classes and interrogated without a lawyer and without his parents. >> later we'll talk with john miller of the nypd. well, more than 50 female members of the house of representatives are calling for an investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct against president trump. over the years more than a dozen women have accused mr. trump of making unwanted sexual advances against them before he entered politics. three of those women reiterated their accusations yesterday. >> reporter: three women face the cameras to talk about their encounters with donald trump. >> mr. trumpz repeatedly kissed in an encounter that has since influenced by life. >> reporter: she met the future president 12 years old. samantha holvey was a beauty con tes tent. >> these dreams never included a man lining us all over to line us up like we were pieces of meat. >> reporter: they've told their stories before but now they're calling on congress to open an investigation into the now president's behavior. >> what is your hope in speaking out again as a group of women? >> i guess our hope is that this issue does not get swept under the rug and we go on from here. >> reporter: jessica leeds sat next to mr. trump on an airplane more than 30 years ago. >> when he started to put his hand up my skirt i managed to wrestle myself out of the seat and stood up, grabbed my purse, and went to the back of the airplane. >> reporter: hours before the news conference began the white house released a statement saying the women's claims were addressed during the campaign. had a decisive election, supported president trump and we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process. >> reporter: the women say the environment has changed since then and it's time to see the president held accountable. cbs news, new york. a summit on climate change organized by the president of france begins today in paris. emmanuel macron said it was a mistake. he calls the decision extremely aggressive and says mr. trump's offer to renegotiate was not an option. >> you know, you have more than 180 countries as negotiators. i'm not ready to renegotiate with so many people. i'm sorry. around the table. >> he also told glor that he's pretty sure president trump will change his mind. in s lull in the wind is helping firefighters battling a massive wildfire in ventura and santa barbara counties. the thomas fire started over a week ago. it has burned more than 231 acres. that is an acre larger than the city of new york. the fire continues to grow, but at a slower pace now. nearly 900 homes and buildings have been destroyed. and coming up on the morning news, serving in the military, a federal judge rules in favor of transgender people. and a rule change on the fareway. this is the cbs morning news. you want your immune system to be on top of its game. to support it, you can eat healthier, get some exercise and drink fluids. and choose the immune supplement with more. airborne® it has 2 times more vitamin c, than emergen-c gummies. plus it's specially crafted with vitamins, minerals and herbs. for immune support with 2 times the vitamin c. choose airborne® gummies, ♪ as soon as i became a parent i changed as a person, drastically. ♪ i tried hard to quit smoking. ♪ but when we brought our daughter home that was it. ♪ now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. can you say thanks nicoderm cq? every great why needs a great how. kelp is on the way! with herbal essences bio:renew made with active antioxidants that work from the inside out... to help animate lifeless hair. let life in i tabut with my back paines, i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. president trump wants to send man back to the moon and then to mars. he signed a policy directive yesterday instructing nasa to refocus america's space program. he says it marks an important step astronauts to the moon for the first time since 1972 for long-term exploration and use. new golf rules are announced and transgender people are free to enlist. those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. the washington post reports a judge reports that transgender people can enlist in the military. the decision means the military can begin accepting transgender recruits starting january 1st. the department of justice is asking a federal appeals court to intervene. usa today reports parents are responding to a student's video about being bullied. school officials say they investigate all reports of bullying. meanwhile, the boy's mother is facing backlash. she was accused of racism after screen shots of her alleged facebook post showed confederate millions and prompted support from celebrities and athletes. more women accused a chef of touching them inappropriately over a span of at least two decades. he released a statement apologizing saying the accusations match up with his past behavior. the city has denied permits from groups looking to demonstrate on the one year anniversary of a deadly white national list protest. the august 12th demonstration turned violent and led to the death of one woman. one of the applications to protests came from one of the organizers of last year's rally. the city says it denied the permits due to public safety concerns. and the kansas city star reports golf is getting rid of a controversial rule. in april, lpga lexi thompson was penalized four strokes during the final round of a tournament costing her the championship. that's after a tv viewer says she improperly placed her ball on the green in the third round the day before. the new rules say violations pointed out by viewers will be banned. still to come, major apple deal. the tech company picks up a big name in music as it tries to boost its streaming service. smooth, melting, crafted by the lindt master chocolatiers. whenever, wherever. lindor, from lindt. life's too short for ordinary chocolate. