Sam Roberts, k-os, DJ Shub, Bad Waitress and more model their best music tees Published Apr 14, 2021 "Stop wearing T-shirts of bands you don't listen to," some asshole wrote on a cardboard sign and then got 1.5 million likes on Instagram. People are, of course, free to wear whatever the hell they want, since band T-shirts can serve many functions. Buying music tees puts money in artists' pockets, supports local retailers, and functions as the very bedrock of the concert industry. And, perhaps most importantly, they look cool as hell. We asked an array of Canadian artists to take photos wearing their favourite band shirts, and they responded by shouting out key influences, waxing nostalgic about memorable live shows, and promoting friends and collaborators. Regardless of the stories behind the shirts, they all share one common denominator — they look awesome.