Posted By Ron Bechtol on Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:00 AM click to enlarge Ron Bechtol The Classic Parisian brasserie, at least in my recollection, is a bustling, brassy kind of place. It’s full of brusque and busy black-jacketed waiters, alive with the clank of dishware on marble-topped tables, possessed of menus touting modestly priced specialties such as choucroute garni or gigot d’agneau with haricots blancs. Mirrors abound, often reflecting the mounds of oysters on ice that may dominate the dining space. Beer on tap — since the name means brewery in French — flows freely, as does cheap wine. That Brasserie Mon Chou Chou is very little like this should in no way diminish your appreciation of its take on tradition.