bchristensen@ironmountaindailynews.com THE UREN-COOPER-JOHNSON American Legion Post 50 in Iron Mountain had its first Friday fish fry of 2021 last week. Shown helping to assemble meals are, from left, Terry Burgess, Steve Abramson, Jim Richards, Jerry Hicks and Tyler Wittock. (Theresa Proudfit/Daily News photo) IRON MOUNTAIN — The Uren-Cooper-Johnson American Legion Post 50 in Iron Mountain could use some new faces in its ranks. Struggling with flagging membership and shrinking revenue amid the pandemic, 67-year-old Post Commander Jim Richards and former commander Jerry Hicks, 80, has called on the community to become part of the organization founded more than a century ago. “We’re hanging on by our teeth right now,” Richards said. “We’ve had to restructure loans, we had to do several things. We did what we could to save money.”