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke as far as i used to. due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter where i ride, i go for my best. i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ forecast in some cities around the country. on the cbs money watch, apple make as big purchase and hiccups in obamacare enrollment. we're at the new york stock exchange. that and more. good morning, diane. >> reporter: let's talk with solid ste solid record heights. the nasdaq ended the day 35 points higher. apple bought shasam. it helps people identify what music is playing. shazam could help improve the experience of apple music and apple paid about comcast reportedly dropped its bid to buy pieces of 20th century fox. the wall street journal reports that fox is now talking to disney and a deal could be announced as soon as this week. disney plans to launch its own streaming service. friday is the deadline for enrolling for subsidized private coverage for the affordable care act. in some cases it was reported there are no plans. thursday and friday are expected to be the busiest signup days. that could slow the health care website. the brothers signed contracts with a team overseas. we'll tell you where they'll be playing. watch me. ♪ now? watch me. ♪ think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it... they're moving forward with cosentyx®. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. don't use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. or if you have received a vaccine, oplan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. with less joint pain, watch me. for less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ a michigan man is delivering a different take on the traditional holiday bell ringing. joseph striker is the owner of a marshal arts training center and during the holiday season he also does volunteer work for the salvation army through his rotary club and he dances and entertains shoppers for about three hours at a time to help raise money. good way to stay warm too. tonight marks the beginning of the 8-day jewish holiday of hanukah. it's also known as the festival of lights where families light one candle each night. jews also enjoy traditional foods and day of the holiday. lavar ball is taking two of his sons to play basketball overseas in lithuania. 16-year-old ball with drew from high school in his junior year to be home schooled. the brothers signed one-year contracts to start playing together for a lithuania club beginning in january. and the eagles super bowl dreams have taken a hit. starting quarterback carson wentz is out for the rest of the season with a torn left acl. he suffered the injury in sunday's victory against the rams. the eagles are 11-2 and wentz was a favorite to win the mvp award. well, oscar winning actors meryl streep and tom hanks join us in the studio to talk to us about starring in the "the post." i'm anne-marie greene. this is the cbs morning news. the in-laws have moved in with us. and, our adult children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants? nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? full-bodied. and roomba from irobot gets to work using two multi-surface brushes and power-lifting suction to grab and remove everything from fine dust to large debris. daily dirt doesn't stand a chance. you and roomba from irobot. better together. if you could see your cough, you'd see all the sickness you're spreading. robitussin cf max. nothing lasts longer your cough, cold and flu. (elevator bell ringing) robitussin cf max severe. because it's never just a cough. rehelping a child develop theer literacy skills they need for success in life is one of the greatest gifts you can give. read with a child early and often, opening their window to the world. hi, i'm megan beyer. my husband, congressman don beyer and i, urge you to read to a child at an early age. that will make a big difference in their future success. this message brought to you by the national association of broadcasters and this station. right now at 4:25. one of these two senate hopefuls is going to call capitol hill home after voters cast their ballots today in alabama's special election. nfl execs suspended several on air analysts amid harassment probe. one of the accused a stormer skins -- former skins' player. and plus a serious cold snap is heading our way. miri marshall standing big rue now -- by right now tracking the rain and the change in temperatures. >> hey good morning larry, good morning everyone. that's right that's the big weather story. we have a strong cold front on the