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BIRDWATCH: Anniversary of the introduction of the European S
BIRDWATCH: Anniversary of the introduction of the European S
BIRDWATCH: Anniversary of the introduction of the European Starling
It is hard to believe that this is the 132nd anniversary of the introduction of the European Starling to North America.
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Florida ,
United States ,
New York ,
California ,
Petawawa ,
Ontario ,
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Mississippi ,
America ,
American ,
Christian Renault ,
Ondrej Prosicky Getty ,
Lee Torvi ,
Lynn Romhild ,
Kristi Beatty ,
Mark Dojczman ,
Eugene Schizffelin ,
Brown Thrasher ,
Algonquin College ,
Facebook ,
European Starling ,
North America ,
Getty Images ,
Ondrej Prosicky ,
Cross Swamp ,
Wood Ducks ,
Common Mergansers ,
Blue Winged Teal ,
American Bittern ,
Common Gallinule ,
Pied Bill Grebe ,
Pembroke Area Field Naturalists ,
Adventure Naturalists ,
American Widgeon ,
Northern Shovelers ,
Northern Pintail ,
Ruddy Duck ,
Bald Eagle ,
Lesser Yellowlegs ,
Hermit Thrush ,
Rusty Blackbird ,
Algonquin Campus ,
Pembroke Field Naturalists ,
Chipping Sparrow ,
American Woodcock ,
White Crowned Sparrow ,
White Warbler ,
Ruby Crowned Kinglet ,
Rose Breasted Grosbeaks ,
Blue Headed Vireo ,
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds ,
White Winged Scoters ,
Scarlet Tanagers ,
Indigo Buntings ,
Black Billed Cuckoos ,
Black Crowned Herons ,
Allan Mills ,
White Throated Sparrows ,
White Crowned Sparrows ,
Norm Jones ,
Clay Olds ,
Perreton Road ,
Pembroke Area Field Naturalist ,