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migrants have landed in sacramento california with at least 20 people on board. the plane with 16 migrants, arrived in the city on friday. both flights, currently originated in texas but the passengers also cared documents, indicating they were in florida at some point. california officials condemned the flight as stunts by politicians from other states. okay, paula is covering this for us. so, who sent them there? who's behind the stunt, if that's what it is. >> alison, it seems like history is repeating itself. we called it late last, year with these flights to margaret's vineyard, the governor of florida, ron desantis, taking credit for. that and, right now, according to the attorney general in california, it seems that that is where the paper trail is leading. investigators with the department of justice there, in the state, our colleague isabelle is reporting all day that that is the working theory right now as they continue to speak to the migrants that were flown from el paso, eventually ended up at the capital of california, two flights in all.

Related Keywords

People , Migrants , Flights , Documents , California S , Plane , Texas , City , Sacramento , Passengers , On Friday , 20 , 16 , U S , States , Point , Florida , Officials , Flight , Paula , Politicians , Stunts , Stunt , Alison , History , Attorney General , Ron Desantis , Governor , Vineyard , Credit , Paper Trail , Margaret , All , Department Of Justice , State , Investigators , Isabelle , Capital , Working Theory , El Paso , Two ,

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