Counsel: C.G. Bendick, for the respondent Keywords: Provincial Offences, Building Code Violations, Administrative Law, Orders, Collateral Attack, Building Code Act, ss. 1, ss. 8(1), ss. 12(2), ss. 25, ss. 36(1), R v Consolidated Maybrun Mines Ltd., [1998] 1 SCR 706, Wilson v The Queen, [1983] 2 SCR 594, R v Bird, 2019 SCC 7, Garland v Consumers' Gas Co., 2004 SCC 25, Amtim Capital Inc. v Appliance Recycling Centers of America, 2014 ONCA 62, R v Domm, (1996) 31 OR (3d) 540 (CA), Canada (Attorney General) v Telezone Inc., 2010 SCC 62, Toronto (City) v CUPE, Local 79, 203 SCC 63, 864503 Alberta Inc. v Genco Place Properties Ltd., 2019 ABCA 80 facts: Building Code Act (the " Building Code"). Between 1973 and 1996 the appellant erected several buildings on his property and entered into site plans and