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Capital Gains Taxation: The Evidence Calls for a Reduction i
Capital Gains Taxation: The Evidence Calls for a Reduction i
Capital Gains Taxation: The Evidence Calls for a Reduction in Rates
(Archived document, may contain errors)
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Cambridge ,
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White House ,
District Of Columbia ,
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Hampshire ,
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Britain ,
Americans ,
Japanese ,
Roberts Mcintyre ,
Johns Greenlees ,
Jamesm Poterba ,
Robert Gillingham ,
William Wetzel ,
Johns Greenle ,
Williame Wetzel ,
John Freear ,
Joseph Minarik ,
George Bush ,
James Poterba ,
Warren Brookes ,
Lawrenceb Lindsey ,
Michaelr Darby ,
Revenue Service ,
Senate Finance Committee ,
Bonds ,
Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference ,
Bureau Of Economic Research ,
York Stock Exchange Composite Index ,
Congressional Budget Office ,
Research Paper No ,
Babson College ,
Bush Administration ,
Arcane Research ,
Us Chamber ,
Budget Office ,
National Bureau Of Economic Research ,
Holding Period ,
Ronald Utt John ,
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Evenly Spread ,
Venture Capital ,
Capital Gains Taxation ,
Economic Research Working Paper ,
Capital Gains ,
Italy Japan ,
Tax Reform Act ,
Data Reveal Several ,
Initial Public Offerings ,
Equity Financing ,
New Techaology Based Firms ,
Going Public ,
National Bureau ,
Economic Research ,
Venture Capital Financing ,
Venture Economics ,
Venhrre Capital Yeadwok ,
Internal Revenue Seryice ,
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Tar Reform Act ,
Revenue Estimates Under Vinous Assumptions ,
Gains Realizations ,
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Direct Revenue Effects ,
Research Paper ,
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Statestreasury Dept September ,
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Professor Lindseys ,
Internal Revenue Service ,
Tax Model File ,
Public Use Sample ,