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a new headquarters and build a new headquarters. i mean, you just keep getting rolled over. what should voters think about the republican party that you keep being on the losing end of all of this stuff? >> well, yeah. you know, the fisa issue is an interesting one. we've got people from both political parties were on both sides of this this. it doesn't work out evenly. now, increasingly, republican voters are wanting more accountability from and more limitations on the federal government, on the fbi, for example -- maria: yeah. >> -- and on fisa. increasingly, we're electing more members of congress to both houses who are republicans who are saying let's look out for our core constitutional protections including the fourth amendment. maria: yeah. all right, senator, we'll be watching all of this and certainly watching your work. senator rand paul is also against it, i should point out. senator, it's good to see you this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: all right. senator mike lee joining us.

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