take responsibility which is what so many people are sick of and the washington politicians. we want them to take responsibility for their actions and exhibit the values of honesty and integrity that are so important. >> amazingly, todd, she seems to blame you for doing this report and doing your job. i want to play something of whatever else she said to your paper. >> everybody in the office knew that gillman was always looking for something negative on me. everybody. this office and the washington office. all knew that. when a national organization i belong to wrote to cnn, they said that the "dallas morning news" asked them to do the story, through that national president. so, you know, it was -- it's clear. it was orchestrated. >> on the one hand she takes responsibility and on the other hand she's blaming you saying this is part of a conspiracy? >> i can attest that certainly, i and nobody that i'm aware of from "the dallas morning news" ever asked you or anyone from cnn to cover this story.