American Amiga Lightwave & Toaster Paul Austin brings you the future of the Amiga from the American angle, plus all the latest news from home and abroad... Attending shows is part and parcel of any consumer magazine. As you'd expect, such gatherings generally follow the same format — kiss hands, shake babies, chase‑up gossip, hassle for product and so on. With this in mind, I packed a bag and headed off to Florida to attend the world's biggest computer graphics extravaganza — Siggraph 94. Equipped with the stiffest of upper lips, I battled through glorious sunshine and on to the show. After the obligatory trip to the press office, it was time to hit the stands and slip into show mode. However, it was at this point that the usual format went out of the window. Within minutes, I found myself answering rather than asking the questions. Even the biggest guns on the American Amiga scene were desperate for all and any news. Just prior to the show, the Management buy‑out rumour had hit. Now, everyone previously secure in the knowledge that Samsung, Hewlett Packard or Superman would save the day was back to square one.