way and achiness to see some showers this morning. -- a chance to see some showers this morning. there's a chance we could have a little bit of that to move in our direction this morning. here's everything to know about today. look for showers between now and 12:00 p.m. and rain and know mix possible between -- snow mix possible between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. and then flurries between 6:00 and 7:00. temperatures will quickly begin to drop today. so by 4:00 in the afternoon, temperatures will drop to the 30s. sharp drop in temperatures let me show you what that looks like in the next few hours. by 7.30 a.m., one model pointing to light showers popping up across the area. this is light duty. shouldn't be a huge problem for us. al know i know people don't -- although i know people don't like to see by 6:00 p.m. we've got some flurries, not last long you'll be lucky if you see a dusting out of this as this is a very fast-moving system. what the temperatures will feel like tomorrow coming up. ellen? all right miri, we had a big closure overnight. serious accident on the beltway over between route 50 before you get off to 95 bw parkway area. they have cleared it and i've been looking at cameras over there like this one on the beltway and it looks okay. traffic moving around that former accident. that should be clear for now. 66 eastbound vienna metro station into d.c.. we have one lane closed for construction. all right ellen thank you so much. there was a lot of news while you slept this evening and nfl network execs suspended three on air analysts late last night over sexual harassment allegations. >> "usa today" reports that marshall faulk, ike taylor and heath evans have all been suspended. this comes after stylist filed a lawsuit saying the three and others harassed her. mcnabb used to play for the redskins and currently works at espn. lawmakers in maryland are working to update the state's sexual harassment policy. the committee will vote on the proposal today. that's the panel state lawmakers that decides on rules for the maryland general areceive blame. also -- assembly. also would allow people to see if disciplinary action associated with the complaints. the names would be kept confidential. the word of the year for 2017 is feminism. the editor at large shared it yesterday. the searches for the word went up 70% last year on merriam- >> interesting. good tuesday morning you, thank you for joining us -- everybody, thank joining us, i'm jan jeffcoat. >> i'm larry miller. man an interesting start at least in terms of the weather outside. >> kind of matching today and didn't even plan it. >> great minds think alike friend. >> what about me? >> hey miri. [ laughter ] >> perhaps my mind did not think alike. but it's still great. good morning everybody. listen, the big weather story today is serious cold snap on the way. we're going to have windchills that will make it feel like it's 8 degrees outside. tomorrow. and today we've got a chance to see showers and flurries on the back end. so today scattered showers between now and noon. right now it's just cloudy out there but you could have a sprinkle pop up. then a rain/snow mix between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. and then flurries between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. although our forecasted high is up to 50 today, temperatures will begin to sharply drop by 2:00 this afternoon. so we'll feel like 30s or we'll be in the 30s rather by 4:00 p.m. most of the action associated with the system for now is the north of us where in pennsylvania we have some snow and a rain/snow mix. just cloudy for us, that could fill in later on this afternoon. 7:30 a.m.. just light little sprinkles. by 3:00, we still have that rain and snow mix in the areas to the east are favored to see that. everybody is not going to get it. looks like virginia and leesburg and san littlety miss out -- chantilly miss out on that. the best places to see snow will be just there along the mountains where they could have a couple of inches. for us you'll be lucky if you get a dusting out of this. and in the next big story of course is going to be the windchills. setting up shop tomorrow. look at that in just a moment. ellen? all right miri. construction out there blocking a couple of lanes. so heading around route 1. 95 in mad and the belt -- maryland and the beltway. inner loop of the beltway construction right by the 95 interchange. on route 1 southbound, just before you hit the beltway at least one lane is closed for construction. 66 eastbound, heading into d.c. at the vienna metro stop. one lais

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New York , United States , Alabama , Paris , France General , France , Leesburg , Virginia , Washington , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Vienna , Wien , Austria , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , Lithuania , Michigan , America , Miri Marshall , Larry Miller , Tom Hanks , Megan Beyer , Santa Barbara , Doug Jones , Don Beyer , Eliquis I , Meryl Streep , Charles Barclay , Anne Marie Greene , Jan Jeffcoat , Marshall Faulk , Lpga Lexi Thompson , Roy Moore , Ike Taylor ,

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