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Christianity Today's 2023 Book Awards | Christianity Today :
Christianity Today's 2023 Book Awards | Christianity Today :
Christianity Today's 2023 Book Awards | Christianity Today
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
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China ,
Australia ,
United Arab Emirates ,
United States ,
Las Vegas ,
Nevada ,
Chinese ,
Australian ,
American ,
Caryna Reeder ,
Betsy Farquhar ,
Phil Newton ,
Lester Ruth ,
Villodas Waterbrook ,
Glen Scrivener ,
Jamesl Rubart ,
Jon Acuff Baker ,
Roberte Picirilli ,
Ruth Graham ,
Andrea Burke ,
Elizabeth Woodson ,
Jack Klumpenhower ,
Michael Niebauer Lexham ,
Jamie Sanchez ,
Peterj Leithart Lexham ,
Jamese Bruce ,
Adoniram Judson ,
Paul Copan Baker ,
Simon Gathercole ,
Matt Reynolds ,
Simon Liu Lexham ,
Jonathanj Bonk ,
Emilyg Wenneborg ,
Kelly Kapic ,
Uche Anizor ,
Vance Pitman ,
Michael Duduit ,
Micah Mattix ,
Austin Carty Eerdmans ,
Kristie Anyabwile Moody ,
Kelley Mathews ,
Jemar Tisby Zonderkidz ,
Hannah Anderson ,
Samuelg Parkison ,
J Nelson Jennings ,
Helen Lee ,
D Glenn Butner Jr ,
Billy Graham ,
Chris Morphew ,
Michaelg Distefano ,
William Edgar ,
Michelle Medlock Adams ,
Williamr Osborne ,
Peterj Gurry ,
Douglas Estes ,
Swee Hong Baker ,
Ryan Whitaker Smith ,
John Hendrix ,
Reyes Waterbrook ,
Ronni Kurtz ,
Richard Dawkins ,
Glenn Mccarty ,
Denmark Vesey ,
Kent Eilers Eerdmans ,
John Goldingay Eerdmans ,
Lily Mckinley ,
Stevenj Duby Baker ,
Sarah Irving Stonebraker ,
Simon Gathercole Eerdmans ,
William Carey ,
Jonathan Holmes ,
Elyse Fitzpatrick ,
Clay Jones ,
Christina Suzann Nelson ,
Travis Dickinson ,
Claude Atcho ,
Jehuj Hanciles ,
Emily Jensen ,
Taylor Turkington ,
Johnd Meade ,
Justin Whitmel Earley Zondervan ,
Anthony Selvaggio ,
Davidf Ford Baker ,
Patrick Schreiner ,
Mitali Perkins Waterbrook ,
Sharon Dirckx ,
Kathryn Freeman ,
Steph Williams ,
Tom Nelson Intervarsity ,
Rochester Christian Reformed Church ,
Biola University Talbot School Of Theology ,
Dan Wilt Brazos ,
George Yancey Intervarsity ,
Racial Division ,
Oklahoma Baptist University ,
Jake Meador Intervarsity ,
Candler School Of Theology ,
Bonnie Kristian Brazos ,
Jessica Hooten Wilson Brazos ,
Hope Church Las Vegas ,
Jeremy Schipper Princeton University ,
Clamp Divinity School ,
Tabor College ,
Good Book Company ,
Australian Catholic University ,
Janetk Johnson End Game ,
A Smith Brazos ,
Claude Atcho Brazos ,
Missions Global Church ,
Church Pastoral Leadership ,
John Brown University ,
Kellym Kapic Brazos ,
Sarah Cowan Johnson Intervarsity ,
College Of The Ozarks ,
Trevin Wax Intervarsity ,
Fresno Pacific University ,
Pillar Network ,
Eric Schumacher Lexham ,
Jackd Kilcrease Lexham ,
Oxford Centre For Christian Apologetics ,
Pascal Study Center ,
Biola University ,
Kirsten Silva Gruesz Harvard University ,
Boyce College ,
Hillsdale College ,
Talbot School ,
Overcoming Apathy ,
Gospel Hope ,
Those Who Struggle ,
Book Awards ,
Good Book ,
Air We Breathe ,
Oxford Centre ,
Old Testament ,
New Testament ,
Midwestern Baptist Theological ,
Nature Sing ,
Whitaker Smith ,
Dan Wilt ,
Show Them Jesus ,
Fight Racism ,
Medlock Adams ,
End Game ,
Big Questions ,
Neverending Story ,
Tumbleweed Thompson ,
Eric Schumacher ,
Send Network ,
Hope Church Las ,
Sally Thomas ,
Eleanor Nickel ,
Fresno Pacific ,
Hooten Wilson ,
Supreme Love ,
What Happens Next ,
Blue Wills ,
Australian Catholic ,
Princeton University ,
Miles Smith ,
Lim Swee Hong ,
Silva Gruesz ,
Harvard University ,
Cowan Johnson ,
Curtis Solomon ,
Whitmel Earley ,
Michelle Ami Reyes ,
World Christianity ,
Candler School ,
Hannah Nation ,
Simon Liu ,
John Brown ,
Beyond Racial Division ,
What Are Christians ,
Uncommon Unity ,
Only Human ,
Holy Spirit ,
Urbana Theological ,
Rochester Christian Reformed ,
New Testament Christology ,
Luke Stamps ,
Oklahoma Baptist ,
Glenn Butner ,
Gulf Theological Seminary ,
United Arab ,
Trinitarian Dogmatics ,
Good Enough ,
Book Publishing ,
Books ,
Ct Book Awards ,
Writing ,